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Apr 21st, 2017
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  1. import ch
  2. import random
  3. #from cleverbot import Cleverbot
  5. class bot(ch.RoomManager):
  6. def onInit(self):
  7. self.setNameColor("000000")
  8. self.setFontColor("000000")
  9. self.setFontFace("Ariel")
  10. self.setFontSize(11)
  12. def onPMMessage(self, pm, user, body):
  13. print( + " sent me a message!")
  14. answer = ["I'm sorry, the number you are trying to reach is disconnected or out of service. Please check the number and try your call again.","If you’re reading this, Doc Brown was unable to make lightning strike the clock tower, and I’m stuck in 1985. I won’t be able to respond to PM until 9 ish on mm/dd, or until email is invented -- whatever comes first."," I am currently away. I have a cell phone, but I will not be giving the number out. If you can guess the number, however, I will take your call.","Error 404: Space Roxas not found.","Thank you for your PM. Your credit card has been charged $5.99 for the first ten words and $1.99 for each additional word in your message.","The chatango server is unable to verify your server connection. Your message has not been delivered. Please restart your computer and try sending again."," I’m not here right now but if it’s important, tweet me using #YOUAREINTERRUPTINGMYALONETIME.","The Roxas Show will be back after a message from our sponsor. So stay tuned!","Hello! This is Goldilocks. I'm busy right now eating porridge with the three bears, be back as soon as we settle which bowl of porridge is juuussst right!","Ahhh! Green monkeys and purple people eaters are chasing me around my house! Help!! my IP address is: Send help fast!"," 1 little piggy went to market 2 little piggy stayed home 3 little piggy had roat beef 4 little piggy had none... and this little piggy is away from the computer right now and will get back to you when he/she is done!","How can you miss me if I don't go away?"," I'm lost. I've gone to look for myself, so if I get back before I return, please ask me to wait.","I'm not here right now and I regret to say that due to unforseen circumstances, later has been cancelled.","I am not here so leave a message. Well actually I could be here and I could just be ignoring you and you would never know. I could be sitting here laughing at you because I am avoiding you and you don't know it. Ok, I'll make a deal with you. If you can guess correctly whether or not I'm here I will talk to you. Then again, if I'm not here and you guess right then I'm really just not here to talk to you. Also, if I'm ignoring you and you guess right then what do you really think are the chances that I'll tell you that you were right? So, I guess what I'm saying is leave a message and I'll get back to you when I get back...unless I'm avoiding you.","Hey, I'm not here because I'm there...I'm not sure where there is but if you find out, please come here and tell me...","Hey? Didn't you PM me the day after yesterday?","I'm someone doing something, somewhere. Be back sometime.","Gone crazy be back soon.","I am not at my desk at the moment, but I am close by. But if you yell real loud into your monitor...I might hear you, if not, I'll be back later.","I'm spinning in my chair right now, I'll respond once I figure out which of the three of you that I see is the real one","I'm having a staring contest with the wall. It's harder than I though! Anyway, when I win, I'll be back.","Do you ever have the feeling that someone's reading you away message?","Walking my pet goldfish, be back soon."," Being amused by the screensaver, you will need to give me a few more minutes"," I am making silly faces at myself in the mirror, I'll be back soon.","I have taken myself hostage. If you ever want to see me again, send me 3 chocolate chip cookies for ransom.","Once upon a time there was a person who was talking to their friends online... But all of a sudden that person had something else that they had to do... And out of nowhere, this away message popped up. The End","I'm out fighting crime","Does this away message make me look fat?","Sorry, I don't talk to strangers... That is unless they give me candy!"," I'm At the zoo, freeing all the animals. Will return once bail is posted"," I'm lost in thought so please send a search party.","Shhh... Can't talk, squirrels are watching.","Hello, you have reached the automated answering service for Roxas, your message will be answered to in the order in which it was recieved, your message is number 8,243, please hold, your message is important to me.","Hello. You have reached Roxas. If you wish to talk to me, PM me several hundred times until you get a response.","You have just recieved the Amish Computer Virus. Since the Amish don't have computers, it is based on the honor system. So please delete all the files from your computer. Thank you for you cooperation.","I have been temporarily distracted by a shiny object. Back later"," Let's practice our right and left. You're right, I left!"," You've reached the Department of Redundancy Department. Please leave a message and a message and I will get back to you, and I will get back to you. Thanks, thanks again.","Hi, Roxas is not here right now, but I'll be happy to provide you with a one sided conversation with his/her computer","Have no fear, I'm just not here.","Hey I'll be back in 5 minutes but if I'm not just read this away message again.","If I'm not back in 10 minutes, avenge my death."," I am not here because I am engaged in a game of hide-and-go-seek with my imaginary friend. I will be back as soon as he finds me. Do not count on me being back soon, because it's hard for me to imagine him finding me because I'm such a good hider.","Roxas has left the room. Please bask in the afterglow of awesomeness as you eagerly await the 2nd coming","I'm sorry I missed you. I'll have my people call your people","this is an answering machine for the answering machine. the previous one is on break and will be back in an hour","Please stop PMing, we are not the droids you're looking for","If you are messaging about your lost sanity, we have a strict no return policy here","The FBI may be monitoring this private chat. Mostly because they are bored. Perhaps we should entertain them?","This conversation may be monitored and recorded to insure quality of service.","Would you mind taking Roxas' calls for a minute? Great! I'll be right back. Thanx again."," Hi. This is Roxas: If you are the phone company, I already sent the money. If you are my parents, please send money. If you are my bank, you didn't lend me enough money. If you are my friends, you owe me money. If you are a female, don't worry, I have LOTS of money.","I'm sorry, the answering machine is broken. This is his refrigerator. Please speak very slowly, and I'll stick your message to myself with one of these magnets"," Hello, you've reached Roxas' message service. I can't respond right now, because I'm doing something I really enjoy. I like doing it up and down...real slow at first then pick up the pace later. So leave a message, and when I'm done brushing my teeth, I'll send you a message back!","I'm otherwise engaged at the moment, but if you would be so kind to leave your name, age, weight, height, blood type, and which organs you would be willing to donate to SCIENCE! I'll get back to you after I have finished washing my hands."]
  15. pm.message(user,str(random.choice(answer)))
  16. def onPMConnect(self, pm):
  17. print("I'm here")
  19. #room.message("Bark Bark! Errr.... I meant hiya!")
  20. rooms = ["phonetest"]
  21. username = "MessageAfterTheBeep"
  22. password = "blue"
  24. bot.easy_start(rooms,username,password)
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