
Anime Night Log 5/15/16

May 15th, 2016
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  1. StreamerDoggo * The coffee is old and cold, probably brewed yesterday. Are you really gonna drink it?
  2. undauntedgunner: This thingy. It's a machine, but also an arm.
  3. ialwayswatch: *...what?
  4. undauntedgunner: Like, uh, Mettaton, but just an arm.
  5. ialwayswatch: *Never mind people are raiding the food place and I want food
  6. RiverPerson: ((oh. this brings to mind something on one of joe's blogs. metal references errywhere))
  7. undauntedgunner: Welp.
  8. iggi doesn't give two shits. He does what he wants.
  9. ialwayswatch Wulfric gets up and walks over to the kitchen, searching for food.
  10. ialwayswatch: *Is there anything here?
  11. AskDogi The Dogi are here!
  12. Coldsoul: * (She silently waits for Wander. He'll probably come anytime soon.)
  13. AskDogi *They brought their axes and they're in their robes, like usual.. It only takes a few moments for them to move to the couch and put their axes on the floor.
  14. StreamerDoggo 's kitchen would tell you that theres just random assorted snacks in the pantry...But it can't, its just a kitchen.
  15. AskDogi: (Hey, everyone!)
  16. Coldsoul: * (Winter hears the Dogi and jolts up, turning her head to wave at them. She's content.) H-hi!
  17. RiverPerson: ((quietly attempts to summon wander))
  18. AskDogi *Ressa and Amy wave back at Winter.
  19. fredas waves towards the Dogi, petting the small dog next to them.
  20. AskDogi: Hi again, Winter!
  21. AskDogi: heheheh!
  22. fxllenruler: ((succ
  23. AskDogi *Ressa waves back at Fredas.
  24. AskDogi: ((succ is dead))
  25. AskDogi: ((no succ))
  26. fxllenruler: ((mtoher why
  27. wanderandward: ((*waves*00
  28. StreamerDoggo slides down the stair rail like a COOL DOG
  29. fxllenruler: ((!! heyo!
  30. AskDogi: !!!
  31. AskDogi: (!!!!!)
  32. RiverPerson: Woh!
  33. AskDogi *The dogi just both start CLAPPING.
  34. StreamerDoggo * ...Before faceplanting at the end. Whoops.
  35. Coldsoul: * (She giggles a little, kicking her feet more. She notices Doggo, smiling a little.) C-cool...! Ehehehe!
  36. iggi sniffs. Three dog. He glances at Doggo, snickering.
  37. wanderandward strolls in and takes a seat.
  38. StreamerDoggo: * Im fine!
  39. ialwayswatch Wulfric walks out with a bag of pretsals, it's hard with one arm.
  40. AskDogi *Ressa holds back her giggles, but Amy has a bit of a harder time.
  41. AskDogi: (That was awesome, Doggo!!)
  42. ialwayswatch: "Oh hey Wulfric what's up?" 'Oh nothing much, I just lost an arm is all'
  43. RiverPerson: Nailed the landing there.
  44. ialwayswatch: *...why is no one noticing? Honestly
  45. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks at Wander, waving to him.) Hi W-Wander, ehehehehehe!
  46. RiverPerson puts another gold into the jar.
  47. StreamerDoggo: * Oh, shut up
  48. fredas: * I'm a reptile and nobody cares.
  49. fredas: * Chill, as the youngsters call it..
  50. ialwayswatch: .me Wulfric sits next to Fredas, eating the pretsals
  51. AskDogi: (Oh... Hey, need a hand, Wulfric~?)
  52. wanderandward: *Waves back* -Erm...hey there?-
  53. StreamerDoggo gets up off the ground in a much less cool manner.
  54. AskDogi: (Eheheheh..)
  55. iggi puts their head in the coffee, licking it.
  56. iggi: [[ INTRO!!
  57. undauntedgunner: (( my jam.......
  58. fxllenruler: A rift opened where the others are. Why.
  59. iggi barks!!
  60. RiverPerson: Ha, this is new.
  61. wanderandward: -Huh another dog. Hey there.-
  62. Coldsoul: * (She tilts her head, looking at Wander and her smile faltering.) ... w-what?
  63. StreamerDoggo: ((Oh yes, remember, the codeword for extreme graphic content is "Rero"
  64. image:
  66. )
  67. undauntedgunner: This is so cool...
  68. iggi: * Yo.
  69. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa bark back!
  70. fxllenruler: fucko #2 is here.
  71. StreamerDoggo: ((If you have a problem with things like blood and gore, please keep an eye out for the codeword.))
  72. wanderandward: -Do I know you, kid?-
  73. fxllenruler: ((::>
  74. undauntedgunner: (( is it desynched for anyone else?
  75. fxllenruler: ((?
  76. StreamerDoggo: ((So who are you, fxllen?))
  77. iggi: [[f or me yes ]]
  78. Coldsoul: * (Her face goes blank, just staring at Wander. Is something wrong??? Is he sick???) Y-yeah, the last time I c-checked?
  79. ialwayswatch: ""
  80. AskDogi *Ressa visibly tenses. What the hell, did Wander say what she just thought he did...?
  81. undauntedgunner: (( like the video isn't synced with the audio
  82. iggi perks up at his stand's name.
  83. AskDogi: (Dogaressa.)
  84. fxllenruler: ((me?
  85. StreamerDoggo: ((Hmm, looks like some frames dropped at some point. Maybe that has something to do with it))
  86. RiverPerson: ((oh i thought the desync was my headphones))
  87. ialwayswatch: "...I wish to apologize. about the entire...woman can't do that thing.."
  88. StreamerDoggo: ((Yes, you, who are you?))
  89. fxllenruler: ((fxllen-ruler
  90. AskDogi *Visible surprise registers on Ressa's face.
  91. StreamerDoggo: ((Let me just reset the stream right quick))
  92. AskDogi *Not quite what she expected.
  93. ialwayswatch: "Mainly because of...well."
  94. undauntedgunner: (( ima refresh too
  95. wanderandward: -Um, sorry. Dont recall.-
  96. ialwayswatch Wiggles his stump arm
  97. StreamerDoggo: ((There, that do it?))
  98. muffetbae sits on her web
  99. AskDogi: (....)
  100. undauntedgunner: (( still a bit off on my side
  101. AskDogi: (...You're forgiven.)
  102. fredas: * Good job, Wulfie.
  103. AskDogi: (But, karma can really be a bitch sometimes, huh?)
  104. ialwayswatch: "...alright..."
  105. undauntedgunner: (( ah well whatever
  106. ialwayswatch: "Maybe"
  107. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks back, scooting away from Wander. She needs time to comprehend.) ... o-okay.
  108. StreamerDoggo: ((Is it extreme or just like, by a half second))
  109. fxllenruler: ((ehoshh
  110. iggi: * OH HEY! IT'S ME!
  111. ialwayswatch: "...wait whats going on"
  112. StreamerDoggo: * DOG!
  113. ialwayswatch: "AHHHH"
  114. fxllenruler: ((its just a message for me
  115. AskDogi: (Wander.)
  116. muffetbae: *Oh my..
  117. AskDogi: (Do you know who I am?)
  118. QTori: (( this is iggy))
  119. fredas: * Look at that dog, wow.
  120. wanderandward: -Yes, 'Ressa?-
  121. QTori: (( im crying i hate this))
  122. AskDogi: (...okay, good.)
  123. muffetbae stares at the god..
  124. wanderandward: -Of course.-
  125. iggi: * PFF.
  126. fxllenruler: ((
  127. StreamerDoggo: ((If its "Servers at capacity", then just keep refreshign till it stops))
  128. undauntedgunner: (( it isnt too extreme nah
  129. Dogga has shown up for the first time in a while.
  130. AskDogi *Dogamy waves to Muffet.
  131. ialwayswatch: "What a funny dog"
  132. fxllenruler: ((oak
  133. AskDogi: Hey, muffet!
  134. Dogga: *"...Is that another dog?"
  135. muffetbae: *Hello, deary~
  136. AskDogi *And Ressa waves to Dogga.
  137. ialwayswatch: "Oh..."
  138. AskDogi: (Hey, Dogga~)
  139. iggi barks at the screen.
  140. undauntedgunner: (( it aint video capacity its just desynch
  141. AskDogi: Also, what the hell..?
  142. StreamerDoggo: * Yes thats a saND DOG?!?
  143. undauntedgunner: Woah...
  145. muffetbae Later he just.. looks anime
  146. Dogga: *"I'm so confused. Who is that ugly dog."
  147. iggi tru
  148. QTori: ((dogs can be stand users CONFIRMED ))
  149. Dogga: *"What did I miss?"
  150. Dogga: ((WELL DUH))
  151. iggi: * Ugly? Excuse me.
  152. fxllenruler: (([yells at vaughn]
  153. AskDogi: (Not much, just the very beginning of the episode.)
  154. Dogga: ((How else would we be jojos))
  155. Dogga: *"Hmm?"
  156. StreamerDoggo: ((An ape was a stand user, remember??))
  157. Dogga: *"Oh. You're that ugly dog on the screen."
  158. wanderandward: -Kid, is somethin wrong? Not scared of me, I hope.-
  159. RiverPerson shrugs.
  160. fxllenruler: ((there we g
  161. RiverPerson: I like him.
  162. iggi looks mildly offended.
  164. undauntedgunner: (( he didnt die thats all
  165. fxllenruler: bitchtits is back
  166. StreamerDoggo: ((Oh, he never died, just got injured))
  167. Dogga: ((. . .))
  168. undauntedgunner: (( the bullet just grazed him and everyone but pol knew
  169. muffetbae look at the little dog then looks at the screen
  170. Dogga: ((For fucks sake.))
  171. fxllenruler: and Cunthole Mc Vagtits isn't here.
  172. muffetbae: *..I think he's cute.. in a way.
  173. StreamerDoggo: ((Nobody told Polnereff))
  174. fxllenruler: nice.
  175. Dogga: ((REALLY))
  176. AskDogi: (....yeah.)
  177. Dogga: ((incredible.))
  178. iggi: [[ pol pol was :^(((
  179. Dogga: ((so that genie, was it the stand of avdad?))
  180. Coldsoul: * (Winter kinda curls up in her spot, mainly because she is having trouble registering this.) ... n-not scared.
  181. StreamerDoggo: ((SFW chat, fxllen))
  182. fxllenruler: ((sorry
  183. StreamerDoggo: ((No, that was an enemy stand))
  184. ialwayswatch: " Fredas...what's it like being a monster scum?"
  185. undauntedgunner: (( Polnareff was like TA-DAAAA! When showing Avdol to everyone
  186. fxllenruler: ((you can call me Noise btw
  187. muffetbae that picture tho
  188. undauntedgunner: (( and everyone was like "Yea cool lets go"
  189. wanderandward: -Alright, if you say so.-
  190. Dogga: ((Oh.))
  192. fredas: * ... Not exactly horrible as I'd imagine.
  193. RiverPerson: This is the best charater party.
  194. AskDogi *The Dogi are reclining on the couch, nobody between them.. Ressa looks around, scanning for a good dogi-sandwich-snuggler.
  195. Dogga: *"If only she could control the stand though."
  196. Dogga: *"That'd be really cool."
  197. iggi scratches his ear, looking at Muffet.
  198. iggi: * Thanks.
  199. ialwayswatch: "...realy?"
  200. StreamerDoggo is, of course, always available for snuggles
  201. muffetbae is as well
  202. fredas: * Yes. It's different, but, different doesn't always mean terrible.
  203. wanderandward: -Hey, Ressa, why'd you ask?-
  204. Coldsoul: * (Winter actually looks kinda sad now that Wander forgot, looking away in a bit of shock.) ... mnn.
  205. Dogga: ((Yeah it's desynced.))
  206. fxllenruler: ((im not gonna rp as Sacron tho
  207. undauntedgunner: (( aight rad so it aint just me
  208. AskDogi: (You...seem to have forgotten someone very important to all of us, for some reason.)
  209. ialwayswatch: "..hmmm"
  210. RiverPerson: So if I might ask. What will going after this Dio guy do to help the sick woman?
  211. ialwayswatch: "I guess that makes sense"
  212. StreamerDoggo: ((Already tried resetting the stream to fix it, it might be Vaughn's side))
  213. Dogga: ((ah))
  214. StreamerDoggo: * Oh uh
  215. muffetbae nods to Iggy
  216. fxllenruler: "....."
  217. StreamerDoggo: * Punching Dio dead will destroy the stand affecting the lady
  218. AskDogi: (Winter, the small girl right there, has been like a little sister to you and perhaps a pup to us for the past... I don't even know how long, and it seems something's happened.)
  219. Dogga: *"Can I punch him?"
  220. RiverPerson: Ah, makes sense.
  221. StreamerDoggo: * Only if I can punch him too
  222. Dogga: *"I wanna punch Dio."
  223. fxllenruler: "dio??"
  224. undauntedgunner: Who doesn't?
  225. AskDogi: (I want to, too!!)
  226. iggi: * Dio. Ugh.
  227. StreamerDoggo: * Im still not over him getting a dog burned alive
  228. AskDogi: Hey, Muffet, Doggo, wanna be part of a Dogi snugglepile~?
  229. Dogga: *"Oh."
  230. undauntedgunner: Though... I'd probably shoot Dio, not punch him.
  231. Dogga: *"Sniped."
  232. AskDogi: You on my lap and Doggo between me an' Ressa?
  233. StreamerDoggo: * Shoot...A fist at him???
  234. Dogga: ((oKAY SO...))
  235. muffetbae: *I'd love to, deary.~
  237. fxllenruler: ((?
  239. undauntedgunner: No, shoot a bullet.
  240. Coldsoul: * (She just watches, only replying with a quiet "yeah" for Ressa's comment.)
  241. iggi hops off the couch and uses the Fool's paw as a chair.
  242. fxllenruler: ((im the dog
  243. iggi: * Ahahaha, I deserved it.
  244. undauntedgunner: Though I DO have a rocket punch feature on my arm...
  245. StreamerDoggo: * Alright, sure, Amy
  246. Dogga: ((Iggymaru))
  247. Dogga: ((Josukehiko))
  248. wanderandward: -Dunno what to say. This is the first time ive seen th kid.-
  249. fallenfamily: (are you guys having slight desync?)
  250. StreamerDoggo heads over to sit between the Dogi.
  251. AskDogi *Amy quietly walks over to stroke muffet's cheek and give her a kiss there..before moving to pick her up, princess-style.
  252. ialwayswatch: "Dio sounds like a but of a loser...but he's very determined.
  253. undauntedgunner: (( yep, ff
  254. ialwayswatch: "I respect that"
  255. fxllenruler: ((yeah
  256. fredas: * Dio's quite handsome though.
  257. StreamerDoggo: ((Yes, I haven't figured out why its doing that))
  258. muffetbae smiles before beign carried off like a princess.
  259. StreamerDoggo: ((Already tried a restart))
  260. ialwayswatch: "...what are you gay?"
  261. Dogga: ((Doggo, remember how it was doing this before?))
  262. fredas: * Maybe.
  263. fallenfamily: (aight, nbd.)
  264. Dogga: ((When i streamed for oncemun))
  265. ialwayswatch: "...I see"
  266. RiverPerson: ...Weird.
  267. StreamerDoggo: ((No?))
  268. fxllenruler: ((hey doggo
  269. Dogga: ((err... i think oncemun))
  270. Dogga: ((maybe))
  271. fxllenruler: ((have you tried useing
  272. AskDogi *Amy sits down and squishes up next to Doggo again, lowering Muffet onto his lap before kissing her on the neck.
  273. undauntedgunner: (( it happened during that notre dam stream too right?
  274. Dogga: ((anyway i had to like, change the bitrate or something))
  275. undauntedgunner: (( i forgot how to spell it but whatever
  276. StreamerDoggo: ((Person limit))
  277. StreamerDoggo: RERO
  278. AskDogi: (!!!)
  279. Dogga: ((GOTCHA))
  280. ialwayswatch: *OHH
  281. Dogga: ((ty for the pause doggo))
  282. fxllenruler: ".... . .. .. . ."
  283. iggi: * THIS ASSHOLE.
  284. RiverPerson: OH.
  285. AskDogi: WHAT THE HELL??
  286. undauntedgunner: A water stand...
  287. swapsans: HOLY FLAP
  288. wanderandward: -shit, brutal...-
  289. iggi chugs down some coffee, glaring.
  290. ialwayswatch: *A water stand
  291. fallenfamily: Is it a water stand?
  292. StreamerDoggo: * Holy shhhnikes
  293. muffetbae covers her eyes.
  294. Dogga: ((Just say when it's over))
  295. fredas: * That's fucking cool.
  296. fallenfamily: I like to think it's a stand that is the water CANTEEN.
  297. StreamerDoggo: ((Its good, for noe))
  298. RiverPerson: Can objects be users?
  299. ialwayswatch: "...Oh isn't a stand those things that appear to some people?"
  300. undauntedgunner: ... Can objects have stands?
  301. Coldsoul: * (Winter jumps and twitches for a moment because of that. She settles down, only staring now.) ... g-gross.
  302. fallenfamily: the perfect disguise in the desert.
  303. AskDogi *Amy gently turns Muffet around and hugs her to his chest so she doesn't have to watch.
  304. iggi: * Tell me if you can see the Fool.
  305. fallenfamily: 'lemme just have this water from my canteen
  306. fallenfamily: and then dead.
  307. fallenfamily: oh.
  308. ialwayswatch: "OH"
  309. fallenfamily: aw man is is the water.
  310. ialwayswatch: "KAKR!"
  311. RiverPerson: rero
  312. StreamerDoggo: * OH!!
  313. muffetbae !!!!
  314. iggi: * Ohhh no!
  315. fallenfamily: KAKYOAIN
  316. AskDogi: (It can freely move through the sand??)
  317. muffetbae: *N-Not Kakyoin!!
  318. fallenfamily: NOOO FABULOUS MAN
  319. muffetbae tenses up!!
  320. fallenfamily: well
  321. RiverPerson: ...It's blind?
  322. ialwayswatch: "..."
  323. Dogga: *"It's blind, and reacts to sound..."
  324. fallenfamily: it hates watches- i mean sound
  325. Dogga: *"WAIT KAKYOIN!"
  326. ialwayswatch: " that a wise thing to do man?"
  327. AskDogi *Dogamy hugs Muffet a bit more tightly, starting to gently lick her on the neck to comfort her.
  328. Dogga: *"IS HE OKAY?!"
  329. Dogga: *"I went to get a drink and!"
  330. fredas: * I don't think so.
  331. ialwayswatch: "HE literally shouts out the weakness"
  332. AskDogi: (He's GOTTA be, right??)
  333. Dogga: *"Now he's all bloody!"
  334. StreamerDoggo: * I DONT KNOW
  335. Coldsoul: * (She twitches again; she was not used to this yet. She tenses.)
  336. ialwayswatch: "YOU GOTTA KEEP QUIET FREDAS!"
  337. muffetbae clings to Dogamy, still looking at the screen.
  338. StreamerDoggo: * HE GOT HIS EYES CLAWED!
  339. undauntedgunner: Kakyoin can't die. He's too cool.
  340. muffetbae tenses up, Ahh so much blood
  341. fallenfamily: If he was dead...
  342. QTori: (( this is just like tremors holy heck))
  343. fredas: * Quiet isn't a part of my vocabulary.
  344. fallenfamily: well, i think we would know
  345. RiverPerson: Looks like a scratch at worst
  346. undauntedgunner: He's gotta get robo eyes.
  347. iggi: * Robo eyes. Tch.
  348. StreamerDoggo: ((Tremors if the GRaboids were water))
  349. fallenfamily: it definitely caused damage.
  350. AskDogi: THERE he is.
  351. undauntedgunner: That's what you do when you lose a part of your body, just get a robo part.
  352. StreamerDoggo: * Great! And hes SO FAR AWAY
  353. RiverPerson: Ironic.
  354. Coldsoul: * (She looks at Wander from her tiny curled up area.) ... s-sorry, Wander.
  355. fallenfamily: he may not have lost them entirely.
  356. iggi: * Look at me.
  357. wanderandward: -um, for what?-
  358. muffetbae looks angrily at the dog on the screen.
  359. iggi: * I'm so smart.
  360. AskDogi: !!!!
  361. ialwayswatch: *...iggy you idiot"
  362. fallenfamily: Did it?
  363. fxllenruler: ((tfw your sending corgi orgys to not-asriel instead of watching Jojo
  364. AskDogi: ((what))
  365. AskDogi: ((also sfw??))
  366. RiverPerson snickers. This dog.
  367. iggi stares at Wulfric.
  368. fallenfamily: Dude you may be... a bit paranoid.
  369. fxllenruler: ((?
  370. iggi: * ...
  371. AskDogi: (That's some SHARP water..!!)
  372. fredas: * Wow, I wish I could do that.
  373. Coldsoul: * N-nothing, nothin'... (She looks away from Wander, displeased.)
  374. ialwayswatch: *...Oh...I might go now...sorry guys...
  375. Dogga: *"Jeez..."
  376. muffetbae sharp inhale
  377. iggi: [[ last train home..... ]]
  378. fxllenruler: "...."
  379. AskDogi: (Hey, Dogga, wanna join in, an' sit on MY lap..?)
  380. muffetbae ikr ; ^ ;
  381. wanderandward: -Bye Watcher.-
  382. StreamerDoggo: ((Let me try fixing the desync, hold on))
  383. ialwayswatch With slight hesitation. Wulfric kisses Fredas on the cheek.
  384. ialwayswatch: *...cya
  385. RiverPerson: ((good guy joe))
  386. AskDogi: (Bye, Wulfric!)
  387. PurpleFireUni: *The newcomer suddenly appears outta nowhere*
  388. fredas: * !!! ... See you.
  389. Dogga: *"Uh...sorry Ressa. I'm not feelin up to much right now."
  390. undauntedgunner: Ah, seeya around. Try to get an artificial limb sometime, they're useful.
  391. ialwayswatch: *...none of you saw that.
  392. PurpleFireUni: ...
  393. AskDogi: (And... thank you for apologizing.)
  394. PurpleFireUni: uhhh
  395. muffetbae: *I saw it.
  396. Dogga: *"Oh, that jackass is here?"
  397. fallenfamily: I saw that.
  398. fredas pats their cheek, blushing.
  399. ialwayswatch: * problem...I still hate you but...not like that now.
  400. Dogga shrugs and leans back in her chair.
  401. PurpleFireUni: uhm
  402. AskDogi: (It's alright, Dogga, maybe another time, then.. If you wanna talk, i'd be alright with that too.)
  403. PurpleFireUni: whats happening?
  404. fxllenruler: ((hey doggo
  405. ialwayswatch: *Also...Muffet? Your pastries...they're good...Keep up the good work.
  406. muffetbae: *..!!
  407. muffetbae blinks.
  408. AskDogi: ((This is a roleplay chat, primarily!))
  409. muffetbae: *Oh..Thank you.
  410. fallenfamily: And last i checked,you can't do anything about it.
  411. StreamerDoggo: ((Okay there))
  412. StreamerDoggo: ((Hows that))
  413. ialwayswatch: *...
  414. Dogga: ((??))
  415. ialwayswatch: *Also Doggo?
  416. Dogga: ((How's what?))
  417. fallenfamily: (it's not playing atm.)
  418. iggi: [[ refresh
  419. StreamerDoggo: ((I restarted the stream, Robyn))
  420. undauntedgunner: (( refresh the page
  421. ialwayswatch: *You need to get better food then these...'pretsils'...
  422. AskDogi: (Ohh, clever~)
  423. undauntedgunner: (( it's still desynched but whatever it isn't as bad as hunchback of notre dame
  424. ialwayswatch throws the bag of food at doggo before leaving...
  425. StreamerDoggo: ((Then fuck it, deal with it))
  426. ialwayswatch: *Goodbye you idiots
  427. PurpleFireUni: ....
  428. ialwayswatch: ((lol cya))
  429. PurpleFireUni: Wtf is acually happening
  430. RiverPerson: Later. Snkt.
  431. AskDogi: ((Later!))
  432. wanderandward: ((laters
  433. StreamerDoggo is smacked in the face by a bag of pretzels!
  434. fxllenruler: ((doggo
  435. Dogga: (why is vaughnlive becoming fuckin garbage))
  436. muffetbae claps her hands twice.
  437. StreamerDoggo: * AH! HEY!
  438. Dogga snrks and laughs
  439. AskDogi: ((We're watching anime and roleplaying characters))
  440. StreamerDoggo: ((What?))
  441. Dogga: *"Hey Doggo. Don't be SALTY about it."
  442. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks at Wulfric, giving an angry glare.) W-what about y-you?
  443. muffetbae SPiders roll out a cart of Spider Pastries and Spider Cider~!
  444. iggi: * Ahahaha!
  445. Dogga: ((I was connected fine, then it put an ad up and after the ad it made me refresh cause VIDEO SERVERS AT CAPACITY))
  446. AskDogi *Amy is still licking Muffet's neck.
  447. muffetbae is TRYING not to make noise.
  448. fxllenruler: ((have you tried using
  449. wanderandward: ((yeah that happens a lot robyn))
  450. iggi: [[ person limit friend-o
  451. undauntedgunner: (( person limit on rabbit
  452. PurpleFireUni: EHHH?!
  453. StreamerDoggo: ((Person limit, I told you.))
  454. PurpleFireUni: ...
  455. fxllenruler: (o
  456. AskDogi *Amy just kinda wants to fluster her right now, but he won't pull out the trump card, yet.
  457. AskDogi: !!!!
  458. RiverPerson: Using a fire stand against watter. Yeah, that'll work.
  459. AskDogi: AVDOL!
  460. undauntedgunner: Avdol cheated death once, he probably won't die again...
  461. wanderandward: -Avi just cant catch a break.-
  462. StreamerDoggo: ((While there might be just a handful in the chat, I dont know how many are really watching, Vaughn only tracks how many logged in viewers are watching.))
  463. fallenfamily: probably isn't certainly.
  464. PurpleFireUni: ....
  465. undauntedgunner: (( this is tru
  466. muffetbae tenses up, starring at the screen. Not her other son no
  467. Coldsoul: * (Winter watches the two Dogi for a moment before looking back at the screen. She has nobody to really talk to, considering Wander doesn't know her.)
  468. RiverPerson: Can he like, not hear their voices or something. This seems like a huge oversight.
  469. iggi: * Fucking Jotaro.
  470. PurpleFireUni: erhhm.....
  471. undauntedgunner: (( currently there's like 17 people
  472. fallenfamily: good job jotaro.
  473. AskDogi: How're you likin' the show so far, Muffet~?
  474. fallenfamily: yare yare daze.
  475. muffetbae looks back at Amy, she looks distressed.
  476. iggi frowns. Damn. Bad times.
  477. fxllenruler: "....." Ketrin is gonna float over to the others.
  478. wanderandward: -Not very gentle with the pup is he? heh-
  479. iggi: * No, he isn't and it's fucking rude.
  480. AskDogi *Amy just kind of hugs Muffet closer and licks her on the lips.
  481. StreamerDoggo: * Don't hurt the dog, Jotaro!
  482. muffetbae blushu. Oh.
  483. RiverPerson: Jotaro you're trying to intimidate a dog
  484. fallenfamily: welli mean the dog wants to be a little shit so.
  485. AskDogi: Everything'll be alright..
  486. wanderandward: -I dunno, dog seems rude by not helping.-
  487. fallenfamily: why would he show respect back?
  488. iggi: * Okay, good point. But.
  489. StreamerDoggo: * Then just...I dunno, bop him on the nose with a newspaper?
  490. iggi: * Yeah, like most humans do.
  491. AskDogi *Amy starts rubbing Muffet's back with his other hand.
  492. StreamerDoggo: * Don't diddly-darn snap his neck
  493. fallenfamily: the dog was about yo leave them to die okay.
  494. fallenfamily: do most do that?
  495. iggi: * I'M THAT DOG.
  496. muffetbae: *This show puts me on edge.
  497. fallenfamily: GOOD FOR YOU.
  498. AskDogi: Agreed, at times, at least.
  499. iggi: * I only did it because I had to, okay?
  500. AskDogi: (...yeah.)
  501. fallenfamily: you didn't have to.
  502. fallenfamily: you wanted to.
  503. wanderandward: -Well its a life and death situation here. A death threat is somewhat appropriate.-
  504. fallenfamily: because you were upset about them taking you from your place.
  505. fallenfamily: and into egypt.
  506. RiverPerson: Thats some sensitive hearing, damn.
  507. Dogga: *"Oh snap."
  508. Dogga: *"This guy is a dick."
  509. fxllenruler: "........"
  510. StreamerDoggo: * Way better hearing than mine, holy crap
  511. AskDogi: (!!!!!)
  512. Coldsoul: * (Winter sits up, tugging on her scarf a little.) N-nooh, Jotaro...!
  513. undauntedgunner: If his hearing is that sensitive, why don't they just yell REALLY loud?
  514. AskDogi: (Better than ours, too!)
  515. undauntedgunner: Fuck up his hearing.
  516. iggi: * Hmph.
  517. AskDogi *Amy tenses.
  518. fallenfamily: he may be more for vibrations.
  519. muffetbae tenses as well
  520. Dogga: *"What a jackass that dog is."
  521. undauntedgunner: Vibrate really fast.
  522. fallenfamily: and there it is again.
  523. wanderandward: -Erm, hey kid...Winter was it? How exactly do you know me? -
  524. muffetbae: *I thought Iggy was cute.. He's selfish..
  525. iggi: * I love how they said I wouldn't h... Wow.
  526. fallenfamily: THANK YOU DOGGA.
  527. StreamerDoggo: * DOG PITCH!
  528. Dogga: *"OH. SHIT."
  529. undauntedgunner: THE ULTIMATE WEAPON
  530. Dogga: *"HOOOLY SHIT."
  531. fxllenruler: "? ?? ? ?"
  532. iggi: * I thought I could trust you.
  533. wanderandward: -Did he just toss the dog?!-
  534. fallenfamily: dog missile alpha.
  535. iggi: [[ jus throw the dog
  536. Dogga: *"DOG MISSILE."
  537. Dogga: *"JESUS."
  538. muffetbae thros the fukin dog
  539. RiverPerson: schwoom
  540. fxllenruler: "don't throw the dog!!"
  541. fallenfamily: throw the dog.
  542. iggi: * Don't fucking throw me.
  543. AskDogi: ...hmm.
  544. fallenfamily: throw more dogs.
  545. StreamerDoggo: * Okay thats enough throwing dogs
  546. fxllenruler: "No!!!!!!!!"
  547. AskDogi: Well, he DID need an improvised weapon.
  548. wanderandward: *Eyes Iggy...*
  549. Coldsoul: * ... (She looks at Wander, voice coming up a bit quiet.) I w-was making l-little paper boats when y-you noticed me.
  550. fallenfamily casts dog missle omega
  551. Dogga: *"I mean that asshole dog DID try to kill him."
  552. muffetbae didn't thtow the dog meant to type "just throws the fukin dog just do it"
  553. Coldsoul: * Y-you t-talked t-to me and s-showed me h-how to make paper s-stars.
  554. muffetbae feels bad for Iggy he looks so scared.
  555. PurpleFireUni: This show is amazing
  556. Dogga: *"So I guess he admitted defeat?"
  557. Dogga: *"Or..."
  558. StreamerDoggo: * The only people I would let throw me is Amy and Ressa here...If only because they have the strength for it. And because a fastball special sonds REALLY cool.
  559. iggi chugs this day old coffee down until the jug is empty.
  560. PurpleFireUni: *Stares directly at the screen*
  561. Dogga: *"Oh."
  562. AskDogi: GET WRECKED!!
  563. iggi: [[ iggy has been saying iggy this whole entire time. ]]
  564. Dogga: *"He wanted to fetch the stick."
  565. fxllenruler: "!"
  566. iggi: [[ WAR CRY ]]
  568. AskDogi: (( The Dogi speak dog ))
  569. muffetbae im fucking screaming
  570. AskDogi: ((it's their first language, actually ))
  571. StreamerDoggo: ((So does Doggo))
  572. Dogga: *"Oh."
  573. RiverPerson: Oh.
  574. muffetbae: *...Hm.
  575. fallenfamily: well.
  576. Dogga: *"Rude."
  577. wanderandward: -I really dont remember any of that...but I do have a bunch of stars that I'm pretty sure I didnt make.-
  578. fallenfamily: He didn't know that did he?
  579. undauntedgunner: I didn't think a stand could hurt it's own user.
  580. StreamerDoggo: * Nobody said they couldnt
  581. undauntedgunner: Like... Star platinum actively stopped Jotaro from shooting himself, right?
  582. fallenfamily: also that is a clean hole
  583. fallenfamily: like
  584. PurpleFireUni: ...
  585. iggi: [[ my iggy kinda speaks english so that its easier ]]
  586. AskDogi *Amy rips his robe open, right in front of Muffet. A bit late, but oh well.
  587. fallenfamily: Bullet wound clean.
  588. AskDogi *GET WRECKED.
  589. muffetbae stares.
  590. StreamerDoggo: * Its a...Extension of their will, right?
  591. muffetbae clap clap clap
  592. undauntedgunner: I guess...
  593. PurpleFireUni: ...
  594. fallenfamily: amy please it's too early.
  595. AskDogi: It's NEVER too early for muscles.
  596. StreamerDoggo: * So if they really really want to hurt themselves, well done, there you go
  597. fallenfamily: no i mean
  598. fxllenruler: "..."
  599. QTori: (( :y beautiful hyuh))
  600. iggi: * Why can't I do that?
  602. fallenfamily: there wasnt enough ACTION
  603. RiverPerson: Oh, uh..
  604. Dogga: *"Gay."
  605. muffetbae that explanation
  606. muffetbae fans herself
  607. QTori: (( for a dude who shot himself through the head he sure is talking a long time))
  608. Coldsoul: * (Winter just curls up on the couch, looking at Wander solemnly.) T-those are m-mine.
  609. StreamerDoggo: ((Literally the entire reason most people follow Dio. Because hes FUCKING HOT))
  610. RiverPerson: ((right))
  611. iggi is open for petting.
  612. swapsans: EVERYONE IS GAY FOR DIO
  613. iggi: * There we go. The egyptian gods.
  614. AskDogi *Time for that trump card, soon, at least.. Amy just hugs Muffet to his now-fuzzy, bare chest and starts licking her neck again.
  615. muffetbae pats her lap c'mere iggy
  616. wanderandward: -Ressa, is she telling the truth?-
  617. undauntedgunner: The egyptian god cards...
  618. AskDogi: Well, whatever, I only ripped it open a bit.. Not all the way off.
  619. iggi leaps onto Muffet's lap, laying over it.
  620. AskDogi: I can get up and do that later.
  621. fallenfamily: do it when the action is at a climax
  622. muffetbae pets Iggy, smol doge
  623. Dogga: *"Ya know. I almost feel bad for him. Almost."
  624. fallenfamily: better impact.
  625. AskDogi: (...She is.)
  626. undauntedgunner: Slifer, Ra, and Obelisk. The ultimate stands.
  627. iggi does some small barks.
  628. RiverPerson: Didn't Egyptians have many more than nine gods?
  630. AskDogi: (Aww....)
  631. Dogga: *"Awww."
  632. iggi grins.
  633. PurpleFireUni: awwww
  634. fallenfamily: i don't trust it.
  635. iggi: * See?
  636. RiverPerson: -distant dogsong-
  637. fallenfamily: KNEW IT
  638. iggi: * AHAHA.
  639. StreamerDoggo: * Goddammit, Iggy
  640. wanderandward: -...really cant remember. And thats starting to disturb me.-
  641. AskDogi: (Well, at least it's just gum..)
  642. wanderandward: -Heh, bastard pup-
  643. iggi: * At least it wasn't SHIT.
  644. PurpleFireUni: ...
  645. fallenfamily: You know how hard is is to get gum out of your hair?
  646. iggi: * I could've done worse.
  647. Dogga: *"This is why we can't have nice things."
  648. fallenfamily: ITS NOT FUN/
  649. Coldsoul: * (She sighs, voice a bit trembly. She stares at Wander, a bit sad that he can't remember. She soon stops staring.)
  650. muffetbae: *Mischievous, aren't you?~
  651. AskDogi *Amy keeps licking at Muffet's neck as he hugs her.
  652. RiverPerson: Baldtaro
  653. StreamerDoggo: ((Wait, I should let you guys hear this once cause the next episode has a special outro))
  654. muffetbae: *Ahuhuhu!
  655. fxllenruler: "Can't you cut it out though?"
  656. muffetbae pets Iggy, while resting comfortably against Amy
  657. fallenfamily: oh ye
  658. fallenfamily: (boingo)
  659. fxllenruler: "...."
  660. iggi: [[ next ep is a good ep
  661. muffetbae OMG NOT THE PINGO BOINGO
  662. muffetbae *oingo
  664. fxllenruler: "Who are you anyways??" .
  665. image:
  668. StreamerDoggo: ((Yes, Oingo Boingo is next, its great))
  669. RiverPerson: ((well this is calming~))
  670. fallenfamily: (that episode is can be a represented by a single sticker of 'you tried.'
  671. image:
  674. fallenfamily: (they cool but like)
  675. iggi: [[ obviously it says zenyatta monyatta
  676. lordvel: ((Oh good I'm just in time))
  677. fallenfamily: (shit man their luck is horrid)
  678. fxllenruler: "...."
  679. wanderandward: -Well if you made these things for me, you cant be too bad...-
  680. RiverPerson: ????
  681. iggi: * A very good time.
  682. GoddessToriel arrives fashionably
  683. AskDogi: (???????)
  684. muffetbae perks up a bit.
  685. muffetbae: *Toriel!
  686. GoddessToriel: *"Hello deary~"
  687. iggi barks. It's a goat lady!
  688. AskDogi: (Hey, Toriel!)
  689. AskDogi: Hi, Toriel~
  690. muffetbae: *Hello, dearest!
  691. iggi: * Yo!
  692. StreamerDoggo: * Hey, ma'am!
  693. fxllenruler: "Hello!"
  694. GoddessToriel: *"Hello everyone~"
  695. RiverPerson looks up. "Evening miss."
  696. fallenfamily: evening.
  697. wanderandward: -We were friends right, kid? Did i ever make something for you?-
  698. muffetbae pats iggy's tum.
  699. fxllenruler: "......"
  700. wanderandward: -Hey there Miss Toriel.-
  701. fallenfamily: weeeelllllllp
  702. GoddessToriel is wearing some kinda flashy sequin dress, cause she wants to feel pretty.
  703. fallenfamily: that's terrifying
  704. Coldsoul: * ... I... (She sits up again, tugging on her scarf. She looks at Wander, and then points to a bracelet he made for her.) ... t-this.
  705. muffetbae: *You look marvelous, my deary! What's the occassion~?
  706. AskDogi *Ressa's attention isn't on the anime, at least for the moment.
  707. lordvel: ((A tall, thin, goat monster in an overly regal outfit appears. He has a very fancy-looking set of facial hair. He seems a little peeved.))
  708. iggi rolls their tongue out. He's in luxury right now.
  709. GoddessToriel: *"I want to look fabulous, that's the occasion~"
  710. AskDogi: (Well, you TOTALLY do~)
  711. muffetbae: *You certainly do!
  712. GoddessToriel winks and blows a kiss
  713. muffetbae has like 6 hands. She's using them all to Pet Iggy.
  714. lordvel: Well I'm glad you've recognized the importance of looking good in front of the commoners.
  715. wanderandward: ((lovinggoat? hey there heh))
  716. RiverPerson: So I wonder if the book is a stand or what.
  717. AskDogi *Ressa flushes a bit. Whoops.
  718. GoddessToriel: *"Excuse you. Do not be rude."
  719. StreamerDoggo: ((I hope you guys are ready for some looney tunes type shit))
  720. GoddessToriel: *"Who even are you?"
  721. iggi: * Holy shit, you're great at petting.
  722. fxllenruler: "...?"
  723. lordvel: I am Lord Vel.
  724. undauntedgunner: (( fffuck my internet cut out what did i miss
  725. muffetbae: *I am a Spider with many talents, deary!
  726. StreamerDoggo: * Oh yeah, she is, trust me
  727. AskDogi *Amy keeps licking.
  728. muffetbae shivers a bit..
  729. lordvel: And I am regal.
  730. wanderandward: *Wander stares at the bracelet for several minutes, and pale beadlets form on his face.* -...well...shit.-
  731. AskDogi *Trump card time, before he cut it back a bit and just snuggled.. Amy hugs muffet a bit closer to his fuzzy chest, before dragging the backside of a single, clawed finger roughly up one of her sides and kissing her on the lips.
  732. muffetbae melts.
  733. fallenfamily: (also there has to be an occasion.)
  734. muffetbae just... melts. She's gone.
  735. lordvel: Pardon, but would you be interested in having one of your sons marry one of my daughters? I can make it worth your while.
  736. Coldsoul: * (The wristband that Wander made for Winter previously is blue. She looks at Wander, seeing him start to sweat.) A-are you o-okay?
  737. fredas looks at Vel, sipping their cider.
  738. StreamerDoggo: * AMY! WHAT DID YOU DO?!
  739. iggi: * !!!
  740. Dogga: *"...Did you mean me?"
  741. Dogga: *"Or someone else?"
  742. AskDogi: ????
  743. Dogga: *"Wait. Misheard."
  744. iggi: * There goes the Queen of Pets. Fuck.
  745. muffetbae is no more.
  746. Dogga: *"Sorry, my ears are kinda messed up right now."
  747. fallenfamily: you don't just dress like that for a simple anime night.
  748. AskDogi: I d-dunno, might've just overdone it a bit??
  749. muffetbae spider queen is ded.
  750. Dogga: *"...someone set up a prank at my guard stand."
  751. undauntedgunner: What... What kind of laugh was that?
  752. lordvel: Anime? What is this "anime"?
  753. AskDogi: ((So did she literally melt holy shit))
  754. lordvel: Oh! moving pictures!
  755. Dogga: *"A bunch of air horns went off the moment I sat down."
  756. fallenfamily: A monkey laugh.
  757. GoddessToriel: *"Hmm..."
  758. muffetbae no she's still there she'd just??
  759. muffetbae She jsut froze up lmao
  760. GoddessToriel: *"Just because you are royalty,does not mean you should be rude to others."
  761. AskDogi *Then he just sits back on the couch, keeping his hug to her close as he giggles.
  762. wanderandward: -That was definitely from me...why cant I remember?-
  763. StreamerDoggo: * Ah, yeah, that prank. Yeah I got that years ago, 'A
  764. iggi summons the Fool, using it to get over to the kitchen to get more snacks and back.
  765. AskDogi: You like that~?
  766. muffetbae: *Hhh...
  767. Coldsoul: * (Winter notices the real life stand almost instantly and stares at it. Her attention is now focused on it.) ??????
  768. Dogga: *"I'm just usin the subtitles."
  769. muffetbae can't answer, she just pets Iggy in response, stammering.
  770. fallenfamily: (samu is just like, you know, getting hot and heavy.)
  771. lordvel: This must have cost quite a bit to make. Or a very skilled wizard with a huge favor, at least.
  773. fallenfamily: (she's not literally melted/)
  774. AskDogi *To be honest, he was just hoping that she'd get all purple and squeak in surprise or something, but this was SO much better.
  775. fallenfamily: (YOU ARE RECIPRICATING)
  776. lordvel: Dog, would you mind getting me something to drink?
  777. StreamerDoggo: * Holy crap, Joseph
  778. lordvel: I could use some wine.
  779. muffetbae I AM PURE FITE ME
  780. RiverPerson: Damn Jo.
  781. iggi chews on the Cinnabunny, chilling.
  782. wanderandward: -Pup, are you abusing, wow the stand is real.-
  783. Dogga: *"Woah. I heard THAT."
  784. fallenfamily: (LIES I SE YOU IN THE THE SIN CHANNEL)
  785. lordvel: Cola? Like the nut?
  786. fallenfamily: (DO NOT PULL THAT)
  787. iggi: * Ha.
  788. lordvel: Why would you make a drink with kola nuts?
  789. Coldsoul: * (She drags her attention back to Wander, looking at him again; she's a bit more perked up.) ... I d-dunno.
  790. fallenfamily: good job polnariff
  791. StreamerDoggo: * Okay, number one, which dog? Theres uh...2...3..4...5 of us! Second, theres drinks in the kitchen, just get one
  792. wanderandward: -Will figure it out later, but yeah. You definitely mustve been a friend.-
  793. iggi: * I do what I want.
  794. muffetbae: *Oh! Look at how cute Iggy looks now!
  795. AskDogi You are SO not pure and I so love it
  796. muffetbae I AM PURE FITE ME
  797. lordvel: Get one myself? Who do you think I am?
  798. AskDogi: Really cute, yeah..
  799. AskDogi: But not as cute as you~
  800. fallenfamily iwould love to get in on that but like how do.
  801. muffetbae blushes a bit
  802. muffetbae: *YOu flatter me, deary
  803. StreamerDoggo: * Some guy in my house?
  804. AskDogi *Wow, Amy, laying it on heavy, even after that trump card, huh?
  805. GoddessToriel: *"You are INCREDIBLY rude, mister Vel."
  806. lordvel: I am a noble!
  807. fxllenruler: "......"
  808. fallenfamily: I'm sorry sir, but you can LEAVE if you don't like being an EQUAL.
  809. lordvel: Now, go get me a glass of wine, dog.
  810. GoddessToriel: *"You are a Donkey."
  811. GoddessToriel: *"And you can get your wine yourself."
  812. StreamerDoggo: * Thats great. Toriel over there is a goddess.
  813. AskDogi: mmm..~
  814. GoddessToriel: *"In fact. Doggo, would you like me to get you something?"
  815. Coldsoul: * (Winter sighs, looking at the screen again. Her solemnity came back.) ... o-okay.
  816. iggi: * Uh huh, yeah, and I'm not real.
  817. fallenfamily: You know what?
  818. wanderandward: -All peasants under this roof. Except for Doggo there.-
  819. AskDogi *He just presses his lips to her neck once before reclining to watch the anime.
  820. fallenfamily: You want your wine?
  821. iggi: * Owie.
  822. Coldsoul: * I-I'm n-not even supposed t-to be here!
  823. StreamerDoggo: * Sure, get me one of the cream sodas in the fridge, please, ma'am.
  824. GoddessToriel: *"All right deary. Anyone else want anything?"
  825. muffetbae shivers.
  826. GoddessToriel: *"Muffet? Dogi?"
  827. fallenfamily stands up with a huff.
  829. iggi: * ... Coffee gum?
  830. fallenfamily: Fine.
  831. muffetbae: *Oh! Could I have a cup of tea please, deary~?
  832. lordvel: Please, the concept of a female god is an insult! She is just a woman who happens to look like a much older version of my daughter..
  833. fallenfamily: I'll go get it.
  834. GoddessToriel: *"...You insinuate yourself to be my father? Laughable."
  835. AskDogi: (We'll have some tea as well!)
  836. AskDogi: Yes, please.
  837. wanderandward: -Why d ya say that? ...erm, never mind, yeah you probably shouldnt be watching this heheh.-
  838. GoddessToriel: *"My father was kind and loving. He taught me everything I know and sacrificed himself to save my family after the war. You are nothing."
  839. lordvel: Of course not, you just have the misfortune of looking like my least favorite child.
  840. fallenfamily: Tori he's probably another version of your father.
  841. fallenfamily: ...
  842. fallenfamily: Tori fight him.
  843. fallenfamily: please.
  844. Coldsoul: * (She looks at Vel, an angry frown coming up on her face. She is having a bit of memories come up to the surface.)
  845. Coldsoul: * S-shut up p-please, w-whoever you are!
  846. fredas: * Ugh, this man has absolutely no manners.
  847. QTori: (( yo uve got to be kidding))
  848. GoddessToriel steps to the kitchen to grab the drinks for everyone.
  849. lordvel: Well, I'll just watch this moving picture about magical humans getting into hijincks.
  850. AskDogi: (Oh boy...)
  851. muffetbae continues pets for smol doge
  852. iggi wags his tail.
  853. StreamerDoggo: * I guess the thing about prophecies is that anybody can fill them if they fit the requirements.
  854. lordvel: Zenyatta and Mondatta? Such exotic names.
  855. AskDogi: ...Yeah.
  856. AskDogi: Wrong orange..?
  857. fxllenruler: "??"
  858. fallenfamily returns with a singular glass of wine.
  859. AskDogi: (Ah, seems it was that.)
  860. lordvel: Oh thank you!
  861. GoddessToriel returns after a minute with the cream soda for Doggo and the tea for Muffet.
  862. iggi: * He fucked up.
  863. wanderandward: -Hah! Nice one Iggy.-
  864. fallenfamily: you want this?
  865. lordvel: Of course!
  866. iggi: * Thanks.
  867. fallenfamily splashes in in vel's face.
  868. GoddessToriel: *"Oh, Mister Vel?"
  869. fallenfamily: HAVE IT.
  870. lordvel: !!!
  871. iggi: * OOOH. OOOOH!
  872. Coldsoul: * (She looks back at the screen and huffing. She tugs on her scarf as well; this guy pissed her off.)
  873. muffetbae smiles warmly to TOriel, taking the tea from her with care.
  874. StreamerDoggo: * Thanks, ma'am.
  875. fallenfamily: You scum.
  876. GoddessToriel: *"I have your wine."
  877. lordvel: How dare you! Guards! Arrest this human!
  878. AskDogi: (mmmm..)
  879. StreamerDoggo: * Uh, hold on, let me check my schedule
  880. iggi: * Who the fuck do you think you are anyways?
  881. AskDogi: Nah. Too comfy against my little spider and my boyfriend~
  882. GoddessToriel: *"Oh, please."
  883. fallenfamily: Doggo, hold up. I think i got...
  884. lordvel: A noble, an elite! One deserving of the finest things in life.
  885. GoddessToriel: *"You are trash."
  886. GoddessToriel: *"Plain and simple."
  887. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks at Vel, face getting red.) H-how a-about you, y-you are t-the one t-that should b-be a-arrested!
  888. muffetbae: *Thank you so much, Toriel! THe tea is perfectly warm~
  889. StreamerDoggo: * Hmmm...Ah, we have a problem, for the next few hours, im scheduled to not give a shit.
  890. fallenfamily does a quick CHECK on himself/
  891. lordvel: Trash? Know your place, strange woman!
  892. GoddessToriel: *"Oh of course, Muffet!"
  893. iggi: * Ahaha, you're more like the farts that come out of my ass.
  894. GoddessToriel: *"Why do you not learn YOURS."
  895. AskDogi: (I've never heard of you before.)
  896. AskDogi: You're literally speaking to a goddess.
  897. fallenfamily: oh yeah. like no FIGHT button. so that's a thing.
  898. iggi: * Whatever, I'll have the Fool take care of you.
  899. Coldsoul: * (Winter hesitantly gets up and walks slowly over to whoever Vel is. She then swings her foot to attempt to kick their shin.)
  900. lordvel: My place is at the top of the food chain! It is simply the natural order of things!
  901. undauntedgunner: (( my internet cut out again... what did i miss?
  902. muffetbae takes a sip of the tea.
  903. fallenfamily: looks like that arresting is going have to wait before i can try and resist.
  904. iggi: [[ OOOH MY GAAAA
  905. fallenfamily: lemme try getting on that .... mmmm, never?
  906. fallenfamily: That sound good?
  907. AskDogi: (Your place is being QUIET and watching with the rest of us.)
  908. GoddessToriel: *"Hmph."
  909. wanderandward: -Whoa hey kid, dont do that! Just make trouble for yourself.-
  910. GoddessToriel: *"I would put a worm above you, sir Vel."
  911. lordvel groans.
  912. StreamerDoggo: * Oh yeah, never is always a good time
  913. GoddessToriel snaps her fingers, and a... large worm drops onto him.
  914. fxllenruler: ((a a a a sai gtg,,,,
  915. lordvel: This must be some sort of hell dimension where everything is wrong and chaos reigns.
  916. iggi chills.
  917. iggi: * That's probably because you're here, old goat.
  918. Dogga: *"This is a dimension where I never created your sorry ass."
  919. Dogga: ((SHIT))
  921. Dogga: ((gg no re))
  922. StreamerDoggo: * ...Huh...
  923. lordvel: But I, the eloquent Lord Vel, will find a way to survive this.
  924. GoddessToriel: *"This is a dimension where I never created your sorry ass."
  925. GoddessToriel: *"And a dimension that was fine before you showed up."
  926. fallenfamily: You know what's not fit for 'never' , though?
  927. StreamerDoggo puts his hands together...His left thumb is on top.
  928. GoddessToriel: *"Leave this place before I undo your creation."
  929. fallenfamily: Going out for a burg
  930. StreamerDoggo: * Huh!
  931. Coldsoul: * (Winter walks away quickly, sitting down and attempting not to let her rage take over again. She balls up her fists.)
  932. iggi rolls over, laying down on their back.
  933. lordvel: I wouldn't have it any other way.
  934. muffetbae pets smol dog's tum
  935. undauntedgunner: Wait, what's going on? Is there like... Another god here or something?
  936. StreamerDoggo: * Guess I was a girl in another life...Hey wait.
  937. iggi: * Yeah, that's me. I'm that god.
  938. GoddessToriel: *"Good."
  939. lordvel leaves the house.
  940. wanderandward: -Good ridance.-
  941. fallenfamily: ...I'm going to be honest. I hope he doesn't come back with his personal guards.
  942. GoddessToriel: *"Good riddance."
  943. GoddessToriel: *"Now if you will excuse me, I believe I will un-make the timeline where he was born."
  944. fallenfamily: Does the couch have room underneath it or some other place i could hide out if he does?
  945. undauntedgunner: ... Who was that dude who just left?
  946. iggi: * I can make the Fool into a small room.
  947. StreamerDoggo: * Some asshole noble, dont worry about it
  948. undauntedgunner: Gotcha.
  949. AskDogi: Welp.
  950. Coldsoul: * C-can I kick h-him if h-he comes back...?
  951. fallenfamily: apparently he was tori's father in another timeline.
  952. iggi: * HA.
  953. StreamerDoggo: * OHH!!!!
  954. AskDogi: (ABSOLUTE.)
  955. GoddessToriel: *"...I will DEFINITELY unmake his timeline."
  956. iggi: * I love how Joestar's gang didn't give a shit.
  957. AskDogi *Ressa hugs Doggo a bit tighter.
  958. wanderandward: -Winter, don't please.-
  959. muffetbae leans on my, sipping away at her tea
  960. StreamerDoggo hugs her back, just as hard.
  961. fallenfamily: Also , you don't need to offer Iggy. I don't expect you to be very willing to help when I've been rude to ya.
  962. fallenfamily: Doesn't seem right.
  963. iggi: * Doesn't it.
  964. wanderandward: -Let the adults engage in violence. We want to have fun too.-
  965. Coldsoul: * (Winter stares at her feet for a moment before turning her head and nodding at Wander. She turns her head back.)
  966. AskDogi *Amy keeps hugging Muffet and considers licking her neck again, but.. nah, gotta watch this. Instead, he just nuzzles his nose against her neck before resting his muzzle on her shoulder.
  967. fallenfamily: However, doesn't mean I'm any less thankful if you were just offering it.
  968. fallenfamily: So if you were, thanks.
  969. StreamerDoggo: ((HERE IT IS))
  970. iggi: * No fucking problem.
  971. iggi: [[ THE BEST ENDING. ]]
  972. GoddessToriel: ((I'm.))
  973. AskDogi: What is this!?
  974. GoddessToriel: ((What.))
  975. AskDogi: (What the hell..??)
  976. muffetbae: *..Oh my god.
  977. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa are starting to chuckle, despite themselves.
  978. GoddessToriel: *"Incredible."
  979. GoddessToriel: *"Also..."
  980. StreamerDoggo: * ...I love this
  981. ask_theraven: (this is beautiful
  982. GoddessToriel: *"I have found out that... that man is my father in quite a few timelines."
  983. ask_theraven: (i can jam to this)
  984. iggi: * It's kind of cute.
  985. muffetbae smol tea si[
  986. GoddessToriel: *"How I let this happen, I do not know."
  987. AskDogi: (I love it too-!!)
  988. fallenfamily: how many.
  989. AskDogi: Toriel, may I have some tea, too..?
  990. GoddessToriel: *"At least twenty."
  991. GoddessToriel: *"Oh, of course Dogamy!"
  992. fallenfamily: ...
  993. GoddessToriel: *"What kind would you like?"
  994. fallenfamily: eugh
  995. wanderandward: *Reaches over and flicks Winter's felt right.* -Quit pouting already. Sorry I forgot about you, but I didn't really choose to.-
  996. iggi: * Toriel's her name? Nice.
  997. fallenfamily: fingers crossed not mine.
  998. StreamerDoggo: ((OH NEXT EPISODE IS SWORD DOG))
  999. AskDogi: ..hmm. The same kind as Muffet's, please.
  1000. fallenfamily: (ANUBIS)
  1001. iggi: [[ bark bark woof ]]
  1002. AskDogi: (I'd like some too, just get me whatever you think a doggy might like most~!)
  1003. GoddessToriel: *"Yes, my name is Toriel."
  1004. StreamerDoggo: ((Well, time for Lupin))
  1005. GoddessToriel: *"...I do not know what kind you might like Ressa."
  1006. Coldsoul: * (Winter tugs at her scarf more, before getting flicked on the nose! She squeaks, before looking at Wander.) ... o-okay.
  1007. fallenfamily: (anubis actually really impresses me.)
  1008. GoddessToriel: *"I will just bring you the same kind."
  1009. GoddessToriel: *"Sweet or bitter?"
  1010. iggi: * Can you get me some coffee gum?
  1011. GoddessToriel: *"No."
  1012. Coldsoul: (( psst joe flare wanted popped up for lupin ))
  1013. GoddessToriel: *"Gum is bad for canines."
  1014. AskDogi: Sweet! / (Sweet~)
  1015. fallenfamily: (it's quite the intriguing religious figure, and quite an impressive stand.)
  1016. GoddessToriel heads into the kitchen to make more tea.
  1017. iggi: * I chewed an entire fucking box.
  1018. GoddessToriel: ((well ima head out now))
  1019. GoddessToriel: *"Hmm..."
  1020. undauntedgunner: (( oh seeya
  1021. asgore: ((AYYYYYYYY LMAO))
  1022. fallenfamily: I'm hoping not the box along with it.
  1023. AskDogi: ((tea you later))
  1024. GoddessToriel seems to be zoning out for just a moment.
  1025. Coldsoul: (( cya ))
  1026. wanderandward: ((laters robyn))
  1027. GoddessToriel: *"...You've lost about five years on your life, small dog."
  1028. iggi: * Fuck.
  1029. fallenfamily: ...wait what.
  1030. GoddessToriel: *"Assuming you haven't had more."
  1031. wanderandward: -I'm sure the pooch will be fine.-
  1032. StreamerDoggo: * Wow, and considering Iggy is a normal dog...
  1033. GoddessToriel pulls a piece of gum out of her robe, tossing it to the dog.
  1034. StreamerDoggo: * Thats a LOT of years
  1035. Frisk walks in an hour late with Staabaa.
  1036. fallenfamily: on an average dog?
  1037. GoddessToriel: *"This will reduce the effect the coffee gum has had on you."
  1038. fallenfamily: that literally HALf their lifespan gone.
  1039. TrueChara: [[ holy fuck my vaughnlive account finally works ]]
  1040. iggi: * Oh hey! Thanks, Toriel!
  1041. wanderandward: -Hey there Lintu!-
  1042. muffetbae: *Hello Frisk-deary!
  1043. asgore: ((double date double date double date d))
  1044. GoddessToriel: *"Goodbye everyone~"
  1045. undauntedgunner: Seeya around.
  1046. GoddessToriel blows a kiss to Muffet and heads out.
  1047. fallenfamily: See ya tori.
  1048. wanderandward: ((hey there chara))
  1049. Frisk: * Muffet, Wander, yo!
  1050. muffetbae blushes, returning the blown kiss with one of her own.
  1051. iggi takes the gum, chewing on it.
  1052. AskDogi *Ressa blows a kiss to Toriel, as well. Why not.
  1053. Coldsoul: * (Winter notices Frisk and waves a bit. She then curls up in her couch seat.)
  1054. Frisk waves back, sitting next to Winter.
  1055. StreamerDoggo just waves goodbye because he still has weird, mixed feelings about Toriel
  1056. TrueChara: [ * Guess who arrived an hour late with Starbucks. ]
  1057. asgore: ((yknow what..))
  1058. Frisk: * You too?
  1059. StreamerDoggo: ((Robyn? Cause Robyn does that all the time))
  1060. asgore: [Asgore's here too. Hello.]
  1061. TrueChara: [[ close enough ]]
  1062. undauntedgunner waves hello to everyone who has just arrived.
  1063. wanderandward waves to the king.
  1064. StreamerDoggo: * Oh! Asgore! I-I didn't think you would actually come to my house!
  1065. TrueChara plops down on the ground, silently sipping the starbucks. its actually just hot chocolate in a starbucks cup, but who cares.
  1066. iggi: * That's one big goat.
  1067. Coldsoul: * (Winter also notices the new horned person and looks up.) W-who are y-yooooh... (She curls up more to hide a little. Shit.)
  1068. wanderandward: -Mhm, its the horns. cheater heheh-
  1069. StreamerDoggo: * And that goat is a king, Ig.
  1070. asgore: [The king gives a soft, goofy grin.] Well, I'm here!
  1071. asgore just waves back.
  1072. fallenfamily: (which asgore is this?)
  1073. StreamerDoggo: ((Flare's))
  1074. asgore: ((bergentrxckung yo))
  1075. iggi: * Damn! He must be living the life then.
  1076. TrueChara waves over at asgore. its goat dad.
  1077. fallenfamily: (not sure if im following yet, lemme fix.)
  1078. Frisk: * Hey, Asgore.
  1079. AskDogi *Ressa just GETS UP on instinct and kneels to her king.
  1080. StreamerDoggo: * Uh...Yeah, probably.
  1081. Coldsoul: * (Winter seems to be slightly scared of the king and starts to shake. Nope, no dying today.) O-oh no... hnnn...
  1082. AskDogi *Amy would do the same, but he has a cute spider on his lap, so he just bows his head.
  1083. fallenfamily: (oh i am, good.)
  1084. AskDogi: (Hello, my king.)
  1085. fallenfamily: ...
  1086. loving_goat_975: (Okay, so vaughn is being weird and won't let me log in to my normal account. No ban messages, just bad coding.)
  1087. asgore smiles, but gives a passive wave.
  1088. asgore: You don't have to do that, you know!
  1089. StreamerDoggo: ((Did you log in with your username and not your email))
  1090. loving_goat_975: (Used my email)
  1091. undauntedgunner: Don't worry, Winter, Asgore won't hurt ya. He's pretty chill.
  1092. Frisk: * Uh huh.
  1093. AskDogi *Ressa immediately gets up and practically falls back onto the couch, looking more sheepish than anything, now.
  1094. AskDogi: (O-oh! Um, sorry..kinda..uh.)
  1095. StreamerDoggo: ((Okay cause you need to use your actual username now))
  1096. AskDogi: (..s-sorry, Asgore.)
  1097. asgore: It's fine! Don't worry.
  1098. wanderandward: *Tosses his cloak over Winter.* -There, you're hidden. Relax.-
  1099. loving_goat_975: (Ah)
  1100. AskDogi: (alright.. Just kind of used to the formalities, is all.)
  1101. fallenfamily: I'm not sure if I should be concerned for my well being now.
  1102. AskDogi: (That label, though..)
  1103. lovinggoat975: (There we go.)
  1104. StreamerDoggo: * Thats...An interesting picture for a wine bottle, yeah
  1105. fallenfamily: Should I be?
  1106. Coldsoul: * (Winter is hidden under the cloak, but she still shakes. She heard about the king, and is not happy that she actually saw him.)
  1107. wanderandward: -Humie, truce in this house...i think. Doggo?-
  1108. AskDogi: (Oh, and Asgore, you may be my king, but.. just might as well say this now.)
  1109. StreamerDoggo: * I guess???
  1110. lovinggoat975: Oh, an episode about wine!
  1111. asgore: ?
  1112. fallenfamily: because if gotta run, don't think I won't cast a spell to gtfo.
  1113. AskDogi: (The small human child with the brown hair is under my care, last soul or not.)
  1114. lovinggoat975: Oh. Hello.
  1115. wanderandward: -Well its your house dammiy, your rules.-
  1116. AskDogi: (..please, please don't blame me if I refuse to harm them, here or otherwise.)
  1117. Frisk sips their venti, chilling.
  1118. asgore: No, it's alright. I won't try anything, I swear.
  1119. StreamerDoggo: * Y-yeah, I know...
  1120. AskDogi *Ressa sighs in relief.
  1121. AskDogi: (Thank you.)
  1122. Coldsoul: * (The kid peeks out of the cloak to look at Asgore, still a bit scared. She's shaking a lot.)
  1123. fallenfamily: Jury's out in terms of how valid a target I am.
  1124. iggi: * ... What's this soul stuff about anyways?
  1125. TrueChara: Oh hey, it's the guy in the black suit that's creepily laughing. It had to happen.
  1126. AskDogi: Well, this is a truce zone. That fight we're having in Snowdin doesn't count here, no matter how it turns out. I don't think, anyway..
  1127. AskDogi: (Amy, fourth wall..!)
  1128. asgore gives a quiet wheeze. He wasn't intending to hurt anyone in the first place.
  1129. lovinggoat975: Oh, a little puppy!
  1130. undauntedgunner: Oh, basically everyone's trapped down here and they need souls to escape. Human souls.
  1131. wanderandward: -Need 7 human souls to get the hell out of here. We have 6. -
  1132. fallenfamily: Long story, Iggy. but it's very old feud that got the monsters locked up under a mountain
  1133. StreamerDoggo: * By the way, you're probably stuck down here with us too
  1134. fallenfamily: Humans were spazzing outover the possibilities that they overlooked the facts.
  1135. TrueChara: Hey, Asgore! Over here!
  1136. iggi: * Oh. That's gotta be complic...
  1137. iggi clenches their teeth.
  1138. asgore: Oh! Hello, Chara!
  1139. Coldsoul: * (The kid slips back under the cloak and tries to become as small as possible, albeit being by Frisk. She covers her ears; this is a sensitive topic.)
  1140. iggi: * Shit!
  1141. wanderandward: -Yeah pooch, you're screwed.-
  1142. fallenfamily: don't worry, you'll fit in the last jigsaw puzzle piece.
  1143. lovinggoat975: I don't know, I usually end up back in my home after these.
  1144. TrueChara silently walks up to Asgore and hugs him.
  1145. fallenfamily: just y'know.
  1146. fallenfamily: No sun/
  1147. TrueChara: I've missed you and your big fluff.
  1148. StreamerDoggo: * I guess?
  1149. AskDogi: (umm...??)
  1150. lovinggoat975: I think it depends?
  1151. AskDogi: Some sort of magic?)
  1152. asgore gives a big hug to Chara. Of course, not enough to hurt them, just a big bear hug.
  1153. AskDogi *Amy gives Muffet another little lick.
  1154. fallenfamily: ...Should I be worried that I am NOT worried about the lack of the surface life?
  1155. iggi: * I'm stuck here and I don't even have Polnareff with me. ... Whatever.
  1156. wanderandward: -See Winter? How can you be scared of that?-
  1157. iggi: * I'll find a way.
  1158. QTori: (( ok ok ok this anime is skeeving me out Big time so im gonna show myself out, have fun guys))
  1159. AskDogi: (( later! ))
  1160. wanderandward: ((laters snurt))
  1161. Coldsoul: * (Winter is currently under a big cloak, and she peeks her head out under the hooded part. The hood falls over her face.) W-what!?
  1162. iggi: [[ cya snurts
  1163. undauntedgunner: (( oh seeya
  1164. fallenfamily: (bye snurt :c )
  1165. Coldsoul: (( bye snurt ))
  1166. TrueChara: [[ tbh this is a pretty weird anime lmao. see ya snurty
  1167. StreamerDoggo: * You might not, see what happens when you leave. If its snow in a cave, you're stuck with us. If not...Well, you're not.
  1168. StreamerDoggo: ((Alright, bye Snurt))
  1169. asgore: ((this is the worst it gets as far as im aware))
  1170. asgore: but whatever floats ya boat! l8ter!!))
  1171. fallenfamily: ...uh?
  1172. TrueChara silently climbs onto Asgore's back and softly grabs onto his horns. They proceed to make soft motorcycle noises.
  1173. wanderandward: -Would be cool to have a stand user down here. The Doc would love to poke at ya heh-
  1174. iggi: * I'll fart on his face if he even tries.
  1175. lovinggoat975: Oh, like that show we watch here?
  1176. lovinggoat975: Sorry I'm late, by the way.
  1177. wanderandward: *Points at Asgore* -That Winter. How can you fear that?-
  1178. StreamerDoggo: * YOu fart on EVERYONES faces
  1179. asgore gives a soft snort and laughs quietly.
  1180. AskDogi: (Hello, Toriel!)
  1181. fallenfamily: not everyone.
  1182. AskDogi: Hey, Toriel..~
  1183. fallenfamily: ...last I checked.
  1184. StreamerDoggo: * Hey, ma'am
  1185. iggi: * Everyone and their friends.
  1186. undauntedgunner waves hello.
  1187. wanderandward: -Hey there Toriel.-
  1188. fallenfamily: Oh , guess I was wrong.
  1189. fallenfamily: what a surprise.
  1190. fallenfamily: not really.
  1191. Coldsoul: * (She tries to get the hood up, but she cannot! It's just a huge cloak on a tiny human.)
  1192. StreamerDoggo: * Someone please get Lupin his pants back
  1193. undauntedgunner: Having no pants makes him aerodynamic.
  1194. wanderandward: -And I'm pretty sure the Doc would find a way to prevent that.-
  1195. lovinggoat975: He's very, er, slender?
  1196. StreamerDoggo: * Airmowhat now?
  1197. Coldsoul: * (She manages to get the hood up, and she sees Asgore and her eyes widen. She freezes once she sees him.) W-wh...?!
  1198. fallenfamily: that goatee...
  1199. Frisk: * Hm?
  1200. undauntedgunner: Aerodynamic, it means he can go ReALLY fast.
  1201. wanderandward: -Heh need a little help there kissan? ...erm, Winter...why'd I sday that...-
  1202. StreamerDoggo: * How fast?
  1203. fallenfamily: 20speed
  1204. AskDogi: (!!!)
  1205. AskDogi: Oh no, the wine...
  1206. iggi: * Damn, this girl is wasting that juice.
  1207. iggi: * WHAT.
  1208. fallenfamily: UH
  1209. asgore: (( :3c ))
  1210. StreamerDoggo: * WHAT!!!
  1211. lovinggoat975: Oh, how terrible!
  1212. TrueChara: Asgore's a big fluffy brute. He wouldn't harm a fly if he could.
  1213. wanderandward: -Was there a body in there?-
  1214. AskDogi: Wait, that's not wine WHAT THE HELL.
  1215. iggi: * I fucking hate humans.
  1216. TrueChara: Agreed.
  1217. asgore: Hrm? No, I really don't like fighting at all.
  1218. AskDogi: (....)
  1219. undauntedgunner: 20 entire speed.
  1220. TrueChara: Which is why his trident is a great back scratcher!
  1221. lovinggoat975: Right. Certainly.
  1222. fallenfamily: ...
  1223. fallenfamily: wow/
  1224. fallenfamily: what timing.
  1225. wanderandward: -Got his ass kicked.-
  1226. Coldsoul: * (She can't move, and she just looks up at the huge goat monster. She can't take her eyes away, but she's shaking. She's obviously scared.)
  1227. StreamerDoggo: * I dont know what to even say
  1228. AskDogi *This was a bad decision. The WORST decision. But she'd try it anyway, goddamnit. Ressa flushes AGAIN.
  1229. fallenfamily: also pretty sure that lady murdered another lady.
  1230. AskDogi: (Hey, my king.. Asgore.)
  1231. AskDogi: (Wanna join the doggy snuggle-pile~?)
  1232. asgore is actually very well aware of Winter, but doesn't want to visually acknowledge them for fear of startling them more.
  1233. fallenfamily: that was in the barrel.
  1234. fallenfamily: Probably wrong but that wine was person-shaped.
  1235. asgore: Oh, um! I kind of have a little one preoccupying me.
  1236. asgore gestures to Chara.
  1237. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah want to jo-WAIT WHAT. RESSA!
  1238. AskDogi: (Fair enough.. Maybe another time, then.)
  1239. TrueChara grips tightly onto Asgore the moment they heard 'ressa speak. They silently hiss at her.
  1240. AskDogi: (Heheheh, worth a try, Doggo!)
  1241. fallenfamily: Down boy.
  1242. wanderandward: -Heh, clingy kid.-
  1243. asgore snorts and laughs a tiny bit.
  1244. StreamerDoggo: * C'mon, Ress! He's the king! He can find way better than us.
  1245. Coldsoul: * (She slowly turns her head away, hiding a little under the cloak. She reaches out a hand slowly and places a little bit of the cloak on Frisk.)
  1246. asgore: ((oh man...))
  1247. asgore: ((this epi....))
  1248. undauntedgunner: (( emotions?
  1249. AskDogi: (We're all monsters, here, and that's for him to decide!)
  1250. AskDogi: (And you can't say the king doesn't look SUPER comfy to snuggle!)
  1251. wanderandward: ((is it like that haunted hotel ep?))
  1252. asgore: Personally, I'd love to snuggle with you guys!
  1253. fallenfamily: Uh ressa?
  1254. fallenfamily: Not a monster.
  1255. Coldsoul: * I'mnot...!
  1256. asgore: ((no lol))
  1257. muffetbae has to depart
  1258. StreamerDoggo: * Y-...You would?
  1259. muffetbae: *I Apologize my dearies, but I must go.
  1260. undauntedgunner: Yea there's a lot of not-monsters here.
  1261. AskDogi *Ressa is RED, saying this. A big part of her felt the same way as Doggo, but her flush only gets worse at Asgore's confirmation.
  1262. asgore: Yes! Oh, goodbye Muffet!
  1263. AskDogi: Aww....
  1264. fallenfamily: See ya muffet.
  1265. undauntedgunner waves goodbye to Muffet.
  1266. AskDogi: Later, muffet~
  1267. wanderandward: -Bye Muffet-
  1268. StreamerDoggo: * Oh, bye MuffMuff
  1269. AskDogi *Amy gently releases Muffet from his hug, but not before dragging another finger up her side.
  1270. muffetbae stands, gently placing the smol doge on the ground. She Curtsies to the king, and Gives a little wave to everyone else. She shivers with Amy's action
  1271. muffetbae: *Goodnight everyone!
  1272. muffetbae takes her leave
  1273. AskDogi: (Night, muffet!)
  1274. iggi: * See you around, spider babe.
  1275. lovinggoat975: Honestly I'm a little surprised how startstuck you are. I'm the former queeen, and you cuddle with me a fair amount.
  1276. AskDogi: Oh, hey, speaking of that, a vacant spot just opened up on my lap..
  1277. fallenfamily: ...
  1278. AskDogi: Want to fill it~?
  1279. TrueChara: He won't.
  1280. lovinggoat975: Not tonight.
  1281. Coldsoul: * (She looks at Ressa, obviously a bit scared. Only her eyes peek out of the cloak pile on top of her.)
  1282. wanderandward: *scoots over next to Winter.* -Here, I'll protect you from the giant goat monster. Now relax please.-
  1283. AskDogi *Goddamnit, Dogamy, NO CHILL.
  1284. AskDogi: Alright..
  1285. fallenfamily eyes the spot with slight longing.
  1286. fallenfamily shit.
  1287. AskDogi *Amy just shrugs and snuggles Doggo a bit more tightly.
  1288. StreamerDoggo: ((BRB ))
  1289. iggi gets an idea. Turns the Fool into a glass of water and places it on the table.
  1290. Coldsoul: * (She looks up at Wander, slowly disappearing into the pile of cloak.) O-okay...
  1291. Frisk: * Yeah, he's not gonna kill you or anything.
  1292. lovinggoat975: For now.
  1293. AskDogi: mm?
  1294. wanderandward: -Tori, shush. -
  1295. lovinggoat975: nothing.
  1296. asgore sweats just a tiny bit.
  1297. asgore: No, nobody's dying at all anytime soon.
  1298. AskDogi: (She's under our protection, royal guard or not, /human/ or not.)
  1299. fallenfamily suddenly realizes Amy was talking to someone in particular about filling the spot.
  1300. TrueChara covers Asgore's eyes with their hands.
  1301. Coldsoul: * (A tiny whine comes from the cloak pile. She's still shaking, and whispering something about not wanting to die under the cloak.)
  1302. wanderandward: -Well, Iggy might, according to the goddess goat heheh-
  1303. iggi: * You're asking for it.
  1304. iggi: * Because, tonight... You...
  1305. AskDogi: (...Relax, Winter. If you want big doggy Ressa to protect you, you can sit on my lap, if you'd like.)
  1306. lovinggoat975: Tonight you what?
  1307. wanderandward: -What are you gonna fart on my face? Jokes on you, I dont have one! Hah!-
  1308. iggi: * Then how are you talkin'? Through your ass?
  1309. TrueChara: [[ at the rate im playing w/ my shulk amiibo im gonna snap his hand off lmao ]
  1310. StreamerDoggo: * Pfffft, heheheheheh...Nice one, Ig
  1311. AskDogi: (Wander's kind of a blob.)
  1312. AskDogi: (A cute, person-shaped blob that does have a face, but not all the time.)
  1313. iggi smirks.
  1314. wanderandward: -Thats your special skill, pooch. not mine.-
  1315. asgore: ((brb))
  1316. Coldsoul: * (She slowly peeks her head out, showing herself being a little teary eyed. She nods her head.)
  1317. iggi: * Then I'll have to find my own way. Since--- ... Oh.
  1318. StreamerDoggo: * Woah!
  1319. AskDogi *Ressa goes over to pick up Winter, bundle and all, breaking off from her snuggle with Doggo.
  1320. iggi: * Would you look at that.
  1321. lovinggoat975: (Rotoscoping?)
  1322. wanderandward: *The wisp floats out of the amalgams sleeve and hovers in front of Iggy.* -I cheat.-
  1323. asgore: ((OK back))
  1324. TrueChara: [[ wb flare ]]
  1325. StreamerDoggo: ((I now have soft, fluffy cat on my lap))
  1326. AskDogi: ((ye, cutest cat))
  1327. iggi: * That's exactly what I do.
  1328. asgore: ((ya))
  1329. wanderandward: ((sapping your soul and you dont know it))
  1330. Coldsoul: * (Winter is picked up by Ressa, and Wander's cloak is taken with her. She hides back under the cloak.)
  1331. iggi: [[ what soul? ]]
  1332. asgore: ((goddamn it goemon))
  1335. StreamerDoggo: * Should I even yell about the sword bullcrap again?!
  1336. iggi summons the Fool from its cup state, keeping it smaller than it usually is.
  1337. StreamerDoggo: * Cause i'll just be repeating myself!
  1338. fallenfamily: (you say this but a butter knife can break abullet.)
  1339. AskDogi *Ressa merely sits down and gets cuddly against Doggo again, the winter-bundle on her lap. She reaches one hand inside the bundle to gently pet winter's hair.. before her hand freezes up and she just kind of stares at the anime for a moment.
  1340. AskDogi *...before she relaxes just as quickly and keeps trying to comfort Winter.
  1341. iggi: [[ at least rohan kishibe isnt here ]]
  1342. Coldsoul: * (The kid's hair is petted, and she settles down just a little, and she will continue to do so.) ... t-thanks.
  1343. asgore: ((the butler is hardcore))
  1344. StreamerDoggo: * Do not threaten his family
  1345. AskDogi: (Of course, my child..)
  1346. StreamerDoggo: * WELP
  1347. AskDogi *Whoops.
  1348. AskDogi: (I mean, Winter..hff.)
  1349. AskDogi: !!!
  1350. AskDogi: What's wrong with Nix!?
  1352. iggi steals a phone from Frisk's pocket, using it to check up on his friend.
  1353. AskDogi: (YEAH!)
  1354. iggi: * Oh yeah.
  1355. wanderandward: *Suddenly feels hollow hearing 'Ressa say that.* -Maybe bashing my head against a wall will help.-
  1356. iggi: * I know a guy who's in the mafia, he's... something.
  1357. undauntedgunner: (( did i miss a lot
  1358. Coldsoul: * (Winter tenses up a little bit at the words, and she tenses even more when Wander says that. Her voice shoots up.) W-Wander, n-no...!
  1359. asgore: ((plot episode))
  1360. wanderandward: ((missed an old guy pullin some matrix stuff))
  1361. StreamerDoggo: ((Surpise! It's a plot))
  1362. Frisk: * Daaamn. Don't do that, Wander.
  1363. asgore: ((gr8....))
  1364. undauntedgunner: (( not the plot.........
  1365. asgore: ((nix mcfreakin lost it))
  1366. asgore: ((this area is like))
  1367. StreamerDoggo: * A Sphinx monster?
  1368. asgore: ((aeshtetic in some ways))
  1369. asgore: 9
  1370. asgore: ((fuck i need to turn on the light))
  1371. undauntedgunner: (( 9 whole aesthetic
  1372. asgore: ((but the aesthetic of this part is like... my aesthetic))
  1373. wanderandward: -Yeah Scan. Complete blank up here. -
  1374. undauntedgunner: I'ma bit surprised you remember me if you don't remember Winter.
  1375. wanderandward: -I dunno Ress. Really don't want to risk it.-
  1376. AskDogi: (...fair enough.)
  1377. wanderandward: -Seem to remember everything else just fine. The kid there is the only blank I'm noticing.-
  1378. undauntedgunner: It's like you're going in a line of forgetting people. Not to long ago you couldn't remember Tarma, right?
  1379. wanderandward: -...who?-
  1380. lovinggoat975: So is he in some sort sort of collective unconcious? I don't think I follow.
  1381. undauntedgunner: Oh.
  1382. asgore: ((BULLSHIT SCIENCE POWERS))
  1383. StreamerDoggo: * I do not understand a THING of this
  1384. Coldsoul: * (Winter peeks out her head from under the cloak bundle so Ressa can pet her easier; she kinda liked it.)
  1385. asgore: Erm... From how I see it, it's sort of like...
  1386. AskDogi *Ressa just giggles and quietly keeps her pets up.
  1387. wanderandward: ((M!A Wander can't remember Tarma and winter
  1388. asgore: The phrase in itself is a trigger in the mind. If you decipher the code and find out the phrase, it awakens a sort of remnant of the person.
  1389. wanderandward: ((from tali.))
  1390. wanderandward: ((sadist
  1391. undauntedgunner: (( incredible
  1392. asgore: But it's only in one's consciousness?
  1393. iggi: [[ ahha damn
  1394. iggi: * That's deep.
  1395. lovinggoat975: It sounds very strange.
  1396. Coldsoul: * (Winter giggles for just a moment before resting her head on Ressa's lap. Fluffy dog is comfy dog.)
  1397. AskDogi *Amy whispers to Doggo.
  1398. AskDogi: Hey, mind if I use some black magic to fool this mutt, quick? I've gotten better at it, it only takes about 20 HP, now, and it regenerates within a few days.
  1399. iggi scratches his ear, yawning.
  1400. StreamerDoggo whispers back, not turning his head to look at Amy to keep things lowkey.
  1401. StreamerDoggo: * Amy...You know how much I don't like you using that magic.
  1402. asgore: ((nix is still mcfreakin loosing it))
  1403. undauntedgunner: (( what happened to nix btw
  1404. asgore: ((lupin threatened his family))
  1405. asgore: ((and he snapped))
  1406. StreamerDoggo: ((Someone get Nix some mcnuggies))
  1407. asgore: ((and now is a vry mad rat))
  1408. AskDogi: Mmm..Understandable..especially after that little incident where you witnessed exactly...what it was..firsthand. Just wanted to make him think I have a stand, but I'll hold off on it.
  1409. undauntedgunner: (( gdi lupin
  1410. iggi: * Guy's got dry eye.
  1411. StreamerDoggo: * Could you please just...Not use it? At least not near me?
  1412. AskDogi: Of course.
  1413. Coldsoul: * (She leans into Ressa's pets, obviously calming down. She stopped shaking and she's not as tensed up.)
  1414. AskDogi *Amy leans his head onto Doggo's shoulder to cuddle him.
  1415. wanderandward: -Who's Tarma...?-
  1416. StreamerDoggo leans his head on top of Amy's, sighing deeply as one of his arms squeezes around the other dog.
  1417. AskDogi: (A red, scaled monster with horns.. She's actually really cute~)
  1418. AskDogi: (You'd probably like to meet her.)
  1419. wanderandward: -If you say so.-
  1420. StreamerDoggo: * I still love you, Amy...I just don't want you to endanger yourself like that for some stupid prank.
  1421. iggi: * So, he's a rat.
  1422. AskDogi: I understand, but the risks get less and less every time I use the magic..
  1423. AskDogi: (A bit better, Winter?)
  1424. StreamerDoggo: * You tell me that but I just don't...
  1425. Coldsoul: * (She nods her head for a response and she curls up a bit more. She's comfy now..)
  1426. AskDogi: I won't use it around you, though, I swear.
  1427. asgore was going to ask if there's still room for cuddles, but now that Winter's there, he thinks it's best to not.
  1428. StreamerDoggo: * ...We'll...Talk about it some other time.
  1429. AskDogi: Right.
  1430. wanderandward: *Looks between the king and Ressa, then waves a hand at 'Ress to get her attention.*
  1431. AskDogi: (Hm?)
  1432. Coldsoul: * (She looks up at Ressa, fluffy hair falling in her face from being pat so much.) ...?
  1433. asgore: ((uhhh))
  1434. asgore: ((i cant think of anythin))
  1435. iggi: [[ alright. theres brave story. shits cute. origins: spirits of the past, uhh gusko budori no denki
  1436. wanderandward: *Points at the King, then Winter.*
  1437. wanderandward: ((Brave Story? I'll vote for that))
  1438. StreamerDoggo: ((Looks fun, yeah))
  1439. asgore: ((idk what brave story is but from what i've heard it sounds cute))
  1440. wanderandward: ((played the psp game heh
  1441. Coldsoul: (( Try New Things [tm] ))
  1442. wanderandward: -Just give her here, and invite him over?-
  1443. undauntedgunner: (( no clue what any of those are but sure i'd be down with brave story
  1444. undauntedgunner: (( it rhymes with cave story and that game is so good so im sure it'd be good too
  1445. asgore: ((YEAH SO))
  1446. AskDogi: (Well..)
  1447. StreamerDoggo: ((Oh, dub or sub?))
  1448. AskDogi: (Winter, would you be alright with snuggling with Wander again, for a while? If you want to stay here, that's fine, as well..)
  1449. Coldsoul: * ... (Winter is conflicted with a decision! She thinks before shrugging. Snuggling anyone is fine.)
  1450. iggi: [[ dub i guess
  1451. wanderandward: ((dub
  1452. StreamerDoggo: ((Im gonna get up for a bit, be back))
  1453. wanderandward: ((had enough reading for one night ty ))
  1454. StreamerDoggo: ((That song is too long for such a short break, have Jet Set Radio instead))
  1455. wanderandward: ((Fun game ))
  1456. fallenfamily: (that song sounded familiar what was te original )
  1457. undauntedgunner: (( i think it was the FF6 battle theme
  1458. wanderandward: ((It was a boss batte theme from ff4 i think
  1459. undauntedgunner: (( the song before this one, right?
  1460. fallenfamily: ( no not 4)\
  1461. AskDogi: (Alright, then..)
  1462. fallenfamily: (I would fucking know if it was 4)
  1463. wanderandward: -Think shes fine with it Ress.-
  1464. fallenfamily: (trust me.)
  1465. AskDogi *Ressa picks up the bundle again before gently walking over and putting it down on Wander's lap.
  1466. undauntedgunner: (( i think it said VI in the title which is 6
  1467. AskDogi *She's all yours, Wander.
  1468. AskDogi: ((whoops))
  1469. AskDogi: ((meant for that to be in ( ) ))
  1470. wanderandward: *Pats the Winter bundle.* -Heh alright.-
  1471. wanderandward: -To think I forgot I cute kid like you...-
  1472. Coldsoul: * (Winter relaxes on Wander's lap and curls up. She is pat, but she doesn't mind.) O-okay-- I'm not c-cute!!!
  1473. fallenfamily: (anyway, i ma head out to the darkest dungeon.)
  1474. StreamerDoggo: ((Okay back, got cookies and milk))
  1475. fallenfamily: (if we're doing some discordstuff later, hmu.)
  1476. undauntedgunner: (( oh seeya around ff
  1477. fallenfamily: (otherwise, night.)
  1478. iggi eats a raw steak, chilling somewhere. He gets rid of the Fool for a while, leaving it a pile of sand.
  1479. iggi: [[ cya
  1480. wanderandward: ((alright, laters
  1481. fallenfamily: See ya guys later.
  1482. asgore: ((l8ter! enjoy dankest dungeoning))
  1483. fallenfamily: Getting antsy.
  1484. wanderandward: -Heh, guess we'll have to agree to disagree kid.-
  1485. QTori: * I have arrived for movies!
  1486. wanderandward: ((wb snurt
  1487. Coldsoul: * (Winter huffs, looking down a little to hide her blush; her hair is doing part of the job already.) N-no, W-Wander!!!
  1488. QTori: (( Nkt nkts
  1489. undauntedgunner waves hello.
  1490. undauntedgunner: (( weba
  1491. iggi: [[ sup snurts
  1492. StreamerDoggo: ((How do you feel about Brave Story?))
  1493. wanderandward: ((hey joe, have any remixes of Magus boss theme?))
  1494. StreamerDoggo: ((No but if you wanna link one ill play it))
  1495. wanderandward: ((hm, think richaad mightve had one. 1 sec
  1496. wanderandward:
  1497. wanderandward: ((ah good timing heh
  1498. AskDogi: (Alright, Asgore, lap's free again..)
  1499. AskDogi: (Wanna snuggle~?)
  1500. AskDogi *Ressa's since sat down next to Doggo, again.
  1501. asgore gives a quiet wheeze.
  1502. asgore: I, um. Sure?
  1503. StreamerDoggo: * Um...Where would he even sit? He's like, bigger than all of us
  1504. Coldsoul: * (Winter goes silent at the mention of Asgore again. Her thoughts shut the hell up. A little bit more scary thoughts come up and she shrinks under the cloak.)
  1505. wanderandward: -Maybe you can sit on him?-
  1506. asgore: That's fair.
  1507. asgore: ((BRO))
  1508. asgore: ((BRUTAL LEGEND HELLO.......))
  1509. StreamerDoggo: ((YES FLARE))
  1510. asgore: ((this is good))
  1511. wanderandward: *Gently pets Winter under the bundle.*
  1513. undauntedgunner casually waves to the goddess.
  1514. wanderandward: -Welcome back Miss Toriel.-
  1515. GoddessToriel: *"I managed to erase that man from a few timelines without completely ruining the time space continuum!"
  1516. iggi wags tail at the sight of Toriel.
  1517. GoddessToriel: *"There are now five less of him than there were before."
  1518. undauntedgunner: Good job!
  1519. Coldsoul: * (Winter is petted, and she quietly leans into it. She feels a little tired, and a tiny yawn comes from under the cloak pile.)
  1520. StreamerDoggo: ((Whup, almost lost track of time. I'll let this song run tho))
  1521. GoddessToriel: *"Granted... I did not know the EXACT number."
  1522. asgore is slightly confused.
  1523. GoddessToriel: *"Oh, Hello Asgore!"
  1524. asgore: Hello Toriel!
  1525. AskDogi: (mm.. That works.)
  1526. wanderandward: adorable a more acceptable term for ya, Winter? heheh-
  1527. AskDogi *Ressa gets up and pats where she was sitting before, next to Doggo.
  1528. AskDogi: (C'mon, Asgore, heheheh~)
  1529. Coldsoul: * ... I'm n-not a-a-adorable! Eeep!!!
  1530. GoddessToriel: *"I could not thread him out of every timeline I'd seen him in, unfortunately."
  1531. GoddessToriel: *"Sometimes he was critical to the timeline's development.
  1532. Frisk brushes their wings, they're struggling to do so.
  1533. Coldsoul: * (She squirms around a little bit in Wander's lap.)
  1534. GoddessToriel: *"Though I was able to replace him with my own father in one."
  1535. AskDogi *She still can't believe she's even proposing this. Her face is almost as red as Tarma's.
  1536. undauntedgunner: I hate it when that stuff happens.
  1537. asgore moves over, a sort of nervous but sincere smile on his face.
  1538. GoddessToriel: *"Ohoho, someone has taken a liking to you, have they now, Fluffybuns?"
  1539. asgore whEEZES...
  1540. StreamerDoggo: * C-come on, ma'am...Have to be a crazy person to not like Asgore.
  1541. GoddessToriel: *"True enough!"
  1542. GoddessToriel: *"Fluffybuns is quite the charmer~"
  1543. wanderandward: -Hey hey, quit movin, youll fall off. Um, Lintu, you need a bit of help there?-
  1544. wanderandward: -Don't think you're built for preening heh-
  1545. asgore just gives a tiny nervous laugh.
  1546. GoddessToriel: *"Something wrong, Deary?"
  1547. Coldsoul: * (Winter peeks her tiny embarrassed face out of the cloak only to notice Frisk, in which she subconsciously tries to help them by brushing her fingers through them.)
  1548. Frisk: * I do, yeah. Come over here.
  1549. wanderandward: ((confession: I kind of liked the rts battles in Brutal legend.))
  1550. asgore: Nothing, really! I'm just... Generally not used to being... Erm... It's kinda hard to explain.
  1551. GoddessToriel: *"Oh yes, I forget. Generally, Asgores come from timelines where I divorced you, do they not?"
  1552. wanderandward: -Cant. Why dont you just sit in front of us, maybe the kid will help ya.-
  1553. GoddessToriel: *"And they tend to be bad at receiving affection."
  1554. GoddessToriel snickers and leans in, kissing him on the cheek.
  1555. GoddessToriel: ((fun fact my sister ran into a ghost once))
  1556. Frisk nods. They hop off, sitting down in front of Wander and Winter. They hold their wings up a bit.
  1557. asgore whEEZES LOUDER.
  1558. QTori: * That must be one very frightening cat! Hee hee.
  1559. lovinggoat975 seems to be deliberately trying to ignore the version of her kissing the alternate timeline Asgore.
  1560. asgore: I'm... Well, I wouldn't say I'm bad at receiving attention, but...
  1561. AskDogi: (C'mon, 'fluffybuns', sit down so I can snuggle with you.)
  1562. GoddessToriel: *"The same old fluffy buns I know and love, hmm~"
  1563. Coldsoul: * (Winter notices and immediately goes to help Frisk out, pushing a little bit of the cloak off in the process. She keeps trying to brush through Frisk's feathers gently.)
  1564. asgore gives a tiny wheeze and slowly sits down.
  1565. GoddessToriel: *"Toriel, you can join us if you would like~"
  1566. StreamerDoggo: ((Not one Toriel, not two Toriels, but THREE Toriels in one room!))
  1567. lovinggoat975: Ah...
  1568. QTori: (( A toriel tu-toriel! ))
  1569. lovinggoat975: I'd rather not.
  1570. asgore: ((i like where this movie is going))
  1571. GoddessToriel: (Let me tell you a story about a brave))
  1572. GoddessToriel: ((...wait.))
  1573. asgore: ((SNORTS))
  1574. wanderandward: ((lol, that cat, accurate portrayal ))
  1575. iggi: [[ omf
  1576. undauntedgunner: (( so we have still-a-queen toriel, former queen toriel, and actual deity toriel?
  1577. AskDogi *Ressa immediately sits down on Asgore's lap, shifting around to get comfy before putting her arms around the king's neck.
  1578. QTori: (( You frickin got it my main gun ))
  1579. StreamerDoggo: ((Yes Scan))
  1580. AskDogi: ( you're soft, heeheehee..)
  1581. lovinggoat975: (Is the audio lag the file or me?)
  1582. asgore: ((never a real anime unless ur running to school late with toast))
  1583. GoddessToriel: *"Pfff."
  1584. Coldsoul: * (She is now entirely focused on Frisk's feathers, but not on Asgore. The human is revealed again!) ... h-here, Frisk...!
  1585. asgore gives a soft grin.
  1586. undauntedgunner: (( if it is the file, i think my desynch is synced with the files desynch thus making it perfect harmony
  1587. asgore: ((yikes.jpeg))
  1588. Frisk flaps their wings, nodding.
  1589. GoddessToriel: *"Hmm. How rude."
  1590. wanderandward: -indeed. Little shit.-
  1591. iggi: * I'd fart in his face anyways.
  1592. StreamerDoggo glances over to Asgore next to him a fews times before slooooooowly scooching over to press up against him.
  1593. QTori: * What a nasty little hooligan.
  1594. GoddessToriel: *"Oh."
  1595. lovinggoat975: Ah....
  1596. undauntedgunner: ...Huh.
  1597. GoddessToriel: *"Rude."
  1598. StreamerDoggo: * Wait what...His dad is leaving them?
  1599. Coldsoul: * (Winters hands are hit by the wings, but she pulls them back and tries again.) ... w-where d-do you want me to b-brush???
  1600. lovinggoat975: Shouldn't the parents tell them together?
  1601. asgore: ((what the fuck))
  1602. asgore: ((WHAT THE FUCK........))
  1603. GoddessToriel: *"That was just awful of the father."
  1604. QTori: (( WHAT THE HECK MAN))
  1605. GoddessToriel: *"How dare he."
  1606. undauntedgunner: (( i thought yall said this was a cute movie what the hell
  1607. StreamerDoggo lets out a low whine...
  1608. wanderandward: ((oh were you expecting happiness and fluff? ))
  1609. QTori: * Hm.
  1610. GoddessToriel: *"You do not just throw that on a child like that."
  1611. Frisk: * Somewhere in my... secondaries?
  1612. GoddessToriel: *"You let them know before."
  1613. GoddessToriel: *"Oh."
  1614. wanderandward: -Hmph, great parents there.-
  1615. GoddessToriel: *"How rude."
  1616. AskDogi *Amy hugs Doggo a bit closer.
  1617. asgore: ... He just abandoned his own child...
  1618. undauntedgunner: Woah wait what they kidnapped the kid?!
  1619. AskDogi: It'll be okay...
  1620. Frisk: * Holy shit.
  1621. AskDogi: (....)
  1622. GoddessToriel: *"This is assault."
  1623. GoddessToriel: *"He should go to jail."
  1624. AskDogi: (Yeah.)
  1625. lovinggoat975: For the record, my children were dead when we divorced.
  1626. asgore: This is illegal.
  1627. undauntedgunner: I wanna kick those kids asses.
  1628. asgore: This is literally illegal?
  1629. Frisk: * Beat those little shits up.
  1630. AskDogi *Ressa hugs herself closer to Asgore, tense.
  1631. asgore: ((yo what the fuck))
  1632. asgore: ((YOOO WHAT THE FUCK))
  1633. Frisk: [[ ayyyy ]]
  1634. GoddessToriel: *"...Oh my word."
  1635. undauntedgunner: Woah, neat.
  1636. AskDogi: Magic...!
  1637. QTori: * The child is a mage.
  1638. undauntedgunner: Send him to hell!
  1639. GoddessToriel: *"Oh."
  1640. GoddessToriel: *"Well, he did deserve it."
  1641. undauntedgunner: That works I guess.
  1642. lovinggoat975: Oh!
  1643. AskDogi: (..well, then..)
  1644. asgore: Does this child understand dark magic?
  1645. wanderandward: -Oh what the hell?!-
  1646. GoddessToriel: *"That child had probably assaulted others before."
  1647. Frisk: * That's..?
  1648. StreamerDoggo: * Oh my god...
  1649. lovinggoat975: Oh, they're alive.
  1650. undauntedgunner: I like this movie.
  1651. GoddessToriel: *"As do I~"
  1652. QTori: * Well done!
  1653. wanderandward: -awesome.-
  1654. asgore: This is... Certainly interesting.
  1655. Coldsoul: * P-pointing to it w-would hel-- (Winter freezes for just a moment before reaching out again.)
  1656. StreamerDoggo: ((I love how I set my tumblr to turn off the messaging sounds and yet it turns it back on))
  1657. AskDogi: Perhaps...
  1658. GoddessToriel: ((OH THAT WAS YOU))
  1659. Frisk pats their lower wing.
  1660. GoddessToriel: ((I WAS LIKE WHAT THE FUCK))
  1661. AskDogi: What kind of dark magic was it, though?
  1662. undauntedgunner: (( i thought it was my tumblr
  1663. undauntedgunner: I think that was summoning.
  1664. QTori: (( ok my messaging went off JUST as you sent that message im laughing ))
  1665. AskDogi *Ressa is calming down, nuzzling her nose against Asgore's neck.
  1666. Frisk: [[ saame ]]
  1667. QTori: (( did we all get a message at the same time, what kind of weird synchronicity is this...))
  1668. asgore lightly nudges Ressa back.
  1669. wanderandward: -Mitsuru is a bit rude, isnt he?-
  1670. asgore: ((what the fuck he was rly nice to the kid and then was like 'lol no you're like 10')
  1671. QTori: (( oh my god, what kinda one upsmanship is this))
  1672. Coldsoul: * (Winter reaches down far to try and get to the lower wing; she slides off Wander's lap because she's leaning too far.) !!!
  1673. lovinggoat975: Oh, this is one of those fae stories. But with demons.
  1674. lovinggoat975: I wonder what the moral of this story will be.
  1675. wanderandward: *Tries to grab Winter before she falls* -Told ya not to move around so much.-
  1676. StreamerDoggo: * Wait....
  1677. QTori: * ... oh no.
  1678. StreamerDoggo: * Is...
  1679. QTori: * Has his mother ...
  1680. Frisk: * Oh fuck.
  1681. asgore: ((YO))
  1682. StreamerDoggo: * Oh god no
  1683. asgore: ((YOOOO.......))
  1684. undauntedgunner: (( I LOOK AWAY FOR ONE GODDAMN MINUTE
  1685. undauntedgunner: (( WHAT
  1686. Frisk: [[ :3c
  1688. wanderandward: ((*grins*))
  1689. undauntedgunner: (( DONT YOU :3c ME I WANNA KNOW
  1690. AskDogi: (What...?)
  1691. AskDogi: The hell?
  1692. wanderandward: ((his mother left the gas on, nearly offed herself.))
  1693. undauntedgunner: (( aight actually i got google ima go look up what happened
  1694. undauntedgunner: (( oh.
  1695. StreamerDoggo: ((No just just fell over sick))
  1696. Coldsoul: * (Winter is caught, but she reaches toward the lower wing and starts finger-brushing through Frisk's wing a little.) ... here?
  1697. QTori: * It almost looks like the royal seal.
  1698. Frisk: * Mhm!
  1699. AskDogi: Is that the gate of truth..?
  1700. undauntedgunner: Wrong series.
  1701. AskDogi: Like Fullmetal Alchemist style?
  1702. AskDogi: Ah.
  1703. undauntedgunner: ... Maybe.
  1704. AskDogi: I know, but it looks like it..
  1705. undauntedgunner: I didn't see a Fullmetal Alchemist logo, so...
  1706. AskDogi: It doesn't have it. Ed's has the tree of life, for example.
  1707. undauntedgunner: I mean like, in the intro of the movie, telling everyone 'Hey this is a FMA movie' yknow?
  1708. Coldsoul: * (She starts slowly and gently brushing through the wing, feeling their soft feathers. She was content.) Ok!
  1709. AskDogi: ...dunno, might've been a reference.
  1710. StreamerDoggo: * ...Trippy
  1711. AskDogi: ( that a tongue.)
  1712. AskDogi: (Why did I think that...?)
  1713. AskDogi: Oh, they're birds-!!
  1714. StreamerDoggo: * No its birds???????
  1715. Frisk peeps.
  1716. wanderandward: -Weird movie.-
  1717. asgore: ((birds))
  1718. AskDogi: *[The crow's here!]
  1719. AskDogi: *["BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS!!]
  1720. undauntedgunner: Yeah, those sure were birds alright.
  1721. Coldsoul: * (She jumps at the peep, nearly falling out of Wander's grasp. She halts the brushing for just a moment.) ?!?!
  1722. StreamerDoggo: ((CHOOSE YOUR CLASS))
  1723. undauntedgunner: (( my favorite class is helmet and ring 100
  1724. Frisk: * DAMN KID.
  1725. AskDogi *Meanwhile, Ressa just keeps nuzzling Asgore, giving his neck a small, experimental lick. Would he be okay with this....?
  1726. asgore: ((u hecked up))
  1727. wanderandward: -Got greedy.-
  1729. lovinggoat975: Well he is but a child, he's probably as confused as we are.
  1730. asgore: ((RU N))
  1731. undauntedgunner: (( ACCELERATE, MY CHILD
  1732. asgore: ((gotta go fast))
  1733. Coldsoul: * (She decides to wriggle out of Wander's grasp to sit right behind Frisk. It would be easier to brush their feathers, anyway.)
  1734. lovinggoat975: ((DO A DODGE ROLL))
  1735. AskDogi: ((man dark souls 4 is lookin great))
  1736. asgore: ((dark souls))
  1737. Frisk: [[ pff
  1738. asgore: ((THATS WHAT IT GHOUTH))
  1739. StreamerDoggo: ((Get a shield! Parry the statue!))
  1740. AskDogi: ((AHAHAH YEAH))
  1741. wanderandward: -Hm? Oh, um guess thats a good idea Winter.-
  1742. AskDogi: (( *HIGH-FIVES ASGORE))
  1743. asgore: ((*high fIVES*))
  1744. StreamerDoggo: * WHAT
  1745. asgore: ((WHAT))
  1746. QTori: ((WHAT))
  1747. undauntedgunner: Huh.
  1748. QTori: * WHAT
  1749. undauntedgunner: (( WHAT
  1750. asgore: What..???
  1751. AskDogi: ?????
  1752. Frisk: * A riddle..?
  1753. wanderandward: -Sounds like it.-
  1754. Coldsoul: * (She resumes brushing their lower wing, humming a little tune subconsciously.)
  1755. StreamerDoggo: * What is this?? A contest???? He just avoided NOT DYING, grandpa!!
  1756. undauntedgunner: He DID say it was a test...
  1757. wanderandward: -Heh, brutal grade.-
  1758. undauntedgunner: Oh shoot, that's cool.
  1759. asgore: ((this isn't a magical girl anime))
  1760. lovinggoat975: Oh! So this is supposed to be like one of those Adventurer stories!
  1761. lovinggoat975: But with a normal child instead of a plucky youth.
  1762. StreamerDoggo: * A tower...With a god at the top? Why does that...?
  1763. wanderandward: -First is a freebie eh? lucky.-
  1764. AskDogi: (A weirdo, for sure.)
  1765. StreamerDoggo: * ...My head hurts.
  1766. AskDogi *Ressa snirks.
  1767. lovinggoat975: It sounds like this challenge Undyne was talking about.
  1768. AskDogi *She didn't really mean it, but oh well.
  1769. asgore: ((sand hell))
  1770. Frisk: * Oh boy, a /desert/.
  1771. QTori: * Welcome to surface hotland!
  1772. StreamerDoggo: ((Wizard class OP))
  1773. iggi curls up on the couch.
  1774. AskDogi *Ressa's face goes completely red.. before she gives Asgore's neck another lick to judge his reaction.
  1775. asgore: ((cute))
  1776. wanderandward: -Can agree with that sentiment. Wizards are awesome.-
  1777. asgore: ((still kinda cute))
  1778. lovinggoat975: Well, he isn't afraid of dogs at least.
  1779. asgore: ((oh shit))
  1780. undauntedgunner: Wizards are aight-ish.
  1781. undauntedgunner: Now, gunners. Gunners are the best class.
  1782. Frisk: * OH DAMN. DESERT WOLVES.
  1783. QTori: * I'm rather glad he didn't try to attack it at first sight, but this does not bode well.
  1784. wanderandward: -Wizards are gunners with a better arsenal!-
  1785. undauntedgunner: Excuse you.
  1786. Coldsoul: * (Winter hums the tune a little louder as she feels the feathers.) Hmm hmm. (She moves on, brushing more.)
  1787. asgore: ((JESUS))
  1788. lovinggoat975: Classes? Are you talking about human adventurers?
  1789. asgore: ((lizard dude?))
  1790. Frisk: [[ corkscrew wolves.. so cute
  1791. asgore: ((LIZARD!))
  1792. AskDogi: Oh, hey, a monster!
  1793. asgore: ((u shoulda kept the tiny puper))
  1794. QTori: (( that boy wasted a perfectly good trainable mount opportunity))
  1795. undauntedgunner is trying his best to not start ranting about how much better guns are than everything.
  1796. lovinggoat975: If I were one, I'd probably take whatever best balanced the party. Possibly a Cleric or a Paladin.
  1797. QTori: (( Gerson/alphys common ancestor ))
  1798. StreamerDoggo: ((Now we are on the Default Windows Wallpaper Plains))
  1799. wanderandward: -Huh, monsters like us in that world? On the surface too. -
  1800. asgore: ((thts cute))
  1801. asgore: ((i love the designs in this))
  1802. AskDogi: ((so cute))
  1803. undauntedgunner: (( i now see what yall was talkin bout it bein cute
  1804. StreamerDoggo: * Well hey, who says monsters can't be adventurers?
  1805. StreamerDoggo: * I would probably be a Rogue
  1806. asgore: ((I LIKE THE DIALECT IN THIS TOO))
  1807. undauntedgunner: (( for a sec i thought it was just gonna be all sad n shit the whole time
  1808. Coldsoul: * (She realizes she was humming and she shuts up, getting into a rush with brushing through. Her cheeks are a little pink.)
  1809. wanderandward: ((just an fyi, this movie is based on a book of the same name.))
  1810. Frisk: * !!!
  1811. Frisk: [[ yep ]]
  1812. asgore: ((THE DESIGNS ARE SOO GOOD IM..))
  1813. AskDogi: I'd be a black mage, probably..
  1814. AskDogi: (And I'd be a berserker!)
  1815. asgore shrugs.
  1816. lovinggoat975: Well, usually their humans. Some monsters became adventurers, but they don't last as long.
  1817. asgore: I'm not quite sure what I'd be..?
  1818. Frisk: * I'm more of a... Hm.
  1819. wanderandward: -Guardian?-
  1820. QTori: * Ahaha, I can see myself as a red mage! Or perhaps an elementalist.
  1821. StreamerDoggo: * Paladin, got the fire and fancy armor for it
  1822. wanderandward: -You'd be a rogue, Lintu.-
  1823. AskDogi *Ressa keeps licking Asgore's neck, hoping to see what his reaction might be, if anything. She was still really embarrassed about this and she'd back off in a moment if he looked even remotely uncomfortable.
  1824. Frisk: * I am a nimble enough for that.
  1825. wanderandward: -Quick and dashing heh-
  1826. undauntedgunner: I think Lords are pretty close to kings, right?
  1827. Frisk: * Aw.
  1828. asgore: I like paladin, then.
  1829. asgore: ((holy shit))
  1830. Coldsoul: * (Winter is in a bit more of a rush, starting to freak out. She didn't realize she was starting to hum in public, and she usually never did that.)
  1831. wanderandward: -Hm, wonder what Winter would be... um kid, slow down you might pluck a feather.-
  1832. asgore: ((what the fuck mitzuru))
  1833. asgore: ((kids gonna get lost af))
  1834. wanderandward: ((Undertop!))
  1835. undauntedgunner: Can swords even do that...?
  1836. StreamerDoggo: * No?
  1837. AskDogi: (oh, she's pretty..)
  1838. asgore: Magic.
  1839. Frisk: * Oooh!
  1840. lovinggoat975: A circus?
  1841. asgore: I suspect a sort of illusion magic?
  1842. AskDogi *Dogamy gives Doggo a little kiss on the neck.
  1843. StreamerDoggo: * And yeah, that cat is beautiful
  1844. asgore: ((woah the soundtrack is nice))
  1845. Coldsoul: * (She stops brushing the birb-human and quickly turns around, showing her bright red face. Oops.)
  1846. asgore: ((i like cute cat acrobat lady))
  1847. Frisk: [[ her design is fav ]]
  1848. wanderandward: -Heheh, whats wrong kid? Dont like humming when other people can hear?-
  1849. asgore: ((what is thAT ITS SO CUTE))
  1850. asgore: ((ITS A TINY DRAGON))
  1851. asgore: ((HOLY SHIT))
  1852. StreamerDoggo: * Hfff...Hey there Amy, feeling lovey again?
  1853. AskDogi: ((LET IT GO))
  1854. AskDogi: ...little bit.
  1855. AskDogi: yeah..
  1856. undauntedgunner: (( its like a tiny fluffy latias
  1857. wanderandward: -Want one as a pet.-
  1858. Coldsoul: * (Winter's face gets redder and she quickly tries to cover up her face with her hair before turning around to keep brushing the feathers.)
  1859. Coldsoul: * (Her pace got quicker.)
  1860. AskDogi: (...what.)
  1861. asgore: ((goddamn it cat lady))
  1862. asgore: ((how old is he 12))
  1863. wanderandward: -hm, fashy.-
  1864. asgore: ((GODDAMN IT CAT LASY))
  1865. QTori: (( how old is this kid? he ain't too good at explaining, is he.))
  1866. wanderandward: ((5th grader. So 11?))
  1867. QTori: (( cat lady is up to some shit isnt she ))
  1868. StreamerDoggo: ((So wait am I not the only one who didnt catch the main kids name))
  1869. Coldsoul: * D-don'tsayitoutl-loudplease...!!!
  1870. AskDogi *....Ressa whines a bit.
  1871. undauntedgunner: (( wataru i think
  1872. QTori: (( his name is whiner until he manages to pull out his crazy shonen courage stores))
  1873. StreamerDoggo: * Oh....
  1874. wanderandward: -Dont worry, think I'm thge only one that caught it heheh. Sounded nice by the way.-
  1875. AskDogi *Ressa's breath starts to get quicker. She DOESN'T like this.
  1876. AskDogi: (mmmfh....)
  1877. wanderandward: ((Wataru))
  1878. lovinggoat975: ((He strikes me as an ordinary kid rather than a shonen protag.))
  1879. Frisk: * Say what outloud..?
  1880. wanderandward: -Nothin Lintu-
  1881. Coldsoul: * It's not goo-- nothiNG!
  1882. asgore: ((shoulda dropkicked em))
  1883. undauntedgunner: Wh...
  1884. AskDogi: (
  1885. Frisk: * Doesn't sooound like nothing.
  1886. StreamerDoggo: * Well, that works out
  1887. asgore: ((MAGIC LADY))
  1888. Coldsoul: * (She tries to slow down while brushing Frisk's feathers, and she's shaking. She's really embarrassed.) I-It's nothing!!!
  1890. asgore: ((cat lady....))
  1891. undauntedgunner: ... Can you smell water?
  1892. wanderandward: -Yep nothin, nothin at all. She wasn't trying to hide the fact that she was hummin or anything.-
  1893. asgore: ((dwagon child))
  1894. wanderandward: -Apparently the lizard can.-
  1895. AskDogi: (!!!!)
  1896. asgore: ((WHAT THE FUCK))
  1897. asgore: ((I LIKE THIS MONSTER))
  1898. QTori: * UH
  1899. Frisk: * Oh shit.
  1900. wanderandward: -Boss monster?-
  1901. StreamerDoggo: * HOLY CRAP
  1902. AskDogi: WHAT.
  1903. undauntedgunner: (( this is some mohun shit
  1904. asgore: ((thats a weird ceadeus))
  1905. AskDogi: ((morpheel))
  1906. StreamerDoggo: * Pffft
  1907. QTori: * PFt!
  1908. AskDogi: (Nice..!)
  1909. undauntedgunner: I wonder if Onionsan can do that.
  1910. Coldsoul: * (Winter tenses at what Wander said, feeling her face getting red. She tries to brush faster, and she accidentally plucks a feather.)
  1911. AskDogi: Man, I'd be a LOT more intimidated at onion if they could do that...
  1912. QTori: Perhaps that is one of Onionsan's friends?
  1913. asgore: ((THATS A WEIRD CEADEUS))
  1914. AskDogi: !!!
  1915. AskDogi: (It's gonna be a rotor....)
  1916. Coldsoul: * S-sorry...!
  1917. Frisk lets out a screech of pain, covering their mouth afterwards.
  1918. undauntedgunner: So... That first gem's power is Spinning?
  1919. asgore: ((stab it in the eye rule still continues))
  1920. StreamerDoggo: ((YOU WIN! Gained 500 EXP))
  1921. QTori: (( SDHFSDF ))
  1922. undauntedgunner: Yooo, he could do a giga drill with it.
  1923. wanderandward: -Oh! Told ya to slow down kid!-
  1924. Frisk: * I... It was just one. Just one. Don't worry!
  1925. wanderandward: ((Job Level Up!))
  1926. Coldsoul: * (Winter's voice faulters, and she covers her eyes. She's getting teary eyed; why is she messing up so much today.) NoI'msorryi'ms-sorry!!!
  1927. undauntedgunner: JUSTICE!
  1928. asgore snorts quietly.
  1929. StreamerDoggo: ((THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE))
  1930. AskDogi: ((THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE))
  1931. AskDogi: ((GDI))
  1932. QTori: (( JOIN YOUR FACTION ))
  1933. StreamerDoggo: ((Gotta be more quicker, Cro))
  1934. lovinggoat975: ((Does this mean Joe and Cro have to fight to the death))
  1935. AskDogi: ((we were totally on the same page tho))
  1936. StreamerDoggo: ((I hope not))
  1937. undauntedgunner: (( there can only be one who says there can only be one
  1938. asgore: ((previous scan incarnation))
  1939. Frisk: * It was only one feather, it's alright! Like!
  1940. AskDogi: ((nah, just another piece of evidence for the conspiracy theory that we're the same person))
  1941. Frisk: * ... Hm.
  1942. asgore: ((cat lady is cute))
  1943. asgore: ((mina is cute))
  1944. Frisk: [[ joso aaaw
  1945. Coldsoul: * (Winter's getting all worked up, and whining can be heard behind Frisk. She's abOUT TO CRY.)
  1946. asgore: ((I THOGUHT SHE SAID JOJO))
  1947. wanderandward: *Pats Winters head.* -The bird says you're okay kid. Chill out.-
  1948. asgore: ((IM THORWING A RIOT))
  1949. Coldsoul: * N-not aalright...!
  1950. StreamerDoggo: ((MitaruXMina OTP))
  1951. undauntedgunner: (( jojo the dragon confirmed
  1952. AskDogi *Amy snuggles closer to Doggo, sighing happily and stroking his back.
  1953. AskDogi: This is nice...
  1954. asgore: ((jojo.....))
  1955. Frisk: [[ the rpg party
  1956. asgore: ((im calling the dragon jojo ok))
  1957. AskDogi: (( joso josar ))
  1958. asgore: ((JOSO JOSAR))
  1959. wanderandward grabs Winter and pulls her into a hug.
  1960. StreamerDoggo holds Amy close with one arm and uses his other hand to stroke his cheek and ear.
  1961. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah...It is.
  1962. lovinggoat975: ((Question: Was this based on a manga?))
  1963. Frisk: [[ a novel ]]
  1964. QTori: (( THAT ARTIST IS ME
  1965. AskDogi: You know, if I just had to lie like this forever, cuddling with you..
  1966. AskDogi: I don't think I'd mind that much.
  1967. asgore: ((lizard man pls))
  1968. wanderandward: -Its okay kid.-
  1969. lovinggoat975: ((cool))
  1970. asgore: ((wataru why))
  1971. QTori: (( DONT ))
  1972. asgore: ((NO))
  1973. asgore: ((DO NOT TRUST))
  1974. QTori: (( REFUSE ))
  1975. StreamerDoggo: * Exactly what I was thinking, Amy...Though we shouldn't leave Ressa out of our fantasies
  1976. asgore: ((SHADY MAN))
  1977. QTori: (( ABSTAIN ))
  1978. Coldsoul: * (Winter starts to cry a little, hiding her head with her hands. Too overwhelmed.) I'm s-sorryyy...!
  1979. QTori: (( GODDAMN IT WATARU ))
  1980. asgore: ((concern.png))
  1981. Frisk goes ahead to hug Winter too, nuzzling her.
  1982. StreamerDoggo: ((I cant believe Wataru is gonna murder the fantasy pope))
  1983. AskDogi: (Hey, I'm snugglin' against someone big and comfy, too, but.. I'd like to be a part of that too, hee~)
  1984. asgore: ((do not it's probably posioned))
  1985. asgore: ((what the FUCK))
  1986. AskDogi *Ressa gives Asgore a little kiss on the neck to punctuate her words, getting a bit bolder.
  1987. wanderandward: ((nah, karma penalty would be too severe. Mitsuru though, he could afford it.))
  1988. Coldsoul: * (She is pulled from brushing Frisk's feathers, but group hugged! She's still crying a little, face red from being overwhelmed.)
  1989. asgore wheezes. he's blushing quite a bit, but doesn't deny it at all.
  1990. asgore: ((I FUCKING TOLD YOU))
  1991. QTori: (( WHAT THE FUCK!!!))
  1992. asgore: ((GODDAMN IT))
  1993. StreamerDoggo: ((Never trust the pope!))
  1994. AskDogi *.....before she goes back to giving him licks up his neck, red as a tomato.
  1995. QTori: (( i like to imagine that our in parenthesis thoughts are just our characters thinking stuff))
  1996. Frisk: [[ kill the pope wataru ]]
  1997. StreamerDoggo: ((Kill the pope! Then BECOME THE POPE))
  1998. QTori: (( while staring at the screen in mute, horrified anticipation ))
  1999. undauntedgunner: (( OBTAIN THE POPES POWER
  2000. AskDogi: (Well, you ARE nice to snuggle, my king~)
  2002. QTori: (( BLOODBORNE ))
  2003. Coldsoul: * (She whines, trying to hug the two back, but failing.)
  2004. asgore: ((i'm getting a hld vibe))
  2005. AskDogi *She's still hugging herself to him, arms around his neck.
  2006. asgore: ((magic lady))
  2007. asgore: ((I KNEW IT))
  2008. asgore: ((run goDDAMN IT))
  2009. wanderandward: -Slay him! he is the enemy!-
  2010. asgore: ((run))
  2011. lovinggoat975: ((Oh thank god he's listening.))
  2012. asgore: ((RUN))
  2013. asgore: ((NO!!!!!!!!!))
  2014. lovinggoat975: You fool!
  2015. undauntedgunner: (( WRONG WAY
  2016. AskDogi: ((GDI))
  2017. QTori: (( YOU STUPID FUCK!! ))
  2018. StreamerDoggo: * Yea- OH DAMMIT WATARU
  2019. asgore: ((YOU FUCKING MORON))
  2020. wanderandward: *Pets Winter a bit, murmuring softly to her*
  2021. AskDogi: God.
  2022. StreamerDoggo: * Wha
  2023. AskDogi: DAMMIT.
  2024. iggi: * It's okay.
  2025. StreamerDoggo: * What
  2026. lovinggoat975: His dad?
  2027. asgore: ((what))
  2028. StreamerDoggo: * WHAT?!?!?!?
  2029. asgore: ((dad what the fuck))
  2030. undauntedgunner: (( CROSS-DIMENSIONAL DRIFTING
  2031. wanderandward: -Illusion! calling it now.-
  2033. iggi: * The dragon baby's growling. Trust him.
  2034. asgore: ((DRAGON))
  2035. asgore: ((DRAGON BABY I BELIVE IN YOU))
  2036. Frisk: * Oh shit.
  2037. wanderandward: ((the book is even more screwed up iirc))
  2038. undauntedgunner: (( DRAGON DO SOMETHING
  2039. asgore: ((DRAGON DO SOMETHING!!))
  2040. undauntedgunner: (( JOJO DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!
  2041. AskDogi *Amy's cringing, this time.
  2042. QTori: * You lost all parental rights the moment you picked that boy up.
  2043. QTori: * Time for dragon fire.
  2044. Frisk: [[ GO JOJO GO
  2045. lovinggoat975: Poor priorities for a father.
  2046. AskDogi *He's not looking at the screen.
  2047. asgore: ((CMON JOJO.........))
  2048. Coldsoul: * (Winter is petted, but this moment in the animation is making her a bit more emotional. She is tensing up a lot.)
  2049. StreamerDoggo: * Hes no father.
  2050. undauntedgunner: USE YA SWORD, BOY!
  2051. StreamerDoggo: * To anyone
  2052. undauntedgunner: Okay maybe not.
  2053. AskDogi: no.
  2054. asgore: ((what the fuck what do you mean thsi isnt hld))
  2055. wanderandward: -Called it.-
  2056. asgore: ((MITZURU YOU LITTLE SHIT))
  2057. QTori: (( thanks you edgy shit ))
  2058. AskDogi: Still an illusion..?
  2059. asgore: ((BLOODBORNE..........))
  2060. asgore: ((just stab him))
  2061. wanderandward: -Nah, think mitsu is real.-
  2062. Coldsoul: * (Winter is still crying a little, but her face is a bright red. She tries to hug the two again, bringing them closer to her.)
  2063. QTori: (( BLOODBORNE))
  2064. asgore: ((SLAMS HANDS ON TABLE))
  2065. asgore: ((BLOODBORNE))
  2066. undauntedgunner: "You can't insult me like that!" He just did though
  2067. lovinggoat975: Oh, he's one of the false awakened.
  2068. StreamerDoggo: ((Wizard class. OP.))
  2069. AskDogi: That's some amazing magic..
  2070. asgore: ((there is no saving))
  2071. lovinggoat975: The ones who use sleight of hand to make people to think they can do magic and demand to be taken seriously.
  2072. wanderandward: -Kid has 4 gems...dont they need 5 to finish?-
  2073. AskDogi: (....)
  2074. asgore: ((when the boss you're righting is super op and you're underleveled))
  2075. Coldsoul: * (Little whines can still be heard from the human child.)
  2076. wanderandward: *Hugs Winter a little tighter.*
  2077. lovinggoat975: ((RENEGADE FOR LIFE))
  2078. QTori: (( He feels very Chara, doesn't he? ))
  2079. Frisk coos softly.
  2080. StreamerDoggo: ((He does...Bravetale AU))
  2081. QTori: (( i hope they can be friends.))
  2082. asgore: ((BRAVETALE AU))
  2083. Frisk: [[ BRAVETALE YES. ]]
  2084. asgore: ((jojo!!!!!))
  2085. asgore: ((mitzuru op))
  2086. undauntedgunner: Why is that hole there.
  2087. wanderandward: ((mages op, as they should be.))
  2088. QTori: (( devs nerf mizuru, too op))
  2089. undauntedgunner: (( nah just buff apprentice hero class
  2090. asgore: ((mizuru to be nerfed))
  2091. StreamerDoggo: ((Its gonna turn out Wataru's class is the most powerful class of all, it just sucks at the beginning. Isnt it?))
  2092. Coldsoul: * (Winter is hugged tighter, and she lets out a little squeak. Her whines soon stop from the embrace of Frisk and Wander.)
  2093. undauntedgunner: (( increase highlander stats
  2094. QTori: (( hes gonna be a fuckin page isnt he ))
  2095. AskDogi: (( Defaultale? ))
  2096. asgore: ((YAAAAA))
  2097. wanderandward: ((are psp emulators a thing yet? If so, check out the game, pretty decent rpg.))
  2098. AskDogi *Amy gets a bit too comfy and slowly starts to nod off against Doggo.
  2099. undauntedgunner: (( if psp emulators are a thing i need the .hack fighting game
  2100. asgore: ((holy shit))
  2101. Frisk: [[ yep ]]
  2102. firefistsabo: highlander search for vengeance
  2103. Frisk: [[ thats how i played dangan ronper ]]
  2104. asgore: ((i wanna play .hack))
  2105. StreamerDoggo: ((PSP emulators? Yes. Not for Vita though))
  2106. undauntedgunner: (( same here flare
  2107. StreamerDoggo: * OH SHIT
  2108. undauntedgunner: (( i know there are some .hack ps2 games but--
  2109. undauntedgunner: Woah.
  2110. wanderandward: ((brave story is on psp not vita))
  2111. asgore: ((pope is dead))
  2112. Frisk: * RIP.
  2113. QTori: (( what in the fuck
  2114. asgore: ((absorb powers))
  2115. undauntedgunner: Is... Is that a gemstone?
  2116. asgore: ((ABSORB POWERS))
  2117. undauntedgunner: Eat it.
  2118. AskDogi: ((gonna go afk for a little while))
  2119. asgore: ((slams hands on table! bloodborne))
  2120. Coldsoul: (( ok ))
  2121. AskDogi: (mnnnn...!)
  2122. AskDogi *Ressa shivers, then clings a bit closer to Asgore.
  2123. QTori: (( is this gonna be some philosophers stone bullshit
  2124. asgore smiles lightly.
  2125. Coldsoul: * (She clings onto Wander and Frisk, trying to stop crying. It's working.)
  2126. AskDogi *...before she gives him a peck on the lips and giggles.
  2127. wanderandward: *Continues petting the kid.*
  2128. asgore whEEZES....
  2129. AskDogi *Before laying her muzzle against his shoulder as if nothing happened.
  2130. QTori: (( please, call me howl. ))
  2131. asgore: ((the voice actor if its who i think it is i will literally cry))
  2132. StreamerDoggo: ((Flare, I can't believe you're shipping Asgore and Dogaressa now))
  2133. asgore: ((i am))
  2134. AskDogi: (( I can't believe i am either ))
  2135. Coldsoul: (( can't believe its not shipping ))
  2136. AskDogi: (( ok afk for real 10-15 mins ))
  2137. StreamerDoggo: ((When theres a perfectly good Doggo right next to you))
  2138. StreamerDoggo: (( >: P ))
  2139. AskDogi: (( assume Amy just fell asleep on Doggo and Ressa's just kinda spacing out hugging Asgore ))
  2140. AskDogi: (( and why not poly ;> ))
  2141. asgore: ((why not poly__
  2142. asgore: (( :3c ))
  2143. StreamerDoggo: ((Today's news, King Asgore marries every monster in the Underground))
  2144. asgore: ((HWEEZES))
  2145. Coldsoul: * (She stops crying, face just red now. Her voice trembles a little.) S-sorry... I- (She sniffs.) I d-didn't want to hurt y-you...!
  2146. undauntedgunner: (( even jerry?
  2147. Coldsoul: (( that means he would have to marry poppy ))
  2148. asgore: ()
  2149. asgore: ((absolutely not))
  2150. asgore: ((joe you've made a mistake))
  2151. undauntedgunner: (( jerry x the entire underground
  2152. Frisk: [[ jerry x call of duty ]]
  2153. StreamerDoggo: ((Marries every ADULT monster in the Underground))
  2154. asgore: ((question of the day: is mizuru gay? cast ur votes now))
  2155. wanderandward: ((especially jerry. Special ceremony for that. Involves lots of fire, short lived marriage.))
  2156. StreamerDoggo: ((Did I even need to specify))
  2157. Frisk: [[ yes. yes hes gay ]]
  2158. QTori: (( this just in, asgore marries every eligible and willing monster in the underground ))
  2159. asgore: ((lsiten im not going to call jojo their actual name))
  2160. asgore: ((it's jojo. dragon baby.))
  2161. StreamerDoggo: ((But real OTP, Wataru and cat lady))
  2162. asgore: ((votes casted in, mizuru is gay))
  2163. asgore: ((thanks for voting everyone see you next time goodnight))
  2164. asgore: ((im kididng))
  2165. Coldsoul: (( IS THE SHIP REAL??????? ))
  2166. asgore: ((ye))
  2167. StreamerDoggo: ((I think it is, Cold))
  2168. asgore: ((i think))
  2169. Coldsoul: (( good sHIT ))
  2170. asgore: ((a beeper))
  2171. asgore: ((WHY HORN FALL))
  2172. undauntedgunner: (( it's a tactic, flare
  2173. wanderandward: -Everyones the hero of their own tale. Bet mitsuru doesnt think hes a bad guy.-
  2174. StreamerDoggo 's ear twitches
  2175. QTori: (( BEEP BEEP ))
  2176. asgore: ((HOLY FUCK))
  2177. StreamerDoggo: * I can hear it
  2178. asgore: ((DRAGONS))
  2179. undauntedgunner: (( SUMMON POWER: MAKE A DRAGON APPEAR
  2180. QTori: (( MOM HOLY FUCK ))
  2181. StreamerDoggo: * Wait what, WOAH
  2182. wanderandward: -Ooooooh...big critter.-
  2184. asgore: ((NEW POWER: SUMMON DRAGON))
  2185. Frisk: * HIS FATHER?
  2186. Coldsoul: * (She slowly calms down, taking deep breaths. She lets go of Wander, curling up on his lap.) ... s-sorry.
  2187. wanderandward: -Theyre flying on a dragon? Theyre flying on a fucking dragon?! Thats awesome!!!-
  2188. QTori: (( KNOCK THEIR MASTS OFF ))
  2189. undauntedgunner: So... Who IS that voice?
  2190. StreamerDoggo: * Wait, Mitzuru wants to do WHAT
  2191. asgore: ((holy shit))
  2192. wanderandward: *coughs* -Ahem, its okay Winter.-
  2193. undauntedgunner: (( is that Meteor
  2194. asgore: ((mitzuru, what the fuck))
  2195. Frisk: * What a dick.
  2196. undauntedgunner: (( is the black gemstone black materia.
  2197. undauntedgunner: (( is he fcuking sephiroth
  2198. asgore: ((probably))
  2199. StreamerDoggo: * Okay! Someone needs to beat the wizard kid with his own stick!
  2200. undauntedgunner: Why not with EVERY stick?
  2201. QTori: (( attack on titan))
  2202. Coldsoul: * I-is it o-okay? I d-didn't mean t-to hurt Frisk...
  2203. asgore: ((idk about you but i'd listen to someone who has a fleet of dragons))
  2204. wanderandward: -Dragons work just fine I think.-
  2205. asgore: ((*ATTACK ON TITAN THEME*))
  2207. asgore: ((SDLFJ))
  2208. wanderandward: -Frisk, do you forgive Winter?-
  2209. asgore: ((mizuru i swear to god))
  2210. asgore: ((whats ur fuckin damage))
  2211. undauntedgunner: (( SEID IHR DAS ESSEN NEIN WIR SIND DER JAGER
  2212. Frisk: * Of course I do!
  2213. wanderandward: ((he has a wish and wants it granted))
  2214. asgore: ((bro))
  2215. undauntedgunner: Oh.
  2216. asgore: ((BRO?))
  2217. undauntedgunner: OH.
  2218. asgore: ((no chill))
  2219. StreamerDoggo: * Mitzuru, I know what you think you're doing, but DONT YOU DO IT!
  2220. QTori: (( YOU WIN! 500 exp GAINED ))
  2221. wanderandward: -Well there ya go Winter.-
  2222. AskDogi *Dogaressa startles against Asgore. Seems she'd spaced out from how comfy the big guy was.
  2223. StreamerDoggo: ((They got turned to stone, no EXP was gained))
  2224. AskDogi: (Huh!? Hff.. W-what'd I miss??)
  2225. Frisk: * It's not like as if... Y'know. They've been cut off. A feather's nothing!
  2226. asgore laughs a little bit.
  2227. QTori: (( well i mean, they dusted afterwards, so still dead))
  2228. StreamerDoggo: ((Thats what happens when you use instant death attacks))
  2229. undauntedgunner: (( i think mitzuru has max LOVE already
  2230. AskDogi *Amy stirs against Doggo,
  2231. asgore: ((tbh))
  2232. Coldsoul: * S-sorry, I s-shouldn't t-try brushing F-Frisk, I'm a-afraid I'm gonna h-hurt ya.
  2233. AskDogi: mm..?
  2234. wanderandward: ((movin on up))
  2235. AskDogi: Oh, hey, blue magic.
  2236. asgore: ((mizuru is about to fuck everything up))
  2237. AskDogi: A mirror...?
  2238. undauntedgunner: Wait, is that thing like... Like that one stand? The one that only appeared in mirrors?
  2239. Frisk: * Mizuru, you fuck.
  2240. AskDogi: He's about to give himself a bunch of bad luck..
  2241. StreamerDoggo: * Is it...Only dark because its a reflection of himself?
  2242. QTori: (( Mizuru you edgy fuck.))
  2243. Coldsoul: * I'm s-sorry...!
  2244. asgore: ((tru))
  2245. AskDogi: (Seriously, what'd I miss??)
  2246. asgore: ((ok so mitzuru figured out the dark gemstone exists))
  2247. StreamerDoggo: * Oh uh, wizard kid is gonna destroy the world
  2248. asgore: ((fucked up the ENTIRE city))
  2249. asgore: ((and is about to unleash demons onto the world))
  2250. AskDogi: (Oh, nothing TOO big, then.)
  2251. QTori: (( this is why you need to hurry the FUCK up with ya power grabs))
  2252. AskDogi *Ressa giggles.
  2253. StreamerDoggo: * Also Wataru can summon dragons now
  2254. asgore: ((update: mitzuru is still, most likely, gay))
  2255. AskDogi: ....huh.
  2256. AskDogi: That's some pretty damn amazing magic..
  2257. QTori: (( tru asgore tru))
  2258. asgore: ((edgy))
  2259. AskDogi: Go, dragon!!
  2260. asgore: ((JOJO........))
  2261. StreamerDoggo: * ...?
  2262. wanderandward: -Spiffy sword.-
  2263. QTori: (( mizuru's got a point tbh))
  2264. AskDogi: (Oh, dog...)
  2265. lovinggoat975: Oh...
  2266. StreamerDoggo: * What...
  2267. lovinggoat975: Oh no...
  2268. undauntedgunner: Oh.
  2269. undauntedgunner: Yyyikes.
  2270. AskDogi: (....oh, jeez.)
  2271. asgore: ((more like mirror of truth))
  2272. Frisk: * ... Oh.
  2273. asgore: ((edge.jpeg))
  2274. undauntedgunner: (( GIGA DRILL BREAK THAT WEAK ICE SHIT
  2275. asgore gives a soft wheeze.
  2276. Frisk: [[ craaawling in my skiiin ]]
  2277. QTori: (( wataru SHut up))
  2278. AskDogi: (..good metaphor for building a shell around yourself.)
  2279. AskDogi: ( keep yourself safe, and sane.)
  2280. StreamerDoggo: * Oh my god, they're gonna show it...
  2281. undauntedgunner: Ohhhhhh...
  2282. AskDogi *Ressa CRINGES.
  2283. AskDogi *She buries her face against Asgore's chest.
  2284. asgore: ((goddamn it))
  2285. Coldsoul: (( he turned into edgelord ))
  2286. StreamerDoggo: * It isnt his parents he wants to save...Its his sister.
  2287. asgore: ((look at what you've done mitzuru))
  2288. AskDogi:'s...
  2289. asgore: ((you fucked up a perfectly good world is what you did))
  2290. AskDogi: those gems were like souls..
  2291. asgore: ((look at it, its got demons))
  2292. AskDogi: And now he has all of them, and he's a god.
  2293. QTori: (( welp they're fDead))
  2294. undauntedgunner: Woah...
  2295. AskDogi: Just amazing.
  2296. QTori: (( dude that ws MUCH faster than I thought it would be ))
  2297. Frisk: * How selfish.
  2298. asgore just kind of watches everything in disbelief.
  2299. wanderandward: -That is a lot of demons.-
  2300. QTori grimmaces... but doesn't turn away.
  2301. undauntedgunner: Well, I'm glad that never happened in a timeline we exist in.
  2302. AskDogi *Ressa looks back, but she's holding onto Asgore a lot more tightly.
  2303. AskDogi: (A light gemstone...?)
  2304. lovinggoat975: This feels familiar in a very strange, very uncomfortable way. Like this sort of thing has happened numerous times in numerous places.
  2305. asgore brings Ressa a bit closer, wheezing lightly.
  2306. wanderandward: -You couldnt have just given that to mitsuru?!-
  2307. asgore: ((goddamn it lady((
  2308. StreamerDoggo: ((THE SHIP IS REAL))
  2309. undauntedgunner: Maybe mages can only use dark gemstones or something.
  2310. AskDogi: (You okay, Asgore?)
  2311. asgore: ((CANON))
  2312. iggi: [[ ships ahoy ]]
  2313. lovinggoat975: ((I'm glad Wataru is a furry.))
  2314. undauntedgunner: (( NO NOT THE DRAGONS
  2315. asgore: I don't really know.
  2316. AskDogi *Ressa kisses him again on the neck, at the same time that the cat kisses the kid.
  2317. asgore: ((DEMON DRAGONS????????))
  2318. asgore: ((WHAT KINDA BULLSHIT IS THIS))
  2319. undauntedgunner: (( I WANT THAT SWORD........
  2320. AskDogi: (...I don't know whether I am either, this...doesn't bring back good memories, parts of it, at least.)
  2321. asgore: ((WHAT ABOUT THE BOATS))
  2322. asgore: ((WHAT! ABOUT! THE BOATS!))
  2323. Coldsoul: * (She scoots next to Wander, grabbing the cloak and wraps it around herself. She rubs her pink cheek, a bit overwhelmed.) ... mmn.
  2324. StreamerDoggo: ((Have faith...But also pick up some swords so you dont fucking die from demons))
  2325. undauntedgunner: (( THE BOATS ARE DEAD
  2326. asgore: ((fUCK))
  2328. asgore: ((GODDAMN))
  2329. asgore: ((I CANT BELIEVE IT))
  2330. undauntedgunner: (( BELIEVE IT!
  2331. undauntedgunner: (( O SHIT!!!!!!!!
  2332. QTori: (( DARK LINK FIGHT ))
  2333. undauntedgunner: (( WHAT!
  2334. asgore: ((holy shit))
  2335. Frisk: [[ OH BOY ]]
  2337. undauntedgunner: (( ITS LINGERING WILL
  2338. wanderandward: -...I get the feeling that you're used to grabbing my cloak heh-
  2339. undauntedgunner: (( THIS IS THE LINGERING WILL FIGHT
  2340. AskDogi: ((KIRBY AIR RIDE RACE))
  2341. asgore: ((CORNER CROUCH SPAM))
  2342. StreamerDoggo: ((*I'll Face Myself blares in the distance*))
  2343. asgore: ((YOU'RE NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!))
  2344. undauntedgunner: (( I am a shadow... The true self
  2345. QTori: (( SICK))
  2346. asgore: ((holy fuck no))
  2347. asgore: ((ok good))
  2348. Frisk: [[ she slays
  2349. wanderandward: ((Warrior cat ))
  2350. undauntedgunner: (( i still want that sword
  2351. Coldsoul: * (She seems a little tired, but she ignores it. She beckons Frisk to sit by her.)
  2352. QTori: (( i like to think of this as the Intrusive Thoughts fight ))
  2353. asgore: ((WHAT KINDA META SHIT IS THIS))
  2354. asgore: ((OH MY GOD))
  2355. QTori: (( like thanks, shadow me, but maybe could you Not ))
  2356. asgore: ((THIS IS LITERALLY PERSONA))
  2357. Coldsoul: (( EDGY VERSION ))
  2358. asgore: ((THIS IS LITERALLY PERSONA!!!!!))
  2359. QTori: (( LAUGHS ))
  2360. Frisk blinks, getting up and sitting next to Winter.
  2361. undauntedgunner: (( ITS SO MANY THINGS
  2363. Frisk: [[ slay him ]]
  2365. asgore: ((i'm just waiting for the 'you're not me' and the mitzuru coming in))
  2367. Coldsoul: (( EDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ))
  2368. undauntedgunner: (( THAT THE FUCK ISNT IT
  2369. undauntedgunner: (( *WHAT
  2370. Coldsoul: (( ITS JUST THE EDGE!!!!! ))
  2372. AskDogi: (( spirited away ))
  2373. undauntedgunner: (( ITS MIYAZAKI TOO
  2374. asgore: ((this poor kid is 10.. he has to deal with so much shit))
  2375. Frisk: [[ at least theres furries ]]
  2376. asgore: ((what the fuck))
  2377. asgore: ((AT LEAST THERES FURRIES))
  2378. asgore: ((ACCORDION RIFF))
  2379. undauntedgunner: (( At least the furries are real........
  2380. StreamerDoggo: ((I'll cuddle myself...))
  2381. AskDogi *Ressa hugs Asgore, whining.
  2382. asgore: ((i would))
  2383. undauntedgunner: (( its a tactic
  2384. asgore: ((ACCEPT YOURSELF))
  2386. AskDogi *Amy hugs Doggo, doing the same.. and tearing up.
  2387. asgore: ((WATARU NOW HAS A PERSONA))
  2388. StreamerDoggo: ((Wataru has unlocked the power of Persona))
  2389. wanderandward: ((grab the dark blade. Dual wield like a boss))
  2390. undauntedgunner: (( TWO BECOME ONE KEYBLADE
  2391. asgore: ((what the fuck))
  2392. asgore: ((wataru save this edgy child pls))
  2393. wanderandward: ((mage fight))
  2394. undauntedgunner: (( too edgy to live
  2395. AskDogi: ((well, then.))
  2396. AskDogi: ((he failed the test))
  2397. StreamerDoggo: * Oh...
  2398. asgore: ((have you ever fucked up))
  2399. undauntedgunner: (( yes
  2400. AskDogi: ...He couldn't accept himself.
  2401. QTori: (( yse
  2402. Frisk: * Welp. He tried.
  2403. wanderandward: -Whoops...-
  2404. undauntedgunner: He tried so hard...
  2405. asgore: ((WHERE DID I GO LONG I LOST A FRIEND))
  2406. undauntedgunner: He got so far, too.
  2407. QTori: (( ht at s SO MESSED UP
  2408. asgore: ((IM SO SAD BUT IM EMEMING SO IM NOT SAD))
  2409. lovinggoat975: I...
  2410. Coldsoul: * (Winter reaches over and tightly hugs Frisk, leaning her head on their side.)
  2411. lovinggoat975: Wow...
  2412. Frisk: [[ hes 10 damn it
  2413. QTori: (( chara and asriel honestly ))
  2414. QTori: (( deathbed scene ))
  2415. Frisk hugs back, trying to not cry.
  2416. asgore: ((no im so fucekd up))
  2417. AskDogi *Amy's tearing up, and he eventually just starts crying against Doggo's shoulder.
  2418. AskDogi: h-hiin...hmmmff..hff..
  2419. StreamerDoggo hugs Amy tighter...And starts crying himself.
  2420. asgore whines. Time for some not so nice memories.
  2421. StreamerDoggo: ((Yep, this tears it))
  2422. undauntedgunner totally isn't crying, he just has something in his eyes.
  2423. asgore: ((FUCK DUDE))
  2424. Frisk: [[ :3c ]]
  2426. QTori rubs her eyes
  2427. Coldsoul: * (Whoops. Winter starts to cry a little against Frisk. Ooops.)
  2428. AskDogi *Ressa's tensing, hard, whining and trying not to cry. It's slowly not working, though, and the tears are slipping out as she trembles against him.
  2429. undauntedgunner: (( SHIT ITS THE XION FIGHT
  2430. asgore: ((WHAT KINDA BULLSHIT IS THIS))
  2431. QTori: (( ABSORB HIS SOUL YOU FOOL ))
  2432. QTori: (( CROSS THE BARRIER ))
  2433. undauntedgunner: (( THE END OF KH 364/2 DAYS
  2434. asgore: ((SOBS))
  2435. AskDogi: (( AERITH ))
  2437. undauntedgunner: (( 356/2 WHATEVER
  2438. wanderandward: ((damn that was fucked up lol))
  2439. StreamerDoggo: ((Theres still like 20 minutes left. ITS NOT OVER YET))
  2440. asgore: ((who the fuck is she))
  2441. undauntedgunner: (( WISH: SAVE FUCKING EvERYONE
  2442. asgore: ((HOPES AND DREAMS IN THE BG))
  2443. QTori: (( w h o i s s h e ))
  2444. asgore: ((is she the fortune lady))
  2445. Coldsoul: * (Small whines escape Winter as she sobs a little, and she hugs onto the birb-person tighter.)
  2447. wanderandward: ((goddess of fortune im guessing
  2448. undauntedgunner: (( SHIIID, ITS BLEACH
  2449. lovinggoat975: ((BECOME GOD))
  2451. QTori: (( DONE, ITS A SINGLE WISH ))
  2452. StreamerDoggo: ((Wataru: KILL GOD. BECOME GOD))
  2453. undauntedgunner: (( THAT GIRL'S HIS FUCKIN BANKAI OR WHATEVER
  2454. Frisk: [[ yes...... become a god ]]
  2455. asgore: ((holy shit))
  2456. undauntedgunner: (( Space Dandy voice: Nah
  2457. Coldsoul: (( wish for some bleach to pour into my eyes ))
  2458. QTori: (( y e ssss, become a GOD ))
  2459. QTori: (( put a ten year old in charge of reality ))
  2460. asgore: ((its a demon))
  2461. AskDogi *Amy lets out a quiet sob against Doggo and hugs him, shaking.
  2462. undauntedgunner: (( SHIT NO CAT LADY BEST NOT DIE
  2463. asgore: ((what is this))
  2464. asgore: (( [SAVE] ))
  2465. Frisk: [[ become god yes....... ]]
  2466. asgore: ((NO))
  2467. asgore: ((THIS LADY IS A DEMON))
  2468. QTori: (( um, how about you Fuck off demon lady ))
  2469. undauntedgunner: (( PULL A SPACE DANDY
  2470. asgore: ((I FEEL IT IN MY SOUL))
  2471. undauntedgunner: (( KILL GOD THEN GO "NAH"
  2472. asgore: ((NO))
  2473. asgore: ((I KNOW IT))
  2474. QTori: (( FUCK OFF OROCHIMARU ))
  2475. AskDogi: (She is BAD NEWS.)
  2476. asgore: ((SHES A FUCKIN DEMONN))
  2477. AskDogi *Ressa's growling, now, still tearing up.
  2478. undauntedgunner: (( NNNO DONT DO THAT MAKA SMILE
  2479. AskDogi *If she was angry she wouldn't have to cry.
  2480. asgore: ((what the fuk is going on))
  2481. asgore: ((NO))
  2482. QTori: (( UM, UM))
  2483. StreamerDoggo: * Kick...Kick this demons ASS!
  2484. QTori: (( UM WHAT THE FUCK ))
  2485. asgore: ((WHAT THE FUCK))
  2486. undauntedgunner: (( THE EXIT IS THROUGH THE FROGS MOUTH
  2487. QTori: (( CHRIST ))
  2488. undauntedgunner: (( FUCK FORSHADOWING
  2490. asgore: ((GODDAMN IT))
  2491. Coldsoul: * (She keeps hugging Frisk tighter and tighter, basically burying her head in their side.)
  2492. asgore: ((MAGIC SWORD POWERS))
  2493. StreamerDoggo: * GET WRECKED
  2494. undauntedgunner: (( HOLY SHIT
  2495. asgore: ((BULLSHIT SWORD POWERS))
  2496. undauntedgunner: I WANT THAT SwoRD
  2497. AskDogi: (GET. WRECKED.)
  2498. QTori: (( holy shit ))
  2499. undauntedgunner: (( I WANT THAT SWORd
  2500. undauntedgunner: (( I NEED IT
  2501. QTori: (( its the angel motif all over again ))
  2502. AskDogi *Amy gets up and TEARS HIS ROBE THE REST OF THE WAY OPEN.
  2503. AskDogi *Tears are still streaming down his face and he's still a mess. Whoops.
  2504. asgore: ???????????????????????
  2505. lovinggoat975: ...What?
  2506. asgore: /??????????????????????//
  2507. AskDogi *He immediately goes back down and hugs Doggo closer.
  2508. undauntedgunner: (( the FUCK is garcela
  2509. AskDogi: ..GET. WRECKED.
  2510. undauntedgunner: (( did i miss someones name?
  2511. asgore: ((save the world goddamn it))
  2512. asgore: ((idk))
  2513. AskDogi *Ressa's calming down.
  2514. wanderandward: -So is he a god now?-
  2515. AskDogi: (Is he an angel, now..?)
  2516. wanderandward: -Nope.-
  2517. QTori: (( s o u l r e s o n a n c e ))
  2518. AskDogi: (Wish the edgelord back to life..)
  2519. Coldsoul: * (Winter's not cALMING DOWN AT ALL, she's still crying a little.)
  2520. Coldsoul: (( INSERT SOUL EATER GIFS 2954809380x HERE ))
  2521. undauntedgunner: (( FUCKIN... KISHIN SLAYER NOW
  2522. wanderandward: *Still petting the sad child.*
  2523. asgore: ((IM SO SAD))
  2524. undauntedgunner: (( ooooo fuck this scene is making me feel
  2525. undauntedgunner: (( the others didnt but this
  2526. undauntedgunner: (( fffffuck
  2527. AskDogi *Ressa's starting to cry again. Whoops.
  2528. asgore: ((im having heart palpitations but still im emotinoal))
  2529. StreamerDoggo: * And the Hero Apprentice...Becomes a Hero.
  2530. Coldsoul: * (Winter is pet, but thats not calming her down at all, either. She hugs Frisk maybe a bit too tight.)
  2531. asgore: ((is this movie gonna give me a heart attack? probably not))
  2532. wanderandward: -Theres your moral, Tori.-
  2533. Frisk sniffles.
  2534. undauntedgunner: That looks like a leek.
  2535. AskDogi *She doesn't bother to hold it back this time, starting to cry against Asgore.
  2536. QTori: (( tbh i still woulda brought the kid's sister back, like yikes))
  2537. undauntedgunner: The sword looked like a leek.
  2538. lovinggoat975: That's a better moral than what I was expecting.
  2539. lovinggoat975: At least, what I expected at the beginning.
  2540. Coldsoul: (( vaccum- o - god! Sucks the edge right out of your carpet for 99.99 ! ))
  2541. AskDogi: Aww...hff..
  2542. asgore: ((adversaries purified))
  2543. asgore: ((PEPPERS))
  2544. asgore: ((PEEPERS!!))
  2545. undauntedgunner: (( nnno wait dont make wataru leave
  2546. asgore: ((he's dead, jim))
  2547. iggi: [[ let wataru stay! let wataru STAY! ]]
  2548. QTori: (( MAGIC IS FAKE AND YOU MAKE YOUR OWN DESTINY is the moral i got from this ))
  2549. undauntedgunner: (( shit man the world of vision was way better than the real world
  2550. AskDogi: (( KINGDOM HEARTS ))
  2551. asgore: ((not rly))
  2552. StreamerDoggo: ((At least let him come back for his cat girlfriend!))
  2553. undauntedgunner: (( stay there
  2554. undauntedgunner: (( NO
  2555. AskDogi: (( ...oh ))
  2556. asgore: ((HES DEAD JIM))
  2557. QTori: (( he's Dead, jim ))
  2558. undauntedgunner: (( N O
  2559. iggi: [[ wow fuck u goddess o fortune ]]
  2560. AskDogi *That does it, Amy and Ressa are both crying, now.
  2561. Coldsoul: * (Winter is still sobbing, with little choked whines coming from her. She finally lets go of Frisk to curl up on her own.)
  2562. asgore is just emotional but not crying.
  2563. AskDogi: W-wataru...
  2564. asgore like. REALLY EMOTIONAL.
  2565. lovinggoat975: She got better!
  2566. undauntedgunner DEFINITELY ISNT CRYING SHUT UP
  2567. lovinggoat975: Oh.
  2568. AskDogi *Ressa's just hugging Asgore, TIGHT, trying to calm herself down. She hates crying and looking weak like this.
  2569. Frisk: * Oh.. my fuck.
  2570. StreamerDoggo: * Mitsuru...Doesnt exist anymore?
  2571. asgore: ((baby come back (you can blame it all on me)))
  2572. StreamerDoggo: * Or...Wait
  2573. asgore: ((HOLY SHIT))
  2574. Frisk: * Whoa.
  2575. asgore: ((HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!))
  2576. QTori: (( WHAT IN THE ))
  2577. asgore: ((WHAT THE FUCK))
  2578. AskDogi: Hff..h-he..died, didn't he?
  2579. undauntedgunner: ...???????
  2580. asgore: ((HE LIVES!!!!!!!!))
  2581. lovinggoat975: Wow!!
  2582. Frisk: [[ HOT DAMN ]]
  2583. AskDogi: What!?
  2584. QTori: (( WHAT IN THE WHAAT??? ))
  2585. asgore: ((HE'S ALIVE, JIM!!))
  2586. AskDogi: W-what the HELL???
  2587. QTori: (( JUST HUG HIM JIM))
  2588. Coldsoul: (( GUESS WHOS AVDOL ))
  2589. StreamerDoggo: * He actually saved everyone!
  2590. asgore: (( [SAVE] ))
  2591. Frisk: [[ bravetale is a thing now ]]
  2592. undauntedgunner: (( i am actually starting to tear up what the fuck
  2593. wanderandward: ((did you make arts, jade? lol))
  2594. undauntedgunner: (( wjat the fuck did you DO
  2595. asgore: ((im so sad))
  2596. AskDogi *Amy just makes a surprisingly cute happy noise and hugs Doggo tightly, kissing him on the cheek. Tears are still streaming down his face.
  2597. Coldsoul: * (Winter is still crying a lot and hiding her face. What an emotional kid.) ... hic hic hic.
  2598. AskDogi: T-that was a REALLY g-good ending...
  2599. wanderandward: ((We broke you. So you may be reforged.))
  2600. asgore: ((but also))
  2601. asgore: ((update: results are in))
  2602. Frisk: [[ nope but im gonna do that tomorrow ]]
  2603. asgore: ((mitzuru is still gay))
  2604. undauntedgunner: (( I DONT WANNA BE ReFORGED FUCK YOU
  2605. asgore: ((nothing has changed we can all go home now goodnight))
  2606. lovinggoat975: ((Damn, that beat the hell out of what I planned to suggest.))
  2607. StreamerDoggo squeezes Amy back, leaning into the kisses.
  2608. asgore: ((OK I KINDA GOTTA GO RN))
  2609. lovinggoat975: ((Not that I won't request it next stream.))
  2610. AskDogi: ((what movie was this again))
  2611. QTori: (( mitzuru remains gay, goodbye!!))
  2613. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah! It's like the best ending he could have gotten!
  2614. AskDogi: ((just for rewatching reference))
  2615. asgore: ((LATER))
  2616. Frisk: [[ brave story ]]
  2617. AskDogi: ((alright thanks))
  2618. Frisk: [[ cya flare!
  2619. wanderandward: -Winter?-
  2620. Frisk: * Fu... Fuck. Why does everything have to be sad.
  2621. Coldsoul: * (The kid is shivering and trying to stop her crying; she's failing.) W-w-whaat...?!
  2622. StreamerDoggo: ((Now I have to check out the video game for this movie))
  2623. wanderandward: -You okay there?-
  2624. AskDogi *Ressa notices Dogamy kissing Doggo... then kisses Asgore on the lips again, her newfound embarrassment distracting her from how emotional she was before.
  2625. wanderandward: ((no you cant be the mage))
  2626. Coldsoul: * (She looks up, tears still streaming down her cheeks.) No!!!
  2627. wanderandward: ((just drop those hopes now lol))
  2628. wanderandward wraps her in the cloak and holds her.
  2629. AskDogi: R-right, hff.. Want us to stay, Doggo, or should we go?
  2630. StreamerDoggo: * Heheh...Stay more often and I might just make you guys move in.
  2631. StreamerDoggo: * ...Or get you a copy of the keys at least
  2632. Coldsoul: * (She is held by Wander, and that helps soothe her a bit. Choked sobs can be heard from beneath the cloak; what a baby.)
  2633. wanderandward: -Want me to walk ya home, kid? Wherever you live.-
  2634. AskDogi: (mm. Might take you up on that offer and give you some keys to our cabin, heheheh~)
  2635. undauntedgunner: (( FUCK MY INTERNET DIED DURING THE CREDITS
  2636. Coldsoul: * ... (She shakes her head, sniffling.) ... n-no home.
  2638. StreamerDoggo: ((There was no stinger or anything so))
  2639. wanderandward: -Well, where are ya staying?-
  2640. AskDogi *Ressa gets onto Amy's lap, instead, and kisses Doggo on the lips.
  2641. undauntedgunner: (( no after-credits scene?
  2642. undauntedgunner: (( ok good
  2643. wanderandward: ((nope
  2644. AskDogi: (So, should we stay or should we go..? We'd be fine with either.)
  2645. StreamerDoggo: * Hmhm...Alright, well, it's up to you guys if you wanna stay.
  2646. AskDogi: Y-yeah, though staying with you here again is tempting..
  2647. AskDogi: ...hmm. Hey, Wander, you have any preference on what we do?
  2648. Coldsoul: * (She tenses and sinks under the cloak. She doesn't know.)
  2649. wanderandward: -No, do as you wish. I'll just lounge around the cabin with lintu anyways.-
  2650. Frisk: * Uh huh.
  2651. AskDogi: ...Alright..Probably gonna stay here with my cute hubby, then.
  2652. AskDogi *Amy COUGHS.
  2653. AskDogi: Boyfriend.
  2654. wanderandward: -...can the kid come with us? Dont think she has a place, at least she isnt tellin me anyways.-
  2655. AskDogi *Ressa raises an eyebrow at Amy, then just giggles.
  2656. StreamerDoggo: * Pffft, Amy, we aren't married
  2657. AskDogi: (Actually, she's been staying at the cabin for the past few weeks.)
  2658. Frisk: * Yeah!
  2659. AskDogi: (That's kinda her place, if you were to ask me.)
  2660. AskDogi *Amy's BLUSHING BEET RED wow what a slip-up.
  2661. AskDogi: I-i, uhm. I know.
  2662. undauntedgunner: Welp, I'm gonna head out. Thanks fer havin' me over, Doggo.
  2663. wanderandward: Damn.-
  2664. undauntedgunner: Seeyall around.
  2665. wanderandward: -Bye Scan!-
  2666. Coldsoul: * (Winter can only nod at Ressa's comment, therefore she can barely think. She's crying, but not as much.) ... hic.
  2667. undauntedgunner ollie outies
  2668. StreamerDoggo: * Maybe someday we could be though...But thats a long discussion. And a long way away.
  2669. AskDogi: Yeah. S-sorry about the, the slip-up, aheheheh..
  2670. wanderandward: -Sounds like you have a home to me Winter. Ready to leave?-
  2671. StreamerDoggo: * It's okay, Amy.
  2672. AskDogi *Amy sighs embarrassedly.
  2673. Coldsoul: * Mmm... (She sniffles before burying herself in the cloak more.)
  2674. StreamerDoggo: * But hey...It's actually uh...A compliment to hear you suggest that.
  2675. wanderandward: -Alright. See you two later, thanks for hosting Doggo.- *With the Winter bundle in his arms, the goopman leaves the residence.*leaves
  2676. AskDogi: mmhm..'m glad you think so, heheh.
  2677. Coldsoul: * (Winter leaves with Wander, being carried.)
  2678. Frisk heads for the door, fully unfolding their wings and flying out.
  2679. AskDogi: (Later, Wander!)
  2680. StreamerDoggo: * ...Okay now im wondering what our kids would look like if we had any
  2681. AskDogi: (...hmm, cute, for sure.)
  2682. StreamerDoggo: * Do you...Think they could, uh, inherit my condition?
  2683. AskDogi: ...I don't know, maybe, maybe not.
  2684. StreamerDoggo: * ...W-we should change the subject. This is a whole other thing im not ready for.
  2685. AskDogi: (Of course.)
  2686. AskDogi: (Okay, here's the new subject..)
  2687. AskDogi: (How badly can I fluster you~?)
  2688. StreamerDoggo: * Huh?
  2689. AskDogi *Ressa shifts from Amy's lap halfway onto Doggo's lap before kissing him on the lips and pressing herself against him.
  2690. StreamerDoggo: * MMMMPH!
  2691. StreamerDoggo * Well thats a good start.
  2692. AskDogi *To be continued...
  2693. AskDogi *Or not...?
  2694. StreamerDoggo * It will, just somewhere else~
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