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GMC-300 Re 2.39 Log

a guest
May 24th, 2022
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  1. ##############################
  2. ### Verbose Console Output ###
  3. ##############################
  6. C:\geigerlog>python "C:\geigerlog\geigerlog" -dv -v
  7. Bad value in file 'matplotlibrc', line 41 ('backend : Qt4Agg'): Key backend: 'qt4agg' is not a valid value for backend; supported values are ['GTK3Agg', 'GTK3Cairo', 'GTK4Agg', 'GTK4Cairo', 'MacOSX', 'nbAgg', 'QtAgg', 'QtCairo', 'Qt5Agg', 'Qt5Cairo', 'TkAgg', 'TkCairo', 'WebAgg', 'WX', 'WXAgg', 'WXCairo', 'agg', 'cairo', 'pdf', 'pgf', 'ps', 'svg', 'template']
  9. Bad key backend.qt4 in file matplotlibrc, line 50 ('backend.qt4 : PyQt4 # PyQt4 | PySide')
  10. You probably need to get an updated matplotlibrc file from
  12. or from the matplotlib source distribution
  13. 24 20:32:11.562 DEBUG : .....2 SIGNAL SIGINT set default : SIGINT : 2, getsignal(SIGINT) : 0
  14. 24 20:32:11.562 DEBUG : .....3 Command line : sys.argv: ['C:\\geigerlog\\geigerlog', '-dv', '-v']
  15. 24 20:32:11.562 DEBUG : .....4 Options, Commands : options: [('-d', ''), ('-v', ''), ('-v', '')], commands: []
  16. 24 20:32:11.562 DEBUG : .....5 Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.19044-SP0
  17. 24 20:32:11.564 DEBUG : .....6 Machine : AMD64, 64bit
  18. 24 20:32:11.564 DEBUG : .....7 Version status:
  19. 24 20:32:11.564 DEBUG : .....8 GeigerLog : 1.3.0
  20. 24 20:32:11.564 DEBUG : .....9 Python : 3.10.1 (tags/v3.10.1:2cd268a, Dec 6 2021, 19:10:37) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
  21. 24 20:32:11.564 DEBUG : ....10 pip : 22.1
  22. 24 20:32:11.566 DEBUG : ....11 setuptools : 58.1.0
  23. 24 20:32:11.566 DEBUG : ....12 PyQt : 5.15.6
  24. 24 20:32:11.566 DEBUG : ....13 PyQt-Qt : 5.15.2
  25. 24 20:32:11.566 DEBUG : ....14 PyQt-sip : 12.10.1
  26. 24 20:32:11.566 DEBUG : ....15 SIP : 6.6.1
  27. 24 20:32:11.566 DEBUG : ....16 matplotlib : 3.5.2
  28. 24 20:32:11.566 DEBUG : ....17 matplotlib backend : Qt5Agg
  29. 24 20:32:11.567 DEBUG : ....18 numpy : 1.22.3
  30. 24 20:32:11.567 DEBUG : ....19 numpy float-errors : {'divide': 'warn', 'over': 'warn', 'under': 'ignore', 'invalid': 'warn'}
  31. 24 20:32:11.568 DEBUG : ....20 scipy : 1.8.1
  32. 24 20:32:11.568 DEBUG : ....21 sqlite3 module : 2.6.0
  33. 24 20:32:11.568 DEBUG : ....22 sql3lib library : 3.35.5
  34. 24 20:32:11.569 DEBUG : ....23 sounddevice : 0.4.4
  35. 24 20:32:11.569 DEBUG : ....24 SoundFile : 0.10.3
  36. 24 20:32:11.569 DEBUG : ....25 PortAudio : (1246976, 'PortAudio V19.7.0-devel, revision 147dd722548358763a8b649b3e4b41dfffbcfbb6')
  37. 24 20:32:11.571 DEBUG : ....26 pyserial : 3.5
  38. 24 20:32:11.571 DEBUG : ....27 paho-mqtt : undefined until loaded
  39. 24 20:32:11.571 DEBUG : ....28 LabJackPython : undefined until loaded
  40. 24 20:32:11.571 DEBUG : ....29 U3 : undefined until loaded
  41. 24 20:32:11.571 DEBUG : ....30 EI1050 : undefined until loaded
  42. 24 20:32:11.572 DEBUG : ....31 ntplib : undefined until loaded
  43. 24 20:32:11.572 DEBUG : ....32 Python Search Paths:
  44. 24 20:32:11.573 DEBUG : ....33 sys.path : C:\geigerlog
  45. 24 20:32:11.573 DEBUG : ....34 sys.path : C:\Python310\
  46. 24 20:32:11.573 DEBUG : ....35 sys.path : C:\Python310\DLLs
  47. 24 20:32:11.574 DEBUG : ....36 sys.path : C:\Python310\lib
  48. 24 20:32:11.574 DEBUG : ....37 sys.path : C:\Python310
  49. 24 20:32:11.574 DEBUG : ....38 sys.path : C:\Python310\lib\site-packages
  50. 24 20:32:11.575 DEBUG : ....39 Program Paths:
  51. 24 20:32:11.575 DEBUG : ....40 progName : geigerlog
  52. 24 20:32:11.576 DEBUG : ....41 progPath : C:\geigerlog
  53. 24 20:32:11.576 DEBUG : ....42 gresPath : C:\geigerlog\gres
  54. 24 20:32:11.576 DEBUG : ....43 dataPath : C:\geigerlog\data
  55. 24 20:32:11.577 DEBUG : ....44 proglogPath : C:\geigerlog\data\geigerlog.proglog
  56. 24 20:32:11.577 DEBUG : ....45 configPath : C:\geigerlog\geigerlog.cfg
  57. 24 20:32:11.577 DEBUG : ....46 readGeigerLogConfig: using config file: C:\geigerlog\geigerlog.cfg
  58. 24 20:32:11.581 DEBUG : ....47 cfg: Startup values
  59. 24 20:32:11.582 DEBUG : ....48 cfg: Logcycle (sec) : 1.0
  60. 24 20:32:11.583 DEBUG : ....49 cfg: Data directory : C:\geigerlog\data
  61. 24 20:32:11.583 DEBUG : ....50 cfg: Manual file : auto
  62. 24 20:32:11.585 DEBUG : ....51 cfg: Monitor Server
  63. 24 20:32:11.585 DEBUG : ....52 cfg: MonServerAutostart : True
  64. 24 20:32:11.585 DEBUG : ....53 cfg: MonServer Port : 8008
  65. 24 20:32:11.586 DEBUG : ....54 cfg: MonServer Refresh : auto
  66. 24 20:32:11.586 DEBUG : ....55 cfg: MonServer DoseRateThreshold : (0.9, 6.0)
  67. 24 20:32:11.586 DEBUG : ....56 cfg: Window
  68. 24 20:32:11.587 DEBUG : ....57 cfg: Window HiDPIactivation : auto
  69. 24 20:32:11.587 DEBUG : ....58 cfg: Window HiDPIscaleMPL : auto
  70. 24 20:32:11.587 DEBUG : ....59 cfg: Window dimensions (pixel) : 1366 x 720
  71. 24 20:32:11.588 DEBUG : ....60 cfg: Window Size : auto
  72. 24 20:32:11.589 DEBUG : ....61 cfg: Window Style : auto
  73. 24 20:32:11.589 DEBUG : ....62 cfg: Graphic
  74. 24 20:32:11.590 DEBUG : ....63 cfg: Moving Average Initial (sec) : 60
  75. 24 20:32:11.590 DEBUG : ....64 cfg: Plotstyle
  76. 24 20:32:11.590 DEBUG : ....65 cfg: linewidth : 1.0
  77. 24 20:32:11.591 DEBUG : ....66 cfg: markersymbol : o
  78. 24 20:32:11.591 DEBUG : ....67 cfg: markersize : 15.0
  79. 24 20:32:11.591 DEBUG : ....68 cfg: Defaults
  80. 24 20:32:11.592 DEBUG : ....69 cfg: DefaultSensDef : 154
  81. 24 20:32:11.592 DEBUG : ....70 cfg: DefaultSens1st : 154
  82. 24 20:32:11.592 DEBUG : ....71 cfg: DefaultSens2nd : 2.08
  83. 24 20:32:11.593 DEBUG : ....72 cfg: DefaultSens3rd : 154
  84. 24 20:32:11.593 DEBUG : ....73 cfg: Network
  85. 24 20:32:11.594 DEBUG : ....74 cfg: WiFiSSID : mySSID
  86. 24 20:32:11.594 DEBUG : ....75 cfg: WiFiPassword : myPassword
  87. 24 20:32:11.594 DEBUG : ....76 cfg: Worldmaps
  88. 24 20:32:11.595 DEBUG : ....77 cfg: Website :
  89. 24 20:32:11.595 DEBUG : ....78 cfg: URL : log2.asp
  90. 24 20:32:11.595 DEBUG : ....79 cfg: UserID : anyUserId
  91. 24 20:32:11.598 DEBUG : ....80 cfg: CounterID : anyCounterID
  92. 24 20:32:11.598 DEBUG : ....81 cfg: Period : 1
  93. 24 20:32:11.599 DEBUG : ....82 cfg: WiFi : ON
  94. 24 20:32:11.599 DEBUG : ....83 cfg: ValueScaling
  95. 24 20:32:11.599 DEBUG : ....84 cfg: ValueScale['CPM'] : VAL
  96. 24 20:32:11.600 DEBUG : ....85 cfg: ValueScale['CPS'] : VAL
  97. 24 20:32:11.600 DEBUG : ....86 cfg: ValueScale['CPM1st'] : VAL
  98. 24 20:32:11.601 DEBUG : ....87 cfg: ValueScale['CPS1st'] : VAL
  99. 24 20:32:11.601 DEBUG : ....88 cfg: ValueScale['CPM2nd'] : VAL
  100. 24 20:32:11.601 DEBUG : ....89 cfg: ValueScale['CPS2nd'] : VAL
  101. 24 20:32:11.603 DEBUG : ....90 cfg: ValueScale['CPM3rd'] : VAL
  102. 24 20:32:11.603 DEBUG : ....91 cfg: ValueScale['CPS3rd'] : VAL
  103. 24 20:32:11.603 DEBUG : ....92 cfg: ValueScale['Temp'] : VAL
  104. 24 20:32:11.604 DEBUG : ....93 cfg: ValueScale['Press'] : VAL
  105. 24 20:32:11.604 DEBUG : ....94 cfg: ValueScale['Humid'] : VAL
  106. 24 20:32:11.604 DEBUG : ....95 cfg: ValueScale['Xtra'] : VAL
  107. 24 20:32:11.604 DEBUG : ....96 cfg: GraphScaling
  108. 24 20:32:11.604 DEBUG : ....97 cfg: GraphScale['CPM'] : VAL
  109. 24 20:32:11.604 DEBUG : ....98 cfg: GraphScale['CPS'] : VAL
  110. 24 20:32:11.605 DEBUG : ....99 cfg: GraphScale['CPM1st'] : VAL
  111. 24 20:32:11.605 DEBUG : ...100 cfg: GraphScale['CPS1st'] : VAL
  112. 24 20:32:11.606 DEBUG : ...101 cfg: GraphScale['CPM2nd'] : VAL
  113. 24 20:32:11.606 DEBUG : ...102 cfg: GraphScale['CPS2nd'] : VAL
  114. 24 20:32:11.606 DEBUG : ...103 cfg: GraphScale['CPM3rd'] : VAL
  115. 24 20:32:11.608 DEBUG : ...104 cfg: GraphScale['CPS3rd'] : VAL
  116. 24 20:32:11.608 DEBUG : ...105 cfg: GraphScale['Temp'] : VAL
  117. 24 20:32:11.608 DEBUG : ...106 cfg: GraphScale['Press'] : VAL
  118. 24 20:32:11.609 DEBUG : ...107 cfg: GraphScale['Humid'] : VAL
  119. 24 20:32:11.609 DEBUG : ...108 cfg: GraphScale['Xtra'] : VAL
  120. 24 20:32:11.609 DEBUG : ...109 cfg: GMC Device
  121. 24 20:32:11.610 DEBUG : ...110 cfg: GMC_Activation : True
  122. 24 20:32:11.610 DEBUG : ...111 cfg: Location Bug : GMC-300Re 2.30, GMC-300Re 2.39
  123. 24 20:32:11.610 DEBUG : ...112 cfg: FastEstTime : auto
  124. 24 20:32:11.610 DEBUG : ...113 cfg: Memory : 65536
  125. 24 20:32:11.610 DEBUG : ...114 cfg: SPIRpage : 2048
  126. 24 20:32:11.610 DEBUG : ...115 cfg: SPIRbugfix : False
  127. 24 20:32:11.612 DEBUG : ...116 cfg: Configsize : 256
  128. 24 20:32:11.612 DEBUG : ...117 cfg: Sensitivity Def Tube : 154.0
  129. 24 20:32:11.612 DEBUG : ...118 cfg: Sensitivity 1st Tube : 154.0
  130. 24 20:32:11.613 DEBUG : ...119 cfg: Sensitivity 2nd Tube : auto
  131. 24 20:32:11.615 DEBUG : ...120 cfg: Voltagebytes : 1
  132. 24 20:32:11.615 DEBUG : ...121 cfg: Endianness : little
  133. 24 20:32:11.615 DEBUG : ...122 cfg: WifiIndex : None
  134. 24 20:32:11.615 DEBUG : ...123 cfg: Nbytes : 2
  135. 24 20:32:11.615 DEBUG : ...124 cfg: Variables : CPM1st, CPS1st
  136. 24 20:32:11.615 DEBUG : ...125 cfg: GMCSerialPort
  137. 24 20:32:11.616 DEBUG : ...126 cfg: Using usbport : COM3
  138. 24 20:32:11.616 DEBUG : ...127 cfg: Using baudrate : 57600
  139. 24 20:32:11.616 DEBUG : ...128 cfg: Using timeout (sec) : auto
  140. 24 20:32:11.617 DEBUG : ...129 cfg: Using timeout_write (sec) : auto
  141. 24 20:32:11.617 DEBUG : ...130 cfg: AudioCounter Device
  142. 24 20:32:11.617 DEBUG : ...131 cfg: AudioActivation : False
  143. 24 20:32:11.619 DEBUG : ...132 cfg: RadMonPlus Device
  144. 24 20:32:11.619 DEBUG : ...133 cfg: RMActivation : False
  145. 24 20:32:11.619 DEBUG : ...134 cfg: AmbioMon Device
  146. 24 20:32:11.620 DEBUG : ...135 cfg: AmbioActivation : False
  147. 24 20:32:11.620 DEBUG : ...136 cfg: GammaScout Device
  148. 24 20:32:11.620 DEBUG : ...137 cfg: GSActivation : False
  149. 24 20:32:11.621 DEBUG : ...138 cfg: I2CSensor Device
  150. 24 20:32:11.621 DEBUG : ...139 cfg: I2CActivation : False
  151. 24 20:32:11.621 DEBUG : ...140 cfg: LabJack Device
  152. 24 20:32:11.621 DEBUG : ...141 cfg: LJActivation : False
  153. 24 20:32:11.621 DEBUG : ...142 cfg: MiniMon Device
  154. 24 20:32:11.622 DEBUG : ...143 cfg: MiniMonActivation : False
  155. 24 20:32:11.622 DEBUG : ...144 cfg: Simul Device
  156. 24 20:32:11.622 DEBUG : ...145 cfg: SimulActivation : False
  157. 24 20:32:11.623 DEBUG : ...146 cfg: Manu Device
  158. 24 20:32:11.623 DEBUG : ...147 cfg: ManuActivation : False
  159. 24 20:32:11.623 DEBUG : ...148 cfg: WiFiServer Device
  160. 24 20:32:11.624 DEBUG : ...149 cfg: WiFiServerActivation : False
  161. 24 20:32:11.624 DEBUG : ...150 cfg: WiFiClient Device
  162. 24 20:32:11.624 DEBUG : ...151 cfg: WiFiClientActivation : False
  163. 24 20:32:11.625 DEBUG : ...152 readPrivateConfig:
  164. 24 20:32:11.625 DEBUG : ...154 High DPI Scaling:
  165. 24 20:32:11.626 DEBUG : ...155 EnableHighDpiScaling : Enabled
  166. 24 20:32:11.626 DEBUG : ...156 UseHighDpiPixmaps : Enabled
  167. 24 20:32:11.649 DEBUG : ...157 QCore Application:
  168. 24 20:32:11.649 DEBUG : ...158 applicationName() : GeigerLog
  169. 24 20:32:11.650 DEBUG : ...159 applicationVersion() : 1.3.0
  170. 24 20:32:11.651 DEBUG : ...160 applicationDirPath() : C:/Python310
  171. 24 20:32:11.651 DEBUG : ...161 applicationFilePath() : C:/Python310/python.exe
  172. 24 20:32:11.651 DEBUG : ...162 QCore Library paths:
  173. 24 20:32:11.652 DEBUG : ...163 libraryPaths() : C:/Python310/lib/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt5/plugins
  174. 24 20:32:11.652 DEBUG : ...164 libraryPaths() : C:/Python310
  175. 24 20:32:11.652 DEBUG : ...165 Connected Screen:
  176. 24 20:32:11.653 DEBUG : ...166 manufacturer :
  177. 24 20:32:11.653 DEBUG : ...167 model :
  178. 24 20:32:11.655 DEBUG : ...168 name : \\.\DISPLAY1
  179. 24 20:32:11.655 DEBUG : ...169 size : PyQt5.QtCore.QSize(1920, 1080)
  180. 24 20:32:11.655 DEBUG : ...170 geometry : PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 1920, 1080)
  181. 24 20:32:11.655 DEBUG : ...171 depth : 32
  182. 24 20:32:11.655 DEBUG : ...172 physicalSize : PyQt5.QtCore.QSizeF(344.0, 193.0)
  183. 24 20:32:11.656 DEBUG : ...173 physicalDotsPerInch : 141.95107844318593
  184. 24 20:32:11.656 DEBUG : ...174 physicalDotsPerInchX : 141.7674418604651
  185. 24 20:32:11.658 DEBUG : ...175 physicalDotsPerInchY : 142.13471502590673
  186. 24 20:32:11.658 DEBUG : ...176 orientation : 2
  187. 24 20:32:11.658 DEBUG : ...177 devicePixelRatio : 1.0
  188. 24 20:32:11.659 DEBUG : ...178 refreshRate : 60.0
  189. 24 20:32:11.659 DEBUG : ...179 HiDPI MPL Scale:
  190. 24 20:32:11.659 DEBUG : ...180 HiDPI MPL Scale : 100.0
  191. 24 20:32:11.659 DEBUG : ...181 Styles:
  192. 24 20:32:11.659 DEBUG : ...182 Default : QWindowsVistaStyle
  193. 24 20:32:11.662 DEBUG : ...183 Styles found on system : ['windowsvista', 'Windows', 'Fusion']
  194. 24 20:32:11.662 DEBUG : ...184 Active Style is : QWindowsVistaStyle
  195. 24 20:32:11.674 DEBUG : ...188 WINDOWS: Setting QFontDatabase.FixedFont
  196. 24 20:32:12.196 DEBUG : ...189 Fonts: App -Family:Sans, fixed:False, size:10, style:0, styleHint:5, styleName:, weight:50, exactMatch:False
  197. 24 20:32:12.197 DEBUG : ...190 Fonts: menubar -Family:MS Shell Dlg 2, fixed:False, size:10, style:0, styleHint:5, styleName:, weight:50, exactMatch:False
  198. 24 20:32:12.198 DEBUG : ...191 Fonts: logPad -Family:Courier New, fixed:True, size:9, style:0, styleHint:2, styleName:, weight:60, exactMatch:False
  199. 24 20:32:12.198 DEBUG : ...192 Fonts: notePad -Family:Courier New, fixed:True, size:9, style:0, styleHint:2, styleName:, weight:60, exactMatch:False
  200. 24 20:32:12.201 DEBUG : ...193 Screen: Dimensions: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 1920, 1080)
  201. 24 20:32:12.203 DEBUG : ...194 Screen: Available: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 1920, 1050)
  202. 24 20:32:12.204 DEBUG : ...195 Window: Dimensions: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(556, 33, 1364, 740) w/o Frame
  203. 24 20:32:12.205 DEBUG : ...196 Window: Dimensions: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(555, 2, 1366, 772) WITH Frame (not valid on X11)
  204. 24 20:32:12.265 DEBUG : ...198 initMonServer:
  205. 24 20:32:12.280 DEBUG : ...199 initMonServer: ok, new settings: Active State:True, Autostart:True, IP Adress:Port:
  206. 24 20:32:22.419 DEBUG : ...200 switchAllConnections: --> ON.
  207. 24 20:32:22.419 DEBUG : ...201 switchDeviceConnection: Device: GMC --> ON.
  208. 24 20:32:22.423 DEBUG : ...202 initGMC:
  209. 24 20:32:22.566 DEBUG : ...203 getGMC_VER:
  210. 24 20:32:22.732 DEBUG : ...205 getGMC_VER:len:14, rec:"b'GMC-300Re 2.39'", recd='GMC-300Re 2.39', err=0, errmessage=''
  211. 24 20:32:22.732 DEBUG : ...206 getGMC_DeviceProperties: of connected device: 'GMC-300Re 2.39'
  212. 24 20:32:23.008 DEBUG : ...208 getGMC_CFG:
  213. 24 20:32:23.090 DEBUG : ...210 getGMC_CFG: Got 256 bytes as <class 'bytes'> (set werbose for printout)
  214. 24 20:32:23.090 DEBUG : ...211 turnGMC_HeartbeatOFF:
  215. 24 20:32:23.102 DEBUG : ...213 turnGMC_HeartbeatOFF: rec=b'', err=0, errmessage=''
  216. 24 20:32:23.108 DEBUG : ...214 switchDeviceConnection: Status: ON: for device: GMC-300Re 2.39
  217. 24 20:32:23.126 DEBUG : ...215 switchAllConnections: Device Status:
  218. 24 20:32:23.127 DEBUG : ...216 Device #0 : GMC Activation: True Connection: True Vars: CPM1st, CPS1st
  219. 24 20:32:23.127 DEBUG : ...217 Device #1 : Audio Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  220. 24 20:32:23.127 DEBUG : ...218 Device #2 : RadMon Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  221. 24 20:32:23.127 DEBUG : ...219 Device #3 : AmbioMon Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  222. 24 20:32:23.127 DEBUG : ...220 Device #4 : GammaScout Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  223. 24 20:32:23.128 DEBUG : ...221 Device #5 : I2C Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  224. 24 20:32:23.128 DEBUG : ...222 Device #6 : LabJack Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  225. 24 20:32:23.128 DEBUG : ...223 Device #7 : MiniMon Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  226. 24 20:32:23.129 DEBUG : ...224 Device #8 : Simul Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  227. 24 20:32:23.129 DEBUG : ...225 Device #9 : Manu Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  228. 24 20:32:23.129 DEBUG : ...226 Device #10: WiFiClient Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  229. 24 20:32:23.130 DEBUG : ...227 Device #11: WiFiServer Activation: False Connection: False Vars: None
  230. 24 20:32:23.130 DEBUG : ...228 Number of Devices activated: 1
  231. 24 20:32:23.130 DEBUG : ...229 Number of Devices connected: 1
  232. 24 20:32:36.208 DEBUG : ...230 fprintDeviceInfo: DevName: GMC , extended: True
  233. 24 20:32:39.507 DEBUG : ...232 getGMC_DATETIME: ERROR getting DATETIME: serialGMC_COMM: TIMEOUT: Cmd:b'<GETDATETIME>>' Bytes: Rcvd:0 < Requ:7
  234. 24 20:32:39.822 DEBUG : ...235 getGMC_SERIAL:
  235. 24 20:32:39.850 DEBUG : ...237 getGMC_SERIAL: raw: rec: b'\x00\x03\x00\xbf\x06\xdd\x0c'
  236. 24 20:32:39.850 DEBUG : ...238 getGMC_SERIAL: decoded: 000300BF06DD0C
  237. 24 20:32:39.850 DEBUG : ...239 getGMC_CFG:
  238. 24 20:32:39.938 DEBUG : ...241 getGMC_CFG: Got 256 bytes as <class 'bytes'> (set werbose for printout)
  239. 24 20:32:39.939 DEBUG : ...242 getGMC_VOLT:
  240. 24 20:32:39.977 DEBUG : ...244 getGMC_VOLT: VOLT: raw:b'd'
  241. 24 20:32:39.977 DEBUG : ...245 getGMC_VOLT: Using config setting GMC_voltagebytes=1: Voltage='10.0', err=0, errmessage=''
  242. 24 20:32:39.978 DEBUG : ...246 getGMC_GYRO:
  243. 24 20:32:43.256 DEBUG : ...248 getGMC_GYRO: raw: rec=b'', err=-1, errmessage='serialGMC_COMM: TIMEOUT: Cmd:b'<GETGYRO>>' Bytes: Rcvd:0 < Requ:7'
  244. 24 20:32:43.256 DEBUG : ...249 getGMC_GYRO: rec='b''', err=-1, errmessage='serialGMC_COMM: TIMEOUT: Cmd:b'<GETGYRO>>' Bytes: Rcvd:0 < Requ:7'
  245. 24 20:33:03.102 DEBUG : ...250 switchGMCPower: --> ON
  246. 24 20:33:03.114 DEBUG : ...252 setGMC_POWERON: (b'', 0, '')
  247. 24 20:33:06.116 DEBUG : ...253 getGMC_CFG:
  248. 24 20:33:06.202 DEBUG : ...255 getGMC_CFG: Got 256 bytes as <class 'bytes'> (set werbose for printout)
  249. 24 20:33:22.455 DEBUG : ...256 switchGMCPower: --> ON
  250. 24 20:33:22.466 DEBUG : ...258 setGMC_POWERON: (b'', 0, '')
  251. 24 20:33:25.467 DEBUG : ...259 getGMC_CFG:
  252. 24 20:33:28.757 DEBUG : ...261 getGMC_CFG: Got 0 bytes as <class 'bytes'> (set werbose for printout)
  253. 24 20:36:02.420 DEBUG : ...264 quickLog: Start logging using Quick Log database 'default.logdb'
  254. 24 20:36:02.420 DEBUG : ...265 DB_deleteDatabase: Deleting Log DB file: 'C:\geigerlog\data\default.logdb'
  255. 24 20:36:02.422 VERBOSE: ...266 DB_closeDatabase: Closing database: 'Log'
  256. 24 20:36:02.423 DEBUG : ...267 getFileLog: use default Log DB file: 'C:\geigerlog\data\default.logdb'
  257. 24 20:36:02.425 DEBUG : ...268 DB_openDatabase: DBpath: 'C:\geigerlog\data\default.logdb'
  258. 24 20:36:02.426 VERBOSE: ...269 DB_openDatabase: DB file not found; creating DB with path: 'C:\geigerlog\data\default.logdb'
  259. 24 20:36:02.426 DEBUG : ...270 DB_createStructure:
  260. 24 20:36:02.443 VERBOSE: ...271 DB_createStructure: sql done: CREATE TABLE data...
  261. 24 20:36:02.448 VERBOSE: ...272 DB_createStructure: sql done: CREATE TABLE comments...
  262. 24 20:36:02.452 VERBOSE: ...273 DB_createStructure: sql done: CREATE TABLE parse...
  263. 24 20:36:02.456 VERBOSE: ...274 DB_createStructure: sql done: CREATE TABLE bin...
  264. 24 20:36:02.460 VERBOSE: ...275 DB_createStructure: sql done: CREATE TABLE device...
  265. 24 20:36:02.464 VERBOSE: ...276 DB_createStructure: sql done: CREATE TABLE logCycle...
  266. 24 20:36:02.467 VERBOSE: ...277 DB_createStructure: sql done: CREATE VIEW ViewData AS Select ROWID, Datetime(Julianday), * from data order by Julianday, dinde...
  267. 24 20:36:02.471 VERBOSE: ...278 DB_createStructure: sql done: CREATE VIEW ViewComments AS Select ROWID, Datetime(cJulianday), * from comments order by cJulianday, ctyp...
  268. 24 20:36:02.475 VERBOSE: ...279 DB_createStructure: sql done: CREATE VIEW ViewUnion AS ...
  269. 24 20:36:02.476 DEBUG : ...280 DB_createStructure: complete
  270. 24 20:36:02.480 DEBUG : ...281 getDataFromDatabase:
  271. 24 20:36:02.480 VERBOSE: ...282 getDataFromDatabase: 0.00ms sql call,
  272. 24 20:36:02.481 VERBOSE: ...283 getDataFromDatabase: 0.00ms convert db rows to np.asarray
  273. 24 20:36:02.481 VERBOSE: ...284 getDataFromDatabase: 0.00ms for nan checking,
  274. 24 20:36:02.482 DEBUG : ...285 getDataFromDatabase: 1.99ms total for 0 records with 13 values each
  275. 24 20:36:02.482 VERBOSE: ...286 DB_insertLogcycle: SQL:INSERT INTO logCycle (lcycle) VALUES (?), Data: 1.0
  276. 24 20:36:02.485 VERBOSE: ...287 plotGraph: dataType:Log
  277. 24 20:36:02.487 VERBOSE: ...288 reset_replotGraph: full: True
  278. 24 20:36:02.487 DEBUG : ...289 makePlot: no records; nothing to plot
  279. 24 20:36:02.488 DEBUG : ...290 startLogging:
  280. 24 20:36:02.493 DEBUG : ...291 cleanupDevices: 'GMC-300Re 2.39': Cleaning pipeline before logging
  281. 24 20:36:02.504 VERBOSE: ...292 plotGraph: dataType:Log
  282. 24 20:36:02.504 VERBOSE: ...293 reset_replotGraph: full: False
  283. 24 20:36:02.504 DEBUG : ...294 makePlot: no records; nothing to plot
  285. 24 20:36:02.506 VERBOSE: ...295 runLoggingCycle: saving to:C:\geigerlog\data\default.logdb
  286. 24 20:36:02.509 VERBOSE: ...296 Variables: Dur[ms] CPM CPS CPM1st CPS1st CPM2nd CPS2nd CPM3rd CPS3rd Temp Press Humid Xtra
  287. 24 20:36:02.537 VERBOSE: ...299 getValuesGMC: 27.30 - - 18.000 1.000 - - - - - - - -
  288. 24 20:36:02.538 VERBOSE: ...300 getValues Total: 28.367
  289. 24 20:36:02.542 VERBOSE: ...301 save Data: 3.002 to db file: 3.0 ms, to memory: 0.0 ms
  290. 24 20:36:02.543 VERBOSE: ...302 update LogPad: 0.000
  291. 24 20:36:02.544 VERBOSE: ...303 update Displays: 0.000
  292. 24 20:36:02.596 VERBOSE: ...304 update Graph: 52.0 makePlot: Total: 52 ms = 1.0 ms for data load and prep + 51 ms graph draw
  293. 24 20:36:02.597 VERBOSE: ...305 runLoggingCycle: Total: 91.110
  294. 24 20:36:02.598 DEBUG : ...306 startLogging: Logging now; Timer is started with cycle 1.0 sec.
  296. 24 20:36:03.505 VERBOSE: ...308 runLoggingCycle: saving to:C:\geigerlog\data\default.logdb
  297. 24 20:36:03.505 VERBOSE: ...309 Variables: Dur[ms] CPM CPS CPM1st CPS1st CPM2nd CPS2nd CPM3rd CPS3rd Temp Press Humid Xtra
  298. 24 20:36:03.537 VERBOSE: ...312 getValuesGMC: 29.70 - - 18.000 0.000 - - - - - - - -
  299. 24 20:36:03.537 VERBOSE: ...313 getValues Total: 30.321
  300. 24 20:36:03.552 VERBOSE: ...314 save Data: 14.262 to db file: 13.3 ms, to memory: 1.0 ms
  301. 24 20:36:03.553 VERBOSE: ...315 update LogPad: 0.000
  302. 24 20:36:03.554 VERBOSE: ...316 update Displays: 1.004
  303. 24 20:36:03.625 VERBOSE: ...317 update Graph: 71.0 makePlot: Total: 71 ms = 0.0 ms for data load and prep + 71 ms graph draw
  304. 24 20:36:03.625 VERBOSE: ...318 runLoggingCycle: Total: 120.270
  306. 24 20:36:04.506 VERBOSE: ...319 runLoggingCycle: saving to:C:\geigerlog\data\default.logdb
  307. 24 20:36:04.508 VERBOSE: ...320 Variables: Dur[ms] CPM CPS CPM1st CPS1st CPM2nd CPS2nd CPM3rd CPS3rd Temp Press Humid Xtra
  308. 24 20:36:04.534 VERBOSE: ...323 getValuesGMC: 26.20 - - 19.000 1.000 - - - - - - - -
  309. 24 20:36:04.534 VERBOSE: ...324 getValues Total: 26.218
  310. 24 20:36:04.552 VERBOSE: ...325 save Data: 14.000 to db file: 13.0 ms, to memory: 0.0 ms
  311. 24 20:36:04.553 VERBOSE: ...326 update LogPad: 0.000
  312. 24 20:36:04.554 VERBOSE: ...327 update Displays: 0.000
  313. 24 20:36:04.626 VERBOSE: ...328 update Graph: 71.6 makePlot: Total: 72 ms = 0.0 ms for data load and prep + 72 ms graph draw
  314. 24 20:36:04.627 VERBOSE: ...329 runLoggingCycle: Total: 121.264
  316. 24 20:36:05.503 VERBOSE: ...330 runLoggingCycle: saving to:C:\geigerlog\data\default.logdb
  317. 24 20:36:05.504 VERBOSE: ...331 Variables: Dur[ms] CPM CPS CPM1st CPS1st CPM2nd CPS2nd CPM3rd CPS3rd Temp Press Humid Xtra
  318. 24 20:36:05.530 VERBOSE: ...334 getValuesGMC: 25.50 - - 17.000 0.000 - - - - - - - -
  319. 24 20:36:05.531 VERBOSE: ...335 getValues Total: 26.326
  320. 24 20:36:05.545 VERBOSE: ...336 save Data: 13.229 to db file: 13.2 ms, to memory: 0.0 ms
  321. 24 20:36:05.546 VERBOSE: ...337 update LogPad: 0.000
  322. 24 20:36:05.547 VERBOSE: ...338 update Displays: 0.000
  323. 24 20:36:05.620 VERBOSE: ...339 update Graph: 73.0 makePlot: Total: 73 ms = 0.0 ms for data load and prep + 73 ms graph draw
  324. 24 20:36:05.620 VERBOSE: ...340 runLoggingCycle: Total: 117.235
  326. 24 20:36:06.506 VERBOSE: ...341 runLoggingCycle: saving to:C:\geigerlog\data\default.logdb
  327. 24 20:36:06.507 VERBOSE: ...342 Variables: Dur[ms] CPM CPS CPM1st CPS1st CPM2nd CPS2nd CPM3rd CPS3rd Temp Press Humid Xtra
  328. 24 20:36:06.535 VERBOSE: ...345 getValuesGMC: 27.30 - - 17.000 0.000 - - - - - - - -
  329. 24 20:36:06.536 VERBOSE: ...346 getValues Total: 28.286
  330. 24 20:36:06.539 VERBOSE: ...347 save Data: 2.963 to db file: 3.0 ms, to memory: 0.0 ms
  331. 24 20:36:06.541 VERBOSE: ...348 update LogPad: 2.001
  332. 24 20:36:06.542 VERBOSE: ...349 update Displays: 0.000
  333. 24 20:36:06.614 VERBOSE: ...350 update Graph: 70.0 makePlot: Total: 70 ms = 0.0 ms for data load and prep + 70 ms graph draw
  334. 24 20:36:06.614 VERBOSE: ...351 runLoggingCycle: Total: 107.791
  335. 24 20:36:07.104 DEBUG : ...352 stopLogging:
  336. 24 20:36:07.105 DEBUG : ...353 stopLogging: Logging is stopped
  337. 24 20:36:07.109 DEBUG : ...354 cleanupDevices: 'GMC-300Re 2.39': Cleaning pipeline after logging
  349. ######################
  350. ### NotePad Output ###
  351. ######################
  355. ==== Monitor Server Properties =======================================================
  356. Active State: ON
  357. IP Adress:Port:
  359. ==== Connect GMC Device ==============================================================
  360. A GMC Device was configured for port: COM3 and baudrate: 57600
  361. getGMC_DeviceProperties: New, unknown GMC device has been connected: GMC-300Re 2.39
  362. You may have to edit the configuration file geigerlog.cfg to adapt the settings to your counter
  363. Review the Extended Info for your GMC counter
  364. Device successfully connected
  366. ==== Device Mappings =================================================================
  367. Shows the variables mapped to each device as configured. The configuration is set in
  368. GeigerLog's configuration file geigerlog.cfg
  370. Device : CPM CPS CPM1st CPS1st CPM2nd CPS2nd CPM3rd CPS3rd Temp Press Humid Xtra
  371. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  372. GMC : - - M M - - - - - - - -
  373. Mapping is valid
  375. ==== GMC Device Info Extended ========================================================
  376. 2022-05-24 20:32:39 serialGMC_COMM: TIMEOUT: Cmd:b'<GETDATETIME>>' Bytes: Rcvd:0 < Requ:7
  377. 2022-05-24 20:32:42 serialGMC_COMM: TIMEOUT: Cmd:b'<GETGYRO>>' Bytes: Rcvd:0 < Requ:7
  378. Configured Connection: Port:'COM3' Baud:57600 TimeoutR:3s TimeoutW:1s
  379. Connected Device: 'GMC-300Re 2.39'
  380. Configured Variables: CPM1st, CPS1st
  381. Configured Tube Sensitivity: 154 CPM/(µSv/h) (= 0.0065 µSv/h/CPM)
  382. Date & Time from Device: Device clock cannot be read
  383. Device Power State: OFF
  385. Extended Info:
  386. Device Battery Voltage: 10.0 Volt
  387. Device Battery Type Setting: 24
  388. Device Gyro Data: 'serialGMC_COMM: TIMEOUT: Cmd:b'<GETGYRO>>' Bytes: Rcvd:0 < Requ:7'
  389. Device Alarm State: ON
  390. Device Speaker State: ON
  391. Device Light State: Timeout: 10 sec
  392. Device Hist. Saving Mode: CPS, save every second
  393. Device Hist. Threshold Mode: Not available on this device
  394. Device Max CPM: 10 (invalid if equal to 65535!)
  396. Device Calibration Points: CPM = µSv/h CPM / (µSv/h) µSv/h/CPM
  397. Calibration Point #1: 60 = 0.300 200.00 0.00500
  398. Calibration Point #2: 240 = 1.200 200.00 0.00500
  399. Calibration Point #3: 1000 = 5.000 200.00 0.00500
  401. GeigerLog's Configuration for Counter's Firmware:
  402. Memory (bytes): 65,536
  403. SPIRpage Size (bytes): 2,048
  404. SPIRbugfix (True | False): False
  405. Config Size (bytes): 256
  406. Calibr.1st (CPM/(µSv/h)): 154.0
  407. Voltagebytes (1 | 5): 1
  408. Endianness (big | little): little
  409. Bytes in CP* records: 2
  412. ==== Switch GMC Device Power to: ON ==================================================
  413. Power is OFF
  415. ==== Switch GMC Device Power to: ON ==================================================
  416. 2022-05-24 20:33:28 serialGMC_COMM: TIMEOUT: Cmd:b'<GETCFG>>' Bytes: Rcvd:0 < Requ:256
  417. Power is OFF
  419. ==== Quick Log =======================================================================
  420. Start logging using Quick Log database 'default.logdb'
  422. ==== Get Log =========================================================================
  423. Log database: C:\geigerlog\data\default.logdb
  424. LogFile newly created - available for writing
  426. ==== Start Logging ===================================================================
  427. #DEVICES, 2022-05-24 20:36:02, Connected: GMC : CPM1st CPS1st
  428. #LOGGING, 2022-05-24 20:36:02, Start @Cycle: 1.0 sec
  430. ==== Stop Logging ====================================================================
  431. #LOGGING, 2022-05-24 20:36:07, Stop
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