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Jul 18th, 2019
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  1. # #3 Describe 5 SCPs in your own words.
  2. #### Scp-049 is 2 meters tall humanoid resembling a plague doctor of 16 and 17 century,Its hands have the ability to Instaly kills humans and after that they are called Scp-049-1 then he will do a surgery that after few hours the person wil revive whit no highter brain fuctions and when sees a human he will attack and redacted them,Scp-173 is a statue made of concret and rebar also whit red spray pain it can not move while directly looking at unless people blinks,Once people blinks he will starting moving towards a target then if he get enought close he will snap or destroy its neck,Scp-682 is a reptilian looking creature nearly undestructible whit hight healing factor.every time he eats something depends on object he change sizes to object specific size thats why hes consider keter because it hard to contain something that will keep changing size,Scp-096 is a tall humanoid whit arms highter than body he will cry in his corner on the chamber hes at or where hes at once someone sees his face he will enter in a rage state where he will pursuit and kill the target whit 100% chance of it doing it its euclid because he will not move unless seeing his face and it will not escape easily if noone sees his face and its cam feed is aways put on behind his back so it really not hard to contain it Scp-035 is a porcelain mask whit a humor face but when a situation occour he will change the face to tragedy and he aways launch a liquid of his eyes very corrosive and this scp can once close to a Human lure him and when puted on he will be mind controlled and can do whenever 035 control him to.
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