

Apr 11th, 2014
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  1. Creeeeeed: You look so Asian, Lee.
  2. LeeSeojung: I wrote that because I had some guys that used to disturb me. Hahaha. I'm Asian. That's why I look Asian> Lol :)
  3. Creeeeeed: What makes a person look Asian, Lee?
  4. LeeSeojung: Asian features; the eyes, small body frame.
  5. FrostyFeathers: I know fat Asians though
  6. LeeSeojung: I know some too...In fact, my grandmother is fat fat fat.
  7. FrostyFeathers: Fair enough
  8. LeeSeojung: Yep. Are you in the US?
  9. FrostyFeathers: Mmhmmm
  10. Creeeeeed: Ohohoho, you're both in the US.
  11. Creeeeeed: You should totes meet up.
  12. LeeSeojung: Creeeed?
  13. FrostyFeathers: I love you Creed
  14. LeeSeojung: oh
  15. Creeeeeed: I love you more.
  16. LeeSeojung: You peeps know each other?
  17. FrostyFeathers: Of course we do.
  18. Creeeeeed: Indeed.
  19. FrostyFeathers: We grew up together
  20. LeeSeojung: Childhood buddies? Cool.
  21. LeeSeojung: Very nice guys.
  22. LeeSeojung: I hope you remain friends forever :)
  23. Creeeeeed: :^)
  24. FrostyFeathers: ^.^
  25. FrostyFeathers: Way to kill the chat with your niceness...
  26. LeeSeojung: Me?
  27. FrostyFeathers: No, Creed.
  28. wOo0oOw: Ugh...creed is here?
  29. LeeSeojung: Oh...It's 3 AM here. I'm still not sleepy.
  30. FrostyFeathers: 3:08 AM
  31. FrostyFeathers: Get it right.
  32. LeeSeojung: Yes daddy.
  33. LeeSeojung: Lol
  34. WinterJazz: Hi guys
  35. Creeeeeed: WinterJizz.
  36. LeeSeojung: 3:10:51 AM
  37. Creeeeeed: Hello.
  38. WinterJazz: Yes it's me
  39. LeeSeojung: That was more accurate than yours. Hi Jazz
  40. LeeSeojung: Parle vous Francias?
  41. WinterJazz: Haha yup :p
  42. LeeSeojung: Bonjour.
  43. WinterJazz: But I don't speak korean
  44. LeeSeojung: That was French.
  45. WinterJazz: Yeah it is :) I was talkin' about your profil
  46. LeeSeojung: Ah, never mind, my friend. I speak English so we can communicate well.
  47. WinterJazz: That's the most important
  48. FrostyFeathers: Well
  49. FrostyFeathers: My interwebs are back to normal
  50. FrostyFeathers: Bub bye
  51. WinterJazz: buhbye
  52. LeeSeojung: bye
  53. WinterJazz: Hey guys, you fell asleep?
  54. wOo0oOw: sshhhh
  55. WinterJazz: twinkle twinkle ittle staaar
  56. WinterJazz: little*
  57. wOo0oOw: shut up
  58. wOo0oOw: or nutt up
  59. Creeeeeed: Someone tell Woo to unmute me.
  60. WinterJazz: I don't feel to speak to Woo, Creed
  61. wOo0oOw: wow* pls
  62. WinterJazz: WOo0oOw
  63. wOo0oOw: i've muted creed for calling me woo
  64. Creeeeeed: It's not like anybody likes to speak to her anyway.
  65. WinterJazz: Ah it's a girl?
  66. Creeeeeed: Call her woo and join me in the ranks of the muted.
  67. Creeeeeed: Ah yes.
  68. wOo0oOw: that idiot will never change
  69. wOo0oOw: i am..
  70. WinterJazz: But I find it charming "woo"
  71. wOo0oOw: -_- call me woo
  72. WinterJazz: I'll call you Woo :)
  73. wOo0oOw: ill mute u
  74. wOo0oOw: :D
  75. WinterJazz: It's fine!
  76. wOo0oOw: D: no
  77. WinterJazz: Woo!
  78. WinterJazz: Woo-woo
  79. wOo0oOw: <.< 10,9,8,7...
  80. WinterJazz: Damn it, don't mute me so quickly!
  81. WinterJazz: I'm bored and you're amusing
  82. wOo0oOw: wo?
  83. wOo0oOw: who*'
  84. WinterJazz: You :)
  85. wOo0oOw: C: oki
  86. wOo0oOw: whats ur sex??
  87. WinterJazz: Where are you from?
  88. wOo0oOw: <.<
  89. wOo0oOw: >.> answer me first :D
  90. WinterJazz: My sex is confidential
  91. wOo0oOw: oow
  92. wOo0oOw: i live in asia -_-
  93. WinterJazz: I don't show it to people so easily :O
  94. wOo0oOw: me too
  95. wOo0oOw: :O*
  96. WinterJazz: It seems that there's a lot of asians here
  97. WinterJazz: Good girl.
  98. wOo0oOw: c;
  99. Creeeeeed: Woo.
  100. WinterJazz: Is it night where you live?
  101. WinterJazz: Ow, Creed is calling you, Woo
  102. wOo0oOw: ive muted him so dont talk about him with me
  103. WinterJazz: You've muted him just because he called you woo?
  104. wOo0oOw: Yes now stop with woo
  105. WinterJazz: Who?
  106. Creeeeeed: Helllo.
  107. gigi30: Hi
  108. arfe: hi
  109. Creeeeeed: Arfe.
  110. arfe: creed...........
  111. Creeeeeed: Arfe.
  112. Creeeeeed: Hello?
  113. arfe: yes?
  114. arfe: what do you want creed?
  115. Creeeeeed: What do YOU want?
  116. arfe: nothing
  117. Creeeeeed: I want pics of your sister.
  118. Creeeeeed: Send away.
  119. arfe: no
  120. Creeeeeed: You asked me what I want, and I told you what I want.
  121. Creeeeeed: Now send.
  122. arfe: nope
  123. Creeeeeed: Why not?
  124. arfe: because I hate you
  125. TwerkingMoose: creed do u go to lynfield college
  126. Creeeeeed: No.
  127. TwerkingMoose: k cos i kno a cree who does
  128. Creeeeeed: Arfe, hate is not a valid reason.
  129. arfe: yes it is
  130. Creeeeeed: Is he a tactical genius?
  131. TwerkingMoose: no he is a dumb****
  132. Creeeeeed: Doesn't sound like me.
  133. Creeeeeed: Arfe, put your hate away and send pics.
  134. TwerkingMoose: he is alright
  135. TwerkingMoose: he is year 12
  136. TwerkingMoose: he has a lotto bag
  137. TwerkingMoose: he is white
  138. TwerkingMoose: he is blond
  139. WinterJazz: (Poor Creed, he is muted and hated )
  140. TwerkingMoose: lol
  141. arfe: you will never get pictures of my sister
  142. Creeeeeed: I am not blond.
  143. Creeeeeed: And I'm white either.
  144. WinterJazz: So you have a sister, Arfe. How old is she?
  145. Creeeeeed: She's 17.
  146. TwerkingMoose: 69
  147. Creeeeeed: And she has a boyfriend.
  148. TwerkingMoose: ...
  149. Creeeeeed: And he doesn't want to send me pics of her.
  150. TwerkingMoose: U POPPED THE BUBBLE
  151. Creeeeeed: It's one of my habits.
  152. TwerkingMoose: DO THE PICS
  153. WinterJazz: Maybe she's too yound for you?
  154. WinterJazz: young*
  155. TwerkingMoose: or old
  156. Creeeeeed: She's not younger than me.
  157. WinterJazz: Why is it written 56 years old on your Profil, mister Creed?
  158. TwerkingMoose: thats cos he is old
  159. Creeeeeed: Because it adds to the character.
  160. TwerkingMoose: this guy
  161. WinterJazz: Which character?
  162. Creeeeeed: Creed.
  163. Creeeeeed: The tactical genius.
  164. Creeeeeed: Google it.
  165. arfe: no your creed the tactical retard
  166. Creeeeeed: Says arfe.
  167. arfe: says everyone
  168. Creeeeeed: You're the only one who said that, and you are nobody.
  169. arfe: at least im not a pedophile
  170. Creeeeeed: At least I am not ignorant.
  171. arfe: im not ignorant
  172. Creeeeeed: You are.
  173. arfe: how am I ignorant?
  174. Creeeeeed: You called me a pedophile, that's how.
  175. WinterJazz: Creeeeeeeeed
  176. FreeFallHero: What a lame fight.
  177. FreeFallHero: You guys suck.
  178. Creeeeeed: Indeed.
  179. Creeeeeed: But arfe sucks more.
  180. Creeeeeed: Because he's gay.
  181. FreeFallHero: Fight more fiercely !!
  182. FreeFallHero: lol Creed. Arfe is a female.
  183. Lightningcould: Fight as if you are ****ing.
  184. arfe: no im not
  185. FreeFallHero: ^
  186. arfe: im a guy
  187. FreeFallHero: **** as if you are fighting"
  188. FreeFallHero: No you're not. Stop pretending please.
  189. Creeeeeed: Oh, arfe, you're a girl?
  190. Creeeeeed: Send pics pls.
  191. arfe: no
  192. arfe: im not a girl
  193. Creeeeeed: Send pics and I'll decide for myself.
  194. arfe: no
  195. FreeFallHero: Arfe is a blondie.
  196. Creeeeeed: Oooh, hawt.
  197. FreeFallHero: too qt
  198. arfe: no my hair Is dark brown
  199. Creeeeeed: Your hair is white.
  200. Creeeeeed: Semen-white.
  201. Creeeeeed: :^D
  202. arfe: you jackass
  203. Creeeeeed: You take it up the ass.
  204. FreeFallHero: No u.
  205. Creeeeeed: no u
  206. arfe: no more gay jokes
  207. Creeeeeed: You are a gay joke
  208. Creeeeeed: :^D
  209. FreeFallHero: It's a proven fact that people who make lots of gay jokes are insecure about their sexuality.
  210. arfe: I wish you would just die!
  211. Creeeeeed: Oh look, a mod.
  212. FreeFallHero: I'm outa here.
  213. Creeeeeed: See ya.
  214. Creeeeeed: Hey arfe, you should consider suicide.
  215. arfe: why?
  216. Lightningcould: wrekt
  217. Creeeeeed: Because you are unimportant.
  218. Creeeeeed: And nobody will miss you
  219. Creeeeeed: even if they knew who you were.
  220. Lightningcould: gotem
  221. WinterJazz: -_-
  222. Creeeeeed: plus ur gey u dont mek bobulation
  223. arfe: if you are going to insult me please at least use correct grammar
  224. Creeeeeed: no u
  225. arfe: your an idiot
  226. Creeeeeed: >"at least use correct grammar"
  227. Creeeeeed: >your
  228. arfe: oh hi dem
  229. Creeeeeed: D-Dem.
  230. Creeeeeed: Arfe, you should make your death memorable.
  231. arfe: im not going to commit suicide
  232. Creeeeeed: I never said you were.
  233. arfe: just please shut up creed
  234. Creeeeeed: Aw, you know you don't want me to shut up.
  235. Creeeeeed: You enjoy it deep inside.
  236. WinterJazz: ...
  237. Creeeeeed: Just like how you enjoy cocks, arfe.
  238. Creeeeeed: Deep inside.
  239. arfe: oi vey.......
  240. WinterJazz: Why do I learnt english to understand this? ._.
  241. WinterJazz: This conversation is deeply intelligent
  242. Creeeeeed: I concur.
  243. arfe: creed no more gay jokes
  244. Creeeeeed: But you are a gay joke, arfe.
  245. arfe: that makes absolutely no sense
  246. Creeeeeed: Oh?
  247. Creeeeeed: You are a joke.
  248. Creeeeeed: People laugh at you, not with you.
  249. Creeeeeed: And you are gay.
  250. Creeeeeed: Figure it out.
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