

Oct 30th, 2015
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  1. "Domestication is the Naturalist theory."
  3. After a long moment of regarding Seimei, Tavi calmly makes a gesture at the wall of the cave to pull out enough of it to provide a shelf for his tea cup--which is still mostly full. His expression has gone in some way remote.
  5. "I understand a love of comparison of systems," he says finally, "Especially where similarities arise. You persist in attempts to fit our furycraft as equivalent to the familiar box of your own.
  7. "Great Furies and lesser discrete furies are not <i>kami</i>. They don't have demands to fulfill or whims to be sated or logic to be reasoned with. They and non-discrete furies do not have intelligences the way you imply your spirits do. Your suggestions, rooted in your religion, would have no effect or, in some cases, the opposite of your intentions--dangerously, even lethally so."
  9. Tavi knows first hand. He's used it.
  11. "Our furycraft is not your religion. I do not appreciate your refusal to accept the differences, nor your persistent suggestions that your practices are the best of all possible paths for my people. I have given you my answer on furycrafting in general and Great Furies in specific out of respect for our friendship and your insight into my situation.
  13. "Which, as I said, is a private family matter between my fiancee and myself alone. I would ask you to return that respect with no further questions or discussion on that subject--with anyone."
  15. For all that his voice is calm, it is resolute. He did not want to be so explicit, and had hoped his gestures away from it--and initial shut-down--would make it clear this was not an open subject.
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