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Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. (( # Destiny Factions Core ))
  2. #options
  3. options:
  4. speed: 9.5
  5. max.z: 10000
  6. min.z: -700
  7. max.x: 10000
  8. min.x: -700
  9. cooldown: 1 minutes
  10. avoid: air or water block or lava block
  11. worlds: "world" or "world_nether" or "world_the_end"
  12. worlds: "world"
  13. permission: c.rtp
  14. PermMsg: &4You do not have permission to use this command!
  15. NoWorldMsg: &7You cannot use this command in this world!
  16. SpamMsg: &7> &dSlow down, you must wait 1 minute until you can use this command again!
  19. variables:
  20. target = none
  23. every 10 minutes:
  24. make console execute command "save-all"
  28. command /clearchat:
  29. aliases: /cc
  30. permission: chat.clearchat
  31. trigger:
  32. loop 300 times:
  33. broadcast " "
  34. broadcast "&d*&5*&d* &7&l(( Chat box has been cleared! )) &d*&5*&d*"
  37. command /unban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  38. permission: d.unban
  39. trigger:
  40. if arg-1 is set:
  41. if arg-2 is set:
  42. if {banned.%arg-1%} is false:
  43. message "&7%arg-1% is currently not banned"
  44. else if {banned.%arg-1%} is not set:
  45. message "&7%arg-1% is currently not banned"
  46. else if {banned.%arg-1%} is true:
  47. add 1 to {unban.%arg-1%}
  48. set {banned.%arg-1%} to false
  49. unban arg-1
  50. broadcast "&d&m*---------------------------------------*"
  51. broadcast "&f%arg-1% &7has been unbanned by &f%player%"
  52. broadcast "&d&m*---------------------------------------*"
  54. else:
  55. message "&e/unban (player) (reason)"
  56. else:
  57. message "&fExample: &d/unban gooddad falseban"
  59. command /ban [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  60. permission: d.ban
  61. trigger:
  62. if arg-1 is set:
  63. if arg-2 is set:
  64. if {banned.%arg-1%} is true:
  65. message "&7%arg-1% is currently banned for &r%{banned.reason.%arg-1%}% &7and was banned on &r%{banned.time.%arg-1%}%"
  66. else if {banned.%arg-1%} is false:
  67. add 1 to {ban.%arg-1%}
  68. kick arg-1 due to "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
  69. ban arg-1 due to "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
  70. set {banned.%arg-1%} to true
  71. set {banned.reason.%arg-1%} to arg-2
  72. set {banned.time.%arg-1%} to now
  73. broadcast "&d&m*---------------------------------------*"
  74. broadcast "&f%arg-1% &7has banned by &f%player%"
  75. broadcast "&d&m*---------------------------------------*"
  76. else if {banned.%arg-1%} is not set:
  77. add 1 to {ban.%arg-1%}
  78. kick arg-1 due to "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
  79. ban arg-1 due to "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
  80. set {banned.%arg-1%} to true
  81. set {banned.reason.%arg-1%} to arg-2
  82. set {banned.time.%arg-1%} to now
  83. broadcast "&d&m*---------------------------------------*"
  84. broadcast "&f%arg-1% &7has been banned by &f%player%"
  85. broadcast "&d&m*---------------------------------------*"
  87. else:
  88. message "&d/ban (player) (reason)"
  89. else:
  90. message "&fExample: &d/ban Go00dboy Speed"
  92. command /kick [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  93. permission: d.kick
  94. trigger:
  95. if arg-1 is set:
  96. if arg-2 is set:
  97. add 1 to {kick.%arg-1%}
  98. kick arg-1 due to "&7Reason &7» &r%arg-2%"
  99. broadcast "&d&m*------------------------------------------*"
  100. broadcast "&f%arg-1% &7has been kicked by &f%player%"
  101. broadcast "&c"
  102. broadcast "&7Reason &7» &e%arg-2%"
  103. broadcast "&d&m*------------------------------------------*"
  104. else:
  105. message "&d/kick (player) (reason)"
  106. else:
  107. message "&fExample: &d/kick Go00dboy spambot"
  109. command /lagkill:
  110. permission: lagkill.use
  111. permission message: &cSorry &d%player% &7you must have permission &7 to run this command!
  112. trigger:
  113. make player execute command "/minecraft:kill @e[type=!player]"
  115. options:
  116. noperm: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have permission &7 to run this command!
  119. on death of creeper:
  120. if chance of 50%:
  121. drop 2 tnt at victim
  123. on death of Villager:
  124. if chance of 50%:
  125. drop 2 emerald at victim
  127. on death of magmacube
  128. if chance of 50%
  129. drop 3 diamond at victim
  132. command /list:
  133. trigger:
  134. loop all players:
  135. loop-player has permission "list.staff"
  136. add loop-player to {_staff::*}
  137. message "&d&m---------------------------------------"
  138. message " &5Player list"
  139. message ""
  140. message " &fThere are &d%number of all players%&7/&d45 &fplayers online!"
  141. message ""
  142. message " &dStaff&7: &7%{_staff::*}%"
  143. message "&d&m---------------------------------------"
  146. command /rename [<text>]:
  147. aliases: name
  148. permission: d.rename
  149. permission message: &eYou do not have permission to run this command!
  150. trigger:
  151. if arg-1 is not set:
  152. message "&d/rename <text>"
  153. if arg-1 is set:
  154. if player is holding air:
  155. send " &cYou need to hold an item to rename!"
  156. stop
  157. else:
  158. set name of player's tool to "%colored arg 1%"
  159. message "&aSuccessfully renamed item!"
  160. play mob spawner flames at player
  162. command /help:
  163. trigger:
  164. message "&d&m*----------------------------------------*"
  165. message " &5&lHelp"
  166. message "&5/F &7- &7Shows all faction info"
  167. message "&5/Kit &7- &7List all available kits!"
  168. message "&5/Spawn &7- &7Teleports you to spawn!"
  169. message "&5/Warp &7- &7List all available warps!"
  170. message "&5/Bal &7- &7Tells you your balance!"
  171. message "&5/Baltop &7- &7Shows you whos the richest!"
  172. message "&5/Ah &7- &7Opens the servers auction house!
  173. message "&5/Shop &7- &7Warps you to the servers shop!
  174. message "&d&m*----------------------------------------*"
  179. Command /randomtp:
  180. description: Teleports player to random location not in water
  181. permission: command.randomtp
  182. permission message: {@PermMsg}
  183. aliases: /rtp, /wild, /random
  184. trigger:
  185. if world is not {@worlds}:
  186. message "{@NoWorldMsg}"
  187. else:
  188. if difference between {cooldowns::randomtp::%player%} and now < {@cooldown}:
  189. send "{@SpamMsg}"
  190. else:
  191. set {_loc::old} to player's location
  192. while player's location is {_loc::old}:
  193. set {_loc::new} to location at random number between {@min.x} and {@max.x}, 0, random number between {@min.z} and {@max.z}
  194. loop blocks above {_loc::new}:
  195. if loop-block and block above loop-block are air:
  196. if block under loop-block is not {@avoid}:
  197. set {_loc::new} to location of loop-block
  198. teleport player to {_loc::new}
  199. if light level at player <= 2:
  200. set block at player to ground glowstone
  201. play mob spawner flames at player
  202. set {cooldowns::randomtp::%player%} to now
  203. stop loop
  204. wait 10 ticks
  207. command /rules:
  208. trigger:
  209. message "&d&m*----------------------------------------*"
  210. message " &5&lServer Rules"
  211. message "&7*"
  212. message "&f* &7Do not use any blacklisted cheats/modifications.
  213. message "&7*"
  214. message "&f* &7Just because a rule is not listed, doesn't mean you can do it!"
  215. message "&7*"
  216. message "&d&m*----------------------------------------*"
  219. options:
  220. ASCII-Symbol-Heart: ♥
  222. #Variables
  223. # %victim% = Username of the victim
  224. # %attacker% = Username of the attacker
  225. # %attacker's health% = Attackers health
  226. # {@ASCII-Symbol-Heart} = ASCII Code of heart
  228. on death of player:
  229. #Projectiles
  230. if attacker is a player:
  231. if projectile is set:
  232. set the death message to "&d%victim% &7was killed by &5%attacker%&7! &8[&c%attacker's health%{@ASCII-Symbol-Heart}&8]"
  234. #Mob
  235. if attacker is not a player:
  236. if attacker is set:
  237. set the death message to "&d%victim% &7was killed by a &5%attacker%&7! &8[&c%attacker's health%{@ASCII-Symbol-Heart}&8]"
  239. #Magic
  240. if damage was caused by potion:
  241. set the death message to "&d%victim% &7killed by magic."
  245. #Tags Skript
  246. options:
  247. NoPermission: &cYou don't have permission.
  248. example: &e&lExample
  249. example2: &e&lExample2
  250. example3: &e&lExample3
  251. NoTagPermission: You don't have permission to use this tag.
  253. command /taghelp [<text>]:
  254. aliases: tagh
  255. trigger:
  256. if arg-1 is not set:
  257. message ""
  258. message "&7<&d&m----------&d&m------&d&m----------&7>"
  259. message ""
  260. message "&5&lTag help"
  261. message ""
  262. message "&7> &d/tag &8-&e View Our Tags"
  263. message ""
  264. message ""
  265. message "&e<&d&m----------&d&m------&d&m----------&e>"
  268. command /tag:
  269. permission: command.tags
  270. permission message: NoPerm :c
  271. aliases: tags
  272. trigger:
  273. open chest with 3 rows named "&dTags" to player
  274. format slot 0 of player with red stained glass named "&e&lNerd" to run [make player execute command "/Nerd"]
  275. format slot 1 of player with red stained glass named "&d&lFactionsGod" to run [make player execute command "/FactionsGod"]
  276. format slot 2 of player with red stained glass named "&e&lPvPer" to run [make player execute command "/PvPer"]
  277. format slot 22 of player with 421 named "&d&lRemove Your Tag" to run [make player execute command "/tagremove"]
  278. if player has permission "example.use":
  279. format slot 0 of player with green stained glass named "&a&l(Nerd)" to run [make player execute command "/Nerd"]
  280. if player has permission "example2.use":
  281. format slot 1 of player with green stained glass named "&d&l(FactionsGod)" to run [make player execute command "/FactionsGod"]
  282. if player has permission "example3.use":
  283. format slot 2 of player with green stained glass named "&6&l(PvPer)" to run [make player execute command "/PvPer"]
  285. command /Nerd:
  286. permission: nerd.use
  287. permission message: {@NoTagPermission}
  288. trigger:
  289. execute console command "/manuaddv %player% suffix &d &a(Nerd)"
  290. send "&d&lTag &8- &7You are now using the &a&lNerd &7Tag"
  292. command /FactionsGod:
  293. permission: factionsgod.use
  294. permission message: {@NoTagPermission}
  295. trigger:
  296. execute console command "/manuaddv %player% suffix &7 &d(FactionsGod)"
  297. send "&d&lTag &8- &7You are now using the &d&lFactionsGod &7Tag"
  299. command /PvPer:
  300. permission: PvPer.use
  301. permission message: {@NoTagPermission}
  302. trigger:
  303. execute console command "/manuaddv %player% suffix &7 &6(PvPer)"
  304. send "&d&lTag &8- &7You are now using the &6&lPvPer &7Tag"
  306. command /tagremove:
  307. trigger:
  308. execute console command "/manuaddv %player% suffix &7"
  309. send "&d&lTag &8- &7You have removed your tag"
  312. command /setmobspawner:
  313. permission: set.spawner
  314. trigger:
  315. set {mobspawner.set} to true
  316. set {} to location of targeted block
  317. send "&aYou have set the mob spawner at %{}%"
  319. every 15 seconds:
  320. if {mobspawner.set} is true:
  321. play mob spawner flames at {}
  322. spawn 1 pig at block above {}
  323. wait 5 ticks
  324. spawn 1 cow at block above {}
  325. wait 5 ticks
  326. spawn 2 chicken at block above {}
  327. wait 5 ticks
  328. spawn 1 sheep at block above {}
  333. command /moneyspawner [<text>]:
  334. permission: money.spawner
  335. trigger:
  336. if arg 1 is not set:
  337. send "&d/moneyspawner set &8> &7Look at the block you want to be a &fmob spawner."
  338. send "&d/moneyspawner remove &8> &7Remove the &fmob spawner &7location."
  339. send "&d/moneyspawner teleport &8> &7Teleport yourself to the &fmob spawner."
  340. stop
  341. if arg 1 is "remove":
  342. if {mobspawner.set} is true:
  343. set {mobspawner.set} to false
  344. clear {}
  345. send "&cYou just removed the &dmoney spawner."
  346. else:
  347. send "&cNo spawner location is set? Try &d/moneyspawner&c, for help."
  348. stop
  349. if arg 1 is "set":
  350. set {mobspawner.set} to true
  351. set {} to location of targeted block
  352. send "&aYou have set the mob spawner at %{}%"
  353. stop
  354. if arg 1 is "teleport":
  355. if {mobspawner.set} is true:
  356. teleport player to {}
  357. send "&aYou've been teleported to the &fmob spawner."
  358. else:
  359. send "&cNo spawner location is set? Try &d/moneyspawner&c, for help."
  360. stop
  362. on death of a pig:
  363. add 10 to the attacker's balance
  364. send "&aYou've just recived $10 for killing a pig!" to attacker
  366. on death of a cow:
  367. add 15 to the attacker's balance
  368. send "&aYou've just recived $15 for killing a cow!" to attacker
  370. on death of a sheep:
  371. add 10 to the attacker's balance
  372. send "&aYou've just recived $10 by killing a sheep!" to attacker
  374. on death of a chicken:
  375. add 3 to the attacker's balance
  376. send "&aYou've just recived $10 for killing a chicken!" to attacker
  378. on death of a zombie:
  379. add 16 to the attacker's balance
  380. send "&aYou've just recived $16 for killing a zombie!" to attacker
  382. on death of a skeleton:
  383. add 16 to the attacker's balance
  384. send "&aYou've just recived $16 for killing a skeleton!" to attacker
  386. on death of a creeper:
  387. add 20 to the attacker's balance
  388. send "&aYou've just recived $20 for killing a creeper!" to attacker
  390. on death of a slime:
  391. add 30 to the attacker's balance
  392. send "&aYou've just recived $30 for killing a slime!" to attacker
  394. on death of a irongolem:
  395. add 150 to the attacker's balance
  396. send "&aYou've just recived $150 for killing a irongolem!" to attacker
  398. on death of a pigman:
  399. add 25 to the attacker's balance
  400. send "&aYou've just recived $25 for killing a pigman!" to attacker
  402. on death of a blaze:
  403. add 26 to the attacker's balance
  404. send "&aYou've just recived $26 for killing a blaze!" to attacker
  406. on death of a ghast:
  407. add 250 to the attacker's balance
  408. send "&aYou've just recived $250 for killing a chicken!" to attacker
  410. on death of a magmacube:
  411. add 60 to the attacker's balance
  412. send "&aYou've just recived $60 for killing a magmacube!" to attacker
  414. on death of a mushroomcow:
  415. add 17 to the attacker's balance
  416. send "&aYou've just recived $17 for killing a mushroom!" to attacker
  418. on death of a player:
  419. add 50 to the attacker's balance
  420. send "&aYou've just recived $50 for killing a player!" to attacker
  422. #=========== Custom Mob Drops ===========
  423. on death of Mooshroom:
  424. if chance of 100%:
  425. drop 1 Golden Ingot at victim
  426. if chance of 50%:
  427. drop 2 Golden Ingot at victim
  428. if chance of 25%:
  429. drop 3 Golden Ingot at victim
  431. on death of Creeper:
  432. if chance of 100%:
  433. drop 1 Tnt at victim
  434. if chance of 50%:
  435. drop 2 Tnt at victim
  436. if chance of 25%:
  437. drop 3 Tnt at victim
  439. on death of Magma Cube:
  440. if chance of 100%:
  441. drop 1 Diamond at victim
  442. if chance of 50%:
  443. drop 2 Diamond at victim
  444. if chance of 25%:
  445. drop 3 Diamond at victim
  447. on death of Ghast:
  448. if chance of 100%:
  449. drop 1 Emerald at victim
  450. if chance of 50%:
  451. drop 2 Emerald at victim
  452. if chance of 25%:
  453. drop 3 Emerald at victim
  455. on death of Villager:
  456. if chance of 100%:
  457. drop 1 Emerald at victim
  458. if chance of 50%:
  459. drop 2 Emerald at victim
  460. if chance of 25%:
  461. drop 3 Emerald at victim
  463. #=========== Do Not Change If You Do Not Know What Your Doing =========== ( thi will cause the skript to break )
  464. on rightclick:
  465. player is holding mob spawner named "&d&lMystery Spawner" with lore "&7Right-click in hand to reveal one||&7of the following mob spawner types:||||&d&lx &7Endermen||&d&lx &7Pigzombie||&d&lx &7Cow||&d&lx &7Creeper||&d&lx &7Blaze||&5&lx &7Iron Golem||&5&lx &7Mooshroom Cow||&5&lx &7Magma Cube||&5&lx &7Ghast"
  466. cancel event
  467. remove 1 mob spawner named "&d&lMystery Spawner" with lore "&7Right-click in hand to reveal one||&7of the following mob spawner types:||||&d&lx &7Endermen||&d&lx &7Pigzombie||&d&lx &7Cow||&d&lx &7Creeper||&d&lx &7Blaze||&5&lx &7Iron Golem||&5&lx &7Mooshroom Cow||&5&lx &7Magma Cube||&5&lx &7Ghast" from player
  468. play mob spawner flames at player
  469. set {MysterySpawner} to a random integer between 1 and 9
  470. if {MysterySpawner} is 1:
  471. execute console command "/ss give %player% enderman 1"
  472. message "&f&l(!) &dYou have uncovered a &dEnderman Spawner!"
  473. if {MysterySpawner} is 2:
  474. execute console command "/ss give %player% pigman 1"
  475. message "&f&l(!) &dYou have uncovered a &dPigman Spawner!"
  476. if {MysterySpawner} is 3:
  477. execute console command "/ss give %player% cow 1"
  478. message "&f&l(!) &dYou have uncovered a &dCow Spawner!"
  479. if {MysterySpawner} is 4:
  480. execute console command "/ss give %player% creeper 1"
  481. message "&f&l(!) &dYou have uncovered a &dCreeper Spawner!"
  482. if {MysterySpawner} is 5:
  483. execute console command "/ss give %player% blaze 1"
  484. message "&f&l(!) &dYou have uncovered a &dBlaze Spawner!"
  485. if {MysterySpawner} is 6:
  486. execute console command "/ss give %player% irongolem 1"
  487. message "&f&l(!) &dYou have uncovered a &dIron Golem Spawner!"
  488. if {MysterySpawner} is 7:
  489. execute console command "/ss give %player% mooshroom 1"
  490. message "&f&l(!) &dYou have uncovered a &dMooshroom Spawner!"
  491. if {MysterySpawner} is 8:
  492. execute console command "/ss give %player% magmacube 1"
  493. message "&f&l(!) &dYou have uncovered a &dMagma Spawner!"
  494. if {MysterySpawner} is 9:
  495. execute console command "/ss give %player% ghast 1"
  496. message "&f&l(!) &dYou have uncovered a &dGhast Spawner!"
  498. command /mms [<text>] [<offline player>]:
  499. trigger:
  500. if player has permission "mms.command":
  501. if arg 1 is not set:
  502. message " "
  503. message "&7&o* &d(Please enter &fHelp, Reload or Give &7&o) &7&o*"
  504. message " "
  505. if arg 1 is set:
  506. if arg 1 is "help":
  507. message " "
  508. message "&7&l* &5/mms help &f- &eShows this text"
  509. message "&7&l* &5/mms give &f- &eGives you a Mystery Mob Spawner"
  510. if arg 1 is "reload":
  511. message "&d(MMS) Skript Coming Soon!"
  512. wait 3 seconds
  513. message "&d(MMS) .....:D.. Done!"
  514. message "&7&o(( &fWarning &fIf errors are present, Will show up in console. &7&o))"
  515. if arg 1 is "give":
  516. set {_pl} to "%arg 2%" parsed as player
  517. execute console command "/playsound random.levelup %player%"
  518. give a mob spawner named "&d&lMystery Spawner" with lore "&7Right-click in hand to reveal one||&7of the following mob spawner types:||||&d&lx &7Endermen||&d&lx &7Pigzombie||&d&lx &7Cow||&d&lx &7Creeper||&d&lx &7Blaze||&5&lx &7Iron Golem||&5&lx &7Mooshroom Cow||&5&lx &7Magma Cube||&5&lx &7Ghast" to {_pl}
  519. if arg 2 is not online:
  520. send "&c&l(!) &cThat player is not online."
  521. execute console command "/playsound random.anvil_land {player}"
  522. if player does not have permission "mms.command":
  523. message "&c&l(!) &cYou do not have the permission to execute this command!"
  525. command /event:
  526. permission: d.event
  527. aliases: events
  528. trigger:
  529. open chest with 4 rows named "&cEvents" to player
  530. format slot 4 of player with book named "&cEvent Info &7(Left-Click)" to run [make player execute command "/einfo"]
  531. format slot 20 of player with 384 named "&a&lMore Xp Event (Coming Soon)" to run [make player execute command "/cs"]
  532. format slot 22 of player with 397:1 named "&d&lBoss Event (Command Soon)" to run [make player execute command "/cs"]
  533. format slot 24 of player with chest named "&f&lSupply drop event (Coming Soon)" to run [make player execute command "/cs"]
  535. command /cs:
  536. permission: event.cs
  537. trigger:
  538. message "Coming soon"
  540. on damage:
  541. attacker is a player
  542. victim is a player
  543. message " &6You are now combat tagged" to victim
  544. execute console command "/effect %player% minecraft:glowing 10 1 true"
  546. function StatsCommand(s: player, p: player):
  547. if "%{_s}%" contains "%{_p}%":
  548. send "&7(( &d&lYour Stats &7)):" to {_s}
  549. else:
  550. send "&d%{_p}%'s &7Stats:" to {_s}
  551. replace all "<none>" with "0" in {Kills::%{_p}%}
  552. replace all "<none>" with "0" in {Deaths::%{_p%}
  553. send "* &5Kills&8: &7%{Kills::%{_p}%}%" to {_s}
  554. send "* &5Deaths&8: &7%{Deaths::%{_p}%}%" to {_s}
  555. every 3 seconds:
  556. loop all players:
  557. replace all "<none>" with "0" in {Kills::%loop-player%}
  558. replace all "<none>" with "0" in {Deaths::%loop-player%}
  559. create hologram "&7Your Stats;&5Kills: &7%{Kills::%loop-player%}%;&5Deaths: &7%{Deaths::%loop-player%}%" at {Stats.Hologram.loc} for 9999 seconds
  560. command /setstats:
  561. trigger:
  562. if player has permission "set.stats":
  563. set {StatsHologram.loc} to location of player
  564. send "&7You have set the hologram!"
  565. stop
  566. else:
  567. send "&cYou don't have permission to do this!"
  568. stop
  569. on death:
  570. add 1 to {Kills::%attacker%}
  571. add 1 to {Deaths::%victim%}
  573. command /perms:
  574. permission: staff.perm
  575. trigger:
  576. message "&d&m------------"
  577. message " &5Tags: pvper.use , nerd.use , factionsgod.use , command.tags"
  578. message " &fBan: d.ban , kick: d.kick , unban: d.unban"
  579. message " &dmobspawner: mms.command , moneyspawner: money.spawner"
  580. message " &cevent: event.use , chatclear: , rename: d.rename , randomtp: command.randomtp"
  581. message " &d&m-----------"
  583. command /topkills:
  584. trigger:
  585. message "&d&m-------------------"
  586. message " &7(( &5&lTopKills &7))"
  587. message " &7> &cComing Soon &7<"
  588. message "&d&m-------------------"
  591. options:
  593. levels needed for speed boots: 30
  594. set 1 below the wanted enchantment level: 24
  595. levels needed for jump boots: 25
  600. command /sboots:
  601. executable by: player
  602. permission:
  603. permission message: &cYou do not have permission for this command!
  604. trigger:
  605. message " :( help page coming soon ):"
  608. every 1 seconds:
  609. loop all players:
  610. if lore of loop-player's boots contains "&7Speed II":
  611. apply speed 2 to the loop-player for 10000 seconds
  613. every 1 seconds:
  614. loop all players:
  615. if lore of loop-player's boots does not contain "&7Speed II":
  616. remove speed from loop-player
  618. command /givespeedboots [<player>]:
  619. executable by: console
  620. trigger:
  621. wait 3 ticks
  622. if player-argument's level is less than {@levels needed for speed boots}:
  623. message "&cYou do not have enough levels!" to player-argument
  624. player-argument's level is higher than {@set 1 below the wanted enchantment level}
  625. reduce the player-argument's level by {@levels needed for speed boots}
  626. set the lore of player-argument's item to "&7Speed II"
  627. message "&dApplied Speed II to boots!" to player-argument
  628. play raw sound "random.levelup" at player-argument with pitch 4 volume 4
  629. play mobspawner flames at player-argument's targeted block
  631. on rightclick on 120:
  632. block under is bedrock
  633. player is holding boots
  634. cancel event
  635. make console execute command "givespeedboots %player%"
  638. command /jboots:
  639. executable by: player
  640. permission:
  641. permission message: &cYou do not have permission for this command!
  642. trigger:
  643. message " :( help page coming soon ):"
  646. every 1 seconds:
  647. loop all players:
  648. if lore of loop-player's boots contains "&7Jump II":
  649. apply jumpboost 2 to the loop-player for 10000 seconds
  651. every 1 seconds:
  652. loop all players:
  653. if lore of loop-player's boots does not contain "&7Jump II":
  654. remove jumpboost from loop-player
  656. every 1 seconds:
  657. loop all players:
  658. if lore of loop-player's boots contains "&7Jump II":
  659. apply jump_boost 2 to the loop-player for 10000 seconds
  661. every 1 seconds:
  662. loop all players:
  663. if lore of loop-player's boots contains "&7Feed I":
  664. apply saturation 2 to the loop-player for 10000 seconds
  666. every 1 seconds:
  667. loop all players:
  668. if lore of loop-player's boots contains "&7Hulk I":
  669. apply Strength 1 to the loop-player for 10000 seconds
  671. every 1 seconds:
  672. loop all players:
  673. if lore of loop-player's boots does not contain "&7Hulk I":
  674. remove Strength from loop-player
  676. every 1 seconds:
  677. loop all players:
  678. if lore of loop-player's boots does not contain "&7Feed I":
  679. remove saturation from loop-player
  682. command /gkits:
  683. trigger:
  684. message " &dGkits &7- &cComing soon "
  685. message " ::::::::::::::::::::::::"
  687. on join:
  688. {booster.%Player%} isn't set
  689. set {booster.%player%} to false
  690. set {booster.n.%player%} to 0
  692. command /booster:
  693. aliases: /boosters
  694. trigger:
  695. wait 5 ticks
  696. make console execute command "/playsound %player% note.harp"
  697. open chest with 3 rows named "&d&lPlayer Boosters &7(ComingSoon)" to player
  698. format slot 13 of player with 381 named "&dSell Booster" with lore "&7You currently own &f0&7 &dSell Boosters.||&7(( &dPurchase @ Our Store! &7))" to run [make player execute command "/sellstart"]
  699. format slot 15 of player with gold_ingot named "&dXP Booster" with lore "&7You currently own &f0 &aXP Boosters.||&7(( &dPurchase @ Our Store! &7))" to run [make player execute command "/xpstart"]
  700. format slot 26 of player with Red stained glass named "&[cCLOSE]" to close
  702. options:
  703. NoPerm: &eNo permission!
  704. Autobc: &dServer is currently in alpha!
  706. command /lockchat [<text>]:
  707. permission: chat.lock
  708. permission message: {@NoPerm}
  709. trigger:
  710. if arg-1 is not set:
  711. message "&d/lockchat (on/off)"
  712. if arg-1 is "on":
  713. set {chatlock} to true
  714. broadcast "&d-&5*&d- &7( &fChat is has been &clocked &7) &d-&5*&d-"
  715. if arg-1 is "off":
  716. set {chatlock} to false
  717. broadcast "&d-&5*&d- &7( &fChat is has been &aunlocked &7) &d-&5*&d-"
  718. -alert-
  719. command /alert [<text>]:
  720. aliases: bc, broadcast, announce, announcement
  721. permission: chat.alert
  722. permission message: {@NoPerm}
  723. trigger:
  724. broadcast "&5&lAnnouncement: &d%argument%"
  726. every 5 minute:
  727. broadcast "&d&lServer is currently in alpha, Be on the look out for updates!"
  729. - Flying -
  730. loop all players:
  731. if loop-player is flying:
  732. play cloud 0.2 meter above loop-player
  734. - unbreakable anvils -
  735. options:
  736. Enabled: true
  737. OnlyOneWorld: false
  738. World: world
  739. SendMessage: true
  740. Message: &d&oYour anvil regenerated!
  742. on right click on anvil:
  743. if {@Enabled} is true:
  744. if {@OnlyOneWorld} is true:
  745. if world of player is "{@World}":
  746. set target block to anvil
  747. if {@SendMessage} is true:
  748. send "{@Message}" to player
  749. else:
  750. set target block to anvil
  751. if {@SendMessage} is true:
  752. send "{@Message}" to player
  755. command /bosses:
  756. description: The main gui for !
  757. permission:
  758. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command!
  759. trigger:
  760. open chest with 3 row named "&5Bosses" to player
  761. format slot 0 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  762. format slot 1 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  763. format slot 2 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  764. format slot 3 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  765. format slot 4 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  766. format slot 5 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  767. format slot 6 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  768. format slot 7 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  769. format slot 8 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  770. format slot 9 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  771. format slot 10 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  772. format slot 11 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  773. format slot 12 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  774. format slot 13 of player with 383 named "&5&lAchilies" to run [make player execute command "/spawnboss achilies"]
  775. format slot 14 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  776. format slot 15 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  777. format slot 16 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  778. format slot 17 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  779. format slot 18 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  780. format slot 19 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  781. format slot 20 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  782. format slot 21 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  783. format slot 22 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  784. format slot 23 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  785. format slot 24 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  786. format slot 25 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  787. format slot 26 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&6" to be unstealable
  788. command /giveboss [<text>] [<text>]:
  789. description: The command to give Boss spawn eggs!
  790. permission: boss.give
  791. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command!
  792. trigger:
  793. if arg 1 is not set:
  794. send "&7&l<&5Bosses&7&l> &7You need to specify a boss egg!"
  795. if arg 1 is set:
  796. if arg 2 is not set:
  797. if arg 1 is "broodmother":
  798. give player a spider spawn egg named "&5&lAchilies" with lore "&7This monster egg contains a||&c&ndangerous&7 warzone boss|| ||&5&lLORE||&7&oThe mother of all spiders, with the||&7&omost deadly venom in all the||&7&oCosmoverse. No one has survived a||&7&obite from the Achilies.|| ||&5&lDIFFICULTY||&5&lUltimate"
  799. command /spawnboss [<text>] [<text>]:
  800. description: spawns bosses!
  801. permission: bosses.spawn
  802. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command!
  803. trigger:
  804. if arg 1 is not set:
  805. send "&7&l<&5Bosses&7&l> &7You need to specify a boss to spawn!"
  806. if arg 1 is set:
  807. if arg 2 is not set:
  808. if arg 1 is "Achilies":
  809. spawn a spider at player's location
  810. send "&7&l<&5Boss&7&l> &7You have spawned a &5&lAchilies!"
  811. set name of the last spawned spider to "&5&lAchilies"
  812. apply health boost 40 to the last spawned spider for 9999 minutes
  813. heal the spider
  814. apply speed 3 to the last spawned spider for 9999 minutes
  815. apply resistance 4 to the last spawned spider for 9999 minutes
  816. apply strength 3 to the last spawned spider for 9999 minutes
  817. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned spider for 9999 minutes
  818. set the helmet of the last spawned spider to diamond helmet of protection 10 and unbreaking 15
  819. set the chestplate of the last spawned spider to diamond chestplate of protection 10 and unbreaking 15
  820. set the leggings of the last spawned spider to diamond leggings of protection 10 and unbreaking 15
  821. set the boots of the last spawned spider to diamond boots of protection 10 and unbreaking 15
  822. set the weapon of the last spawned spider to diamond sword of sharpness 6 and fire aspect 5
  823. wait 1 second
  824. spawn a cave spider at player's location
  825. set name of the last spawned cave spider to "&d&lAchili"
  826. apply health boost 45 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  827. heal the cave spider
  828. apply speed 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  829. apply resistance 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  830. apply strength 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  831. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  832. set the helmet of the last spawned cave spider to diamond helmet of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  833. set the chestplate of the last spawned cave spider to diamond chestplate of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  834. set the leggings of the last spawned cave spider to diamond leggings of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  835. set the boots of the last spawned cave spider to diamond boots of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  836. set the weapon of the last spawned cave spider to diamond sword of sharpness 2 and fire aspect 5
  837. wait 1 tick
  838. spawn a cave spider at player's location
  839. set name of the last spawned cave spider to "&d&lAchili"
  840. apply health boost 45 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  841. heal the cave spider
  842. apply speed 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  843. apply resistance 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  844. apply strength 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  845. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  846. set the helmet of the last spawned cave spider to diamond helmet of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  847. set the chestplate of the last spawned cave spider to diamond chestplate of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  848. set the leggings of the last spawned cave spider to diamond leggings of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  849. set the boots of the last spawned cave spider to diamond boots of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  850. set the weapon of the last spawned cave spider to diamond sword of sharpness 2 and fire aspect 5
  851. wait 1 tick
  852. spawn a cave spider at player's location
  853. set name of the last spawned cave spider to "&d&lAchili"
  854. apply health boost 45 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  855. heal the cave spider
  856. apply speed 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  857. apply resistance 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  858. apply strength 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  859. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  860. set the helmet of the last spawned cave spider to diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 15
  861. set the chestplate of the last spawned cave spider to diamond chestplate of protection 2 and unbreaking 15
  862. set the leggings of the last spawned cave spider to diamond leggings of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  863. set the boots of the last spawned cave spider to diamond boots of protection 1 and unbreaking 15
  864. set the weapon of the last spawned cave spider to diamond sword of sharpness 1 and fire aspect 5
  865. wait 1 tick
  866. spawn a cave spider at player's location
  867. set name of the last spawned cave spider to "&d&lAchili"
  868. apply health boost 45 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  869. heal the cave spider
  870. apply speed 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  871. apply resistance 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  872. apply strength 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  873. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  874. set the helmet of the last spawned cave spider to diamond helmet of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  875. set the chestplate of the last spawned cave spider to diamond chestplate of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  876. set the leggings of the last spawned cave spider to diamond leggings of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  877. set the boots of the last spawned cave spider to diamond boots of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  878. set the weapon of the last spawned cave spider to diamond sword of sharpness 20 and fire aspect 5
  879. wait 1 tick
  880. spawn a cave spider at player's location
  881. set name of the last spawned cave spider to "&d&lAchili"
  882. apply health boost 45 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  883. heal the cave spider
  884. apply speed 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  885. apply resistance 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  886. apply strength 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  887. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  888. set the helmet of the last spawned cave spider to diamond helmet of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  889. set the chestplate of the last spawned cave spider to diamond chestplate of protection 1 and unbreaking 15
  890. set the leggings of the last spawned cave spider to diamond leggings of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  891. set the boots of the last spawned cave spider to diamond boots of protection 1 and unbreaking 15
  892. set the weapon of the last spawned cave spider to diamond sword of sharpness 2 and fire aspect 5
  894. on death of spider:
  895. if name of spider is "&5&lAchilies":
  896. clear drops
  897. give attacker 5 emeralds named "&f* &d&o&lBoss Token &f*" with lore "&7||&7(( &fUse me at the token trader at /spawn! &7))||&7"
  898. give attacker 2 33:1 named "&dEnchanted Apples" with lore "|| &7use them wisely ||"
  899. give attacker 1 313 named "&dSpeedBoots" with lore "&7Speed II"
  900. add 15000 to the attacker's balance
  901. on death of cave spider:
  902. if name of cave spider is "&d&lAchili":
  903. clear drops
  904. on death of zombie:
  905. if name of slime is "&e&lZues":
  906. clear drops
  907. give attacker 5 emeralds named "&f* &d&o&lBoss Token &f*" with lore "&7||&7(( &fUse me at the token trader at /spawn! &7))&7||"
  908. give attacker 2 33:1 named "&dEnchanted Apples" with lore "|| &7use them wisely ||"
  909. add 15000 to the attacker's balance
  910. on right click with spider spawn egg:
  911. remove spider spawn egg from the player
  912. spawn a spider at player's location
  913. send "&7&l<&5Boss&7&l> &7You have spawned a &5&lAchilies!"
  914. set name of the last spawned spider to "&5&lAchilies"
  915. apply health boost 50 to the last spawned spider for 9999 minutes
  916. heal the spider
  917. apply speed 3 to the last spawned spider for 9999 minutes
  918. apply resistance 4 to the last spawned spider for 9999 minutes
  919. apply strength 5 to the last spawned spider for 9999 minutes
  920. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned spider for 9999 minutes
  921. set the helmet of the last spawned spider to diamond helmet of protection 10 and unbreaking 15
  922. set the chestplate of the last spawned spider to diamond chestplate of protection 10 and unbreaking 15
  923. set the leggings of the last spawned spider to diamond leggings of protection 10 and unbreaking 15
  924. set the boots of the last spawned spider to diamond boots of protection 10 and unbreaking 15
  925. set the weapon of the last spawned spider to diamond sword of sharpness 7 and fire aspect 5
  926. wait 1 second
  927. spawn a cave spider at player's location
  928. set name of the last spawned cave spider to "&d&lAchili"
  929. apply health boost 45 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  930. heal the cave spider
  931. apply speed 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  932. apply resistance 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  933. apply strength 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  934. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  935. set the helmet of the last spawned cave spider to diamond helmet of protection 1 and unbreaking 15
  936. set the chestplate of the last spawned cave spider to diamond chestplate of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  937. set the leggings of the last spawned cave spider to diamond leggings of protection 2 and unbreaking 15
  938. set the boots of the last spawned cave spider to diamond boots of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  939. set the weapon of the last spawned cave spider to diamond sword of sharpness 2 and fire aspect 5
  940. wait 1 tick
  941. spawn a cave spider at player's location
  942. set name of the last spawned cave spider to "&d&lAchili"
  943. apply health boost 45 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  944. heal the cave spider
  945. apply speed 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  946. apply resistance 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  947. apply strength 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  948. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  949. set the helmet of the last spawned cave spider to diamond helmet of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  950. set the chestplate of the last spawned cave spider to diamond chestplate of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  951. set the leggings of the last spawned cave spider to diamond leggings of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  952. set the boots of the last spawned cave spider to diamond boots of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  953. set the weapon of the last spawned cave spider to diamond sword of sharpness 4 and fire aspect 5
  954. wait 1 tick
  955. spawn a cave spider at player's location
  956. set name of the last spawned cave spider to "&d&lAchili"
  957. apply health boost 45 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  958. heal the cave spider
  959. apply speed 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  960. apply resistance 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  961. apply strength 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  962. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  963. set the helmet of the last spawned cave spider to diamond helmet of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  964. set the chestplate of the last spawned cave spider to diamond chestplate of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  965. set the leggings of the last spawned cave spider to diamond leggings of protection 1 and unbreaking 15
  966. set the boots of the last spawned cave spider to diamond boots of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  967. set the weapon of the last spawned cave spider to diamond sword of sharpness 2 and fire aspect 5
  968. wait 1 tick
  969. spawn a cave spider at player's location
  970. set name of the last spawned cave spider to "&d&lAchili"
  971. apply health boost 45 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  972. heal the cave spider
  973. apply speed 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  974. apply resistance 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  975. apply strength 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  976. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  977. set the helmet of the last spawned cave spider to diamond helmet of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  978. set the chestplate of the last spawned cave spider to diamond chestplate of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  979. set the leggings of the last spawned cave spider to diamond leggings of protection 1 and unbreaking 15
  980. set the boots of the last spawned cave spider to diamond boots of protection 5 and unbreaking 15
  981. set the weapon of the last spawned cave spider to diamond sword of sharpness 4 and fire aspect 5
  982. wait 1 tick
  983. spawn a cave spider at player's location
  984. set name of the last spawned cave spider to "&d&lAchili"
  985. apply health boost 45 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  986. heal the cave spider
  987. apply speed 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  988. apply resistance 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  989. apply strength 2 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  990. apply regeneration 1 to the last spawned cave spider for 9999 minutes
  991. set the helmet of the last spawned cave spider to diamond helmet of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  992. set the chestplate of the last spawned cave spider to diamond chestplate of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  993. set the leggings of the last spawned cave spider to diamond leggings of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  994. set the boots of the last spawned cave spider to diamond boots of protection 15 and unbreaking 15
  995. set the weapon of the last spawned cave spider to diamond sword of sharpness 2 and fire aspect 5
  996. command /Achilies [<text>]:
  997. description: Gives you a Achilies boss egg
  998. aliases: am
  999. permission: boss.give
  1000. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command!
  1001. trigger:
  1002. if arg 1 is not set:
  1003. send "&8&l<&5Bosses&8&l> &7Specify a player to give a boss egg to!"
  1004. if arg 1 is set:
  1005. if arg 1 is "%player%":
  1006. give player a spider spawn egg named "&5&lAchilies" with lore "&7This monster egg contains a||&c&ndangerous&7 warzone boss|| ||&5&lLORE||&7&oThe mother of all spiders, with the||&7&omost deadly venom in all the||&7&oCosmoverse. No one has survived a||&7&obite from the Achilies.|| ||&5&lDIFFICULTY||&5&lUltimate"
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