Guest User


a guest
Oct 27th, 2013
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  1. [Options]
  2. Version=1
  3. UseInitBeep=1
  4. Log=0
  5. Console=0
  6. DebugMode=0
  7. InternetDatabaseUrl=
  8. InternetFeatures=1
  9. InternetAutoload=1
  10. AllowOnlyOneCopy=1
  12. [InputHook]
  13. HookMode=1
  15. [Mappings]
  16. PAD1=IG_dbc8c7a030fb11e38002444553540000
  17. PAD2=
  18. PAD3=
  19. PAD4=
  21. [PAD1]
  22. [PAD2]
  23. [PAD3]
  24. [PAD4]
  25. [IG_dbc8c7a030fb11e38002444553540000]
  26. ProductName=OUYA Game Controller
  27. ProductGuid=00012836-0000-0000-0000-504944564944
  28. InstanceGuid=dbc8c7a0-30fb-11e3-8002-444553540000
  29. AxisToDPadDeadZone=256
  30. AxisToDPad=0
  31. AxisToDPadOffset=0
  32. A=1
  33. B=4
  34. GuideButton=
  35. Back=15
  36. Start=16
  37. X=2
  38. Y=3
  39. D-pad POV=
  40. D-pad Down=10
  41. D-pad Left=11
  42. D-pad Right=12
  43. D-pad Up=9
  44. UseForceFeedback=0
  45. ForcePercent=100
  46. SwapMotor=0
  47. FFBType=0
  48. ControllerType=1
  49. LeftMotorPeriod=60
  50. Left Shoulder=5
  51. Left Analog X AntiDeadZone=0
  52. Left Analog Y AntiDeadZone=0
  53. Left Analog X=1
  54. Left Analog Y=-2
  55. Left Thumb=7
  56. Left Analog X DeadZone=0
  57. Left Analog Y DeadZone=0
  58. Left Analog Y- Button=0
  59. Left Analog X- Button=0
  60. Left Analog X+ Button=0
  61. Left Analog Y+ Button=0
  62. Left Trigger=13
  63. TriggerDeadzone=5
  64. PassThrough=0
  65. RightMotorPeriod=120
  66. Right Shoulder=6
  67. Right Analog X AntiDeadZone=0
  68. Right Analog Y AntiDeadZone=0
  69. Right Analog X=4
  70. Right Analog Y=-5
  71. Right Thumb=8
  72. Right Analog X DeadZone=0
  73. Right Analog Y DeadZone=0
  74. Right Analog Y- Button=0
  75. Right Analog X- Button=0
  76. Right Analog X+ Button=0
  77. Right Analog Y+ Button=0
  78. Right Trigger=14
  79. RightTriggerDeadZone=0
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