
all Wells in Love and War

Mar 28th, 2016
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  1. [10:40] <Wells> Thinking up a storyline
  2. [10:41] <Sylum> for Covengers? Awesome
  3. [10:41] <Wells> That I will hopefully think through very soon
  4. [10:41] <Sylum> Lants is a good person to talk to for advice
  5. [10:43] <Sylum> course I'm always here for advice ;)
  6. [10:44] <Wells> Imagine Lants makes it big and we get a cameo in a comic or somefink
  7. [10:44] <Wells> That would be neat
  8. [10:44] <Wells> And advice would be cool
  9. [10:44] <Sylum> yeah, but hes aiming to be a writer so Idunno
  10. [10:45] <Sylum> any idea for the story line so far?
  11. [10:45] <Wells> If there was some ancient forestry spirit? What time period would you put him around
  12. [10:46] <Sylum> Hmm, probably around Aztec timeish. Maybe before most humans start up towns
  13. [10:51] <Sylum> if you're going for an Ancient fake God thing, I'd say Egypt
  14. [10:53] <Wells> The thing I have going is that the spirit responsible for Chloran's power finds a way to gain it's old body.
  15. [10:53] <Wells> Proceeds to try burying Neon in Forest
  16. [10:54] <Wells> It doesn't immediately, he fucks off after gaining his power and heroes have to fight off Chloran Clones
  17. [10:54] <Wells> Like from different Time Periods
  18. [10:54] <Sylum> ooh, nice
  19. [10:54] <Sylum> always loved that thing, same person from different times
  20. [10:55] <Wells> I got like, a Native American Ranger and maybe a Crusader
  21. [10:55] <Wells> But they're all woodified
  22. [10:56] <Sylum> Wood Golems?
  23. [10:56] <Wells> More like zombies
  24. [10:56] <Wells> Chloran's powers are passed down
  25. [10:57] <Wells> The previous weilders come back as wooden zombies
  26. [10:57] <Sylum> aah
  27. [10:58] <Wells> Chloran's utterly worthless throughout the fiasco as his powers are kaput
  28. [10:58] <Sylum> hehe
  29. [10:58] <Sylum> he probably can be of some help
  30. [10:58] <Wells> He'll be the exposition
  31. [10:59] <Wells> Like Speedweed
  32. [10:59] <Wells> Cuz he knows the situation
  33. [10:59] <Sylum> I was thinking he'd know weaknesses of the Monster, seeing how they were one
  34. [10:59] <Sylum> His powers were the Monsters
  35. [10:59] <Wells> Yeah exactly he has insight to aid them
  36. [11:00] <Sylum> I'm guessing Fire wont work?
  37. [11:01] <Wells> Not conventional fire
  38. [11:01] <Wells> I plan the city to be overrun with roots and vines
  39. [11:02] <Wells> A fire would eat everything
  40. [11:02] <Wells> But I don't think I should
  41. [11:02] <Sylum> fair point
  42. [11:02] <Wells> Cuz we dont often put the city in the harms way that wide
  43. [11:02] <Sylum> I'd be a nice change of pace honestly
  44. [11:02] <Sylum> It'd
  45. [11:02] <Wells> That's what I hope people feel
  46. [11:03] <Wells> Big crisis and whatnot
  47. [11:04] <Sylum> I know Oyuun would be happy
  48. [11:04] <Wells> Turn Neon into Marvel New York
  49. [11:04] <Wells> Yep
  50. [11:04] <Sylum> actually, seeing how I mentioned Lants earlier
  51. [11:04] <Sylum> would PlantGod be able to control Lants? Pumpkin head and all
  52. [11:06] <Wells> Lantern is a whole other magic and 80% human so nah
  53. [11:06] <Wells> He'd be very welcome into the New Plant World Order
  54. [11:06] <Sylum> Lucky
  55. [11:07] <Sylum> you could also probably do things involving the ocean. Water Plants
  56. [11:07] <Wells> Mostly humans are at risk
  57. [11:07] <Wells> Complete animal holocaust is pretty
  58. [11:07] <Wells> Npt good
  59. [11:08] <Sylum> would I be safe? Not a coat : D
  60. [11:08] <Wells> For plants
  61. [11:08] <Sylum> not a human*
  62. [11:08] <Wells> Overall yeah
  63. [11:08] <Wells> Maybe I should do something along the lines of
  64. [11:08] <Wells> Him wanting to change humanity
  65. [11:08] <Wells> Btw his name is the ENT
  66. [11:09] <Sylum> ENT? Guessing it stands for something
  67. [11:09] <Wells> Nah. Ents are not so common plant beings in some fiction
  68. [11:10] <Wells> Started in Lord of the Rings Lore I believe
  69. [11:10] <Sylum> ooh, like the Tree Giant
  70. [11:10] <Wells> Yup
  71. [11:11] <Wells> His origins, I'm not sure
  72. [11:11] <Wells> Dont wanna go full on "HE MADE PLANTS"
  73. [11:11] <Wells> Thats dumb
  74. [11:12] <Sylum> Maybe he was a evolutionary path that Humans never took?
  75. [11:12] <Sylum> >Lantern is a whole other magic
  76. [11:12] <Wells> I think the spiteful spirit pretending to be god angle works
  77. [11:12] <Wells> That too
  78. [11:12] <Sylum> >other magic
  79. [11:12] <Sylum> Biology + Magic?
  80. [11:12] <Wells> He's essentially magic
  81. [11:12] <Wells> And yeah
  82. [11:12] <Wells> That works a lot
  83. [11:13] <Wells> He stood beside humanity for a very long time, dabbling in plant majicks and landing in some fables and folklore
  84. [11:14] <Sylum> Plant Emporer of Humanity. but Human's didn't like him this time
  85. [11:14] <Wells> His body eventually died after a very long lifespan but select few inherit his spirit
  86. [11:15] <Wells> Watching the path humanity walked, he probably grew hateful
  87. [11:15] <Sylum> fucking hippy
  88. [11:15] <Wells> I think I'm making our equivalent of the Green
  89. [11:16] <Wells> But he aint that powerful
  90. [11:16] <Wells> To be the heartbeat of all plant life
  91. [11:16] <Wells> But he can do some widespread damage in his prime
  92. [11:17] <Sylum> why was Chloran pick to cary part of his soul?
  93. [11:19] <Wells> Because he decieves those he inhabits
  94. [11:19] <Wells> "Hey man, let's protect the Earth by fighting crime"
  95. [11:19] <Wells> "Yeah ok sure"
  96. [11:19] <Wells> "Whoops fucking sorry, lets commit genocide"
  97. [11:20] <Wells> "Wha"
  98. [11:20] <Wells> Then this shit happens
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