

Jan 30th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 1 "Oh wow, let me guess, the one I had sex with was actually your twin. Real life sitcom, who'd have though.": (Deathwings)
  2. --[X] 2 "Oh! Rukia honey! You should have told me you had a Twin sister..." giggles perversely. "I would have never left her out of the fun. I swear!": (Xicree, mc2rpg)
  3. --[X] 1 *shrug* Meh, who care ? JUMP THEM BOTH !: (Deathwings)
  4. --------[X] 1 Ero Power at <strong>MAX!</strong>. Something as pitiful as the bindings on you can not stop the OVERFLOW of the Ero Power in you! Your rating is <strong>OVER NINE THOUSAND</strong>! You have fondled many a girl, but twins you have never touched!: (Biigoh)
  5. --------[X] 1 Ero Power at MAX!. Something as pitiful as the bindings on you can not stop the OVERFLOW of the Ero Power in you! Your rating is OVER NINE THOUSAND! You have fondled many a girl, but twins you have never touched!: (Archanist)
  6. ----[X] 2 Not the threesome you planned, but maybe a foursome with Princess?: (Biigoh, Archanist)
  7. [X] 4 Plan Bii: (Gig_Complex, kinglugia, Happerry, Selias)
  8. [X] 1 Plan Guile: (a2znut)
  9. [X] 12 Stand up, take that Rukia's hand. "Well, I suppose I can allow you to have one," you tell the man, "but this one is mine!": (Dinya, Olive, Mu-Sensei, Gaming Geek, Bacchus, redaeth, serra2, Guile, Malcolmo, Vindictus, Silversun17, Darik29)
  10. [X] 12 The one in the cosplay is clearly the adventurous twin.: (Dinya, Olive, Mu-Sensei, Gaming Geek, Bacchus, redaeth, serra2, Guile, Malcolmo, Vindictus, Silversun17, Darik29)
  11. [X] 2 Two darling Rukias! Take them now!: (Biigoh, Archanist)
  12. [X] 2 Two darling Rukias!  Take them now!: (Xicree, mc2rpg)
  13. [X] 1 Wait a minute, something weird is going on here.: (Deathwings)
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