
A Kiki and her Master #2

May 15th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. It had been two weeks since Araceli first showed up. We’re already used to living with each other, me working all of the time and her cleaning and cooking for what seemed like 24/7. I even learned one of my friends successfully mated with his Hellhound roommate, or more like his wife, as it didn’t take long for her to warm up to him... heh heh.
  3. I rolled over in bed trying to shy my eyes away from the sunlight peering in from the window. I felt like shit, must have caught something from Tim from HR.
  5. “Master Drake?” Araceli spike from my bedroom door. “Is everything alright? You haven’t woken up for work.” I sat up in bed as best I could.
  7. “I don’t know. My stomach feels horrible, my nose is stuffed up, and I have a migraine. I already called my boss for a day-“
  9. “Oh dear! Do you need anything?” She asked, now in a considerably hushed volume.
  11. “Ugh, just some water and Ibuprofen.”
  13. “Will do!” She whispered as she walked out of the room. I nodded as best I could before collapsing back into bed. It felt like it had been hours before she returned. But once she did, I knew why.
  15. Oh god she outdid herself... again.
  17. She wheeled in a cart, cold glasses of water and orange juice, un-buttered toast, Vapo-rub, bottles of various medicines, incense burners, warm towels, a box of tissues, an empty bowl (presumably for vomit), more blankets & pillows, a pair of noise cancelling headphones, a night mask, a new set of clothes, and a pair of walkie-talkies.
  19. Where the hell did she get all this?
  21. She was even wearing a face mask and some gloves.
  23. “Ok master, here’s what you asked for, and a few other things that may help you.” She whispered.
  25. A few? “Thank you so much.” I wheezed out.
  27. She went and closed the curtains even more until almost no sunshine came through before walking back to me and placing a thermometer in my mouth. We sat in an awkward silence until a few beeps came from the device.
  29. “102.7... I’ll keep a note of that. So, I’ll be working right outside your room. I won’t come in until you tell me I can.” She pointed to the walkie-talkies as she said that. “Please take care of yourself, master. I’ll be out there if you need me.” She tiptoed out of the room this time and kept the door ajar as to not make more noise.
  31. I took the medicine and collapsed back into bed, dozing off quicker than before.
  33. I woke up in a daze several hours later, my migraine gone now. I phoned (or, talkied) Araceli to let her know I was awake now.
  35. She then rushed back into the room, still being a bit quiet.
  37. “Are you feeling better, master? Do you need anything else?”
  39. “No, I’m better, but not fully. Maybe bring me some more water, please.” She nodded.
  41. “Of course, I’ll be right back.” She did just that, bringing in more water, and warmer toast, and the thermometer. “...101.9. A small improvement!” She exclaimed.
  43. “Thanks, again. If you need to do some work in here, you can.” She shook her head.
  45. “Dusting and vacuuming aren’t done until after supper. Right now I should be preparing it.”
  47. “You don’t need to do that today, might stick with more toast if I don’t feel better soon.” She shrugged.
  49. “Whatever you say. I’ll be outside working if you need me.” She beamed a smile and walked out.
  51. Even when I felt like shit, not everything was the worse.
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