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Mar 9th, 2012
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  1. → nefario ( joined
  2. <pigeons> hey nefario
  3. <nefario> I heard someones having some issues
  4. <nefario> yo
  5. <nefario> ok so lets have the questions and I'll answer as best as I can
  6. <mcorlett> nefario: Identify yourself.
  7. <nefario> I am nefario
  8. <mircea_popescu> yea, that. after which : have you talked to a lawyer or are you just winging it ?
  9. <mcorlett> Prove it.
  10. <nefario> someone email a number
  11. <pigeons> i emailed nefario to let him know how people are feeling and thought he would want to communicate
  12. <mircea_popescu> dude, ident with gribble
  13. <nefario> another time, it's been ages since I've used gribble
  14. <mircea_popescu> sigh,
  15. <pigeons> i asked him to come and he did
  16. <nefario> we'll I've not been on here for ages
  17. <nefario> months
  18. <mircea_popescu> guy has the cheek to ask for people's first born kid
  19. <mircea_popescu> can't be arsed to id wirth gribble.
  20. <mircea_popescu> do you think you're god or something ?
  21. <pigeons> this is sort of the root:
  22. <mircea_popescu> ;;tell nefario [guide]
  23. <mircea_popescu> get with the program.
  24. <nefario> I can talk and explain, or I can spend the time ID'ing with gribble
  25. <mircea_popescu> spend the time.
  26. <nefario> reading thread, give me a min
  27. <pigeons> i think smickles was suprised that his account was frozen because he didn't see that in the TOS which he read first and he is trying to run a stand-up venture
  28. <smickles> that and
  29. <pigeons> its sort of a lot of money to list and to think it might be gone can make one worry
  30. <nefario> 1331317997
  31. <smickles> some of the info you asked for doesn't exist
  32. <nefario> ok smickles
  33. <nefario> I assume that it's your glbse account n asset right?
  34. <smickles> bty, Howdy nefario
  35. <nefario> hey
  36. <smickles> yes
  37. <nefario> ok so, firstly allow me to explain why I locked
  38. <smickles> nefario: i am idented w/ gribble, and my gpg identity is the same on glbse and here
  39. <nefario> so
  40. <nefario> the thread that caused me to lock the asset and account
  41. <nefario>
  42. <nefario> An asset dealing with MPOE that was not created by MPOE
  43. <draco49> wtf... smickles isn't even mentioned in that thread
  44. <nefario> yes
  45. <nefario> I contacted MPOE-PR about this
  46. <nefario> said this asset had nothing to do with them
  47. <nefario> alarm bells started ringing as a result
  48. <mircea_popescu> you contacted my pr girl to ask for her facebook,
  49. <mircea_popescu> don't be an asshat.
  50. <mircea_popescu> i know she's cute and all, but seriously now.
  51. <nefario> whoa
  52. <nefario> hold your horses there
  53. <nefario> I have a facebook account for GLBSE
  54. <nefario> to allow facebook to be one method of verifying users ids
  55. <mircea_popescu> she was pretty pissed i'll tell you that much.
  56. <mircea_popescu> i wassn't going to mention it in public, but... myea.
  57. <pigeons> smickles is holding MPOE "stockish things", independently from MPOe, with MPOE's knowledge, as a way to allow them to be traded on glbse
  58. <smickles> " I had emailed the creator a day or two ago about ID verification but have not received a reply." from that thread, you must have used an email other than the one in the asset contract
  59. <nefario> probably
  60. <nefario>
  61. <nefario> here is what I've been contacting asset creators with
  62. <nefario> to verify their identity
  63. <mircea_popescu> do we actually know this guy = glbse.nefario or are we mostly being trolled here ?
  64. <draco49> You don't have any right to private personal documents.
  65. <pigeons> mircea_popescu: I vouch for nefario being nefario from glbse
  66. <mircea_popescu> a good.
  67. <mcorlett> mircea_popescu: The number I sent to the email listed on the GLBSE page was posted: <nefario> 1331317997
  68. <pigeons> i understand the emotions but i don't think the intent is there, so i thought this could get straightened out
  69. <mircea_popescu> so to get back to the point here : nefario, you're asking for things which, given that you live within the eu, put you at considerable risk.
  70. <mircea_popescu> do you understand this ?
  71. <draco49> I will also need you're home phone number, your mobile number, your home address.
  72. <draco49> Some information about your professional life (where you currently work etc.)
  73. <nefario> I'm familiar with dataprotection legislation
  74. <mircea_popescu> if you ever divulge such info, intentionally or not, you will be liable, the fines are stiff, there can be prison, you need to register as a processor etc ?
  75. <nefario> yeah
  76. <mircea_popescu> if you say so.
  77. <mircea_popescu> from what my lawyer saw (casually glancing over your site) you'd be in breach.
  78. <draco49> Why would you need personal information about his life and where he works?
  79. <nefario> draco49: have you used GLBSE before?
  80. <helo> all part of the master plan, mircea_popescu
  81. <nefario> are you aware of its history?
  82. <nefario> it was a free for all, almost no rules or regulations
  83. <draco49> Yes I know the history... I know it was a scam pit before you took over.
  84. <smickles> i put my home address in the signed asset contract
  85. <pigeons> nefario started it, he did not take over
  86. <nefario> pigeons: yes
  87. <nefario> I've been running it since the begining
  88. <draco49> But what you're asking for goes way above and beyond reasonable. nefario
  89. <nefario> not really
  90. <nefario> also it's not mandatory
  91. <draco49> It
  92. <nefario> we're moving towards GLBSE2.0
  93. <draco49> It's only mandatory for smickles ?
  94. <nefario> no
  95. <pigeons> nefario: there are many people here who trust that we can get a hold of smickles should a need arise
  96. <nefario> did you not look at the link?
  97. <nefario> at the time I learned of this asset
  98. <nefario> I looked fraudulent
  99. <draco49> Yes I read it... it's completely unreasonable.
  100. <nefario> to prevent a scam I froze the asset
  101. <nefario> and account
  102. <nefario> look, all Im trying to do is protect users
  103. <nefario> prevent them from being ripped off
  104. <draco49> Are the the sole arbiter of the fate of the assets on GLBSE?
  105. <pigeons> does smickles now meet your requirements?
  106. <Cusipzzz> prevent people from being ripped off on glbse? a bit too late, lol
  107. <nefario> we'll he's got a reputation right?
  108. <draco49> I can understand and respect that, but the way you are trying to go about it is ass-backwards.
  109. <smickles> um, am i missing somethng, nefario you posted a link to a forum thread and said that it was what prompted you to suspect me of fraud, I see nothing there which would indicate that
  110. <pigeons> ;;getrating smickles
  111. <gribble> User smickles, created on Wed Jan 4 18:2012. Cumulative rating 38, from 28 total ratings. Received ratings: 28 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 32 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask smickles!~smickles@
  112. <pigeons> and mircea_popescu, what are your thoughts about smickles glbse asset?
  113. <mircea_popescu> well, specifically pigeons ?
  114. <mircea_popescu> i don't see a problem with the guy's plan as he described it,
  115. <mircea_popescu> anyone is entitled to own the stock and use it as they see fit, making an eft/dr whatever included.
  116. <smickles> nefario: i'd also like to know why you think the asset contract I wrote looked fradulent
  117. <nefario> give me a minute
  118. <mircea_popescu> i personally wouldn't use glbse, but if other people want to take that risk it's entirely their soup.
  119. <draco49> lol after all this, I'll keep my BTC and use it elsewhere
  120. <smickles> :(
  121. <smickles> draco49: you know what this means
  122. <nefario> mircea_popescu: I'd like an appology
  123. <nefario> from you
  124. <pigeons> it looks to me like nefario had a genuine misunderstand about the asset with good intentions and smickles genuinely and rightly feels a little slighted or offended by that
  125. <nefario> insinuating that I'm hitting on your assistant
  126. <smickles> if i submit to nefario's request and get the account unfrozen, I still lose b/c the asset is now worth significantly less
  127. <mircea_popescu> you can like any apology whatsoever. were you or were you not all chummy with that skepsidyne guy ?
  128. <nefario> smickles: no need
  129. <nefario> I didn't know you were part of a reputation network
  130. <mircea_popescu> d'oh.
  131. <nefario> I just came across an asset I didn't know and in the context seemed suspicious
  132. <mircea_popescu> so you just decided to axe it ?
  133. <mircea_popescu> that sounds a mite irresponsible.
  134. <nefario> bear in mind that I'm pressed for time
  135. <mircea_popescu> dude
  136. <nefario> freeze it
  137. <mircea_popescu> did you charge this guy $100 for your time ?
  138. <nefario> nothings lost
  139. <draco49> Given that you run a Bitcoin trading platform, you might wanna take the time to pop in to the bitcoin trading channel from time to time to keep up with things...
  140. <mircea_popescu> how much time dfoes 100 dollars buy ?
  141. <smickles> nefario: the assets bylaws link provided a link to the thread on bitcointalk where I announced -gpg signed- that I am smickes on -otc
  142. <nefario> mircea_popescu: whats your problem
  143. <pigeons> nefario wasn't aware of this discussion so he was a little blindided when i asked him to come in here
  144. <smickles> nefario: you seem to have not looked into my asset very well
  145. <pigeons> *blindsided
  146. <nefario> smickles: I hadn't
  147. <mircea_popescu> he seems to be blindsided with dazzling frequency.
  148. <smickles> and yet you claimed it looked fradulent?
  149. <nefario> mircea_popescu: whats your problem, since I've arrived you've been nothing but badmouthing me
  150. <mircea_popescu> nefario : you stepped on toes. make it right. that is all.
  151. <smickles> :(
  152. <draco49> nefario, your knee-jerk reaction to what you personally suspected was a fraud risk has damaged smickles and mircea_popescu
  153. <nefario> I contacted mircea_popescu PR person about this asset
  154. <nefario> said it had nothing to do with them
  155. <smickles> nefario: so, they do have nothing to do with it
  156. <smickles> other than it's the underlying asset which the fund intends to buy
  157. <nefario> smickles: whats your public ID?
  158. <smickles> on glbse?
  159. <smickles> sec
  160. <nefario> for GBLSE
  161. <nefario> ja
  162. <nefario> smickles: do you have an OTC rating?
  163. <draco49> lol
  164. <mcorlett> ;;getrating smickles
  165. <gribble> User smickles, created on Wed Jan 4 18:2012. Cumulative rating 38, from 28 total ratings. Received ratings: 28 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 32 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask smickles!~smickles@
  166. <smickles> ident
  167. <smickles> ;;ident
  168. <gribble> You are identified as user smickles, with GPG key id EA62D7CEB2450C3F, and key fingerprint 96ACCA7C3B09EC61B0A6D7F9EA62D7CEB2450C3F.
  169. <nefario> right, I'll also need to incorporate OTC ratings into GLBSE
  170. <smickles> nefario: i think i pm'd you what you asked fro
  171. <smickles> *for
  172. <mircea_popescu> <nefario> right, I'll also need to incorporate OTC ratings into GLBSE << a good ideea.
  173. <smickles> it's kinda sad tho, you've devalued the asset
  174. <mcorlett> nefario: Rating database is available at I have some experience in working with the data; let me know if you need any help. nanotube is also very helpful.
  175. <mircea_popescu> nanotube is indeed helpful. there's also jsons available
  176. <nefario> thanks mcorlett
  177. occulta was voiced (+v) by gribble
  178. <smickles> oh, btw
  179. <smickles> ;;view 7096
  180. <gribble> #7096 Tue Mar 6 21:2012 smickles SELL 1.0 Depositary Receipt @ 0.1 BTC (I can do any amount (positive integer). This DR represents the underlying asset MPOE.ETF on GLBSE. I will act as a holding agent for anyone who doesn't want to use GLBSE to purchase shares of the fund.
  181. • smickles thought it's a good time to advertise that
  182. <mircea_popescu> that said, the general goal of making it difficult for scam assets being listed is worthy. the implementation could be improved.
  183. <smickles> lol
  184. <draco49> Yes, ending world hunger is a noble goal as well, but the best solution is not to kill everyone
  185. <smickles> that DR could now be more valuable than the listing on GLBSE
  186. <kakobrekla> also by taging someone safe or better, failing to tag someone as high risk, kind of moves a part of the responsibility on GLBSE
  187. <nefario> smickles: account activated
  188. <mcorlett> Group hug!
  189. <nefario> all should be working now
  190. <mircea_popescu> and for the record : i've had the girl send me the actual pm's exchanged
  191. <smickles> nefario: thank you for your understanding
  192. <nefario> no problem
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