

Apr 7th, 2018
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  1. [13:27:44] [Core:System Info]     : Starting AMP version, built 20/01/2018 15:59
  2. [13:27:44] [Core:System Debug]    : Release spec: Release - built by CUBECODERS/BuildBot on CCL-DEV
  3. [13:27:44] [Core:System Info]     : OS: Linux / x86_64
  4. [13:27:44] [Core:System Info]     : AMP Instance ID: a11a5275-acb1-4e83-a0fc-d42babede44b
  5. [13:27:44] [<CheckLatestVersion>d__25:System Info] : Checking for AMP updates...
  6. [13:27:44] [WebServer:System Debug] : Using webroot: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP/WebRoot/
  7. [13:27:44] [<CheckLatestVersion>d__25:System Debug] : Successfully got update data.
  8. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loading Module: srcdsModule
  9. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loaded srcdsModule version
  10. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : - Author: CubeCoders Limited
  11. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : - For Source Dedicated Server application.
  12. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : - Does not support sleeping.
  13. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : srcdsModule registered event PlayerChats (A player sends a chat message)
  14. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : srcdsModule registered event UserJoins (A player joins the server)
  15. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : srcdsModule registered event UserLeaves (A player leaves the server)
  16. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : srcdsModule registered event UpdateAvailable (An update is available)
  17. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : srcdsModule registered task Start
  18. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : srcdsModule registered task Stop
  19. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : srcdsModule registered task Restart
  20. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : srcdsModule registered task Kill
  21. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : srcdsModule registered task Update
  22. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : srcdsModule registered task Say
  23. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loading Plugin: BannerImagePlugin
  24. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loaded BannerImagePlugin version
  25. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : - Author: CubeCoders Limited
  26. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : BannerImagePlugin registered event ImageUpdated (The status image has been updated.)
  27. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loading Plugin: EmailSender
  28. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loaded EmailSender version
  29. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : - Author: CubeCoders Limited
  30. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : EmailSender registered task SendMail
  31. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loading Plugin: FileManager
  32. [13:27:44] [FeatureManager:System Debug] : FileManager registered feature VirtualDirectoryService
  33. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loaded FileManager version
  34. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : - Author: CubeCoders Limited
  35. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loading Plugin: PushBulletPlugin
  36. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loaded PushBulletPlugin version
  37. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : - Author: CubeCoders Limited
  38. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : PushBulletPlugin registered task PushMessage
  39. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : PushBulletPlugin registered task PushMessageChannel
  40. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loading Plugin: LocalFileBackupPlugin
  41. [13:27:44] [FileBackup:System Debug] : Read manifests for 0 backups.
  42. [13:27:44] [FeatureManager:System Debug] : LocalFileBackupPlugin registered feature BackupProvider
  43. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loaded LocalFileBackupPlugin version
  44. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : - Author: CubeCoders Limited
  45. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : LocalFileBackupPlugin registered event TakeBackupComplete (A backup finishes archiving.)
  46. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : LocalFileBackupPlugin registered event RestoreBackupComplete (A backup finishes restoring.)
  47. [13:27:44] [Scheduler:System Debug] : LocalFileBackupPlugin registered task TakeBackup
  48. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : srcdsModule requests dependency steamcmdplugin...
  49. [13:27:44] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loading Plugin: steamcmdplugin
  50. [13:27:45] [FeatureManager:System Debug] : steamcmdplugin registered feature Steamcmdhelper
  51. [13:27:45] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loaded steamcmdplugin version
  52. [13:27:45] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : - Author: CubeCoders Limited
  53. [13:27:45] [Scheduler:System Debug] : steamcmdplugin registered event UpdateAvailable (An update is available)
  54. [13:27:45] [Scheduler:System Debug] : steamcmdplugin registered task CheckForUpdates
  55. [13:27:45] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : srcdsModule requests dependency RCONPlugin...
  56. [13:27:45] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loading Plugin: RCONPlugin
  57. [13:27:45] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : Loaded RCONPlugin version
  58. [13:27:45] [ModuleLoader:System Info] : - Author: CubeCoders Limited
  59. [13:27:45] [Core:System Info]     : Licence Present: AMP Network Standard Edition (Licenced to Philipp Nitsche)
  60. [13:27:45] [WebServer:System Info] : RouterTimer@10Hz with 2 jobs started
  61. [13:27:45] [WebServer:System Info] : Webserver started on
  62. [13:27:45] [Scheduler:System Debug] : Scheduler timer will start in 14802ms.
  63. [13:27:45] [srcds:System Debug]   : UDP logger listener started on
  64. [13:27:45] [Core:System Debug]    : Starting process ./srcds/4020/srcds_run
  65. [13:27:45] [Core:System Debug]    : Working Directory: ./srcds/4020
  66. [13:27:45] [Core:System Debug]    : Arguments: -game garrysmod -console -usercon +sv_pure 1 +map gm_construct +maxplayers 64 +rcon_password 4a1038c68f924a58a24ae52432c1c738 -ip -port 27015 +log on +logaddress_add -tickrate 16 +host_workshop_collection 1229720518 -authkey 28667C122E72B614E0479753F7E8B508 +gamemode sandbox +sv_setsteamaccount F05C28A462C12D1BFBE8DDC9C2E74CF9
  67. [13:27:45] [Core:System Debug]    : Started process with ID 23530
  68. [13:27:45] [Core:System Debug]    : Starting process /bin/ps
  69. [13:27:45] [Core:System Debug]    : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  70. [13:27:45] [Core:System Debug]    : Arguments: --ppid 23530 -o pid,command
  71. [13:27:45] [Core:System Debug]    : Started process with ID 23534
  72. [13:27:52] [Auth:Anonymous Activity] : Authentication attempt for user admin from
  73. [13:27:52] [Auth:admin Activity]  : Authentication success
  74. [13:28:01] [Auth:Anonymous Activity] : Authentication attempt for user admin from
  75. [13:28:01] [Auth:admin Activity]  : Authentication success
  76. [13:29:05] [API:admin Activity]   : Starting the application.
  77. [13:29:05] [srcds:admin Debug]    : UDP logger listener started on
  78. [13:29:05] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process ./srcds/4020/srcds_run
  79. [13:29:05] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: ./srcds/4020
  80. [13:29:05] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: -game garrysmod -console -usercon +sv_pure 1 +map gm_construct +maxplayers 64 +rcon_password 1ff71b9911af4e53991089e4e683c80f -ip -port 27015 +log on +logaddress_add -tickrate 16 +host_workshop_collection 1229720518 -authkey 28667C122E72B614E0479753F7E8B508 +gamemode sandbox +sv_setsteamaccount F05C28A462C12D1BFBE8DDC9C2E74CF9
  81. [13:29:05] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23574
  82. [13:29:05] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process /bin/ps
  83. [13:29:05] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  84. [13:29:05] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: --ppid 23574 -o pid,command
  85. [13:29:05] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23575
  86. [13:32:43] [Auth:Anonymous Activity] : Authentication attempt for user admin from
  87. [13:32:43] [Auth:admin Activity]  : Authentication success
  88. [13:33:14] [API:admin Activity]   : Updating the application.
  89. [13:33:14] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process ./srcds/
  90. [13:33:14] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: ./srcds/
  91. [13:33:14] [Core:admin Debug]     : Sensitive arguments, not logging.
  92. [13:33:14] [Core:admin Debug]     : Using Linux buffer fix.
  93. [13:33:14] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23706
  94. [13:33:15] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process /bin/ps
  95. [13:33:15] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  96. [13:33:15] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: --ppid 23706 -o pid,command
  97. [13:33:15] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23731
  98. [13:33:15] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Redirecting stderr to '/home/AMP/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
  99. [13:33:15] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
  100. [13:33:15] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : [----] Verifying installation...
  101. [13:33:15] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
  102. [13:33:15] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : -- type 'quit' to exit --
  103. [13:33:15] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Loading Steam API...OK.
  104. [13:33:16] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
  105. [13:33:16] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Waiting for user info...OK
  106. [13:33:17] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 0.00 (0 / 3923491426)
  107. [13:33:19] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 8.07 (316711806 / 3923491426)
  108. [13:33:21] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 24.28 (952595741 / 3923491426)
  109. [13:33:23] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 37.61 (1475786074 / 3923491426)
  110. [13:33:25] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 54.21 (2127081129 / 3923491426)
  111. [13:33:27] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 70.35 (2760365255 / 3923491426)
  112. [13:33:29] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 87.09 (3416776609 / 3923491426)
  113. [13:33:31] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 100.00 (3923412908 / 3923491426)
  114. [13:33:31] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Success! App '4020' fully installed.
  115. [13:33:34] [API:admin Activity]   : Updating the application.
  116. [13:33:34] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process ./srcds/
  117. [13:33:34] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: ./srcds/
  118. [13:33:34] [Core:admin Debug]     : Sensitive arguments, not logging.
  119. [13:33:34] [Core:admin Debug]     : Using Linux buffer fix.
  120. [13:33:34] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23748
  121. [13:33:35] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process /bin/ps
  122. [13:33:35] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  123. [13:33:35] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: --ppid 23748 -o pid,command
  124. [13:33:35] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23773
  125. [13:33:35] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Redirecting stderr to '/home/AMP/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
  126. [13:33:35] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
  127. [13:33:35] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : [----] Verifying installation...
  128. [13:33:35] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
  129. [13:33:35] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : -- type 'quit' to exit --
  130. [13:33:35] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Loading Steam API...OK.
  131. [13:33:36] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
  132. [13:33:36] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Waiting for user info...OK
  133. [13:33:37] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 0.00 (0 / 3923491426)
  134. [13:33:39] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 9.14 (358654846 / 3923491426)
  135. [13:33:41] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 25.64 (1005914996 / 3923491426)
  136. [13:33:43] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 39.47 (1548414200 / 3923491426)
  137. [13:33:45] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 55.55 (2179509929 / 3923491426)
  138. [13:33:47] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 71.69 (2812794055 / 3923491426)
  139. [13:33:49] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 87.94 (3450331041 / 3923491426)
  140. [13:33:50] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Success! App '4020' fully installed.
  141. [13:34:04] [API:admin Activity]   : Starting the application.
  142. [13:34:04] [srcds:admin Debug]    : UDP logger listener started on
  143. [13:34:04] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process ./srcds/4020/srcds_run
  144. [13:34:04] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: ./srcds/4020
  145. [13:34:04] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: -game garrysmod -console -usercon +sv_pure 1 +map gm_construct +maxplayers 64 +rcon_password 386a62aecd9b4d208b26e726220212ea -ip -port 27015 +log on +logaddress_add -tickrate 16 +host_workshop_collection 1229720518 -authkey 28667C122E72B614E0479753F7E8B508 +gamemode sandbox +sv_setsteamaccount F05C28A462C12D1BFBE8DDC9C2E74CF9
  146. [13:34:04] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23797
  147. [13:34:04] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process /bin/ps
  148. [13:34:04] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  149. [13:34:04] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: --ppid 23797 -o pid,command
  150. [13:34:04] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23798
  151. [13:34:15] [Auth:Anonymous Activity] : Authentication attempt for user admin from
  152. [13:34:15] [Auth:admin Activity]  : Authentication success
  153. [13:34:28] [API:admin Activity]   : Updating the application.
  154. [13:34:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process ./srcds/
  155. [13:34:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: ./srcds/
  156. [13:34:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Sensitive arguments, not logging.
  157. [13:34:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Using Linux buffer fix.
  158. [13:34:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23822
  159. [13:34:29] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process /bin/ps
  160. [13:34:29] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  161. [13:34:29] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: --ppid 23822 -o pid,command
  162. [13:34:29] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23847
  163. [13:34:30] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Redirecting stderr to '/home/AMP/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
  164. [13:34:30] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
  165. [13:34:30] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : [----] Verifying installation...
  166. [13:34:30] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
  167. [13:34:30] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : -- type 'quit' to exit --
  168. [13:34:30] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Loading Steam API...OK.
  169. [13:34:30] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
  170. [13:34:30] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Waiting for user info...OK
  171. [13:34:31] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 0.00 (0 / 3923491426)
  172. [13:34:33] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 7.80 (306226046 / 3923491426)
  173. [13:34:35] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 24.17 (948401437 / 3923491426)
  174. [13:34:37] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 37.08 (1454814554 / 3923491426)
  175. [13:34:39] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 53.46 (2097495958 / 3923491426)
  176. [13:34:41] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 69.45 (2724713671 / 3923491426)
  177. [13:34:43] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 85.75 (3364347809 / 3923491426)
  178. [13:34:45] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 99.88 (3918766203 / 3923491426)
  179. [13:34:45] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Success! App '4020' fully installed.
  180. [13:35:02] [API:admin Activity]   : Starting the application.
  181. [13:35:02] [srcds:admin Debug]    : UDP logger listener started on
  182. [13:35:02] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process ./srcds/4020/srcds_run
  183. [13:35:02] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: ./srcds/4020
  184. [13:35:02] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: -game garrysmod -console -usercon +sv_pure 1 +map gm_construct +maxplayers 64 +rcon_password aa8733afb6f24ddf92e798c5e892658e -ip -port 27015 +log on +logaddress_add -tickrate 16 +host_workshop_collection 1229720518 -authkey 28667C122E72B614E0479753F7E8B508 +gamemode sandbox +sv_setsteamaccount F05C28A462C12D1BFBE8DDC9C2E74CF9
  185. [13:35:02] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23880
  186. [13:35:02] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process /bin/ps
  187. [13:35:02] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  188. [13:35:02] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: --ppid 23880 -o pid,command
  189. [13:35:02] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23881
  190. [13:36:22] [API:admin Activity]   : Changing setting srcdsModule.SRCDSSettings.GSLT to 39F38A515F79A3CA382FE5087368CBA8
  191. [13:36:28] [API:admin Activity]   : Starting the application.
  192. [13:36:28] [srcds:admin Debug]    : UDP logger listener started on
  193. [13:36:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process ./srcds/4020/srcds_run
  194. [13:36:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: ./srcds/4020
  195. [13:36:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: -game garrysmod -console -usercon +sv_pure 1 +map gm_construct +maxplayers 64 +rcon_password 1a43ab13a31b44318840c3989cddbb25 -ip -port 27015 +log on +logaddress_add -tickrate 16 +host_workshop_collection 1229720518 -authkey 28667C122E72B614E0479753F7E8B508 +gamemode sandbox +sv_setsteamaccount 39F38A515F79A3CA382FE5087368CBA8
  196. [13:36:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23976
  197. [13:36:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process /bin/ps
  198. [13:36:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  199. [13:36:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: --ppid 23976 -o pid,command
  200. [13:36:28] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23977
  201. [13:36:39] [API:admin Activity]   : Updating the application.
  202. [13:36:39] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process ./srcds/
  203. [13:36:39] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: ./srcds/
  204. [13:36:39] [Core:admin Debug]     : Sensitive arguments, not logging.
  205. [13:36:39] [Core:admin Debug]     : Using Linux buffer fix.
  206. [13:36:39] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 23990
  207. [13:36:40] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process /bin/ps
  208. [13:36:40] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  209. [13:36:40] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: --ppid 23990 -o pid,command
  210. [13:36:40] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 24015
  211. [13:36:40] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Redirecting stderr to '/home/AMP/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
  212. [13:36:40] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
  213. [13:36:40] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : [----] Verifying installation...
  214. [13:36:40] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
  215. [13:36:40] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : -- type 'quit' to exit --
  216. [13:36:40] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Loading Steam API...OK.
  217. [13:36:41] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
  218. [13:36:41] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Waiting for user info...OK
  219. [13:36:42] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 0.00 (0 / 3923491426)
  220. [13:36:44] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 9.25 (362849150 / 3923491426)
  221. [13:36:46] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 25.51 (1000830237 / 3923491426)
  222. [13:36:48] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 38.50 (1510665464 / 3923491426)
  223. [13:36:50] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 54.48 (2137566889 / 3923491426)
  224. [13:36:52] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 70.57 (2768753863 / 3923491426)
  225. [13:36:54] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 87.46 (3431456673 / 3923491426)
  226. [13:36:55] [steamcmdplugin:admin Debug] : Success! App '4020' fully installed.
  227. [13:37:00] [API:admin Activity]   : Starting the application.
  228. [13:37:00] [srcds:admin Debug]    : UDP logger listener started on
  229. [13:37:00] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process ./srcds/4020/srcds_run
  230. [13:37:00] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: ./srcds/4020
  231. [13:37:00] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: -game garrysmod -console -usercon +sv_pure 1 +map gm_construct +maxplayers 64 +rcon_password 8631f6f3a78a425ba46a2c150d42b0d8 -ip -port 27015 +log on +logaddress_add -tickrate 16 +host_workshop_collection 1229720518 -authkey 28667C122E72B614E0479753F7E8B508 +gamemode sandbox +sv_setsteamaccount 39F38A515F79A3CA382FE5087368CBA8
  232. [13:37:00] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 24040
  233. [13:37:00] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process /bin/ps
  234. [13:37:00] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  235. [13:37:00] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: --ppid 24040 -o pid,command
  236. [13:37:00] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 24041
  237. [13:37:36] [API:admin Activity]   : Changing setting srcdsModule.SRCDSSettings.ServerIPBinding to
  238. [13:37:42] [API:admin Activity]   : Starting the application.
  239. [13:37:42] [srcds:admin Debug]    : UDP logger listener started on
  240. [13:37:42] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process ./srcds/4020/srcds_run
  241. [13:37:42] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: ./srcds/4020
  242. [13:37:42] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: -game garrysmod -console -usercon +sv_pure 1 +map gm_construct +maxplayers 64 +rcon_password 00a1a428f5ab4360b71fc5ae7b18a1fc -ip -port 27015 +log on +logaddress_add -tickrate 16 +host_workshop_collection 1229720518 -authkey 28667C122E72B614E0479753F7E8B508 +gamemode sandbox +sv_setsteamaccount 39F38A515F79A3CA382FE5087368CBA8
  243. [13:37:42] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 24085
  244. [13:37:42] [Core:admin Debug]     : Starting process /bin/ps
  245. [13:37:42] [Core:admin Debug]     : Working Directory: /home/AMP/.ampdata/instances/CityRP
  246. [13:37:42] [Core:admin Debug]     : Arguments: --ppid 24085 -o pid,command
  247. [13:37:42] [Core:admin Debug]     : Started process with ID 24086
  248. [13:37:51] [API:admin Activity]   : Changing setting srcdsModule.SRCDSSettings.ServerIPBinding to
  249. [13:37:52] [API:admin Activity]   : Changing setting srcdsModule.SRCDSSettings.ServerIPBinding to
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