
Tier Three For The Ansat

Dec 20th, 2019
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  1. Nobunaga Jiezou would slam his foot down charging into Tatsumi, the only person he saw as a rival at this moment. He was going to destroy him, he wanted to knock his mind loopy and make sure he knew what he was going to do with this spar. His Assassin fist hit hard and he wanted him to know he was coming to beat him. No-kill him and he told him what was happening. They had to wait another year to gain his power, but he would do it without the help of that stupid dragon.
  3. "I said MEET ME!"
  5. Jiezou charged in trying to show him how dark his mind had gotten in the time they had not matched fist. The male was ahead of him with those transformations, he was going to get close and avoid what he was doing. His power pushed him forward and he was going to show him that everything in front of him was just walled he was going to leap. His fist felt pushed to get stronger than the male. His spirit would overcome these transformations.
  7. Nobunaga Jiezou slammed his foot down cracking the ice under him even if it was thick he was going to try and smash into his rival. He wanted to meet him with his power and not match him but push him into using his power. Tatsumi was his rival and he wanted badly for him to know that he felt that he was the greatest rival he had. "MEET ME!" He charged in to knock around Tatsumi.
  9. Tatsumi Lionheart sighed as he figured the Oni would not understand as he began to keep track of the amount of time before he was even remotely close to healing his internal injuries that One For All caused. He put his arms up in an X. Trying to explain his power too him seemed to not have done much for his case. He was reduced to crippling levels. At this point, he knew one shot was all it was going to take to knock the fragile body down.
  11. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: Goddamnit! I don't want to train! Not today! I haven't even healed from fighting that monster Saiyan.
  12. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: If I don't die from this.
  14. Nobunaga Jiezou would charge in punching him making the snow fly up around him while he was trying to make him go full power. He pushed him back with the grass under the snow show. Jiezou would turn to kick him in the side to knock him away chasing him while he was flying to put more damage in. He did not say anything to him Jiezou was going to pull all of the strength out of him not allowing for him to rest one moment.
  16. Tatsumi Lionheart knew his body could not exactly handle too much pressure yet, so he played it smart as he could. Even now trying to use small bursts of One For All in his weakened state. A bolt of lightning would surround him as he entered Full Cowling for a mili second giving him a chance to move past his opponent's punch. Tatsumi wasn't fast enough to use the burst as quickly as he now aimed a weak punch into Jiezou.
  18. Tatsumi Lionheart yells: TEXAS SMASH!
  19. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: Crap! I couldn't hit him with full force!
  20. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: Seven minutes to go!
  22. *Nobunaga Jiezou would continue to move towards him as the male smashed him in the side. He was going to continue moving him backward knowing that Tatsumi was lying about his power. Jiezou was going to continue punching until he was showing his full power. The punch he threw Jiezou thought the male would come and show his full power but he did not even hit him hard enough.
  24. "Tch! I said use your power stop holding back.!"
  26. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: There we are! That should be enough!
  27. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: Here we go!
  29. Tatsumi Lionheart || The Timer would go off in Tatsumi's ears as he would suddenly stop his movement altogether. His power had suddenly returned in full bulk. He hadn't transformed yet, but now he began to distribute the power of Full Cowling throughout his body. He'd then aim a sweeping kick that would carry more of an impact before if it connects he'd follow up with an Upper-Cutt that would contain a hurricane-like force behind it.
  33. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: Let's see if that might have woke him up.
  34. Tatsumi Lionheart thinks: Let's see if that rocks him from the force.
  36. Nobunaga Jiezou || The smashing force of the Oni was getting better but he did not say anything as he was stronger than he had been in the time before. He was growing faster than even Tatsumi could have expected from him. He was pushing him, but the male bulked up and the lightning came back, not for a split second but enough for him to be worried. The Oni's skin flared up as the blood below created the red lines under his skin labeling out his veins. He was going to fight until he was stunned by a kick then smashed with an uppercut.
  38. Tatsumi Lionheart || Keeping up with Nobunaga in his High Tension form gave him the upper advantage in power, but again this was not his natural strength but a culmination of the power that stockpiled from the users of the Quirk before him. Without it, he wasn't nearly as menacing as he was made out to be.
  40. He kept an eye on Nobunaga because he had been so intent on training with him and it was now becoming beneficial for Tatsumi as well as he learned to distribute the power of One For All as well.
  42. Nobunaga Jiezou would jump up and look down at his hand preparing to go again but he worried that the timer the chump had would limit him. He pushed his body too as blood was leaking from his head and his clothes were ragged. The two of them had been at it for hours and his body could go no more. Nobunaga flew into him and just returned him back home. "My understanding grows."
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