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- /****************************************
- * a2dp-alsa.c
- * Enable A2DP sink and source on ALSA devices using bluez DBus API.
- * In short - it enables remote devices to send sound to the computer (sink)
- * and enables the computer (source) to send sound to bluetooth speakers.
- *
- * For bluez 4.x.
- *
- * Copyright (C) James Budiono 2013
- * License: GNU GPL Version 3 or later
- * Version 1: June 2013
- ****************************************/
- // std includes
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <dbus/dbus.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <poll.h>
- #include "uthash.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #include "system.h"
- #include "kernel.h"
- #include "panic.h"
- #include "core_alloc.h"
- #include "sound.h"
- #include "ata.h"
- #include "codecs.h"
- #include "codec_thread.h"
- #include "voice_thread.h"
- #include "metadata.h"
- #include "cuesheet.h"
- #include "buffering.h"
- #include "talk.h"
- #include "playlist.h"
- #include "abrepeat.h"
- #include "pcmbuf.h"
- #include "audio_thread.h"
- #include "playback.h"
- #include "misc.h"
- #include "settings.h"
- #include "pcm_mixer.h"
- // our own defines
- //#define MAX(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
- //#define MIN(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
- #define DEBUG
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define debug_print(...) (fprintf (stderr, __VA_ARGS__))
- #else
- #define debug_print(...)
- #endif
- // bluez specific defines & includes
- #define FIND_ADAPTER "FindAdapter"
- #define DEFAULT_ADAPTER "DefaultAdapter"
- #define ACCESS_TYPE "rw"
- // sink and source uuid and endpoints
- #define A2DP_SINK_UUID "0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
- #define A2DP_SINK_ENDPOINT "/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink" // bt --> alsa (sink for bt)
- #define A2DP_SOURCE_UUID "0000110a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
- #define A2DP_SOURCE_ENDPOINT "/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource" // alsa --> bt (source for bt)
- #include "a2dp-codecs.h" // from bluez - some sbc constants
- #include "ipc.h" // from bluez - some sbc constants
- #include "rtp.h" // from bluez - packet headers
- // sbc stuff
- #include "sbc/sbc.h"
- // structs and prototypes
- typedef struct {
- // sync and command management
- pthread_cond_t cond;
- pthread_mutex_t mutex;
- pthread_t t_handle; //thread handle
- volatile enum {
- IO_CMD_IDLE = 0,
- } command;
- enum {
- } prev_state;
- // transport_path - required to get fd and mtus
- char *transport_path; // also the hash key
- char *dev_path; // so that audiosource/sink event can find us
- // the actual fd and mtus for streaming
- int fd, read_mtu, write_mtu;
- int write; //false = read, true - write
- // codec stuff
- a2dp_sbc_t cap;
- sbc_t sbc;
- // persistent stuff for encoding purpose
- uint16_t seq_num; //cumulative packet number
- uint32_t timestamp; //timestamp
- //hashtable management
- UT_hash_handle hh;
- } io_thread_tcb_s; //the I/O thread control block.
- void *io_thread_run(void *ptr);
- void io_thread_set_command (io_thread_tcb_s *data, int command);
- io_thread_tcb_s *create_io_thread();
- void destroy_io_thread(io_thread_tcb_s *p);
- int transport_acquire (DBusConnection *conn, char *transport_path, int *fd, int *read_mtu, int *write_mtu);
- int transport_release (DBusConnection *conn, char *transport_path);
- // globals
- int quit=0; // when set to 1, program terminates
- int run_once = 0; // only run output once, then exit
- //#define BT_AUDIO_FREQ 44100
- #define BT_AUDIO_FREQ 48000
- void *decode_buf = NULL;
- size_t decode_bufsize = 0;
- size_t decode_buf_fill = 0;
- //#define BUFFERS_MS 30 // ms of audio for buffering
- //#define BUFFERS_MS 50 // ms of audio for buffering
- //#define BUFFERS_MS 80 // ms of audio for buffering
- #define BUFFERS_MS 100 // ms of audio for buffering
- //#define BUFFERS_MS 300 // ms of audio for buffering
- //#define BUFFERS_MS 150 // ms of audio for buffering
- //#define FRAME_LEN 1024
- //#define FRAME_LEN 2048
- #define FRAME_LEN 512
- //#define FRAME_LEN (115 * 4)
- //
- //
- //#define BT_POLL_DELAY 300 // ms
- #define BT_POLL_DELAY (BUFFERS_MS/10) // ms
- #define FRAME_SECONDS (FRAME_LEN / (float)(BT_AUDIO_FREQ * 2 * 2))
- #define FRAME_MS (FRAME_SECONDS * 1000)
- //#define FRAME_BUFFERS 12
- //#define FRAME_BUFFERS 24
- struct frame_buffer {
- void *data;
- int written;
- };
- struct frame_buffer frame_buffer[FRAME_BUFFERS];
- // it should be possible to do this without mutexes because these are accessed with atomic operations
- int frame_buffer_write_i = 0;
- int frame_buffer_read_i = 0;
- void frame_buffer_init() {
- struct frame_buffer *fb;
- for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_BUFFERS; i++) {
- fb = &frame_buffer[i];
- fb->data = malloc(FRAME_LEN);
- fb->written = 0;
- }
- }
- struct frame_buffer *frame_buffer_get_writable() {
- if (frame_buffer_write_i - frame_buffer_read_i >= FRAME_BUFFERS-2)
- return NULL; // full
- return &frame_buffer[frame_buffer_write_i % FRAME_BUFFERS];
- }
- int frame_buffer_get_num_filled() {
- return frame_buffer_write_i - frame_buffer_read_i;
- }
- void frame_buffer_done_writing(struct frame_buffer *fb) {
- if (fb->written == FRAME_LEN)
- frame_buffer_write_i++; // next buffer
- }
- struct frame_buffer *frame_buffer_get_readable() {
- if (frame_buffer_write_i == frame_buffer_read_i)
- return NULL; // empty
- return &frame_buffer[frame_buffer_read_i % FRAME_BUFFERS];
- }
- /*
- void frame_buffer_done_reading(struct frame_buffer *fb) {
- if (fb->written == FRAME_LEN)
- frame_buffer_write_i++; // next buffer
- }
- */
- int gave_bytes = 0;
- int wanted_bytes = 0;
- int16_t empty[FRAME_LEN/2] = { 0 };
- bool wait_for_fill = false;
- /* ISR handler to get next block of data */
- static void get_more(const void **start, size_t *size)
- {
- struct frame_buffer *fb = frame_buffer_get_readable();
- if (fb == NULL || wait_for_fill) {
- wait_for_fill = true;
- *start = empty;
- *size = FRAME_LEN;
- //debug_print("put empty\n");
- #if 1
- if (frame_buffer_get_writable())
- return;
- wait_for_fill = false;
- #else
- // over half full, continue playback
- if (frame_buffer_get_num_filled() >= FRAME_BUFFERS / 2)
- wait_for_fill = false;
- return;
- #endif
- }
- *start = fb->data;
- *size = fb->written;
- // it is kind of wrong to free the current frame immediately since it is currently being accessed
- // the trick is frame_buffer_get_writable() wont give access to it
- fb->written = 0;
- frame_buffer_read_i++;
- }
- //////////////////////////////// DBUS HELPERS ////////////////////////////////
- /*****************//**
- * Handle dbus error and clear error message block
- *
- * @param [in] The error object
- * @param [in] function where the error happens
- * @param [in] line number where the error happens
- * @returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
- ********************/
- int handle_dbus_error (DBusError *err, const char *func, int line) {
- if (dbus_error_is_set (err)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "DBus error %s at %u: %s\n", func, line, err->message);
- dbus_error_free(err);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Connect to the system message bus
- *
- * @param [out] connection object, if function is successful, other wise it is unchanged.
- * @returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
- ********************/
- int get_system_bus(DBusConnection **system_bus) {
- DBusError err;
- DBusConnection* conn;
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- conn = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &err);
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- if (NULL == conn) return 0;
- *system_bus = conn;
- debug_print("Name %s\n", dbus_bus_get_unique_name (conn));
- return 1;
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Get the bluetooth device's path
- *
- * @param [in] connection to use
- * @param [in] adapter to use (hci0, or bluetooth address, or NULL to use default)
- * @param [out] the object path, if function is successful, other wise it is unchanged.
- * @returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
- ********************/
- int get_bluetooth_object(DBusConnection* conn, char *device, char **dev_path) {
- DBusMessage *msg, *reply;
- DBusMessageIter iter;
- DBusError err;
- char *s, *method = FIND_ADAPTER;
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- debug_print("Getting object path for adapter %s\n", device);
- // create a new method call msg
- if (!device) method = DEFAULT_ADAPTER;
- msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
- "/", // object to call on
- "org.bluez.Manager", // interface to call on
- method); // method name
- // append arguments
- dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &iter);
- if (device) dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &device);
- // send message and wait for reply, -1 means wait forever
- reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (conn, msg, -1, &err);
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- if (!reply) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Reply Null\n");
- return 0;
- }
- // read the parameters
- if (dbus_message_iter_init(reply, &iter) &&
- DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH == dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter))
- dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &s);
- else return 0;
- // free reply and close connection
- debug_print("Object path for %s is %s\n", device, s);
- dbus_message_unref(msg);
- dbus_message_unref(reply);
- *dev_path = strdup (s);
- return 1;
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Add a dict entry of a variant of simple types
- *
- * @param [in] array iter to add to
- * @param [in] key
- * @param [in] type (must be simple types)
- * @param [in] value
- ********************/
- void util_add_dict_variant_entry (DBusMessageIter *iter, char *key, int type, void *value) {
- DBusMessageIter dict, variant;
- dbus_message_iter_open_container (iter, DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, NULL, &dict);
- dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&dict, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &key);
- dbus_message_iter_open_container (&dict, DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, (char *)&type, &variant);
- dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&variant, type, &value);
- dbus_message_iter_close_container (&dict, &variant);
- dbus_message_iter_close_container (iter, &dict);
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Add a dict entry of an array of of simple types
- *
- * @param [in] array iter to add to
- * @param [in] key
- * @param [in] type (must be simple types)
- * @param [in] pointer to the array
- * @param [in] number of elements (not size in bytes!)
- ********************/
- void util_add_dict_array_entry (DBusMessageIter *iter, char *key, int type, void *buf, int elements) {
- DBusMessageIter dict, variant, array;
- char array_type[5] = "a";
- strncat (array_type, (char*)&type, sizeof(array_type));
- dbus_message_iter_open_container (iter, DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, NULL, &dict);
- dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&dict, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &key);
- dbus_message_iter_open_container (&dict, DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, array_type, &variant);
- dbus_message_iter_open_container (&variant, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, (char *)&type, &array);
- dbus_message_iter_append_fixed_array (&array, type, &buf, elements);
- dbus_message_iter_close_container (&variant, &array);
- dbus_message_iter_close_container (&dict, &variant);
- dbus_message_iter_close_container (iter, &dict);
- }
- //////////////////////////////// BLUEZ AUDIO/MEDIA HELPERS ////////////////////////////////
- /*****************//**
- * Register our "endpoint" handler to bluez audio system.
- * As part of its job, it returns supported codecs and codec parameters, as well
- * as what functions are we doing here (A2DP source, A2DP sink, HFP, etc - for
- * this program it will be A2DP sink).
- *
- * @param [in] system bus connection
- * @param [in] bluetooth object to register to
- * @returns TRUE means ok, FALSE means something is wrong
- ********************/
- int media_register_endpoint(DBusConnection* conn, char *bt_object, char *endpoint, char *uuid) {
- DBusMessage *msg, *reply;
- DBusMessageIter iter, iterarray;
- DBusError err;
- a2dp_sbc_t capabilities;
- capabilities.channel_mode = BT_A2DP_CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL |
- capabilities.frequency = BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_44100 | BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_48000;
- // capabilities.allocation_method = /*BT_A2DP_ALLOCATION_SNR |*/ BT_A2DP_ALLOCATION_LOUDNESS;
- capabilities.allocation_method = BT_A2DP_ALLOCATION_SNR;
- capabilities.subbands = BT_A2DP_SUBBANDS_8;
- // capabilities.subbands = BT_A2DP_SUBBANDS_4;
- // capabilities.block_length = BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_16;
- capabilities.block_length = BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_4;
- #else
- capabilities.frequency = BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_16000 | BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_32000 |
- capabilities.allocation_method = BT_A2DP_ALLOCATION_SNR | BT_A2DP_ALLOCATION_LOUDNESS;
- capabilities.subbands = BT_A2DP_SUBBANDS_4 | BT_A2DP_SUBBANDS_8;
- capabilities.block_length = BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_4 | BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_8 |
- #endif
- capabilities.min_bitpool = MIN_BITPOOL;
- capabilities.max_bitpool = MAX_BITPOOL;
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
- bt_object, // object to call on
- "org.bluez.Media", // interface to call on
- "RegisterEndpoint"); // method name
- //build the parameters
- dbus_message_iter_init_append (msg, &iter);
- //first param - object path
- dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&iter, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &endpoint);
- //second param - properties
- dbus_message_iter_open_container (&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "{sv}", &iterarray);
- util_add_dict_variant_entry (&iterarray, "UUID", DBUS_TYPE_STRING, uuid);
- util_add_dict_variant_entry (&iterarray, "Codec", DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, A2DP_CODEC_SBC);
- util_add_dict_array_entry (&iterarray, "Capabilities", DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &capabilities, sizeof (capabilities));
- dbus_message_iter_close_container (&iter, &iterarray);
- //char *buf; int buflen; dbus_message_marshal (msg, &buf, &buflen); write (1, buf, buflen); return 0;
- //make the call
- reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (conn, msg, -1, &err);
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- if (!reply) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Reply Null\n");
- return 0;
- }
- dbus_message_unref(msg);
- dbus_message_unref(reply);
- return 1;
- }
- // looking at bluez sources on how to do this
- int media_unregister_endpoint(DBusConnection* conn, char *bt_object, char *endpoint) {
- DBusMessage *msg, *reply;
- DBusMessageIter iter, iterarray;
- DBusError err;
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
- bt_object, // object to call on
- "org.bluez.Media", // interface to call on
- "UnregisterEndpoint"); // method name
- //build the parameters
- dbus_message_iter_init_append (msg, &iter);
- //first param - object path
- dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&iter, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &endpoint);
- // dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "{sv}", &iterarray);
- // dbus_message_iter_close_container (&iter, &iterarray);
- //make the call
- reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (conn, msg, -1, &err);
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- if (!reply) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Reply Null\n");
- return 0;
- }
- dbus_message_unref(msg);
- dbus_message_unref(reply);
- return 1;
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Get the transport (ie, the actual file descriptor) for streaming (ie, read/write)
- * the audio data
- *
- * @param [in] system bus connection
- * @param [in] transport object path (must come from MediaEndpoint.SetConfiguration)
- * @param [out] file descriptor
- * @param [out] maximum size to read per transaction
- * @param [out] maximum size to write per transaction
- * @returns TRUE if ok, FALSE means something is wrong
- ********************/
- int transport_acquire (DBusConnection *conn, char *transport_path, int *fd, int *read_mtu, int *write_mtu) {
- DBusMessage *msg, *reply;
- DBusMessageIter iter;
- DBusError err;
- char *access_type = ACCESS_TYPE;
- debug_print ("acquire %s\n", transport_path);
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
- transport_path, // object to call on
- "org.bluez.MediaTransport", // interface to call on
- "Acquire"); // method name
- //build the parameters
- dbus_message_iter_init_append (msg, &iter);
- dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &access_type);
- //make the call
- reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (conn, msg, -1, &err);
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- if (!reply) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Reply Null\n");
- return 0;
- }
- //read the reply
- if (!dbus_message_get_args(reply, &err,
- DBUS_TYPE_UINT16, read_mtu,
- DBUS_TYPE_UINT16, write_mtu,
- {
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- return 0;
- }
- //clean up
- dbus_message_unref(msg);
- dbus_message_unref(reply);
- return 1;
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Release the transport (ie, the file descriptor)
- * Note: this doesn't need to be called if transport is closed by
- * "MediaEndpoint.ClearConfiguration". It is only needed if the app wishes to
- * release control of the fd while the stream is still active (e.g - suspend
- * stream, pausing, etc).
- *
- * @param [in] system bus connection
- * @param [in] transport object path (must come from MediaEndpoint.SetConfiguration)
- ********************/
- int transport_release (DBusConnection *conn, char *transport_path) {
- DBusMessage *msg, *reply;
- DBusMessageIter iter;
- DBusError err;
- char *access_type = ACCESS_TYPE;
- debug_print ("release %s\n", transport_path);
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez",
- transport_path, // object to call on
- "org.bluez.MediaTransport", // interface to call on
- "Release"); // method name
- //build the parameters
- dbus_message_iter_init_append (msg, &iter);
- dbus_message_iter_append_basic (&iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &access_type);
- //make the call
- reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block (conn, msg, -1, &err);
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- if (!reply) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Reply Null\n");
- return 0;
- }
- //clean up
- dbus_message_unref(msg);
- dbus_message_unref(reply);
- return 1;
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Helper to calculate the optimum bitpool, given the sampling frequency,
- * and number of channels.
- * Taken verbatim from pulseaudio 2.1
- * (which took it from bluez audio - a2dp.c & pcm_bluetooth.c - default_bitpool)
- *
- * @param [in] frequency
- * @param [in] channel mode
- * @returns coded SBC bitpool
- *********************/
- static uint8_t a2dp_default_bitpool(uint8_t freq, uint8_t mode) {
- switch (freq) {
- case BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_16000:
- case BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_32000:
- return 53;
- case BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_44100:
- switch (mode) {
- return 31;
- return 53;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "Invalid channel mode %u", mode);
- return 53;
- }
- case BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_48000:
- switch (mode) {
- return 29;
- return 51;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "Invalid channel mode %u", mode);
- return 51;
- }
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "Invalid sampling freq %u", freq);
- return 53;
- }
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Helper to setup sbc params from a2dp_sbc_t
- * Modified from pulseaudio 2.1 (which took it from bluez - pcm_bluetooth.c
- * - bluetooth_a2dp_setup)
- *
- * @param [in] sbc codec configuration
- * @param [in] bluez codec capability configuration
- *********************/
- void setup_sbc(sbc_t *sbc, a2dp_sbc_t *cap) {
- switch (cap->frequency) {
- case BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_16000:
- sbc->frequency = SBC_FREQ_16000;
- break;
- case BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_32000:
- sbc->frequency = SBC_FREQ_32000;
- break;
- case BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_44100:
- sbc->frequency = SBC_FREQ_44100;
- break;
- case BT_SBC_SAMPLING_FREQ_48000:
- sbc->frequency = SBC_FREQ_48000;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "No supported frequency");
- }
- switch (cap->channel_mode) {
- sbc->mode = SBC_MODE_MONO;
- break;
- sbc->mode = SBC_MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL;
- break;
- sbc->mode = SBC_MODE_STEREO;
- break;
- sbc->mode = SBC_MODE_JOINT_STEREO;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "No supported channel_mode");
- }
- switch (cap->allocation_method) {
- sbc->allocation = SBC_AM_SNR;
- break;
- sbc->allocation = SBC_AM_LOUDNESS;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "No supported allocation");
- }
- switch (cap->subbands) {
- case BT_A2DP_SUBBANDS_4:
- sbc->subbands = SBC_SB_4;
- break;
- case BT_A2DP_SUBBANDS_8:
- sbc->subbands = SBC_SB_8;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "No supported subbands");
- }
- switch (cap->block_length) {
- sbc->blocks = SBC_BLK_4;
- break;
- sbc->blocks = SBC_BLK_8;
- break;
- sbc->blocks = SBC_BLK_12;
- break;
- sbc->blocks = SBC_BLK_16;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "No supported block length");
- }
- sbc->bitpool = cap->max_bitpool;
- }
- //////////////////////////////// BLUEZ AUDIO CALLBACK HANDLER ////////////////////////////////
- /*****************//**
- * Implement MediaEndpoint.SelectConfiguration.
- * Called by bluez to negotiate which configuration (=codec, codec parameter)
- * for audio streaming.
- * This function will examine what the requested configuration and returns back
- * a reply with the supported / agreed configuration.
- *
- * Chosen configuration isn't cached because it will be returned with SetConfiguration.
- *
- * Contains modified code taken from pulseaudio 2.1 (which took it from
- * bluez audio, select_sbc_params (a2dp.c)
- *
- * @param [in] original "call" message from bluez
- * @returns reply message (success or failure)
- *********************/
- DBusMessage* endpoint_select_configuration (DBusMessage *msg) {
- a2dp_sbc_t *cap, config;
- uint8_t *pconf = (uint8_t *) &config;
- int size;
- DBusMessage *reply;
- DBusError err;
- debug_print ("Select configuration\n");
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- if (!dbus_message_get_args(msg, &err, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &cap, &size, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- goto fail;
- }
- //taken from pulseaudio with modification
- memset(&config, 0, sizeof(config));
- config.frequency = BT_SBC_DEFAULT_FREQ;
- if (cap->channel_mode & BT_A2DP_CHANNEL_MODE_JOINT_STEREO)
- config.channel_mode = BT_A2DP_CHANNEL_MODE_JOINT_STEREO;
- else if (cap->channel_mode & BT_A2DP_CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO)
- config.channel_mode = BT_A2DP_CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO;
- else if (cap->channel_mode & BT_A2DP_CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL)
- config.channel_mode = BT_A2DP_CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL;
- else if (cap->channel_mode & BT_A2DP_CHANNEL_MODE_MONO) {
- config.channel_mode = BT_A2DP_CHANNEL_MODE_MONO;
- } else {
- fprintf (stderr, "No supported channel modes");
- goto fail;
- }
- if (cap->block_length & BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_16)
- config.block_length = BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_16;
- else if (cap->block_length & BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_12)
- config.block_length = BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_12;
- else if (cap->block_length & BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_8)
- config.block_length = BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_8;
- else if (cap->block_length & BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_4)
- config.block_length = BT_A2DP_BLOCK_LENGTH_4;
- else {
- fprintf (stderr, "No supported block lengths");
- goto fail;
- }
- if (cap->subbands & BT_A2DP_SUBBANDS_8)
- config.subbands = BT_A2DP_SUBBANDS_8;
- else if (cap->subbands & BT_A2DP_SUBBANDS_4)
- config.subbands = BT_A2DP_SUBBANDS_4;
- else {
- fprintf (stderr, "No supported subbands");
- goto fail;
- }
- if (cap->allocation_method & BT_A2DP_ALLOCATION_LOUDNESS)
- config.allocation_method = BT_A2DP_ALLOCATION_LOUDNESS;
- else if (cap->allocation_method & BT_A2DP_ALLOCATION_SNR)
- config.allocation_method = BT_A2DP_ALLOCATION_SNR;
- config.min_bitpool = (uint8_t) MAX(MIN_BITPOOL, cap->min_bitpool);
- config.max_bitpool = (uint8_t) MIN(a2dp_default_bitpool(config.frequency, config.channel_mode), cap->max_bitpool);
- reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg);
- dbus_message_append_args (reply,
- return reply;
- fail:
- return dbus_message_new_error(msg, "org.bluez.MediaEndpoint.Error.InvalidArguments",
- "Unable to select configuration");
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Implement MediaEndpoint.SetConfiguration.
- * Called by bluez to confirm that this will be the configuration chosen.
- * The most important thing here is the "transport object path", which we will
- * need to get the actual file-descriptor for streaming later (see transport_acquire).
- *
- * In theory the transport_acquire could be called from here with some delays,
- * in reality it is a lot better to do it after we've received confirmation that
- * audio is "connected" (this is done by watching AudioSource.PropertyChange signal)
- *
- * This function is too complicated for what it does, for our (simple) purpose
- * we actually only need the transport_path so we don't have to parse all the parameters,
- * but we do anyway.
- *
- * @param [in] original "call" message from bluez
- * @param [in] io thread hashtable
- * @returns reply message (success or failure)
- *********************/
- DBusMessage* endpoint_set_configuration (DBusMessage *msg, io_thread_tcb_s **io_threads_table) {
- const char *transport_path, *dev_path = NULL, *uuid = NULL, *cmd_path = NULL;
- uint8_t *config = NULL;
- int size = 0;
- DBusMessageIter iter, iterprop, iterentry, itervalue, iterarray;
- io_thread_tcb_s *head = *io_threads_table;
- io_thread_tcb_s *io_data = NULL;
- dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &iter);
- dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &transport_path);
- if (!dbus_message_iter_next(&iter))
- goto fail;
- dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iter, &iterprop);
- if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iterprop) != DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY)
- goto fail;
- /* Read transport properties */
- while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iterprop) == DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY) {
- const char *key;
- int var;
- dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iterprop, &iterentry);
- dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iterentry, &key);
- dbus_message_iter_next(&iterentry);
- dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iterentry, &itervalue);
- var = dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&itervalue);
- if (strcasecmp(key, "UUID") == 0) {
- if (var != DBUS_TYPE_STRING)
- goto fail;
- dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&itervalue, &uuid);
- } else if (strcasecmp(key, "Device") == 0) {
- goto fail;
- dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&itervalue, &dev_path);
- } else if (strcasecmp(key, "Configuration") == 0) {
- if (var != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY)
- goto fail;
- dbus_message_iter_recurse(&itervalue, &iterarray);
- dbus_message_iter_get_fixed_array(&iterarray, &config, &size);
- }
- dbus_message_iter_next(&iterprop);
- }
- debug_print ("Set configuration %s\n",transport_path);
- //capture the transport_path and allocate the transport later, when the audiosource is "connected".
- HASH_FIND_STR (head, transport_path, io_data);
- if (!io_data) {
- io_data = create_io_thread();
- io_data->dev_path = strdup (dev_path);
- io_data->transport_path = strdup (transport_path);
- io_data->cap = *((a2dp_sbc_t*) config);
- //read or write
- cmd_path = (char *)dbus_message_get_path (msg);
- if ( strcasecmp (cmd_path, A2DP_SINK_ENDPOINT) == 0)
- io_data->write = 0;
- else if ( strcasecmp (cmd_path, A2DP_SOURCE_ENDPOINT) == 0)
- io_data->write = 1;
- HASH_ADD_KEYPTR (hh, head, io_data->transport_path, strlen(io_data->transport_path), io_data);
- *io_threads_table = head;
- }
- return dbus_message_new_method_return(msg);
- fail:
- return dbus_message_new_error(msg, "org.bluez.MediaEndpoint.Error.InvalidArguments",
- "Unable to select configuration");
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Implement MediaEndpoint.ClearConfiguration.
- * Called by bluez to let us know that the audio streaming process has been reset
- * for whatever reason, and we should do our own clean-up.
- * Here we tell our I/O thread to stop.
- *
- * It is not necessary to call transport_release here because by the time we got here,
- * the 'transport' has already been released.
- *
- * @param [in] original "call" message from bluez
- * @param [in] io thread's data - to command I/O thread to stop.
- * @returns reply message (success or failure)
- *********************/
- DBusMessage* endpoint_clear_configuration (DBusMessage *msg, io_thread_tcb_s **io_threads_table) {
- DBusMessage *reply;
- DBusError err;
- DBusMessageIter iter;
- char *transport_path;
- io_thread_tcb_s *head = *io_threads_table;
- io_thread_tcb_s *io_data = NULL;
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- dbus_message_iter_init(msg, &iter);
- dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &transport_path);
- debug_print ("Clear configuration %s\n",transport_path);
- // stop stream
- HASH_FIND_STR (head, transport_path, io_data);
- if (io_data) {
- debug_print ("stopping thread %p\n",io_data);
- HASH_DEL (head, io_data);
- *io_threads_table = head;
- destroy_io_thread (io_data);
- }
- reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg);
- return reply;
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Implement MediaEndpoint.Release
- * Called by bluez to let us know our registration (see register_endpoint) has been
- * cancelled (or 'released'). The next logical action after this, is either:
- * a) to exit
- * b) to re-register.
- *
- * There is no need to 'Unregister' because by the time we get here, our endpoint
- * has already been de-registered.
- *
- * @param [in] original "call" message from bluez
- * @returns reply message (success or failure)
- *********************/
- DBusMessage* endpoint_release (DBusMessage *msg) {
- debug_print ("Release endpoint\n");
- DBusMessage *reply;
- DBusError err;
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(msg);
- return reply;
- }
- //////////////////////////////// BLUEZ-DBUS SIGNAL HANDLERS ////////////////////////////////
- /*****************//**
- * Handle AudioSource.PropertyChanged
- * Signalled by bluez to let us know that the state of the audio source has changed.
- * We use this signal as a trigger for 'delayed' transport_acquire to get the file
- * descriptor, as well as to start the I/O thread.
- *
- * We don't use the corresponding transport_release because for the time being
- * we will never willingly release a transport, until it is closed by
- * MediaEndpoint.ClearConfiguration (the I/O thread will be stopped there).
- *
- * Note: The 'source' and 'sink' terms used in bluez is super-confusing because
- * they are not consistent - sometimes they view it from the bluez side
- * (in this case, it's a 'source' because the bluez is the 'source' of the data,
- * sometimes they view it as 'sink' because this application receives and acts as data sink
- * for the remote-end.
- *
- * Note: There is a corresponding signal for AudioSink, which we don't use.
- *
- * @param [in] connection object to talk to DBus
- * @param [in] original "call" message from bluez
- * @param [in] write==0 -> audiosink, write==1 --> audiosource
- * @param [in] head of I/O thread hashtable
- * @returns reply message (success or failure)
- *********************/
- #define audiosink_property_changed audiosource_property_changed
- void audiosource_property_changed (DBusConnection *conn, DBusMessage *msg, int write, io_thread_tcb_s **io_threads_table) {
- DBusMessageIter iter, itervariant;
- char *key;
- char *dev_path;
- char *state;
- io_thread_tcb_s *head = *io_threads_table;
- io_thread_tcb_s *io_data;
- int new_state, transition, when_to_acquire, when_to_release;
- dbus_message_iter_init (msg, &iter);
- dbus_message_iter_get_basic (&iter, &key);
- if (strcasecmp (key, "State") != 0) return; //we are only interested in this.
- if (!dbus_message_iter_next(&iter)) goto fail;
- dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iter, &itervariant);
- if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&itervariant) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) goto fail;
- dbus_message_iter_get_basic (&itervariant, &state);
- dev_path = (char *)dbus_message_get_path (msg);
- debug_print ("state for %s: %s\n", dev_path, state);
- //look for our thread
- if (!head) return;
- io_data = head;
- do {
- if (strcasecmp (dev_path, io_data->dev_path) == 0 &&
- io_data->write == write)
- break;
- else io_data = io_data->;
- } while (io_data && io_data != head);
- if (!io_data) return;
- //decode state & transition
- new_state = transition = -1;
- if ( strcasecmp (state, "connected") == 0 ) {
- new_state = STATE_CONNECTED;
- } else if ( strcasecmp (state, "playing") == 0 ) {
- new_state = STATE_PLAYING;
- //static void get_more(const void **start, size_t *size)
- debug_print("state to playing\n");
- pcm_set_frequency(BT_AUDIO_FREQ);
- pcm_play_data(get_more, NULL, NULL, 0);
- // mixer_channel_play_data(PCM_MIXER_BLUETOOTH_0, get_more,
- // /*frame->pcm, frame->size*/NULL, 0);
- } else if ( strcasecmp (state, "disconnected") == 0 ) {
- }
- if (new_state >= 0) {
- transition = io_data->prev_state << 4 | new_state;
- io_data->prev_state = new_state;
- }
- //our treatment of sink and source is a bit different
- switch (write) {
- case 0: // bt sink: bt --> alsa
- when_to_acquire = STATE_CONNECTED << 4 | STATE_PLAYING;
- when_to_release = STATE_PLAYING << 4 | STATE_CONNECTED;
- break;
- case 1: // bt source: alsa --> bt
- when_to_acquire = STATE_DISCONNECTED << 4 | STATE_CONNECTED;
- when_to_release = STATE_CONNECTED << 4 | STATE_DISCONNECTED;
- break;
- }
- //acquire or release transport depending on the transitions
- if (transition == when_to_acquire) {
- if (transport_acquire (conn, io_data->transport_path, &io_data->fd, &io_data->read_mtu, &io_data->write_mtu)) {
- debug_print ("fd: %d read mtu %d write mtu %d\n", io_data->fd, io_data->read_mtu, io_data->write_mtu);
- io_thread_set_command (io_data, IO_CMD_RUNNING);
- }
- } else if (transition == when_to_release) {
- transport_release (conn, io_data->transport_path);
- io_thread_set_command (io_data, IO_CMD_IDLE);
- }
- return;
- fail:
- debug_print ("bad signal\n");
- }
- //////////////////////////////// IO THREAD HELPERS ////////////////////////////////
- /*****************//**
- * Send command to I/O thread in a thread-safe manner.
- * Once given, it will also trigger I/O thread to start running (if it is not
- * already is).
- *
- * Note: Once IO_CMD_TERMINATE is issued, it cannot be cancelled.
- *
- * @param [in] I/O thread control block
- * @param [in] command to send
- * @returns reply message (success or failure)
- *********************/
- void io_thread_set_command (io_thread_tcb_s *data, int command) {
- pthread_mutex_lock (&data->mutex);
- debug_print ("io cmd: %d\n", command);
- if (data->command != IO_CMD_TERMINATE)
- data->command = command;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&data->mutex);
- pthread_cond_signal (&data->cond);
- }
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <sched.h>
- /*****************//**
- * Create an I/O thread.
- * This will create the thread control block and the thread itself.
- * The created thread is already running but in suspended state.
- *
- * @returns newly created thread control block
- *********************/
- void *io_thread_run(void *ptr);
- io_thread_tcb_s *create_io_thread() {
- io_thread_tcb_s *p;
- pthread_attr_t tattr;
- struct sched_param param;
- /// set priority,
- /*
- (void) pthread_attr_init (&tattr);
- (void) pthread_attr_getschedparam (&tattr, ¶m);
- param.sched_priority = -20;
- (void) pthread_attr_setschedparam (&tattr, ¶m);
- */
- p = malloc (sizeof (io_thread_tcb_s));
- memset (p, 0, sizeof (io_thread_tcb_s));
- pthread_cond_init (&p->cond, NULL);
- pthread_mutex_init (&p->mutex, NULL);
- pthread_create (&p->t_handle, NULL/*&tattr*/, io_thread_run, p);
- return p;
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Destroy and existing an I/O thread.
- * This will stop the terminate the thread, wait until it is really terminated,
- * release the resources held by the thread, then free the tcb itself.
- *
- * @param [in] thread control block
- *********************/
- void destroy_io_thread(io_thread_tcb_s *p) {
- if (p) {
- io_thread_set_command (p, IO_CMD_TERMINATE);
- pthread_join (p->t_handle, NULL);
- pthread_cond_destroy (&p->cond);
- pthread_mutex_destroy (&p->mutex);
- if (p->transport_path) {
- free (p->transport_path);
- p->transport_path = NULL;
- }
- if (p->dev_path) {
- free (p->dev_path);
- p->dev_path = NULL;
- }
- free (p);
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////// IO THREAD ////////////////////////////////
- /*****************//**
- * Read stdin, encode it, and write output to bluez stream output
- * Encoding function is taken from pulseaudio 2.1
- *
- * @param [in] I/O thread control block
- * @param [in] run_once global variable
- * @param [out] quit global variable (if the app should quit)
- *********************/
- void stream_bt_output(io_thread_tcb_s *data) {
- void *buf, *encode_buf;
- size_t bufsize, encode_bufsize;
- struct pollfd pollin = { 0, POLLIN, 0 }, pollout = { data->fd, POLLOUT, 0 };
- int timeout;
- debug_print ("write to bt\n");
- // get buffers
- encode_bufsize = data->write_mtu;
- encode_buf = malloc (encode_bufsize);
- bufsize = (encode_bufsize / sbc_get_frame_length (&data->sbc)) * // max frames allowed in a packet
- sbc_get_codesize(&data->sbc); // ensure all of our source will fit in a single packet
- buf = malloc (bufsize);
- //debug_print ("encode_buf %d buf %d", encode_bufsize, bufsize);
- // stream
- while (data->command == IO_CMD_RUNNING) {
- ssize_t readlen;
- // wait until stdin has some data
- //debug_print ("waiting stdin\n");
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&data->mutex);
- timeout = poll (&pollin, 1, 1000); //delay 1s to allow others to update our state
- pthread_mutex_lock (&data->mutex);
- if (timeout == 0) continue;
- if (timeout < 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "bt_write/stdin: %d\n", errno);
- break;
- }
- // read stdin
- readlen = read (0, buf, bufsize);
- if (readlen == 0) { // stream closed
- data->command = IO_CMD_TERMINATE;
- if (run_once) quit = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (readlen < 0) continue;
- // encode bluetooth
- // all of our source is guaranteed to fit in a single packet
- //debug_print ("encoding\n");
- struct rtp_header *header;
- struct rtp_payload *payload;
- size_t nbytes;
- header = encode_buf;
- payload = (struct rtp_payload*) ((uint8_t*) encode_buf + sizeof(*header));
- void *p = buf;
- void *d = encode_buf + sizeof(*header) + sizeof(*payload);
- size_t to_write = encode_bufsize - sizeof(*header) - sizeof(*payload);
- size_t to_encode = readlen;
- unsigned frame_count = 0;
- while (to_encode >= sbc_get_codesize(&data->sbc)) {
- //fprintf (stderr, "%zu ", to_encode);
- ssize_t written;
- ssize_t encoded;
- //debug_print ("%p %d %d\n", d, to_write, sbc_get_frame_length (&data->sbc));
- encoded = sbc_encode(&data->sbc,
- p, to_encode,
- d, to_write,
- &written);
- if (encoded <= 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "SBC encoding error %zd\n", encoded);
- break; // make do with what have
- }
- p = (uint8_t*) p + encoded;
- to_encode -= encoded;
- d = (uint8_t*) d + written;
- to_write -= written;
- frame_count++;
- }
- // encapsulate it in a2dp RTP packets
- memset(encode_buf, 0, sizeof(*header) + sizeof(*payload));
- header->v = 2;
- header->pt = 1;
- header->sequence_number = htons(data->seq_num++);
- header->timestamp = htonl(data->timestamp);
- header->ssrc = htonl(1);
- payload->frame_count = frame_count;
- // next timestamp
- data->timestamp += sbc_get_frame_duration(&data->sbc) * frame_count;
- // how much to output
- nbytes = (uint8_t*) d - (uint8_t*) encode_buf;
- //debug_print ("nbytes: %zu\n", nbytes);
- if (!nbytes) break; // don't write if there is nothing to write
- // wait until bluetooth is ready
- while (data->command == IO_CMD_RUNNING) {
- //debug_print ("waiting for bluetooth\n");
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&data->mutex);
- timeout = poll (&pollout, 1, 1000); //delay 1s to allow others to update our state
- pthread_mutex_lock (&data->mutex);
- if (timeout == 0) continue;
- if (timeout < 0) fprintf (stderr, "bt_write/bluetooth: %d\n", errno);
- break;
- }
- // write bluetooth
- if (timeout > 0) {
- //debug_print ("flush bluetooth\n");
- write (data->fd, encode_buf, nbytes);
- }
- }
- // cleanup
- free (buf);
- free (encode_buf);
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Read bluez stream data input, decode it, and write output to stdout
- * Decoding function is taken from pulseaudio 2.1
- *
- * @param [in] I/O thread control block
- *********************/
- void stream_bt_input(io_thread_tcb_s *data) {
- void *buf/*, *decode_buf*/;
- size_t bufsize/*, decode_bufsize*/;
- struct pollfd pollin = { data->fd, POLLIN, 0 }, pollout = { 1, POLLOUT, 0 };
- int timeout;
- debug_print ("read from bt\n");
- // get buffers
- bufsize = data->read_mtu;
- buf = malloc (bufsize);
- decode_bufsize = (bufsize / sbc_get_frame_length (&data->sbc) + 1 ) * //max frames in a packet
- sbc_get_codesize(&data->sbc);
- decode_buf = malloc (decode_bufsize);
- //debug_print ("codesize %d framelen %d", sbc_get_codesize(&data->sbc), sbc_get_frame_length(&data->sbc));
- // stream
- while (data->command == IO_CMD_RUNNING) {
- //debug_print ("spinning\n");
- ssize_t readlen=0;
- // wait until bluetooth has some data
- //debug_print ("waiting bluetooth\n");
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&data->mutex);
- // timeout = poll (&pollin, 1, 1000); //delay 1s to allow others to update our state
- timeout = poll (&pollin, 1, BT_POLL_DELAY); //delay 1s to allow others to update our state
- pthread_mutex_lock (&data->mutex);
- if (timeout == 0) continue;
- if (timeout < 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "bt_read/bluetooth: %d\n", errno);
- break;
- }
- // read bluetooth
- readlen = read (data->fd, buf, bufsize);
- if (readlen == 0) { // stream closed
- data->command = IO_CMD_TERMINATE;
- continue;
- }
- if (readlen < 0) continue;
- // decode a2dp/sbc from pulseaudio
- //debug_print ("decoding\n");
- void *p = buf + sizeof(struct rtp_header) + sizeof(struct rtp_payload);
- size_t to_decode = readlen - sizeof(struct rtp_header) - sizeof(struct rtp_payload);
- void *d = decode_buf;
- size_t to_write = decode_bufsize;
- while (to_decode > 0) {
- size_t written;
- size_t decoded;
- decoded = sbc_decode(&data->sbc,
- p, to_decode,
- d, to_write,
- &written);
- if (decoded <= 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "SBC decoding error %zd\n", decoded);
- break; // make do with what we have
- }
- p = (uint8_t*) p + decoded;
- to_decode -= decoded;
- // debug_print("want to write %d\n", written);
- void *vp = d;
- while (written > 0) {
- struct frame_buffer *fb = NULL;
- yield();
- // get buffer
- do {
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&data->mutex);
- fb = frame_buffer_get_writable();
- if (fb == NULL)
- sleep(HZ * FRAME_SECONDS * 3); // sleep for ~3 frames
- pthread_mutex_lock (&data->mutex);
- } while (fb == NULL);
- // max size we can write
- int len = MIN(written, FRAME_LEN - fb->written);
- if (len > sizeof(int16_t)) {
- /* Do not reset poweroff timer if it seems we are being fed silence */
- if (((int16_t *)d)[0] != 0)
- reset_poweroff_timer();
- }
- /*
- written;
- if (FRAME_LEN - fb->written < len)
- len = FRAME_LEN - fb->written;
- */
- memcpy((uint8_t *)fb->data + fb->written, d, len);
- fb->written += len;
- frame_buffer_done_writing(fb);
- vp = (uint8_t*) vp + len;
- written -= len;
- }
- // debug_print("write done\n");
- //d = (uint8_t*) d + written;
- //to_write -= written;
- //debug_print ("%zu ", decode_bufsize - to_write);
- }
- // debug_print ("\n");
- /*
- int write_i = 0;
- //decode_bufsize - to_write;
- while (data->command == IO_CMD_RUNNING && write_i < decode_bufsize - to_write) {
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&data->mutex);
- struct frame_buffer *fb = frame_buffer_get_writable();
- if (fb == NULL)
- sleep(HZ/10);
- pthread_mutex_lock (&data->mutex);
- if (fb == NULL)
- continue;
- int can_write = decode_bufsize - to_write - write_i;
- if (
- FRAME_LEN - fb->written
- }*/
- #if 0
- // wait until stdout is ready
- while (data->command == IO_CMD_RUNNING) {
- //debug_print ("waiting for stdout\n");
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&data->mutex);
- timeout = poll (&pollout, 1, 1000); //delay 1s to allow others to update our state
- pthread_mutex_lock (&data->mutex);
- if (timeout == 0) continue;
- else if (timeout < 0) fprintf (stderr, "bt_read/stdout: %d\n", errno);
- break;
- }
- // write stdout
- if (timeout > 0) {
- gave_bytes += decode_bufsize - to_write;
- decode_buf_fill = decode_bufsize - to_write;
- // debug_print ("writing %d\n", decode_bufsize - to_write);
- //debug_print ("flushing stdout\n");
- /////write (1, decode_buf, decode_bufsize - to_write);
- }
- #endif
- }
- debug_print("exit loop\n");
- // cleanup
- free (buf);
- free (decode_buf);
- }
- /*****************//**
- * Main I/O thread function
- * This function will perform actual streaming of data.
- * It is simple: read the data from bluez' descriptor, and write to stdout!
- *
- * The rest is just management overhead.
- *
- * In output mode, the output (on stdout) will raw S16_LE, 44.1kHz, stereo/mono (depends on source).
- * See "endpoint_select_configuration" if you want to change this.
- * aplay -f cd can play this correctly
- *
- * In input mode, the input (on stdin) must be raw S16_LE, 48kHz, stereo/mono (depends on target).
- * See "endpoint_select_configuration" if you want to change this.
- * The encoding function is taken from pulseaudio 2.1 (simplified).
- *
- * @param [in] control-block for this thread.
- * @returns NULL
- *********************/
- void *io_thread_run(void *ptr) {
- io_thread_tcb_s *data = ptr;
- // prepare
- debug_print ("starting %p\n", ptr);
- pthread_mutex_lock (&data->mutex);
- sbc_init (&data->sbc, 0);
- // run
- while (1) {
- yield();
- switch (data->command) {
- case IO_CMD_IDLE:
- pthread_cond_wait (&data->cond, &data->mutex);
- break;
- debug_print ("running %p\n", ptr);
- setup_sbc (&data->sbc, &data->cap);
- if (data->write)
- stream_bt_output(data);
- else
- stream_bt_input(data);
- break;
- debug_print ("terminate %p\n", ptr);
- goto end;
- }
- }
- end:
- // cleanup
- sbc_finish(&data->sbc);
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&data->mutex);
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- #define BT_PCM_BUFFER_SIZE (320*5)
- //////////////////////////////// MAIN ////////////////////////////////
- int16_t bt_pcm_buffer[BT_PCM_BUFFER_SIZE];
- */
- bool handle_rb() {
- bool quit = false;
- int vol;
- switch (button_get(false))
- {
- case BUTTON_UP:
- {
- debug_print("vol up\n");
- vol = global_settings.volume;
- if (vol < sound_max(SOUND_VOLUME))
- {
- vol+=5;
- sound_set(SOUND_VOLUME, vol);
- global_settings.volume = vol;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- vol = global_settings.volume;
- if (vol > sound_min(SOUND_VOLUME))
- {
- vol-=5;
- sound_set(SOUND_VOLUME, vol);
- global_settings.volume = vol;
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- {
- if (is_playing)
- {
- midi_debug("Paused at %d:%02d\n", playing_time/60, playing_time%60);
- is_playing = false;
- rb->pcm_play_stop();
- } else
- {
- midi_debug("Playing from %d:%02d\n", playing_time/60, playing_time%60);
- is_playing = true;
- rb->pcm_play_data(&get_more, NULL, NULL, 0);
- }
- break;
- }
- */
- case BT_QUIT:
- quit = true;
- }
- return quit;
- }
- void run_player() {
- // Control variables
- DBusConnection* system_bus;
- char *bt_object; // bluetooth device objectpath
- io_thread_tcb_s *io_threads_table = NULL; // hashtable of io_threads
- int msg_waiting_time = -1; //default is wait forever
- // scratch variables
- DBusMessage *msg, *reply;
- DBusError err;
- quit = 0;
- /*
- // 0. check options
- const struct option options[] = {
- {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
- {"sink", no_argument, 0, 's' },
- {"source", no_argument, 0, 'o' },
- {"run-once", no_argument, 0, 'r' },
- {0, 0, 0, 0 }
- };
- int option, run_sink=0, run_source=0;
- while ((option = getopt_long (argc, argv, "h", (const struct option *) &options, NULL)) != -1) {
- switch (option) {
- case 'h':
- fprintf (stderr,"Usage: a2dp-alsa [--sink|--source|--run-once] [hciX]\n");
- return 0;
- case 's':
- debug_print ("run sink\n");
- run_sink=1;
- break;
- case 'o':
- debug_print ("run source\n");
- run_source=1;
- break;
- case 'r':
- debug_print ("run once\n");
- run_once=1;
- msg_waiting_time = 1000; //1000 ms = 1 s
- break;
- }
- }
- */
- // msg_waiting_time = 200;
- msg_waiting_time = 50;
- /*
- if (!system("/bin/umount /dev/mmcblk0p1")) {
- sysfs_set_string("/sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file", "/dev/mmcblk0");
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- */
- frame_buffer_init();
- // system("/bin/sync");
- // bt is acting up
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- debug_print ("bt_disable\n");
- system("/usr/bin/bt_disable");
- debug_print ("bt_enable\n");
- system("/usr/bin/bt_enable");
- }
- system("/usr/bin/obex_start");
- // 1. init - get bus and adapter
- debug_print ("a2dp started\n");
- dbus_threads_init_default();
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- if (get_system_bus(&system_bus)) {
- if (!get_bluetooth_object(system_bus, /*argv[optind]*/"hci0", &bt_object)){
- debug_print ("no object\n");
- return 1;
- }
- } else {
- debug_print ("no bus\n");
- return 1;
- }
- // 2. register endpoint
- // if (run_sink)
- int run_sink = media_register_endpoint(system_bus, bt_object, A2DP_SINK_ENDPOINT, A2DP_SINK_UUID); // bt --> alsa
- if (run_sink == 0) {
- debug_print ("no sink\n");
- return;
- }
- /*
- if (run_source)
- run_source = media_register_endpoint(system_bus, bt_object, A2DP_SOURCE_ENDPOINT, A2DP_SOURCE_UUID); // alsa --> bt
- if (!run_source && !run_sink) return 1;
- */
- // 3. capture signals
- // if (run_sink) { // bt --> alsa
- dbus_bus_add_match (system_bus, "type='signal',interface='org.bluez.AudioSource',member='PropertyChanged'", &err);
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- /* }
- if (run_source) { // alsa --> bt
- dbus_bus_add_match (system_bus, "type='signal',interface='org.bluez.AudioSink',member='PropertyChanged'", &err);
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- }
- */
- debug_print ("enter main loop\n");
- // 4. main-loop
- while (!quit && dbus_connection_read_write (system_bus, msg_waiting_time)) { //block
- yield();
- //quit = handle_rb();
- if (handle_rb()) {
- // 6. unregister endpoint
- debug_print ("unregister endpoint\n");
- if (media_unregister_endpoint(system_bus, bt_object, A2DP_SINK_ENDPOINT) == 0) {
- debug_print ("unregister failed\n");
- }
- debug_print ("unregister done\n");
- }
- while (!quit && (msg = dbus_connection_pop_message (system_bus))) { //get the message
- // dispatch
- reply = NULL;
- if (dbus_message_is_signal (msg, "org.bluez.AudioSource", "PropertyChanged")) {// bt --> alsa
- debug_print("source prpba change\n");
- audiosource_property_changed (system_bus, msg, 0, &io_threads_table);
- } else if (dbus_message_is_signal (msg, "org.bluez.AudioSink", "PropertyChanged")) {// alsa --> bt
- debug_print("sink prob change\n");
- audiosink_property_changed (system_bus, msg, 1, &io_threads_table);
- } else if (dbus_message_is_method_call (msg, "org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", "SetConfiguration")) {
- debug_print("set conf\n");
- reply = endpoint_set_configuration (msg, &io_threads_table);
- } else if (dbus_message_is_method_call (msg, "org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", "SelectConfiguration")) {
- debug_print("select config\n");
- reply = endpoint_select_configuration (msg);
- } else if(dbus_message_is_method_call (msg, "org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", "ClearConfiguration")) {
- debug_print("clear config\n");
- reply = endpoint_clear_configuration (msg, &io_threads_table);
- } else if (dbus_message_is_method_call (msg, "org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", "Release")) {
- debug_print("relesas\n");
- reply = endpoint_release (msg); quit=1;
- }
- if (reply) {
- // send the reply
- dbus_connection_send(system_bus, reply, NULL);
- dbus_message_unref(reply);
- }
- dbus_message_unref(msg);
- }
- }
- debug_print ("exit main loop\n");
- // 5. destroy all existing I/O threads
- if (io_threads_table) {
- io_thread_tcb_s *p = io_threads_table, *next;
- do {
- next = p->;
- destroy_io_thread (p);
- p = next;
- } while (p && p != io_threads_table);
- }
- // 7. cleanup and exit
- dbus_connection_flush (system_bus);
- dbus_connection_unref (system_bus);
- debug_print ("a2dp ended\n\n");
- /*
- sysfs_set_string("/sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun/file", "");
- system("/bin/mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/sd_0");
- */
- return 0;
- }
- void bluetooth_screen(void)
- {
- fprintf (stderr,"I am here!!!\n");
- //pcm_play_data(get_more, NULL, NULL, 0);
- run_player();
- // mixer_channel_play_data(PCM_MIXER_BLUETOOTH_0, get_more,
- // /*frame->pcm, frame->size*/NULL, 0);
- // for (;;) {
- //int button = skin_wait_for_action(
- // }
- }
- int mif_main(int argc, char** argv)
- {
- // Control variables
- DBusConnection* system_bus;
- char *bt_object; // bluetooth device objectpath
- io_thread_tcb_s *io_threads_table = NULL; // hashtable of io_threads
- int msg_waiting_time = -1; //default is wait forever
- // scratch variables
- DBusMessage *msg, *reply;
- DBusError err;
- // 0. check options
- const struct option options[] = {
- {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
- {"sink", no_argument, 0, 's' },
- {"source", no_argument, 0, 'o' },
- {"run-once", no_argument, 0, 'r' },
- {0, 0, 0, 0 }
- };
- int option, run_sink=0, run_source=0;
- while ((option = getopt_long (argc, argv, "h", (const struct option *) &options, NULL)) != -1) {
- switch (option) {
- case 'h':
- fprintf (stderr,"Usage: a2dp-alsa [--sink|--source|--run-once] [hciX]\n");
- return 0;
- case 's':
- debug_print ("run sink\n");
- run_sink=1;
- break;
- case 'o':
- debug_print ("run source\n");
- run_source=1;
- break;
- case 'r':
- debug_print ("run once\n");
- run_once=1;
- msg_waiting_time = 1000; //1000 ms = 1 s
- break;
- }
- }
- // 1. init - get bus and adapter
- debug_print ("a2dp started\n");
- dbus_threads_init_default();
- dbus_error_init(&err);
- if (get_system_bus(&system_bus)) {
- if (!get_bluetooth_object(system_bus, argv[optind], &bt_object)) return 1;
- } else return 1;
- // 2. register endpoint
- if (run_sink)
- run_sink = media_register_endpoint(system_bus, bt_object, A2DP_SINK_ENDPOINT, A2DP_SINK_UUID); // bt --> alsa
- if (run_source)
- run_source = media_register_endpoint(system_bus, bt_object, A2DP_SOURCE_ENDPOINT, A2DP_SOURCE_UUID); // alsa --> bt
- if (!run_source && !run_sink) return 1;
- // 3. capture signals
- if (run_sink) { // bt --> alsa
- dbus_bus_add_match (system_bus, "type='signal',interface='org.bluez.AudioSource',member='PropertyChanged'", &err);
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- }
- if (run_source) { // alsa --> bt
- dbus_bus_add_match (system_bus, "type='signal',interface='org.bluez.AudioSink',member='PropertyChanged'", &err);
- handle_dbus_error (&err, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- }
- // 4. main-loop
- while (!quit && dbus_connection_read_write (system_bus, msg_waiting_time)) { //block
- while (!quit && (msg = dbus_connection_pop_message (system_bus))) { //get the message
- // dispatch
- reply = NULL;
- if (dbus_message_is_signal (msg, "org.bluez.AudioSource", "PropertyChanged")) // bt --> alsa
- audiosource_property_changed (system_bus, msg, 0, &io_threads_table);
- else if (dbus_message_is_signal (msg, "org.bluez.AudioSink", "PropertyChanged")) // alsa --> bt
- audiosink_property_changed (system_bus, msg, 1, &io_threads_table);
- else if (dbus_message_is_method_call (msg, "org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", "SetConfiguration"))
- reply = endpoint_set_configuration (msg, &io_threads_table);
- else if (dbus_message_is_method_call (msg, "org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", "SelectConfiguration"))
- reply = endpoint_select_configuration (msg);
- else if(dbus_message_is_method_call (msg, "org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", "ClearConfiguration"))
- reply = endpoint_clear_configuration (msg, &io_threads_table);
- else if (dbus_message_is_method_call (msg, "org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", "Release"))
- { reply = endpoint_release (msg); quit=1; }
- if (reply) {
- // send the reply
- dbus_connection_send(system_bus, reply, NULL);
- dbus_message_unref(reply);
- }
- dbus_message_unref(msg);
- }
- }
- // 5. destroy all existing I/O threads
- if (io_threads_table) {
- io_thread_tcb_s *p = io_threads_table, *next;
- do {
- next = p->;
- destroy_io_thread (p);
- p = next;
- } while (p && p != io_threads_table);
- }
- // 6. cleanup and exit
- dbus_connection_flush (system_bus);
- dbus_connection_unref (system_bus);
- debug_print ("a2dp ended\n\n");
- return 0;
- }
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