
FoE RPG G0 - #010 House: The Chosen Path

Apr 12th, 2013
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  1. [20:53]? Royal_Lace sighs as she poofs back into the inside of Nick Nacks room, letting out a breath she had been holding since Wintergreen first pulled out the nail and held it to the slavers neck.
  2. [20:56]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack's room is just as full of useless trinkets as ever. The mare herself lies on the floor, frazzled by all that happened
  3. [20:59]? Royal_Lace trots to the window and peers out into the night where she had been moments ago, where her friends were standing now certainly reading her letter. A tear rolls down her face as she tries to hold in her emotions a bit longer but fails. She had been so close. Without turning she addresses her mistress again, "Im... truthfully sorry you had to experience that"
  4. [21:02]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack tries to say something but only manages to whimper slightly.
  5. [21:04]? Royal_Lace sucks in a deep breath of air and whipes her tears away, pushing her emotions deeper down into the pit of gut before turning back to Knick Nack, "I... I wont leave, I want too but... I never wanted to leave like that, hurting somepony... but I can understand why they did it, they were scared and saw a chance to escape to a better life... and they took it, thats all. But still Im sorry they did that to you Miss"
  6. [21:05]<Royal_Lace> and they took it, thats all. But still Im sorry they did that to you Miss"
  7. [21:07]* Notify: ThePrettiestFilly is offline (Canternet).
  8. [21:08]<SpiritOfFate> "But... I... even..." She blinks, scrunching up her face. " was right."
  9. [21:14]<Royal_Lace> "Right about what?", asks Lace as she trots closer and sits with Nick Nack
  10. [21:16]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack's face contorts into tearful rage. "I tried to be nice, and you don't even care! You just want to run away, and I picked you and paid a lot and all, and I went there to watch you, and I gave you pony food, and you just want to run away anyway!"
  11. [21:19]? Royal_Lace eyes tear up at the sight of Nick Nacks rage, "Miss... I... I dont know what to say but yes, they wanted to run away. They had there own reasons each but they saw a chance to escape a cage and took it. But they did not mean to hurt you... They did it for themselves Miss, for freedom, something they all take very seriously as all slaves do".
  12. [21:19]? Royal_Lace attempts to hug Nick Nack
  13. [21:22]? SpiritOfFate lets herself to be hugged but doesn't say anything. "But that's not how things work..." She whines
  14. [21:22]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack^
  15. [21:24]<SpiritOfFate> Royal Lace hears a large group of steps moving in the lower floor, as well as a faint echo of the gruff voice of the ol unicorn
  16. [21:24]? Royal_Lace wraps her hoves around Nick Nack and rubs her back, "Its ok Miss, they are gone now... and im here now and they cant hurt you. They were scared is all, they were so scared of being trapped forever that they forgot something... that you should never do something that would hurt somepony just to help yourself"
  17. [21:25]? Royal_Lace glances at the door and pulls back from the hug slowly, "I think we have company"
  18. [21:28]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack blinks, wiping her tears. "...huh?"
  19. [21:29]<SpiritOfFate> Two of the step sounds seem to move upstairs
  20. [21:30]? Royal_Lace helps wipes away Nick Nacks tears, nodding, "If I had to guess from the sound of it Miss they would most likely be guards come to investigate what happened"
  21. [21:31]? Royal_Lace silently prays the group has already left for safety and cover
  22. [21:35]<SpiritOfFate> The old unicorn opens the door the Knick Knack bedroom, a few more creases on her forehead than usual. "Alright filly, playtime is over. There is a big mess going on and your father won't be happy when he hears of your shenanigans."
  23. [21:38]? Royal_Lace lowers her head and remains silent while the guard speaks to Nick Nack
  24. [21:38]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack fidgets, still a bit shaken. "Ah. No, you don't need to tell dad."
  25. [21:40]? Royal_Lace stays silent but remains near Knick Nack
  26. [21:41]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone raises a thick eyebrow as he gives her a closer look. "...alright, what is really going on here?"
  27. [21:43]? Royal_Lace remains silent and watches as things play out, ready to act at a moments notice if need be... if only she knew what that action would be!
  28. [21:44]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack glances back and forth between Tin Cone and Royal_Lace. "Uh... I... there was something broken and she came here to clean. R-right?" She asks Royal_Lace
  29. [21:45]? Royal_Lace politely smiles, nodding her head respectfully to the mare, "That is just so miss, I was summoned by the mistress to assist her"
  30. [21:54]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone raises an eyebrow higher. "Ain't that the houseslave's job? What d'you need a workslave for?"
  31. [21:57]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack fidgets. "Well, uhm..." She looks back at Royal_Lace
  32. [22:01]? Royal_Lace raises her tone a bit, not so much as to hopefully not get a whiping... but she would be supprised if she didnt at least get a back hoof for this one, nopony liked to be backtalked by a slave. "While it is beyond me in my station to ask for details from the Mistress
  33. [22:02]<Royal_Lace> I would assume that it has something to do with ponies around here treating her like she was a child, one could understand how a full grown mare would wish to avoid making a scene in front of a house slave if she thought gossible would trickle back around to her father.... it would seem a guard however wants to push Miss for such details"
  34. [22:13]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone seems to ponder over these details. "...alright, I get it. But it's time to put order in all this. Slave, you come with me." He turns back to Knick Knack. "What about the others?"
  35. [22:15]? Royal_Lace stands and trots over to Tin Cones side of the room and awaits further orders
  36. [22:17]<SpiritOfFate> "T-the others?" Knick Knack asks nervously
  37. [22:20]? Royal_Lace mind races as she tries to stay on her hooves ready to back Nick Nack up again, honestly the poor mare was a awful lier
  38. [22:22]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone rolls his eyes. "Yes, you brought four slaves here. Where are they?"
  39. [22:26]<SpiritOfFate> "Uh... I don't know?" She says nervously.
  40. [22:26]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone facehooves.
  41. [22:26]? Royal_Lace eyes Nick Nack, waiting to see what the mare says, mentally face hoofing herself at the statement
  42. [22:30]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack just blinks and shrinks a bit.
  43. [22:31]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone takes a deep breath. "You better hope we find them soon, or your father won't be happy."
  44. [22:32]? Royal_Lace looks to Tin Cone, "Miss cant be expected to account for every last slave now can she? I mean that is why she and her family employ guards is it not? In any case they may very well be back in bed sleeping as I should to prepare for work tommorow as they should".
  45. [22:39]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone grumbles. "Be quiet or you'll have your own hide to worry about. Now come with me."
  46. [22:40]? Royal_Lace nods repectuflly, not wanting to push the guard any further than she had now that she was going to be staying here for the foreseeable future. "As you wish"
  47. [22:43]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone takes you back to the hallway, finally noticing the open safe full of drugs by the end of it. "What... the hay?"
  48. [22:46]? Royal_Lace eyes open in mock surprise,
  49. [22:50]<SpiritOfFate> "Knick Knack, what is the meaning of this?!" The old unicorn calls back to the room
  50. [22:54]? Royal_Lace frets over the vault, she had forgotten about that!
  51. [22:57]<SpiritOfFate> The chubby mare trots to the hallway and her eyes go wide. "Ah, I dont know! I didn't do it, I swear!"
  52. [22:58]? Royal_Lace looks to Tin Cone, "She didnt, I was with her the whole time and I can honestly swear the Mistress had nothing to do with this"
  53. [23:01]<SpiritOfFate> He grumbles. "Those slaves will need a good whipping when we find them. 'Shouldn't be hard to find, if they still have their heads."
  54. [23:05]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack whimpers.
  55. [23:06]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone waves Royal_Lace to follow
  56. [23:07]? Royal_Lace gasps in mock shock at the comment before following. "Sir if you dont find them... dead outside the fence will that mean a full search of the grounds?"
  57. [23:08]<SpiritOfFate> "'Course. Can't have those slaves hiding forever. Even more now that the beast is loose."
  58. [23:10]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone takes Royal_Lace downstairs and through the house, to a small shack in the back, apparently the infirmary. He lights up the room. "Wake up, Chroma."
  59. [23:12]<SpiritOfFate> A tall light blue earth mare gets up from her bed, looking back at Tin Cone and you. "...Tin? What's going on at this time?"
  60. [23:13]? Royal_Lace stays close behind Cone, listening silently
  61. [23:16]<SpiritOfFate> "The dragon is on the loose, there are 4 slaves in hiding and they tried to steal your stash. The chem safe was open back at the house." The unicorn says
  62. [23:19]? Royal_Lace remains silent, not contradicting or adding to Cones words. A few days of turning the place over looking for "hiding" slaves is exactly what her friends needed to put distance between them and this place
  63. [23:20]<SpiritOfFate> "...Ignis?" She mutters, still a bit dazed from sleepiness. "Ah... I'll go bring it back." She gets up.
  64. [23:22]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone opens a door in the back of the house, to the landfill grounds. "Come, slave."
  65. [23:24]? Royal_Lace nods obediently and follows close behind, "Yes sir, right away sir"
  66. [23:28]<SpiritOfFate> As Royal_Lace crosses the door, she feels a cold shiver, and a weight on her chest. Chroma disappears back into the house, and Tin Cone walks out, guiding you through the road back to the slavehouse. A trail smoke comes from the scrapyard direction, and the watchtowers shine spotlights through the landfill terrains.
  67. [23:29]? Royal_Lace stays close to cone, not wanting to be mistaken for a loose slave, "Pardon me for asking but how long do you think they will look for them?"
  68. [23:34]<SpiritOfFate> He rumbles. "All night and probably tomorrow. They should find them. If you see any of them, tell me and you may earn a little something." He lowers his voice, talking to himself. "The dragon is probably running, we need to send somepony after it."
  69. [23:38]<SpiritOfFate> He takes Royal_Lace all the way back to the slavehouse.
  70. [23:38]? Royal_Lace pouts at this but continued to trot when a new idea came to her, maybe she could still help her friend by hiding clues and planting evidence about that her friends were still here!
  71. [00:38]<SpiritOfFate> =======================================================
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