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Trap Book Fix Command

a guest
May 30th, 2015
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  1. /execute @e[score_item_min=13,score_item=13] ~ ~ ~ /execute @e[score_item_min=14,score_item=14,r=1] ~ ~ ~ /summon Item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:written_book,Count:1,tag:{title:"Deadly Military Traps: Volume 1",author:"Tech Manager Humphrey Williamson",generation:3,pages:["{text:\"Survival using Mechanics\n\n\",color:black,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"If you are reading this, you might have an interest in machinery, killing, or surviving in some kind of war or wilderness front. I am here to help you. You will survive using my machines. But you will need tenacity and vigor!\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}","{text:\"Glossary\n\n\",color:black,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"- Proximity Mine\n\n\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\"3\"}},{text:\"- Spike Plate\n\n\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\"5\"}},{text:\"- Robotic Car\n\n\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\"7\"}},{text:\"- Tesla Tower\n\n\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\"9\"}},{text:\"- End Notes\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false,clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\"12\"}}]}","{text:\"Proximity Mine\n\n\",color:dark_red,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"Right to it! You will need to place a standard piece of TNT, and a standard lever, and compressing the TNT into said lever on the ground. It's easier than it sounds. Once you have this mine, you can plant it wherever you want.\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}","{text:\"Proximity Mine\n\n\",color:dark_red,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"It takes some time to plant. Once planted, the mine will take about 5 seconds to set up a perimeter to scan for moving objects. You should leave the area as soon as possible, and anything nearby it will set it off, including you.\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}","{text:\"Spike Plate\n\n\",color:dark_gray,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"To get a spike plate. You must combine a piston and the barbs of a cactus in order to combine their properties. You will get a dangerous weapon. You must drop it on the ground where you want it to be, and step back.\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}","{text:\"Spike Plate\n\n\",color:dark_gray,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"This trap will pop out of the ground at a simple interval of time, with these you can set up elaborate designs of spike fields your enemies can never cross. You can, however, pick them up rather easily. Let's hope they don't find out.\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}","{text:\"Robotic Car\n\n\",color:dark_blue,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"This machine demands the use of a Dispenser as the body, and a Comparator as the AI. Combine them. This little machine must be dropped to activate. You can simply grab the little car and it will deactivate.\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}","{text:\"Robotic Car\n\n\",color:dark_blue,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"Unfortunately these parts aren't advanced enough to be programmable, so it can't distinguish friend from foe, and only attacks humans. So you want to leave it in a solitary trap room for looters.\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}","{text:\"Tesla Tower\n\n\",color:dark_aqua,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"Perhaps the most dangerous contraption, and most effective against humans. You combine the raw energy of a beacon with the conductive properties of the carbon in diamonds, and you get a powerful device of mass electric capacity.\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}","{text:\"Tesla Tower\n\n\",color:dark_aqua,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"Simply drop it on the ground, and stand back. A tower will be created, harnessing a bolt of lightning. Up close, it will electrocute any living creature nearby. And from a distance will create an electrical current that travels to any humans\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}","{text:\"Tesla Tower\n\n\",color:dark_aqua,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"within 15 meters.\n This tower will create infinite energy to use as a weapon, so it will never need to recharge. But if you wish to deactivate it, simply remove the base from the floor that creates the flow of energy. Some debri may appear.\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}","{text:\"End Notes\n\n\",color:black,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\"This is but the first volume in a long series of books. I wish to create more traps, perhaps weapons. I hope you survive long enough to read the next volumes.\n\n By: Professor Humphrey Williamson\",color:black,bold:false,underlined:false}]}"]}}}
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