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- .include "drivecpu.i"
- .export fat_cdroot, fat_cd, fat_dir_first, fat_dir_next
- .export fat_next_clust, fat_read_clust, fat_read_ptable
- .export cluster
- .exportzp fs_fat12
- .exportzp fs_fat16
- .exportzp fs_fat32
- .importzp dirptr
- .importzp nameptr
- .importzp ptr
- .importzp sectorptr
- .import dev_read_sector
- .import comparedirname
- .import clusterbuf
- .import lba
- .import part_fstype
- .import part_secperclus
- .import debug_puts
- .import debug_puthex
- .import dstr_crlf
- .import dstr_dircluster
- .import dstr_foundfat16
- .import dstr_foundfat32
- fs_fat12 = $12
- fs_fat16 = $16
- fs_fat32 = $32
- ptable = sectorbuf + 446
- .bss
- part_fat: .res 4 ; 32-bit start of fat
- part_cstart: .res 4 ; 32-bit start of clusters
- part_num: .res 1 ; partition number
- part_start: .res 4 ; 32-bit LBA start address of active partition
- part_rootdir: .res 4 ; 32-bit root directory address
- scount: .res 1 ; number of sectors to read
- cluster: .res 4 ; 32-bit cluster address
- ; multiply by number of sectors per cluster
- ; add start of clusters
- ; and you get the logical block address
- sectorbuf: .res 512
- .code
- ; load the root directory
- fat_cdroot:
- lda part_fstype
- cmp #fs_fat16
- beq @fat16
- lda part_rootdir
- sta cluster
- lda part_rootdir+1
- sta cluster+1
- lda part_rootdir+2
- sta cluster+2
- lda part_rootdir+3
- sta cluster+3
- @done:
- clc
- rts
- @fat16:
- lda #0
- sta cluster
- sta cluster+1
- sta cluster+2
- sta cluster+3
- beq @done
- ; change directory
- ; needs the first cluster of the current dir in cluster
- ; and the name of the dir to change to in nameptr
- ; returns the new dir address in cluster or carry set on error
- fat_cd:
- jsr fat_dir_first
- bcs @error
- @checkname:
- ldy #0
- lda (dirptr),y
- beq @error ; if it's 0 we reached the end of the dir
- cmp #$e5 ; if it's $e5 it's a deleted file
- beq @next
- ldy #11 ; check attrib flags
- lda (dirptr),y
- and #$10 ; bit 4 is the dir flag
- beq @next
- dey ; compare name
- jsr comparedirname
- beq @founddir
- @next:
- jsr fat_dir_next ; grab the next entry
- bcc @checkname
- @error:
- sec
- rts
- @founddir:
- ldy #$1a ; we found the directory, new cluster
- lda (dirptr),y ; address
- sta cluster
- iny
- lda (dirptr),y
- sta cluster+1
- lda part_fstype
- cmp #fs_fat32
- bne @fat16
- ldy #$14
- lda (dirptr),y
- sta cluster+2
- iny
- lda (dirptr),y
- sta cluster+3
- clc
- rts
- @fat16:
- cmp #fs_fat16
- bne @error
- lda #0
- sta cluster+2
- sta cluster+3
- clc
- rts
- ; find the first dir entry
- fat_dir_first:
- ;dputs dstr_dircluster
- ;dputnum32 cluster
- ;dputs dstr_crlf
- jsr fat_read_clust ; load dir cluster into buffer
- bcc fat_dir_ok
- fat_dir_error:
- sec
- rts
- fat_dir_ok:
- lda #<clusterbuf ; point to beginning of dir
- sta dirptr
- lda #>clusterbuf
- sta dirptr+1
- fat_dir_return:
- clc
- rts
- fat_dir_next:
- lda dirptr ; advance pointer 32 bytes to the
- clc ; next entry
- adc #32
- sta dirptr
- bcc @skip
- inc dirptr+1
- @skip:
- lda part_secperclus ; check if we've parsed the whole
- asl ; cluster
- ;clc
- adc #>clusterbuf
- cmp dirptr+1
- bne fat_dir_return
- jsr fat_next_clust ; next cluster in chain
- beq fat_dir_error ; premature end of directory
- bcs fat_dir_error
- jsr fat_read_clust ; load cluster into buffer
- bcc fat_dir_ok
- bcs fat_dir_error
- next_dir_entry:
- @return:
- rts
- ; find the next linked cluster from the FAT
- fat_next_clust:
- lda part_fstype ; check for FAT16/FAT32
- cmp #fs_fat32
- beq f32_next_clust
- cmp #fs_fat16
- beq f16_next_clust
- sec ; then what is it?
- rts
- f16_next_clust:
- lda cluster+1 ; there are 2 bytes for each entry
- sta lba ; in the FAT this gives us 256
- lda cluster+2 ; entries in every FAT sector so
- sta lba+1 ; bits 31..8 of the current cluster
- lda cluster+3 ; address gives us the sector to
- sta lba+2 ; read
- lda #0
- sta lba+3
- jsr addfatstart ; fat += part-fat
- lda #<sectorbuf
- sta sectorptr
- lda #>sectorbuf
- sta sectorptr+1
- jsr dev_read_sector
- bcs @error
- lda cluster ; offset = cluster<<1
- asl
- tax
- bcs @upperhalf
- lda sectorbuf,x ; copy new cluster address
- sta cluster
- inx
- lda sectorbuf,x
- sta cluster+1
- jmp @checkeoc
- @upperhalf:
- lda sectorbuf + 256,x
- sta cluster
- inx
- lda sectorbuf + 256,x
- sta cluster+1
- @checkeoc:
- lda #0 ; this is FAT*16*
- sta cluster+2
- sta cluster+3
- lda cluster+1 ; check for end of cluster chain
- cmp #$ff
- bne @done
- lda cluster
- and #$f0 ; the 3 least significant bits are ignored
- cmp #$f0
- @done:
- clc
- rts
- @error:
- sec
- rts
- f32_next_clust:
- lda cluster+1 ; there are 4 bytes for each entry
- sta lba ; in the FAT this gives us 128 entries
- lda cluster+2 ; in every FAT sector so bits 31..7 of
- sta lba+1 ; the current cluster address gives us
- lda cluster+3 ; the FAT sector to read
- sta lba+2
- lda #0
- sta lba+3
- lda cluster ; lba = cluster>>7
- asl
- rol lba
- rol lba+1
- rol lba+2
- rol lba+3
- jsr addfatstart ; fat += part_fat
- lda #<sectorbuf
- sta sectorptr
- lda #>sectorbuf
- sta sectorptr+1
- jsr dev_read_sector
- bcs @error
- lda cluster ; offset = (cluster & 127)<<2
- asl
- asl
- tax
- bcs @upperhalf
- lda sectorbuf,x ; copy new cluster address
- sta cluster
- inx
- lda sectorbuf,x
- sta cluster+1
- inx
- lda sectorbuf,x
- sta cluster+2
- inx
- lda sectorbuf,x
- sta cluster+3
- jmp @checkeoc
- @upperhalf:
- lda sectorbuf + 256,x
- sta cluster
- inx
- lda sectorbuf + 256,x
- sta cluster+1
- inx
- lda sectorbuf + 256,x
- sta cluster+2
- inx
- lda sectorbuf + 256,x
- sta cluster+3
- @checkeoc:
- lda cluster+1 ; check for end of cluster chain
- and cluster+2
- and cluster+3
- cmp #$ff
- bne @done
- lda cluster
- and #$f8 ; the 3 least significant bits are ignored
- cmp #$f8
- @done:
- clc
- rts
- @error:
- sec
- rts
- ; lba += start of fat
- addfatstart:
- clc
- lda lba
- adc part_fat
- sta lba
- lda lba+1
- adc part_fat+1
- sta lba+1
- lda lba+2
- adc part_fat+2
- sta lba+2
- lda lba+3
- adc part_fat+3
- sta lba+3
- rts
- ; load the specified cluster to memory
- ; with ugly, ugly special case for FAT16 root directory
- .bss
- rctemp: .res 1 ; ugly, ugly fat16
- .code
- fat_read_clust:
- lda cluster ; lba = cluster * secperclus + part_cstart
- sta lba
- sta rctemp
- lda cluster+1
- sta lba+1
- ora rctemp
- sta rctemp
- lda cluster+2
- sta lba+2
- ora rctemp
- sta rctemp
- lda cluster+3
- sta lba+3
- ora rctemp
- bne @notclusterzero
- lda part_fstype
- cmp #fs_fat16
- bne @notclusterzero
- lda part_rootdir
- sta lba
- lda part_rootdir+1
- sta lba+1
- lda part_rootdir+2
- sta lba+2
- lda part_rootdir+3
- sta lba+3
- lda #16 ; assuming 512 rootdir entries for FAT16. ugly, ugly
- jmp @readsectors
- @notclusterzero:
- lda part_secperclus ; multiply cluster address by number of
- @shift:
- lsr ; sectors per cluster. this number is a
- bcs @shifted ; power of two so we'll just shift.
- asl lba
- rol lba+1
- rol lba+2
- rol lba+3
- jmp @shift
- @shifted:
- clc ; add start of clusters
- lda lba
- adc part_cstart
- sta lba
- lda lba+1
- adc part_cstart+1
- sta lba+1
- lda lba+2
- adc part_cstart+2
- sta lba+2
- lda lba+3
- adc part_cstart+3
- ;sta lba+3
- ; we should now have the correct cluster in the lba address
- lda part_secperclus ; number of sectors to read
- @readsectors:
- sta scount
- lda #<clusterbuf ; load to cluster buffer
- sta sectorptr
- lda #>clusterbuf
- sta sectorptr+1
- @readnext:
- jsr dev_read_sector
- bcs @error
- inc lba ; next sector
- bne @done
- inc lba+1
- bne @done
- inc lba+2
- bne @done
- inc lba+3
- @done:
- dec scount
- bne @readnext
- clc
- rts
- @error:
- sec
- rts
- ; reads the partition table and finds the first FAT32 partition
- fat_read_ptable:
- lda #0 ; we'll find the partition
- sta lba ; table in sector 0
- sta lba+1
- sta lba+2
- sta lba+3
- lda #<sectorbuf
- sta sectorptr
- lda #>sectorbuf
- sta sectorptr+1
- jsr dev_read_sector
- bcs @error
- jsr check_signature
- bcs @error
- lda #<ptable ; pointer to the partition table
- sta ptr
- lda #>ptable
- sta ptr+1
- ldx #0
- ldy #4
- @checktype:
- lda (ptr),y ; check file system type
- cmp #$04 ; fat16 uses $04, $06, or $0e
- beq foundfat16
- cmp #$06
- beq foundfat16
- cmp #$0e
- beq foundfat16
- cmp #$0b ; fat32 uses $0b or $0c
- beq _foundfat32
- cmp #$0c
- beq _foundfat32
- lda ptr
- clc
- adc #16
- sta ptr
- inx
- cpx #4
- bne @checktype
- @error:
- sec
- rts
- _foundfat32:
- jmp foundfat32 ; branch range. bah.
- foundfat16:
- inx
- stx part_num ; save partition number
- dputs dstr_foundfat16
- txa
- dputnum
- dputs dstr_crlf
- lda #fs_fat16 ; store partition type
- sta part_fstype
- jsr loadvolid
- bcc @noerror
- @error:
- sec
- rts
- @noerror:
- jsr checkgeom
- bne @error
- jsr findfatstart
- asl sectorbuf + $16 ; multiply fatsize by two
- rol sectorbuf + $17 ; possible overflow?
- bcs @error
- ;clc
- lda part_fat ; skip fats to find rootdir *sector*
- adc sectorbuf + $16
- sta part_rootdir
- lda part_fat + 1
- adc sectorbuf + $17
- sta part_rootdir + 1
- lda part_fat + 2
- adc #0
- sta part_rootdir + 2
- lda part_fat + 3
- adc #0
- sta part_rootdir + 3
- ldx #4 ; divide rootdirentries by 16 to
- @div16:
- lsr sectorbuf + $12 ; get the number of blocks
- ror sectorbuf + $11
- dex
- bne @div16
- bcs @error
- ;clc
- lda part_rootdir ; skip rootdir to find start of
- adc sectorbuf + $11 ; clusters
- sta part_cstart
- lda part_rootdir + 1
- adc sectorbuf + $12
- sta part_cstart + 1
- lda part_rootdir + 2
- adc #0
- sta part_cstart + 2
- lda part_rootdir + 3
- adc #0
- sta part_cstart + 3
- jmp subcluster
- foundfat32:
- inx
- stx part_num ; save partition number
- dputs dstr_foundfat32
- txa
- dputnum
- dputs dstr_crlf
- lda #fs_fat32 ; store partition type
- sta part_fstype
- jsr loadvolid
- bcc @noerror
- @error:
- sec
- rts
- @noerror:
- jsr checkgeom
- bne @error
- jsr findfatstart
- lda sectorbuf + $2c ; store address of root directory
- sta part_rootdir
- lda sectorbuf + $2d
- sta part_rootdir+1
- lda sectorbuf + $2e
- sta part_rootdir+2
- lda sectorbuf + $2f
- sta part_rootdir+3
- ; find start of clusters
- asl sectorbuf + $24 ; multiply FAT size by two
- rol sectorbuf + $25
- rol sectorbuf + $26
- rol sectorbuf + $27
- clc ; then skip them
- lda part_fat
- adc sectorbuf + $24
- sta part_cstart
- lda part_fat+1
- adc sectorbuf + $25
- sta part_cstart+1
- lda part_fat+2
- adc sectorbuf + $26
- sta part_cstart+2
- lda part_fat+3
- adc sectorbuf + $27
- sta part_cstart+3
- subcluster:
- ldx #2 ; subtract two clusters to compensate
- @subcluster:
- sec ; for reserved values 0 and 1
- lda part_cstart
- sbc part_secperclus
- sta part_cstart
- lda part_cstart+1
- sbc #0
- sta part_cstart+1
- lda part_cstart+2
- sbc #0
- sta part_cstart+2
- lda part_cstart+3
- sbc #0
- sta part_cstart+3
- dex
- bne @subcluster
- ; ok, we have now initialized everything we need
- ; to load files from the partition
- clc
- rts
- loadvolid:
- ldy #8 ; grab the address of the volume ID
- lda (ptr),y
- sta lba
- sta part_start
- iny
- lda (ptr),y
- sta lba+1
- sta part_start+1
- iny
- lda (ptr),y
- sta lba+2
- sta part_start+2
- iny
- lda (ptr),y
- sta lba+3
- sta part_start+3
- lda #<sectorbuf
- sta sectorptr
- lda #>sectorbuf
- sta sectorptr+1
- jsr dev_read_sector
- bcs @error
- jsr check_signature ; check for $aa55
- bcs @error
- clc
- @error:
- rts
- findfatstart:
- clc ; first skip reserved sectors
- lda lba
- adc sectorbuf + $0e
- sta part_fat
- lda lba+1
- adc sectorbuf + $0f
- sta part_fat+1
- lda lba+2
- adc #0
- sta part_fat+2
- lda lba+3
- adc #0
- sta part_fat+3
- rts
- checkgeom:
- lda sectorbuf + $0b ; make sure sector size is 512
- bne @checkfail
- lda sectorbuf + $0c
- cmp #2
- bne @checkfail
- lda sectorbuf + $10 ; make sure there are 2 FATs
- cmp #2
- bne @checkfail
- lda sectorbuf + $0d ; number of sectors per cluster
- sta part_secperclus
- and #$80 ; we can't handle 64K clusters
- @checkfail:
- rts
- ; check for signature bytes
- check_signature:
- lda sectorbuf + $1fe
- cmp #$55
- bne @error
- lda sectorbuf + $1ff
- cmp #$aa
- bne @error
- clc
- rts
- @error:
- sec
- rts
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