

Nov 24th, 2014
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  1. What follows is an accurate depiction of my experiences on and off drugs.
  2. I suppose the greatest motivator to not trying to prove I have ESP has actually been the insistence that I won't be as cool if I talk about it. I can objectively realize this reasoning isn't good. My motivations for trying to prove ESP exists actually serve self-interest, because I'm diagnosed with schizophrenia and my goal is to understand myself well enough to function. I'm not a psychic genius by any means, but I've been hearing extrasensory voices in my head, both audible and cognitive (but both using ESP) since I started smoking weed.
  3. But it's not really because I smoked weed that I hear the voices. In fact, it's because of a traumatic event which I think put me on a kind of list for actual psychics to talk to me.
  4. Now's a good time to explain what I meant by "I won't be cool" if I talk about my ESP. It's exceptional that I have this way of communicating with people, and it's not something that everyone can do. It doesn't exactly serve the interest of ESP to talk about it, because it's people on the other end of the line (ESP is similar to a phone conversation) and they probably don't have a social advantage where I live.
  5. I'll share a convincing anecdote and a little bit about schizophrenia in different countries that points to ESP being real.
  6. The first time I accepted that I was hearing voices, I remember specifically what was said. It was a condensed code language that I only understood later. One word that was iconic that I heard every time I got in the car was "SHOTGUN." To put it in positive terms, hearing "SHOTGUN" in your head whenever you get in a vehicle is highly motivating. In reality, it scared the shit out of me because I thought I was going to be killed with a double-barrel (or perhaps a 12-gauge). I went through the classic "Hearing Voices" pattern, where I sought answers then finally came to accept and even function with voices in my head. Fortunately, I had some experiences on drugs with other people which had already confirmed that the voices I heard were ESP or I would likely be a very confused individual. Or moreso.
  7. Anyway, it turns out the voice was referring to riding in the "shotgun" position in the car with me. Not that he was going to shoot me!
  8. In the US, schizophrenic's hallucinations are more violent than in countries like India. There's a thread on reddit that I would find if I had a computer mouse, but unfortunately I must only recall it now. In India, schizophrenic's voices were more supportive whereas in America and other Western countries, they were more threatening. My voices were initially very threatening, and led me to make some very bad decisions.
  9. In America, not only is violence celebrated which can affect our psyche, but violence is actually used by psychics to reach people. We are very militarized in the sense that effective procedures are usually coupled with guns and "macho man" threats. I think that shows our priorities are not right, and diagnoses our culture in a way.
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  16. [–]SortofLike 2 points 15 days ago
  17. You didn't depict your experiences. You only introduced us to what you think you are experiencing. The "shotgun" example is interesting, but if you believe you have ESP, there has to be more examples. Most of us here are aware of how other cultures view what we call mental illness, and how much our approach affects the individuals.
  18. How is violence used by psychics to reach people? What do you mean by reaching people? What experiences led you to your conclusion of ESP? How does our militarized attitude diagnose us? What does it diagnose us with?
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  20. [–]peacev1rus 1 point 15 days ago
  21. op please answer
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  23. [–]CaesarNaples2 1 point 15 days ago
  24. One experience made me think I was communicating with my entire neighborhood at once. I can see that I was really communicating to one or two people with an ability to present a shadow of my neighborhood in my mind. I was initially curious about what was happening. I never spoke in person to someone who I could communicate with. There was simply no way the difficult to understand speech was coming from people's mouths or even the television. I was certainly having shock symptoms from a few things that had happened before coming to accept the voices.
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