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- (in-package #:k.binary.structures)
- (defclass %slot ()
- ((accessor :initarg :accessor
- :reader %accessor-of
- :type symbol)
- (count :initarg :count
- :reader %count-of
- :type (integer 1))
- (name :initarg :name
- :reader %name-of
- :type symbol)
- (offset :initarg :offset
- :reader %offset-of
- :type (integer 0))
- (type :initarg :type
- :reader %type-of
- :type %type)))
- (defclass %structure (%type)
- ((constructor :initarg :constructor
- :reader %constructor-of
- :type symbol)
- (offset :initarg :offset
- :reader %offset-of
- :type (integer 0))
- (slots :initarg :slots
- :reader %slots-of
- :type list)
- (superstructure :initarg :superstructure
- :reader %superstructure-of
- :type (or null %structure))))
- (defstruct (binary-structure
- (:constructor %make-binary-structure))
- "The superstructure of all binary structures.")
- (setf (%symbol-type 'binary-structure)
- (make-instance '%structure
- :constructor '%make-binary-structure
- :name 'binary-structure
- :offset 0
- :size 0
- :slots nil
- :superstructure nil))
- (defmethod %read-from (offset (type %structure) vector)
- (let ((instance (funcall (%constructor-of type))))
- (%read-slots-from instance offset vector)
- instance))
- (defgeneric %read-slots-from (instance offset vector)
- (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last))
- (defmethod %size-of ((instance %slot))
- (* (%count-of instance)
- (%size-of (%type-of instance))))
- (defun %structure-p (object)
- (typep object '%structure))
- (defmethod %write-into (offset (type %structure) value vector)
- (%write-slots-into value offset vector))
- (defgeneric %write-slots-into (instance offset vector)
- (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last))
- (defun canonicalize-superstructure (superstructure-name)
- (let ((superstructure-name
- (or superstructure-name 'binary-structure)))
- (check-type superstructure-name symbol)
- (assert (subtypep superstructure-name 'binary-structure))
- (%symbol-type superstructure-name)))
- (defun make-array-initform (count initform type)
- `(make-array ,count
- :element-type ',(%name-of type)
- ,@(if (%primitive-p type)
- `(:initial-element ,initform)
- `(:initial-contents
- `#(,,@(loop for i below count
- collect initform))))))
- (defun make-defstruct-form (structure)
- (let ((name (%name-of structure)))
- `(defstruct (,name
- (:conc-name ,(symbolicate '% name '-))
- (:constructor ,(%constructor-of structure))
- (:include ,(%name-of (%superstructure-of structure))))
- ,@(mapcar #'make-defstruct-slot-description
- (%slots-of structure)))))
- (defun make-defstruct-slot-initform (count type)
- (let ((initform (%initform-for type)))
- (if (> count 1)
- (make-array-initform count initform type)
- initform)))
- (defun make-defstruct-slot-description (slot)
- (let ((count (%count-of slot))
- (type (%type-of slot)))
- `(,(%name-of slot)
- ,(make-defstruct-slot-initform count type)
- :type
- ,(make-defstruct-slot-type count type))))
- (defun make-defstruct-slot-type (count type)
- (let ((type-name (%name-of type)))
- (if (> count 1)
- `(array ,type-name (,count))
- type-name)))
- (defun make-read-form (accessor count start type vector)
- (cond ((> count 1)
- (with-gensyms (index offset storage)
- `(loop with ,storage = ,accessor
- for ,index from 0 below ,count
- for ,offset from ,start by ,(%size-of type)
- do ,(make-read-form `(aref ,storage ,index)
- 1
- offset
- type
- vector))))
- ((%structure-p type)
- `(%read-slots-from ,accessor ,start ,vector))
- (t `(setf ,accessor
- (read-from ',(%name-of type) ,vector ,start)))))
- (defun make-slot-accessor-call (place structure slot)
- (let ((accessor-name
- (symbolicate '%
- (%name-of structure)
- '-
- (%name-of slot))))
- `(,accessor-name ,place)))
- (defun make-slot-reader-method (structure slot)
- (with-gensyms (index instance)
- (if (> (%count-of slot) 1)
- `(defmethod ,(%accessor-of slot)
- ((,instance ,(%name-of structure)) ,index)
- (check-type ,index array-index)
- (aref ,(make-slot-accessor-call instance structure slot)
- ,index))
- `(defmethod ,(%accessor-of slot)
- ((,instance ,(%name-of structure)))
- ,(make-slot-accessor-call instance structure slot)))))
- (defun make-structure-reader-method (structure)
- (with-gensyms (instance offset vector)
- `(defmethod %read-slots-from
- ((,instance ,(%name-of structure)) ,offset ,vector)
- ,@(loop for slot in (%slots-of structure)
- collect (make-read-form
- (make-slot-accessor-call instance structure slot)
- (%count-of slot)
- `(+ ,offset ,(%offset-of slot))
- (%type-of slot)
- vector)))))
- (defun make-slot-writer-method (structure slot)
- (with-gensyms (index instance value)
- (if (> (%count-of slot) 1)
- `(defmethod (setf ,(%accessor-of slot))
- (,value (,instance ,(%name-of structure)) ,index)
- (check-type ,value ,(%name-of (%type-of slot)))
- (check-type ,index array-index)
- (setf (aref ,(make-slot-accessor-call instance
- structure
- slot)
- ,index)
- ,value)
- ,value)
- `(defmethod (setf ,(%accessor-of slot))
- (,value (,instance ,(%name-of structure)))
- (check-type ,value ,(%name-of (%type-of slot)))
- (setf ,(make-slot-accessor-call instance structure slot)
- ,value)
- ,value))))
- (defun parse-slot-definition (offset slot-definition)
- (check-type slot-definition list)
- (destructuring-bind (name &key accessor (count 1) type)
- slot-definition
- (check-type name symbol)
- (check-type accessor symbol)
- (check-type count (integer 1))
- (check-type type symbol)
- (make-instance '%slot
- :accessor accessor
- :count count
- :name name
- :offset offset
- :type (%symbol-type type))))
- (defun parse-slot-definitions (offset slot-definitions)
- (mapcar #'(lambda (slot-definition)
- (let ((slot
- (parse-slot-definition offset
- slot-definition)))
- (incf offset (%size-of slot))
- slot))
- slot-definitions))
- (defun parse-structure-definition
- (name slot-definitions superstructure-name)
- (let* ((superstructure
- (canonicalize-superstructure superstructure-name))
- (offset (%size-of superstructure))
- (slots
- (parse-slot-definitions offset slot-definitions)))
- (make-instance '%structure
- :constructor (symbolicate '%make- name)
- :name name
- :offset offset
- :size (reduce #'+ slots :key #'%size-of)
- :slots slots
- :superstructure superstructure)))
- (defmacro define-binary-structure
- (name (&optional superstructure-name) &body slot-definitions)
- (check-type name symbol)
- (check-type superstructure-name (or null symbol))
- (let ((structure
- (parse-structure-definition name
- slot-definitions
- superstructure-name)))
- `(progn
- ,(make-defstruct-form structure)
- ,@(loop for slot in (%slots-of structure)
- collect (make-slot-reader-method structure slot)
- collect (make-slot-writer-method structure slot))
- ,(make-structure-reader-method structure)
- ',name)))
- (macroexpand
- `(define-binary-structure Sa ()
- (sa :accessor Sa-sa
- :type k.binary.integers:uint8)
- (sb :accessor Sa-sb
- :count 3
- :type k.binary.integers:uint8)
- (sc :accessor Sa-sc
- :type k.binary.integers:uint32)))
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