
Bitch you get fucked up

Jun 14th, 2017
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  1. ChurchAeki: (Nudity will be seen heads up XD)
  2. iKamal: She looked at him."From Libi. She said you never look happy and you were acting creepy in the bathroom when you two did coke. now get dressed I'm having someone come over." she moved away from him and put her papers away. she went to the fridge pulling the Vodka out.
  3. Tsaaq: ((Pfft like I've never seen a dick before >.>))
  4. iKamal: [she seen my lady dick <.<]
  5. Tsaaq: ((Oh shit but somebody should tell Sleeper.))
  6. iKamal: [XD poor sleeper]
  7. ChurchAeki: (Oh well)
  8. SleeperStatus: ((what happened?))
  9. Tsaaq: ((Shhh.))
  10. Tsaaq: ((Travis is coming over to this bitch's apartment with Libi I'm about to post.))
  11. SleeperStatus: ((ok))
  12. ChurchAeki: Charles would erupt with laugher hearing who told her this. "You listen to that bitch? Libi doesn't know what happy is have you met her; if anything she thing being high and intoxicating happiness and if anyone wasn't that then they were unhappy." He waves his hand at her as he made his way upstairs.
  13. ChurchAeki: thinks*
  14. iKamal: [and charles is naked]
  15. ChurchAeki: (>_> Naked in his own Apartment I felt it was needed lmao)
  16. iKamal: She rolls her eyes at him."Whatever. just go get dressed beforem y company gets here." she set four glasses on the table and poured vodka in all of them."do we have weed anywehre?"
  17. Tsaaq: Libi sped down the street with a cigarette between her lips. Still reeling from the night before. She looked over to Travis in the passenger seat before propelling forward. "This guy Kam is fucking has some incredible coke." Libi slurred, she was only a few drinks in since she roused only a couple hours before. But she was nice and tipsy. "...He's also got a safe of shit in his office." Libi told him before bringing her hearse to a stop in front of the apartment.
  18. ChurchAeki: "Oh now you want something from me." He bellows out from upstairs as he stood in front of his closet eyeing what he should put on if anything at all. "You can drink my shit, smoke my weed and think I'm unhappy with you. This is fucking grand." He upper half would disappear into his closet as he went further in to find something. "Now I have to get dress in my own place to satisfy your guest." He huffs. "LIBI is a fucking intelligent as fuck to come up with that conclusion...I'm not happy with you..." Shook his head.
  19. ChurchAeki: Libi is intelligent as fuck*
  20. SleeperStatus: -Travis finished his cig and tossed it out the window as he nodded toward libi-''Yeah ill be the judge of that''-he said as they parked, he then opened the door and stepped out stretching a bit looking up and down the street-''So this is kams place?''-he said as he looked att the apartment-
  21. iKamal: She went to the bottom of the steps and called up."That doesn't answer my question! Stop bitching and just do said no ifs ands or buts!" she grinned repeating his words to him. she placed her hands on her hips."and be nice to my guest too! no matter who they are!"
  22. Tsaaq: "I am not bullshitting you. When have I ever bullshitted you." Libi asked as she switched her hips, walking towards the door of the building. "No, this is her boyfriend's place." Libi answered. "He just lets her live here." She went upstairs towards the door and kicked it loudly instead of knocking. She didn't kick so hard that it would ruin the door or anything though.
  23. ChurchAeki: He yanked his head from out his closet and directed his eyes towards where her voice came from. "So this means, you forgive me?" He held onto the closet door looking down the stairs, with Kam completely out the view but he still stared in the direction. "Be nice huh?..." He chuckles and pulled out a shirt and a blazer from the closet. "So does the mean you think I'm happy with you now?" He asked while pulling on his outfit.
  24. SleeperStatus: -Travis nodded once more as he followed libi to the door. He still looked up and down the street to make sure no one was coming around he was still paranoid about the day he got jumped-''Yeah whatever you say''
  25. iKamal: She groaned and rolled her eyes."yeeess I forgive you and think you are happy with me." she smiled and heard sasha bark at the door along with her two more additions to their little fur family."Get back all three of oyu go sit." they walked offand huff. Kam opened the door and smiled letting them come in."come on in guys. Vodka is on the table.
  26. Tsaaq: "Sweet." Libi said as she stepped inside, curling her lip as she went inside towards the kitchen and picked up the bottle of vodka, immediately taking a swig. "This is my friend Travis. He's a piece of garbage but he's alright." Libi introduced. "Travis this is Kam. She has her moments but she's alright." She shruged.
  27. ChurchAeki: He chuckles pulling on is boots as he sat on the edge of the bed, hearing the door he would lean over to see, but the view just had him look out to the living room which was now redecorated from having Kam move in, she thought his place need more flavor or whatever that is. "You took out my Vodka....come on Kam." He says as he got up from the bed and made his way down the steps. "You couldn't given them anything else but the Vodka?" Seeing Libi and another guy he had a odd feeling he met before entering the apartment. "You got to be kidding me...." He says to himself before moving towards his office door, "I think I will do some work..."
  28. iKamal: "Travis and I have met before." she smiled to them both and closed the door. She looked at the steps where Charles was coming down."There is no work for you to do Charles I poured you a drink." she grabbed a glass off the table and made her way over to him handing him the glass.
  29. SleeperStatus: -Travis walked in and gave kam a warm smile as he walked over and grabbed his glass of vodka taking a long sip and walking over with the girls to the couch-''Yeah im the worst kind of garbage''-he chuckled as he then reached in his pocket pulling his cigs out-''You mind if i smoke in here?''-he smiled looking at kam-
  30. ChurchAeki: Sasha would see Charles heading to the office and wanted to follow, coming up to his side Charles would lean over and scratch the top of her muscular head. "Hey beautiful." He says to Sasha, before looking up to Kam who came up to him with a glass. "Did you just say not twenty minutes ago if I had work to do." He stared at her before taking the glass and looked over his shoulder to her guest. "Plus you told me to be nice, I feel this will be me being nice." He smiles to her.
  31. Tsaaq: Libi nodded her head. "Oooh..." She trailed off awkwardly and darted her eyes. Libi shifted from foot to foot and finished off the liquor in her glass. "More." Libi said, holding her empty glass out. "Charles. Always stoked to see you." She said in a monotone. "For christsakes bitch, if he wants to work let the bastard work." She said to Kam, her eyebrows raising. "And if you're smoking give me one."
  32. iKamal: She sighed and nodded her head."fine go do work. she looked down at Sasha and smiled patting her head."Oh umm yeah that's fine you can smoke..Let me jsut get you an ash tray." she grabbed the bottle of vodka and poured libi another glass before grabbing an ash tray for travis." here you go." she grabbed her own glass and sat down on the couch."what are you two up to?"
  33. SleeperStatus: -Travis looked over a libi-''I mean i give you almost everything so i guess you can have a cig''-He teased as he handed her one after he lit his-''Thanks''-he said as he looked at kam before turning back to libi-''So why was your boyfriend being such a dick yesterday?''
  34. ChurchAeki: Arching a brow to Kam allowing them to smoke in the apartment, before he put in the keycode to the office door and pushed it open. "Come on Sasha, don't want you to die from smoke." Sasha would rush into the office and settle next to his chair; Charles on the other hand would paused and look over his shoulder to Libi. "Kam told me to be nice, don't make me go back on what I promised." He would walk into his office having the door close behind him and lock.
  35. Tsaaq: "That's how this works. This is a take-take relationship. That's how all my relationships are." She said, sticking her tongue out at him then taking her glass from Kam. "Thanks." She said. "Nothing just hanging out. Nothing." She answered. "Listen Charles. I don't give a shit if you're nice to me or not. I don't know if you noticed yet. I know you're kinda slow." She snickered before furrowing her eyebrows at Travis. "Fuck off." She scoffed. "He wasn't being a dick. How was he being a dick?" She asked angrily.
  36. iKamal: KAm sighed."Libi stop messing with charles." she ignored Charles comment to Sasha. she had smokedi n the apartment before but never told Charles. She usually went to the bathroom and pretended to poop and spray a shit ton of air freshner. she picked up the little white ankle biter dog and placed her in her lap petting her."Who was a dick?"
  37. SleeperStatus: ''He just was.. he was cool when we were doing lines but as soon as you brought up the pawn shop he went straight dad mode''-he chuckled as he took a long drag of his cig-''Oh sorry ill watch my mouth when talking about him cause you'll get all upset on me''-he teased giving libi a light playful push she. He then looked at kam-''Damian''-he said taking another puff of his cig-
  38. ChurchAeki: Charles sighed as he relaxed in his chair, reaching down to pet Sasha's head while he watched the group on his CCTV; reaching over towards his keyboard he would angle all the camera's towards their direction and with one tap he would turn on the audio. With his office being sound proof he had no worries of them even know he was listen or watching; though he was still hungry, pulling out his phone he would call that restaurant he was looking at earlier before they showed up and order something for himself.
  39. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes a moment. "It's just hard for somebody to come up to me talking about how they're forced to be nice when last week you almost killed me and had the nerve to not even finish the job." She said. "But it's fine. You can be a dick. We all know you hate me. No sense in lying about it." Libi grumbled and nudged Travis back. "Listen asshole. We were doing janky shit. We had to be careful." She lit her cigarette and put her drink down on the coffee table while she smoked. "Also shut the fuck up. We don't know if narcs are around." She said through her teeth.
  40. iKamal: She Sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She hated how charles and Libi fought so much but Libi was the only closest thing she had to a friend. She looked at Travis."Anyway....I got a few questions for you guys..I just bought out that bar rusty Handle.I'm trying to make it better..if that is possible...any suggestions?"
  41. SleeperStatus: -Travis shrugged-''Fuck it i've been in trouble before been locked up a couple times...wont make a difference now than it did back then''-he said taking another swig of his drink followed by a puff of his cig, his attention then went to Kam-''Topless waitresses''-he chuckled obviously kidding he just wanted to be an ass-
  42. ChurchAeki: Charles would hear Libi's words and chuckle at her words, she wasn't lying on the fact he hated her completely; though that day he could of killed her, but what would that have him now? Probably sitting in a cell with no bail or without Kam. He huffs pushing her words away as he switched the screen to the front of the apartment building to see if his food was here yet, but he saw nothing and just switched the screen back. Sasha would lick at Charles fingers a sign that she was hungry as he did forget it was time to feed his beautiful beast. "Alright....let me get your bowls." Charles would push himself from his chair and walk out of his Office leaving Sasha inside as the door closed behind him; moving around the Kitchen he would open the fridge to get him a Corona and then over to Sasha's bowl.
  43. Tsaaq: "Whoa whoa whoa. Look at how badass you are." Libi pursed her lips before taking a drag. She listened to Kam's question. She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know..." She trailed off quietly. "I usually just go in to take a piss and end up just hanging around."
  44. SleeperStatus: -Travis chuckled as he looked over at libi-''Fuck off lib''-he said with a smile before ashing out his cig. Travis than grabbed his drink and leaned back on the couch bringing his right leg to rest on his left knee as he took a sip of his drink-
  45. iKamal: Kam nodded her head."Hmm we can have topless tuesday." she pets princess and smiles to Travis and Libi." So what are you guys going to do today?"she looked over seeing Charle come out and grab a beer and sasha's bowl. she sets PRincess down."Will you feed princess and Max"
  46. ChurchAeki: Charles looked over to Kam hearing her voice and question; he was going to say no but remembered he was suppose to be making things up to her. " Yeah sure..." He simply says before putting his corona down onto the isle counter and laying Sasha's bowl back on the floor; moving to the pantry he would pull out their own seperate food from Sasha's and began to fill their bowls, giving them tap water on the side.
  47. Tsaaq: She began to snicker. "You fuck off." She told him with a smirk, finishing off her cigarette and picking up her glass so she could gulp down more of the vodka. "I don't know. Hang out here I guess?" She answered Kam with a shrug.
  48. SleeperStatus: -Travis listened to both of them talk-''Is there any strip joints here? Like im trying to see some tits''-he said as he chuckled before taking another drink-''Or something at least''-he then set the drink down and then pulling his phone out opening some missed messages-
  49. iKamal: She nodded her head and shrugged some."Bottoms up is a trash joint you can get tits and more for the right price..but /i wouldn't risk it some of the girls are shifty." she got up making her way over to Charles. she rest her hand on his lower back and smiled up at him."thank you for feeding the babies and being nice I appericate it.." she kept her voice low so only he could hear her and she looked at him."I'll make it up to oyu later."
  50. ChurchAeki: He listened to their conversation as he made sure the other pet's were taken care off; though as he felt a hand touch his back he would turn around slowly seeing it was Kam. He would stare at her for a moment, before nodding his head. "Don't have too, I'm doing this to make up for the other day....I did say no if and or buts." His voice was calm and low as he turned back around and picked up Sasha's bowl and then moved to pick up his corona. before looking back to her. "Go back to your friends." He smiled at her some before he made his way back to the office door.
  51. Tsaaq: "Really...?" LIbi asked Travis in a montone then went to glance at the glass of liquor in her lap."You need to get laid cause this is getting annoying." She muttered. "He's already been to Bottom's Up." She said, slouching on the couch with her lips pursed as Kam got up and went over to Charles then turned to Travis. "You should go find a hooker." She suggested.
  52. SleeperStatus: ''Nah hookers arent my thing...I think i might just have to go back to cali for a few days and fuck a couple exs''-he laughed to himself as he took another sip of his drink-''Yeah that place was alright wouldnt recommend it to anyone to be honest''-he said finishing off his drink as he set it on the table-
  53. iKamal: She smiled to Charles a little surprised he was keeping his cool so well. she nodded her head and made her way back to Travis and Libi. She sat down and looked at Travis."What aboutthat blonde you were sitting with at the Rusty Handle? Thought you two had a thing going." se poured more vodka in their glasses and leaned back in her seat some.
  54. ChurchAeki: (Hey Demi, you coming to RP :P)
  55. Demiguise: (Yeah, sorry I'm lagging but i'm halfway through typing up a post^^)
  56. Tsaaq: Libi remained slouched on the couch. "Fuck off. I fucking work there asshole. Stop being a dick." She said angrily, lifting her foot to kick Travis' thigh. Libi sputtered her lips out of boredom. She did a slicing motion with her hands as she looked at Kam. "He doesn't feel like taking her on dates and being nice to her just to fuck her."
  57. SleeperStatus: -Travis gave libi a dirty look before lightly pinching her-''Thats so not true...shes just too bitchy for me to be honest''-He shook his head taking his glass and taking a drink-''Plus i heard her parents are complete assholes so me taking her on dates wouldnt happen anyways''-he said before putting his drink back down-
  58. Demiguise: Time flowed like cement. For the past hour, Victoria had been sat there with nothing to do but watch Youtube or Netflix, stuffing her face with popcorn. This is what happens when you leave to go back home for a year, Everyone moves on and you come back to people being strangers. She lets out a deep sigh and clicks the next episode of her show before her phone beeps. Tapping in her code she opens up her messages to see one from Kam. -Hey girl, Heard you were back in town. Come on over? -Kam- Vic sat there for a second just staring at the phone, Wondering what to reply with. If honest she just kind of wanted to stay in but this was Kam, an old friend, it'd be rude to reject her offer. -Hiiii, Nice to hear from you, Gimme like 10 mins and i'll be over. Cya soon x- Locking the phone she jumps up throws on her jeans and after grabbing her keys and money, leaves her apartment. It took a little longer than expected to find the place but she finally found it. After a deep breath, she knocked on the door, took a step back and waited for someone to answer.
  59. iKamal: Kam shrugged her shoulders."I still say get hooker. They are easy and you can do what ever you want." she looked down at her phone as it buzzed. she smiled seeing it was Vic. She had missed her and would have been nice to have an old friend around. Libi was nice but not the best friend to have or tell secrets to. she tucked her phone away and smiled at the two of them. moments later she heard someone at the door."I got it." she got up and went to the door opening it seeing Vic there and squealed a little hugging her tightly."Vic it's so nice to see you again. I've missed you so much. come in come in I'll go get Charles so you can meet him. there is vodka on the table as well." she closed the door behind her.
  60. iKamal: [ther eis a thunderstorm so if my power goes out im sorry]
  61. Tsaaq: "Whatever! I don't know the reason I just knew it was some fucking stupid shit." Libi said, smacking his hand after he pinched her. "Her parents are complete assholes. Everyone's parents are complete assholes. Parents are horrible..." She trailed off, watching as a girl came in. She definitely recognized her but not enough to get up and say hi. "There, she probably has a vagina." Libi said dismissively finished off her drink and went to lay on her side on the couch.
  62. ChurchAeki: Sasha would jump up onto her paws as she saw Charles come back in with her bowls and food. "Don't you dare.." He says to her as he knew she was going to try and tackle him for her food; though as he said those words sternly she behaved and sat on her hind legs and waited like a well trained pet. "Good girl..." Charles praised out to her and set down her bowls and filled them up with her pure breed food and special water he got from the pet store. "Eat..." He gave one command and she would rush to her bowls and started to devour her food and water; the sigh made him chuckle as he moved passed her while twisting the top off of his corona and taking a seat back at his desk seeing a new person enter the apartment. "I swear...this is going to turn into a party if more come." Shook his head and turned to his computer and tried to get some work down.
  63. SleeperStatus: ''Oh shut the fuck up lib!''-Travis said as he was embarrashed seeing the girl that just came in he shook his head pushing her again-''Im sorry for my friend shes a bit of a dickhead''-he said looking down on her then returned his eyes to the new girl-''Hi im Travis and this is Libi''-he said with a big grin-
  64. iKamal: [fuckin travis man... XD ]
  65. SleeperStatus: ((haha hes a dick))
  66. iKamal: [he thinks with his dick]
  67. SleeperStatus: ((yeah he does)
  68. Demiguise: The door handle turned and a familiar face was soon greeting her. She returned her hug and chuckled as her friend squealed, The warm welcome pushing all her anxiety away. ''Eeeh! It's good to see you too sweetheart.'' Vic stepped into the apartment and gave a a small wave to those gathered in the living area. ''Alright, You take your time.'' She calls after Kam before walking over to everyone else. A few comments were called out but she managed to keep her cool. ''Ah, Don't worry about it.'' She nods to the guy introducing himself. ''Travis, nice. I'm Victoria but Vic will do.'' She takes a seat in an empty spot, making herself comfortable. ''And just to clear up any confusion, yes I do indeed have a vagina.''
  69. iKamal: Kam didn't even bother knocking on the office door. she just punched in the code and made her way inside and smiled to Charles and sasha."Hey babe my friend Vic is here...I wanted you to meet her. WE knew each other from school and all and she is in town. she smiled to him. she bite the inside of her cheek lightly seeing him behind his desk and her mind began to wonder of memoriesof that desk. a slight smirk painted on her lips before she was brought back from her thoughts.
  70. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes. "You shut the fuck up." Libi said as she pushed Travis back. "No I'm not I'm nobody. And this is boring." She replied flatly, seeing Kam and Vic head towards Charles' office she forced herself to her feet and looked around, going towards the stairs.
  71. SleeperStatus: ''Yeah whatever just keep talking shit''-he watched as she walked toward the stairs chuckling to himself as he took another sip-''Lets go do something then lib if you're are so bored!''-he said as he continued to play on his phone-
  72. ChurchAeki: Hearing the keycode being puched in, Charles would turn off the Audio and turn the screen to downstairs; once the door open he looked from his computer screen and over to Kam as she stood there, Sasha paid her no mind as she continued to eat her food. "Yeah, alright." He got up from his chair and fixed his blazer before walking around the desk to follow Kam, he gestured out his hand for her to lead the way. "After you..." He sighed out and followed.
  73. iKamal: [mani vic is sititng with libi and travis o.o only kam went to his office]
  74. Tsaaq: ((She's still going up the stairs lol.))
  75. iKamal: [ok lol ]
  76. iKamal: She placed her hand on the handle behind and looked at him smiling."I think you will like Vic." she headed out of the office with Charles. "Vic this is my boyfriend Charles. Charles this Vic." she smiled heading to the couch area nad saw travis and Vic but no Libi."where is Lii at?" she raised a brow,
  77. iKamal: [this storm is getting bad so if i poof sorry it jsut rattled my trailer]
  78. Demiguise: A pleasant smile hid her nerves, People, most of them new, some of them she swore she remembered but who knows, it'd been so long. A woman instantly stood up and followed after Kam whilst Vic helped herself to a glass of water. She was a complete lightweight so drinking in front of strangers just seemed like an awful idea. That could be a terrible first impression. She gradually made her way back over to the couch, sipping her water and just watching people do whatever they gotta do.
  79. Tsaaq: "What does it look like I'm doing jackass?" She asked him sarcastically with a raise of her eyebrow as she moved up the stairs, peeking at the second floor. "You guys can stay down there if you want." Libi said, jogging up the stairs and looking around then letting out a yawn.
  80. Tsaaq: ((Tell the storm to stop.))
  81. Demiguise: ((Throw the storm in the trash))
  82. ChurchAeki: Charles walked out and put up a hand for a simple wave towards the girl Kam introduced him too. "Hey, nice to meet you, Vic? Is that your full name or?" He arched abrow questioning her name. Though as Kam stated that Libi had disappeared he would turn his attention away from the girl and looked around. "Kam, collect your company."
  83. SleeperStatus: ''Come back down here lib''-he shook his head as he watched her run up the stairs-''Shes something else always gotta get herself into some kind of trouble''-he said taking another sip of his drink before looking at Vic-''So Vic Are you from here or somewhere else?''-he said curiously-
  84. iKamal: Kam sighed and made her way up the steps after Libi."Libi get out of here. you are invading mine and Charles privacyget back downstairs." there defiantly was some things Ka didn't want Libi to see that was in their bedroom. she taes a dee breaht."coem on libi."
  85. Demiguise: After a small while of sat there like a lemon Travis returns the conversation to her. ''Oh no, Oxford originally. England Oxford, I'm back and forth all the time.'' The British accent showing itself to the fullest as she says Oxford. ''What about you-'' A man she guessed was Charles soon comes down to introduce himself whilst Kam chases after the other girl. ''No it's Victoria but i've just always been called Vic.'' She shrugs and stands up to be polite. ''You must be Charles, It's nice to finally meet you too..'' She smiles and goes to offer her hand to shake but decides not too.
  86. Tsaaq: "LAME." Libi called out crossing her arms as she went to lean on the way by the top of the stairs. "What? You keep your abortion up here in a biohazard bag or something?" She asked with a playful smirk. "Also privacy is an illusion." She scoffed as she came down the stairs loudly, stomping her feet as she did so. "I'll be snooping about elsewhere then. Cause y'know... Bored." Libi said loudly on purpose as she went over to where the washer and dryer was.
  87. SleeperStatus: ''Thats pretty cool,oh and im from California bor and raised''-he said with a smile then watched as libi came down the stairs-''Lib you are such a child''-he said as he began chuckling as he watched her stomp down the stairs-''I think thats why you and Quinn are friends you're both cry babies''-he said with a wink-
  88. ChurchAeki: Charles would just nod his head. "Victoria.." He repeated her name back to her before stepping away from the couch and over towards Libi. "Look you ...." He inhaled deeply to control his anger. "Either you respect my place or get the....or don't let the door hit you on the way out, yeah?"
  89. iKamal: Kam glared at Libi."No and you are in my home at least you could do is show some respect. I've never had an abortion and never will so don't say that. jesus you are frusrating I swear." she really was becoming frusrated with Libi. She tried to be nice to her and make things better but libi was making it very hard. she came down the steps with Libi and smiled. She saw charles come up to Libi and frowned. she made her way over to Victoria and TRavis." Sorry about that Vic. I see you met Travis. Any way how have you been Vic? How was england?"
  90. Tsaaq: She was having a very hard time not laughing. "You look so mad." She said to Kam. "You should see your face." Libi muttered, looking very unapologetic as usual. She smirked at Charles. "It's so funny like, you keep thiking you can tell me to do stuff. And I don't do them but you still try to boss me around like I'm Kam or something." Libi snickered, covering her mouth so she wouldn't be obvious about it. "Listen uh. I don't want to hear it from a little bitch complaining about seeing boobs. But that's just me." She called out to Travis with a shrug. "What's so horrible? I get bored. I entertain myself. Everybody shut up." She said in a nonchalant tone before shrugging.
  91. SleeperStatus: -Travis bursted out in laughter at what libi said to him he then looked at her and stuck his middle finger up-''Yeah go fuck yourself lib''-he then went back on his phone trying to ignore the whole arguement that was about to happen-
  92. Demiguise: Vic moved some stray hairs from her face as Charles turned to deal with the girl she now knows at Libi. ''Hm.'' She tilts her head, confused as to why this female had such an attitude problem. The Brit goes to say something but is stopped by Kam asking the usual questions. ''Oh, I'm good. England was bloody cold but fine, families well. How are you?'' She keeps glancing at her friend then to Libi, wondering if she should step in and say something. ''What the fuck is going on.'' Vic whispers into Kams ear.
  93. ChurchAeki: Charles smiles and looks to Kam. "I'm sorry I tried, she pushed." He looked to Libi and moved over towards the door and opened it. "Get the fuck out or I'll toss your boney ass out; tried to be fucking polite nice even and you kept pushing. " He looked to Kam. "Get you friend, I swear to God almighty get her before my hands catch her again."
  94. Tsaaq: "No you go fuck yourself." She said, laughing way too hard. "Knowing you? You'd probably immediately go do it." She stuck her tongue out at him before looking over to Charles then shrugged her shoulders, hearing him go off she made a point to sit down on the couch with a shiteating grin. "Nah that's okay Chuck. Thanks for the offer though." Libi whispered, waving her hand at Travis. "Can I get a cig please?" She asked.
  95. iKamal: Kam smiled to Vic and nodded her head."That's good I'm doing good."she looked over at Charles and Libi and sighed seeing what happen."Just Libi pushing Charles buttons again.Excuse me.."Kam got up and went over to Libi. she reached down and if Libi let her she would grip Libi's arm tightly and pull her up off the couch without saying a word. Kam had enough of the crude comments and Libi pushing Charles. She did see Cahrles try to be nice to Libi a few tiems and Libi just pushed his buttons. she would guide Libi to the door if she let her.
  96. SleeperStatus: -Travis looked at libi then watched as kam started to basically drag libi to the door he quickly got up cause she was his ride, he then walked up to them gently removing her hand off of libis arm-''I got it from here''-he then put his arm around libi as he started walking toward the door-''Come on lib lets go do a couple lines''-he said with a smirk-
  97. ChurchAeki: (The rain comes.)
  98. iKamal: [it left me and went to you XD]
  99. ChurchAeki: (Yes it did)
  100. Demiguise: She let out a breathy laugh as Libi made a show of herself. ''Yeah just, call out if you need me.'' Victoria stood there shaking her head at the girl being grabbed by Kam. What has she gotten herself into? All vic wanted to do was come see a friend, chill, hangout and yet people are shouting and talking all kinds of shit. Maybe she should have recommended her anger management therapist to Lib. ''Well that was interesting.'' She scoffs, folding her arms and finishing her water.
  101. Tsaaq: There was no way Kam was stronger than Libi so barely budged from the couch but she did stand on her own accord. She swatted Travis hand away. "Fuck off." She scoffed before walking over to Kam. "What? You like getting fucked up by asshole? But you can talk shit to me?" She asked Kam in a whisper. "It's not like I ever put hands on anybody. I can't even recall a time I've ever done that." Libi waved her hand angrily in Charles' direction. "Oh? I annoy people? Big fucking deal. At least I don't hurt people. I mean, can you tell me a time where I've ever anything but honest?" She shook her head. "I mean, I might be obnoxious as fuck but shit. Is it really worse than your boyfriend punching you in the face?"
  102. Tsaaq: ((ever been anything*))
  103. SleeperStatus: -Travis shook his head as he brought his hand to his face rubbing it slowly letting out a long sigh-''Jesus christ lib just fucking relax''-he tried to say but he knows she wouldnt even listen to him, so he just sat back and watched to see what would happen next-
  104. iKamal: Kam glared at Libi as she spoke to her. Her voice was stern and full of hate for Libi now." Get out of my home now...I'm serious. You have no right to speak of my business. I've been nothing but nice and even stuck up for you. You have crossed the line way to many times now get out of my home. I've had enough of you assuming that he hits me. You don't knwo the full story. You aren't me and there are two sides to every story. Yes Ive had a fe bruises on me a few times but that is because its whatI am into and charles provides it if you must know everything. Now get out." she glared down at Libi seeing as she was taller then her. KAm's hands balled up with frusration.
  105. ChurchAeki: Charles would laugh at Libi. "Trying to make yourself look like what right now? Junkie ass bitch trying to give help advice to who exactly? You can't even help yourself, can't remember how you got places, can't even buy youself fucking food, have to go begging don't you? Shit I bet you only with that new guy because he has drugs right? Suck a dick for a bump or too yeah? You worthless piece of shit, stop talking and get the fuck out my place."
  106. Demiguise: Vic tried her best to hold in her laughter from what she was over hearing. ''Few bruises? What you're into?'' The Brit walked over and rests her chin on Kams shoulder. ''You kinky bitch, I always knew you'd be that type.'' She looks over to Libi as Charles begins shouting again. ''Wow, you really pissed people off didn't you sweetcheeks?'' With a bat of her eyelashes, she turns around and leans against the kitchen counter. ''Probably best you left.'' Vic tilts her head and waves bye to Libi.
  107. Tsaaq: "I let you stay in my apartment are you serious? What line am I crossing bitch? It's words. Grow a thicker skin. It's not that serious, lighten the fuck up." Libi said in a monotone she glanced at Charles, rolling her eyes. Seeing as he didn't know her aside from bitching at her it was very hard for her to be offended so she ignored him. "Come on Kam. Don't be an idiot." She tried to speak sternly. "Come on okay here. I'm speaking like a friend for once. I'm gonna be real with you. I have bruises I'm into that shit but do you see Damian trying to control me and saying that I can't hang out with people. Bitch, that's not kinky that's abusive." Libi sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Fuck off." She said to Vic. "Of course I piss people off. I get off on that shit." She rolled her eyes and turned to came. "But now I'm being real." She said. "You can hate me all you want. I don't care. As you can tell, I don't care if people like me. I'm still gonna do me. But don't make me feel like an idiot for giving a shit about your life. Because then I'll never be able to do it with anybody again."
  108. ChurchAeki: (Did it hail over by you?)
  109. iKamal: [yup]
  110. ChurchAeki: (Okay..cause it's doing it here lol)
  111. iKamal: Kam pointed to the door"just leave Libi..." she couldn't take what libi was saying to her at that momet"Please just leave..." she stood her ground not showing any form of backing down. What libi said did hit herhard though. Kam ahd been looking past everything and she took a deep breath.
  112. SleeperStatus: -Travis shook his head as he listened to all of them argue, he quickly dug into his pocket pulling out his small baggie of coke pouring some on his thumb so that he could snort it. He wasnt phased by arguement at all-''I think this whole thing is fucking stupid''-he smiled looking down on the powder that was on his thumb as he bent down to take it. he then threw his head back whispering to himself-''Damn thats some good shit''
  113. Demiguise: ''I don't need to fuck off, i'm not being asked to go.'' She crosses her arms. ''I don't know what the fuck is going on but all i'm seeing is you being a bitch.'' Vic rolls her eyes and makes a massive pfff sound. How did this girl think any of this is helping anyone? ''There's a difference between trying to help and calling someone the fuck out in front of a bunch of people. If Kam did need help which it doesn't look like she does, do you think you doing all this extra shit helps?'' Kam stepped in asking the girl to go again and that's when Vic shuts up, she'd said her part, this wasn't her fight.
  114. Tsaaq: She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Come on Kam. Don't tell me you're this stupid. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt." Libi shook her head. "You'll have to make me leave, and make it good. Because I came to you, woman to woman and you're still sticking your head in the sand and shit." She said tuning out everyone around her since she didn't really care for the comments from the peanut gallery thus far.
  115. iKamal: [im cooking while rping]
  116. ChurchAeki: Charles kept the door open. "I not once told her she couldn't be around you, shit she does what she wants as you can fucking see. Inviting someone I clearly hate over to our place and then asking me to be nice which I was before ten minutes ago." She shook his head. "Just've done and said enough."
  117. ChurchAeki: He*
  118. iKamal: Kam looked at Libi. She was right and Kam didnt want to admit that Libi was right."Get the fuck out of my apartment now!!" she raised her voice finally to Libi."I'm sick of you judging me! Yeah my life isnt full of rainbows and fucking unicorns but it's my life. You have said some pretty fucked up shit to me and I have let it slide so many times now get out of my house." she pushed at Libi to leave her apartment. She would have much rather deal with Libi then have Charles deal with her. she didntwant a repeat of the resturant.
  119. Tsaaq: Libi rolled her eyes at Kam's sudden anger. She stared blankly at Kam before shaking her head. She staggered backward as she pushed her. "He totally told me I couldn't be around you. That was literally the same day he tried to kill me." Libi leaned forward and grit her teeth before shrugging her shoulder. "And what did I do? Oh yeah... Drove you around and let you stay at my place. Cause why not?" Libi shrugged her shoulders she rolled her eyebrows. "Yeah... Obviously I haven't done enough asshole." She grumbled going to take the vodka bottle. "I'm taking this. I'm considering it asshole tax." She scoffed. "Come on Travis. This shit isn't over."
  120. Demiguise: (Brb)
  121. SleeperStatus: -Travis tucked the baggie into his pants as he sat across the room watching them all yell at eachother he just shook his head then looked at libi as she started talking toward him, she was obviously ready to go he just nodded as he opended the door for her-
  122. ChurchAeki: He closed the door deep Libi take the bottle. "You think this is a fucking game, take what you want, say what you want. You can go but you will leave my property where you found it."
  123. ChurchAeki: as soon as libi took the bottle.*
  124. Tsaaq: "I'm sorry, did you not hear me? It's asshole tax! It's deductible just put it in on your application on turbotax next January asshole. You'll be fine." She called out, still walking toward the door. She jumped when he slammed it closed. Libi stared Charles in the face then looked at the liquor in the bottle, shaking it a little. "Oh, now I can't leave?" She asked quietly with a challenging raise of her eyebrow. "Now that I'm actually trying to bail?" She asked with a burdensome sigh. "Fine. I won't take it." Libi pulled of the cap and proceeded to lift the bottle to her lips, chugging as much of it as she could in one breath. She gasped as she lowered the bottle a moment to breath then went back for a second round of chugging, ignoring the burning sensation in her throat.
  125. iKamal: "just let her go charles..." she took a deep breath and turned away from Libi. she looked at Vic and smiled softly."I'm really sorry about all this." she made her way over to Vic and ignored Libi. she felt awful that Vic had to come over to this instead a nice lovely calm relaxed visit.
  126. SleeperStatus: -Travis watched as libi began to chug the bottle of vodka he sighed as he then grabbed her arm-''Come on lib this is stupid and childish just give em the bottle back''-he said trying to get her to leave because he was starting to get a head ache from all the yelling-
  127. ChurchAeki: As he drank, Charles would walk up to her and smack the bottle of her mouth and hands. "Now you can go, don't ever come back Libi." He looked up to Kam. "Don't ever invite her back to my place again." He moved from them all and went to his office door, punching in th ekeycode before opening it and calling out Sasha who now sat at his side.
  128. ChurchAeki: she/8
  129. Tsaaq: She grumbled and rolled her eyes at Travis a fifth of the bottle was probably left over. "Shut up Travis before I shut you up." She'd watch him smack the bottle out of her hands and scoffed. "Oh... I'll be back." With a raise of her eyebrow and a smirk and a raise of her hands. She resumed a nuetral expression and moved to walk out the door, waiting for Travis as she looked at Kam. "See you around I guess." She called out. She shook her head at her and leaned on the wall near the door before slamming it closed.
  130. SleeperStatus: -Travis shrugged as libi told him to shut up and then heard the door slam shut-''Wow you sure know how to piss everyone off''-he shook his head before looking at her again-''So what now''
  131. Guest_AlmightyGloUp: i need a lil baby who gone listen
  132. Guest_AlmightyGloUp: where she at tho
  133. Tsaaq: "Does it look like I have a shit?" Libi asked stumbling as she leaned on the wall to guide her way towards the staircase. "Just give me a fucking cigarette." She told Travis, burping and holding her stomach.
  134. ChurchAeki: (Up your ass)
  135. Tsaaq: ((Bruh I know that feel))
  136. SleeperStatus: ((damn i gotta take a shit ill brb))
  137. Tsaaq: ((Gross.))
  138. ChurchAeki: (Umm TMI)
  139. iKamal: [buttholes are for decoration you arent suppose to poop]
  140. SleeperStatus: ((ill be back my cat just knocked over my tv))
  141. ChurchAeki: (<_< You painted your asshole on?)
  142. Tsaaq: ((Ugh wtf >.>))
  143. iKamal: [i did paint my butthole on lol]
  144. ChurchAeki: (Okay I'm going to go eat and stuff, thank you all for the RP. Charles left out after all of it)
  145. Tsaaq: ((Alrightyy, enjoy the foods.))
  146. Tsaaq: ((I'm kinda in rp limbo cause this asshole left.))
  147. ChurchAeki: (lol)
  148. iKamal: [we both are o.o\
  149. Tsaaq: ((Bummer.))
  150. ChurchAeki: O_O)
  151. iKamal: [im waitingfor demi to post ]
  152. ChurchAeki: (Okay wove you guys bye)
  153. Tsaaq: ((See you around!))
  154. Tsaaq: ((Hey Poly.))
  155. Polyblank: ((elluuuu))
  156. iKamal: [XD]
  157. Tsaaq: ((Okay see ya I guess.))
  158. iKamal: [[alright hun ]]
  159. Tsaaq: ((No I mean Poly poofed!))
  160. Tsaaq: ((I was saying bye to him lol.))
  161. iKamal: [oh XD ]]
  162. iKamal: [[well shiiit im waiting for demi to post]
  163. Tsaaq: ((Gahhh. Sleeper isn't back yet D:))
  164. iKamal: [i dont think demi is coming back]
  165. Tsaaq: ((D:))
  166. iKamal: [[imma work on my homeowrk that is due today]
  167. Tsaaq: ((You have homework? It's June.))
  168. iKamal: [im in college o.o online college i always have homework lol]
  169. Tsaaq: ((Ughhhh.))
  170. Tsaaq: ((I was gonna say, college you leave ever earlier lol))
  171. Demiguise: ((I'm sorry, people starting shit in my OOC room))
  172. Tsaaq: ((Oh, that's no bueno.))
  173. iKamal: [[uh oh ]
  174. Demiguise: ((Fucking he's sat here hoping on that google dick and riding it to the answers))
  175. iKamal: [what... o.o]
  176. Tsaaq: ((Wait, huh lol))
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