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a guest
Jun 21st, 2021
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  3.   <Translation Id="login" Value="Welcome back {0}! Your buildables haven't suffered from any decay." />
  4.   <Translation Id="login_decayed_Instant" Value="Welcome back {0}! You have lost {1} buildables to decay on the {2}." />
  5.   <Translation Id="login_decayed_Gradual" Value="Welcome back {0}! {1} of your buildables were damaged due to decay on the {2}." />
  6.   <Translation Id="invalid_player" Value="{0} is not a player or steam64 ID." />
  7.   <Translation Id="base_no_damaging" Value="The base is not decaying and will not receive any damage." />
  8.   <Translation Id="cluster_decay" Value="The base will run out of resources in {0} seconds, and it will be destroyed in {1} seconds. Total buildables affected/targeted: {2}." />
  9.   <Translation Id="no_timer_associated" Value="No decay timer is associated with this buildable. It will not decay." />
  10.   <Translation Id="not_looking_buildable" Value="You are not looking at a buildable. Cannot get any info." />
  11.   <Translation Id="player_decay_check" Value="Identified the following decay for player: {0} [{1}]. Time left until full destruction: {2}. Total buildables affected/targeted: {3}." />
  12.   <Translation Id="not_decaying_text" Value="∞" />
  13.   <Translation Id="toggle_usage" Value="Command usage: /toggleDecay &lt;player&gt;" />
  14.   <Translation Id="exclusion_removed" Value="{0} was removed from the excluded player list." />
  15.   <Translation Id="exclusion_added" Value="{0} was added to the excluded player list." />
  16.   <Translation Id="base_clustering_load_failed" Value="The Base Clustering plugin didn't load correctly, so no information can be displayed." />
  17.   <Translation Id="decayDirectory_null" Value="Decay directory is null. Cannot continue executing command. Please make sure that the plugin loaded correctly." />
  18.   <Translation Id="webhook_title_Instant" Value="Instant Player Decay" />
  19.   <Translation Id="webhook_title_Gradual" Value="Gradual Player Decay" />
  20.   <Translation Id="webhook_description_Instant" Value="The decay for {0} has expired. {1} Buildables from this player have been removed from the map." />
  21.   <Translation Id="webhook_description_Gradual" Value="The decay for {0} has cycled. {1} Buildables from this player have been damaged." />
  22.   <Translation Id="webhook_username" Value="Advanced Decay" />
  23.   <Translation Id="webhook_image" Value="" />
  24.   <Translation Id="webhook_cycle_field_name" Value="Cycle End Time" />
  25.   <Translation Id="webhook_acted_field_name" Value="Number Of Buildables Affected" />
  26.   <Translation Id="webhook_player_field_name" Value="Player Steam64ID" />
  27. </Translations>
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