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Mar 29th, 2020
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  1. {"questions": [{"Question": {"id": 4384585, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilket tegn skal der st\u00e5?</p>", "lesson_id": 896, "media_id": "661879", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4352860", "created": "2019-11-11 22:19:12", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "896", "title": "St\u00f8rre end - Mindre end - Lig med (Gange og Division)"}, "Topic": {"id": "108", "name": "Udsagn"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "10161"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10997335, "answer": "<p><</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10997334, "answer": "<p>=</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10997333, "answer": "<p>></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4261187, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Find v\u00e6rdien af udtrykket:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>+</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p><p>n\u00e5r <math><mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math> og <math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math>.</p>", "lesson_id": 1297, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3621948", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1297", "title": "Find v\u00e6rdien af et udtryk (med a og b) 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4040993, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>282</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>189</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>121</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 922, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3326234", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "922", "title": "231 + 395 + 186 (Sum med tre 3-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3190683, "type": 2, "question": "<p>S\u00e6t 2 udenfor parentes i <math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>14</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 801, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2723264", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "801", "title": "S\u00e6t udenfor parentes"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9332069, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9332066, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>7</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>7</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9332067, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>7</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9332068, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>7</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2471520, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Find det rigtige udsagn:</p>", "lesson_id": 958, "media_id": "383728", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2387706", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "958", "title": "Kvadratrod til et tal p\u00e5 tallinjen"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "12027"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7499990, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mo><</mo><msqrt><mn>44</mn></msqrt><mo><</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7499988, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo><</mo><msqrt><mn>44</mn></msqrt><mo><</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7499989, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo><</mo><msqrt><mn>44</mn></msqrt><mo><</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2691710, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>b</mi></math> i den line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6ng, der g\u00e5r gennem punktet <math><mo>(</mo><mn>1</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>2</mn><mo>)</mo></math> og har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1889, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1889", "title": "Bestem a og b med formel 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7990654, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990653, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990656, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990655, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4121100, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil har k\u00f8rt en rute, hvor der er benyttet 12 liter diesel til turen. Desuden ved chauff\u00f8ren, at lastbilen k\u00f8rer 13 km pr. liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har lastbilen k\u00f8rt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1047, "media_id": "591629", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3746966", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1047", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ud fra dieselforbrug"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4020575, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>100</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>30</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 915, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3304552", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "915", "title": "2 gange 400 plus 3 gange 50 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4143960, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En retvinklet trekant har en katete p\u00e5 20 cm og en katete p\u00e5 15 cm.</p><p>Hvor lang er hypotenusen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1079, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3768236", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1079", "title": "Pythagoras - Find hypotenusen"}, "Topic": {"id": "106", "name": "Trekanter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>cm</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3921874, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 843, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3193578", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "843", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (to faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2530384, "type": 2, "question": "<p>I koordinatsystemet ser du grafen for en funktion.</p><p>Passer koordinats\u00e6ttet <math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>5,8</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math> p\u00e5 funktionens graf?</p>", "lesson_id": 1195, "media_id": "442729", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1655732", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1195", "title": "Graf og punkt"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18676"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7621981, "answer": "<p>Nej</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7621982, "answer": "<p>Ja</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4387858, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>Hvor mange hundredere er der i tallet <math><mn>40</mn></math>?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2039, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4378821", "created": "2019-11-11 22:19:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2039", "title": "250 + 60 (Hovedregning)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>hundredere</p>", "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 2563499, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>5</mn><mtext> </mtext><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 716, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2353145", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "716", "title": "Br\u00f8k divideret med et tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7669424, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7669422, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7669425, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7669423, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>23</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4136692, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Eva er i sv\u00f8mmehallen. En bane i sv\u00f8mmebassinet er 25 meter lang. Eva sv\u00f8mmer i alt 88 baner.</p><p>Hvor mange meter sv\u00f8mmer Eva i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1072, "media_id": "604041", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3760968", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1072", "title": "Find den sv\u00f8mmede distance"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13140"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2691430, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>b</mi></math> i den line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6ng, der g\u00e5r gennem punktet <math><mo>(</mo><mn>3</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>-1</mn><mo>)</mo></math> og har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1894, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1894", "title": "Bestem a og b med formel 3"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7989536, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7989535, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7989533, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7989534, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4121962, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Bondemand Nielsen har 4 h\u00f8ns. De l\u00e6gger hver 4 \u00e6g pr. uge.</p><p>Hvor mange \u00e6g l\u00e6gger h\u00f8nsene i alt p\u00e5 6 uger?</p>", "lesson_id": 1048, "media_id": "402128", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2489920", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1048", "title": "Antal \u00e6g lagt p\u00e5 et antal uger"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13124"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4121040, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil har k\u00f8rt en rute, hvor der er benyttet 6 liter diesel til turen. Desuden ved chauff\u00f8ren, at lastbilen k\u00f8rer 13 km pr. liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har lastbilen k\u00f8rt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1047, "media_id": "591569", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3746906", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1047", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ud fra dieselforbrug"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3525455, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1258, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3058036", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1258", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C3"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10080359, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10080358, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10080355, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10080354, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>14</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10080356, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10080357, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>15</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10080353, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2690765, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>c</mi></math>-v\u00e6rdien for parablen</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1901, "media_id": "503627", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-11 23:02:43", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1901", "title": "Betydning af c-v\u00e6rdien for et andengradspolynomium"}, "Topic": {"id": "47", "name": "Polynomier"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32718"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7987366, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987364, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987365, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987367, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>12</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4389689, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Angiv summen af de to br\u00f8ker som procent:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1304, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4349980", "created": "2019-11-14 00:46:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1304", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (facit i procent)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4133313, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En mand tager til en tr\u00e6lasthandel for at k\u00f8be tr\u00e6 til et legehus i sin have. Han k\u00f8ber 20 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 4 meter lange.</p><p>Da han kommer hjem finder han ud af, at han skal save 50 cm af hvert br\u00e6t, for at de passer til legehuset.</p><p>Hvor mange meter saver manden i alt af sine br\u00e6dder?</p>", "lesson_id": 1067, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3758450", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1067", "title": "Spild af tr\u00e6 i meter"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 105362, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En f\u00e6rgesejlads starter kl. 10:25 og slutter kl. 14:10.</p><p>Hvor lang er den samlede rejsetid?</p>", "lesson_id": 711, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "0001-01-01 01:00:00", "updated": "9999-01-01 00:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "711", "title": "Rejsetid"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 395858, "answer": "<p>4 timer og 45 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 395852, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 55 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 395853, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 45 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 395854, "answer": "<p>4 timer og 50 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 395857, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 40 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 395855, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 50 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 395856, "answer": "<p>4 timer og 55 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3943505, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6235</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>797</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 873, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2618531", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "873", "title": "4281 + 346 (4-cifret plus 3-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4065558, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1000</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>18,684</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 953, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3362062", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "953", "title": "1000 gange decimaltal med 3 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3909462, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9,2</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>8,3</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 816, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2591076", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "816", "title": "7,3 - 4,8 (minus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3876628, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Det oplyses, at x = 5 og y = -3.</p><p>Dermed bliver <math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 689, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1169763", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "689", "title": "4x + 3y (kender x-v\u00e6rdi og y-v\u00e6rdi)"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4103500, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvad er differensen mellem 2 og 1?</p>", "lesson_id": 654, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3638935", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "654", "title": "Differens"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4124920, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En mand skal bygge en terrasse. Han skal bruge 8 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 3 meter lange. Desuden skal han bruge 20 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 2 meter lange.</p><p>Hvor mange meter br\u00e6dder skal manden bruge i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1060, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3750057", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1060", "title": "Antal meter tr\u00e6 til en terrasse"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 1803404, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad bliver 92,49 hvis der skal afrundes til n\u00e6rmeste hele tal?</p>", "lesson_id": 408, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "17556", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "408", "title": "Fra decimaltal til et heltal"}, "Topic": {"id": "96", "name": "Afrunding af tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 4589950, "answer": "<p>93</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 4589947, "answer": "<p>92,4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 4589948, "answer": "<p>92,5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 4589949, "answer": "<p>92</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2560321, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msqrt><mn>16</mn></msqrt><mo>\u22c5</mo><msqrt><mrow><mn>100</mn></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 695, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1839880", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "695", "title": "Kvadratrod gange kvadratrod"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7665048, "answer": "<p>37</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665046, "answer": "<p>38</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665050, "answer": "<p>41</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665049, "answer": "<p>39</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665047, "answer": "<p>40</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665051, "answer": "<p>36</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 1970031, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad er 70% af 20?</p>", "lesson_id": 1211, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "628183", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1211", "title": "30 procent af 20"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 5596667, "answer": "<p>12</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5596666, "answer": "<p>16</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5596663, "answer": "<p>13</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5596664, "answer": "<p>14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5596665, "answer": "<p>15</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5596668, "answer": "<p>17</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2697507, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvad er ligningen for linjen <math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503875", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32982"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004839, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004838, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>-</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004840, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0,5</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>0,5</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3313882, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>8</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 918, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2846463", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "918", "title": "Parenteser med plus og Division"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9615793, "answer": "<p>8</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615796, "answer": "<p>6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615797, "answer": "<p>10</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615795, "answer": "<p>7</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615792, "answer": "<p>5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615794, "answer": "<p>9</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4029863, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>100</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>89</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 920, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3313840", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "920", "title": "100 minus et tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3368406, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>20</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 955, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2900987", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "955", "title": "4x = -28"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9700180, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700179, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700175, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700177, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700174, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700178, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700176, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4424669, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>I koordinatsystemet er graferne for tre funktioner af typen <math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><msup><mi>a</mi><mi>x</mi></msup></math></p><p>Hvilken graf har <math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></math> ?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1926, "media_id": "671855", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2020-02-20 23:39:18", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1926", "title": "Betydning af b-v\u00e6rdien for en eksponenialfunktion"}, "Topic": {"id": "146", "name": "Eksponentiel v\u00e6kst"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "44779"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11107824, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>h</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11107823, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>g</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11107825, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4130059, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En sportsklub spiller en kamp p\u00e5 hjemmebane. Der er i alt 5000 st\u00e5pladser og 4000 siddepladser p\u00e5 stadion.</p><p>Klubben tager 50 kroner for en billet til en st\u00e5plads og 80 kroner for en billet til en siddeplads.</p><p>Hvor stor er den mulige indtjening til kampen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1063, "media_id": "598455", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3755196", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1063", "title": "Indt\u00e6gter p\u00e5 et stadion"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13134"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3858485, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Beregn og angiv svaret som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mn>4,7</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 679, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3171742", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "679", "title": "Br\u00f8k plus decimaltal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2697506, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvad er ligningen for linjen <math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503874", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32981"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004836, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004837, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004835, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0,5</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3909034, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7,2</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4,7</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 816, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2590648", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "816", "title": "7,3 - 4,8 (minus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2449707, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvad er sk\u00e6ringspunktet mellem linje A og linje B?</p>", "lesson_id": 773, "media_id": "361841", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2378719", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "773", "title": "Afl\u00e6sning af sk\u00e6ringspunkt mellem to linjer"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "7451"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7460395, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>2</mn><mtext> </mtext><mo>,</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>6</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7460396, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>1</mn><mtext> </mtext><mo>,</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>6</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7460394, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>2</mn><mtext> </mtext><mo>,</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>7</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7460397, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>0</mn><mtext> </mtext><mo>,</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>7</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7460393, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3</mn><mtext> </mtext><mo>,</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>5</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7460392, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>2</mn><mtext> </mtext><mo>,</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>5</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4428683, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilken type trekant er dette?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2085, "media_id": "673418", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4414586", "created": "2020-03-24 02:19:39", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2085", "title": "H\u00f8jder i trekanter"}, "Topic": {"id": "106", "name": "Trekanter"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "42763"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11115650, "answer": "<p><p>Stumpvinklet</p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11115648, "answer": "<p><p>Retvinklet</p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11115649, "answer": "<p><p>Spidsvinklet</p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3922672, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv <math><mrow><mn>17</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math> til decimaltal:</p>", "lesson_id": 524, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3194578", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "524", "title": "Fra blandet tal til decimaltal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3617069, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>11</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1368, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3149650", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1368", "title": "Multiplikation - Br\u00f8k med helt tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10367277, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>14</mn></mrow><mn>11</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10367280, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>7</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10367276, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>19</mn></mrow><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10367275, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>22</mn></mrow><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10367274, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>7</mn></mrow><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10367278, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mn>77</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10367279, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>44</mn></mrow><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 1571945, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En trekant har sidel\u00e6ngder p\u00e5 24, 7 og 25.</p><p>Dermed er trekanten:</p>", "lesson_id": 1078, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "526374", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1078", "title": "Pythagoras - Tjek om trekanten er retvinklet (omvendt Pythagoras)"}, "Topic": {"id": "106", "name": "Trekanter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 3822459, "answer": "<p>Det kan man ikke udtale sig om.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3822457, "answer": "<p>Retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3822458, "answer": "<p>Ikke retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2531322, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvor mange procent af figuren er ikke farvet r\u00f8d?</p>", "lesson_id": 1214, "media_id": "443667", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "628858", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1214", "title": "Procent med 10'er stang 4"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18825"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7624800, "answer": "<p>60%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7624802, "answer": "<p>30%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7624797, "answer": "<p>50%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7624798, "answer": "<p>20%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7624799, "answer": "<p>40%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7624801, "answer": "<p>70%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3176033, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvordan omskriver man 6,8 til blandet tal?</p>", "lesson_id": 522, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2708614", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "522", "title": "Omskriv 3,5 til blandet tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9254258, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9254260, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9254263, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9254259, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9254261, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9254262, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3877675, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Rasmus skal bage en kage. I opskriften st\u00e5r der, at der skal bruges 7,5 dL s\u00f8dm\u00e6lk til 1 portion.</p><p>Hvor mange dL s\u00f8dm\u00e6lk skal der bruges, hvis Rasmus vil lave 6 portioner?</p>", "lesson_id": 659, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3727136", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "659", "title": "Opskrift p\u00e5 dobbelt s\u00e5 meget"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>dL s\u00f8dm\u00e6lk</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3921994, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 844, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3193707", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "844", "title": "Negative tal i anden"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4234070, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Angiv svaret som procent:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>0,09</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>0,34</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1305, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3813457", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1305", "title": "Addition med decimaltal (facit i procent)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4080279, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>14</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1020, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383409", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1020", "title": "Division med br\u00f8k (t\u00e6lleren negativ)"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2342788, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Forkort <math><mrow><mfrac><mn>30</mn><mn>40</mn></mfrac></mrow></math> med 10.</p>", "lesson_id": 525, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1835671", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "525", "title": "Forkorte en br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6836248, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6836246, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>30</mn><mn>40</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6836245, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>40</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6836247, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>300</mn><mn>400</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6836249, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6836250, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4383020, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv til procent:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>1,7</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 681, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3858768", "created": "2019-11-08 22:19:46", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "681", "title": "Decimaltal til procent (tal over 1)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2697481, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilken linje har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></math>?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503849", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32981"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004761, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>g</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004762, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004760, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>h</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4387935, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>Hvor mange enere er der i tallet <math><mn>40</mn></math>?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2039, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4378898", "created": "2019-11-11 22:19:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2039", "title": "250 + 60 (Hovedregning)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>enere</p>", "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 1571939, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En trekant har sidel\u00e6ngder p\u00e5 8, 17 og 15.</p><p>Dermed er trekanten:</p>", "lesson_id": 1078, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "526368", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1078", "title": "Pythagoras - Tjek om trekanten er retvinklet (omvendt Pythagoras)"}, "Topic": {"id": "106", "name": "Trekanter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 3822439, "answer": "<p>Retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3822440, "answer": "<p>Ikke retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3822441, "answer": "<p>Det kan man ikke udtale sig om.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3923938, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvad bliver y, hvis x er 8?</p>", "lesson_id": 827, "media_id": "363012", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2450878", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "827", "title": "Line\u00e6r sammenh\u00e6ng (kender x og finder y)"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "7829"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3877827, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En opskrift p\u00e5 en kage siger, at der skal 4 tsk reven appelsinskal i til 2 portioner.</p><p>Hvor mange tsk reven appelsinskal skal man bruge, hvis man vil lave 6 portioner?</p>", "lesson_id": 659, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3727288", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "659", "title": "Opskrift p\u00e5 dobbelt s\u00e5 meget"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>tsk reven appelsinskal</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3507115, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>45</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1163, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3039696", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1163", "title": "Opl\u00f8sning af potensudtryk"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10023090, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023087, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023089, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023085, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023086, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023088, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2344167, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilken br\u00f8k nedenfor giver 0,96?</p>", "lesson_id": 527, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2059466", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "527", "title": "Omskriv 0,2 til br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6844519, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>12,5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844521, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>23</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844524, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>21</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844523, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>22</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844520, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>24</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844522, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>24</mn><mn>30</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4428277, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1800</mn><mtext> cL</mtext><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 600, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4427976", "created": "2020-03-24 02:19:39", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "600", "title": "Liter og centiliter (l og cl)"}, "Topic": {"id": "111", "name": "Omregning - Rumm\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>L</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4039651, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>313</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>271</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>262</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 922, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3324892", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "922", "title": "231 + 395 + 186 (Sum med tre 3-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3298081, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 912, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2830662", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "912", "title": "Eksponenten er negativ"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9615131, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>6</mn></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615133, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>15</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615132, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>15</mn></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615130, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4020048, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>200</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>20</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 915, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3304025", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "915", "title": "2 gange 400 plus 3 gange 50 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4129028, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Et tog har to passagervogne, nemlig vogn A og vogn B. I vogn A er der 6 passagerer. I vogn B er der 3 gange s\u00e5 mange passagerer, som der er i vogn A.</p><p>Hvor mange passagerer er der i vogn B?</p>", "lesson_id": 1062, "media_id": "597460", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3754165", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1062", "title": "Passagerer i en togvogn og i alt"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13133"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>passagerer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2348204, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden: <math><mrow><mn>11</mn><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>110</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 632, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2066617", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "632", "title": "2x > 6 og 2x < 6"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6868244, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6868246, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6868247, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6868249, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6868245, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>11</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6868248, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3978131, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msqrt><mrow><mn>44</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>40</mn></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 693, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3249682", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "693", "title": "Kvadratroden af et udtryk"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4151893, "type": 1, "question": "<p>For en vare er den samlede oms\u00e6tning 200 kroner. Desuden oplyses det, at der blev solgt 2 styk af varen.</p><p>Dermed er prisen:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3772927", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner pr. styk</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2691223, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hviken parabel har en positiv <math><mi>b</mi></math>-v\u00e6rdi?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1903, "media_id": "503650", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2690788", "created": "2018-04-14 23:08:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1903", "title": "Betydning af b-v\u00e6rdien for et andengradspolynomium"}, "Topic": {"id": "47", "name": "Polynomier"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32736"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7988352, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>A</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7988351, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>B</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7988350, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>C</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4400910, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Prisen p\u00e5 bl\u00e5b\u00e6r er 23,75 kroner pr. 250 gram.</p><p>Hvad koster 1 kg bl\u00e5b\u00e6r?</p>", "lesson_id": 708, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3869656", "created": "2019-12-10 23:35:25", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "708", "title": "K\u00f8b af varer"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2419048, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet forskriften:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mi>x</mi></mrow></math></p><p>Hvilket talpar passer i regneforskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 1193, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1966818", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1193", "title": "Unders\u00f8g om et talpar passer i en funktion 3"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7304791, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3,15</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7304790, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3,10</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3869175, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv 89,4% til decimaltal.</p>", "lesson_id": 706, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1198922", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "706", "title": "Omskriv procent til decimaltal (Tal under 100%)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4080426, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>36</mn></mrow><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1021, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383556", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1021", "title": "Division med br\u00f8k (n\u00e6vneren negativ)"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3921905, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 843, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3193609", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "843", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (to faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2418852, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet forskriften:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>32</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvilket talpar passer i regneforskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 1192, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1966622", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1192", "title": "Unders\u00f8g om et talpar passer i en funktion 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7303876, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,37</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303877, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,39</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303879, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,38</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303878, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,36</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4209032, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Angiv summen af de to br\u00f8ker som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1302, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3530619", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1302", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (facit i decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4147324, "type": 1, "question": "<p>I et tog er der b\u00e5de m\u00e6nd og kvinder. Der er 35 kvinder. I toget er der dobbelt s\u00e5 mange m\u00e6nd som kvinder.</p><p>Hvor mange m\u00e6nd er der i toget?</p>", "lesson_id": 1074, "media_id": "614023", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3770735", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1074", "title": "Passagerer i et tog - Dobbelt s\u00e5 mange og sum"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13137"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m\u00e6nd</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4133298, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En mand tager til en tr\u00e6lasthandel for at k\u00f8be tr\u00e6 til et legehus i sin have. Han k\u00f8ber 18 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 4 meter lange.</p><p>Da han kommer hjem finder han ud af, at han skal save 25 cm af hvert br\u00e6t, for at de passer til legehuset.</p><p>Hvor mange meter saver manden i alt af sine br\u00e6dder?</p>", "lesson_id": 1067, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3758435", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1067", "title": "Spild af tr\u00e6 i meter"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2691715, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>b</mi></math> i den line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6ng, der g\u00e5r gennem punktet <math><mo>(</mo><mn>4</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>5</mn><mo>)</mo></math> og har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1889, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1889", "title": "Bestem a og b med formel 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7990676, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>14</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990675, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990674, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>13</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990673, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3991130, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3,11</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>1,32</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 496, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3281963", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "496", "title": "3,13 + 4,72 (plus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3447309, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Bondemand Jensen har 20 k\u00f8er. Hver dag producerer hver ko 25 liter m\u00e6lk.</p><p>Hvor mange liter m\u00e6lk producerer k\u00f8erne p\u00e5 en dag?</p>", "lesson_id": 1049, "media_id": "592075", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2979890", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1049", "title": "M\u00e6lkeproduktion p\u00e5 en dag"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13125"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9886859, "answer": "<p>500 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886858, "answer": "<p>600 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886857, "answer": "<p>380 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886860, "answer": "<p>300 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886855, "answer": "<p>420 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886856, "answer": "<p>540 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4027146, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>14</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>9</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>15</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 916, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3311123", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "916", "title": "2 gange 15 plus 6 gange 11 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4413680, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvad kan udtrykket <math><mi>b</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>b</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>b</mi></math> reduceres til?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1988, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3685891", "created": "2020-01-16 14:48:24", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1988", "title": "Algebra - Multiplikation"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11076678, "answer": "<p><math><mn>7</mn><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076679, "answer": "<p><math><mn>7</mn><mi>b</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076677, "answer": "<p><math><msup><mi>b</mi><mn>7</mn></msup></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076682, "answer": "<p><math><mi>b</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076680, "answer": "<p><math><msup><mn>7</mn><mi>b</mi></msup></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076681, "answer": "<p><p>Det kan ikke reduceres</p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4121325, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil har k\u00f8rt en rute, hvor der er benyttet 35 liter diesel til turen. Desuden ved chauff\u00f8ren, at lastbilen k\u00f8rer 8 km pr. liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har lastbilen k\u00f8rt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1047, "media_id": "591854", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3747191", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1047", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ud fra dieselforbrug"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3537071, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>234</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>52</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1289, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3069652", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1289", "title": "503 - 83 (3-cifret minus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10145110, "answer": "<p>167</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10145113, "answer": "<p>141</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10145114, "answer": "<p>227</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10145112, "answer": "<p>215</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10145111, "answer": "<p>199</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10145116, "answer": "<p>153</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10145115, "answer": "<p>182</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4145074, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil k\u00f8rer en rute, der er 168 km lang. Da turen er k\u00f8rt, bem\u00e6rker chauff\u00f8ren, at han har benyttet 14 liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har bilen k\u00f8rt pr. liter diesel?</p>", "lesson_id": 1066, "media_id": "613331", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3768735", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1066", "title": "Km per liter diesel for en lastbil"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>km pr. liter</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3524834, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>43</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1256, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3057415", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1256", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10076011, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076009, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076012, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076010, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076008, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076006, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076007, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4055071, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Fodbolde koster 90 kroner pr. styk.</p><p>En fodboldklub k\u00f8ber 5 fodbolde.</p><p>Hvad er den samlede udgift?</p>", "lesson_id": 685, "media_id": "565734", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3736527", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "685", "title": "Udgift som pris gange antal"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4091230, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Start med tallet 7. Tr\u00e6k nu 1 fra og opl\u00f8ft derefter resultatet i anden. L\u00e6g nu 3 til.</p><p>Hvilket tal har du nu?</p>", "lesson_id": 1037, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3402821", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1037", "title": "Find tallet med plus og minus og potenser"}, "Topic": {"id": "128", "name": "De fire regningsarter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4121798, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Bondemand Carlsen har 2 h\u00f8ns. De l\u00e6gger hver 4 \u00e6g pr. uge.</p><p>Hvor mange \u00e6g l\u00e6gger h\u00f8nsene i alt p\u00e5 3 uger?</p>", "lesson_id": 1048, "media_id": "401964", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2690491", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1048", "title": "Antal \u00e6g lagt p\u00e5 et antal uger"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13124"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4088016, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvilket tal er 10 st\u00f8rre end 391?</p>", "lesson_id": 1038, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3399607", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1038", "title": "10 st\u00f8rre end 342"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2697483, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilken linje har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-0,5</mn></math>?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503851", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32983"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004767, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>h</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004768, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004766, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>g</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3297126, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow><mn>8</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 909, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2829707", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "909", "title": "Et potensudtryk opl\u00f8ftet i en eksponent"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9610831, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>2</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9610826, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>24</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9610829, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>2</mn><mn>16</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9610828, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9610830, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>32</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9610827, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>16</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3879861, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvad er arealet af trekanten?</p>", "lesson_id": 345, "media_id": "357254", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2445135", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "345", "title": "Areal af en trekant"}, "Topic": {"id": "64", "name": "Areal"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "3772"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4209115, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Angiv summen af de to br\u00f8ker som procent:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>25</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1304, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3811191", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1304", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (facit i procent)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4327144, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1027, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4081488", "created": "2019-06-14 10:13:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1027", "title": "Multiplikation med tre 1-cifrede tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4183824, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvor mange centimeter (cm) svarer 201,3 mm til?</p>", "lesson_id": 594, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3798784", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "594", "title": "Centimeter og millimeter (cm og mm)"}, "Topic": {"id": "109", "name": "Omregning - L\u00e6ngdem\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>cm</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3674331, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>16</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msqrt><mn>16</mn></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 694, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2560513", "created": "2019-01-09 13:05:06", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "694", "title": "Tal ganget med en kvadratrod"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10547805, "answer": "<p>16</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547803, "answer": "<p>32</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547806, "answer": "<p>96</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547808, "answer": "<p>48</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547807, "answer": "<p>80</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547804, "answer": "<p>64</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4387679, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Regn <math><mn>310</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>80</mn></math> ved at l\u00e6gge enere, tiere og hundredere sammen fra de to tal.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2038, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4377826", "created": "2019-11-11 22:19:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2038", "title": "240 + 30 (Hovedregning)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11002051, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>380</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11002052, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>400</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11002050, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>490</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11002053, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>390</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3922670, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv <math><mrow><mn>15</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math> til decimaltal:</p>", "lesson_id": 524, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3194576", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "524", "title": "Fra blandet tal til decimaltal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3523288, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>12</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>50</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1253, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3055869", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1253", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser B1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10065190, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065188, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065185, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065187, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065189, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065184, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065186, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4364188, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Du har <math><mn>20</mn></math> euro. Du k\u00f8ber byggeklodser for <math><mn>19</mn></math> euro. Hvor mange euro har du tilbage?</p>", "lesson_id": 2029, "media_id": "654995", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4363872", "created": "2019-08-21 05:19:41", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2029", "title": "Hvor mange euro f\u00e5r jeg tilbage 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "125", "name": "Penge, \u00f8konomi og valuta"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "41740"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>euro</p>", "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 4399900, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>10</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 861, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3931333", "created": "2019-12-04 23:39:48", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "861", "title": "Minus med 3 tal (Facit under 20)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3484039, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Figuren viser en kasse. Kassen har en l\u00e6ngde p\u00e5 2 cm og en h\u00f8jde p\u00e5 7 cm. Desuden har kassen et rumfang p\u00e5 28 cm<sup>3</sup>.</p><p>Hvor stor er bredden af kassen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1116, "media_id": "615352", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3016620", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1116", "title": "Find bredden i en kasse vha. rumfanget"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "16921"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9963656, "answer": "<p>6 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9963660, "answer": "<p>2 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9963659, "answer": "<p>5 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9963657, "answer": "<p>1 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9963658, "answer": "<p>4 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9963655, "answer": "<p>3 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3928118, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4,5</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>1,3</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 504, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3201998", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "504", "title": "5,8 - 3,2 (minus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2697488, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilken linje har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></math>?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503856", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32983"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004781, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004782, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>h</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004783, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>g</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2339319, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Gang de to br\u00f8ker med hinanden, og forkort evt. resultatet:</p><p><math><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>8</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "lesson_id": 331, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1816252", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "331", "title": "Gange med br\u00f8ker (multiplikation)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6818762, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>40</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6818761, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>10</mn><mn>11</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6818760, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>80</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6818763, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>16</mn><mn>70</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6818764, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>8</mn><mn>40</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3525644, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1258, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3058225", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1258", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C3"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10081681, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>16</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081682, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>20</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081678, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>22</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081680, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>17</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081679, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>23</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081676, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>24</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081677, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>19</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4136727, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Tove er i sv\u00f8mmehallen. En bane i sv\u00f8mmebassinet er 50 meter lang. Tove sv\u00f8mmer i alt 44 baner.</p><p>Hvor mange meter sv\u00f8mmer Tove i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1072, "media_id": "604076", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3761003", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1072", "title": "Find den sv\u00f8mmede distance"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13140"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3173892, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mfrac><mi>x</mi><mn>3</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 587, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2706473", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "587", "title": "Ligning med br\u00f8ker 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9241412, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9241417, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>18</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9241414, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>12</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9241415, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9241413, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9241416, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>15</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4360201, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv 0,03 til procent:</p>", "lesson_id": 700, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-07-31 15:17:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "700", "title": "Decimaltal til procent (tal mellem 0 og 1)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3530574, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Angiv summen af de to br\u00f8ker som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>25</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1302, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3063155", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1302", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (facit i decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10104452, "answer": "<p>0,11</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104456, "answer": "<p>0,41</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104453, "answer": "<p>0,06</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104458, "answer": "<p>0,23</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104454, "answer": "<p>0,3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104455, "answer": "<p>0,38</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104457, "answer": "<p>0,14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4021193, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>100</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>9</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>40</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 915, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3305170", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "915", "title": "2 gange 400 plus 3 gange 50 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3616921, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1368, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3149502", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1368", "title": "Multiplikation - Br\u00f8k med helt tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10366241, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>5</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366243, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mn>24</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366240, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>19</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366244, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow><mn>8</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366239, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>16</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366245, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>8</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366242, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>7</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4247323, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Angiv svaret som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>73</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>100</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1307, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3598884", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1307", "title": "Addition med procent og br\u00f8k (facit i decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3964129, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8395</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>262</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 889, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2650105", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "889", "title": "7156 - 319 (4-cifret minus 3-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4383307, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Skriv som decimaltal <math><mrow><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 720, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3876903", "created": "2019-11-08 22:19:46", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "720", "title": "U\u00e6gte br\u00f8k til decimaltal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2418979, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet forskriften:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>46</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvilket talpar passer i regneforskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 1192, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1966749", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1192", "title": "Unders\u00f8g om et talpar passer i en funktion 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7304511, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,52</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7304512, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,48</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7304510, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,51</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7304513, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,53</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7304508, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,50</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7304509, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,49</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2418757, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet forskriften:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>22</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvilket talpar passer i regneforskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 1192, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1966527", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1192", "title": "Unders\u00f8g om et talpar passer i en funktion 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7303409, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>1,22</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303406, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>1,23</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303407, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>1,21</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303408, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>1,20</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3524468, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>40</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1255, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3057049", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1255", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10073449, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073444, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073447, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073448, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073446, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073445, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073450, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3871466, "type": 1, "question": "<p>30% af et bel\u00f8b svarer til 150 kroner.</p><p>Hvor stort er bel\u00f8bet?</p>", "lesson_id": 715, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3723518", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "715", "title": "Procent af bel\u00f8b 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3701729, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Find det regnestykke, der passer til billedet, n\u00e5r du skal udregne arealet af rektanglet.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 772, "media_id": "632197", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3697296", "created": "2019-03-11 23:38:53", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "772", "title": "Areal af figur i koordinatsystemet"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "39620"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10638846, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>2</mn><mo>\u00b7</mo><mn>7</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10638849, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>1</mn><mo>\u00b7</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10638847, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>2</mn><mo>\u00b7</mo><mn>5</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10638848, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>1</mn><mo>\u00b7</mo><mn>3</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2566554, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac><mo>\u2212</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 778, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2359412", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "778", "title": "Subtraktion med br\u00f8ker (find f\u00e6llesn\u00e6vner og forkort)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7674405, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7674408, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7674406, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7674404, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>16</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7674407, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mrow><mn>16</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7674409, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mrow><mn>16</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3961157, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>1</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 883, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3234120", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "883", "title": "Regn t\u00e6ller og n\u00e6vner og divid\u00e9r"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3184595, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden <math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>16</mn><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>34</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 634, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2717176", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "634", "title": "3x + 4 <= 13"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9297337, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9297336, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9297334, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9297339, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9297335, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9297338, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2566553, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac><mo>\u2212</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 778, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2359411", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "778", "title": "Subtraktion med br\u00f8ker (find f\u00e6llesn\u00e6vner og forkort)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7674401, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mrow><mn>12</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7674399, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7674398, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7674403, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>12</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7674402, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7674400, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mrow><mn>12</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4136711, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Mette er i sv\u00f8mmehallen. En bane i sv\u00f8mmebassinet er 50 meter lang. Mette sv\u00f8mmer i alt 16 baner.</p><p>Hvor mange meter sv\u00f8mmer Mette i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1072, "media_id": "604060", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3760987", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1072", "title": "Find den sv\u00f8mmede distance"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13140"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3190372, "type": 2, "question": "<p>S\u00e6t 4 udenfor parentes i <math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>12</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 801, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2722953", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "801", "title": "S\u00e6t udenfor parentes"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9330822, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9330824, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9330823, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9330825, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2348348, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden: <math><mrow><mn>17</mn><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>51</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 632, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2066760", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "632", "title": "2x > 6 og 2x < 6"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6869111, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6869112, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6869108, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6869110, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6869109, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6869113, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4147425, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En familie skal p\u00e5 ferie og k\u00f8rer afsted i bil med deres campingvogn. Fra hjemmet k\u00f8rer de f\u00f8rst 80 km til punkt A. Derefter k\u00f8rer de fra punkt A til punkt B. Den tur er 200 km. Fra punkt B til feriem\u00e5let er der 100 km.</p><p>Familiens bil kan k\u00f8re 10 km pr. liter benzin.</p><p>Hvor mange liter benzin bruger familien p\u00e5 at k\u00f8re turen fra familiens hjem over punkt A og punkt B og til feriem\u00e5let?</p>", "lesson_id": 1065, "media_id": "428850", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3770836", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1065", "title": "Forbrug af br\u00e6ndstof p\u00e5 en k\u00f8retur"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13136"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>liter</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3313895, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>10</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 918, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2846476", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "918", "title": "Parenteser med plus og Division"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9615870, "answer": "<p>8</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615874, "answer": "<p>5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615872, "answer": "<p>7</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615873, "answer": "<p>4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615875, "answer": "<p>9</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615871, "answer": "<p>6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4365719, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvor mange euro er der i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 2024, "media_id": "655432", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4347582", "created": "2019-09-01 23:18:54", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2024", "title": "Veksl cent og euro"}, "Topic": {"id": "125", "name": "Penge, \u00f8konomi og valuta"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "41342"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>euro</p>", "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 4121387, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil har k\u00f8rt en rute, hvor der er benyttet 41 liter diesel til turen. Desuden ved chauff\u00f8ren, at lastbilen k\u00f8rer 10 km pr. liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har lastbilen k\u00f8rt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1047, "media_id": "591916", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3747253", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1047", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ud fra dieselforbrug"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3175158, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mfrac><mi>x</mi><mn>7</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mn>12</mn><mo>=</mo><mn>16</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 588, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2707739", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "588", "title": "Ligning med br\u00f8ker 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9249012, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>21</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9249011, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>14</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9249010, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>28</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9249009, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9249013, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9249008, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>35</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3184606, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden <math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>17</mn><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>37</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 634, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2717187", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "634", "title": "3x + 4 <= 13"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9297403, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9297402, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9297405, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9297400, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9297404, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9297401, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4032202, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>15</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 919, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3317443", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "919", "title": "Parenteser med minus og Division"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4399456, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilket tegn skal der st\u00e5?</p>", "lesson_id": 855, "media_id": "665594", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4326333", "created": "2019-12-03 23:42:47", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "855", "title": "St\u00f8rre end - Mindre end - Lig med (Gangestykker)"}, "Topic": {"id": "108", "name": "Udsagn"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "8798"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11033942, "answer": "<p>=</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11033944, "answer": "<p><</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11033943, "answer": "<p>></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4122213, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Bondemand Christensen har 3 k\u00f8er. Hver dag producerer hver ko 20 liter m\u00e6lk.</p><p>Hvor mange liter m\u00e6lk producerer k\u00f8erne p\u00e5 en dag?</p>", "lesson_id": 1049, "media_id": "592013", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3747350", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1049", "title": "M\u00e6lkeproduktion p\u00e5 en dag"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13125"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>liter</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3358010, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1000</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>2,666</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 953, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2890591", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "953", "title": "1000 gange decimaltal med 3 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9674088, "answer": "<p>26,66</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9674087, "answer": "<p>266,6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9674086, "answer": "<p>2666</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9674084, "answer": "<p>26660</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9674085, "answer": "<p>266600</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3298113, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 912, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2830694", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "912", "title": "Eksponenten er negativ"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9615260, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>15</mn></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615259, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615261, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>15</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615258, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4193817, "type": 1, "question": "<p>P\u00e5 billedet ser du en tabel med ordnede talpar for funktionen:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvad skal der st\u00e5 p\u00e5 A's plads i tabellen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1186, "media_id": "440395", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2528050", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1186", "title": "Funktion og tabel - Addition"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18606"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4053844, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5161</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>30</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 925, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3339085", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "925", "title": "4986 + 37 (4-cifret plus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3580235, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>7</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>4</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>16</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1278, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3112816", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1278", "title": "Multiplikation med potenser 5"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10249287, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>-1</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10249288, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>0</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10249285, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>1</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10249290, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10249286, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10249289, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>3</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4151798, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvis prisen p\u00e5 en vare er 500 kroner pr. styk og der s\u00e6lges 4 styk, da bliver oms\u00e6tningen:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3772832", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3674333, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>13</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msqrt><mn>25</mn></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 694, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2560529", "created": "2019-01-09 13:05:06", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "694", "title": "Tal ganget med en kvadratrod"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10547816, "answer": "<p>104</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547817, "answer": "<p>78</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547819, "answer": "<p>39</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547815, "answer": "<p>52</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547818, "answer": "<p>91</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547820, "answer": "<p>65</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3985612, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>398</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>109</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 615, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3266368", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "615", "title": "482 + 261 (3-cifret plus 3-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4384770, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>12</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 919, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4032185", "created": "2019-11-11 22:19:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "919", "title": "Parenteser med minus og Division"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4028215, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>13</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>17</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 916, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3312192", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "916", "title": "2 gange 15 plus 6 gange 11 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3527148, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1268, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3059729", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1268", "title": "Tal mellem 10.000 og 99.999 som tierpotenser 5"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10091538, "answer": "<p>20003</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10091541, "answer": "<p>20300</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10091542, "answer": "<p>20030</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10091539, "answer": "<p>203000</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10091537, "answer": "<p>230000</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10091540, "answer": "<p>23000</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4198324, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvor mange procent af figuren er ikke farvet r\u00f8d?</p>", "lesson_id": 1215, "media_id": "444096", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3805622", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1215", "title": "Procent med 20'er-stang 4"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "19010"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2341833, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Beregn og forkort eventuelt:</p><p><math><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac><mo>:</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "lesson_id": 332, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1826423", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "332", "title": "Division med br\u00f8ker"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6831330, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>11</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6831333, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>13</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6831334, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6831331, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6831332, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>10</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3368416, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>70</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 955, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2900997", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "955", "title": "4x = -28"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9700249, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>13</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700248, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>13</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700247, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>16</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700250, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>14</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700245, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>15</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700246, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>15</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700244, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>14</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 105831, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En k\u00f8retur starter kl. 13:30 og slutter kl. 16:20. Undervejs har manden holdt en pause p\u00e5 35 minutter.</p><p>Hvor lang er den samlede rejsetid (uden pause!)?</p>", "lesson_id": 711, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "0001-01-01 01:00:00", "updated": "9999-01-01 00:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "711", "title": "Rejsetid"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 399140, "answer": "<p>2 timer og 10 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 399135, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 10 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 399141, "answer": "<p>2 timer og 20 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 399137, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 15 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 399136, "answer": "<p>2 timer og 15 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 399139, "answer": "<p>2 timer og 5 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 399138, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 20 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4394486, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvad er 70% af 400?</p>", "lesson_id": 1210, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4197746", "created": "2019-11-20 23:52:52", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1210", "title": "30 procent af 200"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2347987, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden: <math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>38</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 632, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2066400", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "632", "title": "2x > 6 og 2x < 6"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6866942, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>17</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6866943, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>18</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6866947, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>19</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6866945, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>17</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6866946, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>18</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6866944, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>19</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3447308, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Bondemand Johansen har 10 k\u00f8er. Hver dag producerer hver ko 25 liter m\u00e6lk.</p><p>Hvor mange liter m\u00e6lk producerer k\u00f8erne p\u00e5 en dag?</p>", "lesson_id": 1049, "media_id": "592074", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2979889", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1049", "title": "M\u00e6lkeproduktion p\u00e5 en dag"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13125"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9886851, "answer": "<p>170 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886853, "answer": "<p>340 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886854, "answer": "<p>290 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886849, "answer": "<p>310 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886852, "answer": "<p>210 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886850, "answer": "<p>250 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3616993, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>19</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1368, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3149574", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1368", "title": "Multiplikation - Br\u00f8k med helt tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10366744, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>7</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366748, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>13</mn></mrow><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366747, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>19</mn></mrow><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366746, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>38</mn></mrow><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366745, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow><mn>19</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366742, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mn>171</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366743, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>11</mn></mrow><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4042675, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>84</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>293</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 923, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3327916", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "923", "title": "5 + 25 + 143"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4080371, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>27</mn></mrow><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1021, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383501", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1021", "title": "Division med br\u00f8k (n\u00e6vneren negativ)"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2691685, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>b</mi></math> i den line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6ng, der g\u00e5r gennem punktet <math><mo>(</mo><mn>5</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>-1</mn><mo>)</mo></math> og har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1894, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1894", "title": "Bestem a og b med formel 3"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7990555, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990553, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>14</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990556, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990554, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4387752, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Regn <math><mn>311</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>82</mn></math> ved at l\u00e6gge enere, tiere og hundredere sammen fra de to tal.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2038, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4377899", "created": "2019-11-11 22:19:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2038", "title": "240 + 30 (Hovedregning)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11002195, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>383</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11002197, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>493</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11002194, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>293</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11002196, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>393</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4034911, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>80</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>50</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 917, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3320152", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "917", "title": "5 gange 30 minus 2 gange 40 (Differens af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3231582, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der skal st\u00e5:</p>", "lesson_id": 888, "media_id": "563665", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2764163", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "888", "title": "GangeBane (Resultater op til 150)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "9480"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9453753, "answer": "<p>60</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9453752, "answer": "<p>48</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9453750, "answer": "<p>54</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9453754, "answer": "<p>36</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9453751, "answer": "<p>42</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2343570, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Forl\u00e6ng <math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math> med 2.</p>", "lesson_id": 526, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2058869", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "526", "title": "Forl\u00e6ng en br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6840942, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>10</mn><mn>45</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6840938, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6840941, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>8</mn><mn>36</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6840940, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>18</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6840939, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>12</mn><mn>54</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6840937, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>6</mn><mn>27</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3894809, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv 0,05 til procent:</p>", "lesson_id": 700, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3730752", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "700", "title": "Decimaltal til procent (tal mellem 0 og 1)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2697508, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvad er ligningen for linjen <math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503876", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32983"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004843, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004841, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-0,5</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004842, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3447303, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Bondemand Hansen har 5 k\u00f8er. Hver dag producerer hver ko 25 liter m\u00e6lk.</p><p>Hvor mange liter m\u00e6lk producerer k\u00f8erne p\u00e5 en dag?</p>", "lesson_id": 1049, "media_id": "592069", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2979884", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1049", "title": "M\u00e6lkeproduktion p\u00e5 en dag"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13125"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9886820, "answer": "<p>125 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886821, "answer": "<p>105 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886824, "answer": "<p>90 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886822, "answer": "<p>75 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886819, "answer": "<p>145 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886823, "answer": "<p>155 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3597923, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>14</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1307, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3130504", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1307", "title": "Addition med procent og br\u00f8k (facit i decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10310570, "answer": "<p>0,35</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310571, "answer": "<p>0,3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310572, "answer": "<p>0,22</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310574, "answer": "<p>0,34</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310568, "answer": "<p>0,26</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310569, "answer": "<p>0,28</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310573, "answer": "<p>0,21</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3674347, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msqrt><mn>100</mn></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 694, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2560619", "created": "2019-01-09 13:05:06", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "694", "title": "Tal ganget med en kvadratrod"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10547900, "answer": "<p>96</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547904, "answer": "<p>64</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547903, "answer": "<p>88</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547899, "answer": "<p>72</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547902, "answer": "<p>56</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10547901, "answer": "<p>80</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4187990, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Produktet af to primtal er 15.</p><p>Hvad er summen af de to primtal?</p>", "lesson_id": 1162, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1639386", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1162", "title": "Find summen af to primtal"}, "Topic": {"id": "128", "name": "De fire regningsarter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4133313, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En mand tager til en tr\u00e6lasthandel for at k\u00f8be tr\u00e6 til et legehus i sin have. Han k\u00f8ber 20 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 4 meter lange.</p><p>Da han kommer hjem finder han ud af, at han skal save 50 cm af hvert br\u00e6t, for at de passer til legehuset.</p><p>Hvor mange meter saver manden i alt af sine br\u00e6dder?</p>", "lesson_id": 1067, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3758450", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1067", "title": "Spild af tr\u00e6 i meter"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4199067, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Et komfur koster 7000 kroner.</p><p>Komfuret er p\u00e5 udsalg og man kan derfor f\u00e5 60% i rabat.</p><p>Hvor stor er rabatten i kroner?</p>", "lesson_id": 1220, "media_id": "618669", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3806275", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1220", "title": "Find rabatbel\u00f8bet"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "19153"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4145094, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil k\u00f8rer en rute, der er 192 km lang. Da turen er k\u00f8rt, bem\u00e6rker chauff\u00f8ren, at han har benyttet 16 liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har bilen k\u00f8rt pr. liter diesel?</p>", "lesson_id": 1066, "media_id": "613351", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3768755", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1066", "title": "Km per liter diesel for en lastbil"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>km pr. liter</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4092823, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvilket tal er 10 mindre end 403?</p>", "lesson_id": 1041, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3404414", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1041", "title": "10 mindre end 286"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2690764, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>c</mi></math>-v\u00e6rdien for parablen</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1901, "media_id": "503626", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-11 23:02:43", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1901", "title": "Betydning af c-v\u00e6rdien for et andengradspolynomium"}, "Topic": {"id": "47", "name": "Polynomier"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32717"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7987362, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-8</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987360, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987363, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987361, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4383022, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv til procent:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>2,1</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 681, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4364531", "created": "2019-11-08 22:19:46", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "681", "title": "Decimaltal til procent (tal over 1)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4136704, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Esther er i sv\u00f8mmehallen. En bane i sv\u00f8mmebassinet er 50 meter lang. Esther sv\u00f8mmer i alt 9 baner.</p><p>Hvor mange meter sv\u00f8mmer Esther i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1072, "media_id": "604053", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3760980", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1072", "title": "Find den sv\u00f8mmede distance"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13140"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3990301, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2,34</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>1,64</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 496, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3281134", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "496", "title": "3,13 + 4,72 (plus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4193420, "type": 1, "question": "<p>P\u00e5 billedet ser du en tabel med ordnede talpar for funktionen:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvad skal der st\u00e5 p\u00e5 A's plads i tabellen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1186, "media_id": "439998", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2527653", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1186", "title": "Funktion og tabel - Addition"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18597"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2697485, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilken linje har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></math>?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503853", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32980"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004774, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004772, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>h</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004773, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>g</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3190396, "type": 2, "question": "<p>S\u00e6t 5 udenfor parentes i <math><mrow><mn>15</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>20</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 801, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2722977", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "801", "title": "S\u00e6t udenfor parentes"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9330919, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9330921, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>4</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9330918, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9330920, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>4</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3584882, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>10</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1296, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3117463", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1296", "title": "Tal mellem 1.000 og 9.999 som tierpotenser 6"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10269190, "answer": "<p>28024</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10269193, "answer": "<p>28240</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10269191, "answer": "<p>28204</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10269192, "answer": "<p>2820</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10269188, "answer": "<p>20824</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10269189, "answer": "<p>2824</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10269187, "answer": "<p>2804</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4124854, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En mand skal bygge en terrasse. Han skal bruge 5 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 4 meter lange. Desuden skal han bruge 15 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 2 meter lange.</p><p>Hvor mange meter br\u00e6dder skal manden bruge i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1060, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3749991", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1060", "title": "Antal meter tr\u00e6 til en terrasse"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3186333, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden <math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>10</mn><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>24</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 634, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2718914", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "634", "title": "3x + 4 <= 13"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9307762, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9307763, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9307765, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9307764, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9307767, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9307766, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4311625, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Reduc\u00e9r udtrykket:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>:</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 402, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1824544", "created": "2019-05-14 23:18:59", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "402", "title": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10805194, "answer": "<p>0</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10805195, "answer": "<p>6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10805197, "answer": "<p>8</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10805196, "answer": "<p>4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10805193, "answer": "<p>12</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2574971, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>7</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 550, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2372561", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "550", "title": "Multiplikation med potenser 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7678635, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>12</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7678634, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>15</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7678639, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7678637, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>13</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7678638, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>11</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7678636, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>14</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4055076, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Fodbolde koster 80 kroner pr. styk.</p><p>En fodboldklub k\u00f8ber 6 fodbolde.</p><p>Hvad er den samlede udgift?</p>", "lesson_id": 685, "media_id": "565739", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3736532", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "685", "title": "Udgift som pris gange antal"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4113716, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvilket tal er 100 mindre end 9499?</p>", "lesson_id": 1042, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3436846", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1042", "title": "100 mindre end 3721"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4044805, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>27</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>12</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>31</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>71</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 924, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3330046", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "924", "title": "10 + 39 + 51 + 24 (Sum med fire 2-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3184755, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden <math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>12</mn><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>39</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 634, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2717336", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "634", "title": "3x + 4 <= 13"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9298295, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9298299, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9298297, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9298294, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9298296, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9298298, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4291321, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>Bestem l\u00e6ngden af vektoren <math><mover><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2192</mo></mover><mo>=</mo><mfenced><mtable><mtr><mtd><mn>4</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mn>3</mn></mtd></mtr></mtable></mfenced></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2053, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3715513", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2053", "title": "L\u00e6ngden af en vektor"}, "Topic": {"id": "36", "name": "Vektorer"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 3977849, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>788</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>88</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 492, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3249400", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "492", "title": "273 + 51 (3-cifret plus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3928850, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8,7</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3,6</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 504, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3202730", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "504", "title": "5,8 - 3,2 (minus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3368475, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mn>10</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>60</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 955, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2901056", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "955", "title": "4x = -28"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9700657, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700662, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700659, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700661, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700658, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700663, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700660, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3853384, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6458</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>9567</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 623, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2547206", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "623", "title": "1234 + 5678 (4-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4068283, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1000</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>19,9652</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 954, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3367397", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "954", "title": "1000 gange decimaltal med 4 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4117704, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil starter p\u00e5 virksomhedens centrallager og k\u00f8rer derefter 4 km for at n\u00e5 frem til kunde A. Herfra k\u00f8res 5 km for at n\u00e5 frem til kunde B. Derefter er der 8 km hen til kunde C, hvorefter lastbilen returnerer til centrallageret. Turen fra kunde C til centrallageret er p\u00e5 9 km.</p><p>Hvor lang er rundturen fra centrallageret, rundt til kunde A, B og C og tilbage igen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1044, "media_id": "588459", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3744021", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1044", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ved varelevering"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13120"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3636526, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad er koordinaterne til punkt B?</p>", "lesson_id": 533, "media_id": "623018", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2443477", "created": "2018-06-02 23:09:19", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "533", "title": "Punkt med negativ koordinat"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "2991"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10429703, "answer": "<p>(-3 , -4)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10429702, "answer": "<p>(2 , -2)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10429700, "answer": "<p>(-5 , 4)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10429701, "answer": "<p>(-2 , 2)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10429699, "answer": "<p>(4 , -5)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10429698, "answer": "<p>(-4 , -3)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3886724, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>90</mn><mn>100</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 701, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3730388", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "701", "title": "\u00c6gte br\u00f8k til procent"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4144746, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En vejarbejder skal lave en mindre del af et fortov, der skal best\u00e5 af fliser og sten i et bestemt m\u00f8nster. For hver flise skal der bruges 5 sten. Der skal i alt bruges 8 fliser.</p><p>Hvor mange sten, skal der bruges til fortovet?</p>", "lesson_id": 1059, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3768407", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1059", "title": "Fortov og antal fliser"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>sten</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4180476, "type": 1, "question": "<p>18 km 3 m =</p>", "lesson_id": 1138, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3795436", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1138", "title": "3 km 5 meter i meter"}, "Topic": {"id": "109", "name": "Omregning - L\u00e6ngdem\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2418717, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet forskriften:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>17</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvilket talpar passer i regneforskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 1192, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1966487", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1192", "title": "Unders\u00f8g om et talpar passer i en funktion 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7303225, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,23</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303224, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,24</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303226, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,20</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303227, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,22</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303223, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,21</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4203391, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil starter p\u00e5 virksomhedens centrallager og k\u00f8rer derefter 330 km for at n\u00e5 frem til kunden med leverancen. Det tog i alt 6 timer at k\u00f8re turen.</p><p>Hvad var lastbilens gennemsnitshastighed?</p>", "lesson_id": 1050, "media_id": "622192", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3809629", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1050", "title": "Gennemsnitlig hastighed for en lastbil 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>km/t</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2439918, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren og find det rigtige udsagn:</p>", "lesson_id": 326, "media_id": "352030", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "57164", "created": "2018-03-07 07:46:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "326", "title": "Linjens ligning i koordinatsystemet"}, "Topic": {"id": "81", "name": "Linjens ligning"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "803"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7434213, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en sk\u00e6ring med 2. aksen p\u00e5 6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434216, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en h\u00e6ldning p\u00e5 0,5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434214, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en sk\u00e6ring med 2. aksen p\u00e5 5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434215, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en h\u00e6ldning p\u00e5 2</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434217, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en h\u00e6ldning p\u00e5 0</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4071123, "type": 1, "question": "<p>758% svarer til decimaltallet:</p>", "lesson_id": 960, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3372227", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "960", "title": "Omskriv procent til decimaltal (Tal over 100%)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4359331, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 billedet.</p><p>Er den bl\u00e5 linje en radius?</p>", "lesson_id": 444, "media_id": "629966", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-07-31 14:14:07", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "444", "title": "Linjer ved cirklen"}, "Topic": {"id": "102", "name": "Cirklen"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "7520"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10940069, "answer": "<p>Nej</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10940070, "answer": "<p>Ja</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3277155, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5,31</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>3,16</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 496, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2809736", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "496", "title": "3,13 + 4,72 (plus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9572628, "answer": "<p>8,47</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9572631, "answer": "<p>8,44</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9572626, "answer": "<p>8,67</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9572630, "answer": "<p>8,27</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9572625, "answer": "<p>8,48</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9572629, "answer": "<p>8,57</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9572627, "answer": "<p>8,37</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3524217, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>27</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1254, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3056798", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1254", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser B2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10071690, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071688, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071691, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071689, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071687, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071692, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071693, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3195315, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 846, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2727896", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "846", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (uden samme n\u00e6vner)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9337488, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>31</mn><mrow><mn>45</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9337487, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>10</mn><mrow><mn>14</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9337486, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>8</mn><mrow><mn>14</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9337490, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mrow><mn>14</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9337489, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>33</mn><mrow><mn>45</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9337491, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>32</mn><mrow><mn>45</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4147481, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En familie skal p\u00e5 ferie og k\u00f8rer afsted i bil med deres campingvogn. Fra hjemmet k\u00f8rer de f\u00f8rst 90 km til punkt A. Derefter k\u00f8rer de fra punkt A til punkt B. Den tur er 310 km. Fra punkt B til feriem\u00e5let er der 100 km.</p><p>Familiens bil kan k\u00f8re 10 km pr. liter benzin.</p><p>Hvor mange liter benzin bruger familien p\u00e5 at k\u00f8re turen fra familiens hjem over punkt A og punkt B og til feriem\u00e5let?</p>", "lesson_id": 1065, "media_id": "428906", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3770892", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1065", "title": "Forbrug af br\u00e6ndstof p\u00e5 en k\u00f8retur"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13136"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>liter</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4080012, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>5</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1017, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383142", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1017", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (tre faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3467338, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En retvinklet trekant har en katete p\u00e5 45 cm og en katete p\u00e5 24 cm.</p><p>Hvor lang er hypotenusen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1079, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2999919", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1079", "title": "Pythagoras - Find hypotenusen"}, "Topic": {"id": "106", "name": "Trekanter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9887761, "answer": "<p>49 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9887762, "answer": "<p>55 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9887760, "answer": "<p>54 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9887756, "answer": "<p>50 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9887759, "answer": "<p>51 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9887757, "answer": "<p>56 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9887758, "answer": "<p>53 cm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4034139, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>70</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>20</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 917, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3319380", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "917", "title": "5 gange 30 minus 2 gange 40 (Differens af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4161972, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En dame har 31 kroner.</p><p>En mand har dobbelt s\u00e5 mange penge som damen.</p><p>Hvor mange penge har manden?</p>", "lesson_id": 652, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3778600", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "652", "title": "Dobbelt s\u00e5 meget med penge"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4218198, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>409</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>94</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1289, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3546293", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1289", "title": "503 - 83 (3-cifret minus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 1964189, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Produktet af to primtal er 87.</p><p>Hvad er summen af de to primtal?</p>", "lesson_id": 1162, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1639354", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1162", "title": "Find summen af to primtal"}, "Topic": {"id": "128", "name": "De fire regningsarter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 5562536, "answer": "<p>27</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5562531, "answer": "<p>25</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5562534, "answer": "<p>32</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5562532, "answer": "<p>29</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5562533, "answer": "<p>31</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5562535, "answer": "<p>35</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3297980, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow><mn>10</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 913, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2830561", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "913", "title": "Et produkt opl\u00f8ftet i en eksponent"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9614727, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>2</mn><mn>10</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><msup><mn>7</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9614726, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><msup><mn>2</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow><mrow><msup><mn>7</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9614729, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>2</mn><mn>10</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>7</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9614728, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>10</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4428531, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvor mange millimeter er <math><mn>2</mn></math> m?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2006, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4373577", "created": "2020-03-24 02:19:39", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2006", "title": "Meter og millimeter (m og mm)"}, "Topic": {"id": "109", "name": "Omregning - L\u00e6ngdem\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11115388, "answer": "<p></p><p><math><mn>200</mn></math> mm</p><p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11115390, "answer": "<p></p><p><math><mn>1000</mn></math> mm</p><p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11115387, "answer": "<p></p><p><math><mn>0,02</mn></math> mm</p><p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11115386, "answer": "<p></p><p><math><mn>2000</mn></math> mm</p><p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11115389, "answer": "<p></p><p><math><mn>0,002</mn></math> mm</p><p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4366846, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Er der lige mange euro i den bl\u00e5 ramme som i den gr\u00f8nne ramme?</p>", "lesson_id": 2027, "media_id": "656559", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4301216", "created": "2019-09-01 23:19:16", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2027", "title": "Veksl euro-m\u00f8nter og -sedler"}, "Topic": {"id": "125", "name": "Penge, \u00f8konomi og valuta"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "41906"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10957554, "answer": "<p>ja</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10957553, "answer": "<p>nej</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3616943, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>12</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1368, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3149524", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1368", "title": "Multiplikation - Br\u00f8k med helt tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10366393, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mn>60</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366397, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>5</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366394, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>24</mn></mrow><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366399, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>5</mn></mrow><mn>12</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366395, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>19</mn></mrow><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366398, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>5</mn></mrow><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10366396, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>12</mn></mrow><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3523988, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>12</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1254, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3056569", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1254", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser B2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10070086, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070089, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070088, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070090, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070085, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070084, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070087, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4384836, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilket tegn skal der st\u00e5?</p>", "lesson_id": 898, "media_id": "661931", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2459144", "created": "2019-11-11 22:19:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "898", "title": "St\u00f8rre end - Mindre end - Lig med (De fire regningsarter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "108", "name": "Udsagn"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11100"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10997585, "answer": "<p>></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10997586, "answer": "<p><</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10997587, "answer": "<p>=</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4129064, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Et tog har to passagervogne, nemlig vogn A og vogn B. I vogn A er der 6 passagerer. I vogn B er der 3 gange s\u00e5 mange passagerer, som der er i vogn A.</p><p>Hvor mange passagerer er der i alt i toget?</p>", "lesson_id": 1062, "media_id": "407934", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3754201", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1062", "title": "Passagerer i en togvogn og i alt"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13133"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>passagerer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3921895, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>9</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 843, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3193599", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "843", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (to faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4151845, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Prisen p\u00e5 en vare er 6 kroner pr. styk. Desuden har man en samlet oms\u00e6tning p\u00e5 varen p\u00e5 120 kroner.</p><p>Dermed er det solgte antal:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3772879", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>styk</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3384679, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 986, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2917260", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "986", "title": "Ligninger med br\u00f8ker 5"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9729887, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9729890, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9729891, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9729886, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9729889, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9729885, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9729888, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3619910, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Find v\u00e6rdien af udtrykket:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p><p>n\u00e5r <math><mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math> og <math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math>.</p>", "lesson_id": 1297, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3152491", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1297", "title": "Find v\u00e6rdien af et udtryk (med a og b) 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10384945, "answer": "<p>16</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10384941, "answer": "<p>20</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10384942, "answer": "<p>14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10384943, "answer": "<p>15</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10384946, "answer": "<p>19</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10384944, "answer": "<p>18</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10384947, "answer": "<p>17</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4288873, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>Bredden i dette rektangel er <math><mn>6</mn></math>. Find l\u00e6ngden.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 772, "media_id": "632234", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3701766", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "772", "title": "Areal af figur i koordinatsystemet"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "39632"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 4316438, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>14</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 861, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3203706", "created": "2019-05-21 23:21:40", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "861", "title": "Minus med 3 tal (Facit under 20)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10814941, "answer": "<p>12</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10814946, "answer": "<p>9</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10814944, "answer": "<p>13</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10814942, "answer": "<p>14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10814945, "answer": "<p>10</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10814943, "answer": "<p>11</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3273012, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3,51</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>1,43</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 496, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2805593", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "496", "title": "3,13 + 4,72 (plus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9543628, "answer": "<p>4,91</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9543626, "answer": "<p>4,84</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9543627, "answer": "<p>5,04</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9543630, "answer": "<p>4,74</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9543625, "answer": "<p>4,94</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9543624, "answer": "<p>4,95</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9543629, "answer": "<p>5,14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4110403, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvilket tal er 100 mindre end 6186?</p>", "lesson_id": 1042, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3433533", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1042", "title": "100 mindre end 3721"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2560463, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msqrt><mn>4</mn></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 694, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1839933", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "694", "title": "Tal ganget med en kvadratrod"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7665369, "answer": "<p>8</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665366, "answer": "<p>12</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665368, "answer": "<p>20</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665364, "answer": "<p>4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665367, "answer": "<p>24</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665365, "answer": "<p>16</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3368481, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 956, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2901062", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "956", "title": "-3x = 12"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9700699, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700703, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700700, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700705, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700702, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700704, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700701, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4063332, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>100</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>22,955</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 951, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3357226", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "951", "title": "100 gange decimaltal med 3 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4188035, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Produktet af to primtal er 77.</p><p>Hvad er summen af de to primtal?</p>", "lesson_id": 1162, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1639431", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1162", "title": "Find summen af to primtal"}, "Topic": {"id": "128", "name": "De fire regningsarter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4121049, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil har k\u00f8rt en rute, hvor der er benyttet 7 liter diesel til turen. Desuden ved chauff\u00f8ren, at lastbilen k\u00f8rer 12 km pr. liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har lastbilen k\u00f8rt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1047, "media_id": "591578", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3746915", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1047", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ud fra dieselforbrug"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4331690, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilken af f\u00f8lgende er enheden for en medicin-stofm\u00e6ngde?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2061, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-06-14 10:13:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2061", "title": "Volumen, stofm\u00e6ngde og styrke"}, "Topic": {"id": "152", "name": "Medicinsk matematik"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10858631, "answer": "<p><math><mi>IE/ml</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10858630, "answer": "<p><math><mi>l</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10858634, "answer": "<p><math><mi>\u03bc g/l</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10858633, "answer": "<p><math><mi>l/\u03bc g</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10858632, "answer": "<p><math><mi>\u03bc g</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10858629, "answer": "<p><math><mi>\u03bc g</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>l</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4121077, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil har k\u00f8rt en rute, hvor der er benyttet 10 liter diesel til turen. Desuden ved chauff\u00f8ren, at lastbilen k\u00f8rer 10 km pr. liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har lastbilen k\u00f8rt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1047, "media_id": "591606", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3746943", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1047", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ud fra dieselforbrug"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3219401, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4,5</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 890, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2751982", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "890", "title": "Tal minus decimaltal med 1 decimal"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9417639, "answer": "<p>3,2</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9417641, "answer": "<p>3,6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9417637, "answer": "<p>3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9417638, "answer": "<p>3,1</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9417640, "answer": "<p>3,4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9417642, "answer": "<p>3,5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3524124, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>36</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1254, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3056705", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1254", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser B2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10071039, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071041, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071038, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071040, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071037, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071042, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071036, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3530583, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Angiv summen af de to br\u00f8ker som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>50</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1302, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3063164", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1302", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (facit i decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10104515, "answer": "<p>0,07</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104519, "answer": "<p>0,18</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104516, "answer": "<p>0,2</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104520, "answer": "<p>0,08</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104518, "answer": "<p>0,19</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104517, "answer": "<p>0,11</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104521, "answer": "<p>0,14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4055136, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Stegepander koster 249 kroner pr. styk.</p><p>En kok k\u00f8ber 2 stegepander.</p><p>Hvad er den samlede udgift?</p>", "lesson_id": 685, "media_id": "565799", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3736592", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "685", "title": "Udgift som pris gange antal"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11125"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3188905, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>5</mn></msup><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 552, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2721486", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "552", "title": "Division med potenser"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9323821, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>7</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323823, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323825, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323819, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>3</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323822, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>6</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323820, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323824, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>5</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4026432, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>12</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>14</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 916, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3310409", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "916", "title": "2 gange 15 plus 6 gange 11 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3317367, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>39</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>5</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 919, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2849948", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "919", "title": "Parenteser med minus og Division"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9622883, "answer": "<p>5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9622879, "answer": "<p>2</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9622880, "answer": "<p>4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9622878, "answer": "<p>3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9622882, "answer": "<p>7</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9622881, "answer": "<p>6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3189069, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>7</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 551, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2721650", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "551", "title": "Multiplikation med potenser 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9324972, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9324970, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9324968, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9324969, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>3</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9324973, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9324971, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>35</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9324967, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4063648, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>100</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>26,461</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 951, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3357542", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "951", "title": "100 gange decimaltal med 3 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3368610, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>72</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 956, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2901191", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "956", "title": "-3x = 12"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9701606, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701602, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>12</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701603, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>14</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701604, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>12</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701607, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701608, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>13</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701605, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>13</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2690764, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>c</mi></math>-v\u00e6rdien for parablen</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1901, "media_id": "503626", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-11 23:02:43", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1901", "title": "Betydning af c-v\u00e6rdien for et andengradspolynomium"}, "Topic": {"id": "47", "name": "Polynomier"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32717"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7987362, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-8</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987360, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987363, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987361, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2691337, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>b</mi></math> i den line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6ng, der g\u00e5r gennem punktet <math><mo>(</mo><mn>4</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>8</mn><mo>)</mo></math> og har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1889, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1889", "title": "Bestem a og b med formel 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7989161, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>20</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7989164, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-4</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7989163, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>16</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7989162, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4055106, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Gryder koster 349 kroner pr. styk.</p><p>En kok k\u00f8ber 2 gryder.</p><p>Hvad er den samlede udgift?</p>", "lesson_id": 685, "media_id": "565769", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3736562", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "685", "title": "Udgift som pris gange antal"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11124"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4080367, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>15</mn></mrow><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1021, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383497", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1021", "title": "Division med br\u00f8k (n\u00e6vneren negativ)"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4121032, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil har k\u00f8rt en rute, hvor der er benyttet 5 liter diesel til turen. Desuden ved chauff\u00f8ren, at lastbilen k\u00f8rer 15 km pr. liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har lastbilen k\u00f8rt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1047, "media_id": "591561", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3746898", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1047", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ud fra dieselforbrug"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2697506, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvad er ligningen for linjen <math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503874", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32981"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004836, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004837, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004835, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0,5</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2692813, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem funktionsv\u00e6rdien for <math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>\u00b7</mo><msup><mn>1</mn><mi>x</mi></msup></math> n\u00e5r <math><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1924, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1924", "title": "Bestem funktionsv\u00e6rdi"}, "Topic": {"id": "146", "name": "Eksponentiel v\u00e6kst"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7995067, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mn>7</mn><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>18</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7995068, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mn>7</mn><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>56</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7995066, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mn>7</mn><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7995065, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mn>7</mn><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3524835, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>50</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1256, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3057416", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1256", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10076017, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076019, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076016, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076018, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076013, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076014, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10076015, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2691564, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>b</mi></math> i den line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6ng, der g\u00e5r gennem punktet <math><mo>(</mo><mn>0</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>5</mn><mo>)</mo></math> og har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1889, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1889", "title": "Bestem a og b med formel 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7990071, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-5</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990069, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>15</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990072, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7990070, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4332596, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>V\u00e6gtprocenten (w/w) for en creme er <math><mn>2,5</mn><mo>%</mo></math>.</p><p>Hvor mange milligram creme skal man dosere for at f\u00e5 <math><mn>2250</mn><mo> </mo><mi>\u03bcg</mi></math> virksomt stof?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2072, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-06-14 10:13:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2072", "title": "V\u00e6gtprocent (w/w)"}, "Topic": {"id": "152", "name": "Medicinsk matematik"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10863331, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>90,0</mn><mo>mg</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10863330, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>0,56</mn><mo>mg</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10863328, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>90,4</mn><mo>mg</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10863327, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>11,1</mn><mo>mg</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10863329, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>56,3</mn><mo>mg</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3978306, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msqrt><mrow><mn>46</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>30</mn></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 693, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3249857", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "693", "title": "Kvadratroden af et udtryk"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4364254, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Du har <math><mn>40</mn></math> euro. Du k\u00f8ber en rygs\u00e6k til <math><mn>22</mn></math> euro. Hvor mange euro har du tilbage?</p>", "lesson_id": 2030, "media_id": "655098", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4363975", "created": "2019-08-21 05:19:41", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2030", "title": "Hvor mange euro f\u00e5r jeg tilbage 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "125", "name": "Penge, \u00f8konomi og valuta"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "41894"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>euro</p>", "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 4332442, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem v\u00e6gtprocenten (w/w) for en creme p\u00e5 <math><mn>2</mn><mo> </mo><mi>g</mi></math> der indeholder <math><mn>98</mn><mo> </mo><mi>mg</mi></math> virksomt stof.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2072, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-06-14 10:13:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2072", "title": "V\u00e6gtprocent (w/w)"}, "Topic": {"id": "152", "name": "Medicinsk matematik"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10862558, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>4,9</mn><mo>%</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10862561, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>2,0</mn><mo>%</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10862557, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>0,2</mn><mo>%</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10862559, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>20,4</mn><mo>%</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10862560, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>6,3</mn><mo>%</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4349979, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Angiv summen af de to br\u00f8ker som procent:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1304, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4209071", "created": "2019-07-02 23:15:46", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1304", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (facit i procent)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 1571758, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En trekant har sidel\u00e6ngder p\u00e5 7, 14 og 14.</p><p>Dermed er trekanten:</p>", "lesson_id": 1078, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "526180", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1078", "title": "Pythagoras - Tjek om trekanten er retvinklet (omvendt Pythagoras)"}, "Topic": {"id": "106", "name": "Trekanter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 3821898, "answer": "<p>Ikke retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3821896, "answer": "<p>Retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3821897, "answer": "<p>Det kan man ikke udtale sig om.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4387981, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Regn <math><mn>340</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>80</mn></math> ved at l\u00e6gge enere, tiere og hundredere sammen fra de to tal.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2039, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4378944", "created": "2019-11-11 22:19:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2039", "title": "250 + 60 (Hovedregning)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11002437, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>420</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11002435, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>520</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11002434, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>430</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11002436, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>410</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4107375, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvilket tal er 100 mindre end 3158?</p>", "lesson_id": 1042, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3430505", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1042", "title": "100 mindre end 3721"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2440014, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren og find det rigtige udsagn:</p>", "lesson_id": 326, "media_id": "352126", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "57260", "created": "2018-03-07 07:46:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "326", "title": "Linjens ligning i koordinatsystemet"}, "Topic": {"id": "81", "name": "Linjens ligning"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "818"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7434630, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en sk\u00e6ring med 2. aksen p\u00e5 3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434631, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en sk\u00e6ring med 2. aksen p\u00e5 4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434629, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en h\u00e6ldning p\u00e5 -1,5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434632, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en h\u00e6ldning p\u00e5 -1</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434633, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en h\u00e6ldning p\u00e5 0,5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2251995, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>5,4</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>0,2</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1240, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1971036", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1240", "title": "Decimaltal divideret med 0,2 og 0,5"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6542548, "answer": "<p>28</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542549, "answer": "<p>27</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542553, "answer": "<p>23</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542547, "answer": "<p>29</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542552, "answer": "<p>24</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542550, "answer": "<p>25</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542551, "answer": "<p>26</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3524586, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>38</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1255, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3057167", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1255", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10074270, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10074273, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10074272, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10074275, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10074274, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10074271, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10074276, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4121441, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil har k\u00f8rt en rute, hvor der er benyttet 46 liter diesel til turen. Desuden ved chauff\u00f8ren, at lastbilen k\u00f8rer 14 km pr. liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har lastbilen k\u00f8rt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1047, "media_id": "591970", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3747307", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1047", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ud fra dieselforbrug"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4079911, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1017, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383041", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1017", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (tre faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3561668, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Find resultatet som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>13</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>70</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1303, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3094249", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1303", "title": "Addition med procenter (facit i decimaltal) 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10191245, "answer": "<p>0,083</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10191244, "answer": "<p>0,83</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10191248, "answer": "<p>8,3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10191246, "answer": "<p>0,073</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10191249, "answer": "<p>7,3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10191247, "answer": "<p>0,73</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4159368, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Billedet viser en kasse, der er lavet af centicubes.</p><p>Hvor stort er rumfanget af kassen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1109, "media_id": "433146", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3776046", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1109", "title": "Rumfang af kasse lavet af centicubes med flere lag"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "17185"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3978680, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msqrt><mrow><mn>31</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 693, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3250231", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "693", "title": "Kvadratroden af et udtryk"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4205131, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>10</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1282, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3527870", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1282", "title": "Tal mellem 1.000 og 9.999 som tierpotenser 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3669379, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Betyder <math><mi>n</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>n</mi></math> det samme som <math><mn>2</mn><mi>n</mi></math> ?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1887, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3636295", "created": "2018-12-13 11:49:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1887", "title": "Algebra - Intro"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10532770, "answer": "<p><p>Nej</p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10532771, "answer": "<p><p>Ja</p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4080298, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>24</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1020, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383428", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1020", "title": "Division med br\u00f8k (t\u00e6lleren negativ)"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4187987, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Produktet af to primtal er 166.</p><p>Hvad er summen af de to primtal?</p>", "lesson_id": 1162, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1639383", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1162", "title": "Find summen af to primtal"}, "Topic": {"id": "128", "name": "De fire regningsarter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4194496, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Se p\u00e5 billedet. x-v\u00e6rdien 5 l\u00e6gges i maskinen. P\u00e5 maskinen kan du se, hvordan man finder frem til y-v\u00e6rdien.</p><p>Hvad bliver y-v\u00e6rdien?</p>", "lesson_id": 1189, "media_id": "618296", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3511960", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1189", "title": "Funktionsmaskine med x og multiplikation med tiere"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18639"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4178702, "type": 1, "question": "<p>9 km 66 m =</p>", "lesson_id": 1137, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3795250", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1137", "title": "3 km 45 meter i meter"}, "Topic": {"id": "109", "name": "Omregning - L\u00e6ngdem\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4147312, "type": 1, "question": "<p>I et tog er der b\u00e5de m\u00e6nd og kvinder. Der er 23 kvinder. I toget er der dobbelt s\u00e5 mange m\u00e6nd som kvinder.</p><p>Hvor mange m\u00e6nd er der i toget?</p>", "lesson_id": 1074, "media_id": "614011", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3770723", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1074", "title": "Passagerer i et tog - Dobbelt s\u00e5 mange og sum"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13137"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m\u00e6nd</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2450359, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvad er linjens ligning?</p>", "lesson_id": 538, "media_id": "362493", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2379846", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "538", "title": "Forskrift for linje i koordinatsystem"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "3031"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7461754, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7461751, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7461757, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7461753, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7461752, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7461755, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7461756, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3298098, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 912, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2830679", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "912", "title": "Eksponenten er negativ"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9615198, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>16</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615200, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>16</mn></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615199, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9615201, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>8</mn></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2531287, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvor mange procent af figuren er ikke farvet r\u00f8d?</p>", "lesson_id": 1214, "media_id": "443632", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "628823", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1214", "title": "Procent med 10'er stang 4"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18790"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7624590, "answer": "<p>60%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7624587, "answer": "<p>40%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7624592, "answer": "<p>50%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7624588, "answer": "<p>70%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7624589, "answer": "<p>90%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7624591, "answer": "<p>80%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2240635, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mi>sin</mi><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>8</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 605, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1948717", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "605", "title": "Cosinus og sinus i enhedscirklen"}, "Topic": {"id": "16", "name": "Trigonometri"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6492426, "answer": "<p>0,32</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6492429, "answer": "<p>0,17</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6492428, "answer": "<p>0,21</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6492424, "answer": "<p>0,41</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6492423, "answer": "<p>0,27</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6492425, "answer": "<p>0,06</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6492427, "answer": "<p>0,14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4351513, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>8</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 847, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3195765", "created": "2019-07-09 23:16:32", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "847", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (find f\u00e6llesn\u00e6vner og forkort)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10920105, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>23</mn><mrow><mn>14</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10920104, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>22</mn><mrow><mn>24</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10920106, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>22</mn><mrow><mn>14</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10920102, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>45</mn><mrow><mn>48</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10920107, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>23</mn><mrow><mn>24</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10920103, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>43</mn><mrow><mn>48</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4080383, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>5</mn></mrow><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1021, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383513", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1021", "title": "Division med br\u00f8k (n\u00e6vneren negativ)"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4404864, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilket tal er st\u00f8rst: <math><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>21</mn></mfrac></math> , <math><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>13</mn></mfrac></math> eller <math><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac></math> ?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1978, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4404682", "created": "2020-01-08 23:35:17", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1978", "title": "Hvilken br\u00f8k er st\u00f8rst? (samme t\u00e6ller)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11045456, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>13</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11045454, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>21</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11045455, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3473632, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mstyle><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 657, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3006213", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "657", "title": "Subtraktion med blandede tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9924154, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9924149, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9924155, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>12</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9924152, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9924150, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>6</mn><mn>12</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9924151, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mn>12</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9924153, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>8</mn><mn>12</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4151857, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Prisen p\u00e5 en vare er 7 kroner pr. styk. Desuden har man en samlet oms\u00e6tning p\u00e5 varen p\u00e5 280 kroner.</p><p>Dermed er det solgte antal:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3772891", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>styk</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3531177, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>8</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>3</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1276, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3063758", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1276", "title": "Multiplikation med potenser 3"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10107400, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>7</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10107399, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>9</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10107403, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10107401, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>8</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10107398, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>12</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10107402, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>11</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2527487, "type": 2, "question": "<p>P\u00e5 billedet ser du en tabel med ordnede talpar for funktionen:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvad skal der st\u00e5 p\u00e5 C's plads i tabellen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1186, "media_id": "439832", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1965850", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1186", "title": "Funktion og tabel - Addition"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18597"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7615817, "answer": "<p>15</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7615813, "answer": "<p>13</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7615812, "answer": "<p>19</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7615811, "answer": "<p>17</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7615815, "answer": "<p>16</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7615816, "answer": "<p>18</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7615814, "answer": "<p>14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4121803, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Bondemand Jakobsen har 7 h\u00f8ns. De l\u00e6gger hver 4 \u00e6g pr. uge.</p><p>Hvor mange \u00e6g l\u00e6gger h\u00f8nsene i alt p\u00e5 3 uger?</p>", "lesson_id": 1048, "media_id": "401969", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2489761", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1048", "title": "Antal \u00e6g lagt p\u00e5 et antal uger"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13124"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4070488, "type": 1, "question": "<p>117% svarer til decimaltallet:</p>", "lesson_id": 960, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3371592", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "960", "title": "Omskriv procent til decimaltal (Tal over 100%)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2077150, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad er f\u00e6llesn\u00e6vneren for br\u00f8kerne <math><mrow><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math> og <math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math> ?</p>", "lesson_id": 532, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1278525", "created": "2018-01-09 15:06:34", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "532", "title": "F\u00e6llesn\u00e6vner"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6146026, "answer": "<p>60</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6146021, "answer": "<p>72</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6146024, "answer": "<p>63</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6146025, "answer": "<p>62</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6146022, "answer": "<p>81</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6146023, "answer": "<p>61</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3524477, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>8</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>46</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1255, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3057058", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1255", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10073512, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073509, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073510, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073513, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073508, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073511, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073507, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2596374, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>19,78</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>1,35</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 820, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1863172", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "820", "title": "8,73 - 5,61 (Minus med 2 decimaler efter kommaet)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7744089, "answer": "<p>18,53</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7744091, "answer": "<p>18,43</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7744088, "answer": "<p>18,63</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7744085, "answer": "<p>18,33</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7744086, "answer": "<p>18,73</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7744090, "answer": "<p>18,23</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7744087, "answer": "<p>18,13</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2459103, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilket tegn skal der st\u00e5?</p>", "lesson_id": 898, "media_id": "371309", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1105581", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "898", "title": "St\u00f8rre end - Mindre end - Lig med (De fire regningsarter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "108", "name": "Udsagn"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11059"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7478723, "answer": "<p>></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7478724, "answer": "<p>=</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7478725, "answer": "<p><</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3174645, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mfrac><mi>x</mi><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 588, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2707226", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "588", "title": "Ligning med br\u00f8ker 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9245930, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>35</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9245934, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>40</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9245935, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>55</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9245932, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>45</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9245933, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>30</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9245931, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>50</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4078973, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Her ser du de 36 forskellige udfald for et kast med to terninger. I tabellen kan du se summen af \u00f8jnene for hvert udfald.</p><p>Hvor mange udfald giver en sum p\u00e5 pr\u00e6cis 3?</p>", "lesson_id": 983, "media_id": "383532", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2471324", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "983", "title": "Antal og sum med to terninger"}, "Topic": {"id": "100", "name": "Chance og sandsynlighed"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11953"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2396467, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Find l\u00f8sningen til ligningssystemet:</p><p><math><mtable columnalign=\"left\"><mtr><mtd><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>6</mn></mtd></mtr></mtable></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1076, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1941837", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1076", "title": "Ligningssystemer - S\u00e6t h\u00f8jresiderne lig hinanden 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "126", "name": "Ligningssystemer"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7153956, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7153953, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7153957, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7153955, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7153954, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7153952, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4397070, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>6</mn><mn>8</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 847, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4396445", "created": "2019-11-21 23:50:47", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "847", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (find f\u00e6llesn\u00e6vner og forkort)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11026061, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>10</mn><mrow><mn>12</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11026063, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>10</mn><mrow><mn>14</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11026062, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>11</mn><mrow><mn>14</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11026060, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>19</mn><mrow><mn>24</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11026064, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>21</mn><mrow><mn>24</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11026065, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>11</mn><mrow><mn>12</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4352154, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1369, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3617277", "created": "2019-07-09 23:16:32", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1369", "title": "Multiplikation - Br\u00f8k med helt tal (forkort facit)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10921215, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mn>27</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10921211, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>6</mn></mrow><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10921217, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10921213, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10921212, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10921214, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10921216, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>6</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2455843, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilket tegn skal der st\u00e5?</p>", "lesson_id": 896, "media_id": "367987", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1160161", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "896", "title": "St\u00f8rre end - Mindre end - Lig med (Gange og Division)"}, "Topic": {"id": "108", "name": "Udsagn"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "10068"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7470237, "answer": "<p><</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7470238, "answer": "<p>></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7470236, "answer": "<p>=</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2692234, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>b</mi></math> i den line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6ng, der g\u00e5r gennem punktet <math><mo>(</mo><mn>7</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>12</mn><mo>)</mo></math> og har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1889, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1889", "title": "Bestem a og b med formel 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7992752, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-5</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7992749, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>26</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7992750, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7992751, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>31</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4047033, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>32</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>32</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>91</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>30</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 924, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3332274", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "924", "title": "10 + 39 + 51 + 24 (Sum med fire 2-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3181808, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden <math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>26</mn><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 633, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2714389", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "633", "title": "2x - 3 >= 5"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9280615, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9280617, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9280612, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9280613, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9280616, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9280614, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4151786, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvis prisen p\u00e5 en vare er 300 kroner pr. styk og der s\u00e6lges 8 styk, da bliver oms\u00e6tningen:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3772820", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4327898, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>61</mn><mtext> dL</mtext><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1314, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2428410", "created": "2019-06-14 10:13:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1314", "title": "24 dL omskrevet til L og dL"}, "Topic": {"id": "111", "name": "Omregning - Rumm\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10851602, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mtext> L </mtext><mn>3</mn><mtext> dL</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10851601, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mtext> L </mtext><mn>1</mn><mtext> dL</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10851605, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mtext> L </mtext><mn>2</mn><mtext> dL</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10851603, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mtext> L </mtext><mn>3</mn><mtext> dL</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10851604, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mtext> L </mtext><mn>1</mn><mtext> dL</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10851606, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mtext> L </mtext><mn>2</mn><mtext> dL</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4413661, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvad kan udtrykket <math><mn>3</mn><mi>k</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>a</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>k</mi></math> reduceres til?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1988, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3685872", "created": "2020-01-16 14:48:24", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1988", "title": "Algebra - Multiplikation"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11076563, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>3</mn><msup><mi>k</mi><mn>a</mn></msup></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076566, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>3</mn><msup><mi>k</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mi>a</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076568, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>4</mn><mi>k</mi><mi>a</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076564, "answer": "<p><math><mn>4</mn><mi>k</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076565, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>3</mn><mi>k</mi><mi>a</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076567, "answer": "<p><math><mn>0</mn></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3909379, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9,7</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6,8</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 816, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2590993", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "816", "title": "7,3 - 4,8 (minus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4404784, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilket tal er st\u00f8rst: <math><mfrac><mn>19</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></math> eller <math><mfrac><mn>21</mn><mn>23</mn></mfrac></math> ?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1979, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4404600", "created": "2020-01-08 23:35:17", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1979", "title": "Hvilken br\u00f8k er st\u00f8rst? (forskellig t\u00e6ller og n\u00e6vner)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11045244, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>19</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11045245, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>21</mn><mn>23</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4080037, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1017, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383167", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1017", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (tre faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3220111, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2,71</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 891, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2752692", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "891", "title": "Tal minus decimaltal med 2 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9419955, "answer": "<p>5,69</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9419958, "answer": "<p>6,09</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9419954, "answer": "<p>5,89</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9419953, "answer": "<p>6,49</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9419956, "answer": "<p>6,29</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9419957, "answer": "<p>6,19</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2526648, "type": 2, "question": "<p>P\u00e5 billedet ser du en tabel med ordnede talpar for funktionen:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mi>x</mi></mrow></math></p><p>Hvad skal der st\u00e5 p\u00e5 B's plads i tabellen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1185, "media_id": "438993", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1965570", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1185", "title": "Funktion og tabel - Multiplikation"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18596"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7613860, "answer": "<p>45</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7613861, "answer": "<p>43</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7613862, "answer": "<p>47</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7613864, "answer": "<p>44</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7613858, "answer": "<p>42</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7613863, "answer": "<p>46</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7613859, "answer": "<p>41</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4040314, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>313</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>265</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>212</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 922, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3325555", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "922", "title": "231 + 395 + 186 (Sum med tre 3-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2318070, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>77</mn><mtext> dage</mtext><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1344, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1755188", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1344", "title": "Dage til uger"}, "Topic": {"id": "130", "name": "Omregning - Tid"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6746468, "answer": "<p>14 uger</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6746474, "answer": "<p>15 uger</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6746473, "answer": "<p>9 uger</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6746469, "answer": "<p>10 uger</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6746472, "answer": "<p>13 uger</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6746470, "answer": "<p>11 uger</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6746471, "answer": "<p>12 uger</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4366822, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvor mange 5-euro-sedler kan man veksle m\u00f8nterne til?</p>", "lesson_id": 2027, "media_id": "656535", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4301192", "created": "2019-09-01 23:19:16", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2027", "title": "Veksl euro-m\u00f8nter og -sedler"}, "Topic": {"id": "125", "name": "Penge, \u00f8konomi og valuta"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "40445"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10957494, "answer": "<p><math><mn>5</mn></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10957493, "answer": "<p><math><mn>4</mn></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10957492, "answer": "<p><math><mn>3</mn></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4064461, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1000</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>6,496</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 953, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3360965", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "953", "title": "1000 gange decimaltal med 3 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4400659, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Prisen p\u00e5 p\u00e6rer er 26 kroner pr. 2 kg.</p><p>Hvad koster 1 kg p\u00e6rer?</p>", "lesson_id": 708, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3869405", "created": "2019-12-10 23:35:25", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "708", "title": "K\u00f8b af varer"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3467547, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet f\u00f8lgende ligningssystem:</p><p><math><mtable columnalign=\"left\"><mtr><mtd><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>y</mi></mtd></mtr></mtable></math></p><p>Hvad bliver l\u00f8sningen til ligningssystemet?</p>", "lesson_id": 1080, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3000128", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1080", "title": "Ligningssystemer - Substitution 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "126", "name": "Ligningssystemer"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9888800, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9888802, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9888799, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9888804, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9888801, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>11</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9888805, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9888803, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>11</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3603288, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Find resultatet som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>70</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>80</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1342, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3135869", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1342", "title": "Addition med procenter (facit i decimaltal) 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10333771, "answer": "<p>14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10333772, "answer": "<p>1,4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10333769, "answer": "<p>15</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10333770, "answer": "<p>0,15</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10333768, "answer": "<p>1,5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10333773, "answer": "<p>0,14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3447295, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Bondemand Schmidt har 60 k\u00f8er. Hver dag producerer hver ko 20 liter m\u00e6lk.</p><p>Hvor mange liter m\u00e6lk producerer k\u00f8erne p\u00e5 en dag?</p>", "lesson_id": 1049, "media_id": "592061", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2979876", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1049", "title": "M\u00e6lkeproduktion p\u00e5 en dag"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13125"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9886776, "answer": "<p>1320 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886774, "answer": "<p>1800 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886775, "answer": "<p>1200 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886772, "answer": "<p>720 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886773, "answer": "<p>960 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9886771, "answer": "<p>1560 liter m\u00e6lk</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3188916, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>8</mn></msup><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 552, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2721497", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "552", "title": "Division med potenser"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9323902, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>5</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323900, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323898, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>32</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323899, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>6</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323897, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323901, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>3</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323896, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>12</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4387997, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>Regn <math><mn>130</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>80</mn></math> ved at l\u00e6gge enere, tiere og hundredere sammen fra de to tal.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2039, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4378960", "created": "2019-11-11 22:19:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2039", "title": "250 + 60 (Hovedregning)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 3977109, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>699</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>27</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 492, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3248660", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "492", "title": "273 + 51 (3-cifret plus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4228923, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Find resultatet som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>14</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1303, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3565833", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1303", "title": "Addition med procenter (facit i decimaltal) 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3675760, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>10</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 705, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3294435", "created": "2019-01-09 13:09:46", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "705", "title": "10 som potensudtryk"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10557361, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>40</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10557356, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>11</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10557360, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>6</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10557357, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>13</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10557358, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>15</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10557362, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>12</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10557359, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>14</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3379689, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Find v\u00e6rdien af udtrykket n\u00e5r a er lig med 9 og b er lig med 81.</p>", "lesson_id": 966, "media_id": "574572", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2912270", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "966", "title": "Find v\u00e6rdien af et udtryk (br\u00f8k, kvadrat og kvadratrod)"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11951"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9723108, "answer": "<p>12</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9723111, "answer": "<p>9</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9723110, "answer": "<p>19</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9723113, "answer": "<p>13</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9723112, "answer": "<p>16</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9723109, "answer": "<p>14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 1970091, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad er 40% af 90?</p>", "lesson_id": 1211, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "628243", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1211", "title": "30 procent af 20"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 5597024, "answer": "<p>39</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5597023, "answer": "<p>35</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5597027, "answer": "<p>37</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5597028, "answer": "<p>40</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5597025, "answer": "<p>36</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 5597026, "answer": "<p>38</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3877492, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Clara skal bage en kage. I opskriften st\u00e5r der, at der skal bruges 350 gram hvedemel til 1 portion.</p><p>Hvor mange gram hvedemel skal der bruges, hvis Clara vil lave 6 portioner?</p>", "lesson_id": 659, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3726953", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "659", "title": "Opskrift p\u00e5 dobbelt s\u00e5 meget"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>gram hvedemel</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3525617, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1258, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3058198", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1258", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C3"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10081489, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081492, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>17</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081487, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>21</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081490, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>19</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081491, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>13</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081488, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>15</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10081493, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4366636, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>Hvor mange euro svarer <math><mn>7</mn></math> 20-euro-cent-m\u00f8nter til?</p><p>(Skriv svaret med 2 decimaler.)</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2025, "media_id": "656349", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4348246", "created": "2019-09-01 23:19:16", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2025", "title": "Veksl cent og t\u00e6l euro"}, "Topic": {"id": "125", "name": "Penge, \u00f8konomi og valuta"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "41809"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>euro</p>", "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 4413658, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvad kan udtrykket <math><mn>3</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>k</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><mi>a</mi></math> reduceres til?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1988, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3685869", "created": "2020-01-16 14:48:24", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1988", "title": "Algebra - Multiplikation"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11076549, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>3</mn><msup><mi>a</mi><mn>k</mn></msup></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076547, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>3</mn><msup><mi>a</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mi>k</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076548, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>4</mn><mi>a</mi><mi>k</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076550, "answer": "<p><math><mn>0</mn></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076545, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>3</mn><mi>a</mi><mi>k</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11076546, "answer": "<p><math><mn>4</mn><mi>a</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4069185, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1000</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>29,9893</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 954, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3368299", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "954", "title": "1000 gange decimaltal med 4 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2347959, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden: <math><mrow><mn>20</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>320</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 632, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2066372", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "632", "title": "2x > 6 og 2x < 6"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6866779, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>18</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6866776, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>18</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6866778, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>16</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6866777, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>17</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6866774, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>></mo><mn>16</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6866775, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo><</mo><mn>17</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3173339, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 529, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2705920", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "529", "title": "Tal plus br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9238096, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>12</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9238097, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>10</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9238095, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9238099, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9238094, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>8</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9238098, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>11</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2418633, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet forskriften:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvilket talpar passer i regneforskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 1192, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1966403", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1192", "title": "Unders\u00f8g om et talpar passer i en funktion 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7302879, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3,9</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7302881, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3,10</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7302880, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3,11</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4151776, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvis prisen p\u00e5 en vare er 200 kroner pr. styk og der s\u00e6lges 6 styk, da bliver oms\u00e6tningen:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3772810", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4366377, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>Hvor mange euro er der i alt?</p></p><p><p>(Skriv svaret med to decimaler.)</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2026, "media_id": "656090", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4362844", "created": "2019-09-01 23:19:16", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2026", "title": "T\u00e6l euro med 50-cent, 1-euro og 2-euro"}, "Topic": {"id": "125", "name": "Penge, \u00f8konomi og valuta"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "41641"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>euro</p>", "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 4124784, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En mand skal bygge en terrasse. Han skal bruge 5 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 4 meter lange. Desuden skal han bruge 10 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 2 meter lange.</p><p>Hvor mange meter br\u00e6dder skal manden bruge i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1060, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3749921", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1060", "title": "Antal meter tr\u00e6 til en terrasse"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4312096, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Reduc\u00e9r udtrykket:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>24</mn><mo>:</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 402, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1825016", "created": "2019-05-14 23:18:59", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "402", "title": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10807551, "answer": "<p>15</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10807549, "answer": "<p>6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10807550, "answer": "<p>21</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10807548, "answer": "<p>9</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10807552, "answer": "<p>12</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3174675, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mfrac><mi>x</mi><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 588, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2707256", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "588", "title": "Ligning med br\u00f8ker 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9246113, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>20</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9246110, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>15</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9246111, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9246115, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9246112, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9246114, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4381320, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilken br\u00f8k nedenfor giver 0,4?</p>", "lesson_id": 527, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2344131", "created": "2019-11-07 22:20:08", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "527", "title": "Omskriv 0,2 til br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10989240, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10989237, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>8</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10989241, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>8</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10989242, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>8</mn><mn>24</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10989239, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>6</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10989238, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4128925, "type": 1, "question": "<p>I et tog er der 47 voksne og 17 b\u00f8rn. En voksenbillet koster 95 kroner pr. styk og en b\u00f8rnebillet koster 65 kroner pr. styk.</p><p>Hvor meget har passagererne i alt betalt for at k\u00f8re med toget?</p>", "lesson_id": 1061, "media_id": "597357", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3754062", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1061", "title": "Samlet betaling for passagererne i et tog"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13131"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2455871, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilket tegn skal der st\u00e5?</p>", "lesson_id": 896, "media_id": "368015", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1149879", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "896", "title": "St\u00f8rre end - Mindre end - Lig med (Gange og Division)"}, "Topic": {"id": "108", "name": "Udsagn"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "10096"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7470322, "answer": "<p>=</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7470321, "answer": "<p>></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7470320, "answer": "<p><</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4080290, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>24</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1020, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383420", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1020", "title": "Division med br\u00f8k (t\u00e6lleren negativ)"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2560506, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msqrt><mn>16</mn></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 694, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1839976", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "694", "title": "Tal ganget med en kvadratrod"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7665624, "answer": "<p>54</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665627, "answer": "<p>27</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665622, "answer": "<p>45</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665625, "answer": "<p>18</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665626, "answer": "<p>9</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7665623, "answer": "<p>36</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4381760, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvordan omskriver man 8,75 til blandet tal?</p>", "lesson_id": 522, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3176067", "created": "2019-11-07 22:20:08", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "522", "title": "Omskriv 3,5 til blandet tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10990982, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10990984, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10990981, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10990983, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10990985, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10990986, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2252003, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>7,4</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>0,2</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1240, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1971044", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1240", "title": "Decimaltal divideret med 0,2 og 0,5"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6542606, "answer": "<p>36</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542607, "answer": "<p>35</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542608, "answer": "<p>37</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542604, "answer": "<p>38</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542603, "answer": "<p>39</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542605, "answer": "<p>40</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6542609, "answer": "<p>41</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4080171, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>63</mn><mo>:</mo><mn>7</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1018, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383301", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1018", "title": "Dividenden er negativ"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4381314, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilken br\u00f8k nedenfor giver 0,6?</p>", "lesson_id": 527, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2344114", "created": "2019-11-07 22:20:08", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "527", "title": "Omskriv 0,2 til br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10989201, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10989206, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10989203, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10989205, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10989202, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10989204, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3617696, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>:</mo><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1371, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3150277", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1371", "title": "Tal divideret med br\u00f8k - Facit som br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10370266, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>27</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370267, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>54</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370263, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>11</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370268, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>13</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370264, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>18</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370262, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>11</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370265, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow><mn>6</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3195250, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>11</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 846, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2727831", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "846", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (uden samme n\u00e6vner)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9337096, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>26</mn><mrow><mn>44</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9337099, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>12</mn><mrow><mn>15</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9337101, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>28</mn><mrow><mn>44</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9337100, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>27</mn><mrow><mn>44</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9337097, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>14</mn><mrow><mn>15</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9337098, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>13</mn><mrow><mn>15</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4331824, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Der ordineres <math><mn>250</mn><mi> ml</mi></math> Glukose <math><mn>15</mn><mi>%</mi></math> til en patient.</p><p>Infusionstiden er <math><mn>7</mn></math> timer.</p><p>Hvad er infusionshastigheden m\u00e5lt i mikroliter pr. minut (<math><mn>\u03bcl/minut</mn></math>) ?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2066, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-06-14 10:13:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2066", "title": "Infusionshastighed"}, "Topic": {"id": "152", "name": "Medicinsk matematik"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10859262, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>157</mn><mi> \u03bcl/minut</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10859261, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>935</mn><mi> \u03bcl/minut</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10859263, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>0,3</mn><mi> \u03bcl/minut</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10859259, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>595</mn><mi> \u03bcl/minut</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10859260, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>150</mn><mi> \u03bcl/minut</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3880872, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvor mange millimeter (mm) svarer 69 cm til?</p>", "lesson_id": 594, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3729404", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "594", "title": "Centimeter og millimeter (cm og mm)"}, "Topic": {"id": "109", "name": "Omregning - L\u00e6ngdem\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>mm</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3877828, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En opskrift p\u00e5 en kage siger, at der skal 5 tsk reven appelsinskal i til 2 portioner.</p><p>Hvor mange tsk reven appelsinskal skal man bruge, hvis man vil lave 6 portioner?</p>", "lesson_id": 659, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3727289", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "659", "title": "Opskrift p\u00e5 dobbelt s\u00e5 meget"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>tsk reven appelsinskal</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3695524, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 billedet.</p><p>Er den bl\u00e5 linje en radius?</p>", "lesson_id": 444, "media_id": "629952", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2449815", "created": "2019-03-03 23:05:31", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "444", "title": "Linjer ved cirklen"}, "Topic": {"id": "102", "name": "Cirklen"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "7513"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10627779, "answer": "<p>Nej</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10627778, "answer": "<p>Ja</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4331638, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>En patient med en infektion skal behandles med en erycin-mikstur der indeholder <math><mn>28</mn><mi> mg/ml</mi></math>. Patienten f\u00e5r <math><mn>280</mn><mi> mg</mi></math> ved indtagelse af <math><mn>10</mn><mi> ml</mi></math> af miksturen ved oral suspension.</p><p>Hvad er stofm\u00e6ngden?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2061, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-06-14 10:13:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2061", "title": "Volumen, stofm\u00e6ngde og styrke"}, "Topic": {"id": "152", "name": "Medicinsk matematik"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10858375, "answer": "<p><math><mn>1</mn><mi> mg/ml</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10858373, "answer": "<p><math><mn>10</mn><mi> ml</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10858374, "answer": "<p><math><mn>280</mn><mi> mg</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10858376, "answer": "<p><math><mn>28</mn><mi> mg/ml</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4366809, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvor mange 10-euro-sedler kan man veksle m\u00f8nterne og sedlerne til?</p>", "lesson_id": 2027, "media_id": "656522", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4301179", "created": "2019-09-01 23:19:16", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2027", "title": "Veksl euro-m\u00f8nter og -sedler"}, "Topic": {"id": "125", "name": "Penge, \u00f8konomi og valuta"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "41499"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 3261450, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>567</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>425</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 615, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2794031", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "615", "title": "482 + 261 (3-cifret plus 3-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9512068, "answer": "<p>1091</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9512073, "answer": "<p>991</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9512071, "answer": "<p>994</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9512070, "answer": "<p>992</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9512074, "answer": "<p>1003</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9512072, "answer": "<p>1002</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9512069, "answer": "<p>1082</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 1571917, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En trekant har sidel\u00e6ngder p\u00e5 34, 41 og 59.</p><p>Dermed er trekanten:</p>", "lesson_id": 1078, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "526343", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1078", "title": "Pythagoras - Tjek om trekanten er retvinklet (omvendt Pythagoras)"}, "Topic": {"id": "106", "name": "Trekanter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 3822374, "answer": "<p>Ikke retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3822373, "answer": "<p>Retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3822375, "answer": "<p>Det kan man ikke udtale sig om.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4055094, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Fodbolde koster 80 kroner pr. styk.</p><p>En fodboldklub k\u00f8ber 9 fodbolde.</p><p>Hvad er den samlede udgift?</p>", "lesson_id": 685, "media_id": "565757", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3736550", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "685", "title": "Udgift som pris gange antal"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3976384, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>610</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>49</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 492, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3247935", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "492", "title": "273 + 51 (3-cifret plus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4144842, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En vejarbejder skal lave en mindre del af et fortov, der skal best\u00e5 af fliser og sten i et bestemt m\u00f8nster. For hver flise skal der bruges 3 sten. Der skal i alt bruges 22 fliser.</p><p>Hvor mange sten, skal der bruges til fortovet?</p>", "lesson_id": 1059, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3768503", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1059", "title": "Fortov og antal fliser"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>sten</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4124925, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En mand skal bygge en terrasse. Han skal bruge 6 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 4 meter lange. Desuden skal han bruge 20 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 2 meter lange.</p><p>Hvor mange meter br\u00e6dder skal manden bruge i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1060, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3750062", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1060", "title": "Antal meter tr\u00e6 til en terrasse"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2595917, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>12,67</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>1,41</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 820, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1862713", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "820", "title": "8,73 - 5,61 (Minus med 2 decimaler efter kommaet)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7740892, "answer": "<p>11,46</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7740887, "answer": "<p>10,96</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7740890, "answer": "<p>11,06</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7740891, "answer": "<p>11,56</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7740888, "answer": "<p>11,26</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7740889, "answer": "<p>11,16</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7740886, "answer": "<p>11,36</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3186404, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden <math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>17</mn><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>33</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 634, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2718985", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "634", "title": "3x + 4 <= 13"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9308193, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9308192, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9308188, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9308189, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9308190, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9308191, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4064522, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1000</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>7,171</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 953, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3361026", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "953", "title": "1000 gange decimaltal med 3 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4121075, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil har k\u00f8rt en rute, hvor der er benyttet 10 liter diesel til turen. Desuden ved chauff\u00f8ren, at lastbilen k\u00f8rer 8 km pr. liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har lastbilen k\u00f8rt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1047, "media_id": "591604", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3746941", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1047", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ud fra dieselforbrug"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3188117, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Omskriv <math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>49</mn></mrow><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math> til blandet tal.</p>", "lesson_id": 673, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2720698", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "673", "title": "Omskriv u\u00e6gte br\u00f8k til blandet tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9318471, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9318470, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>10</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9318467, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>10</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9318469, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9318466, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9318468, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>10</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4041942, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>41</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>560</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 923, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3327183", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "923", "title": "5 + 25 + 143"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4388573, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Kassen er lavet af centicubes.</p><p>Hvor stort er rumfanget af kassen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1108, "media_id": "662807", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2519426", "created": "2019-11-14 00:46:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1108", "title": "Rumfang af kasse lavet af centicubes med to lag"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "16160"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11003342, "answer": "<p>32 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11003338, "answer": "<p>30 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11003341, "answer": "<p>26 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11003343, "answer": "<p>24 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11003340, "answer": "<p>28 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11003339, "answer": "<p>33 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2453917, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilket tegn skal der st\u00e5?</p>", "lesson_id": 855, "media_id": "366057", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1159471", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "855", "title": "St\u00f8rre end - Mindre end - Lig med (Gangestykker)"}, "Topic": {"id": "108", "name": "Udsagn"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "8765"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7466115, "answer": "<p>></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7466114, "answer": "<p>=</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7466113, "answer": "<p><</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3617832, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>:</mo><mfrac><mn>10</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1372, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3150413", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1372", "title": "Tal divideret med br\u00f8k - Facit som decimaltal"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10371218, "answer": "<p>1,3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10371217, "answer": "<p>1,4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10371216, "answer": "<p>1,7</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10371219, "answer": "<p>1,5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10371220, "answer": "<p>1,9</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10371215, "answer": "<p>1,8</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10371214, "answer": "<p>1,6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4163283, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Figuren er lavet af centicubes.</p><p>Hvor stort er rumfanget af figuren?</p>", "lesson_id": 1107, "media_id": "433858", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3779861", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1107", "title": "Rumfang af figur med centicubes"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "15939"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3922002, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 844, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3193724", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "844", "title": "Negative tal i anden"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4147262, "type": 1, "question": "<p>I et tog er der b\u00e5de m\u00e6nd og kvinder. Der er 14 m\u00e6nd. I toget er der dobbelt s\u00e5 mange kvinder som m\u00e6nd.</p><p>Hvor mange kvinder er der i toget?</p>", "lesson_id": 1074, "media_id": "613961", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3770673", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1074", "title": "Passagerer i et tog - Dobbelt s\u00e5 mange og sum"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13142"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kvinder</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3368379, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>96</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 955, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2900960", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "955", "title": "4x = -28"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9699986, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>32</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9699990, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>32</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9699989, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>30</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9699988, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>33</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9699987, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>33</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9699991, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>31</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9699985, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>31</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4048087, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>62</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>33</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>452</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 926, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3333328", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "926", "title": "5 + 37 + 56 + 122"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4203286, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil starter p\u00e5 virksomhedens centrallager og k\u00f8rer derefter 204 km for at n\u00e5 frem til kunden med leverancen. Det tog i alt 6 timer at k\u00f8re turen.</p><p>Hvad var lastbilens gennemsnitshastighed?</p>", "lesson_id": 1050, "media_id": "622087", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3809524", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1050", "title": "Gennemsnitlig hastighed for en lastbil 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>km/t</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3471473, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvor stor er vinklen v, hvis <math><mrow><mi>sin</mi><mrow><mo>(</mo><mi>v</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>0,44</mn></mrow></math> ?</p>", "lesson_id": 606, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3004054", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "606", "title": "Find en vinkel med sinus"}, "Topic": {"id": "16", "name": "Trigonometri"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9915265, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>21</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9915264, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>32,5</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9915267, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>26,1</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9915262, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>28,1</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9915263, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>23,9</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9915261, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>22,3</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9915266, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>30</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2519400, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Kassen er lavet af centicubes.</p><p>Hvor stort er rumfanget af kassen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1108, "media_id": "431737", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1596267", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1108", "title": "Rumfang af kasse lavet af centicubes med to lag"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "16134"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7597050, "answer": "<p>22 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7597048, "answer": "<p>21 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7597049, "answer": "<p>20 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7597046, "answer": "<p>14 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7597047, "answer": "<p>16 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7597045, "answer": "<p>18 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4383185, "type": 1, "question": "<p>1 dL hvedemel vejer 60 gram.</p><p>Du skal bruge 5 dL hvedemel i din bageopskrift, men du har kun k\u00f8bt en pose med 200 gram hvedemel.</p><p>Hvor mange gram hvedemel mangler du for at kunne lave opskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 709, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3870178", "created": "2019-11-08 22:19:46", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "709", "title": "M\u00e5l og v\u00e6gt"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>gram</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2697501, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilken linje har konstantleddet <math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></math>?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503869", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32981"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004820, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004822, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>g</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004821, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>h</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 1594678, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Oms\u00e6tningen for en vare er 42 kroner.</p><p>Find det rigtige udsagn:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "552763", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 3942112, "answer": "<p>Prisen er 7 kroner pr. styk og der bliver solgt 6 styk.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3942113, "answer": "<p>Prisen er 9 kroner pr. styk og der bliver solgt 3 styk.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3942111, "answer": "<p>Prisen er 6 kroner pr. styk og der bliver solgt 9 styk.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4028161, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>12</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>17</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 916, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3312138", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "916", "title": "2 gange 15 plus 6 gange 11 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4058630, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>20</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>10</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 514, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2197485", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "514", "title": "30 gange 20"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4187982, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Produktet af to primtal er 122.</p><p>Hvad er summen af de to primtal?</p>", "lesson_id": 1162, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1639378", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1162", "title": "Find summen af to primtal"}, "Topic": {"id": "128", "name": "De fire regningsarter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4121931, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Bondemand Christensen har 9 h\u00f8ns. De l\u00e6gger hver 5 \u00e6g pr. uge.</p><p>Hvor mange \u00e6g l\u00e6gger h\u00f8nsene i alt p\u00e5 5 uger?</p>", "lesson_id": 1048, "media_id": "402097", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2489889", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1048", "title": "Antal \u00e6g lagt p\u00e5 et antal uger"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13124"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2574990, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>8</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 550, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2372580", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "550", "title": "Multiplikation med potenser 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7678749, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7678748, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>8</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7678753, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>13</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7678751, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>11</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7678750, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>9</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7678752, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>12</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2691977, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>b</mi></math> i den line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6ng, der g\u00e5r gennem punktet <math><mo>(</mo><mn>7</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>10</mn><mo>)</mo></math> og har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1889, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1889", "title": "Bestem a og b med formel 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7991724, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7991723, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7991721, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>24</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7991722, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>27</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4038733, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>419</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>241</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>243</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 922, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3323974", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "922", "title": "231 + 395 + 186 (Sum med tre 3-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2418672, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet forskriften:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>12</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvilket talpar passer i regneforskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 1192, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1966442", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1192", "title": "Unders\u00f8g om et talpar passer i en funktion 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7303020, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,18</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303022, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,16</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303023, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,19</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303021, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,17</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4151782, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvis prisen p\u00e5 en vare er 300 kroner pr. styk og der s\u00e6lges 4 styk, da bliver oms\u00e6tningen:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3772816", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3220460, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>1,82</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 891, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2753041", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "891", "title": "Tal minus decimaltal med 2 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9422050, "answer": "<p>3,18</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9422047, "answer": "<p>2,78</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9422049, "answer": "<p>2,88</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9422052, "answer": "<p>3,28</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9422048, "answer": "<p>3,08</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9422051, "answer": "<p>3,38</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4039557, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>412</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>115</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>163</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 922, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3324798", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "922", "title": "231 + 395 + 186 (Sum med tre 3-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3523996, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1254, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3056577", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1254", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser B2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10070144, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070142, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070143, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070145, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070140, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070141, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10070146, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3534984, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>173</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>83</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1289, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3067565", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1289", "title": "503 - 83 (3-cifret minus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10130507, "answer": "<p>90</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10130503, "answer": "<p>131</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10130501, "answer": "<p>101</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10130505, "answer": "<p>62</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10130506, "answer": "<p>120</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10130502, "answer": "<p>76</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10130504, "answer": "<p>44</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3635407, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>12</mn><mtext> uger</mtext><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1343, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3165287", "created": "2018-05-20 23:08:17", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1343", "title": "Uger til dage"}, "Topic": {"id": "130", "name": "Omregning - Tid"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10421411, "answer": "<p>80 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421415, "answer": "<p>84 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421412, "answer": "<p>87 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421416, "answer": "<p>88 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421414, "answer": "<p>78 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421410, "answer": "<p>86 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421413, "answer": "<p>83 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2675749, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1071</mn><mo>-</mo><mn>87</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1291, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2332584", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1291", "title": "1034 - 80 (4-cifret minus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7932460, "answer": "<p>974</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7932462, "answer": "<p>987</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7932461, "answer": "<p>981</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7932465, "answer": "<p>997</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7932464, "answer": "<p>994</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7932463, "answer": "<p>984</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3921804, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 843, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3193508", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "843", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (to faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3921927, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>9</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 843, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3193631", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "843", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (to faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4133140, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En mand tager til en tr\u00e6lasthandel for at k\u00f8be tr\u00e6 til et legehus i sin have. Han k\u00f8ber 12 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 3 meter lange.</p><p>Da han kommer hjem finder han ud af, at han skal save 35 cm af hvert br\u00e6t, for at de passer til legehuset.</p><p>Hvor mange meter saver manden i alt af sine br\u00e6dder?</p>", "lesson_id": 1067, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3758277", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1067", "title": "Spild af tr\u00e6 i meter"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3581210, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1270, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3113791", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1270", "title": "Tal mellem 10.000 og 99.999 som tierpotenser 7"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10254597, "answer": "<p>7804</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10254596, "answer": "<p>78004</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10254600, "answer": "<p>70804</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10254595, "answer": "<p>7084</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10254599, "answer": "<p>7840</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10254598, "answer": "<p>78040</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2343050, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Forkort <math><mrow><mfrac><mn>30</mn><mn>54</mn></mfrac></mrow></math> med 6.</p>", "lesson_id": 525, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2058350", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "525", "title": "Forkorte en br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6837818, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>180</mn><mn>324</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6837820, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>54</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6837822, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6837819, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>30</mn><mn>54</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6837817, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6837821, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3978504, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msqrt><mrow><mn>57</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 693, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3250055", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "693", "title": "Kvadratroden af et udtryk"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4124794, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En mand skal bygge en terrasse. Han skal bruge 8 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 3 meter lange. Desuden skal han bruge 11 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 2 meter lange.</p><p>Hvor mange meter br\u00e6dder skal manden bruge i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1060, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3749931", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1060", "title": "Antal meter tr\u00e6 til en terrasse"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4401713, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Thomas k\u00f8ber 0,5 kg hindb\u00e6r, der koster 52 kroner pr. kg.</p><p>Thomas betaler med 100 kroner.</p><p>Hvor mange penge f\u00e5r Thomas tilbage?</p>", "lesson_id": 708, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4401137", "created": "2019-12-10 23:35:25", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "708", "title": "K\u00f8b af varer"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4209026, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Angiv summen af de to br\u00f8ker som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>5</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1302, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3530613", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1302", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (facit i decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3635407, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>12</mn><mtext> uger</mtext><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1343, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3165287", "created": "2018-05-20 23:08:17", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1343", "title": "Uger til dage"}, "Topic": {"id": "130", "name": "Omregning - Tid"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10421411, "answer": "<p>80 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421415, "answer": "<p>84 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421412, "answer": "<p>87 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421416, "answer": "<p>88 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421414, "answer": "<p>78 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421410, "answer": "<p>86 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421413, "answer": "<p>83 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3272069, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3,26</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>1,12</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 496, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2804650", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "496", "title": "3,13 + 4,72 (plus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9537025, "answer": "<p>4,28</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9537029, "answer": "<p>4,39</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9537027, "answer": "<p>4,35</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9537024, "answer": "<p>4,48</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9537026, "answer": "<p>4,18</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9537023, "answer": "<p>4,38</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9537028, "answer": "<p>4,58</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4197756, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvad er 80% af 500?</p>", "lesson_id": 1210, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "628139", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1210", "title": "30 procent af 200"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3523277, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>36</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1253, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3055858", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1253", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser B1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10065112, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065110, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065111, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065107, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065108, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065109, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10065113, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2447619, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvor lang er siden c?</p>", "lesson_id": 608, "media_id": "359738", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2353673", "created": "2018-03-07 07:53:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "608", "title": "Cosinus og den retvinklede trekant"}, "Topic": {"id": "16", "name": "Trigonometri"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "5485"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7456838, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456835, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9,4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456837, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7,7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456834, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8,6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456836, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9,1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456839, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9,9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4124813, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En mand skal bygge en terrasse. Han skal bruge 6 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 4 meter lange. Desuden skal han bruge 12 br\u00e6dder, der hver er 2 meter lange.</p><p>Hvor mange meter br\u00e6dder skal manden bruge i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1060, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3749950", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1060", "title": "Antal meter tr\u00e6 til en terrasse"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4424552, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>I koordinatsystemet er tegnet graferne for tre eksponentialfunktioner.</p><p>Hvad er fordoblingskonstanten <math><msub><mi>T</mi><mn>2</mn></msub></math> for grafen <math><mi>h?</mi></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1928, "media_id": "671763", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2020-02-20 23:39:18", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1928", "title": "Fordoblingkonstanten med formel"}, "Topic": {"id": "146", "name": "Eksponentiel v\u00e6kst"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "44773"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 4206198, "type": 1, "question": "<p>P\u00e5 billedet ser du et udtryk.</p><p>Beregn v\u00e6rdien af udtrykket, n\u00e5r <math><mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math> og <math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math> .</p>", "lesson_id": 1284, "media_id": "622408", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3530502", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1284", "title": "Find v\u00e6rdien af et udtryk med kvadrattal 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "20673"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4080290, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>24</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1020, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383420", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1020", "title": "Division med br\u00f8k (t\u00e6lleren negativ)"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3963025, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2871</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>925</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 889, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2649001", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "889", "title": "7156 - 319 (4-cifret minus 3-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3501863, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>3</mn></msup><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><msup><mn>10</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1149, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3034444", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1149", "title": "Division med potenser 3"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10009022, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>5</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10009024, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10009023, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10009025, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>1</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4360702, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvad er linjens h\u00e6ldningstal?</p>", "lesson_id": 538, "media_id": "362455", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-07-31 15:17:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "538", "title": "Forskrift for linje i koordinatsystem"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "3015"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4154301, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvor stor er afstanden fra punkt A til punkt B?</p>", "lesson_id": 770, "media_id": "430840", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2518503", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "770", "title": "Afstand mellem to punkter (samme 2. koordinat)"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "5755"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3188911, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>7</mn></msup><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>3</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 552, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2721492", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "552", "title": "Division med potenser"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9323865, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>5</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323861, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>3</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323863, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323866, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>6</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323867, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>21</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323862, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323864, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3927209, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1,9</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>3,5</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 495, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3199793", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "495", "title": "3,9 + 2,5 (plus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3858146, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Beregn og angiv svaret som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mn>0,2</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 679, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3171403", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "679", "title": "Br\u00f8k plus decimaltal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4136681, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Christina er i sv\u00f8mmehallen. En bane i sv\u00f8mmebassinet er 25 meter lang. Christina sv\u00f8mmer i alt 44 baner.</p><p>Hvor mange meter sv\u00f8mmer Christina i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1072, "media_id": "604030", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3760957", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1072", "title": "Find den sv\u00f8mmede distance"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13140"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 1200396, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En k\u00f8retur starter kl. 11:10 og slutter kl. 16:40.</p><p>Hvor lang er den samlede rejsetid?</p>", "lesson_id": 711, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "101407", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "711", "title": "Rejsetid"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 2998978, "answer": "<p>6 timer og 30 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 2998982, "answer": "<p>6 timer og 35 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 2998983, "answer": "<p>5 timer og 40 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 2998984, "answer": "<p>5 timer og 45 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 2998981, "answer": "<p>5 timer og 35 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 2998980, "answer": "<p>6 timer og 40 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 2998979, "answer": "<p>5 timer og 30 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4080010, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1017, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383140", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1017", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (tre faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4154294, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvor stor er afstanden fra punkt C til punkt D?</p>", "lesson_id": 770, "media_id": "430833", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2518496", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "770", "title": "Afstand mellem to punkter (samme 2. koordinat)"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "5753"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4178576, "type": 1, "question": "<p>8 km 16 m =</p>", "lesson_id": 1137, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3795124", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1137", "title": "3 km 45 meter i meter"}, "Topic": {"id": "109", "name": "Omregning - L\u00e6ngdem\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4193347, "type": 1, "question": "<p>P\u00e5 billedet ser du en tabel med ordnede talpar for funktionen:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvad skal der st\u00e5 p\u00e5 C's plads i tabellen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1186, "media_id": "439925", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2527580", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1186", "title": "Funktion og tabel - Addition"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18593"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4053036, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6964</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>43</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 925, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3338277", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "925", "title": "4986 + 37 (4-cifret plus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4352292, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Beregn og angiv svaret som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mn>0,5</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 679, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3858099", "created": "2019-07-10 23:15:37", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "679", "title": "Br\u00f8k plus decimaltal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3977841, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>787</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>99</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 492, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3249392", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "492", "title": "273 + 51 (3-cifret plus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2447596, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvor lang er siden b?</p>", "lesson_id": 608, "media_id": "359715", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2353649", "created": "2018-03-07 07:53:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "608", "title": "Cosinus og den retvinklede trekant"}, "Topic": {"id": "16", "name": "Trigonometri"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "5462"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7456699, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5,5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456698, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7,4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456701, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6,6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456700, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5,8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456696, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6,9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456697, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7,7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4071079, "type": 1, "question": "<p>714% svarer til decimaltallet:</p>", "lesson_id": 960, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3372183", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "960", "title": "Omskriv procent til decimaltal (Tal over 100%)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3952141, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>70</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow><mn>9</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 881, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3217424", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "881", "title": "Regn t\u00e6lleren og divid\u00e9r"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3523919, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1253, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3056500", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1253", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser B1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10069605, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>13</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10069604, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10069606, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10069607, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>15</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10069601, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>14</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10069603, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>12</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10069602, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3635409, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>14</mn><mtext> uger</mtext><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1343, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3165289", "created": "2018-05-20 23:08:17", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1343", "title": "Uger til dage"}, "Topic": {"id": "130", "name": "Omregning - Tid"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10421425, "answer": "<p>91 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421428, "answer": "<p>98 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421429, "answer": "<p>102 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421427, "answer": "<p>96 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421426, "answer": "<p>94 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421424, "answer": "<p>100 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10421430, "answer": "<p>90 dage</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4351253, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv 3,2% til decimaltal.</p>", "lesson_id": 706, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3868471", "created": "2019-07-09 23:16:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "706", "title": "Omskriv procent til decimaltal (Tal under 100%)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4018525, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>50</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>80</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 914, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3302502", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "914", "title": "2 gange 30 plus 4 gange 50 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4310096, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Reduc\u00e9r udtrykket:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 402, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1823012", "created": "2019-05-14 23:18:59", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "402", "title": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10797549, "answer": "<p>76</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10797548, "answer": "<p>84</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10797552, "answer": "<p>92</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10797551, "answer": "<p>100</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10797550, "answer": "<p>108</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4040002, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>413</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>223</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>147</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 922, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3325243", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "922", "title": "231 + 395 + 186 (Sum med tre 3-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4122217, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Bondemand S\u00f8rensen har 7 k\u00f8er. Hver dag producerer hver ko 20 liter m\u00e6lk.</p><p>Hvor mange liter m\u00e6lk producerer k\u00f8erne p\u00e5 en dag?</p>", "lesson_id": 1049, "media_id": "592017", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3747354", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1049", "title": "M\u00e6lkeproduktion p\u00e5 en dag"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13125"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>liter</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4051947, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7596</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>45</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 925, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3337188", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "925", "title": "4986 + 37 (4-cifret plus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4349830, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvad er arealet af trekanten?</p>", "lesson_id": 345, "media_id": "651995", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3879834", "created": "2019-07-02 23:15:46", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "345", "title": "Areal af en trekant"}, "Topic": {"id": "64", "name": "Areal"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "3745"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3562559, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Find resultatet som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>24</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>70</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1303, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3095140", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1303", "title": "Addition med procenter (facit i decimaltal) 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10196593, "answer": "<p>8,4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10196595, "answer": "<p>0,84</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10196594, "answer": "<p>0,094</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10196591, "answer": "<p>0,084</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10196590, "answer": "<p>9,4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10196592, "answer": "<p>0,94</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3880233, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvor mange decimeter (dm) svarer 65 cm til?</p>", "lesson_id": 595, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3728765", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "595", "title": "Centimeter og decimeter (cm og dm)"}, "Topic": {"id": "109", "name": "Omregning - L\u00e6ngdem\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>dm</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3596868, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>0,44</mn><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1306, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3129449", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1306", "title": "Addition med decimaltal og br\u00f8k (facit i procent)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10306972, "answer": "<p>69%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10306974, "answer": "<p>59%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10306971, "answer": "<p>57%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10306973, "answer": "<p>74%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10306970, "answer": "<p>64%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10306976, "answer": "<p>76%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10306975, "answer": "<p>62%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 105805, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En k\u00f8retur starter kl. 12:40 og slutter kl. 16:20. Undervejs har manden holdt en pause p\u00e5 30 minutter.</p><p>Hvor lang er den samlede rejsetid (uden pause!)?</p>", "lesson_id": 711, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "0001-01-01 01:00:00", "updated": "9999-01-01 00:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "711", "title": "Rejsetid"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 398956, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 25 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 398954, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 10 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 398957, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 20 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 398959, "answer": "<p>4 timer og 15 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 398955, "answer": "<p>4 timer og 20 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 398958, "answer": "<p>3 timer og 15 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 398953, "answer": "<p>4 timer og 10 minutter</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 1806982, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad er 3 + 5?</p>", "lesson_id": 390, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "21855", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "390", "title": "Plus - L\u00e6g to tal sammen"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 4607804, "answer": "<p>7</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 4607802, "answer": "<p>6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 4607803, "answer": "<p>8</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 4607805, "answer": "<p>12</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 4607801, "answer": "<p>9</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4054671, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvad er produktet af 9 og 10?</p>", "lesson_id": 655, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3341873", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "655", "title": "Produkt"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4080202, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>20</mn><mo>:</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1019, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383332", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1019", "title": "Divisor er negativ"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4069355, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mstyle><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 963, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3739323", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "963", "title": "Omskriv et blandet tal til procent"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3701786, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Beregn arealet af rektanglet.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 772, "media_id": "632254", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3697353", "created": "2019-03-11 23:38:53", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "772", "title": "Areal af figur i koordinatsystemet"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "39627"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10638974, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>16</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10638975, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>20</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10638976, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>18</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10638977, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>17</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4369153, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad er sandsynligheden for at tr\u00e6kke kl\u00f8r konge eller hjerter 6 blandt de viste kort?</p>", "lesson_id": 858, "media_id": "658465", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3836950", "created": "2019-09-06 23:29:27", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "858", "title": "Sandsynlighed som br\u00f8k med kort"}, "Topic": {"id": "100", "name": "Chance og sandsynlighed"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13010"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10967309, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>8</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10967311, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10967310, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10967307, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10967308, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4047416, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>13</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>92</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>519</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 926, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3332657", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "926", "title": "5 + 37 + 56 + 122"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2439995, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren og find det rigtige udsagn:</p>", "lesson_id": 326, "media_id": "352107", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "57241", "created": "2018-03-07 07:46:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "326", "title": "Linjens ligning i koordinatsystemet"}, "Topic": {"id": "81", "name": "Linjens ligning"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "815"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7434550, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en h\u00e6ldning p\u00e5 -2</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434549, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en h\u00e6ldning p\u00e5 -1</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434548, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en h\u00e6ldning p\u00e5 -3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434546, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en sk\u00e6ring med 2. aksen p\u00e5 4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434547, "answer": "<p>Linjen har en sk\u00e6ring med 2. aksen p\u00e5 6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4194490, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Se p\u00e5 billedet. x-v\u00e6rdien 8 l\u00e6gges i maskinen. P\u00e5 maskinen kan du se, hvordan man finder frem til y-v\u00e6rdien.</p><p>Hvad bliver y-v\u00e6rdien?</p>", "lesson_id": 1189, "media_id": "618290", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3511954", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1189", "title": "Funktionsmaskine med x og multiplikation med tiere"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18638"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3617231, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>8</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>5</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1368, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3149812", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1368", "title": "Multiplikation - Br\u00f8k med helt tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10368412, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>13</mn></mrow><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10368411, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>11</mn></mrow><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10368410, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>7</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10368408, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>8</mn></mrow><mn>45</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10368413, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>40</mn></mrow><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10368407, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>72</mn></mrow><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10368409, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>80</mn></mrow><mn>9</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3874026, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En togtur starter kl. 15:41 og slutter kl. 16:39.</p><p>Hvor lang er den samlede rejsetid?</p>", "lesson_id": 711, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3726078", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "711", "title": "Rejsetid"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>minutter</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2471496, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Find det rigtige udsagn:</p>", "lesson_id": 958, "media_id": "383704", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2387682", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "958", "title": "Kvadratrod til et tal p\u00e5 tallinjen"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "12027"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7499917, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo><</mo><msqrt><mn>18</mn></msqrt><mo><</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7499918, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo><</mo><msqrt><mn>18</mn></msqrt><mo><</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7499916, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo><</mo><msqrt><mn>18</mn></msqrt><mo><</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3186809, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden <math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>18</mn><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>30</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 634, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2719390", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "634", "title": "3x + 4 <= 13"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9310623, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9310622, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9310618, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9310620, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9310621, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9310619, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3864987, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>11</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 691, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2554291", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "691", "title": "Reduktion med parenteser"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4156371, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Figuren er lavet af centicubes.</p><p>Hvor stort er rumfanget af figuren?</p>", "lesson_id": 1110, "media_id": "431474", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3773049", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1110", "title": "Rumfang af figur lavet af centicubes med flere lag"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "16000"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2422582, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet forskriften:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>44</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mi>x</mi></mrow></math></p><p>Hvilket talpar passer i regneforskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 1194, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1970497", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1194", "title": "Unders\u00f8g om et talpar passer i en funktion 4"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7324143, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,41</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7324145, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,37</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7324146, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,38</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7324147, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,39</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7324144, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6,35</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3695524, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 billedet.</p><p>Er den bl\u00e5 linje en radius?</p>", "lesson_id": 444, "media_id": "629952", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2449815", "created": "2019-03-03 23:05:31", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "444", "title": "Linjer ved cirklen"}, "Topic": {"id": "102", "name": "Cirklen"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "7513"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10627779, "answer": "<p>Nej</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10627778, "answer": "<p>Ja</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3368480, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 956, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2901061", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "956", "title": "-3x = 12"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9700693, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700695, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700697, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700698, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700694, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700692, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9700696, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2697488, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilken linje har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></math>?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503856", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32983"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004781, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004782, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>h</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004783, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>g</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2560297, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msqrt><mn>9</mn></msqrt><mo>\u22c5</mo><msqrt><mrow><mn>16</mn></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 695, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1839856", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "695", "title": "Kvadratrod gange kvadratrod"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7664907, "answer": "<p>13</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7664904, "answer": "<p>12</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7664906, "answer": "<p>9</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7664905, "answer": "<p>14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7664902, "answer": "<p>11</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7664903, "answer": "<p>10</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3469805, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En trekant har sidel\u00e6ngder p\u00e5 <math><mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math> , <math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>13</mn></mrow></math> og <math><mrow><mi>c</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math>.</p><p>Hvor stor er vinkel B i trekanten, n\u00e5r vinkel B ligger modsat siden b?</p>", "lesson_id": 1090, "media_id": "612383", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3002386", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1090", "title": "Cosinusrelationen - Find vinklen B"}, "Topic": {"id": "16", "name": "Trigonometri"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13419"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9903591, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>93,3</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9903590, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>91,8</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9903588, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>87,1</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9903589, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>85,3</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9903585, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>94,9</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9903587, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>89,8</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9903586, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>96,6</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2575359, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>6</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>3</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 550, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2372950", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "550", "title": "Multiplikation med potenser 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7680963, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>7</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7680967, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>9</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7680965, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7680966, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>8</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7680964, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>12</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7680962, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>11</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4357983, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvor stor en del af figuren er farvet bl\u00e5 (angiv svaret i procent)?</p>", "lesson_id": 714, "media_id": "629951", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-07-31 14:14:07", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "714", "title": "Farvet andel af en figur"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "5638"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4151957, "type": 1, "question": "<p>For en vare er den samlede oms\u00e6tning 360 kroner. Desuden oplyses det, at der blev solgt 9 styk af varen.</p><p>Dermed er prisen:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3772991", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner pr. styk</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2693016, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem funktionsv\u00e6rdien for <math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>\u00b7</mo><msup><mn>1</mn><mi>x</mi></msup></math> n\u00e5r <math><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1924, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1924", "title": "Bestem funktionsv\u00e6rdi"}, "Topic": {"id": "146", "name": "Eksponentiel v\u00e6kst"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7995880, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>16</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7995877, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7995878, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7995879, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>36</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3296695, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>8</mn></msup></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 909, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2829276", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "909", "title": "Et potensudtryk opl\u00f8ftet i en eksponent"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9608242, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9608243, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>24</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9608244, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>16</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9608240, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9608245, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>16</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9608241, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>32</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3914271, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9,35</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3,32</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 820, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2596851", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "820", "title": "8,73 - 5,61 (Minus med 2 decimaler efter kommaet)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3507128, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>56</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1163, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3039709", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1163", "title": "Opl\u00f8sning af potensudtryk"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10023168, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>7</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023166, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>7</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023167, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023163, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>7</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023165, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>7</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023164, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>7</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4288884, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>Bredden i dette rektangel er <math><mn>8</mn></math>. Find l\u00e6ngden.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 772, "media_id": "632246", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3701778", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "772", "title": "Areal af figur i koordinatsystemet"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "39643"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 4317628, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>Beregn <math><mn>36</mn><mo>-</mo><mn>7</mn></math> ved hj\u00e6lp af tierst\u00e6ngerne.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1688, "media_id": "647826", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4287087", "created": "2019-05-23 14:24:39", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1688", "title": "23 - 6 (Subtraktion - Visualiseret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "39194"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 3984967, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>336</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>265</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 615, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3265723", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "615", "title": "482 + 261 (3-cifret plus 3-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3368604, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>36</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 956, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2901185", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "956", "title": "-3x = 12"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9701566, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701565, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701562, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701561, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701560, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701564, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9701563, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4034824, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>80</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>20</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 917, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3320065", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "917", "title": "5 gange 30 minus 2 gange 40 (Differens af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4247873, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>595</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1323, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3600325", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1323", "title": "Tiendedele til decimaltal 5"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3467582, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet f\u00f8lgende ligningssystem:</p><p><math><mtable columnalign=\"left\"><mtr><mtd><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>30</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>y</mi></mtd></mtr></mtable></math></p><p>Hvad bliver l\u00f8sningen til ligningssystemet?</p>", "lesson_id": 1080, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3000163", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1080", "title": "Ligningssystemer - Substitution 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "126", "name": "Ligningssystemer"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9889047, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>39</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9889049, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>41</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9889045, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>38</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9889046, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>40</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9889048, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>41</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9889044, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>40</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9889050, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>39</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3524726, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>8</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>73</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1255, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3057307", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1255", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10075250, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10075253, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10075256, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10075255, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10075251, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10075252, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10075254, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>11</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2519411, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Kassen er lavet af centicubes.</p><p>Hvor stort er rumfanget af kassen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1108, "media_id": "431748", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1596277", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1108", "title": "Rumfang af kasse lavet af centicubes med to lag"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "16145"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7597111, "answer": "<p>24 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7597114, "answer": "<p>21 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7597113, "answer": "<p>22 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7597115, "answer": "<p>20 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7597116, "answer": "<p>26 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7597112, "answer": "<p>25 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3203636, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>12</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>7</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 861, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2736217", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "861", "title": "Minus med 3 tal (Facit under 20)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9367991, "answer": "<p>5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9367995, "answer": "<p>6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9367993, "answer": "<p>3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9367990, "answer": "<p>1</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9367992, "answer": "<p>2</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9367994, "answer": "<p>4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3193183, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 586, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2725764", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "586", "title": "To parenteser ganget med hinanden"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9333507, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>7</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>12</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333505, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>7</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333506, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>7</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333509, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333508, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>12</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333504, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 1571667, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En trekant har sidel\u00e6ngder p\u00e5 3, 5 og 8.</p><p>Dermed er trekanten:</p>", "lesson_id": 1078, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "526083", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1078", "title": "Pythagoras - Tjek om trekanten er retvinklet (omvendt Pythagoras)"}, "Topic": {"id": "106", "name": "Trekanter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 3821623, "answer": "<p>Retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3821625, "answer": "<p>Det kan man ikke udtale sig om.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3821624, "answer": "<p>Ikke retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4203351, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil starter p\u00e5 virksomhedens centrallager og k\u00f8rer derefter 282 km for at n\u00e5 frem til kunden med leverancen. Det tog i alt 6 timer at k\u00f8re turen.</p><p>Hvad var lastbilens gennemsnitshastighed?</p>", "lesson_id": 1050, "media_id": "622152", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3809589", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1050", "title": "Gennemsnitlig hastighed for en lastbil 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>km/t</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3173396, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 529, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2705977", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "529", "title": "Tal plus br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9238439, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>39</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9238441, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>38</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9238436, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>37</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9238440, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>40</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9238437, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>41</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9238438, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>36</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2344142, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilken br\u00f8k nedenfor giver 0,95?</p>", "lesson_id": 527, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2059442", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "527", "title": "Omskriv 0,2 til br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6844373, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>17</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844374, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>19</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844370, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844372, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>19</mn><mn>24</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844369, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>18</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844371, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>16</mn><mn>20</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3523175, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>14</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1253, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3055756", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1253", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser B1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10064394, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10064399, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10064397, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10064393, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10064396, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10064398, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10064395, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3524222, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>36</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1254, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3056803", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1254", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser B2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10071725, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071728, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071724, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071723, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071727, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071726, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10071722, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4331802, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Der ordineres <math><mn>100</mn><mi> ml</mi></math> Glukose <math><mn>15</mn><mi>%</mi></math> til en patient.</p><p>Infusionstiden er <math><mn>5</mn></math> timer.</p><p>Hvad er infusionshastigheden m\u00e5lt i mikroliter pr. minut (<math><mn>\u03bcl/minut</mn></math>) ?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2066, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-06-14 10:13:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2066", "title": "Infusionshastighed"}, "Topic": {"id": "152", "name": "Medicinsk matematik"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10859153, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>333</mn><mi> \u03bcl/minut</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10859152, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>5</mn><mi> \u03bcl/minut</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10859150, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>385</mn><mi> \u03bcl/minut</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10859149, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>150</mn><mi> \u03bcl/minut</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10859151, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>155</mn><mi> \u03bcl/minut</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4080364, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>6</mn></mrow><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1021, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383494", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1021", "title": "Division med br\u00f8k (n\u00e6vneren negativ)"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2674021, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1021</mn><mo>-</mo><mn>33</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1291, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2330856", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1291", "title": "1034 - 80 (4-cifret minus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7928812, "answer": "<p>993</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7928814, "answer": "<p>988</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7928817, "answer": "<p>981</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7928815, "answer": "<p>998</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7928816, "answer": "<p>978</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7928813, "answer": "<p>983</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3501878, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>7</mn></msup><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><msup><mn>10</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1149, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3034459", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1149", "title": "Division med potenser 3"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10009083, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10009084, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10009082, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>5</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10009085, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>9</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4407232, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>600</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>40</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1934, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4284088", "created": "2020-01-16 14:48:24", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1934", "title": "300 plus 60 plus 8"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 2447587, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvor lang er siden b?</p>", "lesson_id": 608, "media_id": "359706", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2353640", "created": "2018-03-07 07:53:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "608", "title": "Cosinus og den retvinklede trekant"}, "Topic": {"id": "16", "name": "Trigonometri"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "5453"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7456645, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4,4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456642, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4,1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456644, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4,6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456646, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456643, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4,9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456647, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2,7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4019410, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>100</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>10</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 915, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3303387", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "915", "title": "2 gange 400 plus 3 gange 50 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3881509, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvor mange meter (m) svarer 87 dm til?</p>", "lesson_id": 597, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3730041", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "597", "title": "Decimeter og meter (dm og m)"}, "Topic": {"id": "109", "name": "Omregning - L\u00e6ngdem\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3948696, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>79</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>54</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 500, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3213691", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "500", "title": "36 - 14 (2-cifret minus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2691337, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>b</mi></math> i den line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6ng, der g\u00e5r gennem punktet <math><mo>(</mo><mn>4</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>8</mn><mo>)</mo></math> og har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-2</mn></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1889, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1889", "title": "Bestem a og b med formel 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7989161, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>20</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7989164, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-4</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7989163, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>16</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7989162, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4014787, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>90</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>10</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 914, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3298764", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "914", "title": "2 gange 30 plus 4 gange 50 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3484928, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Figuren viser en kasse. Kassen har en l\u00e6ngde p\u00e5 3 cm, en bredde p\u00e5 4 cm og en h\u00f8jde p\u00e5 6 cm.</p><p>Hvor stort er rumfanget af kassen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1114, "media_id": "615512", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3017509", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1114", "title": "Rumfang af kasse i kubikcentimeter"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "16827"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9964083, "answer": "<p>96 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9964081, "answer": "<p>108 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9964086, "answer": "<p>60 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9964085, "answer": "<p>72 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9964082, "answer": "<p>84 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9964084, "answer": "<p>66 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4027778, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>15</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>16</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 916, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3311755", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "916", "title": "2 gange 15 plus 6 gange 11 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4066965, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1000</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>5,3219</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 954, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3366079", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "954", "title": "1000 gange decimaltal med 4 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2341162, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Beregn og forkort eventuelt:</p><p><math><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>:</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "lesson_id": 332, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1825752", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "332", "title": "Division med br\u00f8ker"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6827977, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6827979, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>6</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6827978, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6827976, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>6</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6827975, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4357791, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 701, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-07-31 14:14:07", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "701", "title": "\u00c6gte br\u00f8k til procent"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4076832, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Find v\u00e6rdien af udtrykket n\u00e5r a er lig med 16 og b er lig med 16.</p>", "lesson_id": 966, "media_id": "574659", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3379776", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "966", "title": "Find v\u00e6rdien af et udtryk (br\u00f8k, kvadrat og kvadratrod)"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11951"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3597870, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>19</mn><mi>%</mi><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1307, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3130451", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1307", "title": "Addition med procent og br\u00f8k (facit i decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10310197, "answer": "<p>0,46</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310202, "answer": "<p>0,39</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310198, "answer": "<p>0,51</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310201, "answer": "<p>0,43</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310200, "answer": "<p>0,4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310199, "answer": "<p>0,36</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10310203, "answer": "<p>0,44</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4147302, "type": 1, "question": "<p>I et tog er der b\u00e5de m\u00e6nd og kvinder. Der er 13 kvinder. I toget er der dobbelt s\u00e5 mange m\u00e6nd som kvinder.</p><p>Hvor mange m\u00e6nd er der i toget?</p>", "lesson_id": 1074, "media_id": "614001", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3770713", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1074", "title": "Passagerer i et tog - Dobbelt s\u00e5 mange og sum"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13137"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m\u00e6nd</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4034556, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>80</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>70</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 917, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3319797", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "917", "title": "5 gange 30 minus 2 gange 40 (Differens af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3530587, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Angiv summen af de to br\u00f8ker som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>100</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1302, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3063168", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1302", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (facit i decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10104545, "answer": "<p>0,49</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104544, "answer": "<p>0,51</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104546, "answer": "<p>0,55</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104543, "answer": "<p>0,6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104547, "answer": "<p>0,38</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104548, "answer": "<p>0,68</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10104549, "answer": "<p>0,47</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4420098, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>L\u00f8s ligningen</p><p><math><mn>5</mn><mo>+</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 2094, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2020-01-31 23:39:18", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2094", "title": "Ligning - Type 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 4074626, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Find v\u00e6rdien af udtrykket n\u00e5r a er lig med 2, b er lig med 6 og c er lig med -5.</p>", "lesson_id": 967, "media_id": "572233", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3377350", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "967", "title": "Find v\u00e6rdien af et udtryk (kvadrat, minus og gange)"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11947"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2447582, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvor lang er siden b?</p>", "lesson_id": 608, "media_id": "359701", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2353635", "created": "2018-03-07 07:53:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "608", "title": "Cosinus og den retvinklede trekant"}, "Topic": {"id": "16", "name": "Trigonometri"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "5448"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7456615, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5,1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456614, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2,9</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456613, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3,2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456617, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4,3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456616, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4,8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7456612, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4151792, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvis prisen p\u00e5 en vare er 400 kroner pr. styk og der s\u00e6lges 6 styk, da bliver oms\u00e6tningen:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3772826", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3189151, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>8</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>4</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 551, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2721732", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "551", "title": "Multiplikation med potenser 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9325544, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>12</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9325547, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9325546, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>40</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9325545, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9325542, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>3</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9325543, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9325541, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>5</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4061943, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>100</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>7,526</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 951, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3355837", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "951", "title": "100 gange decimaltal med 3 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3868478, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv 3,9% til decimaltal.</p>", "lesson_id": 706, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1154788", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "706", "title": "Omskriv procent til decimaltal (Tal under 100%)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4348766, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>P\u00e5 billedet ser du indholdsdeklarationen for en skiveost.</p></p><p><p>Hvor meget energi fra protein er der i <math><mn>100</mn><mi>g</mi></math> af varen?</p><p>Angiv svaret som et heltal.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2062, "media_id": "648790", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4331563", "created": "2019-06-26 23:16:25", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2062", "title": "Energifordeling i f\u00f8devarer"}, "Topic": {"id": "152", "name": "Medicinsk matematik"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "42356"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kJ</p>", "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 3175328, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mfrac><mi>x</mi><mn>8</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mn>10</mn><mo>=</mo><mn>13</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 588, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2707909", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "588", "title": "Ligning med br\u00f8ker 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9250032, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>40</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9250028, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>32</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9250029, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>24</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9250030, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9250033, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>16</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9250031, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>48</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 1445858, "type": 2, "question": "<p>35 er produktet af:</p>", "lesson_id": 655, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "389932", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "655", "title": "Produkt"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 3560919, "answer": "<p>7 og 4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3560920, "answer": "<p>16 og 19</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3560921, "answer": "<p>5 og 7</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4360139, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvordan omskriver man 8,4 til blandet tal?</p>", "lesson_id": 522, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-07-31 15:17:33", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "522", "title": "Omskriv 3,5 til blandet tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10942938, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10942942, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10942941, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10942940, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10942939, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10942943, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4383028, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv til procent:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 681, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3858790", "created": "2019-11-08 22:19:46", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "681", "title": "Decimaltal til procent (tal over 1)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2418607, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet forskriften:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvilket talpar passer i regneforskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 1192, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1966377", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1192", "title": "Unders\u00f8g om et talpar passer i en funktion 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7302808, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>4,8</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7302809, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>4,9</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4080161, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>54</mn><mo>:</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1018, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383291", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1018", "title": "Dividenden er negativ"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3173920, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen <math><mrow><mfrac><mi>x</mi><mn>4</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo><mn>10</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 587, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2706501", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "587", "title": "Ligning med br\u00f8ker 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9241585, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>40</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9241581, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>28</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9241580, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>36</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9241584, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>24</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9241583, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>44</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9241582, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>32</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4400997, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Prisen p\u00e5 hindb\u00e6r er 65 kroner pr. 5 kg.</p><p>Hvad koster 1 kg hindb\u00e6r?</p>", "lesson_id": 708, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3869743", "created": "2019-12-10 23:35:25", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "708", "title": "K\u00f8b af varer"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4088322, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvilket tal er 10 st\u00f8rre end 697?</p>", "lesson_id": 1038, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3399913", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1038", "title": "10 st\u00f8rre end 342"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3880813, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvor mange millimeter (mm) svarer 10 cm til?</p>", "lesson_id": 594, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3729345", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "594", "title": "Centimeter og millimeter (cm og mm)"}, "Topic": {"id": "109", "name": "Omregning - L\u00e6ngdem\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>mm</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3524406, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>8</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>63</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1255, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3056987", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1255", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10073012, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073016, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073014, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073013, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073015, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073010, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073011, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3524483, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s ligningen:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>25</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1255, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3057064", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1255", "title": "Ligninger med parenteser C1"}, "Topic": {"id": "15", "name": "Ligninger"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10073552, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073550, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073554, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073551, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>0</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073553, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073549, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10073555, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4064573, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1000</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>7,746</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 953, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3361077", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "953", "title": "1000 gange decimaltal med 3 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4127110, "type": 1, "question": "<p>I et tog er der 30 voksne og 14 b\u00f8rn. En voksenbillet koster 70 kroner pr. styk og en b\u00f8rnebillet koster 40 kroner pr. styk.</p><p>Hvor meget har passagererne i alt betalt for at k\u00f8re med toget?</p>", "lesson_id": 1061, "media_id": "595542", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3752247", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1061", "title": "Samlet betaling for passagererne i et tog"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13131"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4394095, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Forl\u00e6ng <math><mrow><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math> med 8.</p>", "lesson_id": 526, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2343520", "created": "2019-11-20 23:52:20", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "526", "title": "Forl\u00e6ng en br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11017963, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>35</mn><mn>49</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11017961, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11017964, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>50</mn><mn>70</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11017960, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>30</mn><mn>42</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11017962, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>40</mn><mn>56</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11017959, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>45</mn><mn>63</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2455795, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilket tegn skal der st\u00e5?</p>", "lesson_id": 897, "media_id": "367939", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1149867", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "897", "title": "St\u00f8rre end - Mindre end - Lig med (Divisionsstykker)"}, "Topic": {"id": "108", "name": "Udsagn"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "10020"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7470092, "answer": "<p><</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7470094, "answer": "<p>></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7470093, "answer": "<p>=</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4400987, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Prisen p\u00e5 hindb\u00e6r er 96 kroner pr. 4 kg.</p><p>Hvad koster 1 kg hindb\u00e6r?</p>", "lesson_id": 708, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3869733", "created": "2019-12-10 23:35:25", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "708", "title": "K\u00f8b af varer"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4250442, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvor meget er 175% af 400 kroner?</p>", "lesson_id": 1349, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3820264", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1349", "title": "Procent af et bel\u00f8b 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2344166, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvilken br\u00f8k nedenfor giver 0,92?</p>", "lesson_id": 527, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2059465", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "527", "title": "Omskriv 0,2 til br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6844513, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>23</mn><mn>30</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844516, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>12,5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844514, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>23</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844517, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>22</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844515, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>20</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6844518, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>21</mn><mn>25</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3500094, "type": 2, "question": "<p>15 dm + 80 cm =</p>", "lesson_id": 1133, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3032675", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1133", "title": "2 dm plus 30 cm (svar i dm)"}, "Topic": {"id": "109", "name": "Omregning - L\u00e6ngdem\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10005598, "answer": "<p>95 dm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10005595, "answer": "<p>1580 dm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10005593, "answer": "<p>1508 dm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10005599, "answer": "<p>80 dm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10005597, "answer": "<p>23 dm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10005596, "answer": "<p>2,3 dm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10005594, "answer": "<p>230 dm</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2691947, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem <math><mi>b</mi></math> i den line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6ng, der g\u00e5r gennem punktet <math><mo>(</mo><mn>8</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>6</mn><mo>)</mo></math> og har h\u00e6ldningskoefficienten <math><mi>a</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>-3</mn></math>.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1889, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-16 22:51:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1889", "title": "Bestem a og b med formel 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7991601, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>26</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7991602, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>11</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7991603, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7991604, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>30</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3888892, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>94</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>100</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>100</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 741, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2562673", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "741", "title": "Gange et helt tal med 100"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3507131, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>24</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1163, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3039712", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1163", "title": "Opl\u00f8sning af potensudtryk"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10023182, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023184, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023186, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023183, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023181, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023185, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>8</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>3</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3574718, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Angiv svaret som procent:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>0,74</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>0,02</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1305, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3107299", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1305", "title": "Addition med decimaltal (facit i procent)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10244966, "answer": "<p>86%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10244965, "answer": "<p>63%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10244968, "answer": "<p>80%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10244967, "answer": "<p>76%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10244970, "answer": "<p>82%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10244969, "answer": "<p>68%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10244971, "answer": "<p>73%</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2560610, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>18</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msqrt><mn>81</mn></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 694, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1840081", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "694", "title": "Tal ganget med en kvadratrod"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7666250, "answer": "<p>144</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7666249, "answer": "<p>108</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7666246, "answer": "<p>162</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7666247, "answer": "<p>90</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7666251, "answer": "<p>180</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7666248, "answer": "<p>126</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4147186, "type": 1, "question": "<p>I et tog er der b\u00e5de m\u00e6nd og kvinder. Der er 40 m\u00e6nd. I toget er der halvt s\u00e5 mange kvinder som m\u00e6nd.</p><p>Hvor mange passagerer er der i alt i toget?</p>", "lesson_id": 1069, "media_id": "428611", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3770597", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1069", "title": "Passagerer i et tog - Halvt s\u00e5 mange og sum"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13137"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>passagerer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4080355, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>6</mn></mrow><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1021, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383485", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1021", "title": "Division med br\u00f8k (n\u00e6vneren negativ)"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3471698, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Figuren viser en skitse af en retvinklet trekant.</p><p>Hvor mange grader er vinkel A (regn eksakt undervejs og afrund f\u00f8rst til sidst!)?</p>", "lesson_id": 674, "media_id": "613104", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3004279", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "674", "title": "Find en vinkel i en retvinklet trekant med sinus"}, "Topic": {"id": "16", "name": "Trigonometri"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "14077"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9916148, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>38,1</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9916150, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>32,1</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9916146, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>34,9</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9916147, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>46,2</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9916152, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>42,5</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9916151, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>40</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9916149, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>48,9</mn><mo>\u00b0</mo></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3961347, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 883, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3234310", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "883", "title": "Regn t\u00e6ller og n\u00e6vner og divid\u00e9r"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4027806, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>16</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>16</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 916, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3311783", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "916", "title": "2 gange 15 plus 6 gange 11 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4389106, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil starter p\u00e5 virksomhedens centrallager og k\u00f8rer derefter 252 km for at n\u00e5 frem til kunden med leverancen. Det tog i alt 6 timer at k\u00f8re turen.</p><p>Hvad var lastbilens gennemsnitshastighed?</p>", "lesson_id": 1050, "media_id": "663080", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4203326", "created": "2019-11-14 00:46:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1050", "title": "Gennemsnitlig hastighed for en lastbil 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>km/t</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4080203, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo>:</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1019, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3383333", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1019", "title": "Divisor er negativ"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2443482, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad er koordinaterne til punkt A?</p>", "lesson_id": 533, "media_id": "355601", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1153904", "created": "2018-03-07 07:49:45", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "533", "title": "Punkt med negativ koordinat"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "2993"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7451201, "answer": "<p>(-5 , 2)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7451202, "answer": "<p>(-3 , -4)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7451200, "answer": "<p>(-4 , -3)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7451204, "answer": "<p>(2 , -5)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7451203, "answer": "<p>(4 , -2)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7451205, "answer": "<p>(-2 , 4)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2396819, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Find l\u00f8sningen til ligningssystemet:</p><p><math><mtable columnalign=\"left\"><mtr><mtd><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mtd></mtr><mtr><mtd><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>9</mn></mtd></mtr></mtable></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1076, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1942187", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1076", "title": "Ligningssystemer - S\u00e6t h\u00f8jresiderne lig hinanden 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "126", "name": "Ligningssystemer"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7156419, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>6</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>60</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7156418, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>57</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7156421, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>58</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7156417, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>9</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>59</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7156420, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>8</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>57</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7156416, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>7</mn><mtext> og </mtext><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>58</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4148696, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En familie skal p\u00e5 ferie og k\u00f8rer afsted i bil med deres campingvogn. Fra hjemmet k\u00f8rer de f\u00f8rst 40 km til punkt A. Derefter k\u00f8rer de fra punkt A til punkt B. Den tur er 320 km. Fra punkt B til feriem\u00e5let er der 120 km.</p><p>Familiens bil kan k\u00f8re 20 km pr. liter benzin.</p><p>Hvor mange liter benzin bruger familien p\u00e5 at k\u00f8re turen fra familiens hjem over punkt A og punkt B og til feriem\u00e5let?</p>", "lesson_id": 1065, "media_id": "430121", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3772107", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1065", "title": "Forbrug af br\u00e6ndstof p\u00e5 en k\u00f8retur"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13136"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>liter</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3176008, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvordan omskriver man 5,5 til blandet tal?</p>", "lesson_id": 522, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2708589", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "522", "title": "Omskriv 3,5 til blandet tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9254113, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9254109, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9254111, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9254112, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9254108, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9254110, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mstyle></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3927594, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3,8</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>4,9</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 495, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3200178", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "495", "title": "3,9 + 2,5 (plus med decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4397069, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mn>12</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 847, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4396442", "created": "2019-11-21 23:50:47", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "847", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (find f\u00e6llesn\u00e6vner og forkort)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11026058, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>18</mn><mrow><mn>20</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11026059, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>19</mn><mrow><mn>20</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11026057, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>19</mn><mrow><mn>17</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11026055, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>37</mn><mrow><mn>40</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11026054, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>18</mn><mrow><mn>17</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11026056, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>35</mn><mrow><mn>40</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2443493, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad er koordinaterne til punkt C?</p>", "lesson_id": 533, "media_id": "355612", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "77382", "created": "2018-03-07 07:49:45", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "533", "title": "Punkt med negativ koordinat"}, "Topic": {"id": "90", "name": "Koordinatsystemet"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "2996"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7451266, "answer": "<p>(-2 , -5)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7451267, "answer": "<p>(-3 , 3)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7451268, "answer": "<p>(3 , -3)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7451270, "answer": "<p>(-5 , -2)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7451269, "answer": "<p>(2 , -4)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7451271, "answer": "<p>(-4 , 2)</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3518016, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En t-shirt koster 500 kroner.</p><p>Man kan f\u00e5 60% i rabat, n\u00e5r man k\u00f8ber t-shirten.</p><p>Hvor stor er rabatten i kroner?</p>", "lesson_id": 1220, "media_id": "618573", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3050597", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1220", "title": "Find rabatbel\u00f8bet"}, "Topic": {"id": "82", "name": "Procentregning"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "19143"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10046821, "answer": "<p>300 kroner</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10046825, "answer": "<p>290 kroner</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10046826, "answer": "<p>310 kroner</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10046824, "answer": "<p>280 kroner</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10046823, "answer": "<p>330 kroner</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10046822, "answer": "<p>320 kroner</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4106782, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvilket tal er 100 mindre end 2565?</p>", "lesson_id": 1042, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3429912", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1042", "title": "100 mindre end 3721"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4136715, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Christine er i sv\u00f8mmehallen. En bane i sv\u00f8mmebassinet er 50 meter lang. Christine sv\u00f8mmer i alt 20 baner.</p><p>Hvor mange meter sv\u00f8mmer Christine i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1072, "media_id": "604064", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3760991", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1072", "title": "Find den sv\u00f8mmede distance"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13140"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4420175, "type": 1, "question": "<p><p>Hvor meget energi er der i <math><mn>4</mn><mi> g</mi></math> fedt ?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2062, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2020-01-31 23:39:18", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2062", "title": "Energifordeling i f\u00f8devarer"}, "Topic": {"id": "152", "name": "Medicinsk matematik"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "kJ", "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 2521543, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Figuren er lavet af centicubes.</p><p>Hvor stort er rumfanget af figuren?</p>", "lesson_id": 1107, "media_id": "433883", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "568482", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1107", "title": "Rumfang af figur med centicubes"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "15964"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7601879, "answer": "<p>5 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7601878, "answer": "<p>7 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7601877, "answer": "<p>9 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7601880, "answer": "<p>6 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7601876, "answer": "<p>8 cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4383032, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv til procent:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 681, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3858794", "created": "2019-11-08 22:19:46", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "681", "title": "Decimaltal til procent (tal over 1)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4070203, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mstyle scriptlevel=\"+1\"><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mstyle><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 963, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3740171", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "963", "title": "Omskriv et blandet tal til procent"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4066605, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1000</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>1,3255</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 954, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3365719", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "954", "title": "1000 gange decimaltal med 4 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4349904, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 846, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3195328", "created": "2019-07-02 23:15:46", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "846", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (uden samme n\u00e6vner)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10916019, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mrow><mn>11</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10916020, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>17</mn><mrow><mn>30</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10916021, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>11</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10916018, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>18</mn><mrow><mn>30</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10916022, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>19</mn><mrow><mn>30</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10916023, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mrow><mn>11</mn></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4033368, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>73</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>41</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>8</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 919, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3318609", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "919", "title": "Parenteser med minus og Division"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4136659, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Christine er i sv\u00f8mmehallen. En bane i sv\u00f8mmebassinet er 25 meter lang. Christine sv\u00f8mmer i alt 4 baner.</p><p>Hvor mange meter sv\u00f8mmer Christine i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1072, "media_id": "604008", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3760935", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1072", "title": "Find den sv\u00f8mmede distance"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13140"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>m</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4366226, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Hvor mange euro er der i alt?</p>", "lesson_id": 2028, "media_id": "655939", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "4347888", "created": "2019-09-01 23:19:16", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2028", "title": "T\u00e6l euro med 50-cent, 1-euro og 2-euro 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "125", "name": "Penge, \u00f8konomi og valuta"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "41543"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>euro</p>", "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 3188920, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>9</mn></msup><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>3</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 552, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2721501", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "552", "title": "Division med potenser"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9323930, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>9</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323926, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>6</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323925, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>27</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323924, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323929, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>12</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323928, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>8</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323927, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>7</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3188841, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>9</mn></msup><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 552, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2721422", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "552", "title": "Division med potenser"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9323373, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>8</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323374, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>6</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323376, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>7</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323371, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>18</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323377, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>9</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323372, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>5</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9323375, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>11</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3978210, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msqrt><mrow><mn>33</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>24</mn></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 693, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3249761", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "693", "title": "Kvadratroden af et udtryk"}, "Topic": {"id": "115", "name": "Talforst\u00e5else"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2418751, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Der er givet forskriften:</p><p><math><mrow><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>21</mn></mrow></math></p><p>Hvilket talpar passer i regneforskriften?</p>", "lesson_id": 1192, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1966521", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1192", "title": "Unders\u00f8g om et talpar passer i en funktion 2"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7303380, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>4,25</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303381, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>4,24</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303382, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>4,26</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7303383, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>4,23</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3951952, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>7</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow><mn>5</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 881, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3217235", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "881", "title": "Regn t\u00e6lleren og divid\u00e9r"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4394205, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren.</p><p>Hvor stor en del af figuren er farvet gr\u00f8n (angiv svaret i procent)?</p>", "lesson_id": 714, "media_id": "664677", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3890359", "created": "2019-11-20 23:52:20", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "714", "title": "Farvet andel af en figur"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "5634"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>%</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4358050, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>5</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>5</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 550, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-07-31 14:14:07", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "550", "title": "Multiplikation med potenser 1"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10936575, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>13</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10936574, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>9</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10936572, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>8</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10936576, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>11</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10936571, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>10</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10936573, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>9</mn><mn>12</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4332453, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem v\u00e6gtprocenten (w/w) for en creme p\u00e5 <math><mn>7</mn><mo> </mo><mi>g</mi></math> der indeholder <math><mn>275</mn><mo> </mo><mi>mg</mi></math> virksomt stof.</p></p>", "lesson_id": 2072, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-06-14 10:13:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "2072", "title": "V\u00e6gtprocent (w/w)"}, "Topic": {"id": "152", "name": "Medicinsk matematik"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10862616, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>25,5</mn><mo>%</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10862614, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>3,9</mn><mo>%</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10862613, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>4,3</mn><mo>%</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10862612, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>25,5</mn><mo>%</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10862615, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>0,19</mn><mo>%</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4026182, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>17</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>13</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 916, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3310159", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "916", "title": "2 gange 15 plus 6 gange 11 (Sum af to produkter)"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4075179, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Find v\u00e6rdien af udtrykket n\u00e5r a er lig med 9, b er lig med 4 og c er lig med -9.</p>", "lesson_id": 967, "media_id": "572786", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3377903", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "967", "title": "Find v\u00e6rdien af et udtryk (kvadrat, minus og gange)"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11947"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3184532, "type": 2, "question": "<p>L\u00f8s uligheden <math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>10</mn><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>22</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 634, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2717113", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "634", "title": "3x + 4 <= 13"}, "Topic": {"id": "121", "name": "Uligheder"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9296958, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9296956, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9296959, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>7</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9296957, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9296960, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2265</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9296961, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>\u2264</mo><mn>6</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3507109, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1163, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3039690", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1163", "title": "Opl\u00f8sning af potensudtryk"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10023050, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>2</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023053, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>2</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023052, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>2</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023054, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023051, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>5</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>2</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10023049, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>2</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4163249, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Figuren er lavet af centicubes.</p><p>Hvor stort er rumfanget af figuren?</p>", "lesson_id": 1107, "media_id": "433824", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3779827", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1107", "title": "Rumfang af figur med centicubes"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "15905"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4156472, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Kassen er lavet af centicubes.</p><p>Hvor stort er rumfanget af kassen?</p>", "lesson_id": 1108, "media_id": "431704", "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3773150", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1108", "title": "Rumfang af kasse lavet af centicubes med to lag"}, "Topic": {"id": "93", "name": "Rumfang"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "16101"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>cm<sup>3</sup></p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 1086137, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En trekant har sidel\u00e6ngder p\u00e5 3, 4 og 6.</p><p>Dermed er trekanten:</p>", "lesson_id": 1078, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1070074", "created": "2017-08-03 12:28:56", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1078", "title": "Pythagoras - Tjek om trekanten er retvinklet (omvendt Pythagoras)"}, "Topic": {"id": "106", "name": "Trekanter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 2762366, "answer": "<p>Retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 2762365, "answer": "<p>Ikke retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 2762367, "answer": "<p>Det kan man ikke udtale sig om.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2429303, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mtext> L</mtext><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn><mtext> dL</mtext><mo>+</mo><mn>8</mn><mtext> dL</mtext><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1316, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2262944", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1316", "title": "Liter plus deciliter (svar i L)"}, "Topic": {"id": "111", "name": "Omregning - Rumm\u00e5l"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7370061, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3,4</mn><mtext> L</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7370064, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3,3</mn><mtext> L</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7370065, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3,1</mn><mtext> L</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7370063, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3,5</mn><mtext> L</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7370062, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2,9</mn><mtext> L</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7370060, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3,7</mn><mtext> L</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7370066, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>3,9</mn><mtext> L</mtext></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3714870, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Sammenh\u00e6ngen mellem arealet <math><mi>S</mi></math> og radius <math><mi>b</mi></math> i en cirkel kan skrives som <math><mi>S</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>\u03c0</mi><mo>\u00b7</mo><msup><mi>b</mi><mn>2</mn></msup></math>. <br/> Hvad er de variable?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1844, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3694948", "created": "2019-03-26 17:01:40", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1844", "title": "Variable"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10681048, "answer": "<p><math><mi>\u03c0</mi></math> og <math><mn>2</mn></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10681045, "answer": "<p><math><mi>b</mi></math> og <math><mn>2</mn></math>.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10681049, "answer": "<p><math><mi>S</mi></math> og <math><mi>b</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10681046, "answer": "<p><math><mi>S</mi></math> og <math><mi>\u03c0</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10681047, "answer": "<p><math><mi>b</mi></math> og <math><mi>\u03c0</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2691083, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Bestem toppunktet for andengradspolynomiet</p><p><math><mi>f</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>x</mi><mo>)</mo><mo>=</mo><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>-</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1906, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-04-14 23:08:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1906", "title": "Andengradspolynomiet - Bestem toppunkt (eksempel)"}, "Topic": {"id": "47", "name": "Polynomier"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7988479, "answer": "<p><p><math><mo>(</mo><mn>5</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>1</mn><mo>)</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7988481, "answer": "<p><p><math><mo>(</mo><mn>1</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>-2</mn><mo>)</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7988480, "answer": "<p><p><math><mo>(</mo><mn>1</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>3</mn><mo>)</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7988478, "answer": "<p><p><math><mo>(</mo><mn>2</mn><mo> </mo><mo>,</mo><mo> </mo><mn>2</mn><mo>)</mo></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4369282, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad er sandsynligheden for at tr\u00e6kke hjerter 5 eller hjerter dame blandt de viste kort?</p>", "lesson_id": 858, "media_id": "658594", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3657426", "created": "2019-09-06 23:29:48", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "858", "title": "Sandsynlighed som br\u00f8k med kort"}, "Topic": {"id": "100", "name": "Chance og sandsynlighed"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13017"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10967953, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10967955, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10967954, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>6</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10967956, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10967952, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>8</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3193166, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 586, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2725747", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "586", "title": "To parenteser ganget med hinanden"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9333403, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333402, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333404, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333407, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333405, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333406, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3501873, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>6</mn></msup><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><msup><mn>10</mn><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1149, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3034454", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1149", "title": "Division med potenser 3"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10009064, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>9</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10009062, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>3</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10009063, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>4</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10009065, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>8</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4390360, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>L\u00f8s udtrykket:</p></p><p><p><math><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac><mo>\u00b7</mo><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1301, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2676463", "created": "2019-11-14 00:46:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1301", "title": "Multiplikation med br\u00f8ker (forkort facit)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11006610, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>18</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11006611, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>14</mn><mn>13</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11006613, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11006612, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mn>13</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2439992, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Se godt p\u00e5 figuren og find det rigtige udsagn:</p>", "lesson_id": 329, "media_id": "352104", "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "57238", "created": "2018-03-07 07:46:15", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "329", "title": "Linjens h\u00e6ldning"}, "Topic": {"id": "81", "name": "Linjens ligning"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "815"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7434537, "answer": "<p>Linjen har negativ h\u00e6ldning</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434536, "answer": "<p>Man kan ikke sige, om linjen har positiv eller negativ h\u00e6ldning</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7434535, "answer": "<p>Linjen har positiv h\u00e6ldning</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 1594688, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Oms\u00e6tningen for en vare er 80 kroner.</p><p>Find det rigtige udsagn:</p>", "lesson_id": 850, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "552773", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "850", "title": "Oms\u00e6tning som pris gange m\u00e6ngde (antal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 3942142, "answer": "<p>Prisen er 8 kroner pr. styk og der bliver solgt 10 styk.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3942141, "answer": "<p>Prisen er 10 kroner pr. styk og der bliver solgt 7 styk.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3942143, "answer": "<p>Prisen er 7 kroner pr. styk og der bliver solgt 13 styk.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4029848, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>100</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>74</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 920, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3313825", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "920", "title": "100 minus et tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3587275, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>6</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>10</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1296, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3119856", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1296", "title": "Tal mellem 1.000 og 9.999 som tierpotenser 6"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10285943, "answer": "<p>6173</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10285941, "answer": "<p>6170</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10285939, "answer": "<p>6103</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10285940, "answer": "<p>61703</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10285938, "answer": "<p>60173</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10285942, "answer": "<p>61073</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10285944, "answer": "<p>61730</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3921872, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>3</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 843, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3193576", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "843", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (to faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4209022, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Angiv summen af de to br\u00f8ker som decimaltal:</p><p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>100</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1302, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3530609", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1302", "title": "Addition med br\u00f8ker (facit i decimaltal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2529820, "type": 2, "question": "<p>I koordinatsystemet ser du grafen for en funktion.</p><p>Passer koordinats\u00e6ttet <math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>1,2</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math> p\u00e5 funktionens graf?</p>", "lesson_id": 1195, "media_id": "442165", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1655175", "created": "2018-03-07 07:54:50", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1195", "title": "Graf og punkt"}, "Topic": {"id": "68", "name": "Funktioner"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "18663"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7620854, "answer": "<p>Ja</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7620853, "answer": "<p>Nej</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2690954, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>L\u00f8s udtrykket:</p></p><p><p><math><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac><mo>\u00b7</mo><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>8</mn></mfrac></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1301, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2690747", "created": "2018-04-14 23:08:00", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1301", "title": "Multiplikation med br\u00f8ker (forkort facit)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 7987860, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987858, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>16</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987859, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>8</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 7987861, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3317379, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>36</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>5</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 919, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2849960", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "919", "title": "Parenteser med minus og Division"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9622951, "answer": "<p>5</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9622955, "answer": "<p>4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9622953, "answer": "<p>8</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9622954, "answer": "<p>3</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9622952, "answer": "<p>7</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9622950, "answer": "<p>6</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2697509, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvad er ligningen for linjen <math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503877", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32984"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004845, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>x</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004846, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004844, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>y</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>-</mi><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3190955, "type": 2, "question": "<p>S\u00e6t 7 udenfor parentes i <math><mrow><mn>35</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>21</mn><mi>y</mi></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 801, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2723536", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "801", "title": "S\u00e6t udenfor parentes"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9333150, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>5</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333152, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333151, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>3</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9333153, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>5</mn><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn><mi>y</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4308795, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Reduc\u00e9r udtrykket:</p><p><math><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>2</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 402, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1821706", "created": "2019-05-14 23:18:59", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "402", "title": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10791082, "answer": "<p>32</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10791081, "answer": "<p>28</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10791080, "answer": "<p>36</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10791079, "answer": "<p>20</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10791078, "answer": "<p>43</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4039239, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>113</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>195</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>262</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 922, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3324480", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "922", "title": "231 + 395 + 186 (Sum med tre 3-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3877661, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Lars skal bage en kage. I opskriften st\u00e5r der, at der skal bruges 1,5 dL s\u00f8dm\u00e6lk til 1 portion.</p><p>Hvor mange dL s\u00f8dm\u00e6lk skal der bruges, hvis Lars vil lave 5 portioner?</p>", "lesson_id": 659, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3727122", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "659", "title": "Opskrift p\u00e5 dobbelt s\u00e5 meget"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>dL s\u00f8dm\u00e6lk</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3877667, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Ole skal bage en kage. I opskriften st\u00e5r der, at der skal bruges 7,5 dL s\u00f8dm\u00e6lk til 1 portion.</p><p>Hvor mange dL s\u00f8dm\u00e6lk skal der bruges, hvis Ole vil lave 5 portioner?</p>", "lesson_id": 659, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3727128", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "659", "title": "Opskrift p\u00e5 dobbelt s\u00e5 meget"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>dL s\u00f8dm\u00e6lk</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4121091, "type": 1, "question": "<p>En lastbil har k\u00f8rt en rute, hvor der er benyttet 11 liter diesel til turen. Desuden ved chauff\u00f8ren, at lastbilen k\u00f8rer 14 km pr. liter diesel.</p><p>Hvor mange km har lastbilen k\u00f8rt?</p>", "lesson_id": 1047, "media_id": "591620", "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3746957", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1047", "title": "Antal k\u00f8rte km for lastbil ud fra dieselforbrug"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "13123"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kilometer</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4357667, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>8</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>6</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 843, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2019-07-31 14:14:07", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "843", "title": "Multiplikation med negative tal (to faktorer)"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3973412, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>248</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>51</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 492, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3244963", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "492", "title": "273 + 51 (3-cifret plus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2197442, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>60</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>30</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 514, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1910577", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "514", "title": "30 gange 20"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6365017, "answer": "<p>18000</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6365014, "answer": "<p>3600</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6365018, "answer": "<p>1800</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6365015, "answer": "<p>180</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6365016, "answer": "<p>900</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2339023, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Gang de to br\u00f8ker med hinanden, og forkort evt. resultatet:</p><p><math><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac><mo>\u22c5</mo><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>9</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "lesson_id": 331, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1815956", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "331", "title": "Gange med br\u00f8ker (multiplikation)"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6817282, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>7</mn><mn>16</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6817283, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>28</mn><mn>27</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6817284, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mn>10</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6817280, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>21</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6817281, "answer": "<p><math><mfrac><mn>5</mn><mn>21</mn></mfrac></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4413889, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvad kan udtrykket <math><mfrac><mi>k</mi><mi>k</mi></mfrac></math> reduceres til?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1990, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3696323", "created": "2020-01-16 14:48:24", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1990", "title": "Algebra - Division"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 11077917, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>1</mn></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11077916, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>0,5</mn><mi>k</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11077919, "answer": "<p><p><math><mn>2</mn><mi>k</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11077920, "answer": "<p><math><mi>k</mi></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11077915, "answer": "<p><math><mn>0</mn></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 11077918, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>t</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4276455, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1020</mn><mo>-</mo><mn>41</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1291, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2674613", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1291", "title": "1034 - 80 (4-cifret minus 2-cifret)"}, "Topic": {"id": "112", "name": "Minus (Subtraktion)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": true}}, {"Question": {"id": 4064284, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>1000</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>4,537</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 953, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3360788", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "953", "title": "1000 gange decimaltal med 3 decimaler"}, "Topic": {"id": "95", "name": "Gange (Multiplikation)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3617696, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>9</mn><mo>:</mo><mfrac><mn>2</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1371, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3150277", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1371", "title": "Tal divideret med br\u00f8k - Facit som br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 10370266, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>27</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370267, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>54</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370263, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>11</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370268, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>13</mn></mrow><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 7, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370264, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>18</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370262, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>11</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 10370265, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow><mn>6</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3869239, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Omskriv 97,5% til decimaltal.</p>", "lesson_id": 706, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1198986", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "706", "title": "Omskriv procent til decimaltal (Tal under 100%)"}, "Topic": {"id": "97", "name": "Br\u00f8ker, decimaltal og procent"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2077129, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Hvad er f\u00e6llesn\u00e6vneren for br\u00f8kerne <math><mrow><mfrac><mn>4</mn><mn>7</mn></mfrac></mrow></math> og <math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math> ?</p>", "lesson_id": 532, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1278504", "created": "2018-01-09 15:06:34", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "532", "title": "F\u00e6llesn\u00e6vner"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6145899, "answer": "<p>49</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6145896, "answer": "<p>26</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6145895, "answer": "<p>42</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6145898, "answer": "<p>28</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6145900, "answer": "<p>27</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6145897, "answer": "<p>35</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4055129, "type": 1, "question": "<p>Gryder koster 299 kroner pr. styk.</p><p>En kok k\u00f8ber 5 gryder.</p><p>Hvad er den samlede udgift?</p>", "lesson_id": 685, "media_id": "565792", "active": true, "point": 5, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3736585", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "685", "title": "Udgift som pris gange antal"}, "Topic": {"id": "122", "name": "Faglig l\u00e6sning - Tekstopgaver"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "11124"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": "<p>kroner</p>", "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4238363, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>4</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>7</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mn>3</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><mn>7</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1270, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 4, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3581528", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1270", "title": "Tal mellem 10.000 og 99.999 som tierpotenser 7"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 4039105, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>473</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>142</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>242</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 922, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3324346", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "922", "title": "231 + 395 + 186 (Sum med tre 3-cifrede tal)"}, "Topic": {"id": "94", "name": "Plus (Addition)"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 2036588, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Produktet af to primtal er 26.</p><p>Hvad er summen af de to primtal?</p>", "lesson_id": 1162, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1964172", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1162", "title": "Find summen af to primtal"}, "Topic": {"id": "128", "name": "De fire regningsarter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6005268, "answer": "<p>15</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6005269, "answer": "<p>11</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6005270, "answer": "<p>18</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6005267, "answer": "<p>22</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6005266, "answer": "<p>19</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6005271, "answer": "<p>14</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2261176, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mn>0,74</mn><mo>:</mo><mn>100</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 1313, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "1980222", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1313", "title": "0,86 divideret med 100"}, "Topic": {"id": "113", "name": "Division"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6572664, "answer": "<p>0,0074</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6572666, "answer": "<p>0,000074</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6572665, "answer": "<p>0,074</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6572661, "answer": "<p>74</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6572662, "answer": "<p>7,4</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6572663, "answer": "<p>0,00074</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2697504, "type": 2, "question": "<p><p>Hvilken linje har konstantleddet <math><mi>b</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></math>?</p></p>", "lesson_id": 1892, "media_id": "503872", "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": null, "created": "2018-05-10 23:09:35", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1892", "title": "Bevis formel for b"}, "Topic": {"id": "145", "name": "Line\u00e6re sammenh\u00e6nge"}, "Media": {"type": 1, "type_id": "32984"}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 8004830, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>h</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004829, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>g</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1, "correct": null}}, {"Answer": {"id": 8004831, "answer": "<p><p><math><mi>f</mi></math></p></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3, "correct": null}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 3297388, "type": 2, "question": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 913, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2829969", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "913", "title": "Et produkt opl\u00f8ftet i en eksponent"}, "Topic": {"id": "35", "name": "Potenser"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9612360, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>\u22c5</mo><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9612359, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>+</mo><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9612361, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mrow><msup><mn>4</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow><mrow><msup><mn>5</mn><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9612358, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>4</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mn>5</mn></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 1571706, "type": 2, "question": "<p>En trekant har sidel\u00e6ngder p\u00e5 4, 8 og 5.</p><p>Dermed er trekanten:</p>", "lesson_id": 1078, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 2, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "526125", "created": "2018-01-07 09:29:29", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "1078", "title": "Pythagoras - Tjek om trekanten er retvinklet (omvendt Pythagoras)"}, "Topic": {"id": "106", "name": "Trekanter"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 3821740, "answer": "<p>Ikke retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3821742, "answer": "<p>Retvinklet</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 3821741, "answer": "<p>Det kan man ikke udtale sig om.</p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 4032228, "type": 1, "question": "<p><math><mrow><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>19</mn><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>9</mn></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow><mtext> </mtext><mo>:</mo><mtext> </mtext><mn>2</mn><mo>=</mo></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 919, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "3317469", "created": "2019-04-10 06:59:05", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "919", "title": "Parenteser med minus og Division"}, "Topic": {"id": "86", "name": "Reduktion med tal"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "Answer": {"unit": null, "string_validation": false}}, {"Question": {"id": 3190691, "type": 2, "question": "<p>S\u00e6t 2 udenfor parentes i <math><mrow><mn>10</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>12</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow></math></p>", "lesson_id": 801, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 1, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2723272", "created": "2018-05-17 23:14:13", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "801", "title": "S\u00e6t udenfor parentes"}, "Topic": {"id": "103", "name": "Algebraiske udtryk"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 9332101, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>6</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9332099, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>5</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>6</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9332100, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>6</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 9332098, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>\u22c5</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mrow><mn>5</mn><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>5</mn><mi>b</mi></mrow><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}]}, {"Question": {"id": 2342909, "type": 2, "question": "<p>Forkort <math><mrow><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mn>12</mn></mfrac></mrow></math> med 3.</p>", "lesson_id": 525, "media_id": null, "active": true, "point": 3, "public": true, "independent": "1", "is_head": "1", "parent_id": "2058209", "created": "2018-03-02 15:26:38", "updated": "9999-01-01 01:00:00"}, "Lesson": {"id": "525", "title": "Forkorte en br\u00f8k"}, "Topic": {"id": "85", "name": "Br\u00f8ker og br\u00f8kregneregler"}, "Media": {"type": 0, "type_id": null}, "UserMedia": {"type": null, "identifier": null}, "answers": [{"Answer": {"id": 6836974, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>27</mn><mn>36</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 4}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6836971, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>2</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 1}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6836975, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>5</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 5}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6836973, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>12</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 3}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6836972, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>9</mn><mn>12</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 2}}, {"Answer": {"id": 6836976, "answer": "<p><math><mrow><mfrac><mn>3</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></mrow></math></p>", "media_id": null, "sequence": 6}}]}]}
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