
Session 19: Lost and Found

Apr 12th, 2014
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  1. [2014-04-05 20:10:09] <CrystalDM> 03====FoECrystal Group: Session 18====
  2. [2014-04-05 20:12:35] <CrystalDM> 03Sometimes listening to instructions is the best idea. Othertimes, its best to get shot at it and take it LIKE A BOSS. Of course, your experience may vary between weapons used on you.
  3. [2014-04-05 20:13:34] <CrystalDM> 03The party sits in an abandoned police station. The desks are all nice and neat and it looks like, at any time, police officers might walk in and start work again.
  4. [2014-04-05 20:14:09] * Emerald_Blitz figures that's not going to happen anytime soon, so she folds her wings to her back and looks for stairs. "Alright. Let us find that office, posthaste," she says.
  5. [2014-04-05 20:14:55] <CrystalDM> 03The stairs are to the north. The door, that was open... is closed.
  6. [2014-04-05 20:15:40] * Militus nods. "Yes, this blindness still persists. It is most annoying."
  7. [2014-04-05 20:17:43] * Clue rubs her sore spots.
  8. [2014-04-05 20:18:20] * Emerald_Blitz tries the door handle for the large north doors that slammed shut during the alarm.
  9. [2014-04-05 20:19:26] * Militus nods to Clue. "A most impressive performance, I must say. I would not have expected you to go that far."
  10. [2014-04-05 20:19:43] <CrystalDM> 03The door handle does not move; it seems to be a door that is slid open. It also seems quite reticent to actually open.
  11. [2014-04-05 20:20:36] * Emerald_Blitz snorts and turns back to the others. "Clue, would you kindly see if there is an option to unlock these doors, please? They're being obstinate."
  12. [2014-04-05 20:21:16] * Clue nods. She checks out the computer once again, and choses to open all the doors and check out the security camera's.
  13. [2014-04-05 20:24:59] * Militus sighs wistfully. "Those robots weren't even trying to kill us. Could've made for a good sparring match."
  14. [2014-04-05 20:25:37] <CrystalDM> 03The option to open the doors moves into a sub menu, allowing Clue to open any of the doors on this floor, or on the basement, that she chooses. Security cameras show 6 things: An empty set of prison cells. An empty room with lots of shelves and closed cabinets. A white unicorn with a light blue mane, looking at a computer. A hallway that leads to a door that reads 'Captain's Office'. A...
  15. [2014-04-05 20:25:37] <CrystalDM> ...maintenance room, where one and a half owls sit in charging terminals. The last screen is a blur of static.
  16. [2014-04-05 20:25:43] <Emerald_Blitz> "You can still fight them if you wish, Militus, but I prefer my episodes of combat to take place when one of my senses isn't hampered," Emerald says. "Clue had the right idea; I was foolish not to realize it."
  17. [2014-04-05 20:27:21] * Militus scoffs. "But fighting with a handicap is the only way to improve once one has mastered fighting with all their senses!"
  18. [2014-04-05 20:27:25] <Asami> we find the eyesight cure yet by the by?
  19. [2014-04-05 20:27:33] * Clue opens all the doors on this level, and gets off the computer with a nod.
  20. [2014-04-05 20:28:53] <Emerald_Blitz> "Clue says it's in the Captain's office upstairs," Emerald says to Asami. "We'll pick that up first and then go about seeing what else is valuable here that we might take with us." The alicorn watches the door slide open, and waits for the others before heading up the stairs. "I'd rather not fight at all if we can manage to avoid it. It wastes resources that could be of use elsewhere."
  21. [2014-04-05 20:29:47] <CrystalDM> 03All four doors to the ground floor open. One leads to the basement, one leads upstairs... and the other two lead outside. Oooh, that's a cold breeze!
  22. [2014-04-05 20:29:49] <Asami> I'm all for the peacenik route myself....for starters it hurts a heck of a lot less...
  23. [2014-04-05 20:30:34] * Militus shakes his head with a weary sigh and starts after Emerald_Blitz. They never understand...
  24. [2014-04-05 20:30:47] * Clue sighs and rolls her eyes, going back to the computer and closes the doors to the outside.
  25. [2014-04-05 20:31:49] <CrystalDM> 03The doors to the outside close. Would Clue like to lock them?
  26. [2014-04-05 20:32:47] * Clue locks them as well. Stupid computers. She then follows in behind Emerald_Blitz. "Now lets get this gold vision out of the way..."
  27. [2014-04-05 20:34:53] <CrystalDM> 03The stairs lead to a single hallway. At the end of it is the door that says 'Captain's Office'. There is a door on the left, labelled 'Maintenance' and a door on the right, labelled 'Armory'.
  28. [2014-04-05 20:34:55] -->| Hobo ( has joined #FoECrystal
  29. [2014-04-05 20:35:50] * Emerald_Blitz looks at the Armory door with interest. "Well, hello~" she says, upon seeing ARMORY. "That could prove useful as well, but sight first." She knocks on the office door, facehoofs, and just tries the handle instead.
  30. [2014-04-05 20:36:20] =-= Hobo is now known as Tallie
  31. [2014-04-05 20:36:21] <CrystalDM> 03The door... is unlocked! It opens easily.
  32. [2014-04-05 20:38:06] * Clue is about to follow Emerald_Blitz into the office before her interst peaks into the armoury. Quickly she silently walks in, and check it out.
  33. [2014-04-05 20:38:48] <CrystalDM> 03The door to the Armory... is also unlocked? It also has four cabinets... and numerous empty hooks and shelves.
  34. [2014-04-05 20:39:36] * Clue peaks around for things of interest.
  35. [2014-04-05 20:39:57] * Emerald_Blitz stops, turns, and stands in the doorway to watch Clue. "The cure should be in the desk drawer," she tells Militus. "Would you kindly find it for us?"
  36. [2014-04-05 20:40:16] <CrystalDM> 03Each of the cabinets also open easily... each being very empty.
  37. [2014-04-05 20:40:36] * Militus nods and starts rooting through the desk drawers, looking eagerly for a cure.
  38. [2014-04-05 20:40:58] * Clue sighs and begins to mumble to herself and joins Militus in the office search.
  39. [2014-04-05 20:41:24] * Tallie sneaks around, looking for stuff
  40. [2014-04-05 20:44:08] * Emerald_Blitz listens carefully to Clue's mumbling. This could in fact be... well.. a clue...
  41. [2014-04-05 20:45:56] * Clue 's mumbling consists of cursing about empty armouries.
  42. [2014-04-05 20:46:37] * Emerald_Blitz shrugs. Not helpful this time, but a doctor is always attentive, after all. She stands outside the office (as she's rather large) and looks inside. "Any luck?" the alicorn asks.
  43. [2014-04-05 20:48:02] <CrystalDM> 03Inside the desk is some blank stationary, an open inkwell, a couple quills, 25 caps, a bottle of glowing golden liquid, with a yellow gem at the bottom, and an Ironshod Firearms Catalogue.
  44. [2014-04-05 20:48:23] <CrystalDM> 03The bottle of glowing golden liquid has an eyedropper.
  45. [2014-04-05 20:50:36] * Tallie walks around the room, looking for secret panels. They'd found so many recently!
  46. [2014-04-05 20:53:30] * Militus gives a victorious cry and holds up the medicine bottle.
  47. [2014-04-05 20:54:20] * Emerald_Blitz claps her hooves. "Huzzah! There is some left after all. Give it here, Militus and open your right eye. I've administered eye drops a time or two. Thousand." The alicorn rolls her eyes. "Medical school and foals with pinkeye, euch."
  48. [2014-04-05 20:55:49] * Militus happily relinquishes the bottle to Emerald_Bitz's telekinesis.
  49. [2014-04-05 20:58:13] * Emerald_Blitz quickly applies the eyedrops to Militus as one would for itchy or dry eyes, then treats herself as well. As she blinks to spread the golden liquid across her eyes, she asks the others, "You aren't blind, but I can remove the golden tint from your eyes as well, Tallie, Asami, and Clue."
  50. [2014-04-05 20:58:59] * Asami doesn't have the golden tint to her eyes, Emerald will notice
  51. [2014-04-05 20:59:01] <CrystalDM> 03As the eye drops do their work, the golden sheen on everything disappears.
  52. [2014-04-05 20:59:34] * Clue nods and lets Emerald_Blitz cure her ailments. She'd let Em cure her ailments any day~ ...wait, what?
  53. [2014-04-05 21:00:11] <Emerald_Blitz> As Emerald's eyes clear she sighs in relief. "Clever zebra, this one. I've not seen a method to make thieves voluntarily turn themselves in before... hm?" She looks at the dragon. "It didn't affect you, Asami?" she asks as she holds Clue's left eye open and applies eye drops.
  54. [2014-04-05 21:00:24] * Militus sighs in relief as the drop do their work. He blinks a few times and looks about. "Ah, excellent!"
  55. [2014-04-05 21:01:15] <Asami> not that I know of no?, guess it doesn't work on dragons or somethin...or maybe it had a limit to how many it could affect at once?
  56. [2014-04-05 21:01:55] * Clue blinks away the gold. "Thanks Em" She says as she begins to search the room thoroughly.
  57. [2014-04-05 21:02:50] * Emerald_Blitz finishes up with Tallie. "Or it could be the way you see things that no one else can, and that made you immune," Emerald postulates. "Anyway, see if there's any- ooh! Stationary!" Emerald takes the nice paper out of the desk and tucks it into her pack.
  58. [2014-04-05 21:04:38] <CrystalDM> 03As Emerald_Blitz goes to grab the stationary, the sound of her hoof on the floor makes a distinctly hollow 'thunk'.
  59. [2014-04-05 21:05:23] * Clue finds nothing but junk. And some spots don't even have junk. "Stupid building..." She begins to mumble. "Nothing for Clue. Nope. Why not? Cause you suck" Clue whispers to herself as if having a conversation.
  60. [2014-04-05 21:05:54] * Militus raises an eyebrow. "Hmm. It would appears that it was all secrets with the former inhabitants of this place. Tell me, Captain, was there really such a need for so many hiding spots in the old world?"
  61. [2014-04-05 21:06:38] * Emerald_Blitz looks under her hoof and chuckles. "I think I'm having a Daring Do moment," she says amusedly. "You tell me, Militus. This was a zebra's office, after all." The alicorn steps over and looks at the paneling. "Oh, Clue? I think we've found buried treasure~"
  62. [2014-04-05 21:09:09] * Militus shrugs. "Yes, but he was a zebra who served Equestria. I know nothing of how he thought."
  63. [2014-04-05 21:10:30] <CrystalDM> 03More of those little black crystals form on her horn as Clue's eyes glow black as night.
  64. [2014-04-05 21:10:36] * Clue perks her ears and begins to cast a spell without thought, easily increasing her ability with it. Come hither hidden records.
  65. [2014-04-05 21:11:05] <Emerald_Blitz> "To be more accurate, he seems to have worked for the Crystal Empire, not Equestria proper," Emerald corrects. "The Empire was an autonomous city-state with diplomatic ties to Equestria, and held a stance of neutrality through the war. Though... that eventually didn't pan out, I suppose. I wasn't there to see how it ended." She hesitates. "I don't think, anyw- CLUE." She rounds on the...
  66. [2014-04-05 21:11:07] <Emerald_Blitz> ...unicorn and loads two shiny blue shotgun shells into her sawnoff gun. "What. Did. We. Just. Talk. About."
  67. [2014-04-05 21:11:46] * Asami facepaws and sighs
  68. [2014-04-05 21:12:52] * Militus rubs his chin. "Interesting. I did not know of such intricacies in wartime politics."
  69. [2014-04-05 21:14:24] * Clue gasps heavily as she stares at the floor. "Is that-" She shakes her head clear and lowers her ears. "Sorry Em... I didn't even mean to do that one..."
  70. [2014-04-05 21:15:06] * Emerald_Blitz looks at Clue coldly. "Final warning. Next time, I'm just firing," she says as she slings the shotgun back into its holster. "Now that you've already gone and cast recklessly, what have you found?"
  71. [2014-04-05 21:15:26] <Emerald_Blitz> "And does anypony have a crowbar?"
  72. [2014-04-05 21:16:29] <Militus> "No, but I might be able to use one of these spears as such. Will that suffice?"
  73. [2014-04-05 21:17:23] <Clue> "I've found... well there seems to be a memory orb down there..." She tilts her head. "Hmm... I wanna watch it" She squints at the ground. "What secrets do you have for Clue?"
  74. [2014-04-05 21:17:38] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "As weaponry, they've been reinforced to probably serve in a pinch," she says. "Though do remind me to pick up a proper one when next we return to Stable 42." She steps aside and points at the floor where she was standing. "Try right there, ish."
  75. [2014-04-05 21:21:40] * Militus appraoches, but instead of pulling out his spear he bends down and snags a piece of carpet in his teeth and pulls.
  76. [2014-04-05 21:23:12] <CrystalDM> 03The piece of carpeting pulls up with the tearing sound of velcro... reveling handle that can be pulled, and a small lock.
  77. [2014-04-05 21:26:20] * Militus promptly sets to work on the lock.
  78. [2014-04-05 21:26:50] * Emerald_Blitz stands aside for this. "A memory orb you say?" she asks Clue. "I suppose, being the only one of us who owns one, you'd be the expert."
  79. [2014-04-05 21:28:17] * Clue tilts her head from side to side. "Yeah I guess... when you put it like that..." Her interest shifts to the computer on the desk while Militus does his picking. Clue tries her hoof at the bypassing of the terminals security.
  80. [2014-04-05 21:29:02] * Militus opens the lock without much fuss and pulls the safe open.
  81. [2014-04-05 21:29:14] <CrystalDM> 03The password for the computer was 'password'.
  82. [2014-04-05 21:30:07] <CrystalDM> 03The floor compartment has a small leather bag full of caps, a round gem that is a swirl of black and white, and around half a dozen of those eye droppers.
  83. [2014-04-05 21:30:41] * Clue laughs. "Oh you're silly" She goes through the things on the computer.
  84. [2014-04-05 21:31:34] <Militus> "Hmm. More of that medicine. I wonder if it does anything besides counter that one condition."
  85. [2014-04-05 21:32:35] * Emerald_Blitz looks at Clue quizzically, then looks down at the contents of the floor compartment. "Ah... well, perhaps it is useful for more. We should keep a bottle ourselves and turn the rest in to 42 and see if they can find further medicinal properties," she says. "May I see the orb, please?"
  86. [2014-04-05 21:33:12] * Militus pulls the orb out and offers it to Emerald_Blitz.
  87. [2014-04-05 21:33:31] <CrystalDM> 03The computer has a list of more official emails between police captains. It also has the same options, as well as a listing of evacuation details for Stable 42.
  88. [2014-04-05 21:33:53] * Asami just stands around for now...watching the others go about looting the place
  89. [2014-04-05 21:34:31] <CrystalDM> 03The computer also has an email from an Uncle Gary, about coming to a party at the Orb club next saturday. Apparently, all the big names are going.
  90. [2014-04-05 21:34:51] * Emerald_Blitz takes it carefully - with a hoof, not her magic - and tucks it into her saddlebag. "Thank you. Clue and I will watch this once we're safely back in the Stable, and inform you of its contents," she says. "As for the rest, I think both Asami and Clue should have some gems, and save the rest for... whatever zebra shamans use them for. Asami for the noms, so to speak, and to Clue for her heroism...
  91. [2014-04-05 21:34:53] * Emerald_Blitz combat, as I'm all out of medals."
  92. [2014-04-05 21:35:23] * Militus nods.
  93. [2014-04-05 21:36:02] <Emerald_Blitz> ((redact))
  94. [2014-04-05 21:36:48] * Emerald_Blitz takes it carefully - with a hoof, not her magic - and tucks it into her saddlebag. "Thank you. Clue and I will watch this once we're safely back in the Stable, and inform you of its contents," she says. "As for the rest, is it hard to find a market for bits? I've heard of some using them as ammunition for shotguns, but I don't possess that skill myself. Tallie, can you manufacture ammunition...
  95. [2014-04-05 21:36:49] <CrystalDM> 03In addition, there is a listing of all the employees this station had, including personal information.
  96. [2014-04-05 21:36:50] * Emerald_Blitz ...with those mechanic skills of yours?"
  97. [2014-04-05 21:38:17] * Tallie hmmmmmmms. "Making them out of pre-war bits? Not sure."
  98. [2014-04-05 21:38:56] * Emerald_Blitz waves a hoof. "It's probably a terrible idea, but I've heard of them being used very effectively against light riot armor during initial skirmishes with the zebra in shared territories.
  99. [2014-04-05 21:38:57] <Emerald_Blitz> "
  100. [2014-04-05 21:39:39] * Militus walks slowly around the room, looking over the decor.
  101. [2014-04-05 21:39:59] * Tallie nods. "Plus, I figure bits are too big to be buckshot. We COULD melt them down and sell it."
  102. [2014-04-05 21:40:41] <Clue> "This computer is lame... nothing good on it..." She walks away. "Or just sell them. I've done it before.... with Asami's help that is"
  103. [2014-04-05 21:41:15] <Emerald_Blitz> "No, in a stack, they're not much larger than a shotgun shell, see?" Emerald holds up a shell. "They referred to it as 'coin shot' and it was a fairly common thing among reloaders. I might want to save a few for that purpose, but Clue is right. The rest we can sell." She turns to Clue. "Anything about the location of the other Stable on there?"
  104. [2014-04-05 21:42:19] <Asami> offense but uhh...can we not use money to make ammunition? its alot comfier to use for bedding and uhm...stuff?
  105. [2014-04-05 21:43:12] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "Let's save a few hundred for you then, Asami. For your own private hoard cushion."
  106. [2014-04-05 21:44:03] <Militus> "I do wonder, though, was this zebra born here?"
  107. [2014-04-05 21:44:05] <Clue> "No. Nothing. Let's get back to the Stable and learn the orbs secrets now, shall we?" She starts to trot back down to the ground floor.
  108. [2014-04-05 21:44:52] * Emerald_Blitz looks at Clue with a sad and pained expression. "Clue... we will look at the orb when we're safe and have completed our job," she says, and walks around behind to look at the information Clue was so quick to dismiss.
  109. [2014-04-05 21:45:41] * Clue instead vears to maintenance, and checks it out by her lonesome.
  110. [2014-04-05 21:46:54] * Militus continues musing. "Because I highly doubt a satellite state of Equestria would have made a zebra some sort of civic leader."
  111. [2014-04-05 21:47:26] * Tallie climbs onto Emerald_Blitz's back. "Well... we COULD make ammo, but with the caps we'd make from selling it, we'll be able to buy better stuff for shells."
  112. [2014-04-05 21:48:21] <Militus> "Especially not during wartime."
  113. [2014-04-05 21:48:57] <Emerald_Blitz> "The Crystal Empire was more... tolerant of the zebra population than Equestria was, for good or for ill," Emerald says as she scrolls through the information on the computer. "We confined naturalized zebra citizens to Zebratown and a few other places to ensure loyalty. Here, they just treated them as they always had. I never heard of any problems with it, so..." The alicorn trails off and...
  114. [2014-04-05 21:48:59] <Emerald_Blitz> ...goes back to the work, her brow furrowing as she reads the email. "This... is code."
  115. [2014-04-05 21:49:06] <CrystalDM> 03Inside the maintenance room is what appears to be a robotics workshop. There are several bays for robots, including two that are currently filled. Both robots are owls. One of them appears to have exploded at some point in the past two hundred years or so.
  116. [2014-04-05 21:50:25] <Clue> "Flimsy machinery..." Clue shakes her head and inspects the unbroken owl.
  117. [2014-04-05 21:50:50] * Militus raises an eyebrow. "Oh really? I heard such was due to a secret brainwashing program the Empire carried out."
  118. [2014-04-05 21:53:10] * Emerald_Blitz shrugs. "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, being Princess of all things lovey-dovey and such, took it upon herself to show the zebras that borders were less important than loving your fellow equine," Emerald says with marked distaste. "I don't disagree with her in principle, but you should have heard the rows she and Luna would have about it." She scratches her mane. "This is an alert, and contains...
  119. [2014-04-05 21:53:11] * Emerald_Blitz ...something about orbs... Clue is... curses, she's trotted off again. I may have to watch that orb by myself now. Militus, would you kindly stand guard? This may take several minutes to an hour or so."
  120. [2014-04-05 21:54:50] * Militus looks rather disconcerted, but nods and moves to the door.
  121. [2014-04-05 21:55:27] <Emerald_Blitz> "Tallie, Asami, please find Clue and make sure she's not getting into any more trouble," Emerald says as she takes the orb out of her bag, sets it on the floor, and touches her horn to it.
  122. [2014-04-05 21:56:55] <Asami> uhhhh...any direction we should go looking in? I wasn't watching her so I dunno which way to go
  123. [2014-04-05 21:57:19] * Militus seems strangely absent and doesn't react to Asami's question.
  124. [2014-04-05 21:57:32] * Clue observes the owls with disinterest. "Dumb things..." She shakes her head and heads back into the hallway. "Lets go! Burning daylight!"
  125. [2014-04-05 21:59:24] * Asami shrugs at the lack of response and goes off in search of Clue in a random direction
  126. [2014-04-05 21:59:57] * Emerald_Blitz is lying on the floor, passed out in a memory orb trance and can't respond either.
  127. [2014-04-05 22:01:51] <CrystalDM> 03The working owl is unresponsive. The maintenance room has a workbench that has several tools spread across it. The broken owl opens its eyes, says 'Wh-ooo' before sizzling briefly, eyes closing.
  128. [2014-04-05 22:02:05] * Clue stands outside in the only hallway. "Well? Let's go. What's taking so long?"
  129. [2014-04-05 22:02:25] * Emerald_Blitz starts and snorts, standing up after only three minutes of unconsciousness. "I say," she says, and shakes her mane. "I haven't seen Ministry Mare Pie in... well... more than a lifetime. How did she..." Emerald crosses her eyes, shakes her head and snorts again. "You'd think I'd know better than to question her by now. Come, all! I know where the stable we're seeking lies!"
  130. [2014-04-05 22:03:21] * Militus nods stiffly and gets up to go.
  131. [2014-04-05 22:03:48] * Emerald_Blitz hesitates. "Militus?" she says, a hoof off the ground mid-step. "Are you all right?"
  132. [2014-04-05 22:05:19] * Militus nods again. "Yes. I'm fine. We should get going while we still have time."
  133. [2014-04-05 22:05:30] * Clue blinks. "Did you watch the orb?!" She yells from the hallway. "WHAT HAPPENED TO WAITING TILL WE WERE SAFE AND DONE OUR JOB!"
  134. [2014-04-05 22:08:27] * Emerald_Blitz brushes past Clue without looking at her. "It became immediately relevant," she says. "This is what you get for wandering off." She snaps her tail near Clue's face, and continues out to the main desk to press the 'open front door' button.
  135. [2014-04-05 22:09:53] * Militus follows along wordlessly.
  136. [2014-04-05 22:10:19] <Asami> can we just get along? we can bitchslap each other silly back at the Ranger's base...but can we avoid that here?
  137. [2014-04-05 22:11:24] * Emerald_Blitz looks down at Asami as she picks the dragon up in her telekinesis. "There will be no 'bitch-slapping' as you put it, at all," Emerald says firmly. "I told Clue there would be consequences for running off without telling anyone, and this is one of them." She opens the front door and heads for the exit.
  138. [2014-04-05 22:11:49] * Clue grits her teeth. "Are you serious?!" She grrrs and goes back into maintenance and tosses some tools about. "I found the orb! It should be mine! I wanted to watch it first!"
  139. [2014-04-05 22:12:15] <CrystalDM> 03Ah, that cold, noon breeze. Early spring in the Northern Empire is brisk and sunny!
  140. [2014-04-05 22:13:22] <Emerald_Blitz> "Correction, *I* found the orb, accidentally, or at least its compartment," Emerald says. "And I fully intended to watch it with you, but you wandered off without telling anyone again as I specifically told you NOT to do. I've half a mind to not let you watch it at all, now. Keep complaining and see if I don't." The alicorn's tone is calm and hard.
  141. [2014-04-05 22:13:26] <Asami> no offense meant Emmy but...are you entitled to be the one to issue punishments to her? I mean she is our friend but uhm....Clue is a grown mare...we're not her parents or keepers...unless she wants us to be and then this chat goes down the toilet of course ..heh
  142. [2014-04-05 22:13:32] * Militus continues silently following Emerald_Blitz.
  143. [2014-04-05 22:13:55] <Asami> just want everypony to get along here
  144. [2014-04-05 22:14:09] <CrystalDM> 03Spanner, spanner, wrench, wrench, bag of gems...\
  145. [2014-04-05 22:14:47] <Emerald_Blitz> "I'm a friend who's willing to give her another chance despite her penchant for thievery, Asami," Emerald says. "And it was immediately relevant to watch that orb. Had she been there like I asked her to be, we'd have watched it together, and I'll ask you kindly not to question my judgement."
  146. [2014-04-05 22:15:15] <Tallie> "Can I have those tools?" she asks.
  147. [2014-04-05 22:16:11] <Asami> I'm not? I don't care if you watch a gazillion of those things...its just all of the snide remarks you two keep firing at each doesn't breed a healthy relationship?
  148. [2014-04-05 22:16:41] <CrystalDM> 03One of the spanner hits the half-an-owl, and causes it to pop on and fire the mouth-lazer. This hits the wall, bounces off, and hits the recharging station the whole owl is resting in. This causes that station to short out... and the owl's eyes to open. "Who."
  149. [2014-04-05 22:18:15] * Clue holds off throwing a bag of gems. She eyes them, and pockets them. She begins to mumble and was about to leave. "Captian Risma"
  150. [2014-04-05 22:19:02] <CrystalDM> 03The owl flutters around the room before landing on Clue's back. "Who."
  151. [2014-04-05 22:19:05] * Emerald_Blitz sighs. "I'm not being snide, Asami. I just have a terrible bedside manner when it comes to doctoring. I've been reprimanded for it once, though that probably doesn't come as a surprise. 'Least kind medic in the entire Ministry of Peace' I think the official reprimand went." Emerald chuckles sadly. "Got a bronze star for valor in combat the next week, so I'm not sure what that says about me....
  152. [2014-04-05 22:19:07] * Emerald_Blitz ...Clue acts like a filly, and sometimes I'm forced to treat her as such. I wish she'd behave, but I can't really make her do so, so I resort to harsh words. It's the most I can do, and it's unfortunately not any more effective than just standing by and letting her indulge her every unhealthy whim."
  153. [2014-04-05 22:20:48] * Clue blinks. "...uh... Captain Risma?"
  154. [2014-04-05 22:21:05] * Militus stands still, looking more businesslike than usual. "Are we to depart now?"
  155. [2014-04-05 22:21:14] <CrystalDM> 03The owl-bot turns it head with a soft whir. "Who."
  156. [2014-04-05 22:21:35] <Clue> "...Risma?... Captain of... this place?"
  157. [2014-04-05 22:21:49] * Tallie chews on a talon.
  158. [2014-04-05 22:23:22] <Emerald_Blitz> "Yes," Emerald says, snapping back to attention. "We're looking for a silver house, very ostentatious, that's missing a wall. That's the rally point for officials entering Stable forty-one. I'll have to show that orb to Clue and see what she makes of it. She was mentioned in the orb... how that's possible I'm not sure, but... it was Ministry Mare Pinkie Pie, so all bets are off concerning...
  159. [2014-04-05 22:23:24] <Emerald_Blitz> ...her. Speaking of..." She turns around and looks behind her, then sighs. "Someone fetch Clue again please... see Asami, this is why she frustrates me so."
  160. [2014-04-05 22:23:39] <CrystalDM> 03The owl-bot turns its head all the way around its torso. "Who."
  161. [2014-04-05 22:24:00] * Clue takes a few moments to think. "...Clue?"
  162. [2014-04-05 22:24:37] * Militus nods. "Silver house. Understood."
  163. [2014-04-05 22:24:38] <Asami> I can't keep up with her...Tallie or Millie could
  164. [2014-04-05 22:25:00] <CrystalDM> 03The owl-bot starts to walk along Clue's back, walking over her armor. "Who."
  165. [2014-04-05 22:25:13] * Tallie snaps back to reality. "What? Who?"
  166. [2014-04-05 22:26:20] * Clue blinks and then squints at the owl. "...nope. Not arguing with an owl... but I wonder if you have an operationg radius..." Clue pays no mind to the owl and heads to join the group.
  167. [2014-04-05 22:26:33] * Emerald_Blitz sits down and folds her wings to her back. "Tallie, would you kindly go and fetch Clue. I think she's throwing a tantrum over me watching the orb without her." The alicorn turns to Militus. "You're acting rather wooden, and this isn't the first time I've seen you do that. I'm scheduling you an appointment after we return to the stable, and I'm not brooking any argument on the score."
  168. [2014-04-05 22:27:25] * Militus looks up at Emerald_Blitz. "Appointment? For what? I'm not ill, if that's what you mean."
  169. [2014-04-05 22:27:50] * Tallie blinks. "Really? Wadda baby." she plods off. "CLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE!"
  170. [2014-04-05 22:28:42] <Emerald_Blitz> "I'm sure your physical health is beyond reproach, despite your best efforts," Emerald says with a concerned frown. "That's not what I'm talking about. You started acting distant a little while back when we first encountered those escaped slaves, and now you're doing it again. We need to have a talk, you and I, as friends and not as soldiers."
  171. [2014-04-05 22:28:58] <CrystalDM> 03The owl walks up Clue's neck and head, perching on her horn. "Who."
  172. [2014-04-05 22:29:32] * Tallie walks upstairs. "Clllluuuuuuuuuuueeeeee!"
  173. [2014-04-05 22:29:49] <Clue> Tallie would find Clue heading down the stairs. "I'm here. Let's go."
  174. [2014-04-05 22:30:22] * Tallie spins. "oooookiedoke!" She plods back down again. "Found her!"
  175. [2014-04-05 22:30:37] * Asami whispers in the direction of Emerald with a sigh "funny thing here Emmy but uhm...I'm getting the feeling over time that not everypony here 'wants' to be friends...
  176. [2014-04-05 22:30:49] * Clue follows Tallie. Owl on horn.
  177. [2014-04-05 22:30:59] <CrystalDM> 03The owl looks at Tallie, cocking its head at her. "Who."
  178. [2014-04-05 22:32:01] * Militus simply returns to standing at ease, not paying particular attention to anyone. "I fear I may have to object, Captain."
  179. [2014-04-05 22:33:04] * Tallie looks up at the owl. "Who's askin?" Then she trots over to Emerald and Asami. "Oh herro."
  180. [2014-04-05 22:33:08] * Emerald_Blitz shakes her head sadly. "That was the great tragedy of the war. Strangers started being people you had to watch out for and fear, instead of just being friends you hadn't met yet." The alicorn spreads her wings and puts Asami down. "Then I will field your objections later, Militus. We do have a task at hand to accomplish. Conversations yet to come are a secondary concern. For now, I'm going...
  181. [2014-04-05 22:33:09] * Emerald_Blitz look for the house so I can point us in the right direction," she says. "Back in a moment or two." Emerald kicks off the ground to get a bird's eye view.
  182. [2014-04-05 22:34:31] * Tallie sits down and waves. "Bye-bye!"
  183. [2014-04-05 22:34:55] <CrystalDM> 03The owl looks over to Militus. "Who."
  184. [2014-04-05 22:36:43] * Militus raises an eyebrow. "Where did the robot come from?"
  185. [2014-04-05 22:37:39] * Clue shrugs. "Maintenance"
  186. [2014-04-05 22:39:18] <CrystalDM> 03The owl hangs upside down off of Clue's horn, looking her up close and in the eyes. "Who."
  187. [2014-04-05 22:41:39] * Clue points to the group. "Militus. Asami. Tallie"
  188. [2014-04-05 22:42:07] * Emerald_Blitz circles a few times over the area, then drops down to rejoin the group. "That way," she says, and points off to a different cluster of buildings. "Are we all ready?"
  189. [2014-04-05 22:42:18] * Militus nods once.
  190. [2014-04-05 22:42:24] <CrystalDM> 03The owl looks over at each pointed person. "Understood." It looks over at Emerald_Blitz. "Who."
  191. [2014-04-05 22:43:17] * Emerald_Blitz looks at the owl robot curiously. "Oh, it's one of those robotic owls like Ministry Mare Sparkle used to have. I am Emerald Blitz," she says to the owl. "They became so much more useful once they could say words other than 'Who.'"
  192. [2014-04-05 22:43:21] * Tallie nods. Sure."
  193. [2014-04-05 22:43:25] <Tallie> "Sure*
  194. [2014-04-05 22:43:32] * Clue blinks. "I... wait..." She shakes her head. "Emerald Blitz"
  195. [2014-04-05 22:43:42] <Clue> She explains to the owl.
  196. [2014-04-05 22:44:11] <CrystalDM> 03The owl settles itself back up on top of Clue's horn, nodding again at Emerald_Blitz. "Understood." It walks back down on Clue's back, and rustles its mechanical wings.
  197. [2014-04-05 22:45:04] * Clue shakes her head. "So... you want to go to the dangerous place... when I can't cast..." Clue slowly nods. "Fine..." she groans.
  198. [2014-04-05 22:45:48] * Emerald_Blitz pulls the swirled memory orb out of her pack and puts it in Clue's instead. "My apologies for my shortness with you earlier," she says apologetically. "That's yours now, no strings attached. Just... please don't sell it. Seeing Ministry Mare Pie again, as large as life, is a small piece of laughter I thought I'd never see again."
  199. [2014-04-05 22:46:09] <Asami> I'm thinking taking Clue in the stable when she's drained is asking for trouble...given that those clone ponies are in there
  200. [2014-04-05 22:47:03] * Emerald_Blitz nods to Asami. "Yes, you're right. I merely meant to find it for the purposes of the map making device, and then return to the Stable to plan our course of action," she says. "I'd rather Clue, and all of us, be at full strength for whatever cloned horror we encounter in there."
  201. [2014-04-05 22:47:31] * Clue squints at Emerald_Blitz for a few silent moments. "Alright... I guess... I can forgive you..."
  202. [2014-04-05 22:47:51] * Clue bears a smile now. "Thank you for this though"
  203. [2014-04-05 22:48:46] <CrystalDM> 03The owl whirls its head.
  204. [2014-04-05 22:49:16] * Emerald_Blitz sighs. "It's a flaw of mine from way back... Asami was so kind as to bring it to my attention again, so... anyway, please work with me from here on out. I don't want to catch myself yelling at you again. It doesn't do anything but make the both of us feel bad."
  205. [2014-04-05 22:49:28] * Militus busies himself checking his things.
  206. [2014-04-05 22:52:03] * Tallie picks her beak-nose.
  207. [2014-04-05 22:52:32] * Clue nods. "I... I just like to explore... I'm sorry..." She hoofs at the ground.
  208. [2014-04-05 22:53:13] * Emerald_Blitz ruffles her feathers. "You like a great number of things that don't always make for exceptional teamwork," Emerald says sadly. "But that's not the point. For now, let's get over there, find that house, then go back to the Stable for supper."
  209. [2014-04-05 22:53:43] * Militus nods. "Yes, I don't want to be out here without provisions."
  210. [2014-04-05 22:54:32] * Clue nods. "I wanna learn some spells from Feather Fall to help me help you guys"
  211. [2014-04-05 22:54:57] * Tallie picks out a king-sized booger and flicks it at a wall. Then she pulls at a few scraggely looking feathers.
  212. [2014-04-05 22:55:38] <Emerald_Blitz> "Then I shall lead the way. Come on, everyone. Our wonderful and dysfunctional group may yet accomplish something worth telling stories about." The alicorn trots a few steps away, scooping up Asami along the way, and heads for the silvery house.
  213. [2014-04-05 22:56:05] * Militus gets up and follows along to the house.
  214. [2014-04-05 22:56:08] * Tallie skips off after Emerald. "Finally!"
  215. [2014-04-05 22:56:08] * Clue follows along with her new robot.
  216. [2014-04-05 23:05:04] <CrystalDM> 03Emerald's leads the others to a silver-sided house, surrounded by trees. Its a bit out of the way, but otherwise seems to be a normal abandoned house. The front door is open.
  217. [2014-04-05 23:05:42] * Militus looks at the house, then questioningly back at the group.
  218. [2014-04-05 23:06:22] * Clue nods. "Right. Found ominous house. Check. Next on the list is to GTFO.
  219. [2014-04-05 23:06:24] <Clue> "
  220. [2014-04-05 23:06:49] <Militus> "We do have the location, so we could go resupply and come back later."
  221. [2014-04-05 23:07:00] * Emerald_Blitz looks at Clue. "Has the automapper marked this location yet?" she asks. "Because we'll need it to, in order to return easily. After it does, we can go."
  222. [2014-04-05 23:07:04] <Asami> yeah that would be wisest I think
  223. [2014-04-05 23:08:05] <CrystalDM> 03Speaking of the device, it dings. "Orwellian Manor."
  224. [2014-04-05 23:08:39] * Clue nods once. "Yep" She turns to leave.
  225. [2014-04-05 23:09:18] <Emerald_Blitz> "Grand." Emerald says. "Retreat for now, recharge and resupply. I'll bring up the rear in case anything decides to chase us." The alicorn waits for the group to turn around.
  226. [2014-04-05 23:09:45] * Militus takes one last longing look at the house before turning to go.
  227. [2014-04-05 23:11:46] * Emerald_Blitz nods to Militus. "There are geckos inside, I believe, but we can fight them tomorrow. I'll even let you go first." She winks at the zebra.
  228. [2014-04-05 23:12:22] * Militus looks at Emerald_Blitz...cautiously, perhaps? But nods assent.
  229. [2014-04-05 23:14:48] <CrystalDM> 03The way back is uneventful, and it is around 2 PM when everyone returns to Stable 42. There are a pair of young scribes at the door who check the party's weapons, and then let them inside.
  230. [2014-04-05 23:15:39] * Clue races off to find Feather Fall with a smile on her face and an owl on her back.
  231. [2014-04-05 23:16:56] * Emerald_Blitz turns to address the group once they're inside. "All right. Relax and recuperate as you see fit," she says. "Go on, enjoy yourselves a bit. We made real progress today, and I'm proud of all of you. Especially you, Clue, for getting us proper access despite enemy fire. If I still had my bronze star, it'd be yours." She looks at the others. "I want to head out at dawn again if that's all right...
  232. [2014-04-05 23:16:57] * Emerald_Blitz ...with everyone."
  233. [2014-04-05 23:17:17] * Emerald_Blitz watches Clue go with a smirk. "I can only guess what kind of recuperation SHE is going to be up to. Heh."
  234. [2014-04-05 23:17:28] * Militus nods. "It won't be a problem." He then starts off into the Stable.
  235. [2014-04-05 23:17:59] * Tallie "She's going to have, like, a toooon of sex." she says. "Lucky."
  236. [2014-04-05 23:18:13] <CrystalDM> 03The owl looks at all the different inhabitants of the base, continually asking "Who" at every one of them.
  237. [2014-04-05 23:18:58] <Emerald_Blitz> "Oh, Militus," Emerald says before he leaves. "I do still want to speak with you when you have a moment. It's important." She turns to Tallie. "I'm sure there are a few young bucks around here of age who could be taught a thing or two, as long as you didn't get caught. Not that I'm condoning such behavior, just saying..." Emerald examines her hoof.
  238. [2014-04-05 23:20:06] * Militus nods at Emerald_Blitz's words, but does not turn around. "Of course. I shall be around."
  239. [2014-04-05 23:20:22] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall's door is closed when Clue arrives at it. Maybe she's taking a nap?
  240. [2014-04-05 23:21:07] * Militus decides to go looking for help. Now, where would Kivuli be right now?
  241. [2014-04-05 23:21:31] * Emerald_Blitz returns to medical with the magic medicine drops in tow.
  242. [2014-04-05 23:21:51] * Clue bursts in with a smile. "Feather Fall! Feather Fall! I got a robot, I found some gems, save Emerald and the gang by myself and found some books!" She says quite quickly.
  243. [2014-04-05 23:22:27] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall is not in the room. Rather, her room mate is. Her room mate seems to be entertaining a guest at the moment. A very friendly stallion.
  244. [2014-04-05 23:23:25] * Clue reels in horror. "OH SWEET LUNA! I'M SORRY!" She darts outside and closes the door with a few heavy breaths. She looks to the owl with a scowl, "Don't"
  245. [2014-04-05 23:23:47] * Tallie winks up at Emerald. "Glad to see we're on the same page." she says. "I guess I'll have to scout the talent." She chuckles. "Though, being couped up down here, I doubt there'll be anyone to my tastes."
  246. [2014-04-05 23:23:58] <CrystalDM> 03The owl looks back and says "Who." Wait, did it just smirk? No... couldn't have...
  247. [2014-04-05 23:25:11] * Clue groans with her face full of blush. "Right... maybe we should ask where Feather Fall is..." She proceeds to ask for Feather Fall from some go byers.
  248. [2014-04-05 23:25:42] * Emerald_Blitz shrugs as she heads for medical. "Just choose an appropriate age, not too young, and it'll be written off as kids being kids," Emerald says. "There's a certain age that sexuality becomes more common, and that's a better choice. As for your tastes, well, as I said, education. Now get gone." She swishes her tail. "I've important doctory things to do."
  249. [2014-04-05 23:26:17] <CrystalDM> 03Maintenance is currently lacking a Bolt or a Kivuli. Rather, it seems to have the pair of workers who came in at the end of Militus and Bolt's card game are working currently.
  250. [2014-04-05 23:26:17] * Tallie salutes. "Save some lives, Sir!" she says. Then she skedaddles to explore some more.
  251. [2014-04-05 23:26:51] * Militus frowns. He then decides to wander over to the local watering hole.
  252. [2014-04-05 23:27:46] <CrystalDM> 03The first pony Clue asks has no idea. The second pony points Clue toward the classrooms, and the third confirms that Feather Fall is training some young scribes.
  253. [2014-04-05 23:28:33] <CrystalDM> 03The Lounge seems to be empty, all except for a single robotic bartender.
  254. [2014-04-05 23:29:48] <CrystalDM> 03In her random wanderings, Tallie ends up in one of the maintenance corridors in the Stable, where a young stallion is busy working on some plumbing.
  255. [2014-04-05 23:30:44] * Emerald_Blitz turns the magic eyedrops in to Medical with a detailed explanation of the malady they were meant to cure and how it was acquired, and submits an inquiry as to their further use, then attempts to find the head of the medical ward, or at least the chief of diagnostic medicine.
  256. [2014-04-05 23:31:25] * Asami heads off to her cot and relaxes on the newly found pile of bits...RnR dragon style
  257. [2014-04-05 23:31:35] * Tallie walks down the hall. "Toilets clogged?" she asks.
  258. [2014-04-05 23:32:12] * Militus sighs and sits down. He glances over at the robotic bartender.
  259. [2014-04-05 23:32:57] <CrystalDM> 03The medical ponies direct Emerald to a zebra when they hear about the effect, and the zebra explains that the eye drops are a counter for a spiritual malady. Specifically, one that interferes with sight. He gladly accepts the donations of the eye drops.
  260. [2014-04-05 23:33:44] <CrystalDM> 03Before Emerald_Blitz leaves his office though, the zebra waves a hoof to her. "Before you go, I must know... why do you seek the doctor to cure strange ills, one to help with unknown fevers and chills?"
  261. [2014-04-05 23:35:18] <CrystalDM> 03The young stallion, a dark green with white mane frowns. "Oh, I wish. That would be easy. Got a pipe that needs to be replaced... supposedly its out of date. As for which pipe, well... someone didn't install these in the right order." He taps the serial numbers on the pipes. Indeed, they are out of order.
  262. [2014-04-05 23:35:23] * Emerald_Blitz frowns and turns around. "Well, one of my friends has been using the ambient corruption to cast shadow magic," she says. "I was hoping there was some way to detect the measure of her corruption so I'm not constantly worried that she will manifest. Is there something applicable that might give me at least an indication?"
  263. [2014-04-05 23:36:04] <CrystalDM> 03The robotic bartender looks to Militus. "Care for a drink, sir?" The bartender asks, the robot speaking in a faint accent.
  264. [2014-04-05 23:36:31] * Tallie looks at the serial numbers and tuts. "Amateur work. Need help?" she asks, pulling out her tools.
  265. [2014-04-05 23:37:06] * Militus thinks. "How much for one shot of Stalliongrad's Finest? I have a friend coming to chat, and I need to be just loose enough to tell her how I feel but sober enough to think straight."
  266. [2014-04-05 23:39:02] <CrystalDM> 03The zebra nods. "Were you hoping like a counter that displays on a pipbuck, or just general symptoms before she uses up all of her luck?"
  267. [2014-04-05 23:40:12] <Emerald_Blitz> "Measurable data, I think would be best," Emerald says. "I don't really care about all the rest." She stops and holds a hoof over her mouth. "Apologies. Spend enough time treating zebra POWs, and one slips from time to time."
  268. [2014-04-05 23:40:12] <CrystalDM> 03The young stallion nods to Tallie. "Sure! I need pipe QT500LI. If you find it, let me know, so we can reroute the water."
  269. [2014-04-05 23:41:03] <CrystalDM> 03The bartender pulls out a bottle of vodka. "Running a special today sir. A cap a shot." The bartender pours it into a glass. "Tell me, what is eating at you?"
  270. [2014-04-05 23:42:11] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall is teaching twelve scribes some of the inner workings of offensive magic. Indeed, Clue manages to sneak into the back of the room as Feather Fall casts a spell, opening her mouth and releasing a massive shout! It lifts up several targetting dummies, sending them crashing into the back of the room.
  271. [2014-04-05 23:42:51] * Militus throws down a cap. "Ponies. And their pretty princesses." He says with a rolls of his eyes.
  272. [2014-04-05 23:42:54] <Clue> And thus Clue finds her way to the training hall! She sneaks in as class goes finding a seat inside in hopes to watch that toned flank... I mean... Whaaat? Yet she is instead left in awe of such a spell.
  273. [2014-04-05 23:43:51] * Tallie hmmmms. "QT500LI..." she looks at each pipe's serial number and hmmmms. "Aha! Here it is!" she lifts it up and walks over to the stallion with it. "Here ya go."
  274. [2014-04-05 23:44:38] <CrystalDM> 03The zebra chuckles at the slip of Emerald's tongue. "Oh don't worry about the rhyme, happens to my patients all the time. As for a counter, that isn't hard. A device for a pipbuck will keep your friend from getting scarred."
  275. [2014-04-05 23:45:46] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion blinks at the pipe in Tallie's claws. "Wait... if you pulled it out..." The sound of rushing water starts to fill the maintenance corridor.
  276. [2014-04-05 23:46:35] <CrystalDM> 03The bartender nods, pushing the shot to Militus. "Ah. What seems to be the problem with them?"
  277. [2014-04-05 23:46:52] <Emerald_Blitz> "Which would be helpful, except that none of us own a PipBuck," Emerald says. "I'm afraid a peripheral will do me very little good at all."
  278. [2014-04-05 23:47:48] <Militus> "They just have this implicit trust of those creatures. can a pony /not/ feel just a bit nervous around them?"
  279. [2014-04-05 23:48:21] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall explains that this spell, Audible Force, not only can cause damage to your opponents but can also knock them away. A useful spell if you aren't skilled in melee combat.
  280. [2014-04-05 23:49:42] <Tallie> "Yeah, you wan-" she hears the water. "You didn't turn off the water to this section, did you."
  281. [2014-04-05 23:50:09] <CrystalDM> 03The zebra nods. "Well, if a pipbuck you are short, what about an Arcanotech port? It may not be as useful as a Stable Device, but for operating peripherals it truly is quite nice."
  282. [2014-04-05 23:50:37] * Clue smiles and listens to the teaching.
  283. [2014-04-05 23:51:16] <CrystalDM> 03The bartender nods. "I'm not sure. I've never known an Alicorn, personally."
  284. [2014-04-05 23:51:36] * Emerald_Blitz nods slowly. "I've seen them around," she says. "I would be interested in purchasing one, and any medical monitoring peripherals you have to spare, but more specifically that for corruption. I've threatened to taze that mare if she shadow-casts again, so I need at least some measure of how scared I should be."
  285. [2014-04-05 23:52:49] * Asami will get up after awhile and head to the bar, looking for some grub and quality drink...hopping up on a barstool and giving a toothy smile to the bartender
  286. [2014-04-05 23:52:50] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion shakes his head. "No... I have to call it in if there is an interruption in the flow. Quick, put it back!" The stallion runs down the corridor and heads for a nearby wheel valve and starts rapidly turning it.
  287. [2014-04-05 23:53:05] <Militus> "I have. Really, has no pony ever considered that what we did was to free them from the thrall of such creatures?"
  288. [2014-04-05 23:53:50] * Tallie runs back to where she got the pipe and quickly tries to reinstall it, getting soaked in the process.
  289. [2014-04-05 23:54:09] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall continues on to talk about manipulation magic, and the less common uses for it. She picks up one of the dummies off the floor, brushing it off before casting into it. The dummy starts running at the other dummies, starting to beat on them.
  290. [2014-04-05 23:55:37] <CrystalDM> 03The zebra nods. "A worthy concern to be sure, has she started to display any signs that she needs the cure?"
  291. [2014-04-05 23:55:44] * Militus knocks back his shot and shudders. "Aaah, yes. Good stuff. No more, though, I need my head clear for this."
  292. [2014-04-05 23:56:15] <CrystalDM> 03The bartender nods to Asami. "What drink can I provide for you?"
  293. [2014-04-05 23:56:55] * Emerald_Blitz shakes her head. "No, but then again, I'm not really sure what to look for. I just don't want her to start shadow-casting out of habit." The alicorn sighs. "I don't want her endangering herself, let alone any of us, except in absolute emergencies, you understand?"
  294. [2014-04-05 23:57:31] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion manages to halt the flow of water, helping the young griffon reinstall the pipe. He manages to get himself somewhat soaked in return. "Ok... now that is done... now I need to call in the water shortage."
  295. [2014-04-05 23:57:33] <Asami> I'd like some chicken wings, extra spicey, and a bottle of feathered ponies...with a glass on the rocks
  296. [2014-04-05 23:57:45] * Clue gawks in awe. So many spells for Clue to learn~
  297. [2014-04-05 23:58:31] * Tallie sighs. "Sorry. I thought the water would be off."
  298. [2014-04-06 00:00:37] <CrystalDM> 03The zebra nods. "Another good precaution to take, you do not want that thirst for power to be slake." The zebra pulls out a small screen, with a couple of clear quartz crystals on the back. "I can have these set up down at the Quartermaster if you want, or do you need to take a jaunt?"
  299. [2014-04-06 00:01:52] <Emerald_Blitz> "Whichever is more convenient for you," Emerald says. "From one doctor to another, I just want to see my patients safe and healthy and not turning into horrible shadow monster versions of themselves. How much is it?"
  300. [2014-04-06 00:01:52] <CrystalDM> 03The bartender nods. "Spicy wings, a bottle of wild pegasus and a glass of ice will run you 20 caps."
  301. [2014-04-06 00:02:36] <Asami> okieday tender...I'll be right here...though got any interesting tidbits of news?
  302. [2014-04-06 00:02:55] <Asami> or know of any ponies who are looking for romance?
  303. [2014-04-06 00:03:11] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall ends the class with a telekinetic demonstration. "Remember, some of the best spells to protect yourself aren't solely made for causing damage. Inconveniencing your enemy may just cause him to think you are a pest, rather than a threat. And that might just save your life."
  304. [2014-04-06 00:04:41] <CrystalDM> 03The young buck smiles at Tallie. "No problem. Its normally what we are supposed to do, but they wanted a continuous flow in case their was a fire. Something about a magic demonstration..." The earth pony shakes his head. "Oh well, at least I got to meet a cutie."
  305. [2014-04-06 00:05:08] * Clue watches half lidded eyes as she loves Feather Fall from a distance.
  306. [2014-04-06 00:05:58] * Tallie raises an eyebrow. "Yeah? Where? Couldn't she have helped us?" she asked. "Anyway, can't you turn off the water locally?"
  307. [2014-04-06 00:06:00] <CrystalDM> 03The bartender nods. "Well, I've just been talking to a zebra who is having some pony problems. Maybe you can hook him up?"
  308. [2014-04-06 00:06:05] * Militus shakes his head. "I just don't understand these ponies and their seemingly automatic trust..."
  309. [2014-04-06 00:06:38] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall waves off the class, they getting up and walking past Clue. More than a couple look at her and raise their eyebrows, but say nothing.
  310. [2014-04-06 00:08:55] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion nods. "Yeah, pity that." He winks at Tallie. "Anyway, the water's off at this point. Excuse me while I call this in." The stallion walks a decent ways down the corridor, picking up a pack and pulling out a radio.
  311. [2014-04-06 00:09:37] <CrystalDM> 03The bartender nods. "Maybe its just a different culture? They did follow one leader for a thousand years, without any strife."
  312. [2014-04-06 00:09:54] * Militus rubs his chin. "Maybe..."
  313. [2014-04-06 00:09:56] <Asami> Zebra? hrmm...was this zebra a stallion with a pessimistic outlook on...everything?
  314. [2014-04-06 00:10:30] * Tallie blinks at the wink. He meant her? What. She looks over her shoulder with a confused look. He thought she was cute? Maybe he was retarded...
  315. [2014-04-06 00:10:43] <CrystalDM> 03The zebra nods. "Each one runs around 250 caps. Would you like me to let the quartermaster know, perhaps?"
  316. [2014-04-06 00:10:54] * Clue pays the passerbys no mind as she continues to gawk at Feather Fall.
  317. [2014-04-06 00:11:47] <CrystalDM> 03The bartender nods, gesturing down the bar at Militus. "He is right over here. Perhaps you should interview him for his interests? I am just a bar-bot, after all." The bartender wanders off to go make the chicken wings.
  318. [2014-04-06 00:12:42] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "It's a bit out of my individual price range, but I'm sure the others would appreciate a mode of keeping corruption under control," Emerald says. "Could you perhaps put in a word for me with the quartermaster? Without my friendly dragon present, he seems to be somewhat of a skinflint unless that counts as medical supplies."
  319. [2014-04-06 00:12:51] * Asami chuckles and headshakes at the nearby Militus as she makes a thumb gesture towards him "Ol' sourpuss Mc'Stabby over there aint interested...I've already tried to get em to enlist my services
  320. [2014-04-06 00:14:16] <CrystalDM> 03As Feather Fall heads out of the room, she notices Clue out of the corner of her eye... and then focuses on the owl. "Clue, honey... you know you have an Owlicious 3000 on your head, right?"
  321. [2014-04-06 00:15:00] * Clue snaps back into reality. "Mhm! And I save Emerald and the others by myself!"
  322. [2014-04-06 00:15:59] <CrystalDM> 03The zebra nods. "Of course. You don't have to purchase them right away, I'll be sure to tell our quartermaster to keep them ready for you, without delay."
  323. [2014-04-06 00:16:36] <CrystalDM> 03The bartender is out of sight, and the sounds of cooking can be heard from the kitchen.
  324. [2014-04-06 00:17:28] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion returns. "Alright, they've been warned. Let's get this pipe inspected and replaced." The stallion pulls out a wrench and gets to work.
  325. [2014-04-06 00:18:16] * Tallie nods, pulling out her own wrench. "I'm Tallie by the way." she says.
  326. [2014-04-06 00:18:28] * Emerald_Blitz bows. "My thanks, doctor. You're saving me and mine a lot of possible grief down the road," she says. "Now, to self-medicate with alcohol and find out why my cutie mark says I'm supposed to be a psychotherapist." The alicorn folds her wings to her sides and heads off to the bar for a gin and tonic.
  327. [2014-04-06 00:18:32] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall bites her lip before smiling at Clue. "Clue, did you bring me a gift?" She flutters her eyelashes at the white mare.
  328. [2014-04-06 00:19:44] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion smiles over. "I'm Washer."
  329. [2014-04-06 00:20:24] <CrystalDM> 03The zebra nods, picking up a phone as Emerald_Blitz leaves.
  330. [2014-04-06 00:21:12] * Tallie snorts. "Washer, huh?" she asks. "Parents already choose your career path?"
  331. [2014-04-06 00:21:34] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion chuckles. "Not quite as bad as my younger brother. They called him Nut."
  332. [2014-04-06 00:21:53] <--| Lyra_Heartstrings has left #FoECrystal ("")
  333. [2014-04-06 00:22:15] * Emerald_Blitz wanders down the corridors at a slow pace, headed for the bar. Either a gin and tonic or a rum and cola.... hmm... proper oxygenation to the brain, quicker onset... maybe a vodka tonic...
  334. [2014-04-06 00:23:39] <CrystalDM> 03The barbot returns with the wings, setting them down in front of the dragoness even as Emerald_Blitz walks into The Lounge.
  335. [2014-04-06 00:24:42] <Emerald_Blitz> The alicorn takes a seat at the far end of the bar, either not noticing the other two or choosing not to get involved, and leans her forehooves on the counter with a sigh, her wings drooping.
  336. [2014-04-06 00:25:51] * Clue blinks and points to the owl bot. "This? Er.... yeah! Sure!" Clue smiles brightly.
  337. [2014-04-06 00:26:20] <CrystalDM> 03The barbot approaches Emerald_Blitz at the end of the bar. He picks up a glass and starts to polish it with a clean glass. "Hello Princess. What can I help you with?"
  338. [2014-04-06 00:26:58] * Militus notices Emerald_Blitz enter but says nothing. He just massages his head and sighs. This is going to be so much fun...
  339. [2014-04-06 00:27:14] <Emerald_Blitz> "Whiskey double, neat," Emerald says. "And another as a chaser." The alicorn lays her head on the bar. "It has been a long day and it's not even three p.m. yet."
  340. [2014-04-06 00:27:20] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall lets out a small squee, bouncing up and down on the ground before getting control of herself. She reaches over to grab it... only to pause and step back. "No... no, I can't."
  341. [2014-04-06 00:27:50] * Tallie blinks. "Nut. Why?"
  342. [2014-04-06 00:27:55] <CrystalDM> 03The barbot nods and prepares the drinks. "So, what brings you here? Other than my sparkling motherboard?"
  343. [2014-04-06 00:28:06] * Clue curses under her breathe. "Aww... is my present not good enough for you?" She pouts a little.
  344. [2014-04-06 00:28:29] <CrystalDM> 03The young stallion chuckles. "Well, add an s to the end of his name."
  345. [2014-04-06 00:28:49] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall shakes her head. "No, no! Its not, its wonderful, just... you know what this thing can do?"
  346. [2014-04-06 00:29:22] <Emerald_Blitz> "Self-medication and not wanting to answer questions," Emerald says. "I have a conference with an associate in a bit, and it requires a social lubricant to facilitate honesty. Pour the drink and mind your own business."
  347. [2014-04-06 00:29:26] * Asami waves at Emerald from the middle of the bar "heyas Emmy, you should try the chicken wings here!
  348. [2014-04-06 00:29:52] <CrystalDM> 03The chicken wings are delightfully spicy. Is that a habenero glaze?
  349. [2014-04-06 00:29:58] * Clue scrunches her face. "Not... exactly..."
  350. [2014-04-06 00:30:20] * Emerald_Blitz loooooooks over at Asami, shakes her head slowly, and returns to ignoring the other two.
  351. [2014-04-06 00:30:25] <CrystalDM> 03The barbot nods. "Suit yourself." He fixes the drinks and sets them near Emerald. "Let me know if you need another."
  352. [2014-04-06 00:30:52] * Tallie blinks again. "Your family's weird, Washer. Your little brother's crazy, huh? That explains him, but why'd they call you Washer?"
  353. [2014-04-06 00:31:05] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall smiles. "Walk with me, and I'll explain." The mare starts walking out of the room.
  354. [2014-04-06 00:31:12] * Emerald_Blitz slams down the first drink and begins sipping the next, practicing calming breathing exercises. "What do I owe you?" she asks the robot, getting out her bag of caps.
  355. [2014-04-06 00:32:01] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion shrugs. "Oh, he isn't crazy. All three of us are incredibly good with machines."
  356. [2014-04-06 00:32:08] <CrystalDM> 03"Its a family thing."
  357. [2014-04-06 00:32:30] <CrystalDM> 03The robot nods. "4 caps for the drinks."
  358. [2014-04-06 00:33:34] * Emerald_Blitz puts six caps down on the bar and returns to her drink.
  359. [2014-04-06 00:34:10] * Clue walks with Feather Fall. "I really like that shouting spell earlier"
  360. [2014-04-06 00:34:13] * Asami frowns at the less than blantantly obvious ignore attempt made by the alicorn "Well fine be that way...I'll enjoy my pony and chicken by myself...
  361. [2014-04-06 00:34:50] <CrystalDM> 03Feather Fall smiles and nods. "Audible Force? Yeah, we renamed it. The mare who invented it called it 'Bass Cannon'." Feather Fall snickers.
  362. [2014-04-06 00:36:26] * Clue nods. "I wanna learn that one!"
  363. [2014-04-06 00:36:47] <Tallie> "Oh! So bolts-nuts sorta thing, I get it." she chuckles. "What're your parents names? Hammer and Nail?"
  364. [2014-04-06 00:36:57] <CrystalDM> This is actually a good
  365. [2014-04-06 00:37:03] <CrystalDM> (( redact ))
  366. [2014-04-06 00:37:13] <CrystalDM> 03The stallion nods. "Yup."
  367. [2014-04-06 00:37:48] * Emerald_Blitz finishes her second drink, rises gracefully from her seat, and walks past Militus. "I will be waiting in the Atrium when you're done," she says. "Do be so kind as to look me up." With that she leaves for the atrium. She has a book to read, after all.
  368. [2014-04-06 00:38:38] * Militus sighs heavily as Emerald_Blitz exits the room. No way out of this now...
  369. [2014-04-06 00:40:19] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session End====
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