
[Story] No Name 1

Aug 6th, 2016 (edited)
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  1. Ahnaf Abdullah - [NO NAME] - Not graded yet, directed by Fariha Rabbani
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. I got up in the middle of the night, I was sweating profusely, trying to block out the sinister shouts and the loud, buzzing sound with my pillow.
  5. "Ahoy there, mates! Action stations!"
  6. "Ayy, Cap'n! Rough seas, rough winds, everything rough!"
  8. "What?--", as I groggily stood up, I saw weird people running around everywhere, as the rain and thunder grew louder and the ground underneath me trembled and waved.
  10. "EARTHQUAKE!!! Everyone hide under a table!" I shouted and ran up the stairs and opened the wheel-door into the ocean.
  11. I stopped running. Another loud clap of thunder issued from the sky, and the rain splattered me like buckets of water. I was on a ship. And this was just a storm.
  13. "Nobhead, off his rocker. Ain't no earthquakes on the sea," I heard someone say faintly.
  14. As I sat down back on my 'bed', it soon dawned on me that I was not at my home, but on a ship in the oceans. What was I doing here in the oceans? I had just went to sleep yesterday at my house in Texas, and my house was nowhere near the coast.
  16. I looked around the room, trying to find clues as to where I was. I found the guys who woke me up. They were busy using pails to drain the water that had come in through the open windows. I barely said a syllable, and they just quietly handed me a pail, saying "Get cracking, mate".
  17. While I was draining the water and carrying the pail with my 'shipmates', I managed to get into a conversation with them.
  19. "How did I get here? I was in Texas, at my home last night!"
  21. '"How did ye get here," you say? Guess ya knocked yerself silly. Never mind, I'll still tell ya.
  22. 'So I was busy mopping them floors, when the skipper shouts, "Man overboard!". So I get myself all cold and wet, (and on a night too!) to save your fainted, pockmarked bum and pick it out of the sea.'
  24. "Oh! Thank you so much, er--..."
  26. "The name's Argus. Nice to meet ya, kid."
  28. "Thank you so much, Argus! I never, uh, remembered!"
  30. "Heh, it's all dandy, you kid. By the way, you should go to the skipper. We have a lot of food, but the skipper still wants to make sure no one overeats here."
  32. "Of course, Where is he?"
  34. "Right over there," and Argus pointed at a far distant corner, which had a small, hinged door.
  36. As I reached the door, I remembered the stereotypical fables of vicious captains who would force prisoners to 'walk the plank': despotic and depraved leaders who would rob seafarers and plunder cargo from ships to gain a miserly profit. I was extremely nervous and was terrorized by thinking what kind of captain I was going to meet. I prayed that I would not meet a tyrannical, crazy captain, and with a small sigh, opened the door.
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