

Dec 15th, 2017
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  1. This chick's powers gives me an idea for a reality warper style villain that has the appearance and flair of a game show host.
  2. They can make people do things by declaring various challenges or giving them questions to answer. A heroine is charging at her ready to attack, and the villain just looks at her and say:
  3. >"And here comes our next contestant! She has a chance to win fabulous prizes, but only if she can over cooooooome..... The Battle Buffet!
  4. The hero is stopped by tables loaded with food springing up around them, blocking them in
  5. >"If she can clear these plates within the time limit she'll win the first challenge!"
  6. The heroine is confused for a moment when suddenly the compulsion to dive into the nearest dish and start eating her way to victory washes over her. For a moment she tries to fight it, she knows she's wasting time but something feels off about this situation. Her resistance quickly fails as she worries she won't win the challenge if she keeps thinking about these absurd feelings of doubt and starts to shovel food into her face.
  7. >"Give her a hand folks! She's trying her best! Can she do it?!"
  8. The Heroine can hear crowds cheering for her, in this dimly lit alley way all around her voices call out "eat eat eat" applause and motivational cries ring out. She pushes herself to cram more food into her mouth, faster and faster
  9. >"Uh oh! Looks like she didn't wear her elastic costume today! But hey, at least she looks like she's been putting in a lot of practice for this right folks?"
  10. Pounds begin to amass on the young girl's frame, her costume bulging and splitting along seems. It's a little humiliating but she's been training to overcome this challenge for weeks, her waistline was a necessary sacrifice to win big!
  11. >"She's almost there folks! She's just got one last plate! Few have comes this far, but this girl really put in the effort to take on the buffet!
  12. The Heroine can feel her costume shred to scraps as the weight of her full bulk explodes out, she can't believe she gained so much weight for this, but she knows deep down it was worth it. The Buffet was no match for her hard work, she's earned this! She grabs the last plate and tips it up allowing the greasy contents to slid into her mouth like a pro.
  13. >"She's done it! This would be blimp has gone all the way! She's well on her way to the grand prize!"
  14. The young Hero throws her flabby arms up and jumps up and down as best she can, all around her she hears the wild roar of the crowd calling her name. Her costume barely holding together as more than a hundred pounds has seemingly manifested, wait no... it's not new, she did this to herself.... right? The girl starts to slow and rub her head, something doesn't add up...
  15. >"Now if she can clear her next task she'll be sent onto the final round! All she has to do is win.... The Bikini Showdown!
  16. The heroine looks up from her confused stupor, the tattered costume melting away as a frilly bikini in her hero color scheme replaces it. She shakes the pointless thoughts of justice and crime fighting out of her head and puts on her best pose to show off her bikini for the judges before starting to waddle out of the alley towards downtown. She is going to win that prize!
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