
Bipolar is not your dress-up doll.

Jan 1st, 2016
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  1. scarvesngarters 4:02 pm
  2. I've been kind of toying with ways to interprete her. Including "I think she might be bipolar".
  4. fionall8 4:03 pm
  5. Oh that’s why you’ve been reblogging more of her stuff, she seems cool.
  7. scarvesngarters 4:03 pm
  8. YUP.
  10. fractaldawn 4:05 pm
  11. Please talk to me if you decide to go that route.
  12. I love well-portrayed bipolar, and very little pisses me off more than incorrectly done.
  14. scarvesngarters 4:08 pm
  15. I haven't decided yet. But her having hypomanic episodes would explain some things about her, particularly her first appearance.
  17. scarvesngarters 4:13 pm
  18. When she shows up, she super-energetic, talks a mile a minute, gets distracted really easily, jumps directly into stuff that has high reward (adrenaline rush) but really high risk (...dying), and acts really inappropriately familiar with the Birds despite never having actually met any of them before.
  19. she's^
  21. scarvesngarters 4:18 pm
  22. Which doesn't necessarily have to mean anything, but she also does some stuff that's really freaking reckless and dangerous with zero thought to consequence. And I'm leaning more towards hypomania than mania but you could argue delusions/grandiosity with the way she acts, particularly when she's trying to be Batgirl. We also find out that she's been through something really traumatic in the recent-ish past (her family dying in an apartment building fire she couldn't save them from), plus her family does have a history of mental illness. So.
  23. You could also argue that she's very hurt/traumatized and over-compensating very hard to act like everything's great and she's doing great great great
  25. fractaldawn 4:18 pm
  26. Okay.
  27. If you decide to, please talk to me
  28. At length.
  29. Like I said, I really love seeing it well-portrayed, but I have seen enough incorrect portrayals of my illness, or ones done purely for the sake of wanting extra drama, that it is a highly touchy subject for me.
  31. fionall8 4:23 pm
  32. I’ve got a guest so will disappear.
  34. fionall8 has left the room. 4:23 pm
  35. guppymun 4:23 pm
  36. Later Fi
  38. scarvesngarters 4:23 pm
  39. Understandable. I'm not sure if I would play her like that in Milliways because I'm not sure where I would want to take it.
  40. She's definitely not okay, but it doesn't have to be played as a diagnosable illness.
  42. stuckmynock has entered the room. 4:25 pm
  43. scarvesngarters 4:25 pm
  44. Hi, Eric!
  46. guppymun 4:25 pm
  47. yo Eric
  49. fractaldawn 4:26 pm
  50. That's all I care about, honestly. *shrug* Everyone interprets differently, and from what you've said so far it sounds like a solid argument could be made. I don't much care if you think it. I do care whether you use it, and if you do, how and why. If you do, please talk to me first.
  52. scarvesngarters 4:27 pm
  53. And on a related but different note, I think she might have a bullet just kind of hanging out in her body.
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