
New Neighbors

Mar 10th, 2016
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  1. New Neighbors
  2. Includes: Monstergirls (Giant Ant), a complete and utter lack of consideration for proper landowner rights, non consensual cuddling, that is what the ant do
  4. It was just another dull morning, the brisk breeze lazily blowing drying clothes to and fro on the line. Birds chirp, a small creek flows down the mountainside, and a comfy little cabin exists in peaceful harmony amidst the vast wilderness. An occasional puff of smoke billowing out of the chimney is the only sign that the inhabitant is even awake.
  6. From the simple wooden door, George emerges from his home with a watering pail in hand. He carefully waters his meager garden, checks his mailbox, and admires the mountain by his home. Satisfied, he heads back inside for a nice breakfast. At least, he would have if he did not suddenly freeze in his tracks. He rubs his eyes slowly. The same scenery as before awaits him when he gazes back out at the world again in disbelief.
  8. George is positive of one little fact, that had remained unchanged from when he went to bed last night. Yes, one thing that he could never have overlooked, no matter how much his head is in the clouds.
  10. George does not live near a mountain.
  12. “Hi, neighbor!” A chipper voice calls out to him.
  14. From the back of his house, a woman casually strolls towards him. He waves back, dumbfounded. He didn't have any neighbors yesterday either.
  16. “My sisters and I decided to move in recently, so we thought it would be polite to introduce ourselves. We hope that it will be possible to be friends!” She sticks out her right hand. “I'm Clarice! And that's Maury, Annabelle, Christine, Magdalen, Ashley...”
  18. As she speaks, a few dozen women seem to sprout out of the ground, bowing as they are introduced.
  20. “...and finally, Meg. I would love to introduce you to the princess, but she doesn't like to leave the throne room. Anyway, it was nice meeting you! Hope we'll see ya around!” With a cheerful smile, Clarice marches off in line with her many sisters.
  22. As cool as a rude dude with an attitude, George calmly walks back inside and sits at his desk. A fresh piece of parchment lay before him. With a few deft flourishes of his quill, he quickly pens an extravagant letter. One leisurely trip to the mailbox later, and his creation is ready and waiting for delivery. Then, with all the fervor of a man chased by the very hounds of hell, he races back inside and barricades himself behind a nigh impenetrable wall of locks and furniture.
  24. Should the letter ever be retrieved, the reader will find its message simple. It simply says,
  26. Dear Sir or Madame,
  28. I humbly request that the aid of one who is experienced in dealing with large pests be procured to assist me in a recent issue that has fallen upon me as of late. I seem to have become the victim of a rather large infestation of Giant Ants, and would very much appreciate any and all who would lend their services to my cause. Please, for the love of all that is good and holy in this world, make haste to this location. I look forward to seeing you.
  30. Sincerely
  32. George Fredrickson
  34. Poor George could not bear to leave his home for the rest of the day. Of course, this means he missed the point where a curious Giant Ant poked through his mailbox, and made off with his letter. Accidentally, of course.
  36. The next morning, George is awoken by a rapping on his door.
  38. “Excuse me! Are you awake yet?” A distinctly feminine voice calls out to him.
  40. He groans as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. “Uh, yeah, yeah, one moment.”
  42. A quick splash of cold water invigorates him, and helps to somewhat calm his raging bed head. He opens the door as far as the locking chain will let him. Can't be too careful.
  44. “How may I help you?”
  46. The beaming face of a Giant Ant greets him. “Hellooo~! We ran into a teensy weensy problem while we were reviewing the palace blueprints. It turns out we forgot to build a bedroom for the princess. So, could you kindly let her borrow yours?”
  48. George stares at her.
  50. “Um, the princess is right here if you want to discuss it with her.” She motions behind herself.
  52. The princess in question seems more content with studying her nails than talking to anyone. Twitching antennae poke up through a small golden crown, secured snugly in her flowing chestnut hair. While her top half is the very picture of femininity with modest proportions, from her waist down the hard plated body of an ant taps its feet with the impatience of a ruler. Unlike every other Giant Ant, the princess is so clean a dazzling light show reflects off of every smooth curve of her body.
  54. “So, like, can I use it or not? I haven't got all day, y'know.”
  56. “I'm going to have to say no. Sorry, but I don't think you'd like my bed anyway. Bye bye now.” George tries to shut the door, but a slender arm shoots in to stop him.
  58. “Whoa, whoa, easy tiger. We aren't saying you'd have to move out or anything. The princess said it would be okay if you still used the bed with her. Actually, that would be even better!” The Ant at the door gives George a pitiful whimper and a pout. “So please at least consider it?”
  60. He sighs, shoulders slumping. “Why are you asking now? It's already morning, so she had to have slept somewhere else, right?”
  62. “Hey, I'm right here y'know! I can answer for myself, thank you very much. Like, besides, I can't sleep on a throne all the time. That would so not be hot. So, like, I came up with a great idea to let a peasant like you sleep the same bed as a princess. I'm like, so generous, y'know? You should really be praising me, like, right now.”
  64. George tries to close the door again, but the deceptively strong arm of the Ant keeps it open. “I tell you what. I'll, uh, I'll think about it, and let you know my answer tonight. In the mean time, you can go back to doing whatever it is you do.”
  66. “Okay, like, thanks! That'll be a big help, just saying. Anyway, I'm off to supervise the expansion now, toodles!”
  68. As she walks off, George can't help but notice the mountain that had not existed just two days prior, now forms a semi circle around his land. He is quick to lock his door back, and board it up even further. He wipes the sweat off his brow as he admires his handiwork.
  70. “If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing?”
  72. “Oh, I'm just making sure no one can come through the door. Security purposes, you see.”
  74. “I don't really get it. Who would you even be trying to keep out? There's no one else around for miles.”
  76. “Well, you see, some-” something isn't right here. George lives alone. Who could possibly be talking to him? When he turns around, he spits in surprise. “Blgh!? How did you things even get in here!? Hey, don't eat that! And you, stop snuggling into my sofa!”
  78. Half a dozen ants are making themselves at home. A few are stuffing their faces with various meats and cheeses, others are lounging on furniture, and one is wandering around with an armful of George's underwear.
  80. “Hey, I'm going to go wash all this, uh, dirty laundry. Yeah. Bye!” Little did he know that he would never see those underpants again.
  82. “Buh, but, how did you even get in here...?”
  84. “We just used the secret tunnel. Duh!”
  86. Unable to bear the weight of despair, George's head falls into his hands. There is nothing he can do now, is there? Not one to give up easily, George spent the rest of the day running around and yelling at ants. No matter how loud he was, or how red his face became in anger, the Giant Ants would just not leave.
  88. Upon her return in the evening, the princess addresses George. “So, like, are you ready for bed? I'm like, sooo exhausted, y'know?”
  90. “Why are you assuming I'm going to agree to sharing my bed with you!?”
  92. “Like, what are you talking about? I'm inviting you to sleep in my bed, since you totally have nowhere else to go. Since I'm like, so generous, I won't allow you to sleep out in the cold. In fact, I order you to stay with me!”
  94. “Your bed!? This is my bed! And my house!”
  96. “Oh, really? Have you looked outside, like, at all?”
  98. Confused, George rushes to a window. His house is now surrounded on all sides by the rocky face of his invader's home. “Huh, how did I not notice that earlier?”
  100. “See? You are, like, in my land. So, if you don't want to spend the rest of your life in an icky dungeon, I suggest you start putting on some pajamas.”
  102. Two Giant Ants usher him towards the bed, undressing him as they go. By the time they arrive at the bedside, he's dressed in a new pair of pajamas with little shovel patterns all over them.
  104. “W-wait! I, uh, I'm not ready yet! No, wait!” He struggles, but to no avail. Despite the fragile looking arms of the girls, he cannot make them budge.
  106. “Oh, hush now. It's an early morning tomorrow. We have so many preparations to make before the ceremony!”
  108. George blinks owlishly. “Ceremony?”
  110. “The wedding, duh! A brilliant ruler like myself shouldn't be just a mere princess, right? I should be a queen! That would be so hot!” The princess snuggles under the blankets, and pats the covers beside herself. “Now, come on in my soon-to-be-husband!”
  112. Somehow George finds himself embraced in the arms and legs of a pushy monster pest. It's...odd. Her top half is nice and warm, like sleeping next to an actual human. Which is nice, really. The problem is the cold, hard bug parts that are also wrapped around him creep him out. Curious antennae tickle his nose as they explore his face, while long legs constrict his own.
  114. “Haa, you smell good~! Mmm!” She nuzzles in closer.
  116. “B-but, I still don't even know your name yet! I can't marry someone who-”
  118. “Like, didn't I say already? It's Maria, but you can call me darling! Or Honey! Ooh, or Love Bug! Yes, and you shall be my Cuddle Bug!” She giggles, her laugh filled with the innocence of a maiden in love. “Goodnight, my Cuddle Bug. Dream of me!”
  120. Despite the feeling of being kidnapped against his will, as well as being informed of his apparent engagement, George had the best sleep of his life that night. It's a good thing too, because his wife had already made plans for every night hereafter.
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