
[Melody Grove - Day 1]

Jun 6th, 2015
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  1. [16:16] <Emilybroshoujo> [Melody Grove - Day 1]
  2. [16:17] <Emilybroshoujo> You return home from depositing the first months rent into the bank, the tenants will start showing up today so you need to be here to help them move their things in.
  3. [16:18] <Emilybroshoujo> Well, some of them anyway. Blendy showed up first thing this morning with an entourage of animated furniture in tow that proceeded to carry itself up the stairs to her room.
  4. [16:19] <Emilybroshoujo> As you pull into the driveway you notice a girl sitting on a suitcase looking bored. It's Suzume.
  5. [16:19] <Emilybroshoujo> She sees you pull up but her expression doesn't really change as you get out of the car and greet her.
  6. [16:20] <Emilybroshoujo> "Morning, need help carrying your things?" You say as warmly as possible.
  7. [16:20] <Emilybroshoujo> She stands up and nods. "Yes, please."
  8. [16:20] <Emilybroshoujo> Thinking nothing of it you reach down and attempt to lift the suitcase, almost throwing your back out in the process from it's unexpected weight.
  9. [16:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Suzume sees your face contort and readily gives you an explanation. "It's very full." She says as though that at all explains it.
  10. [16:21] <Emilybroshoujo> You lift with your legs and manage to hoist the suitcase onto your back.
  11. [16:22] <Emilybroshoujo> She claps for you straight faced, you're not sure if it's sarcastic or not.
  12. [16:22] <Emilybroshoujo> She follows you up to room 2-4.
  13. [16:23] <Emilybroshoujo> When you place the bag in the middle of the room she makes a symbol with her hands and the bag explodes open, instantly decorating her room with an asian-gothic motif.
  14. [16:24] <Emilybroshoujo> She walks around as though making sure everything is in the right place before turning with a bow.
  15. [16:25] <Emilybroshoujo> "Thank you." She says before looking up at you.
  16. [16:26] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm unsure of how to address you." she says tilting her head slightly to the side causing her long dark hair to drift over her eye.
  17. [16:26] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Just Mike is fine.
  18. [16:26] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] I dunno, call me what you want.
  19. [16:26] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] WATASHI WA RANRORD-SAMA DESU
  20. [16:27] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  21. [16:27] <Imouto> [ ] WATASHI WA RANRORD-SAMA DESU
  22. [16:27] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  23. [16:27] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  24. [16:27] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  25. [16:27] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  26. [16:28] <HyakkoF> [x] Just Mike is fine
  27. [16:28] <Sanzaru> [x] WATASHI WA RANRORD-SAMA DESU
  28. [16:29] <Emilybroshoujo> You strike your best kabuki theater pose and make a loud high pitched "YOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo~" Sound before flipping your head around repeatedly.
  29. [16:30] <Emilybroshoujo> "WATASHI WA RANRORD-SAMA DESU!" You shout in your most stereotypical faux Japanese accent.
  30. [16:31] <Emilybroshoujo> You maintain total eye contact with Suzume as you bite your lower lip harder and harder to make your face as intense as possible.
  31. [16:32] <Emilybroshoujo> After a rather long period of vacant staring she bows again and says. "As you wish /ranrord-sama/." perfectly imitating your fake accent.
  32. [16:33] <Emilybroshoujo> You double over from her unexpected willingness to play along and stifle your laughter.
  33. [16:34] <Emilybroshoujo> "Thank you for carrying my things, /ranrord-sama/. I'll be making myself at home if you need anything, /ranrord-sama/." She says as you roll on the ground from the pain of your spasming diaphragm.
  34. [16:35] <Emilybroshoujo> You collect yourself and manage to stand wiping the tears from your eyes.
  35. [16:35] <Emilybroshoujo> "Oh man, I didn't think you'd have a sense of humor." You say though your watery eye'd smile.
  36. [16:35] <Emilybroshoujo> "Humor?" She says with a vacant stare.
  37. [16:36] <Emilybroshoujo> "A-are you serious?" You ask attempting not to laugh any more.
  38. [16:37] <Emilybroshoujo> "If you'll excuse me I'd like to change out of my school uniform." She says blowing off your question.
  39. [16:37] <Emilybroshoujo> "Right." You turn and leave the room.
  40. [16:37] <Emilybroshoujo> "We're going to have a big dinner tonight to celebrate everyone moving in, if you'd like to come it'll be in my apartment on the first floor." You say as she closes the door.
  41. [16:38] <Emilybroshoujo> As you turn to head back down the stairs her door opens again and you hear her say. "I'll see you there, ranrord-sama."
  42. [16:38] <Emilybroshoujo> You quickly turn back and her door closes immediately.
  43. [16:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Still, you're pretty sure you caught a glimpse of a smirk on her face right at the end.
  44. [16:41] <Emilybroshoujo> As you walk down the stairs you see a woman standing in the lobby.
  45. [16:41] <Emilybroshoujo> She's wearing a simple white shirt about 3 sizes too large for her and black spandex shorts.
  46. [16:41] <Emilybroshoujo> As well as thick leather work boots.
  47. [16:42] <Emilybroshoujo> Her arms have shiny black chitinous plating over them and long antennea poke out from her short straight black hair.
  48. [16:43] <Emilybroshoujo> She turns her big blue yes towards you and smiles.
  49. [16:43] <Emilybroshoujo> "You must be Milly." You say as you approach.
  50. [16:43] <Emilybroshoujo> "Eh? How'd you know?" She asks with a puzzled expression.
  51. [16:44] <Emilybroshoujo> "... Your profile said you were a giant ant, so I assumed." You clarify, you heard giant ants weren't exactly gifted at cognitive reasoning.
  52. [16:44] <Emilybroshoujo> "Ah!" She says with a look of sudden realization.
  53. [16:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "Are you Mr. Landlord?" She asks happily as you approach.
  54. [16:45] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Just Mike is fine.
  55. [16:45] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Actualy it's ranrord-sama.
  56. [16:46] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Yeah, that's me.
  57. [16:46] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  58. [16:46] <HyakkoF> [x] Just Mike is fine
  59. [16:46] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  60. [16:46] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  61. [16:46] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  62. [16:46] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  63. [16:48] <Imouto> [ ] Actualy it's ranrord-sama.
  64. [16:49] <Sanzaru> [x] Just Mike is fine
  65. [16:49] <Emilybroshoujo> "Just Mike is fine, nice to meet you."
  66. [16:49] <Emilybroshoujo> She giggles.
  67. [16:50] <Emilybroshoujo> "Your room is right over there, 1-3. First floor just like you requested."
  68. [16:50] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yay~" she says as she runs into the room excitedly.
  69. [16:51] <Emilybroshoujo> She's super cute, not just the way she acts either. Her body is alarmingly well proportioned, particularly her butt and hips. Her legs are really muscular, probably from all the manual labor she likely grew up with.
  70. [16:52] <Emilybroshoujo> You follow her into her room where she's already unpacking art supplies.
  71. [16:52] <Emilybroshoujo> Clay and plaster, materials for sculpting.
  72. [16:53] <Emilybroshoujo> You watch as she starts to rearrange her room excitedly.
  73. [16:53] <Emilybroshoujo> Like a kid on Christmas, to her this is the first step towards living her dream. Reminds of you when you were in a band in high school.
  74. [16:53] <Emilybroshoujo> You find yourself hoping it pans out better for her.
  75. [16:54] <Emilybroshoujo> She notices you in the doorway watching her and motions for you to come in.
  76. [16:54] <Emilybroshoujo> She pulls out a bottle of water from her pack and offers it to you, you accept.
  77. [16:55] <Emilybroshoujo> "Would you like to play with some clay?" She asks with a child-like expression of joy.
  78. [16:55] <Emilybroshoujo> The way she speaks is overly proper, like a kid who's trying to mimic the way their parents told them to talk.
  79. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> You take a lump of clay and start kneading it to soften it up as she starts shaping something from an already in progress work.
  80. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> It's some kind of irregular geometric shape, it's fascinating to look at even half finished.
  81. [16:57] <Emilybroshoujo> It's probably a preform, so she can visualize it fully before reproducing it in a more permanent media.
  82. [16:58] <Emilybroshoujo> It's extremely simple, but also complex. It's hard to wrap your mind around the dimensions of it, like a 3d Escher painting.
  83. [16:58] <Emilybroshoujo> The look of serenity on her face as she works is, for lack of a better term, stunning.
  84. [16:59] <Emilybroshoujo> Several minutes go by with you staring at her before she glances over at you.
  85. [16:59] <Emilybroshoujo> "Aren't you going to make something? I think it's soft by now." She says with a smile.
  86. [16:59] <Emilybroshoujo> You look down at the lump of clay in your hands.
  87. [17:00] <Emilybroshoujo> To be perfectly honest you're not sure why you're still here. It's the first floor so you'll hear anyone who shows up, but you're not much of a visual artist.
  88. [17:00] <Emilybroshoujo> Still, there's something innately fun about holding clay.
  89. [17:00] <Emilybroshoujo> You start to shape it with your hands crudely.
  90. [17:01] <Emilybroshoujo> At first it looks like some kind of creature, you're not really sure what you're trying to make.
  91. [17:02] <Emilybroshoujo> Before long you find yourself holding some kind of winged horse.
  92. [17:02] <Emilybroshoujo> "Is it a horsie?" Milly asks as she scoots towards you.
  93. [17:03] <Emilybroshoujo> You look over and she's finished the clay sculpture she was working on.
  94. [17:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Amazing.
  95. [17:03] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's a pegasus, I think." You say, a little ashamed when comparing yourself to an actual artist.
  96. [17:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "I started thinking about music for some reason, and my guitar is a Pegasus V400. This guy is supposed to look like the logo."
  97. [17:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Milly's eyes sparkle like ocean water as she looks up at you.
  98. [17:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "You can play guitar?" She asks excitedly.
  99. [17:06] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah." You say with a smile. "I'll probably play something at the little party we're going to have to celebrate everyone moving in tonight."
  100. [17:06] <Emilybroshoujo> She bounces excitedly.
  101. [17:07] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm looking forward to it." She says with a genuinely earnest smile.
  102. [17:07] <Emilybroshoujo> What a sweetheart.
  103. [17:07] <Emilybroshoujo> "H-hello..." You hear from the lobby.
  104. [17:09] <Emilybroshoujo> You step out of Milly's room, leaving her to her work, and back into the lobby where a woman is waiting for you.
  105. [17:09] <Emilybroshoujo> She's very pretty from the waist up. Her long violet hair is pulled back in a ponytail but bangs still hang over her eyes.
  106. [17:10] <Emilybroshoujo> Her lower body is that of a black horse with a violet colored tail, a deep purple drape surrounds her with saddle bags of luggage hanging off her sides.
  107. [17:11] <Emilybroshoujo> Her upper body is covered in a purple hoodie, zipped half way up the front and a light pink top underneath.
  108. [17:11] <Emilybroshoujo> "U-um, are you Micheal, the landlord?" she asks nervously.
  109. [17:11] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Yes ma'am, you're in the right place.
  110. [17:12] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] No, I'm Rodeo Jack, notorious cattle poacher.
  111. [17:13] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] That's me, are you a hallucination or am I asleep. Because there's no way something as pretty as you is real.
  112. [17:13] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  113. [17:13] <HyakkoF> [x] Yes ma'am
  114. [17:15] <Imouto> [ ] Yes ma'am, you're in the right place.
  115. [17:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yes ma'am, you're in the right place." You say with a smile.
  116. [17:19] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks visibly relieved.
  117. [17:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "You're Yvonna right?"
  118. [17:19] <Emilybroshoujo> She nods.
  119. [17:20] <Emilybroshoujo> "You requested a remote room right? I have you assigned to 5-9, a corner room on the top floor, nowhere near anyone. Is that alright?"
  120. [17:21] <Emilybroshoujo> She nods again. "Thank you."
  121. [17:25] <Emilybroshoujo> As she heads up the stairs you call out to her "We're going to be having a party tonight to celebrate the apartment opening up. You're invited if you want."
  122. [17:25] <Emilybroshoujo> She stops and mutters a quiet "Thank you."
  123. [17:26] <Emilybroshoujo> As she walks up the stairs you can see up her drape a bit, but that would make you a pervert.
  124. [17:26] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Also >implying horse pussy
  125. [17:26] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] But there's nothing wrong with being a pervert.
  126. [17:26] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] and you're not a pervert.
  127. [17:26] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  128. [17:28] <HyakkoF> Hmm. [x] not a pervert
  129. [17:31] <Imouto> [ ] But there's nothing wrong with being a pervert.
  130. [17:32] <Sanzaru> [x] But there's nothing wrong with being a pervert.
  131. [17:36] <Emilybroshoujo> You lean back as she walks up the stairs and catch a glimpse under her drape, it's a good thing these pants are baggy.
  132. [17:36] <Emilybroshoujo> Once she disappears from view you decide to go grab some lunch.
  133. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> You enter your apartment and grab a sandwich.
  134. [17:40] <Emilybroshoujo> After you scarf it down you decide to...
  135. [17:40] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Take a nap.
  136. [17:40] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Play some guitar.
  137. [17:40] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Masturbate
  138. [17:40] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  139. [17:44] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  140. [17:44] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  141. [17:44] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  142. [17:44] <Emilybroshoujo> HyakkoF Taco_Hell Imouto Sanzaru
  143. [17:44] <HyakkoF> Obviously [x] Masturbate
  144. [17:48] <Imouto> [ ] Masturbate
  145. [18:05] <Emilybroshoujo> You're going to be at a party with a bunch of monstergirls, you should probably go jack it before you do something stupid later.
  146. [18:06] <Emilybroshoujo> You lock the door and... take care of business.
  147. [18:08] <Emilybroshoujo> After you finish you hear someone calling out in the main hall.
  148. [18:10] <Emilybroshoujo> You step outside and you're greeted by a feral looking woman you glares at you with crimson red eyes.
  149. [18:10] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yo. Are you the landlord?" She asks in a gravelly voice.
  150. [18:10] <Emilybroshoujo> She's beautiful but... more than a little intimidating.
  151. [18:11] <Emilybroshoujo> She has dark skin and messy red hair, her eyes are crimson red and her arms are covered in red fur.
  152. [18:11] <Emilybroshoujo> She has dog-like ears and a fluffy red tail as well.
  153. [18:12] <Emilybroshoujo> Her teeth and claws are extremely sharp looking.
  154. [18:12] <Emilybroshoujo> This must be Marcene...
  155. [18:13] <Emilybroshoujo> You were hoping she'd look less like you were expecting, maybe a sweet dog girl. But this girl has clearly been in prison.
  156. [18:13] <Emilybroshoujo> She's wearing a leather jacket and matching pants, the jacket is zipped at the bottom, with no shirt under it giving her a fully exposed cleavage line.
  157. [18:14] <Emilybroshoujo> Her feet end in fur covered claws, she probably can't wear shoes.
  158. [18:14] <Emilybroshoujo> She's also quit muscular with defined abs.
  159. [18:15] <Emilybroshoujo> You should probably stop staring and say something, she's starting to twitch.
  160. [18:15] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Yeah, I'm the landlord.
  161. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Please don't rape me.
  162. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] You are GORGEOUS
  163. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  164. [18:16] <HyakkoF> [x] Yeah
  165. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  166. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  167. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  168. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  169. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  170. [18:17] <Sanzaru> [] You are GORGEOUS
  171. [18:17] <Imouto> [ ] Yeah, I'm the landlord.
  172. [18:19] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Please Don't Rape
  175. [16:13] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  176. [16:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah, I'm the landlord." You say to the terrifying dog girl without visibly showing your fear.
  177. [16:15] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm MArcene, I got my stuff." She says holding up a small bag. "What was my room number again?"
  178. [16:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Her voice is a raspy, kind of breathy sound.
  179. [16:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Despite her appearance her expression is soft, she's not really that intimidating after all.
  180. [16:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's 4-1, do you want me to show you to it?" You ask.
  181. [16:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "No thanks." She turns to head up the stairs.
  182. [16:21] <Emilybroshoujo> "There's going to be a party tonight if you're interested." You say as she leaves.
  183. [16:22] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm not really big on parties." She says quietly as she disappears from view.
  184. [16:22] <Emilybroshoujo> She's not exactly social is she.
  185. [16:22] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Probably for the best, she's a convict after all.
  186. [16:23] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] It kind of makes you worry about her.
  187. [16:23] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Anyway back to masturbating.
  188. [16:23] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  189. [16:23] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  190. [16:23] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  191. [16:23] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  192. [16:23] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  193. [16:23] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  194. [16:23] <Imouto> [ ] It kind of makes you worry about her.
  195. [16:23] <Asubreh> [x] Fap hard, with a vengance
  196. [16:24] <ants> [X] It kind of makes you worry about her ABS
  197. [16:25] <HyakkoF> [x] Makes you worry
  198. [16:28] <Emilybroshoujo> Salem isn't technically a cat, she's a demon who happens to look like a cat.
  199. [16:29] <Emilybroshoujo> In fact technically she's a "Construct [Demon]" modeled to look like a cat.
  200. [16:29] <Emilybroshoujo> There will almost certainly be a cat later though.
  201. [16:30] <Emilybroshoujo> You're a little worried about her, hellhounds, despite being notoriously ill tempered are supposed to also be really social.
  202. [16:31] <Emilybroshoujo> You should make an effort to make friends with her, at least that way she knows not everyone is going to treat her like a criminal.
  203. [16:34] <Emilybroshoujo> As if on cue a voice interrupts your train of thought.
  204. [16:35] <Emilybroshoujo> "Hi there, are you Micheal?"
  205. [16:35] <Emilybroshoujo> You turn an are greeted by a busty harpy. Her wings are huge with red and orange feathers.
  206. [16:36] <Emilybroshoujo> Though despite her eye catching feathers your eyes are immediately draw her her incredibly curvy body.
  207. [16:37] <Emilybroshoujo> She's wearing a buttoned up tropical shirt, despite the baggy nature of her clothing her gigantic breasts are clearly apparent.
  208. [16:38] <Emilybroshoujo> Her hips are wide, even by harpy standards with thick humanlike thighs, feathers exist only around her knees right above the point where her legs become bird like.
  209. [16:39] <Emilybroshoujo> She's wearing denim shorts that hug her plump hips and butt. Her talons end with large raptor-like claws.
  210. [16:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Her skin is dark, and she has a beautiful face with amber colored eyes.
  211. [16:40] <Emilybroshoujo> Her hair is orange with yellow highlights pulled back into a large fluffy ponytail.
  212. [16:40] <Emilybroshoujo> Everything about her appearance is loud and hard to ignore.
  213. [16:40] <Emilybroshoujo> Even her smile pops.
  214. [16:40] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] I... um... y-yeah? Yeah.
  215. [16:40] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Yes, ma'am. That's me.
  216. [16:41] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] You are a GODDESS -drop to your knees-
  217. [16:41] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  218. [16:41] <ants> [X] I... um... y-yeah? Yeah.
  219. [16:42] <Asubreh> [X] Yes, ma'am. That's me.
  220. [16:42] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  221. [16:42] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  222. [16:42] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  223. [16:42] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  224. [16:42] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  225. [16:42] <@Taco_Hell> [x] YAWP
  226. [16:42] <HyakkoF> [x] Yes Ma'am
  227. [16:44] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yes ma'am. That's me." You greet the stunning harpy, what is with how attractive all these girls are?
  228. [16:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm Sherly, room 5-1." She says with a smile.
  229. [16:46] <Emilybroshoujo> "The music teacher right? Pleasure to meet you." You say as you extend your hand.
  230. [16:46] <Emilybroshoujo> She grabs and shakes your hand with both wing tips.
  231. [16:46] <Emilybroshoujo> Her feathers are so soft.
  232. [16:47] <Emilybroshoujo> "Do you need help moving anything up to your room?"
  233. [16:48] <Emilybroshoujo> "Heh, boy do I." She says with a preemptively apologetic look.
  234. [16:48] <Emilybroshoujo> Oh boy here we go.
  235. [16:48] <Emilybroshoujo> There had to be at least one.
  236. [16:48] <Emilybroshoujo> You follow her outside. (DAT BOOTY)
  237. [16:49] <Emilybroshoujo> The joy of looking at her butt is instantly killed when you see all the musical instruments and furniture you're about to have to lug up 5 flights of stairs.
  238. [16:49] <Emilybroshoujo> She immediately starts grabbing the lighter things and flying them up through the window.
  239. [16:50] <Emilybroshoujo> You grab a violin case, a nightstand, and a chair and load them onto your back.
  240. [16:50] <Emilybroshoujo> This is your life for the next hour or so.
  241. [16:51] <Emilybroshoujo> The hardest parts are pieces of furniture that require two people to carry.
  242. [16:51] <Emilybroshoujo> She doesn't have thumbs so you both have to be extremely patient.
  243. [16:51] <Emilybroshoujo> You're glad she's human sized, and not 4 feet tall like most harpies.
  244. [16:52] <Emilybroshoujo> What was she? A Gandharva? You don't know anything about them aside from the fact that they're normally really good musicians and they can charm men with their songs if they choose to.
  245. [16:53] <Emilybroshoujo> But like any other kind of charming, it's about as illegal as drugging and raping someone, so you shouldn't have to worry too much about it.
  246. [16:53] <Emilybroshoujo> She also seems like a sweet enough girl, constantly apologizing for being a bother.
  247. [16:53] <Emilybroshoujo> At the very least you and her will have common ground when it comes to music.
  248. [16:55] <Emilybroshoujo> Finally there's only one piece of furniture left.
  249. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> Her piano... FUCK.
  250. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Ask somebody for help.
  251. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Man up, pussy.
  252. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Try to rig up a pully system and hope nobody dies.
  253. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  254. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  255. [16:56] <Asubreh> [x] Ask for help
  256. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  257. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  258. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  259. [16:56] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  260. [16:56] <HyakkoF> [x] Ask for help
  261. [16:56] <ants> [X] HELP
  262. [17:04] <Emilybroshoujo> "Hey, this is going to get us or your piano broken, let me go see if I can get somebody to help." You say when you see the piano.
  263. [17:05] <Emilybroshoujo> "Y-yeah... sorry." Sherly says with a blush.
  264. [17:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Okay...
  265. [17:05] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Ask Marcene the Hellhound for help.
  266. [17:05] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Ask Milly the Ant for help.
  267. [17:06] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Ask Blendy the Witch for help, maybe she can magic it up the stairs.
  268. [17:06] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  269. [17:06] <HyakkoF> I'm not so sure she will, but this is a good chance for [x] Marcene
  270. [17:06] <ants> [X] DOG
  271. [17:07] <Asubreh> [x] Marcene
  272. [17:07] <Asubreh> Wait no
  273. [17:07] <Asubreh> [x] Milly
  274. [17:09] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Marcene
  275. [17:10] <Sanzaru> [x] marcene
  276. [17:10] <Imouto> [ ] Ask Milly the Ant for help.
  277. [17:12] <Emilybroshoujo> You head up the stairs, Marcene looks really strong. Maybe she'd help.... or maybe she'll rip you in half like a phone book. Time to find out.
  278. [17:12] <Emilybroshoujo> You knock on the door nervously.
  279. [17:12] <Emilybroshoujo> She opens it almost immediately.
  280. [17:12] <Emilybroshoujo> She's staring at you... almost glaring.
  281. [17:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "Hey... sorry to bother you bu-"
  282. [17:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's okay." She says immediately, almost excitedly.
  283. [17:13] <Emilybroshoujo> You glance down and notice her tail is wagging a little.
  284. [17:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "Did you want somethin'?" She asks.
  285. [17:14] <Emilybroshoujo> You smile.
  286. [17:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah, one of the other tenants needs to move a piano up to the top floor and I don't think her and I can lift it, would you mind giving me a hand so nobody ends up in the hospital?"
  287. [17:14] <Emilybroshoujo> She nods her head, still scowling a little but her tail wags excitedly.
  288. [17:15] <Emilybroshoujo> Holy shit your heart.
  289. [17:15] <Emilybroshoujo> She follows you down the stairs, when Sherly sees her she makes a nervous smile.
  290. [17:16] <Emilybroshoujo> "Th-thanks for your help." She says to Marcene as the dog girl grabs the back end of the piano and you grab the front.
  291. [17:16] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's nothing." Marcene says with a frown but Sherly clearly sees her tail wagging happily and smiles.
  292. [17:17] <Emilybroshoujo> It's really easy to carry the piano with Marcene, she's not even breaking a sweat.
  293. [17:17] <Emilybroshoujo> If it weren't so cumbersome she could probably carry it by herself.
  294. [17:17] <Emilybroshoujo> At least you don't have to worry about it falling down the stairs.
  295. [17:18] <Emilybroshoujo> After 10 minutes of slow ascending you make it to Sherly's room.
  296. [17:18] <Emilybroshoujo> The harpy thanks both of you for your time and you inform her of the party you'll be having later.
  297. [17:18] <Emilybroshoujo> "Oh that sounds like fun." She says placing her wings together.
  298. [17:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "Will you be there as well Marcene?" She says looking over at the dog girl.
  299. [17:19] <Emilybroshoujo> ".... Yeah, I guess." She says, her tail thumping against the door frame loudly.
  300. [17:19] <Emilybroshoujo> You can't help but smile.
  301. [17:20] <Emilybroshoujo> You leave Sherly to her redecorating and walk with Marcene back to her room.
  302. [17:20] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] You're actually a good girl huh?
  303. [17:20] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Thanks for your help.
  304. [17:20] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] You're really cute when you're happy."
  305. [17:20] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  306. [17:21] <HyakkoF> [x] Thanks
  307. [17:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  308. [17:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  309. [17:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  310. [17:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  311. [17:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  312. [17:21] <Asubreh> [x] Thanks
  313. [17:21] <ants> [X] Thanks for your help.
  314. [17:22] <Emilybroshoujo> "Thanks for your help, that would have ruined my back." You say as you arrive at her room.
  315. [17:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "Anytime..." She says as she enters her room and closes the door.
  316. [17:23] <Imouto> [x] Thanks
  317. [17:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "See you later tonight." You say with a smile as you walk away.
  318. [17:23] <Emilybroshoujo> You hear her tail thumping against the door but hold in your laughter until you're back on the first floor.
  319. [17:26] <Emilybroshoujo> "Finally." You hear when you arrive on the first floor.
  320. [17:26] <Emilybroshoujo> "You, carry my things to my room. 1-2 I believe."
  321. [17:26] <Emilybroshoujo> You look over at the girl barking orders at you.
  322. [17:27] <Emilybroshoujo> She's beautiful, but you don't really care right now.
  323. [17:27] <Emilybroshoujo> She has short wavy blonde hair and is wearing an elegant white dress cut off just above her knees.
  324. [17:28] <Emilybroshoujo> She also wears white stockins and elbow gloves with gold lace trim, and she has a lot of expensive looking gold jewelry.
  325. [17:28] <Emilybroshoujo> Her skin is pale and delicate looking, like she's never been in sunlight in her life.
  326. [17:29] <Emilybroshoujo> The only thing monster like about her is her eyes and teeth, the former changing color by the second, the latter needle like and pointed.
  327. [17:29] <Emilybroshoujo> Though she's keeping it in her mouth she also has a giant tongue.
  328. [17:29] <Emilybroshoujo> This must be Ava, the mimic, part of you has been dreading this.
  329. [17:30] <Emilybroshoujo> You glance over your shoulder and see room 1-2 is right behind you, literally 10 ft from where she's waiting for you to carry her luggage.
  330. [17:30] <Emilybroshoujo> This delightful princess is going to be your immediate neighbor.
  331. [17:31] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Carry her bags for her with a sigh.
  332. [17:31] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] It's right there, carry them yourself.
  333. [17:31] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Ignore her and enter your room.
  334. [17:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  335. [17:31] <Asubreh> [X] Lay down the LAW. (Don't be rude to people, or they won't help you.)
  336. [17:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  337. [17:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  338. [17:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  339. [17:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  340. [17:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  341. [17:32] <HyakkoF> Well, we helped one person already. [x] Carry
  342. [17:34] <Imouto> Carrryyy~
  343. [17:34] <@Taco_Hell> [x] It's right there
  344. [17:36] <Asubreh> [x] It's right there
  345. [17:38] <Emilybroshoujo> "The room is right there, carry them yourself. I'll be glad to help if you have anything too heavy."
  346. [17:38] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks STUNNED.
  347. [17:38] <Emilybroshoujo> "H-how dare you, I'm a tenant of this hotel." She says puffing up her cheeks.
  348. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's an apartment, not a hotel. I'm not a bell boy." You clarify.
  349. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> "If you want people to do things for you you shouldn't ask so rudely."
  350. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> She huffs and lifts her bag herself.
  351. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Or she attempts to at least.
  352. [17:40] <Emilybroshoujo> She fails to actually bring the bag off the ground and proceeds to slowly drag it towards her room.
  353. [17:40] <Emilybroshoujo> Her strained grunting makes you feel bad and you sigh.
  354. [17:40] <Emilybroshoujo> You walk over and lift the bag with one hand.
  355. [17:41] <Emilybroshoujo> "If you can't carry something you should learn to politely ask people to help you, that kind of self entitlement is exactly what your parents expect you to get over by living on your own." You say as you look down at her.
  356. [17:41] <Emilybroshoujo> "H-how would you know?!" She says angrily.
  357. [17:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "Because it was all included in your form. Nobody is going to be your servant here, so you should learn some manners." You say as you carry the bag into her room and place it gently on the bed.
  358. [17:42] <Emilybroshoujo> When you turn back her cheeks are red and she's glaring at you.
  359. [17:43] <Emilybroshoujo> "I-if I ask politely will you.... help me with things." Her eyes water slightly.
  360. [17:43] <Emilybroshoujo> She's probably really scared, you remember when you moved out of your parents house and how everything overwhelmed you.
  361. [17:44] <Emilybroshoujo> "There's a party tonight to celebrate everyone moving in, that includes you if you'd like to come." You say scratching your cheek.
  362. [17:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "Living on your own is hard even for people who weren't spoiled so, if you need help with something I'll do what I can but don't be a jerk about it."
  363. [17:45] <Emilybroshoujo> You smile at her.
  364. [17:46] <Emilybroshoujo> "Th-thank you..." she says in a barely audible voice under her breath.
  365. [17:46] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] What? I didn't catch that.
  366. [17:46] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] No problem.
  367. [17:46] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Smack her butt as you leave the room.
  368. [17:46] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  369. [17:46] <HyakkoF> [x] No problem
  370. [17:47] <Emilybroshoujo> This vote is basically deciding if you;re going to be nice to her, bully her, or tease her.
  371. [17:47] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  372. [17:47] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  373. [17:47] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  374. [17:47] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  375. [17:47] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  376. [17:47] <Sanzaru> [x] Smack her butt as you leave the room.
  377. [17:48] <Imouto> [x] No problem
  378. [17:51] <@Taco_Hell> [x] What? Lets go full Stone Cold and just say What after she talks.
  379. [17:58] <Asubreh> [x] No problem.
  380. [18:00] <Emilybroshoujo> "No problem." you say with a smile.
  381. [18:00] <Emilybroshoujo> She pouts visibly, it's kind of cute.
  382. [18:00] <Emilybroshoujo> You walk past her and return to your room.
  383. [18:01] <Emilybroshoujo> That's everyone, you grab your wallet and prepare to head to the store to pick up supplies for the party.
  384. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> As you get ready to leave you're greeted by _________ in the lobby.
  385. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Suzume
  386. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Blendy
  387. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Milly
  388. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Yvonna
  389. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Marcene
  390. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Sherly
  391. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Ava
  392. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose~
  393. [18:03] <Asubreh> [x] Yvonna
  394. [18:03] <HyakkoF> [x] Marcene
  395. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> this is a meta choice, an option based not on the players action but on universe's.
  396. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  397. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  398. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  399. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  400. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ants Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  401. [18:05] <Asubreh> [x] Borderline alcoholic best friend who came to join the party
  402. [18:06] <Sanzaru> [x] Marcene
  403. [18:08] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Blendy, Blendy needs some love too
  404. [18:09] <Imouto> [x] Borderline alcoholic best friend who came to join the party
  405. [18:11] <Imouto> if not [x] Marcene
  406. [18:13] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene is just standing there against the wall, her eat twitches.
  407. [18:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "Are you going somewhere?" She asks.
  408. [18:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah, I was going to get supplies for the party. Snacks and stuff."
  409. [18:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "I see..." he tail starts wagging.
  410. [18:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "How did you know I was-" "I heard your keys rattling." she says matter of factly.
  411. [18:15] <Emilybroshoujo> You stare at her blankly.
  412. [18:15] <Emilybroshoujo> "Would you like to come with me?" You ask.
  413. [18:15] <Emilybroshoujo> Her tail looks like she's about to start flying.
  414. [18:15] <Emilybroshoujo> "I guess..."
  415. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> She follows you to your car.
  416. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> She stops when you enter the garage.
  417. [18:18] <Emilybroshoujo> "I-is that a Zentorio 2200? Are you a rock star?" She says with a hint of excitement in her voice.
  418. [18:18] <Emilybroshoujo> "It was my dads." You say with a smile.
  419. [18:18] <Emilybroshoujo> "I see." She grins a little climbing into the passenger seat of the cherry red convertible.
  420. [18:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "You like cars?" You ask.
  421. [18:19] <Emilybroshoujo> She nods as she runs her hand across the dashboard.
  422. [18:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "You take pretty good care of it huh?"
  423. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> "Are you kidding? My inner 16 year old would kill me if I even scratched it. I lost my MIND when dad gave me the keys to this thing."
  424. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> She laughs softly, her raspy voice gives her a sexy giggle.
  425. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> You start the engine and her ears perk up.
  426. [18:21] <Emilybroshoujo> A toothy grin spreads across her face.
  427. [18:21] <Emilybroshoujo> She doesn't say anything though.
  428. [18:21] <Emilybroshoujo> You take off on your way to the store.
  429. [18:21] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  432. [23:54] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  433. [23:56] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene leans on her arm slightly out the window. She seems to be enjoying having the top down.
  434. [23:57] <Emilybroshoujo> She's very dog-like, but you're not sure if it'd be rude to say that or not.
  435. [23:57] <Emilybroshoujo> She's very pretty... you find your eyes drifting towards her any time you don't need to be paying that much attention to the road.
  436. [23:58] <Emilybroshoujo> You arrive at the store and head inside, Marcene follows you.
  437. [23:58] <Emilybroshoujo> You hear a loud high pitched whistle.
  438. [23:59] <Emilybroshoujo> "Hey bitch!"
  439. [23:59] <Emilybroshoujo> MArcene turns around shocked as your friend Franky gets a running start and dives onto you.
  440. [00:00] <Emilybroshoujo> You hoist him into the air and he strikes an eagle pose.
  441. [00:00] <Emilybroshoujo> Everyone around the store stares at you like you're idiots.
  442. [00:00] <Emilybroshoujo> You let him drop and he stumbles a little clinging to you before he loses his balance.
  443. [00:01] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky is a shaggy looking dude with long dirty blonde hair and scruffy stubble.
  444. [00:02] <Emilybroshoujo> He's wearing a blue t-shirt with a hole under the right arm, you've been telling him to throw that piece of shit away for two years.
  445. [00:02] <Emilybroshoujo> His pants are black denim with the knees worn white. Franky paints houses for a living and helped you fix up the apartment.
  446. [00:03] <Emilybroshoujo> You hold each other in headlocks as you talk.
  447. [00:04] <Emilybroshoujo> "Today is the day right baby?" He asks.
  448. [00:04] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm actually getting stuff for the house warming party right now."
  449. [00:06] <Emilybroshoujo> "Sweet. I'm picking up some of this shit." You wrech as he holds up a bag of those gross dried cucumbers he eats. He nods his head and bits his lower lip while bulging his eyes as you as if to say "Yeah motherfucker, I'm going to eat that shit."
  450. [00:06] <Emilybroshoujo> You push his face away from you and glance over at Marcene who's just standing there staring with a scowl.
  451. [00:07] <Emilybroshoujo> Her tail is telling you she wants to meet your friend.
  452. [00:07] <Emilybroshoujo> "Franky this is Marcene, Marcene this is my pal Franky. We've known each other since preschool."
  453. [00:07] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky turns towards her.
  454. [00:08] <Emilybroshoujo> "Pleasure to meet you." He says as he slowly reaches for your chest without you noticing and twists your nipple.
  455. [00:09] <Emilybroshoujo> "Ah bitch!" You shout as you push him away from you. He laughs through the entire process.
  456. [00:09] <Emilybroshoujo> "Nice to meet you too." Marcene says, her tail wagging in response to the rough housing.
  457. [00:10] <Emilybroshoujo> "So is she one of your live in house monsters or have you developed game in the past 24 hours." Franky asks, finally settling down as you rub your sore mantit.
  458. [00:11] <Emilybroshoujo> "The former, unfortunately." You say as you start tossing Franky bags of chips and things that he catches without question.
  459. [00:11] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene blushes ever so slightly at the implication of "unfortunately".
  460. [00:12] <Emilybroshoujo> "Marcene do you want anything specifically?" You ask her as you continue to load up your mule of a friend.
  461. [00:13] <Emilybroshoujo> She picks out a type of jerky made specifically for dog girls and the three of you carry your crap up to the counter.
  462. [00:13] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky pays for it all knowing you'll loan him money if he needs it anyway.
  463. [00:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "So you going to come to the party or are you gonna be a stranger?" You ask as he follows you and Marcene out the door.
  464. [00:15] <Emilybroshoujo> "That depends on whether or not your sexy ass sister is gonna be there or not." He says gyrating his hips.
  465. [00:15] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah, she will, and so will Bear." You say with a smirk.
  466. [00:16] <Emilybroshoujo> "SHIT!" You says as he climbs into his pick up truck through the window, it reeks of paint and the back is full of construction supplies.
  467. [00:16] <Emilybroshoujo> "You know what I'll risk it, I only need one hand for sweet love making anyway." You says with a toothy grin as he closes the door to his truck.
  468. [00:17] <Emilybroshoujo> You toss him a bottle of soda and get in your car.
  469. [00:17] <Emilybroshoujo> "See you there sexy!" He shouts as he drives off towards his house, probably to change.
  470. [00:18] <Emilybroshoujo> "Why did he call you sexy?" Marcene asks as you leave the parking lot.
  471. [00:18] <Emilybroshoujo> "Because he's stupid." You say with a smile while shaking your head.
  472. [00:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "Want to listen to some music?"
  473. [00:19] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene nods and you turn on the radio. It defaults to classic rock, which she seems entirely okay with.
  474. [00:19] <Emilybroshoujo> Not like you needed more reasons to like her.
  475. [00:20] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Head home now that you got supplies.
  476. [00:20] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Go see if your sister wants a ride so she doesn't have to bring her car.
  477. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Go invite "him" to the party as well, since Franky is gonna be there.
  478. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  479. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ant Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  480. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ant Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  481. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ant Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  482. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ant Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  483. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ant Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  484. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Break time.
  485. [00:21] <Emilybroshoujo> I need DRANK
  486. [00:21] <Imouto> [ ] Go see if your sister wants a ride so she doesn't have to bring her car.
  487. [00:21] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Go invite him
  488. [00:21] <Asubreh> [x] Disregard "him", obtain Imouto/Nee-san
  489. [00:22] <Sanzaru> [x] Go see if your sister wants a ride so she doesn't have to bring her car.
  490. [00:27] <Emilybroshoujo> You make a left turn towards your sisters house but Marcene doesn't seem to notice.
  491. [00:28] <Emilybroshoujo> After a few minutes she realizes you're in a much better neighborhood.
  492. [00:30] <Emilybroshoujo> You pull into the drive way and quickly get out of the car startling Marcene as you run towards the door.
  493. [00:31] <Emilybroshoujo> The door opens and a huge furry beast starts to run towards you as you drop to your knees.
  494. [00:32] <Emilybroshoujo> Bear, your sisters pure blood tibetan mastiff jumps up on you excitedly and places his massive paws on your shoulders and you rub his sides.
  495. [00:33] <Emilybroshoujo> "Who's a big fuzzy, who's a big fuzzy bear?" You say in a cutesy voice as he rolls onto his back.
  496. [00:34] <Emilybroshoujo> Your sister steps out the door with her hand on her hip. "If you get him dirty you're bathing him this time." She says as she walks towards you.
  497. [00:34] <Emilybroshoujo> Her black hair has pink highlights today.
  498. [00:36] <Emilybroshoujo> She's wearing her Aces Ate, T-shirt and her black jeans. She has an unhealthy love for that band, then again you have posters in your closet of grown men from hair metal bands in what would essentially be considered drag today so maybe you're not one to talk.
  499. [00:37] <Emilybroshoujo> She's wearing way too much eyeliner as usual.
  500. [00:37] <Emilybroshoujo> When Bear is done mauling you with love you stand up and hug her.
  501. [00:37] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene has gotten out of the car and is cautiously deciding if she wants to approach Bear or not.
  502. [00:38] <Emilybroshoujo> He turns and looks at her.
  503. [00:38] <Emilybroshoujo> They have a staredown.
  504. [00:38] <Emilybroshoujo> He let's out a soft "Bow" which of course, due to his size is still thunderous.
  505. [00:38] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene's hair stands on in and she cowers behind your car.
  506. [00:39] <Emilybroshoujo> "He's harmless, he won't attack anybody unless me or Mikey tells him to." Michelle assures Marcene as she walks towards her patting bear on the head.
  507. [00:40] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm Mikey's sister." She says as she shakes Marcene's hand. "You must be one of his tenants right? I'm sure he couldn't get a date with somebody like you."
  508. [00:40] <Emilybroshoujo> You bop Michelle on the head with a stack of envelops you got from her mailbox as you walk past.
  509. [00:41] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene is blushing from the comment and she mutters something under her breath that neither you nor Michelle hears.
  510. [00:41] <Emilybroshoujo> Michelle sticks her tongue out at you as you look through your mail.
  511. [00:41] <Emilybroshoujo> "Did you file for change of adress?" She asks.
  512. [00:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yep, this is all junk mail anyway." You say until you get to a letter from Robby.
  513. [00:42] <Emilybroshoujo> "Oh shit." You say with a smile.
  514. [00:42] <Emilybroshoujo> Michelle clings to you and leans over your shoulder. "A letter from Rob?" She asks.
  515. [00:44] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah." You open the letter, it talks about his trip so far. Your friend Robert joined a foreign relief organization to help give medical care to kids in third world countries after he finished med school.
  516. [00:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "It says he won't be able to write again for a while since the village he's in doesn't get regular postage. You can read the rest if you want." You say handing your sister the letter.
  517. [00:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "What a guy." she says with a smirk.
  518. [00:46] <Emilybroshoujo> "Speaking of my awesome friends, Franky is coming to our house warming party tonight." You say as you sit on the hood of the car.
  519. [00:47] <Emilybroshoujo> You glance over at Marcene, not wanting to third wheel her, but she's petting Bear and her tail is causing a mini sand storm in the driveway so you just smile and turn back towards Michelle.
  520. [00:47] <Emilybroshoujo> "You want a ride or do you want to take your car?" You ask her as she looks up from the letter.
  521. [00:48] <Emilybroshoujo> "Depends, are you offering because you're a sweet little brother or so I won't be able to get home by myself?"
  522. [00:48] <Emilybroshoujo> "Whatever do you mean?" You ask with a big toothy smile.
  523. [00:48] <Emilybroshoujo> "I mean are you being nice or wingmanning for Franky?" She asks with her hand on her hip.
  524. [00:49] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yes, because I want Francis McFuckery to be the father of my nieces and nephews." You say as you open the back door and whistle for Bear who comes running.
  525. [00:49] <Emilybroshoujo> Michelle laughs and climbs in the back next to her fluff monster.
  526. [00:50] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene get's back in the front seat and you pull out of the driveway.
  527. [00:50] <Emilybroshoujo> "When do you think Rob will be back stateside?" Michelle asks after a few minutes.
  528. [00:52] <Emilybroshoujo> "Who knows, I miss the son of a bitch though." You say, glancing at a picture of you, Rob, Franky, Jack, and Marcus in high school that you keep tucked behind rear view mirror.
  529. [00:53] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene looks over at you as if she can tell something is wrong with the look on your face.
  530. [00:53] <Emilybroshoujo> You smile softly at her to reassure her it's alright and she smiles.
  531. [00:53] <Emilybroshoujo> Bear sticks his head between the two of you and barks as Michelle yells at him for whacking her in the head with his tail.
  532. [00:53] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  533. [00:53] <Emilybroshoujo> This might be a brief intermission.
  534. [00:54] <Emilybroshoujo> I just want to give everyone a chance to talk and collect my thoughts.
  535. [00:54] <ant> what a happy family
  536. [00:54] <Asubreh> So Franky wants to bone your sister, but your sister want's Rob's D. Got it
  537. [00:54] <Emilybroshoujo> I'm trying a character with no deep personal issues as the MC for once.
  538. [00:54] <Emilybroshoujo> You shouldn't make assumptions.
  539. [00:54] <Emilybroshoujo> Rob is a cool dude.
  540. [00:55] <Asubreh> Didn't say he's not.
  541. [00:55] <Emilybroshoujo> I meant you shouldn't assume she wants to bone him because she talked about him, if you had a best friend who was on a mission in Africa your sister would probably ask about him form time to time too.
  542. [00:56] <Emilybroshoujo> I haven't actually decided who she wants to bone.
  543. [00:56] <Emilybroshoujo> technically there's an unlockable incest route, but it's really hard to trigger.
  544. [00:57] <Emilybroshoujo> Anyway.
  545. [00:57] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Go invite Jack to the party as well.
  546. [00:57] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Head home, it's party time.
  547. [00:57] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  548. [00:57] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ant Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  549. [00:57] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ant Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  550. [00:57] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ant Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  551. [00:57] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ant Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  552. [00:57] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell ant Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  553. [00:57] <Asubreh> We don't know who Jack is right?
  554. [00:58] <Emilybroshoujo> He hasn't been introduced beyond a photot.
  555. [00:58] <Emilybroshoujo> A photo that would have had his face sunglared out if this was an anime.
  556. [00:58] <ant> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  557. [00:58] <Emilybroshoujo> Along with Marcus and Rob.
  558. [00:58] <ant> [X] Go invite Jack to the party as well.
  559. [00:58] <Asubreh> [x] Jack
  560. [00:59] <Asubreh> May as well get his character introduced so we know if we should avoid the guy
  561. [00:59] <Asubreh> Also, is the sister older or younger>
  562. [01:00] <Emilybroshoujo> She called him her little brother in one line.
  563. [01:00] <Emilybroshoujo> She's two years older.
  564. [01:00] <Asubreh> Missed that, but gotcha.
  565. [01:00] <ant> how could a character like that be younger
  566. [01:01] <Asubreh> It's possible
  567. [01:01] <Asubreh> Shit gets weird among siblings man
  568. [01:03] <Sanzaru> [x] THE MEMES, JACK
  569. [01:06] <Emilybroshoujo> You pull up to the front of a soup kitchen.
  570. [01:06] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene looks puzzled.
  571. [01:06] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm gonna go let Jack know about the party, you guys wait here I'll be right back." You say with a smile as you get out of the car.
  572. [01:07] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene looks back at your sister with a puzzled look.
  573. [01:07] <Emilybroshoujo> "What do you think?" She asks, giving an answer to the question on the dog girls face.
  574. [01:07] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene smiles.
  575. [01:08] <Emilybroshoujo> You enter the building, there are homeless people all over the place. Human and monster alike.
  576. [01:08] <Emilybroshoujo> You recognize a couple and wave at them.
  577. [01:08] <Emilybroshoujo> As you approach the kitchen you see Janine behind the counter, the sassy heavy-set black woman looks at you and makes a kissy face.
  578. [01:09] <Emilybroshoujo> "Hey Jenine, can I go into the kitchen for a minute. I need to talk to JAck."
  579. [01:09] <Emilybroshoujo> "Oh sugah, you know you can." She says waving her ladle at you like you're silly for asking.
  580. [01:10] <Emilybroshoujo> You enter the kitchen and your friend with greased up short black hair is jamming out on his ipod while doing dishes.
  581. [01:11] <Emilybroshoujo> You get uncomfortably close to his ear before pulling out one of his ear buds and whispering "hoooooooooot seeeeeeeeex" in a low gutteral voice.
  582. [01:12] <Emilybroshoujo> He turns unphased and kisses you on the forehead.
  583. [01:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "What's up sexy?" He says in a slightly effeminate (fake) voice before turning back towards his dishes.
  584. [01:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm having a house warming party tonight and ended up inviting Franky, so I figured I'd invite you too." You say flatly.
  585. [01:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "Oh I see how it fucking is." he turns quickly pretending to be offended.
  586. [01:16] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm just an afterthought, huh? Fuck Jackie, right? It's not like I kept you warm all those sleepless night. It's not like I gave you away at your wedding. It's not like it's MY KIDNEY pumping all them rockstar drugs out of your system." He says flailing his arms dramatically before collapsing in a heap on the ground and outstretching his leg dramatically.
  587. [01:16] <Emilybroshoujo> "LITERALLY" You shout.
  588. [01:17] <Emilybroshoujo> "Zero percent of that is true."
  589. [01:17] <Emilybroshoujo> He hops up off the ground and turns back to the dishes.
  590. [01:17] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'll see you there baby." He waves you off before putting his earbud back in.
  591. [01:18] <Emilybroshoujo> You walk back out to the car shaking your head.
  592. [01:18] <Emilybroshoujo> Janine laughs having heard the whole thing.
  593. [01:18] <Emilybroshoujo> You wave to her as you leave.
  594. [01:19] <Emilybroshoujo> When you reach the car Michelle is holding her ribs laughing and Marcene is covering her face.
  595. [01:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "What did I miss?" You ask as you get in.
  596. [01:20] <Emilybroshoujo> Michelle talls you between laughs "Nothing, Marcene could hear that whole thing because of her sensitive ears and was giving me a shot for shot reenactment between laughing.
  597. [01:20] <Emilybroshoujo> You look over at her, she's shaking like she's holding in laughter but she suddenly stops and looks up straight faced.
  598. [01:20] <Emilybroshoujo> Her cheeks are flushed red and her eyes have clearly been watering.
  599. [01:21] <Emilybroshoujo> You're jealous now... you'd have much rather seen the Marcene version.
  600. [01:21] <Emilybroshoujo> You shake your head and start the car, time to head home.
  601. [01:21] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  604. [17:22] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  605. [17:22] <Emilybroshoujo> You pull into the driveway and you see Franky's truck is parked in the front with a couple folding tables in the back.
  606. [17:23] <Emilybroshoujo> When you head inside you see him spreading a table cloth on one of the tables. A radio is set up on a steel chair blaring R&B.
  607. [17:24] <Emilybroshoujo> When Bear see's Franky he runs up to him and starts shoving him with his nose until he gets pets.
  608. [17:24] <Emilybroshoujo> "What's all this?" You ask.
  609. [17:25] <Emilybroshoujo> "I figured you might not want to try cramming ten plus people in that shitty little apartment of yours." Franky says kneeling down to pet Bear.
  610. [17:27] <Emilybroshoujo> Milly steps out of her room dancing energetically to the music on the radio.
  611. [17:28] <Emilybroshoujo> "I take it you and Milly have met?" You ask your scruffy friend as you start pouring chips into the bowls.
  612. [17:29] <Emilybroshoujo> "Sort of, I introduced myself as your lover and told her to back up off my man. Her reaction was like a 3/10." He says looking genuinely disappointed.
  613. [17:29] <Emilybroshoujo> You quickly walk over to Milly and explain to her that Franky was joking and is in fact, NOT your gay lover.
  614. [17:30] <Emilybroshoujo> She seems confused but you're pretty sure she understands the main points.
  615. [17:31] <Emilybroshoujo> You hear a shuffling on the floor and turn to see Franky doing the dance he invented in middle school dubbed the Francis Shuffle.
  616. [17:32] <Emilybroshoujo> "This is going to be a long night." You mutter low enough that only Michelle hears you.
  617. [17:32] <Emilybroshoujo> Marcene has started helping lay out the snacks and such.
  618. [17:32] <Emilybroshoujo> She's a good girl.
  619. [17:33] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky attempts to teach her the Francis Shuffle but she's clearly not feeling it.
  620. [17:33] <Emilybroshoujo> Evident by her vacant stare,
  621. [17:33] <Emilybroshoujo> though her tail says she would if she wasn't embarrassed.
  622. [17:34] <Emilybroshoujo> You notice Ava peeking out her door. When she sees you've noticed her she slams it shut.
  623. [17:35] <Emilybroshoujo> As you're considering going to talk to her Suzume steps down the stairs.
  624. [17:36] <Emilybroshoujo> She's wearing a silk black and pink kimono with her hair up.
  625. [17:36] <Emilybroshoujo> Her expression is stoic and neutral but her eyes betray her excitement when she sees Milly comically imitating Franky's dance.
  626. [17:37] <Emilybroshoujo> "Heard the music huh?" You ask as she walks over to the snack table and tastes one of the chips.
  627. [17:37] <Emilybroshoujo> She nods.
  628. [17:38] <Emilybroshoujo> "Glad you could join us." You say with a smile.
  629. [17:38] <Emilybroshoujo> "Thank you... ranrord-sama." She says narrowing her eyes slightly.
  630. [17:38] <Emilybroshoujo> "AHAHAHA WHAT?" Michelle asks leaning over the table.
  631. [17:38] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Shut up, don't ask.
  632. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Explain the joke via demonstration.
  633. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Stuff an apple in Michelle's mouth and go talk to Ava.
  634. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  635. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  636. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  637. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  638. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  639. [17:39] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  640. [17:40] <HyakkoF> [x] Demonstration
  641. [17:41] <Sanzaru> Shut up, don't ask.
  642. [17:42] <Sanzaru> [x]
  643. [17:46] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Stuff
  644. [17:48] <Imouto> [ ] Explain the joke via demonstration.
  645. [17:48] <Emilybroshoujo> Finally.
  646. [17:49] <Emilybroshoujo> You look at Michelle with really intense eyes and strike a kabuki pose.
  647. [17:49] <Emilybroshoujo> You "Yoooooo~" while whipping your head around getting everyones attention.
  648. [17:49] <Emilybroshoujo> "Watashi wa......."
  649. [17:50] <Emilybroshoujo> "RANRORD-SAMA DESU!" You shout looking up suddenly.
  650. [17:50] <Emilybroshoujo> There's a total silence as everyone processes what they just watched when suddenly the silence is broken.
  651. [17:51] <Emilybroshoujo> As though you rehearsed it Franky strikes the underside of an empty snack bowl with his fingertips producing a sound like the drums used in traditional kabuki theater.
  652. [17:52] <Emilybroshoujo> You, and then everyone else in the room, even Marcene, burst into laughter with the exception of Suzume who produces a tiny half smile.
  653. [17:53] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky comes across the room for a high five.
  654. [17:54] <Emilybroshoujo> "Man, you're pretty funny." You hear from behind you and you turn to see the upside down face of Blendy.
  655. [17:55] <Emilybroshoujo> She's clearly been laughing, you wonder how long she's been hovering above everyone unnoticed. She's hanging from her broom by her legs.
  656. [17:56] <Emilybroshoujo> Her clothes are different. She's wearing an orange tank top, with very poor breast support as they're almost touching her chin while she's upside down.
  657. [17:57] <Emilybroshoujo> Her skirt is replaced by black denim shorts, really tight on her of course. Her black and orange stripped stockings are unchanged but her hat is missing.
  658. [17:57] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks human, except for the whole magic thing.
  659. [17:57] <Emilybroshoujo> Salem has already claimed a snack bowl for herself and sits on the corner of a table shoveling chips into her mouth.
  660. [17:58] <Emilybroshoujo> Orange sparkles appear around Blendy and carry her to the ground when she dismounts her broom.
  661. [17:58] <Emilybroshoujo> She walks over and introduces herself to everyone.
  662. [17:59] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky seems smitten by her, but then again Franky has always been weak to girls of questionable morals and Blendy is for lack of a better word, very slutty.
  663. [18:00] <Emilybroshoujo> He won't hit on another girl in front of Michelle though.
  664. [18:00] <Emilybroshoujo> In fact your sister is already having him refill her drink and bring her food while she talks tot he girls.
  665. [18:01] <Emilybroshoujo> Speaking of, Marcene taps your shoulder and hold out a red solo cup full of soda.
  666. [18:01] <Emilybroshoujo> You take it and thank her with a smile, which causes her tail to wag faster.
  667. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> There are three more guests yet to be accounted for, Ava is hiding in her room, probably still angry or shy or... whatever she's feeling because of your confrontation this morning.
  668. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Sherly and Yvonne are on the top floor, so they might not be able to hear the music.
  669. [18:03] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Go invite Sherly to the party personally.
  670. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Go invite Yvonne to the party personally.
  671. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] See if you can get Ava out of her room.
  672. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose
  673. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  674. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  675. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  676. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  677. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  678. [18:04] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  679. [18:04] <HyakkoF> [x] See if you can get Ava out
  680. [18:05] <Imouto> [ ] See if you can get Ava out of her room.
  681. [18:05] <@Taco_Hell> [x] See if you
  682. [18:07] <Emilybroshoujo> You walk over to Ava's room and knock on the door.
  683. [18:08] <Emilybroshoujo> "What is it?" She says in a snooty voice from the other side.
  684. [18:08] <Emilybroshoujo> You can tell she has her back against the door.
  685. [18:08] <Emilybroshoujo> "You can join the party anytime you know. It's for everyone."
  686. [18:10] <Emilybroshoujo> "I don't have any interest in these kinds of vulgar festivities. A gala should involve elegant clothing and classical music." She mutters.
  687. [18:10] <Emilybroshoujo> You sign.
  688. [18:11] <Emilybroshoujo> "That's because this is a party, not a gala." You say as you unlock the door with your key and push it forward.
  689. [18:12] <Emilybroshoujo> Ava, with all the physical strength of a popsicle stick man is sent forward face down with her butt in the air.
  690. [18:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "Stop being snooty and come have fun, trust fund or not you're a commoner until your parents let you move back in." You say as you extend her a hand.
  691. [18:13] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks up at you pouting with her hands on her knees.
  692. [18:13] <Emilybroshoujo> Cute/10
  693. [18:13] <Emilybroshoujo> She extends her hand and takes yours daintily. You easily pull her to her feet, she's not even a hundred pounds.
  694. [18:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "Ladies first." You say as you motion towards the door.
  695. [18:14] <Emilybroshoujo> You were expecting it to annoy her but she just turns her nose up and says "Thank you." in an entitled manner.
  696. [18:15] <Emilybroshoujo> You briefly consider tripping her but then remember this isn't third grade.
  697. [18:15] <Emilybroshoujo> She steps outside and everyone turns towards her for a moment then they all go backs to what they're doing.
  698. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Clearly not used to not being the center of attention Ava pouts and takes a deep breath as if she's about to go on a rant when the front door is opened and an air horn goes off.
  699. [18:16] <Emilybroshoujo> "Ah FUCK!" You say as your ears are ringing.
  700. [18:17] <Emilybroshoujo> "Where the fuck did you even get that?" You say as you snatch the air horn out of Jacks hand, easy since he's doubled over from laughter.
  701. [18:18] <Emilybroshoujo> Ava is frozen in place, a look of fear on her face. Her eyes are whited over.
  702. [18:18] <Emilybroshoujo> She's clearly not used to loud noises.
  703. [18:19] <Emilybroshoujo> Milly, as though she's see this kind of thing before makes a bench by placing three chairs together and lays Ava down on it before covering her eyes with a damp cloth and going back to her conversation with Salem about playdoh.
  704. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky walks over and looks down at the apparently unconscious Ava.
  705. [18:20] <Emilybroshoujo> "Did he kill her?" He says before taking a sip of his soda.
  706. [18:21] <Emilybroshoujo> Jack, after finishing his laughing walks over to Ava and apologizes to her unconscious body.
  707. [18:21] <Emilybroshoujo> You punch him sharply in the back of the head.
  708. [18:21] <Emilybroshoujo> "W-what was that noise?" A meek voice asks from the staircase.
  709. [18:22] <Emilybroshoujo> You turn to see Yvonne step out of the stairwell.
  710. [18:22] <Emilybroshoujo> "Sorry, my friends are idiots." You say as you approach the horse woman.
  711. [18:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's alright... I see the party is well underway." She says.
  712. [18:23] <Emilybroshoujo> Her body language indicates she's a very introverted person.
  713. [18:24] <Emilybroshoujo> "You don't have to dance or anything, you can just enjoy the music and food if you like." You say, trying to assure her nobody is going to harass her.
  714. [18:24] <Emilybroshoujo> "That's sweet, but I'm fine." She says with a smile as she touches your cheek.
  715. [18:25] <Emilybroshoujo> "One of the advantages of having a degree in psychology is that it helps when working through your own issues. If you think I'm bad now you should have seen me in highschool." She says with a small smile.
  716. [18:26] <Emilybroshoujo> Despite what she says the way she talks is forced and stilted, she's clearly uncomfortable with crowds but is forcing herself.
  717. [18:26] <Emilybroshoujo> Part of you admires that.
  718. [18:26] <Emilybroshoujo> You turn away from Yvonne, but almost trip over Milly who's staring at her starry eyed.
  719. [18:27] <Emilybroshoujo> "ARE YOU A HORSE?" She says excitedly.
  720. [18:27] <Emilybroshoujo> It makes Yvonne flinch.
  721. [18:27] <Emilybroshoujo> Blendy floats over and starts hovering around Yvonne.
  722. [18:28] <Emilybroshoujo> "Technically she's a nightmare, a species of centaur with a magical connection to the astral plane." The witch says as she holds up a finger.
  723. [18:28] <Emilybroshoujo> Milly blinks vacantly.
  724. [18:29] <Emilybroshoujo> ".... She's a dream horse!" Blendy immediately says in a happy voice like she's addressing a young child.
  725. [18:29] <Emilybroshoujo> Milly's eyes almost turn into actual stars from her clearly visible excitement.
  726. [18:30] <Emilybroshoujo> Yvonne's face is flushed hot red from all the attention and she's visibly shaking as she extends her hand out towards Milly.
  727. [18:30] <Emilybroshoujo> You're certain if you could see beneath her bangs her eyes would be watering.
  728. [18:31] <Emilybroshoujo> She pats Milly on the head and manages to stammer out "G-g-good girl..." With a painfully forced smile.
  729. [18:32] <Emilybroshoujo> This seems to make Milly extremely happy and she leads Yvonne over to the snack table.
  730. [18:32] <Emilybroshoujo> "She is a good girl," The melodic voice says from next to you.
  731. [18:32] <Emilybroshoujo> Sherly has come down the stairs as well.
  732. [18:33] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks at you with a beautiful smile.
  733. [18:33] <Emilybroshoujo> "Great party." She says with a wink.
  734. [18:34] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Now it is.
  735. [18:34] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Yeah, I'm glad everyone get's along.
  736. [18:34] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] You haven't seen anything yet.
  737. [18:34] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  738. [18:34] <HyakkoF> [x] Everyone
  739. [18:34] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  740. [18:34] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  741. [18:34] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  742. [18:34] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  743. [18:34] <Emilybroshoujo> Taco_Hell Asubreh HyakkoF Imouto Sanzaru
  744. [18:35] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Now it is
  745. [18:45] <Sanzaru> [x] Now it is.
  746. [18:52] <Imouto> [ ] Now it is.
  747. [18:53] <Emilybroshoujo> "Now it is." You say with a smile.
  748. [18:53] <Emilybroshoujo> Her cheeks tint slightly pink and she looks away.
  749. [18:53] <Emilybroshoujo> Awww yiss.
  750. [18:54] <Emilybroshoujo> Now that everyone is here you should probably be a good host.
  751. [18:54] <Emilybroshoujo> Everyone is talking and enjoying the food.
  752. [18:54] <Emilybroshoujo> Ava has woken up and sits at one of the snack tables angrily muching on corn chips.
  753. [18:57] <Emilybroshoujo> You enter your apartment and grab your guitar.
  754. [18:58] <Emilybroshoujo> Everyone turns towards you and Franky turns the radio off.
  755. [19:00] <Emilybroshoujo> You strum a few notes and start playing, everyone watches you while they resume their conversations.
  756. [19:02] <Emilybroshoujo> You don't play anything too technical, but Sherly appreciates the fact you're playing extremely well.
  757. [19:02] <Emilybroshoujo> Milly sits on the floor in front of you cross legged and devotes her full attention to you.
  758. [19:03] <Emilybroshoujo> Mercene is pretending not to pay attention to you but keeps glancing over rather obviously.
  759. [19:03] <Emilybroshoujo> After a while Jack puts a cigarette in his mouth and walks outside, Franky follows him.
  760. [19:04] <Emilybroshoujo> You finish the song you're playing and walk outside as well.
  761. [19:04] <Emilybroshoujo> :Something wrong?" You ask Jack as he leans on the sidewalk railing.
  762. [19:06] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky has headed towards his truck for something.
  763. [19:06] <Emilybroshoujo> Jack doesn't respond to your question, but you already know the answer.
  764. [19:07] <Emilybroshoujo> "You're so damn good." He says as ash falls from his cigarette.
  765. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> "We all were." You reply as you sit on the railing.
  766. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> "You could still make something out of it."
  767. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> You look down at the ground.
  768. [19:09] <Emilybroshoujo> Franky walks up and puts a cold beer against your face.
  769. [19:09] <Emilybroshoujo> You and Jack each take one and all three of you crack them open.
  770. [19:09] <Emilybroshoujo> "It's been 5 years, huh?" Franky says putting his arm around you.
  771. [19:10] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yep." You and Jack both reply.
  772. [19:10] <Emilybroshoujo> All three of you look up at the sky.
  773. [19:10] <Emilybroshoujo> "Think we'd still be playing if he was here?" Franky asks.
  774. [19:11] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah, definitely... he'd probably be pissed we stopped." Jack says looking a little ashamed.
  775. [19:11] <Emilybroshoujo> You take a swig of your beer and hold it up.
  776. [19:12] <Emilybroshoujo> "To Marcus...." You say.
  777. [19:12] <Emilybroshoujo> The three of you tap the necks of your beers together and take a drink before pouring a bit of each beer on the ground.
  778. [19:12] <Emilybroshoujo> You finish your drinks before heading back inside.
  779. [19:13] <Emilybroshoujo> The party winds down slowly, Jack leaves a little early since he has to work tomorrow. Franky ends up driving Michelle home and all the girls return to their rooms after helping clean up.
  780. [19:14] <Emilybroshoujo> You sit in a folding chair in the lobby as things quiet down.
  781. [19:14] <Emilybroshoujo> You pick up your guitar and hit a long chord.
  782. [19:15] <Emilybroshoujo> As you hold the chord you close your eyes and you can hear the sound of Franky's drums and Jacks bass.
  783. [19:15] <Emilybroshoujo> The songs still play in your head constantly.
  784. [19:16] <Emilybroshoujo> You hear the rhythm guitar from Rob and you remember Marcus nudging you when you forgot to sing your part because you were too into playing.
  785. [19:17] <Emilybroshoujo> You remember his voice, when you wrote lyrics they were meant to be sung by him.
  786. [19:19] <Emilybroshoujo> Thoughts of your best friend run through your head as you unconsciously start playing the solo to "Waterfall", you wrote that song in 9th grade and you can still play it from muscle memory, how many times have you played this solo.
  787. [19:20] <Emilybroshoujo> You remember sharing your lunch with Marcus when he couldn't afford his own. You remember his face when Rob's parents rented the five of you a studio on his birthday.
  788. [19:20] <Emilybroshoujo> You remember the sinking feeling in your chest when you got the call he was in a car accident.
  789. [19:21] <Emilybroshoujo> It makes you miss a note.
  790. [19:21] <Emilybroshoujo> You stop and smile to yourself.
  791. [19:22] <Emilybroshoujo> "Rest in peace Marc..." You say as you stand up and enter your apartment. You need to get some sleep.
  792. [19:22] <Emilybroshoujo> You know somebody was watching, but they probably won't ask.
  793. [19:23] <Emilybroshoujo> You put on some music and climb in bed, you don't have anything major planned for tomorrow but the live in mechanic is supposed to be moving in, and you never know what else could happen.
  794. [19:24] <Emilybroshoujo> You fall asleep. The last thing you remember is looking over at your guitar and wondering if you'll ever play a new song on it again.
  795. [19:24] <Emilybroshoujo> [Day 1 - End]
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