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Dec 17th, 2017
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  1. @ECHO OFF
  2. if [%1]==[] GOTO HELP
  4. if /I %1==interfaces GOTO SHOWALL
  6. if /I %1==networks GOTO NETWORKS
  8. if /I %1==drivers GOTO DRIVERS
  10. if /I %1==settings GOTO SETTINGS
  12. if /I %1==menu GOTO MENU
  14. netsh wlan show interfaces %1
  15. GOTO END
  18. netsh wlan show networks interface=%2
  19. GOTO END
  21. :DRIVERS
  22. netsh wlan show drivers interface=%2
  23. GOTO END
  26. netsh wlan show settings
  27. GOTO END
  29. :SHOWALL
  30. netsh wlan show interfaces
  31. GOTO END
  33. :MENU
  34. CLS
  35. ECHO.
  36. ECHO Choose from the following options:
  37. ECHO.
  38. ECHO I = Show all wireless interfaces
  39. ECHO S = Show general wireless settings
  40. ECHO N = Show wireless networks on default interface
  41. ECHO D = Show drivers on default interface
  42. ECHO.
  43. choice /C ISND /M "Make your selection: "
  44. ECHO %errorlevel%
  45. if %errorlevel%==1 NETSH WLAN SHOW INTERFACES
  46. if %errorlevel%==2 NETSH WLAN SHOW SETTINGS
  47. if %errorlevel%==3 NETSH WLAN SHOW NETWORKS
  48. if %errorlevel%==4 NETSH WLAN SHOW DRIVERS
  50. GOTO END
  52. :HELP
  53. ECHO.
  54. ECHO NETSH Speedy Interface Script
  55. ECHO This command provides information about Wi-Fi
  56. ECHO interfaces. The proper use is:
  57. ECHO.
  58. ECHO wifi interface_name
  59. ECHO.
  60. ECHO interface_name should be in quotation marks if
  61. ECHO the name has one or more spaces. For example:
  62. ECHO.
  63. ECHO wifi "Wi-Fi 1"
  64. ECHO.
  65. ECHO When interface names are not known, use the
  66. ECHO modifier interfaces without an interface name.
  67. ECHO.
  68. ECHO Other modifier commands may be used to show other
  69. ECHO information. Such commands should precede the
  70. ECHO interface_name parameter. Only one modifier'
  71. ECHO command may be used at a time.
  72. ECHO.
  73. ECHO Possible modifier commands include:
  74. ECHO.
  75. ECHO networks - show networks
  76. ECHO drivers - show drivers
  77. ECHO settings - show general settings
  78. ECHO menu - use an interactive menu
  79. ECHO.
  80. ECHO For example:
  81. ECHO.
  82. ECHO wifi networks "Wi-Fi 1"
  83. ECHO.
  84. ECHO would show the wireless networks seen by that
  85. ECHO interface.
  86. ECHO.
  87. ECHO Created by Tom Carpenter, 2016
  88. ECHO.
  89. :END
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