
Evolutionary Timeline

Jun 5th, 2011
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  1. n = 100;
  2. bil = 10^9; years =
  3. Reverse[Map[Reverse,
  4. Table[n ( i - 1) + j, {i, 3.8 n}, {j, n}]*100000]];
  5. cols = Table[ColorData["DarkBands"][i/11], {i, 11}];
  6. (* each point is x years ago *)(* What colour, given y years ago? *)
  7. colouring1[y_] := If[y <= 200000, Red (* humans*),
  8. If[y <= 2.5 * 10^6, Blue(* Homos*),
  9. If[y <= 65*10^6, cols[[3]] (* dinosaurs dead*),
  10. If[y <= 200 *10^6, cols[[4]] (* mammals*),
  11. If[y <= 300*10^6, cols[[5]] (* reptiles*),
  12. If[y <= 550 *10^6, cols[[6]] (* complex animals*),
  13. If[y <= 600*10^6, cols[[7]] (* simple animals *),
  14. If[y <= 10^9, cols[[8]] (* multicellular life *),
  15. If[y <= 2 *10^9, cols[[9]] (* complex cells*),
  16. If[y <= 3*10^9, cols[[10]] (* photosynthesis*),
  17. cols[[11]] (* simple cells*)
  18. ]
  19. ]
  20. ]
  21. ]
  22. ]
  23. ]
  24. ]
  25. ]
  26. ]
  27. ];
  28. colouring[y_] := Module[{c = colouring1[y]}, {c[[1]], c[[2]], c[[3]]}];
  29. image = Map[colouring, years, {2}];
  30. Image[image]
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