

Oct 14th, 2014
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  1. Name: Rasiel
  2. Handle: princePrincipessa
  3. Real Name: Beliel
  4. Family: Belphegor, Rasiel, everyone else is dead
  5. Age: 16
  6. Birthday: December 22
  7. Gender: female(disguises herself as a guy though)
  8. Race: human
  9. Element: Storm
  10. Animal: Mink
  11. Personality: sadistic, masochistic, battle genius, cheery(mainly in a psychotic manner)
  12. Fun facts: heterochromia iridium, blind, grew out bangs to hide heterochromia, blindness, and feminine facial features, sneaks into the kitchen for cake, normally smiling(well more like a psychotic grin), normally seen laughing, joined Varia at age 8 with her brother, hobby is killing local hitmen, likes sushi and milk, loves red wine but doesnt drink it often because she gets drunk causing her to cling, hug, or cuddle with anyone as long as they breathe, can sculpt ice with her knives, says "Kaching" when angry or annoyed, often teases others, secret cuddle(only shown when drunk or when alone with someone she really likes), she never learned to read or write due to her blindness, sleeps surrounded by her knives, good at cooking but is too lazy to do so plus she is a prince after all~, and she is capable of doing everything but chooses not to do most things.
  13. Weapon: knives(custom made), wires(thin and razor sharp), and her mink
  14. Nationality: unknown
  15. Catchphrase: Because I am a prince
  16. Laugh: ushishishishi~
  17. Appearance: Messy, curly blonde hair that looks just like her brother's hair and her eyes are hidden by her bangs. She wears skintight black pants with two crisscrossing white belts along with black combat boots and a black and blood red striped long sleeved shirt under her black jacket with a thick white fur lining. She bandages her chest to make the fact that she is a girl unnoticeable. There is a crest on the sleeve of her jacket and where the belts intersect where you can make out the word "Varia". Her mink will sometimes be seen appearing from the inside of her jacket.
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