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a guest
Jul 14th, 2016
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  1. #Change to MySQL for mysql support#
  2. #Change to SQLite for sqlite support#
  3. Database: SQLite
  4. #MySQL Information#
  5. MySQL:
  6. Database: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft'
  7. User: 'root'
  8. Password: 'root'
  9. Table: 'banlist'
  10. IPTable: 'banlistip'
  11. #SQLite Information#
  12. SQLite:
  13. Filename: 'banlist'
  14. #delete dat on ban#
  15. CleanOnBan: true
  16. #clear warnings on ban#
  17. ClearWarnOnBan: false
  18. #store unbans#
  19. UnbansLog:
  20. Enable: true
  21. LogReason: true
  22. #Max Warnings#
  23. MaxWarning:
  24. Enable: false
  25. Amt: 5
  26. #ban,kick,ipban,perma,tempban,tempipban#
  27. Result: ban
  28. Silent: true
  29. Reason: 'Max Warnings'
  30. #Used with Temporary actions#
  31. Temp:
  32. Amt: 5
  33. #sec,min,hour,day,week,month#
  34. Mode: day
  35. #Default labels#
  36. Label:
  37. Console: 'Server'
  38. Reason: 'Unsure'
  39. Login:
  40. #Check for duplicates on Login#
  41. DupeCheck:
  42. Enable: true
  43. #Check ping on Login#
  44. PingCheck:
  45. Enable: true
  46. MaxPing: 500
  47. #PingBack joining players, and kick if unreachable. //Experimental#
  48. ProxyPingBack:
  49. Enable: false
  50. #How long in milliseconds to Timeout#
  51. Timeout: 10000
  52. #This will set the server to sync the database if multiple servers are in place.#
  53. Sync:
  54. Enabled: false
  55. #Timing is in Long format Example:#
  56. #1 Hour = 60 Seconds * 60 Minutes * 20 ServerTickRatePerSec = 72000L
  57. Timing: 72000L
  58. #Auto Updater#
  59. AutoUpdater:
  60. Enabled: true
  61. Messages:
  62. Ban:
  63. MsgToVictim: '&6Tu est ban du serveur par &c%admin%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  64. MsgToBroadcast: '&6&l[&b&lModération&6&l] &c%victim%&6 a était ban par &c%admin%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  65. Failed: '&4%victim%&c est déja ban.'
  66. Denied: '&cYour ban attempt has been denied!'
  67. Emo: '&cYou cannot ban yourself!'
  68. Login: '&c%admin%&6 Ta ban du serveur pour la raison suivante! Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  69. CheckBan:
  70. Header: '&6Il y a &7%amt%&6 Report pour &c%victim%&6.'
  71. None: '&4%victim%&c n'a jamais était report.'
  72. DupeIP:
  73. Failed: '&cUnable to view ip for &4%victim% &c!'
  74. Header: '&6Scanning Current IP of &c%victim%&6: &7%ip% !'
  75. Completed: '&aScanning Complete!'
  76. Export:
  77. Failed: '&cCould not export ban lists.'
  78. Completed: '&aExported banlists.'
  79. History:
  80. Header: '&6Ultrabans Listing &7%amt%&6 Records.'
  81. Failed: '&cUnable to find any bans.'
  82. Import:
  83. Loading: '&cBe patient. Loading...'
  84. Failed: '&cCould not import ban list.'
  85. Completed: '&aSystem imported the banlist to the database.'
  86. IPBan:
  87. MsgToVictim: '&6Tu est Ban IP par &c%admin%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  88. MsgToBroadcast: '&6&l[&b&lModération&6&l] &c%victim%&6 a était Ban IP par &c%admin%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  89. IPNotFound: '&cIP address not found. &6Processed as a normal ban for &c%victim%&6!'
  90. Failed: '&4%victim%&c Est déja Ban.'
  91. Denied: '&cYour ipban attempt has been denied!'
  92. Emo: '&cYou cannot ipban yourself!'
  93. Login: '&7Tu est Ban IP!'
  94. Kick:
  95. MsgToAll: '&6&l[&b&lModération&6&l] &6Tout les joueurs ont étaient kick par &c%admin%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  96. MsgToVictim: '&6Tu a était kick par &c%admin%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  97. MsgToBroadcast: '&6&l[&b&lModération&6&l] &c%victim%&6 a était kick par &c%admin%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  98. Online: '&4%victim%&c N'est pas en ligne.'
  99. Denied: '&cYour kick has been denied!'
  100. Emo: '&cYou cannot kick yourself!'
  101. PermaBan:
  102. MsgToVictim: '&6Tu a était Ban a vie par &c%admin%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  103. MsgToBroadcast: '&6&l[&b&lModération&6&l] &c%victim%&6 vient d'être Ban a vie par &c%admin%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  104. Failed: '&4%victim%&c est déja Ban.'
  105. Online: '&4%victim%&c must be online.'
  106. Denied: '&cYour permaban has been denied!'
  107. Emo: '&cYou cannot permaban yourself!'
  108. TempBan:
  109. MsgToVictim: '&6Tu a était ban par &c%admin%&6 pendant &7%amt% %mode%s.&6 Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  110. MsgToBroadcast: '&6&l[&b&lModération&6&l] &c%victim%&6 a était Ban par &c%admin%&6 Pendant &7%amt% %mode%s.&6 Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  111. Failed: '&4%victim%&c est déja Ban!'
  112. Denied: '&cYour tempban has been denied!'
  113. Emo: '&cYou cannot tempban yourself!'
  114. Login: '&6Tu est Ban par &c%admin%&6 Pendnat &7%time%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  115. TempIpBan:
  116. MsgToVictim: '&6Tu a était Ban IP par &c%admin%&6 Pendant &7%amt% %mode%s.&6 Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  117. MsgToBroadcast: '&6&l[&b&lModération&6&l] &c%victim%&6 a était Ban IP par &c%admin%&6 Pendant &7%amt% %mode%s.&6 Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  118. Failed: '&4%victim%&c est déja tempban IP!'
  119. Denied: '&cYour tempipban has been denied!'
  120. Emo: '&cYou cannot tempipban yourself!'
  121. IPNotFound: '&cIP address not found.&6 Processed as a normal tempban for &c%victim%&6!'
  122. Unban:
  123. MsgToBroadcast: '&c%victim%&6 a était Débanni par &c%admin%&6!'
  124. PermaBanned: '&cUnable to unban, &c%victim%&c was Permabanned.'
  125. Failed: '&4%victim%&c Est déja Débanni!'
  126. Warn:
  127. MsgToVictim: '&6Tu vient d'être averti par &c%admin%&6 &6ne recommence pas. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  128. MsgToBroadcast: '&6&l[&b&lModération&6&l] &c%victim%&6 a était averti par &c%admin%&6. Raison: &7%reason%&6!'
  129. Denied: '&cYour warning has been denied!'
  130. Emo: '&cYou cannot warn yourself!'
  131. MaxWarn:
  132. MsgToBroadcast: '&7%cmd%&6 performed by Ultrabans on &7%victim%&6. Reason: &7Reached Max Warnings&6!'
  133. Permission: 'You do not have the required permissions.'
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