

Dec 3rd, 2018
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  1. --Written by A_Tasty_Peanut
  2. --Config Options########################################################################
  3. --hologram options
  4. local hologramScale = 3 --the size of holo
  5. local rotation = false --Should the hologram rotate
  6. local rotationRate = 3 --How Fast the sign will rotate
  8. --Colors are decimal representation of HEX value
  9. local colorA=16777215 --TPS Words default 16777215 is white
  10. local colorB=65280 --Color of TPS number
  11. local colorC=65793 --Black Backdrop (allows for double sided sign)
  12. local ColorAdjust = true --Do you want TPS number to change color based on value?
  14. local timeConstant = 2 --how long it waits per measure cycle
  16. --######################################################################################
  18. local com = require "component"
  19. local fs = require "filesystem"
  20. local keyboard = require "keyboard"
  21. local holo = com.hologram
  23. --Intialaization for Hologram projector
  24. local rawHoloTxtBase = ""
  25. local f ="TPSBaseRaw", "r")
  26. rawHoloTxtBase = f:read("*all")
  27. f:close()
  28. holo.clear()
  29. holo.setScale(hologramScale)
  30. holo.setTranslation(0,0.2,0)
  31. holo.setPaletteColor(1, colorA)
  32. holo.setPaletteColor(2, colorB)
  33. holo.setPaletteColor(3, colorC)
  34. holo.setRotation(0,0,0,0)
  35. holo.setRaw(rawHoloTxtBase)
  36. if rotation == true then
  37. holo.setRotationSpeed(rotationRate,0,1,0)
  38. else
  39. holo.setRotationSpeed(0,0,1,0)
  40. end
  42. --all* glyphs follow standard minecraft text pixels (*the decimal is a lil diffrent)
  43. --all* glyphs are 7char High by 5char Wide (*the decumal is 7char High by 4char Wide)
  44. local glyphsMath = {
  45. ["0"]=[[
  46. XXX
  47. X X
  48. X XX
  49. X X X
  50. XX X
  51. X X
  52. XXX
  53. ]],
  54. ["1"]=[[
  55. X
  56. XX
  57. X
  58. X
  59. X
  60. X
  61. XXXXX
  62. ]],
  63. ["2"]=[[
  64. XXX
  65. X X
  66. X
  67. XX
  68. X
  69. X X
  70. XXXXX
  71. ]],
  72. ["3"]=[[
  73. XXX
  74. X X
  75. X
  76. XX
  77. X
  78. X X
  79. XXX
  80. ]],
  81. ["4"]=[[
  82. XX
  83. X X
  84. X X
  85. X X
  86. XXXXX
  87. X
  88. X
  89. ]],
  90. ["5"]=[[
  91. XXXXX
  92. X
  93. XXXX
  94. X
  95. X
  96. X X
  97. XXX
  98. ]],
  99. ["6"]=[[
  100. XX
  101. X
  102. X
  103. XXXX
  104. X X
  105. X X
  106. XXX
  107. ]],
  108. ["7"]=[[
  109. XXXXX
  110. X X
  111. X
  112. X
  113. X
  114. X
  115. X
  116. ]],
  117. ["8"]=[[
  118. XXX
  119. X X
  120. X X
  121. XXX
  122. X X
  123. X X
  124. XXX
  125. ]],
  126. ["9"]=[[
  127. XXX
  128. X X
  129. X X
  130. XXXX
  131. X
  132. X
  133. XX
  134. ]],
  135. ["."]=[[
  142. X
  143. ]],
  144. }
  146. local function time() --returns realworld unix time stamp in miliseconds
  147. local f ="/tmp/timeFile","w")
  148. f:write("test")
  149. f:close()
  150. return(fs.lastModified("/tmp/timeFile"))
  151. end
  153. local function cvtToGlyp(txtNum)
  154. local timeTxt = ""
  155. for row = 1, 7 do --text code taken from
  156. --Simplified a decent bit tho since it doesn't need to do as much
  157. for col = 1, 5 do
  158. local singleChar = string.sub(txtNum, col, col)
  159. local glyph = glyphsMath[singleChar]
  160. local s = 0
  161. for _ = 2, row do
  162. s = string.find(glyph, "\n", s + 1, true)
  163. if not s then
  164. break
  165. end
  166. end
  167. if s then
  168. local line = string.sub(glyph, s + 1, (string.find(glyph, "\n", s + 1, true) or 0) - 1)
  169. timeTxt = timeTxt .. line .. " "
  170. end
  171. end
  172. timeTxt = timeTxt .. "\n"
  173. end
  174. return(timeTxt)
  175. end
  177. local function getColor(tps) --Uses HSV to decide color
  178. local H, rP, gP, bP, X = tps*12-120, 0, 0, 0, 0
  179. --H is hue should range from 0 to 120
  180. if H<0 then H=0 end --forces greater then 0 but if things get wonky lets Hue go above 120 and turn blue
  181. X = (1-math.abs((H/60)%2-1))
  182. if H<60 then
  183. rP = 1
  184. gP = X
  185. bP = 0
  186. elseif H<120 then
  187. rP = X
  188. gP = 1
  189. bP = 0
  190. elseif H<180 then
  191. rP = 0
  192. gP = 1
  193. bP = X
  194. elseif H<240 then
  195. rP = 0
  196. gP = X
  197. bP = 1
  198. elseif H<300 then
  199. rP = X
  200. gP = 0
  201. bP = 1
  202. else
  203. rP = 1
  204. gP = 0
  205. bP = X
  206. end
  207. return(math.floor((rP)*255)*65536+math.floor((gP)*255)*256+math.floor((bP)*255))
  208. end
  210. local function holoset(x,y,z,value,rawString)
  211. --nesting for setRaw() is x z y
  212. --holograms are 48x32x48 X-Y-Z
  213. --for x=11 z=17 y=31
  214. --then location in sting is
  215. --loc = (x-1)*48*32 + (z-1)*32 + y
  216. return(string.sub(rawString,1,(x-1)*1536+(z-1)*32+y-1)..tostring(value)..string.sub(rawString,(x-1)*1536+(z-1)*32+y+1))
  217. end
  219. local function writeToHolo(text, avgTPS)
  220. local timeGlyph = cvtToGlyp(text)
  221. local bm = {}
  223. for token in timeGlyph:gmatch("([^\r\n]*)") do
  224. if token ~= "" then
  225. table.insert(bm, token)
  226. end
  227. end
  228. local zDepth = 26
  229. local xStart = 10 --Space from left boundry
  230. local yStart = 5 --Space from bottom boundry
  231. local xFront = 0
  232. local xBack = 0
  233. local rawString = rawHoloTxtBase --starts fresh with no TPS numbers on rawString
  234. if ColorAdjust==true then holo.setPaletteColor(2,getColor(avgTPS)) end
  235. for i=1, 28 do --Each number is 5 wide, and the decimal is 4 wide. Between each character is an additional space. With 4 numbers, One decimal and 4 padds thats a length of 28
  236. --Reads from left to right
  237. xFront = xStart + i --writes forward (so it decides which x colum it should be writing to)
  238. xBack = 48-xStart - i --writes backward (so it decides which x colum it should be writing to)
  239. for j=1, 7 do --reads from bottom to top
  240. local y = yStart + j
  241. if bm[8-j]:sub(i, i) ~= " " then
  242. rawString = holoset(xFront, y, zDepth, 2,rawString)
  243. rawString = holoset(xBack, y, zDepth-3, 2,rawString)
  244. end
  245. end
  246. end
  247. holo.setRaw(rawString) --uses setRaw so that you dont get a flickering effect from the hologram as it redraws it pixel by pixel
  248. --Also makes drawing on holograms faster since it does less API calls, depends on complexity of scence but can speed up by 200%
  249. end
  251. local realTimeOld = 0
  252. local realTimeNew = 0
  253. local realTimeDiff = 0
  255. local TPS = {}
  256. local avgTPS = 0
  257. for tSlot=1,10 do
  258. TPS[tSlot]=0
  259. end
  261. print("To exit hold down Ctrl + W\n")
  262. for i=1, math.huge do
  263. for tSlot = 1, 10 do --main averaging loop that measures individual TPS and puts it into a cycling table location
  264. realTimeOld = time()
  265. os.sleep(timeConstant) --waits for an estimated ammount game seconds
  266. realTimeNew = time()
  268. realTimeDiff = realTimeNew-realTimeOld
  270. TPS[tSlot] = 20000*timeConstant/realTimeDiff
  271. avgTPS = (TPS[1]+TPS[2]+TPS[3]+TPS[4]+TPS[5]+TPS[6]+TPS[7]+TPS[8]+TPS[9]+TPS[10])/10
  272. --print("Server is running at\n"..tostring(TPS[tSlot]).." TPS\nAveraged Value is\n"..tostring(avgTPS).." TPS")
  273. writeToHolo(string.sub(tostring(avgTPS)..".000",1,5),avgTPS) --The .000 is needed because sometimes tps is exactly 20 and writeToHolo() is expecting 5 characters, not 2
  275. if keyboard.isKeyDown(keyboard.keys.w) and keyboard.isControlDown() then
  276. print("Exiting...")
  277. holo.clear()
  278. os.exit()
  279. end
  281. end
  282. end
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