
PlayZone Nights - P1

Jul 22nd, 2012
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  1. BattlezonePonie
  2. (all units within NSA/CCA are of Activision
  3. Characters, premise, and thought idea are all property of <M> SilverCreep
  4. Pony is Lauren Faust
  5. Anon is us all
  7. NSAnon
  9. The CCA have been deploying forces all over the moon and for the past three days the whole NSA had been on high alert. Didn't matter when the attack came, it mattered when.
  11. You are NSAnon
  12. A captain in charge of moon base site 4x, one of the smaller observation bases bear the north point of the moon.
  13. You Re Grizzly 1
  14. You pilot a Hover Tank
  15. You command wingman of a Razor scout and Bobcat light-tank.
  16. "Grizzly one, come in."
  17. You tap the com bead on you space helm, easing back inti your seat.
  18. "This is G1, go ahead."
  19. "Grizzly one, sky-eye, our recon satNavs, has detected an anomaly 30 clicks from moon base 4x. We're unable to gather more intel, but the sensors picked up a strange light effect. We want you and your wingmen to investigate. Units from Eagles Nest will make way to cover Base 4x, so get yourself in order."
  20. "10-4"
  21. You close the com as you obsee the HUD in your tank.
  22. Along the upper right is a list of active units, offensive and defensive as well as factory and build functions-shaded out as they were above your rank.
  23. To your lower right is the radar map, blipping steadily as it sensed your surroundings.
  24. To the borttom right was your health and ammo count and weapon status: AT Cannon, mini-gun and mortar ready to go.
  25. "Razor 2, Bobcat 1, get on my six, marching orders."
  26. "Whao, follow the leader. Sounds fun."
  27. "Right behind you."
  28. Two confirmation lights blipped as you watched the two vehicles form up with you.
  29. "Move out."
  31. --
  33. Outpost 4x was located on a lip to a long platue slightly below it, just beyond was the great rift, dark side of the moon.
  34. As you soar off the lip, you gun the engines as thrusters and hover jets keep you aloft and nimble.
  35. Razor 2 and Bobcat 1 follow suit, both being lighter made it easy to keep pace.
  36. Razor 2 was a scout craft, like an F-16 with wings further down the body and a large engine cowling on the back. Each sway to the left and right had those wings rotate thrusters to keep steady.
  37. Bobcat 1 was a light tank, smaller than yours, the design was similar aside from the hull being a spaced design and a single massive cannon/missile hard point.
  38. You form a delta formation, Razor to your left, bobcat to your right.
  39. Going across that expanse
  40. Silence
  41. The Nav beacon at the rift
  42. Camera eyes watching as you halt at the edge.
  43. "Commands got something beyond this rift." you say as Razor 2 and Bobcat 1 group up.
  44. "Something on the dark-side?" the pilot of razor 2, a female, asked back
  45. "Yeah, fancy light show of sorts, command wants it id as something from the Soviets or something else."
  46. "Something else?" inquired Bobcat, a male on the coms.
  47. "yeah, aliens maybe."
  48. Laughter in the coms
  49. You smirk
  50. "alright, serious time people, lets go."
  52. --
  54. You pass the threshold
  55. Temperatures drop like a rock as the vehicle registers the extreme cold, reaching -100 plus.
  56. You see your suit register too
  57. Damn thats cold
  58. "Better stay buttoned up."
  59. Bobcat 1 suggests
  60. "that or freeze your arse off."
  61. More laughter as white lights blaze from each vehicles headlamps, shining through the deep dark.
  62. The plateau eventually dips into a steady decline, getting rougher.
  63. The terrain begins to get mountainy
  64. Massive craters are all over as your hover vehicles move unhindered at high speed.
  65. 80km/hr at best.
  66. You drive on.
  68. --
  69. 20 clicks covered.
  70. Still 10 clicks to go.
  71. Your vehicle lurches as it suddenly drops.
  72. "Shit!" you feel slight limbo as you find yourself falling down a massive edge of a crater.
  73. "watch the unstable terrain. Use your jump jets" you call into the coms as you grip the stick and pull the jump jet lever.
  74. Rockets erupt from beneath you as your decent slows.
  75. You rotAte a 180 so you can see Razor 2 and Bobcat 1 following suit.
  76. You all land softly, coming to a halt at the edge of the crater bottom.
  77. Razor 2: scans are clean so far, this things huge.
  78. "Confirmed, can we radio Command?"
  79. Bobcat 1: Negative, no signal here.
  80. You curse.
  81. "Alright, fuck it, lets keep going. Safeties off people but hold your fire."
  82. Confirmation lights as a sound like a magnet releasing its hold echo in your cabin.
  83. On the HUD you see your weapon systems flash green as they come online.
  84. You turn back around.
  85. To the center.
  87. You start to see a massive fissure ahead, a pale blue light radiating from inside as you pull to a halt just before it.
  88. Bobcat 1: What the
  89. Razor 2: its certainly pretty
  90. "We got to see if this goes anywhere..."
  91. You tap a button, hearing a thunk as you deploy a Nav becon at the fissure. Its too narrow to move inside via tank, but its light certainly is alluring.
  92. You pause, easing out of the craft as the others stand guard.
  93. Razor 2: be careful in there.
  94. You grab your plasma rifle, easing it out of your tank and walk over to the fissure.
  95. It almost looks like...
  96. A stairway...
  97. Downward?
  98. Creepy.
  99. Pointing your gun forward, you gently "jump" from step to step before taking a steady walk downward.
  100. The light gets brighter
  101. You cone to a door
  102. Made of wood
  103. The fuck?
  104. It looks like it was removed from a castle, the sheer size of them gave it away.
  105. Ornamentation of what looks like horses all along the edges of it depicting a story
  106. Your no archeologist but it certainly is cool.
  107. You run your heavy gloved hand across it
  108. Its...warm.
  109. You pull back
  110. "Razor 2, Bobcat 1, this is crazy shit here. I found a wooden door and its warm."
  111. Razor 2: come again?
  112. "There is a warm wooden door down here, massive in size and is warm... The light seems to be radiating from behind it."
  113. Boncat 1: can you open it?
  114. "you pause.
  115. "I don't see a lock..."
  116. You pull a metal plate from your wrist guard and slide it between the crack.
  117. Slide it up and down.
  118. Just a strike
  119. No lock.
  120. "thats fucked."
  121. Razor 2: well?
  122. "its unlocked"
  123. Bobcat 1: really? Should we open it?
  124. "We'd have to confirm with command... Razor 2: head back towards outpost 4x and radio command asap."
  125. Razor 2: yessir!
  126. Bobcat 1 im coming back out, we're going to-"
  127. Bobcat 1: sir, enemy cotacts! I got three bogies moving towards us from the opposit side."
  128. Shit, probably a recon element.
  129. You grab your gun tight and haul ass back to the surface.
  130. Yiur tank is still waiting as you get in quickly, turning 180 to stare towards the red blips
  131. Targets identifed as an image of a rather radical looking strike craft appear.
  132. It was a CCA fighter, Flankers, similar to Razor as a scout, but this one was a wider thing with massive wings that swept along its length from pauldrons at the front.
  133. Three of them.
  134. Shit
  135. "Bobcat 1, cut lights and flank them to the east."
  136. Bobcat 1: Roger that.
  137. Lights go dark as the light tank strafes off, leaving you at the gate.
  138. "C'mon..." you mutter
  139. Gun lowers, AT loaded.
  140. The first fighter comes into view.
  141. First round fires.
  142. It hits.
  143. Target display shows a chunk of health removed from the impact as the craft sways with the strike.
  144. Second round out
  145. Same target
  146. Dead on
  147. Yellow health for that thing.
  148. Tracers suddenly ripple around you.
  149. Third shot
  150. First enemy craft destroyed.
  151. The other two split.
  152. Pincer flank
  153. You jet forward through them.
  154. 180
  155. Switch to Miniguns
  156. Fire.
  157. You watch as rounds rip inti the canopy of the second fight.
  158. Tearing it apart
  159. Glass
  160. And blood.
  161. The fighter skids to a stop, losing all power
  162. The third begins to withdraw, pulling back slowly
  163. Clink
  164. A tag hits it.
  165. A barrage of missiles strike it, followed by cannon fire from Bobcat 1.
  166. Bobcat 1: target neutralized.
  167. "Good job."
  168. Radar blip
  169. Red tangos
  170. Two of them
  171. "we're not out of this yet."
  172. Bobcat 1: I got em, Czar tanks.
  173. You hated those things
  174. Russian battle tanks - tough sobs.
  175. Czars were just as tough as your Grizzly.
  176. Maybe more.
  177. You click your targeting system, lining up the closest Czar.
  178. Its bearing down on you.
  179. Rounds explode from that gun
  180. Whizzing by
  181. Wild shots
  182. You line up a shot
  183. Round fired
  184. Hit
  185. Quarter health gone
  186. Tougher
  187. "Bobcat 1, get away and try and bring one to chase you."
  188. Bobcat 1: roger that, good luck.
  189. It veers off
  190. The second Czar gives chase.
  191. That left one on one
  192. The Czar fired faster
  193. Rounds began impacting.
  194. You feel them
  195. You began to strafe, keeping locked on the bogey as you fire
  196. Rounds hit, not enough damage.
  197. You toggle your weapons, letting the mini guns take priority as you start firing.
  198. You click a handle
  199. Cannon links to Mini-gun
  200. They both fire.
  201. Damage pecks away at the Czar as you circle it
  202. Pounding harder and harder
  203. You see the tank fumble, smash into the ground and exploded.
  204. You grin, turning into the other Czar that was beating on Bobcat 1.
  205. You turn to see the loght tank speeding around, white smoke trailing it as you floor it right at the Czar.
  206. Ramming right into it.
  207. You pound the tank off its center as it wobbles off
  208. The linked fire of AT and minigun rip into it.
  209. You see the whole side of it deteriorated as you see it explode.
  210. Bobcat 1: Thanks for the save sir.
  211. "No problem, holding up?"
  212. Bobcat 1: bit beat up, but i still function.
  213. You check the light tank
  214. He's close to yellow.
  215. "Anything else."
  216. More radar blips
  217. Bobcat 1: shit... Im reading 5 tangos, 3 Czars, 2 Flankers.
  218. "Thats a lot of bogies..."
  219. Bobcat 1: we cant handle that many.
  220. "We have to try."
  221. --
  222. You ready yourself as you and BC1 sit side by side, waiting for the inevitable as you lock in the first Flanker...
  223. A missile flies by from behind.
  224. explodes
  225. Razor 2: yeeeHAW!
  226. You got several green blips coming in from behind.
  227. 2 Grizzlies, 2 Bobcats, and a Rocket Tank.
  228. Razor 2 leading them.
  229. The attacking force of the CCA seems to hesitate, but seeing a newly reinforced point was enough for them to back off.
  230. Razor 2: did we make the party?
  231. "Yeah, and showed the right stuff."
  232. "Grizzly 1, good job. Sky-Eye has been sent to your location. Positive ID confirmed you have the site, we're quiet surprised: we don't know what that is. Stand-by while we consult our position."
  234. <Mission Accomplished>
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