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a guest
Oct 15th, 2018
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  1. Any::URI::Escape
  2. Best
  3. Cache::BaseCache
  4. Cache::FastMmap
  5. Cache::FastMmap::Tie
  6. Cache::Memcached::Fast
  7. Class::Accessor
  8. Class::Factory::Util
  9. Class::Inspector
  10. Class::Load
  11. Class::Load::XS
  12. Class::MOP
  13. Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait
  14. Class::MOP::Deprecated
  15. Class::MOP::MiniTrait
  16. Class::Singleton
  17. Config::Tiny
  18. DBD::Pg
  19. DBI
  20. Data::Dump
  21. Data::OptList
  22. DateTime
  23. DateTime::Format::Builder
  24. DateTime::Format::ISO8601
  25. DateTime::Format::Natural
  26. DateTime::Locale
  27. DateTime::TimeZone
  28. Debug::ShowStuff
  29. Devel::GlobalDestruction
  30. Digest::HMAC
  31. Digest::SHA1
  32. ElasticSearch
  33. ElasticSearch::RequestParser
  34. Error
  35. Eval::Closure
  36. File::Slurp
  37. Geo::Coder::Bing
  38. Geo::Coder::Googlev3
  39. Geo::Coder::Many
  40. Geo::Coder::OSM
  41. Geo::Distance
  42. Geo::Distance::XS
  43. Geo::GeoNames
  44. HTML::Entities
  45. HTTP::Date
  46. HTTP::Headers
  47. JSON
  48. JSON::XS
  49. LWP
  50. List::MoreUtils
  51. List::Util::WeightedRoundRobin
  52. Log::Dispatch
  53. Log::Dispatch::Screen::Color
  54. MIME::Lite
  55. MIME::Type
  56. MRO::Compat
  57. Mail::Address
  58. Mail::SendEasy
  59. Math::Round
  60. Memoize
  61. Module::Implementation
  62. Module::Runtime
  63. Moose::Error::Util
  64. Moose::Meta::Class::Immutable::Trait
  65. Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins
  66. Package::DeprecationManager
  67. Package::Stash
  68. Package::Stash::XS
  69. Params::Util
  70. Params::Validate
  71. Regexp::Common
  72. Socket
  73. String::Util
  74. Sub::Exporter
  75. Sub::Install
  76. Sub::Name
  77. Term::ExtendedColor
  78. Tie::IxHash
  79. Try::Tiny
  80. URI
  81. XML::Parser
  82. XML::Simple
  83. YAML::Syck
  84. YAML::Tiny
  85. boolean
  86. common::sense
  87. version
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