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a guest
May 25th, 2018
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  1. @ECHO OFF
  2. ECHO This is a simple MP4 to GIF utility. Please follow the instructions.
  3. ECHO.
  4. ECHO Please ensure you have FFMPEG installed somewhere. In fact, let's point to that now.
  5. set /p ffmpeg=FFMPEG binary [File path]:
  6. ECHO.
  7. ECHO Ok, cool. Now we will make an input and output folder.
  8. ECHO.
  9. mkdir input
  10. mkdir output
  11. ECHO.
  12. ECHO Please place a file named "in.mp4" into the input folder and
  13. pause
  14. ECHO.
  15. ECHO Let's set some basic parameters.
  16. ECHO.
  17. set /p ssparam=Start time in video[seconds]:
  18. set /p tparam=Length[seconds]:
  19. set /p scaleparm=Width[pixels]:
  20. set /p fpsparm=Target FPS:
  22. %ffmpeg% -y -ss %ssparam% -t %tparam% -i input/in.mp4 -vf fps=%fpsparm%,scale=%scaleparm%:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen input/palette.png
  23. ECHO Palette generation complete.
  24. ECHO.
  25. pause
  26. %ffmpeg% -ss %ssparam% -t %tparam% -i input/in.mp4 -i input/palette.png -filter_complex "fps=%fpsparm%,scale=%scaleparm%:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" output/out.gif
  27. ECHO.
  28. ECHO.
  29. ECHO That's finished. Your result can be found in the output folder.
  30. ECHO If your output is empty, something went wrong.
  31. pause
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