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Sep 29th, 2016
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  1. [22:34:14] <Sophisanimus> Daisy in Evolve.
  2. [22:34:26] <Sophisanimus> Is apparently trained in field medicine.
  3. [22:34:33] <Ravenous_Woon> vgy
  4. [22:34:40] <Sophisanimus>
  5. [22:34:49] <Sophisanimus> "I'll be your doctor today."
  6. [22:34:53] <Ravenous_Woon> Yeah.
  7. [22:35:03] <Ravenous_Woon> Being revived by that.
  8. [22:35:04] <Sophisanimus> "Where does it hurt?"
  9. [22:35:14] <Sophisanimus> "Say 'Aaah.'"
  10. [22:35:14] <Ravenous_Woon> ...
  11. [22:35:21] <Ravenous_Woon> . . .
  12. [22:35:30] <Sophisanimus> " have cancer. Alien cancer."
  13. [22:35:44] <Sophisanimus> ...
  14. [22:35:47] <Sophisanimus> Fuck.
  15. [22:35:48] <Ravenous_Woon> Fuck you.
  16. [22:35:50] <Sophisanimus> "Tail cancer."
  17. [22:36:08] <Sophisanimus> ...
  18. [22:36:17] * Ravenous_Woon flashbacks to GaLm's Black Mesa monologue.
  19. [22:36:25] <Sophisanimus> There's a dog in the neighborhood.
  20. [22:36:27] <Sophisanimus> ...
  21. [22:36:29] <Sophisanimus> Maggie.
  22. [22:36:33] <Sophisanimus> Fuck.
  23. [22:36:35] <Sophisanimus> Anyways.
  24. [22:36:39] <Sophisanimus> She had a butt-stroke.
  25. [22:36:52] <Sophisanimus> This is more serious than it may sound.
  26. [22:36:58] <Sophisanimus> She's mostly recovered, but...
  27. [22:36:59] <Ravenous_Woon> "I'm Spiderman! But you're not actually Spiderman because it's actually cancer."
  28. [22:37:10] <Sophisanimus> That's a thing, apparently. Stroke of the butt.
  29. [22:37:11] <Ravenous_Woon> ...
  30. [22:37:14] <Ravenous_Woon> ...butt-stroke?
  31. [22:37:24] <Ravenous_Woon> That took a while to sink in.
  32. [22:37:39] <Sophisanimus> It's a stroke. In the rump region.
  33. [22:37:50] <Ravenous_Woon> I know.
  34. [22:38:01] <Ravenous_Woon> And it's the very bad kind of stroke.
  35. [22:38:05] <Ravenous_Woon> But it's still a butt-stroke.
  36. [22:38:07] <Sophisanimus> vgy
  37. [22:38:11] <Sophisanimus> vgy
  38. [22:38:21] <Ravenous_Woon> Better than a poop-stroke, I guess.
  39. [22:38:24] <Sophisanimus> I believe the issue is that the horizontal nature of the spine that allows for blood flow to fail there more readily than in humans.
  40. [22:38:29] <Ravenous_Woon> But not by mu-...shit.
  41. [22:38:34] <Sophisanimus> ...
  42. [22:39:37] <Ravenous_Woon> Erm, where are you going with this?
  43. [22:39:41] <Sophisanimus> ...
  44. [22:39:43] <Ravenous_Woon> Where are you taking the butt-stroke?
  45. [22:39:50] <Ravenous_Woon> How is this relevant to tail-cancer?
  46. [22:39:53] <Sophisanimus> It came up due to the Tail Cancer.
  47. [22:39:56] <Sophisanimus> Well.
  48. [22:40:00] <Ravenous_Woon> Or, for that matter, angry animal doctor?
  49. [22:40:12] <Sophisanimus> Tangential object of curiosity resulting from non-human anatomy.
  50. [22:40:21] <Sophisanimus> ...
  51. [22:40:26] <Ravenous_Woon> Stahp!
  52. [22:40:29] <Sophisanimus> Tail-chemo.
  53. [22:40:33] <Ravenous_Woon> ...
  54. [22:40:49] <Sophisanimus> "We have to MRI your tail."
  55. [22:41:11] <Ravenous_Woon> I don't...I don't have a fucking tail.
  56. [22:41:21] <Sophisanimus> No, but Daisy does.
  57. [22:41:24] <Ravenous_Woon> How can I have cancer in something I don't have?
  58. [22:41:25] <Ravenous_Woon> ...
  59. [22:41:29] <Ravenous_Woon> She IS the doctor.
  60. [22:41:35] <Sophisanimus> Well, yes.
  61. [22:41:37] <Sophisanimus> But.
  62. [22:41:44] <Ravenous_Woon> Are you telling me the doctor has cancer?
  63. [22:41:45] <Sophisanimus> Considering she is a trained medical professional...
  64. [22:41:55] <Ravenous_Woon> Why does the doctor have cancer?
  65. [22:42:09] <Sophisanimus> ...does it not stand to reason that she be trained to practice on her own species?
  66. [22:42:14] <Ravenous_Woon> Why was the doctor talking to HERSELF and declaring, from a third-person perspective, "you have cancer"?
  67. [22:42:24] <Sophisanimus> No, no, no.
  68. [22:42:35] <Sophisanimus> She'd be doing this while passing packs of Trapjaws during the hunt.
  69. [22:42:37] <Ravenous_Woon> [22:41:11] <Ravenous_Woon> I don't...I don't have a fucking tail.
  70. [22:42:37] <Ravenous_Woon> [22:41:21] <Sophisanimus> No, but Daisy does.
  71. [22:42:44] <Sophisanimus> Yes.
  72. [22:42:50] <Ravenous_Woon> You were...
  73. [22:42:51] <Ravenous_Woon> ...
  74. [22:42:52] <Ravenous_Woon> Look.
  75. [22:42:55] <Ravenous_Woon> Tail cancer.
  76. [22:43:04] <Sophisanimus> I am bouncing a little in my conclusions.
  77. [22:43:19] <Ravenous_Woon> I imagined Doctor Daisy tending to a wounded hunter.
  78. [22:43:29] <Ravenous_Woon> So the statement "you have tail-cancer" was rather distressing.
  79. [22:43:31] <Sophisanimus> The medical professional has a tail. Ergo, she is likely versed in treating tail-related ailments.
  80. [22:43:39] <Ravenous_Woon> Hence my own statement, "I don't have a tail"
  81. [22:43:48] <Ravenous_Woon> Then you said "No, but Daisy does"
  82. [22:43:53] <Sophisanimus> Yes.
  83. [22:43:55] <Ravenous_Woon> Which lead me to believe that Daisy was diagnosing herself.
  84. [22:44:06] <Sophisanimus> My logic is insane, but sound in an insane way!
  85. [22:44:14] <Ravenous_Woon> No it isn't.
  86. [22:44:21] <Sophisanimus> You're just too sane.
  87. [22:44:24] <Sophisanimus> Clearly.
  88. [22:44:38] <Ravenous_Woon> [22:44:21] <Sophisanimus> You're just too sane.
  89. [22:44:38] <Ravenous_Woon> [22:44:24] <Sophisanimus> Clearly.
  90. [22:44:44] <Sophisanimus> I won't discount that your impressions were not valid given the circumstances.
  91. [22:44:51] <Ravenous_Woon> There's one for the history books.
  92. [22:44:52] <Sophisanimus> But we're talking about Tail Cancer.
  93. [22:44:59] <Ravenous_Woon> Mythologique: Defined as "too sane".
  94. [22:45:02] <Sophisanimus> Ergo sanity is not the best measure of cause and effect.
  95. [22:45:15] <Sophisanimus> </insane troll logic>
  96. [22:45:28] <Sophisanimus> Well.
  97. [22:45:34] <Ravenous_Woon> You can see my logic perfectly well.
  98. [22:45:36] <Sophisanimus> Mostly just insane and logic. Not so much troll.
  99. [22:45:38] <Sophisanimus> Yes.
  100. [22:45:46] <Ravenous_Woon> You can understand how I came to that conclusion.
  101. [22:45:53] <Ravenous_Woon> Yes?
  102. [22:45:56] <Sophisanimus> I just also consider it senselessly sensible given the circumstances.
  103. [22:46:02] <Ravenous_Woon> ...
  104. [22:46:31] <Ravenous_Woon> If you understand how I came to that conclusion then you ALSO understand how your initial presentation made no sense, at all, in any context, regardless of how it was read.
  105. [22:46:58] <Ravenous_Woon> That it was poorly conceived and the only person who understands yourself is, well, you.
  106. [22:47:38] <Sophisanimus> I argue that it was brilliantly conceived and did make sense in the context of my runaway train of thought.
  107. [22:47:50] <Sophisanimus> But I stipulate all else is valid.
  108. [22:48:04] <Ravenous_Woon> But it was only 'brilliantly conceived' within your very narrow scope!
  109. [22:48:12] <Sophisanimus> Well.
  110. [22:48:16] <Ravenous_Woon> As you are the only one who actually understands what the hell you were talking about.
  111. [22:48:22] <Sophisanimus> True.
  112. [22:48:24] <Sophisanimus> Though.
  113. [22:48:27] <Ravenous_Woon> So for literally everyone else...
  114. [22:48:31] <Ravenous_Woon> You suck at English.
  115. [22:48:35] <Sophisanimus> :p
  116. [22:49:06] <Ravenous_Woon> You just told me I'm 'too sane', I can say whatever the fuck I want.
  117. [22:49:10] <Sophisanimus> Or clearly and succinctly communicating insane concepts to sane individuals?
  118. [22:49:15] <Ravenous_Woon> Fuck you and your kumquat.
  119. [22:49:22] <Sophisanimus> ...
  120. [22:49:27] <Ravenous_Woon> It wasn't an insane concept.
  121. [22:49:28] <Sophisanimus> Now I need kumquats.
  122. [22:49:32] <Ravenous_Woon> You just fucked up the presentation.
  123. [22:49:36] <Sophisanimus> Perhaps.
  124. [22:49:43] <Ravenous_Woon> WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'PERHAPS'?
  125. [22:49:54] <Ravenous_Woon> You literally said Daisy had tail-cancer.
  126. [22:50:08] <Ravenous_Woon> There is no 'perhaps' that that is a fuckup if that's not what you meant.
  127. [22:50:09] <Sophisanimus> Yes.
  128. [22:50:10] <Sophisanimus> Though.
  129. [22:50:18] <Sophisanimus> Well, sorta.
  130. [22:50:20] <Ravenous_Woon> You done fucked up!
  131. [22:50:24] <Sophisanimus> XD
  132. [22:50:27] <Ravenous_Woon> You fucked up!
  133. [22:50:31] <Ravenous_Woon> You have fucked up now!
  134. [22:50:34] <Sophisanimus> At first she had tail cancer, but only briefly!
  135. [22:50:38] <Sophisanimus> ...
  136. [22:50:44] <Ravenous_Woon> Now you fucked up!
  137. [22:50:45] <Sophisanimus> A brief fling with tail cancer.
  138. [22:51:10] <Sophisanimus> And now all the other Trapjaws have tail cancer, for some reason.
  139. [22:51:20] <Sophisanimus> Just not Daisy. Because Maggie is a good pet-owner.
  140. [22:51:26] <Ravenous_Woon> "For some reason"
  141. [22:51:32] <Sophisanimus> vgy
  142. [22:51:37] <Ravenous_Woon> Do you see this glaring flaw in your logic?
  143. [22:51:48] <Sophisanimus> Yep!
  144. [22:52:10] <Sophisanimus> If one Trapjaw could have tail-cancer, this means that they -all- -definitely- have tail-cancer.
  145. [22:52:13] <Sophisanimus> ...except for Daisy.
  146. [22:52:20] <Sophisanimus> 'Cause she's a doctor.
  147. [22:52:21] <Ravenous_Woon> You fucked up again.
  148. [22:52:31] <Ravenous_Woon> 'Could have' and 'have' are different things.
  149. [22:52:45] <Ravenous_Woon> "I could have AIDS, so everybody has AIDS!"
  150. [22:52:58] <Sophisanimus> But this is too glorious of a logic black-hole to bother with semantics like that!
  151. [22:53:08] <Ravenous_Woon> But the semantics make the hole!
  152. [22:53:18] <Sophisanimus> Or is it the lack of semantics?
  153. [22:53:23] <Ravenous_Woon> Yeah, lack.
  154. [22:53:29] <Ravenous_Woon> Okay.
  155. [22:53:31] <Ravenous_Woon> But.
  156. [22:53:42] <Ravenous_Woon> Poking the hole!
  157. [22:53:43] <Sophisanimus> Though that would make this more of a logic vacuum.
  158. [22:53:52] <Sophisanimus> ...which is far less interesting.
  159. [22:53:53] <Sophisanimus> So!
  160. [22:54:01] <Sophisanimus> Clearly we must add MORE logic!
  161. [22:54:12] <Sophisanimus> Until the density achieves critical!
  162. [22:54:22] <Sophisanimus> Therefore.
  163. [22:54:30] <Sophisanimus> The Monster -IS- tail-cancer!
  164. [22:54:39] <Sophisanimus> And Daisy is just trying to treat it.
  165. [22:54:46] <Sophisanimus> ...with her fangs.
  166. [22:55:14] <Ravenous_Woon> Look, you just abruptly introduced tail-cancer in humans, then backtracked and stated that it wasn't in humans and that it was actually Daisy, and then changed THAT to "she doesn't have cancer because she's a doctor, but because it's -possible- for Trapjaws to -get- cancer, ALL Trapjaws now have cancer."
  167. [22:55:28] <Ravenous_Woon> Except Daisy.
  168. [22:55:38] <Sophisanimus> And now the cancer is the Monster.
  169. [22:55:44] <Ravenous_Woon> I'm retconning that.
  170. [22:55:46] <Sophisanimus> ...because it eats Trapjaws.
  171. [22:56:14] <Ravenous_Woon> Well, okay. It's not technically a retcon.
  172. [22:56:22] <Ravenous_Woon> Because it hasn't happened yet.
  173. [22:56:24] <Ravenous_Woon> But.
  174. [22:56:34] <Ravenous_Woon> NON-CANON TAIL-CANCER UNIVERSE.
  175. [22:58:33] <Sophisanimus> So.
  176. [22:58:37] <Sophisanimus> What have we learned today?
  177. [22:58:55] <Ravenous_Woon> I'm too sane and you suck at presenting logic.
  178. [22:59:04] <Sophisanimus> Yes, and?
  179. [22:59:08] <Ravenous_Woon> Or rather, presenting a logical...fuck you.
  180. [22:59:21] <Ravenous_Woon> Daisy does not have tail-cancer.
  181. [22:59:32] <Ravenous_Woon> Nor do humans.
  182. [22:59:32] <Sophisanimus> And...?
  183. [22:59:49] <Ravenous_Woon> ALL Trapjaws (except for Daisy) have tail-cancer. Permanently.
  184. [23:00:20] <Sophisanimus> Also, possible implications.
  185. [23:00:26] <Sophisanimus> If it has a tail, it has cancer.
  186. [23:00:30] <Ravenous_Woon> ...
  187. [23:00:34] <Sophisanimus> ...of the tail.
  188. [23:00:45] <Ravenous_Woon> THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT BETTER.
  189. [23:00:45] <Sophisanimus> But don't worry!
  190. [23:00:53] <Ravenous_Woon> IT'S FUCKING CANCER.
  191. [23:01:12] <Sophisanimus> Tail-cancer is much less bad than ass-cancer.
  192. [23:01:26] <Ravenous_Woon> Tail-cancer can rapidly become ass-cancer.
  193. [23:02:03] <Sophisanimus> Unless diagnosed and treated by a tail-cancer expert such as Daisy.
  194. [23:02:17] <Ravenous_Woon> Why does Daisy not have cancer?
  195. [23:02:30] <Sophisanimus> She's a doctor.
  196. [23:02:40] <Ravenous_Woon> Why does being a doctor allow her to avoid cancer?
  197. [23:02:52] <Sophisanimus> Early diagnosis and access to treatment.
  198. [23:03:00] <Ravenous_Woon> What is the treatment?
  199. [23:03:08] <Sophisanimus> Tail-chemo.
  200. [23:03:15] <Sophisanimus> Also, tail-radiation.
  201. [23:03:21] <Ravenous_Woon> Does Daisy partake in this?
  202. [23:03:46] <Sophisanimus> She might be able to self-administer the cocktail.
  203. [23:04:15] <Ravenous_Woon> I'd say I think you are talking out of your ass, but you'd just say that can't be true because you have ass-cancer.
  204. [23:04:19] <Sophisanimus> Radiation would likely require equipment and a team to operate said equipment.
  205. [23:04:21] <Sophisanimus> ...
  206. [23:04:26] <Sophisanimus> And now Daisy has a team.
  207. [23:04:31] <Sophisanimus> Daisy is the new House.
  208. [23:04:35] <Ravenous_Woon> HEY HEY HEY.
  209. [23:04:39] <Ravenous_Woon> DAISY IS THE FUCKING DOCTOR HERE.
  210. [23:04:47] <Ravenous_Woon> Nobody else knows jack shit about tail-cancer.
  211. [23:04:54] <Ravenous_Woon> If they did, it wouldn't be a problem, would it?
  212. [23:05:08] <Sophisanimus> She can probably talk the technicians through the process.
  213. [23:05:18] <Ravenous_Woon> If she can then why is tail-cancer a problem?
  214. [23:05:26] <Sophisanimus> Short of surgery, she can probably assist.
  215. [23:05:38] <Sophisanimus> ...with surgery, she might even be able to remain conscious and instruct.
  216. [23:05:49] <Sophisanimus> Local anesthetic and all.
  217. [23:05:50] <Ravenous_Woon> Answer the god-damn question!
  218. [23:06:03] <Sophisanimus> Well, here's the thing.
  219. [23:06:13] <Ravenous_Woon> Stop dodging the god-damn question!
  220. [23:06:14] <Ravenous_Woon> Answer the god-damn question!
  221. [23:06:26] <Sophisanimus> How many human doctors possess the social skills to treat Trapjaws in their natural environment?
  222. [23:06:27] <Sophisanimus> Also.
  223. [23:06:29] <Sophisanimus> The monster.
  224. [23:06:42] <Sophisanimus> Daisy is clearly not a one-trick Trapjaw.
  225. [23:06:46] <Ravenous_Woon> Apparently a lot, since Daisy is tame.
  226. [23:07:14] <Ravenous_Woon> In fact, since Daisy is tame, I'm inclined to say all of them.
  227. [23:07:29] <Sophisanimus> But for the part where they try to eat humans.
  228. [23:07:31] <Ravenous_Woon> "How to Treat a Wild Trapjaw, by Daisy"
  229. [23:07:32] <Sophisanimus> Hrm.
  230. [23:07:36] <Sophisanimus> This raises a question.
  231. [23:07:41] <Ravenous_Woon> Oh fucking really?
  232. [23:07:43] <Sophisanimus> Do wild Trapjaws attack Daisy?
  233. [23:07:47] <Ravenous_Woon> Yes.
  234. [23:08:08] <Sophisanimus> So, she is most definitely House.
  235. [23:08:09] <Ravenous_Woon> Daisy is a party member like anyone else and gets attacked/incapacitated by bad shit.
  236. [23:08:21] <Sophisanimus> Well...
  237. [23:08:34] <Sophisanimus> I am not certain if I have seen her be attacked by Trapjaws.
  238. [23:08:38] <Ravenous_Woon> House didn't treat humans using a team of trained medic-dogs.
  239. [23:08:46] <Ravenous_Woon> Which is basically what you're suggesting.
  240. [23:08:50] <Sophisanimus> She takes damage from other things, sure, but this is a question of aggro.
  241. [23:09:19] <Ravenous_Woon> House didn't get down on his hands and knees and go 'woof woof, grrr' to come up with a cure for cancer.
  242. [23:09:39] <Sophisanimus> ...are you sure?
  243. [23:09:59] <Ravenous_Woon> Nor did Daisy stand up, put a suit on, and deliver a PowerPoint presentation on tail-cancer, to a species that doesn't even have tails.
  244. [23:11:47] <Ravenous_Woon> Have you anything to say to this?
  245. [23:12:02] <Sophisanimus> ...apparently House did catch a treat in his mouth.
  246. [23:12:05] <Ravenous_Woon> Mr. All Trapjaws Have Tail-Cancer Except That One Because She's A Doctor?
  247. [23:12:25] <Sophisanimus> ...
  248. [23:12:51] <Sophisanimus> Also, that image of Daisy giving a PowerPoint presentation in a suit.
  249. [23:13:07] <Sophisanimus> To a mixed audience of humans and Trapjaw med students.
  250. [23:13:17] <Ravenous_Woon> There are no Trapjaw med students!
  251. [23:13:27] <Ravenous_Woon> All Trapjaws are evil and have tail-cancer!
  252. [23:13:31] <Ravenous_Woon> Except Daisy.
  253. [23:13:37] <Ravenous_Woon> Because she's a motherfucking doctor.
  254. [23:13:37] <Sophisanimus> Woah.
  255. [23:13:44] <Ravenous_Woon> Don't you dare.
  256. [23:13:44] <Sophisanimus> Who said anything about being evil?
  257. [23:13:48] <Sophisanimus> And they aren't doctors, yet.
  258. [23:13:55] <Ravenous_Woon> I didn't say they were.
  259. [23:14:23] <Sophisanimus> Just because Daisy is the only doctor doesn't mean there can't be premed Trapjaws.
  260. [23:14:30] <Ravenous_Woon> But you're implying that Daisy is trying to assemble a team of Trapjaw med students all of a sudden.
  261. [23:14:43] <Ravenous_Woon> Daisy is the -only- tame Trapjaw.
  262. [23:14:50] <Ravenous_Woon> ...and she's also a doctor.
  263. [23:14:52] <Sophisanimus> She's a Trapjaw-rights activist.
  264. [23:14:59] <Ravenous_Woon> Stop making shit up!
  265. [23:15:10] <Ravenous_Woon> It's not helping!
  266. [23:15:14] <Sophisanimus> Integration through education!
  267. [23:15:21] <Ravenous_Woon> THEY HAVE CANCER.
  268. [23:15:37] <Sophisanimus> All the more reason to become productive members of society.
  269. [23:15:41] <Sophisanimus> Medical benefits.
  270. [23:15:44] <Ravenous_Woon> But they hate society!
  271. [23:16:07] <Sophisanimus> Society's been a bit of a bitch to them thus far.
  272. [23:16:20] <Ravenous_Woon> I don't know about that.
  273. [23:16:24] <Sophisanimus> But hatred never brought about positive change.
  274. [23:16:40] <Ravenous_Woon> Then why are Trapjaws eating people in the streets?
  275. [23:16:55] <Ravenous_Woon> When these people are avoiding them, just trying to make a living?
  276. [23:17:04] <Ravenous_Woon> Killing big bad monsters?
  277. [23:17:19] <Ravenous_Woon> Who in turn are also trying to eat the Trapjaws.
  278. [23:17:27] <Ravenous_Woon> So indirect helping.
  279. [23:17:42] <Ravenous_Woon> But the Trapjaws are assholes (except for Daisy) and murder people.
  280. [23:18:04] <Sophisanimus> Those are the ones who are -not- premed.
  281. [23:18:07] <Ravenous_Woon> It's hard to do something about cancer when your patients are eating you.
  282. [23:18:09] <Ravenous_Woon> ...
  284. [23:18:43] <Sophisanimus> Impassioned speeches.
  285. [23:18:54] <Ravenous_Woon> They don't give a shit about impassioned speeches.
  286. [23:19:03] <Sophisanimus> Consisting of barks and growls and grunts with the odd yelp or snuffle.
  287. [23:19:10] <Ravenous_Woon> Daisy is shunned.
  288. [23:19:16] <Sophisanimus> Also electric shocks.
  289. [23:19:19] <Ravenous_Woon> If not attacked on sight.
  290. [23:19:19] <Sophisanimus> ...
  291. [23:19:58] <Sophisanimus> Also, pepper spray.
  292. [23:20:27] <Ravenous_Woon> So now you're forcing Trapjaws into slavery.
  293. [23:20:29] <Ravenous_Woon> Good job.
  294. [23:20:36] <Sophisanimus> Possibly.
  295. [23:20:44] <Ravenous_Woon> What does Daisy think of this?
  296. [23:20:46] <Sophisanimus> The hunters can be a little assholeish.
  297. [23:20:56] <Sophisanimus> Probably just biding her time.
  298. [23:21:03] <Sophisanimus> ...and peeing on Maggie's bed for comfort.
  299. [23:21:22] <Ravenous_Woon> I'm playing along with this because there's no way you can get out of this hole you've dug.
  300. [23:21:39] <Sophisanimus> Yep!
  301. [23:21:44] <Ravenous_Woon> ...
  302. [23:21:53] <Ravenous_Woon> Except, apparently, by complete and utter honesty.
  303. [23:22:03] <Sophisanimus> Always a good thing.
  304. [23:22:12] <Sophisanimus> Except when it isn't.
  305. [23:22:14] <Sophisanimus> ...
  306. [23:22:17] <Sophisanimus> Anyways!
  307. [23:22:27] <Ravenous_Woon> Just about everything you've said up to that point has been dishonest.
  308. [23:22:39] <Sophisanimus> I wouldn't qualify it as that.
  309. [23:22:50] <Sophisanimus> Just... fast and loose with truth and reality?
  310. [23:22:53] <Sophisanimus> Well.
  311. [23:22:57] <Sophisanimus> Unreality.
  312. [23:23:06] <Sophisanimus> ...which is pretty easy, considering it isn't real.
  313. [23:23:06] <Ravenous_Woon> I;m not sure if truth is right either.
  314. [23:23:27] <Ravenous_Woon> Things went downhill the moment tail-cancer was introduced.
  315. [23:24:13] <Sophisanimus> ...
  316. [23:24:23] <Sophisanimus> Poor Wraith.
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