

Nov 20th, 2011
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  1. Notes:
  3. "Renko said so, and showed me a notebook with some photos." How did she gets the photos in the first place? She went there alone or something? That is.. not really convincing, why would she go alone, since she just shows her the pictures. It's maybe she did not make the pictures herself?
  5. "I have a connection you don't know, Mary." This proves my theory :P And yea.. "This is the Netherworld." who says that really? Renko could be saying that, as well Mari, because Mari would "see" the Netherworld, while Renko would just hear about it from somewhere.
  7. "..I hesitated to tell her thatit's a Shinto gate, not a Buddhist one. " So Mari knows stuff, I assume she knows about Netherworld in this one.
  9. "Even so, I can see the borders of these boundaries. Even if I don't do anything I can see them. It's inevitable, I just see them."If I would say something like that I would be consider a madman no? And yea... seeing things, is something remarable, but in general of the plot, striking at ms.Obvious ," girls haz powers, and the powers are those following:", is a bad approach, I want to make the viewer see ordinary ppl with strange interest, not with special powers, thus she would" imagine that something is there, rather than see it or such.
  11. Now I can pretty much say the same thing to "It's easy. We can see where the moon and the stars are pictured, can't we?", "According to Renko, she can tell what time it is by the stars and where she is by the moon." She would either calculate or guess, thus she thinks it's easy for her. using powers can of course be consider having an effect without effort. With Renko's power even we can say it could just be her effort of mathematic talent, rather than magic.
  13. "Lycoris is so horrible! I hate it since my childhood. (note)" no idea... useless background story?
  15. "The entrance is a gravestone with the most lycorises at the ghostly field." So they enter the field?
  17. "After all, it seems I'm the only one acting like a grave-robber." Oh yea.. Renko tried Mari is wrong, or not 100% correct, she just sits back and watches Mari do stuff. What a friend.
  19. "Rather than that, Mary, why don't we go see the entrance at the Hakurei Shrine?" They know about the Hakurei Shrine? So... it is correct that in the world of Mari and Renko Gensokyou is a Legend...
  21. "Our true scheme is to seek for the gaps of the boundaries and to dive into another world. It's what they call "spiriting away", isn't it?" Oh yea diving into another worlds is always fun is it? But it is true that they at least been into Gensokyou once.
  23. "May I ask you a favor? Please listen to my dreams and give me some advices, or I'll be confused which is the real me." Wow Mari.. don't be delusional. Common sense and stuff.. I guess Mari have her head in clouds a lot, but that's ok, we still love her.
  25. "...Oh? A maid came out. I'll tell her that... I want to greet the owner of such a wonderful mansion." Oh Remi? And Remi, YES My power works! "What's wrong with you? Why are you a coward in your dreams?" Nope, Mari is just dreaming about it, your power does not work... "うううううー☆" But yea.. an important character developemnt of Mari would be those dreams of course. Not too much concern on that since the plot device is more important, and dreams are just a part of it.
  27. "Am I to wander in the bamboo forest and starve to death? Or get eaten by some youkai? I've got plenty of things that I haven't done ye" Totally Yume Nikki. Your dreams like a video game? The same dream every night? Multiple paths? Yeah...
  29. "Eh? You're talking about your dreams, aren't you, Mary?" Even Renko does not believe that those dreams are real :P
  31. "She's so active that she proposes most of what we do." So Renko gives out the shots here. She must be busy all the time gathering material, while Mari just sleeps. What a friend. Also "According to Renko, she can tell where she is and when it is by looking up the sky. How scary..." Why it's scary? I guess Mari is a bit scared of magical powers in general, since she witness a lot of those things at Gensoykou.
  33. "And, Renko calls me Mary. It's too hard for people in this country to pronounce my name. I'm afraid she's already forgotten my real name..." Of course it's Yukari Yakumo no? But yea... she must be from outside the Japan.. to many strange things tells she is not that Japanese, but it's ok. The story can go either way, or never mention her true name pronunciation problem.
  35. "I'm not certain which is a reality or a dream. Dreams usually end when I'm chased by some youkai. If you say it's a bad dream, maybe it's right..." More delusional stuff. Mari is like on drugs or something... "I'm afraid I'm talking now in my dream..." So she does not see a difference between sleep and not sleep? So it's no problem for her to think she got stuff from Gensokyou.
  37. "Though, if I could change a bad dream to a good dream, it would be nicer than the reality..." Yea... more delusional stuff here... Renko needs to say "Magic and illusions do not exist" Rather than repeating herself after Sayaka.
  39. "Yours is ultra-general physics, Renko? How does your study of string advance?" So she graduated right? Ultra-general physics sounds like a course from a cheap college. :P
  41. "You know, dream cannot be the antonym of reality. Recently, it's been considered as the synonym. Even if you're in your dream, you must run for dear life from the mysterious being. That's the truth." We have more material for character development here. Seems that her delusions come from the way she thinks. All objects confined into a human brain are real to such human. However she does not talk about the realism vs. others here.. something that is real for you is real for the other person? Common sense would say all real things are real for everyone, but since we take Common sense into the subject of the movie here.. we must say that it is not so true after all, as we should always take measurements onto what others think and how, rather than just research what can be measured.
  43. "Old-fashioned people, including you, make a difference between dream and reality, but people in extreme old days didn't do that, I heard." I heard a description of Weebo, (Or something like that), Japanophilia maybe. A person from outside Japan that have interest in Japanese Culture, to the point it becomes an obsession of his. Maybe Mari is one of those persons as well?
  45. "Nowadays, you can watch the extinct wild dogs and kappas through 3DCG..." Oh this silly Technology.... :P
  47. "And, this is the scrap of paper I found after the big mouse and the girl left." "Hey, are you really talking about your dream?" About it's all was It Keine and Mokou? But yea Renko is still seeing Mari delusional.
  49. "Don't you get it yet? Dream and reality are the same thing. I've told you hundreds of times. To me, it's the dream I'm talking to you now..." Mari don't do drugs that much.. Renko is like.. "Calm down, Mary. I'll listen to the world of your dream. After all, what's the girl? What happened to the girl?" She totally doesn't want Mari to permit suicide, ala Yume Nikki style, now does she?
  51. "If some objects in a dream show up, we'll be confused. It's against the law of conservation of mass. Besides, how's the entropy?" See it's canon now that She tried to prove Mari is wrong. So it's all good... "It's obvious that Mary went to the inside of the boundary unconsciously, and she thinks she's in a dream." But WTF with the boundaries? She's like researching some kind of wormholes? It does not make sense she does not see "boundaries" as not "logical" Think Spock, think!
  53. "It's because Mary changed the ability of seeing the boundary to that of manipulate it? No, it's impossible" WTF Zun? You imply she is now Yukari or that she is different from Yukari all together?
  55. "If I ignore the situation, she must be eaten by youkai in a dream or be spirited away. " By definitions, all mythical creates, such as Youkai are illogical, NOT! So she wants to prove their.. existence after all..
  57. "Her mentality is wandering about everywhere. She would be trapped in another world if she didn't think she's in a dream. She would recognize this world as a dream. She's in danger, though she herself doesn't notice the danger." Renko is totally into Mari here... I mean the stereotypical Japanese person, and the feeling I need to protect from here :
  58. """"
  59. I can help her in two ways:
  61. :First, throw the stuff away and make her recognize she's in a dream or an illusion.
  62. :By doing this, she wouldn't wander into the world of dream again. Dream and reality are different.
  64. And another way is...
  66. :Rather than convincing her it was a dream, forcing her to understand that she actually was in another world, and wake her from her dreams.
  67. :If I did that, she wouldn’t die in that dream world without knowing the truth.
  68. :But… if I did that, she might not be able to return to this world.
  70. : Which is better for you, Mary? Which is better for me, Renko?
  71. :...There's no need to explain.
  72. """
  73. It's important for the plot reasons.. and such.. and that Mari thinks she is right now in the dream world, while Gensokyou is the real one.
  74. """
  75. By the way, why don't the kids in this country look like having fun?
  76. You know why, Mary?"
  77. "They learned to think that dream and reality are the same thing,
  78. because of the scholars with such a thought, just like you.
  79. They incorporated the dream into one of the physiological phenomenon as the virtual image the brain makes.
  80. Reliable objectivity and ultimate truth are outside subjectivity.
  81. You say subjectivity is the truth? It contradicts. The theory is wrong.
  82. Evidently, you think it a dream without recognizing the subjectivity.
  83. Dream and reality are different, so you can make an effort to change dream to reality.
  84. That's why kids are able to smile.
  85. Let's wake up! There's the changeability of strange dream.
  86. Change the world of dream to that of reality!"
  87. """
  88. Again.. the common sense would say that Renko is true, but not this time.. we say she is wrong, and that Mari is actually right.. think of this is you believe in god, he is the truth. If you believe that the world you live is yours and the truth is only what you see...
  90. The other things are just here about... Maybe that Mari is Japanophilic again, but... it also reference that she like a child? Whatever... really... what is reality without subjectivity? Without being able to see though something, we couldn't see at all. thus why Renko is not that quite right in this one.
  92. "↑ "Yume-tagae" is a magic done in order to divert the destiny; on medieval Japanese folklore, a buddha or god comes and show a human the future in one's dream, then a dream is commonly the view in near future even if it isn't related to gods." Hey... I had stuff like that before and we even talked about it with others... strange?
  94. "Though to Mary, the blond-haired girl, what she saw the extremely beautiful Japanesque scenery through Boyu Shinkansen Hiroshige was just a dull visual stimulation." oh so now Mari is actually not a Japanophilic but a Gensokyophilic, cool I am glad we had that explained.
  96. "::Feels like we're on the ground, don't we?"" Girls are enjoying the trip, while Zun talks about stuff...
  98. "Renko Usami and Maribel Hearn (Mary) decided to make a trip to Tokyo where Renko's parents live during the vacation of university." So they both live in Kyoto then? And Renko have her parents from Tokyo.. meaning that's her home town probably...
  100. "She was also looking forward to the scenery on the way to Tokyo, but unfortunately, all of Boyu Tokaido are the shinkansen that run under the ground." Mari you such a silly girl for not knowing that a miracle of future technology such as that train runs underground... even if it was on the news and everything..
  102. "::but a visit for the Netherworld after finding gaps around graves." Oh so she is taking Mari there, not to see her parents with Mari? hmmm interesting.. but honestly Renko rolls like that
  104. "::When Mt.Fuji is nominated as a world heritage, it's concluded to be an extinct volcano from a dormant one. Did it remind you?" Again it seems that Mari is hopeless... but it's ok we still love her.
  106. "I felt kinda sick." She has sickness visions upon sensing a gap? Oh and it's called a gap, as in.. it wasn't called a border gap or anything like that...
  108. "::Because I'm with you, Mary."" oooooooo >.<
  110. "The closer to Tokyo that Mary has only seen in a book and is beyond the times, the more excited she was." That and the entire thing, Mari loves seeing things with her own eyes.. do I want to include disliking technology in the movie... I honestly don't think it is necessary.
  112. "The world lost its light when the final sentence "Designed by Utagawa Hiroshige" was shown up in the middle of the scenery." Because he programmed it Zun.. Don't tell me you steal other's ppl "sceneries" and call them your own?
  114. "Because you can never separate the dream from the reality, and the human from the butterfly[21]. It's the common sense in these days that the two elements can never be separated." Yea yea.. Humans live in their own worlds created by their brains, big deal. Common sense is also biased so.. on what? On scenery of course. If you think otherwise Zun... I think you think the same as me :) Here's my Common sense, Zun is by my standards so Fucked up, but I like it, thus it means I am fucked up too... Such is my Retrospective of dreams and reality.
  116. "...while gazing at the three-legged crow living in the sun..." Okuuuuuuu
  118. Wait, in my opinion, what we have to take care of first is getting a part-time job, so we can make enough money to go there." They don't have a job.. future times should be little easier to find one?
  120. "The price is collected along with the tuition monthly.
  122. "It reduces the need for managing money, avoids crowded registers, and lets students shop easily (because their parents pay for the tuition), increasing sales as a result. But thanks to that, students now find their expenses piling up much more than expected." Confirmed. and... hmmm it's Japan anyway...
  124. "Who's a nihilist?
  125. :I'm full of life.
  126. :Because I'm excited about the universe, I can sleep soundly at night." hm... So Mari does not sleep soundly?
  128. Scirpto
  130. So we have basically the basic script for the basic story of the so called grant scale Touhou movie and such.
  132. We start from any point the movie would start, which is what's the movie about. We have two students, fresh from graduating, wanting to do something with their lifes. We don't know if they have a job, or a set up after college/higher education and such. I just don't wanna be that much in detail. Anyway their names are actually Ranko and Maribel, as you also might have guessed. Mari is like, totally into myths and old Japanese legends and such, and she's like trying to drag Renko into her hobby. Renko is like, it's not logical to make such assumptions, such things does not exist, and it's a time wasting activity. However on the side she cares about Mari, which Maribel actually uses against Renko, and does not let her go on her Ghost hunting alone, hence Ghost sealing club is created.
  134. Mari is half on the side that ghosts actually exists, and wants to prove her point. Renko on the other hand finds it's interesting for scientific reasons, she wants to uncover the truth behinds myths, how it would happen that people actually belied in such stuff, Since seeing Mari, people still believe in such things, it must have some scientific reasoning behind it. It's common sense? Zun likes Common sense so much it's probably what the movie would be about in the end.
  136. So our plot comes into play, when Mari learns about something called Gensokyou, and she wants to make a documentary about it. So both girls leave out to check the site and... I do not have plot finished, what she learns is a mystery for now... but in general direction. It is about Mari actually seeing some strange things, while Renko being unable to see them, or record them. And then they probably get separated or something, we would then change to Mari vision for a while. After all this Gensokyou stuff, we would return to normal world for a change, and I don't know. Should we leave the viewer with the was it real or not? The camera was on for couple hours, like in that other film or something? But yea... at the end Zun commentary to this movie would be ok. And I don't think it would take... a long time, maybe 20-30 minutes... Depends on how much plot you want to insert.
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