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Jul 13th, 2017
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  1. # Bungee Chat configuration by shawn_ian (v10)
  2. #
  3. # Information about the placeholders can be found here:
  4. #
  5. # You can report bugs or request features here:
  6. #
  7. # You can contact a developer by joining our Discord server:
  8. #
  9. #
  10. # You can change the settings and messages/formats of the plugin in this file.
  11. # Please do not change the 'Version' value, or else the plugin might not work.
  13. Version: 10.0
  15. Settings:
  16. Modules:
  17. #-----------------------#
  18. Alert:
  19. enabled: true
  20. aliases:
  21. - broadcast
  22. - bc
  23. - balert
  24. - bbc
  25. #-----------------------#
  26. AntiAdvertising:
  27. enabled: true
  28. whitelisted:
  29. -
  30. #-----------------------#
  31. AntiDuplication:
  32. enabled: true
  33. checkPastMessages: 5
  34. #-----------------------#
  35. AntiSwear:
  36. enabled: true
  37. freeMatching: false
  38. leetSpeak: false
  39. ignoreSpaces: false
  40. ignoreDuplicateLetters: false
  41. words:
  42. - fuck
  43. - kut
  44. - tyfus
  45. replacement: "****"
  46. #-----------------------#
  47. AutoBroadcast:
  48. enabled: false
  49. random: true
  50. interval: 2
  51. messages:
  52. - "&4-----------------------------------------------------
  53. &6Der Teamspeak ist erreichbar unter &
  54. &6Für eine Schnellverbindung bitte hier klicken:
  55. &5
  56. &4-----------------------------------------------------"
  57. - "Message 2
  58. with newline!"
  59. - "&6Message 3 &lwith &4colors &band &r&0Formats &mtoo!"
  60. #-----------------------#
  61. ChatLock:
  62. enabled: true
  63. emptyLinesOnClear: 20
  64. aliases:
  65. - lockchat
  66. #-----------------------#
  67. ChatLogging:
  68. enabled: true
  69. privateMessages: true
  70. console: true
  71. file: true
  72. logFile: "logs/%year%-%month%-%day%-chat.log"
  73. #-----------------------#
  74. ClearChat:
  75. enabled: true
  76. emptyLines: 20
  77. aliases:
  78. - cc
  79. - chatclear
  80. #-----------------------#
  81. GlobalChat:
  82. enabled: true
  83. passToClientServer: false
  84. aliases:
  85. - g
  86. default: true
  87. symbol:
  88. enabled: false
  89. symbol: "!"
  90. serverList:
  91. enabled: false
  92. list:
  93. - Hub1
  94. - Hub2
  95. - Hub3
  96. #-----------------------#
  97. HelpOp:
  98. enabled: false
  99. aliases:
  100. - ahelp
  101. - helpme
  102. #-----------------------#
  103. Ignoring:
  104. enabled: true
  105. aliases: []
  106. #-----------------------#
  107. JoinMessage:
  108. enabled: true
  109. #-----------------------#
  110. LeaveMessage:
  111. enabled: true
  112. #-----------------------#
  113. LocalChat:
  114. enabled: true
  115. passToClientServer: false
  116. #-----------------------#
  117. Messenger:
  118. enabled: true
  119. filterMessages: false
  120. aliases:
  121. message:
  122. - msg
  123. - tell
  124. - m
  125. - w
  126. - whisper
  127. reply:
  128. - r
  129. msgtoggle:
  130. - mtoggle
  131. #-----------------------#
  132. MOTD:
  133. enabled: true
  134. message:
  135. - "&6Willkommen zurueck auf Trigardon, &c%name%&6!"
  136. #-----------------------#
  137. Muting:
  138. enabled: true
  139. aliases:
  140. mute:
  141. - silence
  142. unmute:
  143. - unsilence
  144. tempmute:
  145. - tempsilence
  146. blockedcommands:
  147. - message
  148. - msg
  149. - whisper
  150. - m
  151. - tell
  152. - t
  153. - w
  154. - global
  155. - g
  156. - reply
  157. - r
  158. ignoreBukkitLocalChat: false
  159. disableWithOtherMutePlugins: true
  160. #-----------------------#
  161. ServerSwitchMessages:
  162. enabled: false
  163. #-----------------------#
  164. Spy:
  165. enabled: true
  166. aliases:
  167. socialspy:
  168. - sspy
  169. localspy:
  170. - lspy
  171. #-----------------------#
  172. StaffChat:
  173. enabled: true
  174. passToClientServer: false
  175. aliases:
  176. - sc
  177. - s
  178. - schat
  179. #-----------------------#
  180. TabCompletion:
  181. enabled: true
  182. #-----------------------#
  183. Vanish:
  184. enabled: true
  185. aliases:
  186. - bhide
  187. #-----------------------#
  188. VersionChecker:
  189. enabled: true
  190. checkOnAdminLogin: true
  191. #-----------------------#
  192. WelcomeMessage:
  193. enabled: true
  194. message:
  195. - "&4Herzlich Willkommen auf, %name%!"
  196. #-----------------------#
  197. PermissionsManager:
  198. defaultPrefix: "&7[Member]"
  199. defaultSuffix: "&r"
  201. Messages:
  202. # Channel Type Messages
  203. enableGlobal: "&eYou are now talking in &bglobal chat&e!"
  204. enableStaffchat: "&eYou are now talking in &astaff chat&e!"
  205. enableLocal: "&eYou are now talking in &clocal chat&e!"
  206. globalIsDefault: "&eGlobal chat is already the default chatmode!"
  207. backToLocal: "&cThe feature linked to the channel you were talking in has been disabled or your permissions have been removed! You are now talking in local chat."
  208. notInGlobalServer: "&cGlobal Chat is not enabled on this server..."
  209. # Messenger Messages
  210. messageYourself: "&cYou can not send a private message to yourself..."
  211. enableMessager: "&eYou have &aenabled&e messaging!"
  212. disableMessager: "&eYou have &cdisabled&e messaging"
  213. noReply: "&cYou have nobody to reply."
  214. replyOffline: "&cThe player you were chatting with is no longer online."
  215. hasMessagerDisabled: "&c%name% has messaging disabled!"
  216. # Vanish Messages
  217. enableVanish: "&eYou have &aenabled&e hide mode!"
  218. disableVanish: "&eYou have &cdisabled&e hide mode!"
  219. # Clear Chat Messages
  220. clearedLocal: "&e%name% has cleared the chat locally."
  221. clearedGlobal: "&e%name% has cleared the chat globally."
  222. # Mute Messages
  223. muted: "&cSorry but you can not talk because you are muted until %muted_until%!"
  224. unmuteNotMuted: "&cThis player is not muted!"
  225. muteIsMuted: "This player is already muted!"
  226. unmute: "&eThe player &c%name% &ehas been unmuted!"
  227. mute: "&eThe player &c%name% &ehas been muted!"
  228. tempmute: "&eThe player &c%name% &ehas been muted until %muted_until%"
  229. # Spy Messages
  230. enableSocialSpy: "&eSocialSpy has been &aenabled&e!"
  231. disableSocialSpy: "&eSocialSpy has been &cdisabled&e!"
  232. enableLocalSpy: "&eLocalSpy has been &aenabled&e!"
  233. disableLocalSpy: "&eLocalSpy has been &cdisabled&e!"
  234. # Error Messages
  235. notPlayer: "&cYou need to be a player to use this command!"
  236. playerNotFound: "&cCould not find that player..."
  237. incorrectUsage: "&cIncorrect usage! Use this command like this: %command%"
  238. noPermission: "&cYou do not have the permissions to perform this action!"
  239. # Ignore Messages
  240. hasIgnored: "&c%target_name% is ignoring you..."
  241. addIgnore: "&eYou have ignored %name%!"
  242. removeIgnore: "&eYou have un-ignored %name%!"
  243. alreadyIgnored: "&eYou have are already ignoring this player!"
  244. ignoreYourself: "&cYou can not ignore yourself!"
  245. unignoreYourself: "&cYou can not unignore yourself!"
  246. notIgnored: "&cYou have not ignored this user!"
  247. ignoreList: "&eOnline users you ignore: &b%message%&e."
  248. ignoreNobody: "&eYou are ignoring &anobody&e that is online!"
  249. # Filter Messages
  250. antiAdvertise: "&cPlease do not advertise!"
  251. antiDuplication: "&cPlease do not spam messages!"
  252. # ChatLock Messages
  253. enableChatlock: "&eChatting has been disabled!"
  254. disableChatlock: "&eChatting has been enabled!"
  255. chatIsLocked: "&cYou may not talk now, the chat has been locked!"
  256. # Prefix/Suffix Messages
  257. prefixRemoved: "&ePrefix of %name% has been removed!"
  258. prefixSet: "&ePrefix of %name% has been set to %prefix%."
  259. suffixRemoved: "&eSuffix of %name% has been removed!"
  260. suffixSet: "&eSuffix of %name% has been set to %suffix%."
  261. # Update available Message
  262. updateAvailable: "&aAn update for Bungee Chat is available! Version &6%message%&a. Download it at: &6"
  264. Formats:
  265. alert: "&4&l[&2&l&nRundruf&4&l]:&r %message%"
  266. socialSpy: "&8[%sender_name% -> %target_name%] &7%message%"
  267. localSpy: "&8[%servername%] %name%: &7%message%"
  268. globalChat: "&8[%sender_servername%] %sender_prefix% &f%sender_displayname%: %message%"
  269. messageSender: "&6[&4Du &6-> &4%target_name%&6] &r%message%"
  270. messageTarget: "&6[&4%sender_name% &6-> &4dir&6] &r%message%"
  271. staffchat: "&c[Teamchat] &f%sender_name%: &r%message%"
  272. localChat: "&9(L) %sender_prefix% &f%sender_name%: %message%"
  273. joinMessage: "&8[&a+&8] &f%name%"
  274. leaveMessage: "&8[&c-&8] &f%name%"
  275. helpOp: "&2HELPOP > &e%name%: &r%message%"
  276. serverSwitch: ""
  277. chatLoggingConsole: "%channel% %servername% %name%: %message%"
  278. chatLoggingFile: "[%time%]: %channel% %servername% %name%(%uuid%): %message%"
  280. AccountDataBase:
  281. enabled: false
  282. ip:
  283. port: 3306
  284. database: BungeeChat
  285. user: User
  286. password: Password
  287. tablePrefix: BungeeChat_
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