

Apr 30th, 2011
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  1. After a long day, Rainbow Dash finally got home from Pinkie's funeral.
  2. The whole family had followed her home from the service. The kids, the grandfoals, the great grandfoals, all wanted to make sure the matriach of the family made it home alright. She had cried at the funeral, no shame in that. She had been crying every day since Pinkie had slipped away in her hospital room. But Dash had smiled at the wake. It was a lovely wake. Pinkie would have been so pleased. Everybody talked about how much she meant to them. The little foals all had fun. One of the great grandfoals, just two years old had tried to eat a sundae. She had gotten more on her coat then in her mouth. Rainbow Dash had laughed at that. The whole service had lifted her spirit.
  3. And now her older daughter had put on a pot of tea, and finally left. She was the last visitor to go. She was truly, finally alone. “Oh, well,” she said out loud. She was too tired now to make a big deal out of it. She had cried herself out, and then she had laughed herself silly, and now she was sitting in her living room drinking tea and just feeling too emotionally exhausted to feel much of anything. Not that her old body wasn't pretty exhausted itself. Still, she got up pretty fast to get an old photo album from the bookshelf. She sat back down and begin to hoof through it. She hadn't gone through it in years.
  4. Instantly the old photos brought back an intense series of memories. Here, on the first page, was their official wedding portrait. Pinkie standing in her silly tuxedo; Dash in her beautiful white dress. It had been the first lesbian wedding in Ponyville. That had been quite a controversy back in the bad old days. It stirred up a lot of anger, even among the ponies she thought were her friends. Rarity was a bit upset at first, being the stiff conservative type. But Rarity's heart had melted when Dash asked her to design her wedding gown. Rarity had put together Pinkie's tuxedo just for the sake of asymmetry. It was years before anybody in the Apple family had talked to them. That was a long time ago though; they had long since made up.
  5. Then there was the photo of the front entrance to the hotel. It was the only photo they bothered to take on their whole honeymoon. Wow, what an amazing two weeks that had been. Dash hadn't thought about it in years. They had booked a flight on a chariot team, flying them out to a tropical island resort. They couldn't wait to get there. They had ducked down in the chariot and made love for the first time while still over Equestria. That had always been one of Dash's wildest fantasies, to make love in midair. Once they got to the hotel they had hardly left the room. It had been two whole weeks of furious intense sex, pausing only occasionally for sustenance and sleep. Those years when they were still young had been the best sex of their lives. Dash's body was still athletic, lithe, full of muscle. It served as the perfect contrast to Pinkie. Those years in the sweetshop had given her just a the perfectly layer of jiggly pudginesss. When Dash would stick her face between Pinkie's soft warm thighs and licked her sweet candy-like love, it sent off shivers through her whole body when Pinkie finally came. She quivered as Dash would move up a few inches to suck on Pinkie's erect nipples, the vibrations in her body would become rhythmic, giving Pinkie orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. By the time Dash was done, Pinkie's whole body would be covered in sweat. She felt like one giant water balloon covered in oil. Then it was Pinkie's turn. That tongue, oh that wonderful tongue. Pinkie had always bragged that she could pick up a whole cake with it, Dash had never before realized it wasn't just an exaggeration.
  6. Dash turned the page. Here were the pictures of the children. As babies, toddlers, off to school and then off to college. They had a wonder family. Pinkie had foaled all of them. As much as they had loved each other, they had loved the foals even more. Dash could remember every first step, every first word, every first lost tooth, every first broken heart. She just kept getting more proud of them each and every day.
  7. It hadn't always been perfect. The biggest scares of her life had involved the children. There was the time Twinkie had gotten into the hornets' nest. They hadn't known she was allergic to their stinks. All these years later she still had nightmares about rushing them into the hospital. Dash had pulled while Pinkie had ridden in the cart with Twinkie, comforting her while Twinkie's face and throat grew to dangerous proportions. Pinkie had been magnificent, keeping herself and Twinkie calm while mindful of the knife and straw they had taken with them, just in case they had needed to perform an emergency tracheotomy. There was the time Slinkie had been in her first big crash. She had broken her wing, and she and Pinkie had taken shifts staying with her through the night at the hospital. There was the time Stinkie had magicked himself to the top of city hall's rafters, and couldn't get back town. Oh how Pinkie had yelled.
  8. The kids had all grown up, and done well in their own lives. So had the grandfoals. Dash couldn't have asked for a better marriage. It wasn't all perfect, to be honest. There were rough patches. The first real fights had started four or five years in. That was natural, she supposed. Dash had given up her dream of flying in the Thunderbolts when Pinkie first got pregnant. Dash had never regretted that. She had gotten a real job in an air-mail parcel delivery service. At least it was flying. Sure, she there was no room for fancy aerobatics. At least she could fly as fast as she ever wanted.
  9. It had been worth it. There was enough cash coming in to provide for the house and the growing family. Sure, she wasn't home all the time. Sometimes the job took Dash away from Pinkie and the family for days, even weeks at a time. That had been hard on everybody. It was probably the biggest source of conflict.
  10. There had been other women then. Dash had never cheated on Pinkie, but she had been tempted. There had been Ginny the Griffon, manager of the Fillydelphia office. They had gotten all the way to the motel room before Dash backed out. There was Sunshine, the unicorn teleportation specialist she had met at the big convention in Canterlot. They had flirted heavily for the four whole days. They had both wanted it, but they had never gone anywhere. There was Dotty, the neighbor. They had looked longingly at each other for years. Each knowing, but never saying anything.
  11. Years ago Dash had been ashamed with those mental indiscretions. Now she was rather proud of it. She had been tempted by lesser seductions, but she had never given in. She had always stayed loyal to here beloved Pinkie. The love between the two of them had always won out, through the good and the bad.
  12. Dash continued to flip through the album. Here was the “new” cart they had bought thirty years ago. Here was a picture of the tree knocked down during that big windstorm.
  13. Suddenly, Dash spat her tea all the way across the living room. She sat bolt upright. “Wait a minute,” she shouted, “if I'm a girl, how did Pinkie get pregnant in the first place?!”
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