
Jul 17th, 2011
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  1. All of this is from
  5. ---------IBERVIVIENDA_SITEPREFS----------
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  120. <!-- End News Display Template -->
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  208. {else}
  209. {$field->name}:&nbsp;{eval var=$field->value}
  210. {/if}
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  214. "
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  275. "
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  301. {repeat string="</li></ul>" times=$node.depth-1}</li>
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  314. "2006-07-25 21:22:33","2006-07-25 21:22:33","metadata","<meta name="Generator" content="JOPACA CMS Administracion" />
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  322. You can put css stuff here, which will be inserted in the header after calling the cmsms-stylesheets.
  323. Provided you don't remove the {$overridestylesheet} in PrintTemplate, of course.
  325. Any suggestions for default content in this stylesheet?
  327. Have fun!
  328. */"
  329. "NULL","NULL","TinyMCE_mapi_pref_usestaticconfig","0"
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  356. ------------IBERVIVIENDA_CSS_ASSOC------------
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  360. "39","1","16","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  361. "39","1","18","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  362. "35","5","21","template","2009-05-01 23:17:51","2009-05-01 23:17:51"
  363. "33","2","15","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  364. "46","6","15","template","2009-05-02 15:05:19","2009-05-02 15:05:19"
  365. "46","6","16","template","2009-05-02 15:05:24","2009-05-02 15:05:24"
  366. "30","5","16","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  367. "48","1","22","template","2009-05-06 14:31:08","2009-05-06 14:31:08"
  368. "30","4","15","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  369. "32","1","17","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  370. "31","3","21","template","2009-05-01 23:17:51","2009-05-01 23:17:51"
  371. "30","5","20","template","2009-05-01 04:30:42","2009-05-01 04:30:42"
  372. "31","3","15","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  373. "31","4","18","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  374. "42","2","17","template","2009-04-30 01:10:05","2009-04-30 01:10:05"
  375. "38","2","18","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  376. "39","1","20","template","2009-05-01 04:30:42","2009-05-01 04:30:42"
  377. "35","5","18","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  378. "30","6","18","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  379. "34","2","16","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  380. "41","4","17","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  381. "31","6","17","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  382. "46","6","20","template","2009-05-02 15:05:27","2009-05-02 15:05:27"
  383. "31","4","16","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  384. "32","1","15","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  385. "35","3","20","template","2009-05-01 04:30:42","2009-05-01 04:30:42"
  386. "35","3","17","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  387. "47","2","22","template","2009-05-06 14:31:14","2009-05-06 14:31:14"
  388. "32","1","21","template","2009-05-01 23:17:51","2009-05-01 23:17:51"
  389. "45","2","21","template","2009-05-02 00:20:26","2009-05-02 00:20:26"
  390. "49","3","22","template","2009-05-06 14:31:20","2009-05-06 14:31:20"
  391. "30","5","17","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  392. "35","5","15","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  393. "35","3","16","template","2006-07-25 21:22:32","2006-07-25 21:22:32"
  394. "42","3","18","template","2009-04-30 17:44:09","2009-04-30 17:44:09"
  395. "30","4","21","template","2009-05-01 23:17:51","2009-05-01 23:17:51"
  396. "46","7","18","template","2009-05-02 15:05:34","2009-05-02 15:05:34"
  397. "46","7","17","template","2009-05-02 15:05:29","2009-05-02 15:05:29"
  398. "31","4","20","template","2009-05-01 04:30:42","2009-05-01 04:30:42"
  399. "46","6","21","template","2009-05-02 15:05:22","2009-05-02 15:05:22"
  405. -----------IBERVIVIENDA_USERS----------------
  407. active,admin_access,create_date,email,first_name,last_name,modified_date,password,user_id,username
  408. "1","1","2006-07-25 21:22:33","","NULL","NULL","2009-05-13 07:43:16","880dd5c5cadab7cc77a719d180ff23cc","1","admin"
  411. NOTE: "880dd5c5cadab7cc77a719d180ff23cc" is "james77"
  418. -----------IBERVIVIENDA_TEMPLATES----------
  420. active,create_date,default_template,encoding,modified_date,stylesheet,template_content,template_id,template_name
  421. "1","2009-05-01 04:30:42","0","NULL","2009-05-13 10:42:54","NULL","{process_pagedata}<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  422. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  423. {* Change lang="en" to the language of your site *}
  425. {* note: anything inside these are smarty comments, they will not show up in the page source *}
  427. <head>
  428. <title>{sitename} - {title}</title>
  429. {* The sitename is changed in Site Admin/Global settings. {title} is the name of each page *}
  431. {metadata}
  432. {* Don't remove this! Metadata is entered in Site Admin/Global settings. *}
  434. {stylesheet}
  435. {* This is how all the stylesheets attached to this template are linked to it *}
  437. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" rellink=1}
  438. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="prev" rellink=1}
  439. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next" rellink=1}
  440. {* Relational links for interconnections between pages, good for accessibility and Search Engine Optimization *}
  442. {* the literal below and the /literal at the end are needed whenever there are {"curly brackets"} as smarty will think it's something to process and will throw an error *}
  443. {literal}
  444. <script type="text/JavaScript">
  445. <!--
  446. //pass min and max - measured against window width
  447. function P7_MinMaxW(a,b){
  448. var nw="auto",w=document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  449. if(w>=b){nw=b+"px";}if(w<=a){nw=a+"px";}return nw;
  450. }
  451. //-->
  452. </script>
  453. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  454. <style type="text/css">
  455. #pagewrapper {width:expression(P7_MinMaxW(720,950));}
  456. #container {height: 1%;}
  457. </style>
  458. <![endif]-->
  459. {/literal}
  460. {* The min and max page width for Internet Explorer is set here. For other browsers it's in the stylesheet "Layout: Top menu + 2 columns" *}
  462. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  463. <script type="text/javascript" src="modules/MenuManager/CSSMenu.js"></script>
  464. <![endif]-->
  465. {* The above JavaScript is required for CSSMenu to work in IE *}
  467. </head>
  468. <body>
  469. <div id="pagewrapper">
  471. {* start accessibility skip links, anything with the class of accessibility is hidden with CSS from visual browsers *}
  472. <ul class="accessibility">
  473. <li>{anchor anchor='menu_vert' title='Skip to navigation' accesskey='n' text='Skip to navigation'}</li>
  474. <li>{anchor anchor='main' title='Skip to content' accesskey='s' text='Skip to content'}</li>
  475. </ul>
  476. {* end accessibility skip links *}
  478. <hr class="accessibility" />
  479. {* Horizontal ruler that is hidden for visual browsers by CSS *}
  481. {* Start Header, with logo image that links to the default start page. Logo image is changed in the stylesheet "Layout: Top menu + 2 columns" *}
  482. <div id="header">
  484. {* this holds the name of the site on the right side *}
  485. <h2 class="headright">{sitename}</h2>
  487. {* a link back to home page and the header left image/logo, text is hidden using CSS *}
  488. <h1>{ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" text="$sitename"}</h1>
  489. <hr class="accessibility" />
  490. </div>
  491. {* End Header *}
  493. {* Start Navigation, stylesheet "Navigation: ShadowMenu - Horizontal" *}
  494. <div id="menu_vert">
  495. <h2 class="accessibility">Navigation</h2>
  496. {menu template='cssmenu_ulshadow.tpl'}
  497. <hr class="accessibility" />
  498. </div>
  499. {* End Navigation *}
  501. {* Start Search, the input "Submit" is using an image, CSS: *}
  502. <div id="search">
  503. {search}
  504. </div>
  505. {* End Search *}
  507. {* Start Breadcrumbs *}
  508. <div class="crbk">
  509. {* holds the right image, we need 2 divs to be able to make this site fluid, if it was fixed width we could use one div, one image *}
  511. <div class="breadcrumbs">
  512. {breadcrumbs starttext='You are here' root='Home' delimiter='&raquo;'}
  513. <hr class="accessibility" />
  514. </div>
  515. </div>
  516. {* End Breadcrumbs *}
  518. {* Start Content *}
  519. <div id="content">
  521. {* Start Sidebar *}
  522. <div id="sidebar">
  523. <div id="sidebarb">
  524. {content block='Sidebar'}
  526. {* Start News, stylesheet "Module: News" *}
  527. <div id="news">
  528. <h2>News</h2>
  529. {news number='3' detailpage='news'}
  530. </div>
  531. {* End News *}
  533. </div>
  534. </div>
  535. {* End Sidebar *}
  537. {* Start Content Area, the back1, back2, back3, hold the 3 outside images, main holds the 4th one, to make the box complete, if the template were fixed width not fluid we could use just 2 divs and 2 images, 1 top 1 bottom *}
  538. <div class="back1">
  539. <div class="back2">
  540. <div class="back3">
  541. <div id="main">
  542. <div style="float: right;">{print showbutton=true script=true}</div>
  543. <h2>{title}</h2>
  544. {content}
  545. <br />{* to insure space below content *}
  547. {* Start relational links *}
  548. {* note this is the right side, when you float: divs you need to have float: right; divs first *}
  549. <div class="right49">
  550. <p>{anchor anchor='main' text='^ Top'}</p>
  551. </div>
  552. <div class="left49">
  553. <p> {ibervivienda_selflink dir="previous" label="Previous page: "}
  554. {* The label parameter doesn't need to be there if you're using English, but is here to show how it's used if you don't want the English text "Previous page" *}
  556. <br />
  557. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next"}
  558. </p>
  559. </div>
  560. {* End relational links *}
  562. <hr class="accessibility" />
  563. <div class="clear"></div>
  564. </div>
  565. </div>
  566. </div>
  567. </div>
  568. {* End Content Area *}
  570. </div>
  571. {* End Content *}
  573. {* Start Footer. Edit the footer in the Global Content Block called "footer" *}
  574. <div class="footback">
  575. <div id="footer">
  576. {* stylesheet "Navigation: FatFootMenu" *}
  577. <div id="fooleft">
  578. {menu}
  579. </div>
  580. <div id="footrt">
  581. {global_content name='footer'}
  582. </div>
  583. <div class="clear"></div>
  584. </div>
  585. </div>
  586. {* End Footer *}
  588. </div>
  589. {* end pagewrapper *}
  591. </body>
  592. </html>","20","ShadowMenu Tab + 2 columns"
  593. "1","2006-07-25 21:22:33","0","NULL","2009-05-13 10:42:54","NULL","{process_pagedata}<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  594. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  595. {* Change lang="en" to the language of your site *}
  597. {* note: anything inside these are smarty comments, they will not show up in the page source *}
  599. <head>
  600. <title>{sitename} - {title}</title>
  601. {* The sitename is changed in Site Admin/Global settings. {title} is the name of each page *}
  603. {metadata}
  604. {* Don't remove this! Metadata is entered in Site Admin/Global settings. *}
  606. {stylesheet}
  607. {* This is how all the stylesheets attached to this template are linked to it *}
  609. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" rellink=1}
  610. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="prev" rellink=1}
  611. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next" rellink=1}
  612. {* Relational links for interconnections between pages, good for accessibility and Search Engine Optimization *}
  614. {* the literal below and the /literal at the end are needed whenever there are {"curly brackets"} as smarty will think it's something to process and will throw an error *}
  615. {literal}
  616. <script type="text/JavaScript">
  617. <!--
  618. //pass min and max - measured against window width
  619. function P7_MinMaxW(a,b){
  620. var nw="auto",w=document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  621. if(w>=b){nw=b+"px";}if(w<=a){nw=a+"px";}return nw;
  622. }
  623. //-->
  624. </script>
  625. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  626. <style type="text/css">
  627. #pagewrapper {width:expression(P7_MinMaxW(720,950));}
  628. #container {height: 1%;}
  629. </style>
  630. <![endif]-->
  631. {/literal}
  632. {* The min and max page width for Internet Explorer is set here. For other browsers it's in the stylesheet "Layout: Top menu + 2 columns" *}
  634. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  635. <script type="text/javascript" src="modules/MenuManager/CSSMenu.js"></script>
  636. <![endif]-->
  637. {* The above JavaScript is required for CSSMenu to work in IE *}
  638. </head>
  639. <body>
  640. <div id="pagewrapper">
  642. {* start accessibility skip links, anything with the class of accessibility is hidden with CSS from visual browsers *}
  643. <ul class="accessibility">
  644. <li>{anchor anchor='menu_vert' title='Skip to navigation' accesskey='n' text='Skip to navigation'}</li>
  645. <li>{anchor anchor='main' title='Skip to content' accesskey='s' text='Skip to content'}</li>
  646. </ul>
  647. {* end accessibility skip links *}
  649. <hr class="accessibility" />
  650. {* Horizontal ruler that is hidden for visual browsers by CSS *}
  652. {* Start Header, with logo image that links to the default start page. Logo image is changed in the stylesheet "Layout: Top menu + 2 columns" *}
  653. <div id="header">
  655. {* this holds the name of the site on the right side *}
  656. <h2 class="headright">{sitename}</h2>
  658. {* a link back to home page and the header left image/logo, text is hidden using CSS *}
  659. <h1>{ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" text="$sitename"}</h1>
  660. <hr class="accessibility" />
  661. </div>
  662. {* End Header *}
  664. {* Start Navigation *}
  665. <div id="menu_vert">
  666. {* stylesheet "Navigation: CSSMenu - Horizontal" *}
  667. <h2 class="accessibility">Navigation</h2>
  668. {menu template='cssmenu.tpl'}
  669. <hr class="accessibility" />
  670. </div>
  671. {* End Navigation *}
  673. {* Start Search, the input "Submit" is using an image, CSS: *}
  674. <div id="search">
  675. {search}
  676. </div>
  677. {* End Search *}
  679. {* Start Breadcrumbs *}
  680. <div class="crbk">
  681. {* holds the right image, we need 2 divs to be able to make this site fluid, if it was fixed width we could use one div, one image *}
  683. <div class="breadcrumbs">
  684. {breadcrumbs starttext='You are here' root='Home' delimiter='&raquo;'}
  685. <hr class="accessibility" />
  686. </div>
  687. </div>
  688. {* End Breadcrumbs *}
  690. {* Start Content *}
  691. <div id="content">
  693. {* Start Sidebar *}
  694. <div id="sidebar">
  695. <div id="sidebarb">
  696. {content block='Sidebar'}
  698. {* Start News, stylesheet "Module: News" *}
  699. <div id="news">
  700. <h2>News</h2>
  701. {news number='3' detailpage='news'}
  702. </div>
  703. {* End News *}
  705. </div>
  706. </div>
  707. {* End Sidebar *}
  709. {* Start Content Area, the back1, back2, back3, hold the 3 outside images, main holds the 4th one, to make the box complete, if the template were fixed width not fluid we could use just 2 divs and 2 images, 1 top 1 bottom *}
  710. <div class="back1">
  711. <div class="back2">
  712. <div class="back3">
  713. <div id="main">
  714. <div style="float: right;">{print showbutton=true script=true}</div>
  715. <h2>{title}</h2>
  716. {content}
  717. <br />{* to insure space below content *}
  719. {* Start relational links *}
  720. {* note this is the right side, when you float: divs you need to have float: right; divs first *}
  721. <div class="right49">
  722. <p>{anchor anchor='main' text='^ Top'}</p>
  723. </div>
  724. <div class="left49">
  725. <p> {ibervivienda_selflink dir="previous" label="Previous page: "}
  726. {* The label parameter doesn't need to be there if you're using English, but is here to show how it's used if you don't want the English text "Previous page" *}
  728. <br />
  729. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next"}
  730. </p>
  731. </div>
  732. {* End relational links *}
  734. <hr class="accessibility" />
  735. <div class="clear"></div>
  736. </div>
  737. </div>
  738. </div>
  739. </div>
  740. {* End Content Area *}
  742. </div>
  743. {* End Content *}
  745. {* Start Footer. Edit the footer in the Global Content Block called "footer" *}
  746. <div class="footback">
  747. <div id="footer">
  748. {* stylesheet "Navigation: FatFootMenu" *}
  749. <div id="fooleft">
  750. {menu}
  751. </div>
  752. <div id="footrt">
  753. {global_content name='footer'}
  754. </div>
  755. <div class="clear"></div>
  756. </div>
  757. </div>
  758. {* End Footer *}
  760. </div>
  761. {* end pagewrapper *}
  763. </body>
  764. </html>","16","CSSMenu top + 2 columns"
  765. "1","2006-07-25 21:22:33","0","NULL","2009-05-02 15:05:44","NULL","{process_pagedata}
  766. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  767. "">
  769. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  770. {* Change lang="en" to the language of your site *}
  772. <head>
  774. <title>{sitename} - {title}</title>
  775. {* The sitename is changed in Site Admin/Global settings. {title} is the name of each page *}
  777. {metadata}
  778. {* Don't remove this! Metadata is entered in Site Admin/Global settings. *}
  780. {stylesheet}
  781. {* This is how all the stylesheets attached to this template are linked to *}
  783. </head>
  785. <body>
  787. {* Start Navigation *}
  788. <div style="float: left; width: 25%;">
  789. {menu template='minimal_menu.tpl'}
  790. </div>
  791. {* End Navigation *}
  793. {* Start Content *}
  794. <div>
  795. <h2>{title}</h2>
  796. {content}
  797. </div>
  798. {* End Content *}
  800. </body>
  801. </html>","19","Minimal template"
  802. "1","2009-05-06 14:20:10","1","NULL","2009-05-13 10:43:19","NULL","{process_pagedata}<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  803. "">
  804. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  805. {* Change lang="en" to the language of your site *}
  807. {* note: anything inside these are smarty comments, they will not show up in the page source *}
  808. <head>
  809. {if isset($canonical)}<link rel="canonical" href="{$canonical}" />{elseif isset($content_obj)}<link rel="canonical" href="{$content_obj->GetURL()}" />{/if}
  811. <title>{title} | {sitename}</title>
  812. {* The sitename is changed in Site Admin/Global settings. {title} is the name of each page *}
  814. {metadata}
  815. {* Don't remove this! Metadata is entered in Site Admin/Global settings. *}
  817. {stylesheet}
  818. {* This is how all the stylesheets attached to this template are linked to *}
  820. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" rellink=1}
  821. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="prev" rellink=1}
  822. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next" rellink=1}
  823. {* Relational links for interconnections between pages, good for accessibility and Search Engine Optmization *}
  825. <!--[if IE 6]>
  826. <script type="text/javascript" src="modules/MenuManager/CSSMenu.js"></script>
  827. <![endif]-->
  828. {* The above JavaScript is required for Menu - NCleanBlue-css to work in IE6 *}
  830. {* the literal below and the /literal at the end are needed whenever there are {"curly brackets"} as smarty will think it's something to process and will throw an error *}
  831. {* IE6 png fix *}
  832. {literal}
  833. <!--[if IE 6]>
  834. <script type="text/javascript" src="uploads/NCleanBlue/js/ie6fix.js"></script>
  835. <script type="text/javascript">
  836. // argument is a CSS selector
  837. DD_belatedPNG.fix('.sbar-top,.sbar-bottom,.main-top,.main-bottom,#version');
  838. </script>
  839. <style type="text/css">
  840. /* enable background image caching in IE6 */
  841. html {filter:expression(document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true));}
  842. </style>
  843. <![endif]-->
  844. {/literal}
  846. </head>
  847. <body>
  848. <div id="ncleanblue">
  849. <div id="pagewrapper" class="core-wrap-960 core-center">
  850. {* start accessibility skip links *}
  851. <ul class="accessibility">
  852. <li>{anchor anchor='menu_vert' title='Skip to navigation' accesskey='n' text='Skip to navigation'}</li>
  853. <li>{anchor anchor='main' title='Skip to content' accesskey='s' text='Skip to content'}</li>
  854. </ul>
  855. {* end accessibility skip links *}
  856. <hr class="accessibility" />
  857. {* Horizontal ruler that is hidden for visual browsers by CSS *}
  859. {* Start Header, with logo image that links to the default start page *}
  860. <div id="header" class="util-clearfix">
  861. {* logo image that links to the default start page. Logo image is changed in the style sheet "Layout: NCleanBlue" *}
  862. <div id="logo" class="core-float-left">
  863. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" text="$sitename"}
  864. </div>
  866. {* Start Search, the input "Submit" is using an image, CSS: div#search *}
  867. <div id="search" class="core-float-right">
  868. {search search_method="post"}
  869. </div>
  870. {* End Search *}
  871. <span class="util-clearb">&nbsp;</span>
  873. {* Start Navigation, style sheet "Layout: NCleanBlue", starting at Menu ROOT *}
  874. <h2 class="accessibility util-clearb">Navigation</h2>
  875. {* anything class="accessibility" is hidden for visual browsers by CSS *}
  876. <div class="page-menu util-clearfix">
  877. {menu template='cssmenu_ulshadow.tpl'}
  878. </div>
  879. <hr class="accessibility util-clearb" />
  880. {* End Navigation *}
  882. </div>
  883. {* End Header *}
  885. {* Start Content (Navigation and Content columns) *}
  886. <div id="content" class="util-clearfix">
  888. {* Start Optional tag CMS Version Information, also is a good example how smarty works, the big star that holds the version number, you may remove it here and the style sheet where it is marked. *}
  889. <div title="CMS - {ibervivienda_version} - {ibervivienda_versionname}" id="version">
  890. {capture assign='ibervivienda_version'}{ibervivienda_version|lower}{/capture}{"/-([a-z]).*/"|preg_replace:"":$ibervivienda_version}
  891. </div>
  892. {* End Optional tag *}
  894. {* Start Bar *}
  895. <div id="bar" class="util-clearfix">
  896. {* Start Breadcrumbs, a bit of letting you know where your at *}
  897. <div class="breadcrumbs core-float-right">
  898. {breadcrumbs starttext='You are here' root='Home' delimiter='&raquo;'}
  899. </div>
  900. {* End Breadcrumbs *}
  902. <hr class="accessibility util-clearb" />
  903. </div>
  904. {* End Bar *}
  906. {* Start left side *}
  907. <div id="left" class="core-float-left">
  908. <div class="sbar-top">
  909. <h2 class="sbar-title">News</h2>
  910. </div>
  911. <div class="sbar-main">
  912. {* Start News *}
  913. <div id="news">
  914. {news number='3' detailpage='news'}
  915. </div>
  916. <img class="screen" src="uploads/NCleanBlue/screen-1.6.jpg" width="139" height="142" title="CMS - {ibervivienda_version} - {ibervivienda_versionname}" alt="CMS - {ibervivienda_version} - {ibervivienda_versionname}" />
  917. {* End News *}
  918. </div>
  919. <span class="sbar-bottom">&nbsp;</span>
  920. </div>
  921. {* End left side *}
  923. {* Start Content Area, right side *}
  924. <div id="main" class="core-float-right">
  926. {* main top, holds top image and print image *}
  927. <div class="main-top">
  928. <div class="print core-float-right">
  929. {print showbutton=true}
  930. </div>
  931. </div>
  933. {* main content *}
  934. <div class="main-main util-clearfix">
  935. <h1 class="title">{title}</h1>
  936. {content}
  937. </div>
  939. {* Start main bottom and relational links *}
  940. <div class="main-bottom">
  941. <div class="right49 core-float-right">
  942. {anchor anchor='main' text='^&nbsp;&nbsp;Top'}
  943. </div>
  944. <div class="left49 core-float-left">
  945. <span>
  946. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="previous" label="Previous page: "}&nbsp;
  947. {* The label parameter doesn't need to be there if you're using English, but is here to show how it's used if you don't want the English text "Previous page" *}
  948. </span>
  949. <span>
  950. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next"}&nbsp;
  951. </span>
  952. </div>
  953. {* End relational links *}
  955. <hr class="accessibility" />
  956. </div>
  957. {* End main bottom *}
  959. </div>
  960. {* End Content Area, right side *}
  962. </div>
  963. {* End Content *}
  965. </div>
  966. {* end pagewrapper *}
  967. <span class="util-clearb">&nbsp;</span>
  969. {* Start Footer *}
  970. <div id="footer-wrapper">
  971. <div id="footer" class="core-wrap-960">
  972. {* first foot menu *}
  973. <div class="block core-float-left">
  974. {menu template='minimal_menu.tpl' number_of_levels='1'}
  975. </div>
  977. {* second foot menu if active page has children *}
  978. <div class="block core-float-left">
  979. {menu template='minimal_menu.tpl' start_level="2"}
  980. </div>
  982. {* edit the footer in the Global Content Block called "footer" *}
  983. <div class="block cms core-float-left">
  984. {global_content name='footer'}
  985. </div>
  987. <span class="util-clearb">&nbsp;</span>
  988. </div>
  989. </div>
  990. {* End Footer *}
  991. </div>
  992. {* End Div *}
  993. </body>
  994. </html>","22","NCleanBlue"
  995. "1","2006-07-25 21:22:33","0","NULL","2009-05-13 10:42:54","NULL","{process_pagedata}<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  996. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  997. {* Change lang="en" to the language of your site *}
  999. {* note: anything inside these are smarty comments, they will not show up in the page source *}
  1001. <head>
  1002. <title>{sitename} - {title}</title>
  1003. {* The sitename is changed in Site Admin/Global settings. {title} is the name of each page *}
  1005. {metadata}
  1006. {* Don't remove this! Metadata is entered in Site Admin/Global settings. *}
  1008. {stylesheet}
  1009. {* This is how all the stylesheets attached to this template are linked to it *}
  1011. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" rellink=1}
  1012. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="prev" rellink=1}
  1013. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next" rellink=1}
  1014. {* Relational links for interconnections between pages, good for accessibility and Search Engine Optimization *}
  1016. {* the literal below and the /literal at the end are needed whenever there are {"curly brackets"} as smarty will think it's something to process and will throw an error *}
  1017. {literal}
  1018. <script type="text/JavaScript">
  1019. <!--
  1020. //pass min and max - measured against window width
  1021. function P7_MinMaxW(a,b){
  1022. var nw="auto",w=document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  1023. if(w>=b){nw=b+"px";}if(w<=a){nw=a+"px";}return nw;
  1024. }
  1025. //-->
  1026. </script>
  1027. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  1028. <style type="text/css">
  1029. #pagewrapper {width:expression(P7_MinMaxW(720,950));}
  1030. #container {height: 1%;}
  1031. </style>
  1032. <![endif]-->
  1033. {/literal}
  1034. {* The min and max page width for Internet Explorer is set here. For other browsers it's in the stylesheet "Layout: Top menu + 2 columns" *}
  1036. </head>
  1037. <body>
  1038. <div id="pagewrapper">
  1040. {* start accessibility skip links, anything with the class of accessibility is hidden with CSS from visual browsers *}
  1041. <ul class="accessibility">
  1042. <li>{anchor anchor='menu_vert' title='Skip to navigation' accesskey='n' text='Skip to navigation'}</li>
  1043. <li>{anchor anchor='main' title='Skip to content' accesskey='s' text='Skip to content'}</li>
  1044. </ul>
  1045. {* end accessibility skip links *}
  1047. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1048. {* Horizontal ruler that is hidden for visual browsers by CSS *
  1049. }
  1050. {* Start Header, with logo image that links to the default start page. Logo image is changed in the stylesheet "Layout: Top menu + 2 columns" *}
  1051. <div id="header">
  1053. {* this holds the name of the site on the right side *}
  1054. <h2 class="headright">{sitename}</h2>
  1056. {* this holds a link back to home page and the header left image/logo, text is hidden using CSS *}
  1057. <h1>{ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" text="$sitename"}</h1>
  1058. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1059. </div>
  1060. {* End Header *}
  1062. {* Start Navigation *}
  1063. <div id="menu_horiz">
  1064. {* stylesheet "Navigation: Simple - Horizontal" *}
  1065. <h2 class="accessibility">Navigation</h2>
  1066. {menu template='simple_navigation.tpl' number_of_levels='1'}
  1067. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1068. </div>
  1069. {* End Navigation *}
  1070. {* Start Search, the input "Submit" is using an image, CSS: *}
  1071. <div id="search">
  1072. {search}
  1073. </div>
  1074. {* End Search *}
  1076. {* Start Breadcrumbs *}
  1077. <div class="crbk">
  1078. {* holds the right image, we need 2 divs to be able to make this site fluid, if it was fixed width we could use one div, one image *}
  1080. <div class="breadcrumbs">
  1081. {breadcrumbs starttext='You are here' root='Home' delimiter='&raquo;'}
  1082. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1083. </div>
  1084. </div>
  1085. {* End Breadcrumbs *}
  1087. {* Start Content (Navigation and Content columns) *}
  1088. <div id="content">
  1090. {* Start Sidebar, 2 divs one for top image one for bottom image *}
  1091. <div id="sidebar">
  1092. <div id="sidebara">
  1094. {* Start Sub Navigation, stylesheet "Navigation: Simple - Vertical" *}
  1095. <div id="menu_vert">
  1096. <h2 class="accessibility">Sub Navigation</h2>
  1097. {menu template='simple_navigation.tpl' start_level='2' collapse='1'}
  1098. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1099. </div>
  1100. {* End Sub Navigation *}
  1102. {* Start News, style sheet "Module: News" *}
  1103. <div id="news">
  1104. <h2>News</h2>
  1105. {news number='3' detailpage='news'}
  1106. </div>
  1107. {* End News *}
  1109. </div>
  1110. </div>
  1111. {* End Sidebar *}
  1113. {* Start Content Area, the back1, back2, back3, hold the 3 outside images, main holds the 4th one, to make the box complete, if the template were fixed width not fluid we could use just 2 divs and 2 images, 1 top 1 bottom *}
  1114. <div class="back1">
  1115. <div class="back2">
  1116. <div class="back3">
  1117. <div id="main">
  1118. <div style="float: right;">{print showbutton=true script=true}</div>
  1119. <h2>{title}</h2>
  1120. {content}
  1121. <br />{* to insure space below content *}
  1123. {* Start relational links *}
  1124. {* note this is the right side, when you float: divs you need to have float: right; divs first *}
  1125. <div class="right49">
  1126. <p>{anchor anchor='main' text='^ Top'}</p>
  1127. </div>
  1128. <div class="left49">
  1129. <p> {ibervivienda_selflink dir="previous" label="Previous page: "}
  1130. {* The label parameter doesn't need to be there if you're using English, but is here to show how it's used if you don't want the English text "Previous page" *}
  1132. <br />
  1133. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next"}
  1134. </p>
  1135. </div>
  1136. {* End relational links *}
  1138. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1139. <div class="clear"></div>
  1140. </div>
  1141. </div>
  1142. </div>
  1143. </div>
  1144. {* End Content Area *}
  1146. </div>
  1147. {* End Content *}
  1149. {* Start Footer. Edit the footer in the Global Content Block called "footer" *}
  1150. <div class="footback">
  1151. <div id="footer">
  1152. {* stylesheet "Navigation: FatFootMenu" *}
  1153. <div id="fooleft">
  1154. {menu}
  1155. </div>
  1156. <div id="footrt">
  1157. {global_content name='footer'}
  1158. </div>
  1159. <div class="clear"></div>
  1160. </div>
  1161. </div>
  1162. {* End Footer *}
  1164. </div>
  1165. {* end pagewrapper *}
  1167. </body>
  1168. </html>","18","Top simple navigation + left subnavigation + 1 column"
  1169. "1","2006-07-25 21:22:33","0","NULL","2009-05-13 10:42:54","NULL","{process_pagedata}<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  1170. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  1171. {* Change lang="en" to the language of your site *}
  1173. {* note: anything inside these are smarty comments, they will not show up in the page source *}
  1174. <head>
  1175. <title>{sitename} - {title}</title>
  1176. {* The sitename is changed in Site Admin/Global settings. {title} is the name of each page *}
  1178. {metadata}
  1179. {* Don't remove this! Metadata is entered in Site Admin/Global settings. *}
  1181. {stylesheet}
  1182. {* This is how all the stylesheets attached to this template are linked to it *}
  1184. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" rellink=1}
  1185. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="prev" rellink=1}
  1186. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next" rellink=1}
  1187. {* Relational links for interconnections between pages, good for accessibility and Search Engine Optimization *}
  1189. {* the literal below and the /literal at the end are needed whenever there are {"curly brackets"} as smarty will think it's something to process and will throw an error *}
  1190. {literal}
  1191. <script type="text/JavaScript">
  1192. <!--
  1193. //pass min and max - measured against window width
  1194. function P7_MinMaxW(a,b){
  1195. var nw="auto",w=document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  1196. if(w>=b){nw=b+"px";}if(w<=a){nw=a+"px";}return nw;
  1197. }
  1198. //-->
  1199. </script>
  1200. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  1201. <style type="text/css">
  1202. #pagewrapper {width:expression(P7_MinMaxW(720,950));}
  1203. #container {height: 1%;}
  1204. </style>
  1205. <![endif]-->
  1206. {/literal}
  1207. {* The min and max page width for Internet Explorer is set here. For other browsers it's in the stylesheet "Layout: Top menu + 2 columns" *}
  1209. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  1210. <script type="text/javascript" src="modules/MenuManager/CSSMenu.js"></script>
  1211. <![endif]-->
  1212. {* The above JavaScript is required for CSSMenu to work in IE *}
  1214. </head>
  1215. <body>
  1216. <div id="pagewrapper">
  1217. {* first out side div/box *}
  1219. {* start accessibility skip links, anything with the class of accessibility is hidden with CSS from visual browsers *}
  1220. <ul class="accessibility">
  1221. <li>{anchor anchor='menu_vert' title='Skip to navigation' accesskey='n' text='Skip to navigation'}</li>
  1222. <li>{anchor anchor='main' title='Skip to content' accesskey='s' text='Skip to content'}</li>
  1223. </ul>
  1224. {* end accessibility skip links *}
  1226. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1227. {* anything class="accessibility" is hidden for visual browsers by CSS *}
  1229. {* Start Header, with logo image that links to the default start page. Logo image is changed in the stylesheet "Layout: Left sidebar + 1 column" *}
  1230. <div id="header">
  1232. {* this holds the name of the site on the right side *}
  1233. <h2 class="headright">{sitename}</h2>
  1235. {* a link back to home page and the header left image/logo, text is hidden using CSS *}
  1236. <h1>{ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" text="$sitename"}</h1>
  1237. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1238. </div>
  1239. {* End Header *}
  1241. {* Start Search, the input "Submit" is using an image, CSS: *}
  1242. <div id="search">
  1243. {search}
  1244. </div>
  1245. {* End Search *}
  1247. {* Start Breadcrumbs *}
  1248. <div class="crbk">
  1249. {* holds the right image, we need 2 divs to be able to make this site fluid, if it was fixed width we could use one div, one image *}
  1251. <div class="breadcrumbs">
  1252. {breadcrumbs starttext='You are here' root='Home' delimiter='&raquo;'}
  1253. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1254. </div>
  1255. </div>
  1256. {* End Breadcrumbs *}
  1258. {* Start Content (Navigation and Content columns) *}
  1259. <div id="content">
  1261. {* Start Sidebar, 2 divs one for top image one for bottom image *}
  1262. <div id="sidebar">
  1263. <div id="sidebara">
  1265. {* Start Navigation, stylesheet "Navigation: CSSMenu - Vertical" *}
  1266. <h2 class="accessibility">Navigation</h2>
  1267. {menu template='cssmenu.tpl'}
  1268. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1269. {* End Navigation *}
  1271. {* Start News, stylesheet "Module: News" *}
  1272. <div id="news">
  1273. <h2>News</h2>
  1274. {news number='3' detailpage='news'}
  1275. </div>
  1276. {* End News *}
  1278. </div>
  1279. </div>
  1280. {* End Sidebar *}
  1282. {* Start Content Area, the back1, back2, back3, hold the 3 outside images, main holds the 4th one, to make the box complete, if the template were fixed width not fluid we could use just 2 divs and 2 images, 1 top 1 bottom *}
  1283. <div class="back1">
  1284. <div class="back2">
  1285. <div class="back3">
  1286. <div id="main">
  1287. <div style="float: right;">{print showbutton=true script=true}</div>
  1288. <h2>{title}</h2>
  1289. {content}
  1290. <br />{* to insure space below the content *}
  1292. {* Start relational links *}
  1293. {* note this is the right side, when you float: divs you need to have float: right; divs first *}
  1294. <div class="right49">
  1295. <p>{anchor anchor='main' text='^ Top'}</p>
  1296. </div>
  1298. <div class="left49">
  1299. <p> {ibervivienda_selflink dir="previous" label="Previous page: "}
  1300. {* The label parameter doesn't need to be there if you're using English, but is here to show how it's used if you don't want the English text "Previous page" *}
  1301. <br />
  1302. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next"}
  1303. </p>
  1304. </div>
  1305. {* End relational links *}
  1307. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1308. <div class="clear">
  1309. </div>
  1310. </div>
  1311. </div>
  1312. </div>
  1313. </div>
  1314. {* End Content Area *}
  1316. </div>
  1317. {* End Content *}
  1319. {* Start Footer. Edit the footer in the Global Content Block called "footer" *}
  1320. <div class="footback">
  1321. <div id="footer">
  1322. {* stylesheet "Navigation: FatFootMenu" *}
  1323. <div id="fooleft">
  1324. {menu}
  1325. </div>
  1326. <div id="footrt">
  1327. {global_content name='footer'}
  1328. </div>
  1329. <div class="clear"></div>
  1330. </div>
  1331. </div>
  1332. {* End Footer *}
  1334. </div>
  1335. {* end pagewrapper *}
  1336. </body>
  1337. </html>","15","CSSMenu left + 1 column"
  1338. "1","2006-07-25 21:22:33","0","NULL","2009-05-13 10:42:54","NULL","{process_pagedata}<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  1339. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  1340. {* Change lang="en" to the language of your site *}
  1342. {* note: anything inside these are smarty comments, they will not show up in the page source *}
  1344. <head>
  1345. <title>{sitename} - {title}</title>
  1346. {* The sitename is changed in Site Admin/Global settings. {title} is the name of each page *}
  1348. {metadata}
  1349. {* Don't remove this! Metadata is entered in Site Admin/Global settings. *}
  1351. {stylesheet}
  1352. {* This is how all the stylesheets attached to this template are linked to it *}
  1354. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" rellink=1}
  1355. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="prev" rellink=1}
  1356. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next" rellink=1}
  1357. {* Relational links for interconnections between pages, good for accessibility and Search Engine Optimization *}
  1359. {* the literal below and the /literal at the end are needed whenever there are {"curly brackets"} as smarty will think it's something to process and will throw an error *}
  1360. {literal}
  1361. <script type="text/JavaScript">
  1362. <!--
  1363. //pass min and max - measured against window width
  1364. function P7_MinMaxW(a,b){
  1365. var nw="auto",w=document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  1366. if(w>=b){nw=b+"px";}if(w<=a){nw=a+"px";}return nw;
  1367. }
  1368. //-->
  1369. </script>
  1370. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  1371. <style type="text/css">
  1372. #pagewrapper {width:expression(P7_MinMaxW(720,1200));}
  1373. #container {height: 1%;}
  1374. </style>
  1375. <![endif]-->
  1376. {/literal}
  1377. {* The min and max page width for Internet Explorer is set here. For other browsers it's in the stylesheet "Layout: Left sidebar + 1 column" *}
  1379. </head>
  1380. <body>
  1381. <div id="pagewrapper">
  1383. {* start accessibility skip links, anything with the class of accessibility is hidden with CSS from visual browsers *}
  1384. <ul class="accessibility">
  1385. <li>{anchor anchor='menu_vert' title='Skip to navigation' accesskey='n' text='Skip to navigation'}</li>
  1386. <li>{anchor anchor='main' title='Skip to content' accesskey='s' text='Skip to content'}</li>
  1387. </ul>
  1388. {* end accessibility skip links *}
  1390. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1391. {* anything with class="accessibility is hidden for visual browsers by CSS *}
  1393. {* Start Header, with logo image that links to the default start page. Logo image is changed in the stylesheet "Layout: Left sidebar + 1 column" *}
  1394. <div id="header">
  1396. {* this holds the name of the site on the right side *}
  1397. <h2 class="headright">{sitename}</h2>
  1399. {* this holds a link back to home page and the header left image/logo, text is hidden using CSS *}
  1400. <h1>{ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" text="$sitename"}</h1>
  1402. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1403. </div>
  1404. {* End Header *}
  1406. {* Start Search, the input "Submit" is using an image, CSS: *}
  1407. <div id="search">
  1408. {search}
  1409. </div>
  1410. {* End Search *}
  1412. {* Start Breadcrumbs *}
  1413. <div class="crbk">
  1414. {* holds the right image, we need 2 divs to be able to make this site fluid, if it was fixed width we could use one div, one image *}
  1416. <div class="breadcrumbs">
  1417. {breadcrumbs starttext='You are here' root='Home' delimiter='&raquo;'}
  1418. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1419. </div>
  1420. </div>
  1421. {* End Breadcrumbs *}
  1423. {* Start Content (Navigation and Content columns) *}
  1424. <div id="content">
  1426. {* Start Sidebar, 2 divs one for top image one for bottom image *}
  1427. <div id="sidebar">
  1428. <div id="sidebara">
  1430. {* Start Navigation, stylesheet "Navigation: Simple - Vertical" *}
  1431. <div id="menu_vert">
  1432. <h2 class="accessibility">Navigation</h2>
  1433. {menu template='simple_navigation.tpl' collapse='1'}
  1434. </div>
  1435. {* End Navigation *}
  1437. {* Start News, style sheet "Module: News" *}
  1438. <div id="news">
  1439. <h2>News</h2>
  1440. {news number='3' detailpage='news'}
  1441. </div>
  1442. {* End News *}
  1444. </div>
  1445. </div>
  1446. {* End Sidebar *}
  1448. {* Start Content Area *}
  1449. {* again 2 divs to hold top and bottom images, back is set to go to the right side then the main is set to come off the right side *}
  1450. <div class="back">
  1451. <div id="main">
  1452. <div style="float: right;">{print showbutton=true script=true}</div>
  1453. <h2>{title}</h2>
  1454. {content}
  1455. <br />
  1456. {* this break is just to make sure we get space after the content *}
  1458. {* Start relational links *}
  1459. {* note this is the right side, when you float: divs you need to have float: right; divs first *}
  1460. <div class="right49">
  1461. <p>{anchor anchor='main' text='^ Top'}</p>
  1462. </div>
  1464. <div class="left49">
  1465. <p> {ibervivienda_selflink dir="previous" label="Previous page: "}
  1466. {* The label parameter doesn't need to be there if you're using English, but is here to show how it's used if you don't want the English text "Previous page" *}
  1468. <br />
  1469. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next"}
  1470. </p>
  1471. </div>
  1472. {* End relational links *}
  1474. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1475. </div>
  1476. </div>
  1477. {* End Content Area *}
  1479. <div class="clear"></div>
  1480. {* this is to make sure the 2 divs stay tight *}
  1482. </div>
  1483. {* End Content *}
  1485. {* Start Footer. Edit the footer in the Global Content Block called "footer" *}
  1486. <div class="footback">
  1487. <div id="footer">
  1488. {* stylesheet "Navigation: FatFootMenu" *}
  1489. <div id="fooleft">
  1490. {menu}
  1491. </div>
  1492. <div id="footrt">
  1493. {global_content name='footer'}
  1494. </div>
  1495. <div class="clear"></div>
  1496. </div>
  1497. </div>
  1498. {* End Footer *}
  1500. </div>
  1501. {* end pagewrapper *}
  1502. </body>
  1503. </html>","17","Left simple navigation + 1 column"
  1504. "1","2009-05-01 23:17:51","0","NULL","2009-05-13 10:42:54","NULL","{process_pagedata}<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  1505. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  1506. {* Change lang="en" to the language of your site *}
  1508. {* note: anything inside these are smarty comments, they will not show up in the page source *}
  1510. <head>
  1511. <title>{sitename} - {title}</title>
  1512. {* The sitename is changed in Site Admin/Global settings. {title} is the name of each page *}
  1514. {metadata}
  1515. {* Don't remove this! Metadata is entered in Site Admin/Global settings. *}
  1517. {stylesheet}
  1518. {* This is how all the stylesheets attached to this template are linked to it *}
  1520. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" rellink=1}
  1521. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="prev" rellink=1}
  1522. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next" rellink=1}
  1523. {* Relational links for interconnections between pages, good for accessibility and Search Engine Optimization *}
  1525. {* the literal below and the /literal at the end are needed whenever there are {"curly brackets"} as smarty will think it's something to process and will throw an error *}
  1526. {literal}
  1527. <script type="text/JavaScript">
  1528. <!--
  1529. //pass min and max - measured against window width
  1530. function P7_MinMaxW(a,b){
  1531. var nw="auto",w=document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  1532. if(w>=b){nw=b+"px";}if(w<=a){nw=a+"px";}return nw;
  1533. }
  1534. //-->
  1535. </script>
  1536. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  1537. <style type="text/css">
  1538. #pagewrapper {width:expression(P7_MinMaxW(720,950));}
  1539. #container {height: 1%;}
  1540. </style>
  1541. <![endif]-->
  1542. {/literal}
  1543. {* The min and max page width for Internet Explorer is set here. For other browsers it's in the stylesheet "Layout: Top menu + 2 columns" *}
  1545. <!--[if lte IE 6]>
  1546. <script type="text/javascript" src="modules/MenuManager/CSSMenu.js"></script>
  1547. <![endif]-->
  1548. {* The above JavaScript is required for CSSMenu to work in IE *}
  1550. </head>
  1551. <body>
  1552. <div id="pagewrapper">
  1554. {* start accessibility skip links, anything with the class of accessibility is hidden with CSS from visual browsers *}
  1555. <ul class="accessibility">
  1556. <li>{anchor anchor='menu_vert' title='Skip to navigation' accesskey='n' text='Skip to navigation'}</li>
  1557. <li>{anchor anchor='main' title='Skip to content' accesskey='s' text='Skip to content'}</li>
  1558. </ul>
  1559. {* end accessibility skip links *}
  1561. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1562. {* Horizontal ruler that is hidden for visual browsers by CSS *}
  1564. {* Start Header, with logo image that links to the default start page. Logo image is changed in the stylesheet "Layout: Left sidebar + 1 column" *}
  1565. <div id="header">
  1567. {* this holds the name of the site on the right side *}
  1568. <h2 class="headright">{sitename}</h2>
  1570. {* this holds a link back to home page and the header left image/logo, text is hidden using CSS *}
  1571. <h1>{ibervivienda_selflink dir="start" text="$sitename"}</h1>
  1572. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1573. </div>
  1574. {* End Header *}
  1576. {* Start Search, the input "Submit" is using an image, CSS: *}
  1577. <div id="search">
  1578. {search}
  1579. </div>
  1580. {* End Search *}
  1582. {* Start Breadcrumbs *}
  1583. <div class="crbk">
  1584. {* holds the right image, we need 2 divs to be able to make this site fluid, if it was fixed width we could use one div, one image *}
  1586. <div class="breadcrumbs">
  1587. {breadcrumbs starttext='You are here' root='Home' delimiter='&raquo;'}
  1588. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1589. </div>
  1590. </div>
  1591. {* End Breadcrumbs *}
  1593. {* Start Content (Navigation and Content columns) *}
  1594. <div id="content">
  1596. {* Start Sidebar, 2 divs one for top image one for bottom image *}
  1597. <div id="sidebar">
  1598. <div id="sidebara">
  1600. {* Start Navigation, stylesheet "Navigation: ShadowMenu - Vertical" *}
  1601. <h2 class="accessibility">Navigation</h2>
  1602. {menu template='cssmenu_ulshadow.tpl'}
  1603. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1605. {* Start News, stylesheet "Module: News" *}
  1606. <div id="news">
  1607. <h2>News</h2>
  1608. {news number='3' detailpage='news'}
  1609. </div>
  1610. {* End News *}
  1612. </div>
  1613. </div>
  1614. {* End Sidebar *}
  1616. {* Start Content Area, the back1, back2, back3, hold the 3 outside images, main holds the 4th one, to make the box complete, if the template were fixed width not fluid we could use just 2 divs and 2 images, 1 top 1 bottom *}
  1617. <div class="back1">
  1618. <div class="back2">
  1619. <div class="back3">
  1620. <div id="main">
  1621. <div style="float: right;">{print showbutton=true script=true}</div>
  1622. <h2>{title}</h2>
  1623. {content}
  1624. <br />{* to insure space below content *}
  1626. {* Start relational links *}
  1627. {* note this is the right side, when you float: divs you need to have float: right; divs first *}
  1628. <div class="right49">
  1629. <p>{anchor anchor='main' text='^ Top'}</p>
  1630. </div>
  1631. <div class="left49">
  1632. <p> {ibervivienda_selflink dir="previous" label="Previous page: "}
  1633. {* The label parameter doesn't need to be there if you're using English, but is here to show how it's used if you don't want the English text "Previous page" *}
  1635. <br />
  1636. {ibervivienda_selflink dir="next"}
  1637. </p>
  1638. </div>
  1639. {* End relational links *}
  1641. <hr class="accessibility" />
  1642. <div class="clear"></div>
  1643. </div>
  1644. </div>
  1645. </div>
  1646. </div>
  1647. {* End Content Area *}
  1649. </div>
  1650. {* End Content *}
  1652. {* Start Footer. Edit the footer in the Global Content Block called "footer" *}
  1653. <div class="footback">
  1654. <div id="footer">
  1655. {* stylesheet "Navigation: FatFootMenu" *}
  1656. <div id="fooleft">
  1657. {menu}
  1658. </div>
  1659. <div id="footrt">
  1660. {global_content name='footer'}
  1661. </div>
  1662. <div class="clear"></div>
  1663. </div>
  1664. </div>
  1665. {* End Footer *}
  1667. </div>
  1668. {* end pagewrapper *}
  1670. </body>
  1671. </html>","21","ShadowMenu left + 1 column"
  1679. ------------IBERVIVIENDA_CONTENT----------
  1681. accesskey,active,cachable,collapsed,content_alias,content_id,content_name,create_date,default_content,hierarchy,hierarchy_path,id_hierarchy,item_order,last_modified_by,markup,menu_text,metadata,modified_date,owner_id,parent_id,prop_names,show_in_menu,tabindex,template_id,titleattribute,type
  1682. "NULL","1","1","NULL","nuestros-servicios","85","Nuestros Servicios","2010-05-18 18:24:04","0","00003","nuestros-servicios","85","3","1","html","Nuestros Servicios","<!-- Add code here that should appear in the metadata section of all new pages -->","2010-06-14 16:12:34","1","-1","target,image,thumbnail,extra1,extra2,extra3,searchable,pagedata,disable_wysiwyg,content_en","1","NULL","22","NULL","content"
  1683. "NULL","1","1","NULL","donde-estamos","84","DÔøΩnde Estamos","2010-05-18 18:22:14","0","00002","donde-estamos","84","2","1","html","DÔøΩnde Estamos","<!-- Add code here that should appear in the metadata section of all new pages -->","2010-05-28 10:32:43","1","-1","target,image,thumbnail,extra1,extra2,extra3,searchable,pagedata,disable_wysiwyg,content_en","1","NULL","22","NULL","content"
  1684. "NULL","0","1","NULL","politica-de-privacidad","86","POLITICA DE PRIVACIDAD","2010-05-26 16:08:52","0","00004","politica-de-privacidad","86","4","1","html","POLITICA DE PRIVACIDAD","<!-- Add code here that should appear in the metadata section of all new pages -->","2010-05-26 16:14:11","1","-1","target,image,thumbnail,extra1,extra2,extra3,searchable,pagedata,disable_wysiwyg,content_en","1","NULL","22","NULL","content"
  1685. "NULL","1","1","NULL","quines-somos","83","Quienes Somos","2010-05-18 18:21:34","1","00001","quines-somos","83","1","1","html","Quienes Somos","<!-- Add code here that should appear in the metadata section of all new pages -->","2010-06-15 18:43:47","1","-1","target,image,thumbnail,extra1,extra2,extra3,searchable,pagedata,disable_wysiwyg,content_en","1","NULL","22","NULL","content"
  1694. And that's all I had time to get.
  1695. -Neatstuffs
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