Guest User


a guest
Nov 17th, 2015
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  1. <?php
  3. function wX8($Xmj) {
  4. $XlO = array(5226 => "mymd5 = ", 1665 => "HTTPS", 488 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank Payeer account", 4908 => "def_payee_account_wiretransfer", 2267 => "select * from hm2_deposits where status = ", 1754 => "current_day", 5309 => "support", 7637 => "X", 1293 => "err_status", 5089 => "TIMESTAMPGMT", 1713 => "China", 2938 => " + interval 1 day > date + interval ");
  5. return $XlO[$Xmj];
  6. }
  8. function D1o($ebi) {
  9. $bJI = array(488 => "tell_friend.tpl", 1754 => "liberty_currency", 2267 => "eeecurrency_password", 4908 => " and t.max_deposit > 0 and = ", 5309 => "Location: ?a=login&say=invalid_login&username=", 7637 => "select username, amount, ec from hm2_history, hm2_users where = hm2_history.user_id and type = ");
  10. return $bJI[$ebi];
  11. }
  13. function lO3($VL3) {
  14. global $V97;
  15. $ODj = array();
  16. if ($V97[iJd(4908)] == 1 && $VL3 != -2) {
  17. }
  18. $B7o = Rd5(OJR(4908) . "'" . mOd(2267) . "'" . BXb(4908));
  19. while ($R5J = mysql_fetch_array($B7o)) {
  20. $ODj[$R5J[L6B(2267)]][$R5J[mOd(4908)]] = $R5J;
  21. }
  22. if ($VL3 == -1) {
  23. $bbs = wx8(2267) . "'" . mOd(2267) . "'" . Lo7(4908);
  24. }
  25. else {
  26. $bbs = REm(4908) . $VL3 . dVI(4908) . "'" . mOd(2267) . "'" . lR8(2267);
  27. }
  28. if ($VL3 == -2) {
  29. $bbs = wx8(2267) . "'" . mOd(2267) . "'" . lR8(2267);
  30. }
  31. $B7o = Rd5($bbs);
  32. $O96 = time();
  33. $Ijd = 0;
  34. while ($R5J = mysql_fetch_array($B7o)) {
  35. $SEE = @fopen(oV9(4908) . $R5J[mOd(4908)], oxD(1754));
  36. if (@flock($SEE, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
  37. }
  38. else {
  39. fclose($SEE);
  40. continue;
  41. }
  42. $Sso = S7m(Dxs(4908) . "'" . $R5J[loo(1754)] . "'" . Bex(4908) . $R5J[mOd(4908)] . Dxs(2267) . "'" . x80(2267) . "'");
  43. if (0 < $Sso[mOd(4908)]) {
  44. }
  45. else {
  46. $j6R = 0;
  47. reset($ODj);
  48. reset($ODj[$R5J[Dos(4908)]]);
  49. while (list($oX4, $DbS) = each($ODj[$R5J[Dos(4908)]])) {
  50. if ($DbS[V7m(4908)] <= $R5J[XsO(4908)] && $R5J[XsO(4908)] <= $DbS[eb7(2267)] || $DbS[eb7(2267)] == 0) {
  51. $j6R = $DbS[Jdx(1754)];
  52. }
  53. if ($R5J[XsO(4908)] < $DbS[V7m(4908)] && $j6R == 0) {
  54. $j6R = $Oxm;
  55. }
  56. if ($R5J[XsO(4908)] < $DbS[V7m(4908)] && 0 < $j6R) {
  57. break;
  58. }
  59. $Oxm = $DbS[Jdx(1754)];
  60. continue;
  61. }
  62. if ($DbS[eb7(2267)] != 0 && $DbS[eb7(2267)] < $R5J[XsO(4908)]) {
  63. $j6R = $Oxm;
  64. }
  65. $Rb5 = $R5J[XsO(4908)] * $j6R / 100;
  66. Rd5(Bsx(4908) . $R5J[Lbo(2267)] . mOd(1754) . $Rb5 . bs7(2267) . "'" . x80(2267) . "'" . dbX(2267) . "'" . Ew8(2267) . $V97[D84(2267)] . SRs($R5J[XsO(4908)], $R5J[wV0(2267)]) . OLO(2267) . $j6R . B14(4908) . "'" . x80(1754) . $Rb5 . xVV(1754) . "'" . $R5J[loo(1754)] . "'" . XR8(4908) . $R5J[wV0(2267)] . jd3(2267) . "'" . VX7(4908) . "'" . loV(4908) . $R5J[mOd(4908)]);
  67. }
  68. Rd5(VLJ(2267) . $R5J[mOd(4908)]);
  69. flock($SEE, LOCK_UN);
  70. fclose($SEE);
  71. @unlink(oV9(4908) . $R5J[mOd(4908)]);
  72. }
  73. }
  75. function S1V($jEw) {
  76. $Ib5 = array(488 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 1 year) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 5309 => "user1", 4908 => "<>", 2267 => "?secret=", 1754 => "&testmode=0&api_id=", 7637 => "GenuinePayment key = ");
  77. return $Ib5[$jEw];
  78. }
  80. function Lo7($S3l) {
  81. $R96 = array(1153 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=invalid_transaction_code", 5089 => " 1. Login to your Coinpayments account -> \"My Account\" -> \"API Keys\"<br> 2. Click on \"Generate New Keys...\" and you will see Public and Private Keys - save them to script settings<br> 3. Enter \"Edit Permissions\" next to your keys and enable \"create_withdrawal\" and \"Allow auto_confirm = 1\" to allow automatic payments without manual confirmation. ", 1293 => "", 488 => " </Token> </Auth> </TransferRequest> ", 5309 => "File changed on your server", 2267 => " < last_pay_date or deposit_date + interval ", 4908 => " and last_pay_date < now() - interval 1 hour order by last_pay_date limit 100", 1754 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_deposits_update", 7637 => "T", 1665 => "", 5226 => "quantity", 1713 => "active_col", 2938 => "account_statements");
  82. return $R96[$S3l];
  83. }
  85. function R0b($sXR) {
  86. $Lb5 = array(1790 => " and hm2_history.deposit_id = and = hm2_deposits.type_id and now() - interval hm2_types.hold day < and (hm2_history.type=", 4916 => "RFL", 1153 => "Laos", 1713 => "10133DF39FC5FBA1A1B0", 5089 => "comment", 488 => ", tdate = now()", 5309 => "currency", 1754 => "create table hm2_user_balances ( user_id int unsigned, ec int unsigned, amount decimal(20,10), type varchar(25), index hi1 (user_id), index hi2 (user_id, ec, type(25)) )", 4908 => "array", 2267 => "alter table hm2_users add column verify int not null default 0", 7637 => " and value > now() - interval 1 minute and now() > value", 1293 => "alertpay_from_account", 1665 => "eeecurrency_from_account", 5226 => "nitronpay", 2938 => "Iceland", 2551 => ", date = now(), description = ", 9592 => " hour) as dstamp from hm2_history where ", 8699 => "</body></html>", 6492 => "\"/> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"buy\"/> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"signature\" value=\"");
  87. return $Lb5[$sXR];
  88. }
  90. function Jws($Ro9) {
  91. $jj5 = array(2551 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"order_id\" value=\"", 5226 => "^WM\\d{5,}\$", 488 => "\\n", 7637 => "A", 1754 => ") THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 4908 => "Please use original script only", 2267 => "work_week", 5309 => "8HEJQNFVSSJP3ERBXULU", 1293 => "", 1665 => "&Amount=", 5089 => "exchange_in", 1713 => " and confirm_string = ", 2938 => ") as deposit_date, sum(-h.actual_amount * (h.type = ", 1153 => " order by deposit_date desc limit 0, ", 4916 => ") as date, floor( (unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(deposit_date)) / (60*60*24) ) as duration, ( unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(deposit_date) ) as duration_in_sec, (floor( (unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(deposit_date)) / (60*60*24) ) - ", 9592 => "h.status = ", 8699 => "G68BUV6EKU87C9QRZK6U");
  92. return $jj5[$Ro9];
  93. }
  95. function Vmj($V3m) {
  96. $oxB = array(4916 => "to_name", 1153 => "Startup bonus invested", 2938 => "withdraw_complete", 5089 => "show_review", 1665 => " hour)", 1293 => "week_end", 1754 => "./tmpl_c/blch_cookie", 4908 => "/SaveLog/", 2267 => ". Deposit fee - ", 5309 => "~[\\?\\#].*~", 7637 => "event", 488 => "ik_am", 5226 => "Mayotte", 1713 => "Sao Tome and Principe", 2551 => "exchange.tpl");
  97. return $oxB[$V3m];
  98. }
  100. function Xm4($oLd) {
  101. $Ebj = array(1790 => "Withdraw to ", 9592 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"FAIL_URL\" value=\"", 2551 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUCCESS_URL\" value=\"", 4916 => " group by type order by type", 1153 => "EZ", 1713 => "current", 5226 => "Peru", 488 => "</authenticationToken> <accountEmail>", 1754 => "\" class=\"page\">", 2267 => "\" class=\"prev\">&lt;&lt;</a>", 4908 => "min_group_deposit_amount", 5309 => "</transaction>", 7637 => "PayPal", 1293 => "deposited_btc", 1665 => "Cambodia", 5089 => "Dominica", 2938 => "startup_bonus_ec", 8699 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_deposits where group_id = ");
  102. return $Ebj[$oLd];
  103. }
  105. function x7w($EBX) {
  106. $DLL = array(8699 => "deposit_id", 2551 => "Philippines", 1153 => "select ip, date_format(date + interval ", 1713 => "2QD8NJHMFC4E6Y5YB26F", 5226 => " 1. Login to your AdvCash account<br> 2. Enter your Profile page -> \"API and SCI for developers\"<br> 3. Click \"Add new API\"<br> 4. Fill the form:<br> API Name: any word<br> IP Address: set your server outgoing IP address (optional but recommended)<br> Password: define a strong password and save it locally for futher steps<br> Operations: check at least \"See Balance per Wallet\" and \"Make Transaction\"<br> 5. Save \"Account Email\", \"API Name\" and \"API Password\" on this page.<br> ", 5089 => "show_validation_image", 1665 => "insert into hm2_user_balances select user_id, ec, sum(actual_amount), type from hm2_history group by user_id, ec, type", 1293 => "DROP table IF EXISTS hm2_user_balances", 488 => "Deposit return", 5309 => "getpid cannot to server ", 1754 => "./tmpl_c/log_postback", 4908 => "magic_quotes_runtime", 2267 => "free", 7637 => "Dec", 2938 => "update hm2_users set hid = ", 4916 => "Netherlands", 9592 => "compound_forbidden");
  107. return $DLL[$EBX];
  108. }
  110. function IBO($w3E) {
  111. $XJe = array(1293 => "Angola", 488 => " minute > now() and last_access_ip = ", 2267 => "<a href=\"", 4908 => "4", 1754 => "insert into hm2_settings set name=", 5309 => "deposit_success", 7637 => "def_payee_account_nixmoney", 1665 => "East Timor", 5089 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=product value=\"Deposit\"> <input type=hidden name=action value=\"payment\"> <input type=hidden name=price value=\"");
  112. return $XJe[$w3E];
  113. }
  115. function DsO($wj5) {
  116. $JLV = array(1713 => "referal.links.tpl", 5226 => "day_to", 1665 => "Saint Vincent & Grenadines", 488 => "TTTBLNGMRTJZBPQYR2HX", 7637 => "return: ", 5309 => "wallet", 1754 => "edit_account", 2267 => ",", 4908 => "insert into hm2_settings set name = ", 1293 => "testmode", 5089 => "Syria", 2938 => "~^process.*~", 1153 => "deposit.goldmoney.confirm.tpl", 4916 => "7UGRXMCYYJKZGV5TUKXY");
  117. return $JLV[$wj5];
  118. }
  120. function R0e($m8S) {
  121. $EBe = array(2267 => "))) group by ec", 4908 => "/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+\$/", 1754 => "rules.tpl");
  122. return $EBe[$m8S];
  123. }
  125. function JLV($x5X) {
  126. $Sl8 = array(1153 => "principal_withdraw", 2938 => "account_update_confirmation", 1713 => "SAKVJXUR4VG5R5NEL5AT", 1754 => "RVM7LNXGTWVXNSNKLVQP", 4908 => ") as ddate from hm2_deposits where status = ", 2267 => "user_deposit_expired", 5309 => " </Payer> <Payee> ", 7637 => "additional", 488 => "M8GEM2RQYZUCQZMYQHJ8", 1293 => "89R9PNNKAC5QGWPFPBKU", 1665 => "transfer_sci", 5089 => "email = ", 5226 => "Latvia");
  127. return $Sl8[$x5X];
  128. }
  130. function iE4($jLJ) {
  131. $eb8 = array(1293 => " and closed = 0 order by ordering", 488 => " where u.ref = ", 7637 => "period2", 1754 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> 4. Save \"Username\", \"Merchant Name\" and \"Merchant Password\" on this page.<br> ", 4908 => "update hm2_users set ac = ", 2267 => "&to=", 5309 => "colpages");
  132. return $eb8[$jLJ];
  133. }
  135. function Rwd($s3d) {
  136. $Rme = array(1293 => "7 day", 488 => "secret question: ", 7637 => "Thailand", 1754 => "8", 4908 => "activation_code", 2267 => "bf_counter", 5309 => "wm mymd5 = ", 1665 => ") as d from hm2_history as h left outer join hm2_withdrawal_proofs as p on = where type = ");
  137. return $Rme[$s3d];
  138. }
  140. function S44($Red) {
  141. global $V97;
  142. $J9I = 43;
  143. $jEJ = array();
  144. $jEJ[D10(2267)] = 0;
  145. if ($Red[B18(488)] == "") {
  146. $jEJ[RRx(2267)] = wx8(488);
  147. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[RRx(2267)]);
  148. return $jEJ;
  149. }
  150. if (!(preg_match("/^\\w\\d+\$/", $Red[B18(488)], $Xmw))) {
  151. $jEJ[RRx(2267)] = lI9(5309) . $Red[B18(488)] . eDo(2267);
  152. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[RRx(2267)]);
  153. return $jEJ;
  154. }
  155. list($d7S, $LOj) = lR4($Red[B18(488)], $J9I);
  156. if ($d7S == 0) {
  157. $jEJ[RRx(2267)] = $LOj;
  158. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[RRx(2267)]);
  159. return $jEJ;
  160. }
  161. if (!(function_exists(Iee(4908)))) {
  162. $jEJ[RRx(2267)] = jxR(1293);
  163. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[RRx(2267)]);
  164. return $jEJ;
  165. }
  166. if (!$Red[D3E(7637)]) {
  167. $Ddw = BmB($J9I);
  168. $Red = array_merge($Ddw, $Red);
  169. }
  170. $wE6 = array(Jx0(5309) => $Red[Jx0(5309)], IVE(488) => $Red[R79(1665)], sB6(2267) => $Red[D3E(7637)], dBj(7637) => B9E(488), LeL(5309) => XLo(1754), JdO(1754) => sprintf(dxX(488), $Red[BB6(2267)]), x1i(7637) => XLo(1754), x1i(488) => $Red[B18(488)], r0b(5089) => $Red[Be8(488)]);
  171. $xx8 = array();
  172. foreach ($wE6 as $Js8 => $l40) {
  173. $xx8[] = urlencode($Js8) . e99(4908) . urlencode($l40);
  174. }
  175. $xx8[] = jwd(7637);
  176. $xx8 = implode(JBI(2267), $xx8);
  177. $o4x = curl_init();
  178. curl_setopt($o4x, 10002, eB4(1293));
  179. curl_setopt($o4x, 42, 0);
  180. curl_setopt($o4x, 47, true);
  181. curl_setopt($o4x, 10015, $xx8);
  182. curl_setopt($o4x, 64, 0);
  183. curl_setopt($o4x, 81, 0);
  184. curl_setopt($o4x, 10018, LxO(2267));
  185. curl_setopt($o4x, 19913, 1);
  186. $l5b = curl_exec($o4x);
  187. curl_close($o4x);
  188. if (strpos($l5b, I88(5309)) !== false) {
  189. $JLm = json_decode($l5b);
  190. }
  191. else {
  192. $jEJ[RRx(2267)] = lVo(1754);
  193. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[RRx(2267)]);
  194. return $jEJ;
  195. }
  196. if ($JLm->historyId != "") {
  197. $jEJ[D10(2267)] = 1;
  198. $jEJ[l6V(2267)] = $JLm->historyId;
  199. return $jEJ;
  200. }
  201. if ($JLm->auth_error) {
  202. $jEJ[RRx(2267)] = $JLm->errors ? $JLm->errors : jxR(1665);
  203. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[RRx(2267)]);
  204. return $jEJ;
  205. }
  206. $jEJ[RRx(2267)] = implode(xVV(4908), $JLm->errors);
  207. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[RRx(2267)]);
  208. return $jEJ;
  209. }
  211. function oIl($wV5) {
  212. $Vb7 = array(5226 => "max_deposit_less", 5089 => " <form method=\"POST\" action=\"\" target=_top> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from\" value=\"", 1293 => "m_status", 488 => "QIWI response = ", 4908 => "Can`t process withdrawal to eeeCureency account 0.", 2267 => "|xxx|", 1754 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes<br> Fail Page - ", 5309 => "login_by_email", 7637 => "mid", 1665 => ", floor( (unix_timestamp(deposit_date + interval ", 1713 => "withdraw_request_user_notification", 2938 => "insert into hm2_withdrawal_proofs set id = ");
  213. return $Vb7[$wV5];
  214. }
  216. function ewI($B00) {
  217. $IJR = array(1665 => "demomode", 7637 => "Invalid api data", 1754 => "review", 2267 => "rules", 4908 => "select * from hm2_users where id = ", 5309 => "cosmicpay", 488 => "user_defined_8", 1293 => "delete from hm2_online where ip=", 5089 => ", sa = ", 5226 => "force_upline", 1713 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_MEMO\" value=\"");
  218. return $IJR[$B00];
  219. }
  221. function oL8($bSe) {
  222. $xRm = array(6492 => "group_name_exists", 8699 => " hour) - to_days(now()), if (", 9592 => "use_transaction_code", 4916 => "Location: ?a=security", 2938 => "Location: ?a=change_compound&deposit=", 1713 => "Benin", 5226 => "show_info_box_visitor_online", 5089 => "total_deposited", 7637 => "cashu", 5309 => "Invalid Payze account", 1754 => "select count(id) as col from hm2_users where ref = ", 2267 => "alter table hm2_history add index hi5 (date, deposit_id)", 4908 => "Error send/get pid to ", 488 => "SCI ID", 1293 => " 1. Login to your Skrill account -> \"Settings\" -> \"Developer Settings\"<br> 2. Enable \"Enable separate API/MQI password\" checkbox, enter new password and save.<br> 3. Save your Account Email And API/MQI password in the form on this page.<br> <!-- More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> --> \x0d\x0a", 1665 => "6YPXYDYX4TYU9YT43BJ9", 1153 => "/[^a-z0-9\\-\\_]/", 2551 => "6 Monthly", 1790 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"email\" value=\"");
  223. return $xRm[$bSe];
  224. }
  226. function mee($iSd) {
  227. $smI = array(7637 => "Saint Helena", 1754 => "/<status>(.*)?<\\/status>/", 4908 => "?php", 2267 => "Invalid PerfectMoney account", 5309 => "PAYER_AC_NO", 488 => "select date_format(", 1293 => "Monthly", 1665 => "/index.php/status/postback/53", 5089 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=comments value=\"");
  228. return $smI[$iSd];
  229. }
  231. function sb9($S6o) {
  232. $B1j = array(1713 => " <form action=\"\" method=\"post\" target=\"_top\"> \x0d\x0a<input type=hidden name=\"m\" value=\"", 5226 => "update hm2_users set btc_receive_addr = ", 5089 => "ref3", 1665 => "select * from hm2_referal order by from_value", 2267 => "_cms_minamount", 4908 => "select d.*, ", 1754 => "sci_name", 5309 => "AdvCash key = ", 7637 => "Uganda", 488 => "custom/", 1293 => "closed");
  233. return $B1j[$S6o];
  234. }
  236. function jES($ds8) {
  237. $emI = Beo($ds8);
  238. if (substr($emI, 0 - strlen("\x0a")) != "\x0a") {
  239. $emI .= "\x0a";
  240. }
  241. return $emI;
  242. }
  244. function e99($j98) {
  245. $mS7 = array(8699 => "select g.*, t.max_group_deposit, t.min_group_deposit_amount, as plan_name, date_format(date + interval ", 9592 => "active", 2551 => "asc", 1713 => "show_info_box_members_online_generated", 1665 => "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", 1293 => "NJZNG6B968YUMREYC2LR", 4908 => "=", 2267 => "delete from hm2_settings where name = ", 1754 => "came_from", 5309 => ") order by hd desc limit 1", 7637 => "compound_percents", 488 => "Mailer Error: ", 5089 => "session_name", 5226 => "\$1...", 2938 => "high_ip_security", 1153 => "sess_sa", 4916 => " came_from = ");
  246. return $mS7[$j98];
  247. }
  249. function Exx($EXR) {
  250. $eDS = array(8699 => "invalid_email", 1153 => "show_charts", 2938 => "2 months", 1293 => "MW2EXUUJERWDJZD872D5", 488 => "\$res = \$resobj->Send_MoneyResult;", 7637 => "I", 5309 => "\\r", 1754 => "[", 2267 => "Q48GVPE4PTJ4EM2PX9JR", 4908 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 14 day and t.period = ", 1665 => "Ireland", 5089 => "Kenya", 5226 => "Uzbekistan", 1713 => "Zambia", 4916 => "<div id=container>", 2551 => "select id from hm2_deposit_groups where name = ", 9592 => "HFHRYZATGX32EPY8DCHZ");
  251. return $eDS[$EXR];
  252. }
  254. function wOx($xJE) {
  255. $Jm0 = array(1665 => ", tfa_flag = 1", 1293 => "/<txn>(.*)?<\\/txn>/", 488 => "/<br> <i>For all Pages set POST method</i> 5. Save \"Account Email\", USD Wallet ID (find on account balances on the left U XXX XXX XXX), \"SCI Name\" and \"SCI Password\" on this page.<br> ", 1754 => " and ", 4908 => "encurl", 2267 => ", res = ", 5309 => "; END IF; IF (NEW.status = ", 7637 => "</errorresponse>", 5089 => "pin_page.tpl", 5226 => "pending_col");
  256. return $Jm0[$xJE];
  257. }
  259. function X8b($DJ7) {
  260. $OB0 = array(9592 => "YJC9K3EMUKCFNSY3CC8H", 2551 => ") = ", 4916 => "select min(percent) as minp, max(percent) as maxp from hm2_referal", 1713 => "/<amount>(.*)?<\\/amount>/", 1665 => "F9SR26A4B8FHKRTWSETU", 1293 => "", 488 => "&PassPhrase=", 4908 => "ip", 2267 => "description", 1754 => "ddate", 5309 => ". Batch id = ", 7637 => "select count(distinct user_id) as col from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where ref = ", 5089 => "payment", 5226 => "ok_receiver", 2938 => "duration_in_sec", 1153 => "Tuvalu");
  261. return $OB0[$DJ7];
  262. }
  264. function Lx7($Vei) {
  265. $dDm = array(7637 => "</accountEmail> </arg0> <arg1> <amount>", 4908 => "/db_/", 2267 => "Friend invited you", 1754 => "activate", 5309 => "F5ZV3ADFXSZXE5J59V96", 488 => "Poland");
  266. return $dDm[$Vei];
  267. }
  269. function RlS($jeD) {
  270. $d6m = array(2551 => ") and date > now() - interval ", 1153 => " order by date desc limit 1", 5089 => "PAYMENT_UNITS", 1293 => "Can`t process withdrawal to empty Pecunix account.", 7637 => "Auto-withdrawal earning to account ", 2267 => "def_payee_account_egold", 4908 => "database", 1754 => "/#package_name#/", 5309 => "alter table hm2_types add column rc decimal(6,2)", 488 => "nixmoney_from_account", 1665 => "\$res = array(0, \$error_txt.\" \".\$e->getMessage(), \"\");", 5226 => "info_box_total_active_accounts_generated", 1713 => "3 Months", 2938 => "month", 4916 => "8Q947MZXQF7VW7UDGCTY");
  271. return $d6m[$jeD];
  272. }
  274. function o3w($Odi) {
  275. $D9I = array(9592 => "name_invited", 4916 => "up2_email", 5226 => "Comoros", 1665 => "</txn></ns1:checkBill></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>", 1293 => "MCFZQBPTSDKGLUPU667C", 488 => "Merchant ID", 5309 => "deposit_history", 4908 => "[[[", 2267 => "email", 1754 => "update_id", 7637 => "Response: ", 5089 => ") as date from hm2_review where approved = 1 order by tdate desc limit ", 1713 => "plans", 2938 => "credit", 1153 => "select * from hm2_users where username=", 2551 => " and pax_utype in (0, 9999)");
  276. return $D9I[$Odi];
  277. }
  279. function mRR($Id1) {
  280. $wm5 = array(1153 => "no_from", 2938 => "use_add_funds", 1713 => "periodsum", 5226 => "eblone", 5089 => "Location: ?a=signup2&action=step5", 488 => "Shop ID", 1754 => ", date = now() ", 2267 => " 14 day ", 4908 => "srt", 5309 => " =%s", 7637 => "Q", 1293 => "Location: ?a=return_egold&process=yes", 1665 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 14 day) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ");
  281. return $wm5[$Id1];
  282. }
  284. function dj3($XSi) {
  285. $jXs = array(1293 => "withdraw_request_admin_notification", 7637 => "use_names_in_referral_links", 4908 => "sr", 2267 => "B", 1754 => "MZMEFQDDFRESAUFQW56A", 5309 => "select * from hm2_plans where parent = ", 488 => ")));", 1665 => "WQRMK2DK9Q8534TEF8CA");
  286. return $jXs[$XSi];
  287. }
  289. function RoX($R1V) {
  290. $EiI = array(1665 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_amount\" value=\"", 5309 => "Location: ?a=return_referral_commission&listing_id=", 1754 => "PAYMENT_ID", 2267 => "V2TLDY5KYUYY2QQRGSK2", 4908 => "PHPMailer", 7637 => " sec", 488 => "month_from", 1293 => "select id, username, email from hm2_users where ref in ", 5089 => " where id > 1 and id =", 5226 => "BYKE7Q8B4PQ5WUYQWB7Q");
  291. return $EiI[$R1V];
  292. }
  294. function Sim($lO4) {
  295. $R3X = array(8699 => "deposit.pecunix.confirm.tpl", 9592 => "limit_transfer_period_times", 1713 => "N5AWZDGLTSXF532MFYB8", 5226 => "api_id", 5309 => "Send pin to user", 1754 => "select max(p.min_deposit) as min_deposit, p.parent as type_id from hm2_plans as p group by p.parent", 4908 => "db_login", 2267 => "max_tries", 7637 => " && type = ", 488 => "select rc from hm2_types where id = ", 1293 => "auto", 1665 => "n", 5089 => "internal_transfer", 2938 => "ids", 1153 => "index_last_add_funds", 4916 => "Greece", 2551 => "Guyana");
  296. return $R3X[$lO4];
  297. }
  299. function JV6($J8x) {
  300. $JRO = array(5226 => "J7W4Q3ZFEJ26RGFJXC9D", 5089 => "LRUSD", 1665 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank Bitcoin account", 488 => "Policy Addition", 7637 => " from ", 5309 => "total", 2267 => "6m", 4908 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 2 month <= now() and t.period = ", 1754 => "withdraw_principal", 1293 => "Purse ID", 1713 => "select * from hm2_settings where name = ", 2938 => "user2", 1153 => "m_orderid", 4916 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 7 day) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 2551 => "type_not_found", 9592 => "Compou%", 8699 => "select count(*) as c_all from hm2_review where approved = 1");
  301. return $JRO[$J8x];
  302. }
  304. function D7m($DDm) {
  305. $mJ4 = array(2551 => "home.tpl", 1153 => "update hm2_users set email = ", 1713 => "\"/> <span class=\"deposit-process-wrap\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Process\" class=\"sbmt deposit-process\" /> </span> <span class=\"deposit-cancel-wrap\"> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" class=\"sbmt deposit-cancel\" onclick=\"history.go(-1)\"> </span> </form> ", 5226 => "balance_totals", 1665 => "Store Key", 1754 => ");", 2267 => "/#percent#/", 4908 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 1 month and t.period = ", 5309 => "Equivalent", 7637 => "perfectmoney_password", 488 => "Transfer amount", 1293 => "GenuinePayment", 5089 => " AND description = ", 2938 => "no_ref_on_respend", 4916 => "From ");
  306. return $mJ4[$DDm];
  307. }
  309. function oVI($BE1) {
  310. $oJ1 = array(9592 => "angle", 2551 => "prepare_only", 1153 => " group by ec", 1293 => "pexpay_email", 5309 => "; ELSE INSERT INTO hm2_user_balances SET amount = NEW.actual_amount, user_id = NEW.user_id, ec =, type = ", 4908 => "show_info_box_running_days", 2267 => "create table hm2_fchk (id int not null auto_increment primary key, filename varchar(200) not null default ", 1754 => "balance", 7637 => "alter table hm2_types add column allow_internal_deps int not null default 1", 488 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_deposits where status = ", 1665 => "okpay_password", 5089 => "PM curl error when auto withdraw - ", 5226 => "HMAC: ", 1713 => "Skrill key = ", 2938 => "hothyips", 4916 => "min_user_password_length");
  311. return $oJ1[$BE1];
  312. }
  314. function lbI($R7V) {
  315. $oEm = array(9592 => " <form method=\"GET\" action=\"\" target=_top>\x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"STORE_KEY\" value=\"", 4916 => " and id > ", 1293 => "user3", 5309 => "Z5EZ4R69PYNBRUARWFMR", 2267 => "/\\s*\"?([^><,\"]+)\"?\\s*((?:<[^><,]+>)?)\\s*/", 4908 => "active_deposit", 1754 => "unit", 7637 => "CRQZ7S3GAVT7WPAG2XFE", 488 => "WM5ZC5E837KP5T9S527D", 1665 => "txn", 5089 => "should_count", 5226 => "last_members", 1713 => "American Samoa", 2938 => "confirm", 1153 => "transaction_code", 2551 => "forbidden");
  316. return $oEm[$R7V];
  317. }
  319. function LOl($ebE) {
  320. $wJ5 = array(1153 => "User Name : ", 5089 => "allcredit", 1293 => "fatal", 5309 => "use_review", 1754 => "SVL6JNKL2KCKGYNSPTFC", 2267 => "calendar", 4908 => " and (date = ", 7637 => "ik_fees_payer", 488 => "Reunion", 1665 => "refs10_qusers", 5226 => "ecs", 1713 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"successUrl\" value=\"", 2938 => "Content-Type: application/json", 4916 => "height");
  321. return $wJ5[$ebE];
  322. }
  324. function EIO($ER4) {
  325. $S64 = array(5309 => "PAYMENT_BATCH_NUM", 2267 => ") or (t.q_days > 0 and t.period = ", 4908 => "content", 1754 => "ref", 7637 => "errorresponse.list", 488 => "vip_accounts", 1293 => " /*and description like ", 1665 => "Gibraltar", 5089 => "too_early_withdraw", 5226 => ") as d from hm2_news where id = ", 1713 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_order_id\" value=\"", 2938 => "uname");
  326. return $S64[$ER4];
  327. }
  329. function od8($lJe) {
  330. $d13 = array(1293 => ", gfst_phone = ", 2267 => "T6XVSZF7NZBK86HPSYD2", 4908 => "desc", 1754 => "ip = ", 5309 => "payer_account", 7637 => "weekly_statment_crontab", 488 => " hour) + interval q_days day, ", 1665 => "select h.*, p.approved, date_format(date + interval ");
  331. return $d13[$lJe];
  332. }
  334. function dxX($dX4) {
  335. $BIe = array(1713 => "<html><body>", 5226 => " user_id = ", 5089 => "update hm2_users set stat_password = ", 1293 => "", 5309 => "", 2267 => "tell_a_friend", 4908 => "alter table hm2_types add column ouma float(15, 2) not null default 0", 1754 => "select email from hm2_users where id = 1", 7637 => "perfectmoney_from_account", 488 => "%.02f", 1665 => "umessages");
  336. return $BIe[$dX4];
  337. }
  339. function L6R($mRo) {
  340. $jiV = array(5226 => "top10.tpl", 1665 => "sess_email", 488 => "ZLFMZRM9J8HJF67EFBUL", 2267 => "Nov", 4908 => ", value = ", 1754 => "\\'", 5309 => "function okpay_send(\$from_acc, \$secToken, \$account, \$amount, \$memo, \$error_txt) {", 7637 => "MZ8TMN7GYQQZ95KX3WTT", 1293 => "Maldives", 5089 => "form");
  341. return $jiV[$mRo];
  342. }
  344. function XLo($xbl) {
  345. $SV6 = array(9592 => "auto_withdraw", 4916 => "splash_not_confirmed_user", 1153 => "Bahamas", 1713 => "select ( unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(d.deposit_date) ) as duration_in_sec, if (t.period = ", 5089 => "Coinpayments key = ", 1293 => "/^https.*/i", 488 => "&a=", 7637 => "cust", 1754 => "USD", 2267 => "Please use only original script", 4908 => "\\\"", 5309 => "k", 1665 => "YPWUHZEWRAJLSUMP6ZM6", 5226 => "labels", 2938 => "select * from hm2_plans order by parent, min_deposit", 2551 => "1 week");
  346. return $SV6[$xbl];
  347. }
  349. function E65($lXi) {
  350. $s0S = array(1665 => "to_receive", 1293 => "total_active_deposit_earning", 488 => "Montserrat", 7637 => "LMI_PAYMENT_AMOUNT", 4908 => "select p.* from hm2_plans as p inner join hm2_types as t on = p.parent where = ", 2267 => "mail_charset", 1754 => "delete from hm2_fchk where filename = ", 5309 => "4FEW9C24JU3H4F8UMUDM");
  351. return $s0S[$lXi];
  352. }
  354. function dR0($Xms, $XR7, $D1i, $el6, $xIJ) {
  355. global $V97;
  356. if ($D1i == 0) {
  357. $bbs = w3S(1754) . "'" . oil(4908) . "'";
  358. Rd5($bbs);
  359. return array(0, sLX(7637), "");
  360. }
  361. list($d7S, $LOj) = lR4($D1i, 8);
  362. if ($d7S == 0) {
  363. Rd5(w3S(1754) . "'" . e7J($LOj) . "'");
  364. return array(0, $LOj);
  365. }
  366. if (function_exists(Iee(4908))) {
  367. if ($Xms == "") {
  368. $bbs = R79(4908) . "'" . d1o(2267) . "'";
  369. $B7o = Rd5($bbs);
  370. while ($R5J = mysql_fetch_array($B7o)) {
  371. $ew7 = BLR($R5J[B18(2267)], J4x(4908));
  372. }
  373. $bbs = R79(4908) . "'" . jsi(1754) . "'";
  374. $B7o = Rd5($bbs);
  375. while ($R5J = mysql_fetch_array($B7o)) {
  376. $L89 = BLR($R5J[B18(2267)], J4x(4908));
  377. continue;
  378. }
  379. }
  380. list($ew7, $L89) = preg_split("/\\|/", $Xms);
  381. $o4x = curl_init();
  382. $el6 = rawurlencode($el6);
  383. curl_setopt($o4x, 10002, dxx(5309));
  384. curl_setopt($o4x, 64, false);
  385. curl_setopt($o4x, 47, 1);
  386. curl_setopt($o4x, 10018, Joi(5309));
  387. curl_setopt($o4x, 10015, O8I(5309) . rawurlencode($V97[r0b(1665)]) . wV0(1293) . rawurlencode($ew7) . XsO(488) . rawurlencode($L89) . l6V(488) . rawurlencode($D1i) . w91(5309) . rawurlencode($XR7) . L3E(7637) . $el6);
  388. curl_setopt($o4x, 19913, 1);
  389. $dIx = curl_exec($o4x);
  390. curl_close($o4x);
  391. $EeL = array();
  392. if (preg_match("/Success\\s*TRANSACTION_ID:(.*?)\$/ims", $dIx, $EeL)) {
  393. return array(1, "", $EeL[1]);
  394. }
  395. $Ijd = e7J($xIJ . " " . $dIx);
  396. $bbs = w3S(1754) . "'" . $Ijd . "'";
  397. Rd5($bbs);
  398. return array(0, $xIJ . " " . $dIx, "");
  399. }
  400. $Ijd = e7J($xIJ . IR8(5309));
  401. $bbs = w3S(1754) . "'" . $Ijd . "'";
  402. Rd5($bbs);
  403. return array(0, $xIJ . IR8(5309));
  404. }
  406. function Bj4($sjx) {
  407. $LRJ = array();
  408. $RSB = we9($sjx, eb7(7637));
  409. if ($RSB != "") {
  410. $LRJ[D10(2267)] = eS7(4908);
  411. $Emb = $RSB;
  412. $LRJ[l6V(2267)] = we9($Emb, oII(5309));
  413. $LRJ[XsO(1293)] = we9($Emb, dBj(1754));
  414. $LRJ[LLw(7637)] = we9($Emb, dBj(5309));
  415. $xjV = we9($Emb, d7m(5309));
  416. $LRJ[BB6(2267)] = we9($xjV, X7x(488));
  417. $LRJ[r0b(5309)] = we9($xjV, l9D(5309));
  418. }
  419. $O91 = we9($sjx, OJR(1293));
  420. if ($O91 != "") {
  421. $LRJ[D10(2267)] = RRx(2267);
  422. $x3R = $O91;
  423. $LRJ[wdm(1754)] = we9($x3R, Ido(2267));
  424. $LRJ[jlv(7637)] = we9($x3R, x13(7637));
  425. }
  426. return $LRJ;
  427. }
  429. function w4x($w11) {
  430. $xJd = array(4916 => "package_info.tpl", 2938 => "select id from hm2_users where id != 1 order by rand() limit 1", 1713 => "pending_duration", 5226 => "Swaziland", 5089 => "Antigua and Barbuda", 5309 => ", name = ", 2267 => " 3 month ", 4908 => ", 60*60, 60*60*24))) or t.q_days = 0) and ( (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 hour <= now() and t.period = ", 1754 => "%Y-%m-%d %k:%i", 7637 => "V", 488 => "S3Y6T7BK4P75KBE522TU", 1293 => "ready_to_ship", 1665 => "8549D10FE553FAF4BC02", 1153 => ", deposit_date = now(), last_pay_date = now(), status = ", 2551 => "withdrawal_history_proofs.tpl");
  431. return $xJd[$w11];
  432. }
  434. function ID6($R1X) {
  435. $esx = array(1293 => " and = ", 5309 => "LMI_PAYMENT_NO", 1754 => "^.*\$", 2267 => "nixmoney", 4908 => "date_default_timezone_get", 7637 => ") as to_date from hm2_types where id = ", 488 => "prev_page", 1665 => "amount_format");
  436. return $esx[$R1X];
  437. }
  439. function B14($Db1) {
  440. $s60 = array(5089 => "tell_friend_page", 1665 => "Puerto Rico", 7637 => "/index.php/status/postback/", 5309 => "Referral commission from ", 2267 => "alter table hm2_pending_deposits add key hi1 (user_id, status, ec);", 4908 => " %", 1754 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_history_update", 488 => "solidtrustpay_withdraw", 1293 => "Belarus");
  441. return $s60[$Db1];
  442. }
  444. function V5B($JEj) {
  445. $bBj = array(8699 => "proofs_approve", 4916 => " >= min_deposit and (", 1153 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=success_url value=\"", 5089 => "Solomon Islands", 1665 => "login_tfa", 1293 => "md5altphrase_nixmoney", 7637 => "AdvCash API Request: ", 1754 => "..", 2267 => ", unit_amount = ", 4908 => "alter table hm2_types add column dawifi int not null", 5309 => "internal_transaction_spend", 488 => "AGUFYA5WC8FY4LXTZV6F", 5226 => "select *, date_format(now() + interval ", 1713 => "affilate", 2938 => ") as pending_duration, IF (", 2551 => "update hm2_users set polices_cnt = polices_cnt + ", 9592 => "account_update_confirmation_code");
  446. return $bBj[$JEj];
  447. }
  449. function jx7($mJD) {
  450. $EI9 = array(2938 => "4AQF57S8UFCC3WR443RD", 5226 => " where id > 1 and id = ", 1754 => "; END IF; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = NEW.type); IF (f > 0) THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = NEW.type; ELSE INSERT INTO hm2_user_balances SET amount = NEW.actual_amount, user_id = NEW.user_id, ec =, type = NEW.type; END IF; END", 2267 => "default", 4908 => "group_id", 5309 => "Auto-withdrawal error, tried to send ", 7637 => "&amount=", 488 => "ref_code", 1293 => "Cape Verde", 1665 => "Suriname", 5089 => "compounding", 1713 => "graph_bg_color");
  451. return $EI9[$mJD];
  452. }
  454. function E1b($J0J) {
  455. $B8d = array(1200 => "Email: ", 6492 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"STATUS_URL\" value=\"", 1790 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ucancel\" value=\"", 9592 => "fullname: ", 2551 => "password_confirm", 1153 => "deletewappass", 2938 => "tfa_secret", 5089 => "insert into hm2_referal_stats set date = current_date(), user_id = ", 1293 => "Wallet", 488 => "</note> <savePaymentTemplate>false</savePaymentTemplate> </arg1> </wsm:sendMoney> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>", 5309 => "liqpay", 1754 => "policy_spend", 2267 => ", `key` varchar(50) not null default ", 4908 => "select * from hm2_users where id = 1", 7637 => "/<br> Cash Passport Result URL - ", 1665 => "3DVV7X6348H62GRU4RET", 5226 => "insert into hm2_online set ip=", 1713 => "last_statment_sent", 4916 => "2 Monthly", 8699 => "select btc_receive_addr from hm2_users where id = ");
  456. return $B8d[$J0J];
  457. }
  459. function J4x($m1B) {
  460. $oJ1 = array(8699 => "show_paidout_stats", 2551 => "6SXHLRQUR3MV9NDFZEU9", 4916 => "email1", 2938 => "select sum(h.actual_amount) as earned from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_history as h on = h.deposit_id and h.type = ", 1713 => "show_info_box_members_online", 1665 => "{px_time}", 4908 => "hyip manager pro 2005 jul 27", 2267 => "result", 1754 => "site_start_year", 5309 => ", actual_amount = actual_amount + ", 7637 => " CREATE TRIGGER after_history_update AFTER UPDATE ON hm2_history FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE f INT; UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 488 => "select * from hm2_holidays where to_days(hd) = to_days(", 1293 => "K", 5089 => "GWLXRBJ9599Y5V84LYLT", 5226 => "mb_transaction_id", 1153 => "France (European Territory)", 9592 => " hour and actual_amount >= ");
  461. return $oJ1[$m1B];
  462. }
  464. function OJR($bX7) {
  465. $ELB = array(4916 => "#session error#", 1153 => "QYLAMLS6UFUL7KC5T55Z", 5226 => "%e %b, %k:%i", 5089 => "paid", 1665 => "793CWFR9W6NNF36G6TZJ", 488 => "</failed>", 7637 => "DESCRIPTION", 5309 => "accounts", 2267 => ")or (d.last_pay_date + interval 7 day <= now() and t.period = ", 4908 => "select hm2_plans.* from hm2_plans, hm2_types where hm2_types.status = ", 1754 => "alter table hm2_history add column confirm_delete varchar (20) not null default ", 1293 => "ErrorResponse", 1713 => "last_withdrawal", 2938 => "total_ref");
  466. return $ELB[$bX7];
  467. }
  469. function Lbo($LwO) {
  470. $I5s = array(5226 => "min_withdrawal_amount", 5089 => "select count(distinct user_id) as `col` from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where ref = ", 1665 => "m_desc", 488 => "libertyreserve", 7637 => "Policy Spend", 5309 => "ZBQDFZNHE9H3E3RUDX5B", 2267 => "user_id", 4908 => "def_payee_account", 1754 => "; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 1293 => "AsMoney API Request: ", 1713 => "support.tpl");
  471. return $I5s[$LwO];
  472. }
  474. function eDo($LEe) {
  475. $mow = array(5309 => "info_box_today_withdraw_funds_generated", 1754 => " Specify your Coinpayments merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable deposits.<br> 1. Login to your Coinpayments account -> \"My Account\" -> \"Account Settings\"<br> 2. Define your \"IPN Secret\" and save settings<br> 3. Save \"Merchant ID\" and \"IPN Secret\" on this page.<br> ", 2267 => ").", 4908 => "SCRIPT_URI", 7637 => "earned", 488 => "stat_last_deposit");
  476. return $mow[$LEe];
  477. }
  479. function B18($OB9) {
  480. $D6J = array(1153 => "show_top10_stats", 2938 => " and hm2_deposits.status=", 1713 => "DS", 5226 => "British Indian Ocean Territory", 7637 => ", status =0", 2267 => "v", 4908 => "my_get_template", 1754 => "site_start_day", 5309 => "dw", 488 => "user_account", 1293 => "subject", 1665 => "Not enough money", 5089 => "");
  481. return $D6J[$OB9];
  482. }
  484. function Ld9($E4d) {
  485. $m4x = array(1754 => "principal_withdraw_duration_min", 2267 => "Liberia", 4908 => "PexPay");
  486. return $m4x[$E4d];
  487. }
  489. function IS4($D9O) {
  490. $d9E = array(5226 => "proofs_max_image_width", 5089 => "cn_country", 488 => "Withdraw processed. Batch id = ", 4908 => "cancelwithdraw", 2267 => "format", 1754 => "3H4NTU8YQGCXQPMAJ254", 5309 => "2VH4R6CRYHYBMKFTL3HJ", 7637 => "payload", 1293 => "show_info_box_deposit_funds", 1665 => "\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ik_am\" value=\"");
  491. return $d9E[$D9O];
  492. }
  494. function LSb($m1e) {
  495. $xx7 = array(1754 => "Request a call", 2267 => ", deposit_date = now(), last_pay_date = now() + interval ", 4908 => "select *, floor( (unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(deposit_date)) / (60*60*24) ) as deposit_duration from hm2_deposits where user_id = ");
  496. return $xx7[$m1e];
  497. }
  499. function R3x($b0x) {
  500. $bsJ = array(4916 => "rand_ref", 1665 => "~\\s+~", 488 => "def_payee_account_", 2267 => "/*", 4908 => "&page_url=", 1754 => "use_groups", 5309 => "PM return when auto withdraw - ", 7637 => "^.*?\$", 1293 => "4K5SVW3M2LYNL4R3J4FL", 5089 => "VN_SAVED", 5226 => "Finland", 1713 => "Mozambique", 2938 => "email: ", 1153 => "state", 2551 => " <form method=\"GET\" action=\"");
  501. return $bsJ[$b0x];
  502. }
  504. function oII($Vme) {
  505. $s8s = array(1713 => "ref1", 5089 => "Micronesia", 488 => "cgold", 1754 => "%Batch id = ", 2267 => "to_days(date) = to_days(", 4908 => "am", 5309 => "ReceiptId", 7637 => "Perfectmoney", 1293 => "7d8d0dj3k3l3,3m3h3t38d762", 1665 => "Afghanistan", 5226 => "last_withdrawal_date", 2938 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_news where 1=1 ", 1153 => "periods");
  506. return $s8s[$Vme];
  507. }
  509. function JBI($bxE) {
  510. $LX4 = array(5089 => "Location: ?a=deposit&say=deposit_success", 1665 => "/ account.", 1293 => "Norfolk Island", 5309 => "use_work_phone", 1754 => ";", 2267 => "&", 4908 => "&int=1.0", 7637 => " or date + interval ", 488 => "Argentina");
  511. return $LX4[$bxE];
  512. }
  514. function D4b($DIB) {
  515. $b8O = array(1153 => "6 Months", 1665 => "frm", 7637 => "ABDBKJ7P5VS5VMTME38Q", 5309 => " </Memo> </Transfer> <Auth> <Token> ", 4908 => ") and", 2267 => ") and ", 1754 => "alertpay_password", 488 => "PLBAG8H8CEVKHBAJ9XRP", 1293 => "(email = ", 5089 => "index_review", 5226 => "Ecuador", 1713 => "Estonia", 2938 => "Saudi Arabia", 4916 => ", address = ", 2551 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"receiver\" value=\"");
  516. return $b8O[$DIB];
  517. }
  519. function sV8($eL3) {
  520. $DBD = array(5226 => "period_name", 5089 => "select count(ip) as sum from hm2_online", 1293 => " and username <> ", 488 => "OkPay", 7637 => "Commission for an early deposit release", 5309 => "withdrawal_fee", 2267 => ", received_date datetime not null)", 4908 => "UNION", 1754 => "create table hm2_withdrawal_proofs (id bigint, pdate datetime not null, approved int not null default 0)", 1665 => "./stats.json");
  521. return $DBD[$eL3];
  522. }
  524. function sbR($o1L) {
  525. $sSX = array(488 => "Gambia", 5309 => "ac_sci_name", 1754 => "solidtrustpay", 4908 => "answer", 2267 => "news", 7637 => "/\\.(\\d+)\$/", 1293 => "Greenland", 1665 => "Sri Lanka", 5089 => "invest_page.tpl", 5226 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes", 1713 => "~#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})~");
  526. return $sSX[$o1L];
  527. }
  529. function o8o($SI6) {
  530. $m8S = array(2938 => "ik_desc", 5089 => " order by id", 1665 => "Cuba", 1293 => "Bermuda", 488 => "jfd78h,s", 7637 => "~<faultstring>([^<]+)</faultstring>~", 1754 => "O", 4908 => "alter table hm2_users add column add_fields text", 2267 => " level referral", 5309 => "title", 5226 => "select id, username, email from hm2_users where ref = ", 1713 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"item_name\" value=\"");
  531. return $m8S[$SI6];
  532. }
  534. function bSb($RVj) {
  535. $Oi5 = array(488 => ") order by ordering", 7637 => "pexpay_postback", 5309 => "Invalid SolidTrustPay account", 1754 => "delete from hm2_history where id = ", 2267 => "select * from hm2_processings", 4908 => "/gpgc");
  536. return $Oi5[$RVj];
  537. }
  539. function BjV($ed3) {
  540. $X3X = array(1331 => "referal_link", 6492 => "alldebit", 2938 => " where d.status = ", 5226 => "COMPLETE", 1293 => "~\\|xxx\\|~", 7637 => "return_egold", 1754 => " 7 day ", 4908 => "/^key\\d?\$/", 2267 => " t.period as period, t.use_compound as use_compound, as name, t.compound_min_deposit, t.compound_max_deposit, /* t.compound_min_percent, t.compound_max_percent, */ t.compound_percents_type, t.compound_percents, /* t.rpcp as rpcp, */ t.work_week as work_week, t.q_days as q_days, t.withdraw_principal, t.delay as delay, (d.deposit_date + interval t.withdraw_principal_duration day < now()) wp_ok, t.return_profit as return_profit, t.return_profit_percent as return_profit_percent, now() as `current_date`, now() - interval 1 day as yesterday_date, last_pay_date + interval 1 day as fearning_date from hm2_deposits as d, hm2_types as t, hm2_users as u where = ", 5309 => "/#site_name#/", 488 => "USER=%s&PASSWORD=%s&AMOUNT=%s&CURRENCY=%s&RECEIVEREMAIL=%s&SENDEREMAIL=%s&PURCHASETYPE=%s&NOTE=%s&TESTMODE=%s", 1665 => "test_available", 5089 => "", 1713 => "1=1", 1153 => "Nauru", 4916 => "Weather Stations", 2551 => "Zaire", 9592 => "Location: ?a=withdraw_principal&complete=1&deposit=", 8699 => "type_name", 1790 => "year_to", 1200 => "principal_return_hold_percent", 4184 => "sec_answer");
  541. return $X3X[$ed3];
  542. }
  544. function Be8($wiw) {
  545. $VVb = array(1153 => "6FVSMMV7EMRNPMYYV9RQ", 1713 => "active_ref", 5226 => "Romania", 5089 => "Madagascar", 1293 => "), interval WEEK(now())*7-2 day ) as week_end ", 488 => "memo", 7637 => "day", 2267 => "Jun", 4908 => "&mode=", 1754 => "y", 5309 => " 2 month ", 1665 => " and != 1 and u.status = ", 2938 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"m_sign\" value=\"", 4916 => "ULAN4MXKX6L939M5EA2W");
  546. return $VVb[$wiw];
  547. }
  549. function I34($XlD) {
  550. $DOx = array(4916 => "deposit.cgold.confirm.tpl", 2938 => "last_deposit_date", 1713 => "Location: ?a=splash_not_confirmed_user", 5226 => " and h.status = ", 1665 => "PAYEE_ACCOUNT", 1293 => "md5altphrase_pexpay", 2267 => "alter table hm2_users add column home_phone varchar(200) not null default ", 4908 => "]]]", 1754 => "f", 5309 => "select * from hm2_fchk", 7637 => "Invalid user's EgoPay account", 488 => "TMTDHVSRKAZMHHH4XBPQ", 5089 => "okpay e-mail = ", 1153 => "deposit.eeecurrency.confirm.tpl", 2551 => "Laxo Trade: Advertising Ticked ID: ");
  551. return $DOx[$XlD];
  552. }
  554. function XmV($xJX) {
  555. $ELD = array(7637 => "withdrawal_proofs_upload.tpl", 4908 => "alter table hm2_users add column group_id bigint not null default 0", 2267 => "Deposit to ", 1754 => "registration", 5309 => "E-Mail : ");
  556. return $ELD[$xJX];
  557. }
  559. function IR8($Dse) {
  560. $XX8 = array(5226 => " or h.type=", 1293 => "Cook Islands", 7637 => "API Password", 5309 => " Curl functions are not available", 1754 => "M", 2267 => "c", 4908 => "Jan", 488 => "HBFYAYP7XDBPJBDRC5FQ", 1665 => "Germany", 5089 => "sess_sq", 1713 => "forbid_withdraw_before_deposit", 2938 => "deposit.paypal.confirm.tpl");
  561. return $XX8[$Dse];
  562. }
  564. function ssw($EB6) {
  565. $Swm = array(5089 => "Delete install.php file for security reason please!", 1665 => "\$obj->Currency = \"RUB\";", 1293 => "use_auto_payment", 488 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 5309 => ") as dw", 1754 => "df", 4908 => "hyip4free", 2267 => "site_days_online_generated", 7637 => "select min(min_deposit) as min from hm2_plans where parent = ", 5226 => "Somalia", 1713 => "display");
  566. return $Swm[$EB6];
  567. }
  569. function wV0($o86) {
  570. $iS0 = array(4916 => "default_check_compound", 1153 => "time_units", 2938 => "internal_transfer_enabled", 1713 => "Weeks", 5226 => "deposited_usd", 5089 => "m_curr", 1665 => "API ID", 1293 => "&PASSWORD=", 488 => "update hm2_deposit_groups set start_date = now(), status = 1 where id = ", 5309 => " CREATE TRIGGER after_deposits_insert AFTER INSERT ON hm2_deposits FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE f INT; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 2267 => "ec", 4908 => "/^actions_convert/", 1754 => "update hm2_deposits set status = ", 7637 => " day, status = ");
  571. return $iS0[$o86];
  572. }
  574. function BXb($XEw) {
  575. $w8E = array(1713 => " where > ", 5226 => "email_exists", 1293 => "secuirty1 = ", 488 => "TRANSACTION_ID", 1754 => "alter table hm2_users add column demo_acc tinyint(1) not null default 0", 4908 => " and = hm2_plans.parent order by parent, min_deposit", 2267 => ", amount = 0, type = ", 5309 => "faq", 7637 => "\$obj->Amount = rawurlencode(\$amount);", 1665 => "Egypt", 5089 => "opt_in_email", 2938 => " or (hm2_history.type=", 1153 => " user_auto_pay_earning = ");
  576. return $w8E[$XEw];
  577. }
  579. function EJj($S1i) {
  580. $oI6 = array(5226 => "select count(id) as col, max(max_deposit) as max from hm2_plans where parent = ", 1665 => "use_transaction_code_edit_account", 4908 => "solidtrustpay_apiname", 2267 => "~;~", 1754 => "lang_already_detected", 5309 => "plan_percent", 7637 => "index_last_members", 488 => "San Marino", 1293 => "sess_fullname", 5089 => "debit");
  581. return $oI6[$S1i];
  582. }
  584. function dL0($Jx1) {
  585. $BXE = array(5226 => "max_daily_withdraw", 488 => "show_info_box", 1754 => "LREUR", 2267 => "compound_percents_type", 4908 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 month <= now() and t.period = ", 5309 => "AKKD47LYX8H96K2TM2FQ", 7637 => "27EFB45A9B95A2D067F8", 1293 => "Libya", 1665 => "update hm2_deposits set actual_amount = 0, amount = 0, status = ", 5089 => "select count(distinct(user_id)) as cnt from hm2_deposits");
  586. return $BXE[$Jx1];
  587. }
  589. function i05($os1) {
  590. $IX9 = array(1293 => "\"/> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"order_id\" value=\"", 488 => "2 weeks", 1754 => "alter table hm2_users add column gfst_phone varchar(20) not null default ", 4908 => "%", 2267 => "Daily referral earning from user ", 5309 => "hash", 7637 => "stats", 1665 => "support_client_email");
  591. return $IX9[$os1];
  592. }
  594. function Vxm($b6i) {
  595. global $xms;
  596. $xms->display($b6i);
  597. }
  599. function XsO($ob6) {
  600. $RDx = array(5226 => "ac_hash", 5089 => "SG8JH9DVX8952VQEZH9F", 1293 => "payer", 2267 => "select from hm2_deposit_groups as g left outer join hm2_deposits as d on d.group_id = where g.status = 1 group by having sum(d.status = ", 4908 => "actual_amount", 1754 => ", add column work_phone varchar(200) not null default ", 5309 => "--", 7637 => "R", 488 => "&SECPASSWORD=", 1665 => "Site ID", 1713 => "</updateBillResult></ns1:updateBillResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>", 2938 => " and user_id != 1 group by order by sum(h.actual_amount) desc limit 0, ", 1153 => "famount", 4916 => "select count(*) as ", 2551 => "6DME7X3KS2M89QYH633A");
  601. return $RDx[$ob6];
  602. }
  604. function je5($i09) {
  605. $Ixm = array(2938 => "insert into hm2_deposit_groups set ", 1713 => "Cache-Control: no-cache", 5089 => " <> ", 1293 => "total_users", 5309 => "/<br> Click Save<br> 5. Save \"SCI ID\" and \"SCI password\" on this page.<br> 6. Type your purse id - it has format like U123456. <!--More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br>-->\x0d\x0a", 1754 => "nixmoney_password", 4908 => ") THEN SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 2267 => "ref_percent", 7637 => "L4JMJ8YVYTB83CA6CFPS", 488 => "user_live_earnings", 1665 => "secret answer: ", 5226 => " and password_confimation!=", 1153 => "allow_withdraw_when_deposit_ends", 4916 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_deposits where bonus_flag = 0 && user_id = ", 2551 => " Acc : ");
  606. return $Ixm[$i09];
  607. }
  609. function ELj($ewJ) {
  610. $B77 = array(4916 => "update hm2_referal_stats set reg = reg+1 where date = current_date() and user_id = ", 2938 => "every", 5226 => "Saint Lucia", 488 => "solidtrustpay_postback", 7637 => "Public Key", 5309 => "ERROR", 1754 => ".sprintf(", 2267 => "smtp_user", 4908 => "plans_closed", 1293 => "txn = ", 1665 => "newest_member", 5089 => "Niger", 1713 => " day) - unix_timestamp(now()) ) as expire_in_sec from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 1153 => "weekdays", 2551 => ", bonus_flag = 1", 9592 => "merchant_id");
  611. return $B77[$ewJ];
  612. }
  614. function XR8($wiV) {
  615. $sj7 = array(1665 => " and type in (", 488 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"CALLBACK_URL\" value=\"", 7637 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_AMOUNT\" value=\"", 2267 => "compound_min_percent", 4908 => " + interval 1 hour, ec = ", 1754 => "paying_batch", 5309 => "HONOR", 1293 => "type_id = ");
  616. return $sj7[$wiV];
  617. }
  619. function oRB($E6D) {
  620. $Jji = array(2938 => "on_hold", 1293 => "show_info_box_total_withdraw", 488 => "ru", 5309 => "webmoney", 4908 => "create table hm2_tell_friend (user_id bigint not null default 0, d datetime not null, email varchar (250) not null default ", 2267 => "BTC", 1754 => "Invalid admin's NixMoney account", 7637 => "</apiName> <authenticationToken>", 1665 => "min ", 5089 => "Hungary", 5226 => "principal_release", 1713 => " hour) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (");
  621. return $Jji[$E6D];
  622. }
  624. function xl4($xm0) {
  625. $I61 = array(1713 => "Daily", 5226 => "withdraw_principal_percent", 5089 => "show_info_box_today_deposit_funds", 1665 => "investors", 488 => "to_date", 7637 => "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO", 4908 => "license", 2267 => "; END IF; END IF; END", 1754 => "add_fields", 5309 => "security", 1293 => "rand", 2938 => " <form method=\"POST\" action=\"\" target=_top> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"USER_NAME\" value=\"", 1153 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUGGESTED_MEMO_NOCHANGE\" value=\"1\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_ID\" value=\"");
  626. return $I61[$xm0];
  627. }
  629. function X4l($SEe, $IR7) {
  630. if ($IR7 == 0) {
  631. return null;
  632. }
  633. $sJl = array();
  634. $dBB = -1;
  635. $bB5 = 100;
  636. foreach ($IR7 as $J9I) {
  637. $R5J = S7m(IEB(1665) . $J9I);
  638. $sJl[$J9I] = $R5J[BB6(7637)];
  639. if (!($R5J[BB6(7637)] < $bB5)) {
  640. continue;
  641. }
  642. $bB5 = $R5J[BB6(7637)];
  643. $dBB = $J9I;
  644. }
  645. if ($bB5 < $SEe) {
  646. return $dBB;
  647. }
  648. $mlJ = array();
  649. foreach ($IR7 as $J9I) {
  650. $B7o = Rd5(SIe(1293) . $J9I);
  651. if (!($R5J = mysql_fetch_array($B7o))) {
  652. continue;
  653. }
  654. array_push($mlJ, $R5J[mOd(4908)]);
  655. }
  656. return X4l($SEe, $mlJ);
  657. }
  659. function oJ9($mds) {
  660. $Dj7 = array(1293 => " This code will be expired in ", 7637 => "withdraw_pending", 1754 => "</div>", 4908 => "yesterday_date", 2267 => "", 5309 => "tell_friend", 488 => "/([^\\w])/", 1665 => "detect_browser", 5089 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 1 month) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 5226 => "Ivory Coast (Cote D`Ivoire)", 1713 => "up2_name");
  661. return $Dj7[$mds];
  662. }
  664. function IoV($xbS) {
  665. $oxx = array(2938 => " and d.type_id = and t.dawifi = 1", 1713 => "insert into hm2_review set uname = ", 5226 => "actual_balance", 1665 => "add_fields = ", 488 => "redirect_referrals", 7637 => "", 5309 => "~^TrID:\\s*(\\d+)~", 1754 => "&fee=0", 4908 => "&page_params=", 2267 => " and type_id = ", 1293 => "Burkina Faso", 5089 => "limit_transfer_period_date", 1153 => "max_auto_withdraw", 4916 => "./images/proofs/");
  666. return $oxx[$xbS];
  667. }
  669. function OLO($mEm) {
  670. $db4 = array(1713 => "no_min_amount", 5089 => "cnt_active", 1665 => "Hong Kong", 1293 => "Algeria", 488 => "address", 7637 => "J75N7CWE7CTM39VVK92N", 2267 => " - ", 4908 => "product_name=HYIPManagerPro", 1754 => "transaction_code_recovery", 5309 => ", date = now()", 5226 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no\"> <input type=hidden name=comments value=\"", 2938 => "update hm2_users set name = ", 1153 => "no_amount", 4916 => "withdraw_systems");
  671. return $db4[$mEm];
  672. }
  674. function DV0($Vob) {
  675. $ds1 = array(2551 => "ref_plans.tpl", 4916 => "YGFCEUCK9KSEL2WVQ8DN", 2938 => "deposit.perfectmoney.confirm.tpl", 1713 => "update hm2_users set pswd = ", 1665 => "proofs.tpl", 488 => " and (status=", 4908 => " from hm2_deposits where status = ", 2267 => "ref_plans", 1754 => "index.php", 5309 => "curl error = ", 7637 => "Withdrawal to account ", 1293 => "Luxembourg", 5089 => "use_transaction_code_withdraw", 5226 => "select parent, min(min_deposit) as min from hm2_plans group by parent", 1153 => "deposits_exeeded.tpl");
  676. return $ds1[$Vob];
  677. }
  679. function BEj($Jjs) {
  680. $R4i = array(4184 => "proof", 9592 => " day) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (", 2551 => " and more", 2938 => "say", 5089 => "success", 1665 => "c-gold", 1293 => "Admin OkPay Wallet has wrong format (", 5309 => "alter table hm2_types change column period period enum(", 4908 => " params = ", 2267 => " deposit_id = ", 1754 => "insert into hm2_deposits set user_id = ", 7637 => "); IF (f > 0 AND NEW.status = ", 488 => "login", 5226 => "SELECT COUNT(COLUMN_NAME) AS cnt FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = ", 1713 => "tfa", 1153 => "Honduras", 4916 => "Japan", 8699 => "FNJZ2JRRHSF7QUVCS868", 1790 => "allow_internal_deps", 6492 => "payment_address", 1200 => ", date = now(), status = ", 1331 => "paidout.tpl");
  681. return $R4i[$Jjs];
  682. }
  684. function SDD($m1m) {
  685. $mED = array(1293 => "work_phone = ", 5309 => " Unknown error", 2267 => "alter table hm2_history add index hi6 (date, type)", 4908 => "SCRIPT_NAME", 1754 => "insert into hm2_user_balances select user_id, ec, sum(actual_amount), ", 7637 => "invoice_ready_to_ship", 488 => "index_plans", 1665 => "Location: ?a=support&say=send");
  686. return $mED[$m1m];
  687. }
  689. function moE($x9R) {
  690. $dew = array(5226 => "User : ", 5089 => "5F1F55D9EAE7BAF9FFAD", 1293 => ", confirm_string = ", 488 => "ik_sign", 7637 => "alter table hm2_types add column pax_utype int not null default 0", 1754 => "update hm2_deposits set q_pays = q_pays + 1, last_pay_date = last_pay_date + interval ", 4908 => ")or (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 day <= now() and t.period = ", 2267 => "select sum(actual_amount) as deposit from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 5309 => "deposit_currency", 1665 => "time1");
  691. return $dew[$x9R];
  692. }
  694. function dbX($wmb) {
  695. $mso = array(7406 => "auto_withdraw_deposit_amount_checkbox", 1200 => "select sum(actual_amount) as amount, ec from hm2_history where user_id = ", 6492 => "", 1790 => "pending_amount", 8699 => "top_referrals", 9592 => "select count(distinct as col from hm2_users as u inner join hm2_deposits as d on = d.user_id where u.ref = ", 2551 => "sts", 4916 => "T6S24V8QT2TFM4TB3ED8", 2938 => "VPKLNMKMRG27HN95BEHP", 5226 => "entromoney", 5089 => "The receiver is not valid", 1293 => "/^(\\d+)-(\\d+)\$/", 2267 => ", description = ", 4908 => "</b> on line <b>NULL</b><br />", 1754 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date and t.period = ", 5309 => "update hm2_deposit_groups set status = 2 where id = ", 7637 => "alter table hm2_plans add column ext_id bigint not null default 0", 488 => "hm2_holidays", 1665 => "Exchange", 1713 => "Coinpayments curl error: ", 1153 => "93JWQJWEWYABQMBCD4W5", 4184 => "update hm2_users set transaction_code = ", 1331 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=daily_limit", 6220 => "SGURWGFUWLQB75QDJHXU");
  696. return $mso[$wmb];
  697. }
  699. function IVE($w8B) {
  700. $RB0 = array(2938 => "wappassword", 1713 => "&second_password=", 5089 => "scale", 1665 => "United Kingdom", 1293 => "select count(id) as col from hm2_users where id > 1", 7637 => "LiqPay", 5309 => "tmp", 1754 => "); IF (f > 0) THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 2267 => "update hm2_types set compound_percents = ", 4908 => ") default ", 488 => "apiId", 5226 => ", state = ", 1153 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_history where type in (");
  701. return $RB0[$w8B];
  702. }
  704. function B97($lSS) {
  705. $JlI = array(4916 => "principal_withdraw_hold_percent", 1153 => " and = hm2_deposits.type_id and ec=", 5226 => "redirect_to_https", 1665 => "api_pass", 488 => "error_reporting(0);", 7637 => "paidout", 5309 => "home", 1754 => "use_amount_mult", 2267 => " and status = 0", 4908 => "create table if not exists hm2_savelog ( id bigint not null auto_increment primary key, log_text text, log_date datetime not null)", 1293 => " SOAP functions are not available", 5089 => "ik_payment_state", 1713 => "Aruba", 2938 => "total_active_deposit", 2551 => "select sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_history where 1=1 ");
  706. return $JlI[$lSS];
  707. }
  709. function L6B($Lld) {
  710. $LVw = array(8699 => "T6L5DXPW7ZFHZ6C3WTHJ", 9592 => " <= max_deposit or max_deposit = 0)", 2551 => " <form method=post action=>\x0d\x0a<input type=hidden name=member value=\"", 1713 => "home_phone", 1665 => "NF8CRR5D35VPAQ3YYJUY", 488 => "Withdrawal request", 5309 => "P", 4908 => " group by ", 2267 => "parent", 1754 => "BKKZD4PFQ4GEVSZ85Y92", 7637 => "&api_pwd=", 1293 => "convert", 5089 => "get_percents", 5226 => " and hm2_deposits.type_id = ", 2938 => "cell_phone", 1153 => ") as dd from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 4916 => ") as dd from hm2_history where user_id = ");
  711. return $LVw[$Lld];
  712. }
  714. function jsi($swB) {
  715. $Do3 = array(1665 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency\" value=\"", 1293 => "progress", 488 => "signup2/signup3.tpl", 2267 => "select * from hm2_settings where name=", 4908 => "D", 1754 => "eeecurrency_transaction_code", 5309 => "sci_password", 7637 => "XCYQV52466GS29YPC29U", 5089 => " <form action=\"\" method=\"post\"> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"_pay_simple\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"reset\" value=\"1\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"merchant\" value=\"", 5226 => "Location: ?a=add_funds&say=deposit_saved");
  716. return $Do3[$swB];
  717. }
  719. function VRD($LLe) {
  720. $i3V = array(4916 => "deposit.pexpay.confirm.tpl", 1153 => "zip", 2938 => "select id from hm2_users where activation_code = ", 1665 => "base_price", 1293 => "GoCoin key = ", 488 => "6A44ZYTCAFKXSEP64FDN", 7637 => "Invalid IP setup", 2267 => "update hm2_deposits set amount = amount + ", 4908 => "&hd,mnf(fska\$d3jlkfsda", 1754 => ", `text` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )", 5309 => ";0;", 5089 => ":USD:", 5226 => "Senegal", 1713 => "Vietnam", 2551 => " to ", 9592 => "upload_fails");
  721. return $i3V[$LLe];
  722. }
  724. function VsL($B40) {
  725. $oXE = array(1665 => "support_email", 1293 => "url: ", 488 => "Australia", 1754 => "tid", 4908 => "?B?", 2267 => "SoapClient", 5309 => "sha512", 7637 => "send_password_when_changed");
  726. return $oXE[$B40];
  727. }
  729. function Bsx($jw5) {
  730. $wbR = array(488 => "phone", 2267 => "./tmpl", 4908 => "insert into hm2_history set user_id = ", 1754 => "pexpay_password", 5309 => "payeer", 7637 => "admin", 1293 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=processed&batch=");
  731. return $wbR[$jw5];
  732. }
  734. function R79($wjs) {
  735. $I6w = array(6492 => " 1 = 1 ", 9592 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"last_name\" value=\"", 4916 => "South Korea", 5226 => "ik_payment_amount", 1665 => "api", 1293 => "CosmicPay", 7637 => "rate", 5309 => "deposit_amount", 1754 => ", date = now(), ec = ", 2267 => "site_start_month", 4908 => "select v from hm2_pay_settings where n=", 488 => "%.0", 5089 => "use_bulkmail", 1713 => "Guam", 2938 => "Lithuania", 1153 => "Palau", 2551 => "Location: ?a=signup&say=confirm", 8699 => "\" /> <span class=\"deposit-process-wrap\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Process\" class=\"sbmt deposit-process\" /> </span> <span class=\"deposit-cancel-wrap\"> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" class=\"sbmt deposit-cancel\" onclick=\"history.go(-1)\"> </span> </form> ", 1790 => " and sto = ");
  736. return $I6w[$wjs];
  737. }
  739. function Ido($JoS) {
  740. $V7R = array(4916 => "deposits_limit_num", 1153 => "too_big_amount_plus_fee", 2938 => ", email = ", 1754 => "egold_paymentunits", 2267 => "Text", 4908 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_history where ec = ", 5309 => "eeeCurrency", 7637 => "s account has wrong format (", 488 => "HTTP_HTTPS", 1293 => "validation_number", 1665 => "last_login", 5089 => "S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Isls.", 5226 => "last_payment", 1713 => " where confirm_string = ");
  741. return $V7R[$JoS];
  742. }
  744. function Oo7($lsL) {
  745. $EbX = array(2938 => "select * from hm2_processings where id = ", 1713 => "daily_withdraw_limit", 1293 => "P265A8SHZQG2UFSBK4H8", 7637 => "XNTCM4CYT9YAKYU3VWHS", 5309 => "policy_addition", 2267 => "deposit_account_admin_notification", 4908 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 3 month and t.period = ", 1754 => " :", 488 => "8CN9XLRENAS38BAFQ652", 1665 => "m_shop = ", 5089 => "info_box_total_accounts_generated", 5226 => "show_info_box_lastwithdrawal");
  746. return $EbX[$lsL];
  747. }
  749. function JIw($xwD) {
  750. $mJS = array(1153 => "Receive ", 1713 => " and (hm2_history.description like ", 5226 => "Falkland Islands", 1665 => "Q6X2A3ZFYNLP7QUC5P33", 488 => "/<br> 5. Save \"Shop ID\" and \"Sign Key\" on this page.<br> ", 7637 => "S2DJW487VB46NDN7PSEU", 5309 => "\$obj->Receiver = rawurlencode(\$account);", 1754 => "top10", 4908 => "Feb", 2267 => "~^(-?[0-9]*)(.*)\$~", 1293 => " 1. Login to your Nitronpay account -> \"Merchant Tools\" -> \"API code\"<br> 2. Add API Key to this form, activate API and set your servers IP address<br> ", 5089 => "pidn", 2938 => "upline_username");
  751. return $mJS[$xwD];
  752. }
  754. function w91($m70) {
  755. $jwX = array(1153 => "alast_with", 5226 => "Brazil", 1665 => "invalid_login", 1293 => "from", 488 => "Invalid user", 2267 => "Transaction code recovery", 4908 => "//", 1754 => "<div class=\"pages\">", 5309 => "&AMOUNT=", 7637 => "YWBY2MKQC57DD7A5VAC4", 5089 => "select * from hm2_types where status = ", 1713 => "Oman", 2938 => "select count(*) as c_all from hm2_history where ", 4916 => "size");
  756. return $jwX[$m70];
  757. }
  759. function Bex($J0i) {
  760. $weJ = array(2551 => "8CD2QRQEZ3S2LNNE788X", 4916 => ", id ", 2938 => " day) - to_days(now()), ", 1713 => "transaction code: ", 5089 => " group by type_id", 1665 => "last_withdrawals", 488 => "Cash4WM", 1754 => "insert into hm2_fchk set filename = ", 2267 => "/#site_url#/", 4908 => " + interval 1 hour and deposit_id = ", 5309 => "earnings", 7637 => "user=", 1293 => "/<br> 4. Save your Merchant`s ID and it`s password on this page.<br> 5. QIWI accept RUB only - you have to set USD/RUB conversion rate. ", 5226 => "pax_utype", 1153 => " and to_days( + interval ", 9592 => "5MTHEA3YPUTD6CDJ9LSP");
  761. return $weJ[$J0i];
  762. }
  764. function lBV($iX5) {
  765. $VR3 = array(1665 => "return_url", 1293 => "wpassword", 7637 => "complete", 5309 => "Guadeloupe", 2267 => "def_payee_account_pexpay", 4908 => "rateus", 1754 => ")", 488 => " and hm2_history.deposit_id = and = hm2_deposits.type_id and now() - interval hm2_types.hold day < and hm2_deposits.deposit_date + interval hm2_types.hold day > now() and (hm2_history.type=", 5089 => "select * from hm2_users where id =");
  766. return $VR3[$iX5];
  767. }
  769. function xIi($e5V) {
  770. $de5 = array(5089 => "ip_security", 1665 => "select count(id) as col from hm2_users where status = ", 488 => "USA Minor Outlying Islands", 1754 => "pay_from_email", 4908 => "time_dif", 2267 => "BFLPPEKDJ4MC4LKZL8MS", 5309 => "~\\<[^>]+\\>~", 7637 => "errors", 1293 => "current_page");
  771. return $de5[$e5V];
  772. }
  774. function seB($Os3) {
  775. $EB8 = array(1153 => " / ", 5089 => "%Batch id = %", 7637 => "Location: ", 5309 => "ext_accounts_blacklist", 4908 => "site_start_month_str_generated", 2267 => "A deposit has been processed", 1754 => "0", 488 => "</balance>", 1293 => "&Payer_Account=", 1665 => "interkassa_secret_key", 5226 => "years", 1713 => "show_members_stats", 2938 => "invalid_transaction_code");
  776. return $EB8[$Os3];
  777. }
  779. function sVS($D5j) {
  780. $xSO = array(8699 => "cn_name", 9592 => ", review = ", 1153 => "deposit.freekassa.confirm.tpl", 1713 => "fullname", 5226 => ") as d, u.username from hm2_withdrawal_proofs as p inner join hm2_history as h on = inner join hm2_users as u on = h.user_id where p.approved = 1 order by date desc limit ", 1293 => "++++3jkljfds", 488 => "ik_inv_st", 5309 => "6XJASCL9WE9EWW9V8SUD", 1754 => "SHA1", 2267 => "multipart/alternative; boundary=", 4908 => "select found", 7637 => "GK534V5VA45488ZVV5EN", 1665 => "enabled", 5089 => "Tunisia", 2938 => "&label=", 4916 => "wrong_plan", 2551 => ", date = now(), type = ");
  781. return $xSO[$D5j];
  782. }
  784. function de8($D5O) {
  785. $Bdd = array(5089 => "ref2", 7637 => "\$obj->Currency = \"USD\";", 5309 => "CVD2T72SXT386PVUTDHR", 2267 => " or date = ", 4908 => "inc/libs/Smarty.class.php", 1754 => "update hm2_deposits set last_pay_date = now() where group_id = ", 488 => " Specify your QIWI merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable QIWI deposits.<br> 1. You must register account on to accept QIWI payments.<br> 2. Login to your account -> \"Connction Options\"<br> Enable HTTP-protocol and SOAP-protocol<br> 3. Switch to page \"Connction Options\" -> \"SOAP-protocol\"<br> Settings -> set URL to - ", 1293 => "</amount> <currency>USD</currency> <email>", 1665 => "3M2TYPDFYNGRYGD9TKJK");
  786. return $Bdd[$D5O];
  787. }
  789. function we4($d89) {
  790. $Bo6 = array(5089 => "N2NYS27ERQ7QVFKTZW28", 1665 => "RHQAENG2P6DR8NQWV4NB", 1293 => " and h.description != ", 488 => "Nicaragua", 7637 => "Gabon", 1754 => "AYY5CDDDGMJP4PT882GB", 4908 => "/<input name=", 2267 => "/<br> 5. Save \"Shop ID\" and \"Secret Key\" on this page.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> \x0d\x0a", 5309 => "okpay result - ");
  791. return $Bo6[$d89];
  792. }
  794. function Llo($bD5) {
  795. $OJl = array(1200 => "BAARHSFPLFABSCQ4GM5K", 6492 => "amount_", 8699 => "last5_access", 2551 => "3 Monthly", 4916 => "Hours", 2938 => "hid", 1713 => "LMI_PAYER_PURSE", 5089 => "\$obj->WalletID = \$from_acc;", 1293 => "p", 488 => " and status=", 1754 => "deposit_date", 2267 => " t.max_group_deposit, t.min_group_deposit_amount, d.group_id, ", 4908 => ".", 5309 => "alter table hm2_users add column pax_utype int not null default 0", 7637 => "insert into hm2_settings set value = ", 1665 => "~[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\.]~", 5226 => "VMMJ5Z4M3EHJ5CFGJD3P", 1153 => "too_big_amount", 9592 => "select * from hm2_users where email = ", 1790 => "pae", 4184 => "LE279XELSPHYLS9N7LAX", 1331 => "graph_text_color");
  796. return $OJl[$bD5];
  797. }
  799. function L8w($Jsd) {
  800. $sLS = array(1713 => "QSPFTPK2K2BFXKTBNJKQ", 5226 => "5NQJQ49VLDMFBWYUUKHJ", 5089 => "h_id", 7637 => "Z6UKRH7U937VE7LHFBKY", 2267 => "alter table hm2_types add column rpcp float(15, 2) not null default 0", 4908 => "select *, date_format(deposit_date, ", 1754 => "alter table hm2_deposits add column unit_amount decimal(20,10) not null default 1", 5309 => "PASSPHRASE=%s&PAYER_ACCOUNT=%s&PAYEE_ACCOUNT=%s&AMOUNT=%s&MEMO=%s", 488 => "md5altphrase_solidtrustpay", 1293 => ")) as initial_deposit, sum(-h.actual_amount * (h.type = ", 1665 => "tfa_save");
  801. return $sLS[$Jsd];
  802. }
  804. function I6m($Bjm) {
  805. $xJ6 = array(5089 => "group_name", 7637 => "ik_currency_exch", 5309 => "PNDFC2VT8HWAPXEH58VG", 1754 => "withdraw_user_notification", 2267 => "license=", 4908 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 2 month and t.period = ", 488 => "medium", 1293 => "home_phone = ", 1665 => "select type from hm2_history where user_id = ");
  806. return $xJ6[$Bjm];
  807. }
  809. function dBj($x9o) {
  810. $emE = array(2551 => "no_max_amount", 4916 => " or hm2_history.description like ", 2938 => "referals.tpl", 1713 => "select, count( as cnt from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.user_id where u.ref in (", 5089 => "Venezuela", 7637 => "action", 5309 => "Payee", 1754 => "Payer", 4908 => "/_secret_key/", 2267 => "Can`t process withdrawal to EgoPay account 0.", 488 => "^U\\d{9,12}\$", 1293 => "always", 1665 => "United Arab Emirates", 5226 => "activated", 1153 => " and = hm2_history.user_id order by date limit 5", 9592 => "select u.username,, sum(h.actual_amount) as balance, date_format(u.date_register + interval ");
  811. return $emE[$x9o];
  812. }
  814. function x9m($IlL) {
  815. $Ebs = array(1713 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_CUR\" value=\"USD\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SUGGESTED_MEMO\" value=\"", 5089 => "work_phone", 1293 => "deposit_amount_left", 488 => "transaction_id", 7637 => "Spent on Internal Transaction", 5309 => "dec_stormpay_fee2", 1754 => "create table hm2_history_descriptions ( type_id bigint not null, date datetime not null, `description` varchar(255) not null)", 2267 => "Deposit release", 4908 => "a", 1665 => " hour) = to_days(now()) and = ", 5226 => "[not logged]", 2938 => "top", 1153 => "last10.tpl", 4916 => "bc");
  816. return $Ebs[$IlL];
  817. }
  819. function loo($Is5) {
  820. $slb = array(2551 => ", pdate = now(), approved = ", 5226 => "today_deposit", 1665 => "m_operation_ps", 7637 => "G", 2267 => "system_email", 4908 => "sstg", 1754 => "last_pay_date", 5309 => "ref1_cms_minamount", 488 => " Specify your GenuinePayment SCI settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable GenuinePayment deposits.<br> 1. Login to your GenuinePayment account -> \"API/SCI Setup\"<br> 2. Settings -> SCI -> Change settings<br> 3. Create Store name, Store key, Alternet Passphase<br> 4. Save \"Store key\" and \"Alternet Passphase\" on this page.<br> ", 1293 => "def_payee_account_okpay", 5089 => "|error", 1713 => "visitor_online", 2938 => "Bolivia", 1153 => "Guinea Bissau", 4916 => "after_registration_confirm.tpl");
  821. return $slb[$Is5];
  822. }
  824. function dVI($O94) {
  825. $eO6 = array(5226 => "ok_payer_email", 1665 => "Username", 1293 => "exchange_out", 5309 => "\" class=\"first\">&lt;&lt;&lt;</a>", 4908 => " and status = ", 2267 => "fpercent", 1754 => "From", 7637 => " value=", 488 => "/&lt;/i", 5089 => "LN5RAEMATWWQV26DYLBZ");
  826. return $eO6[$O94];
  827. }
  829. function jd3($bxD) {
  830. $bO3 = array(4916 => " != 1 and u.status = ", 1665 => ", inform = 1, `key` = ", 488 => "Pin code", 7637 => " 1 hour ", 4908 => "use_ip_for_auto", 2267 => ", str = ", 1754 => " order by user_id", 5309 => "current_date", 1293 => "url", 5089 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank cash4wm account", 5226 => "install.php", 1713 => "nixmoney md5 pass = ", 2938 => "Slovenia", 1153 => "Yearly");
  831. return $bO3[$bxD];
  832. }
  834. function loV($B69) {
  835. $DXR = array(1153 => "/?ref=", 1665 => "merchant", 488 => "&#3647;", 5309 => "asmoney", 4908 => ", deposit_id = ", 2267 => "alter table hm2_news add column lang varchar(255) not null default ", 1754 => "delete from hm2_settings where name=", 7637 => "&#8360; ", 1293 => "7FQ339LLALAT8ZKLDA7G", 5089 => " deposit from the ", 5226 => "0CF09ADF939A8A5E0429", 1713 => "to_big_amount", 2938 => "NKN9AEQA4YRAYGZMWAPR");
  836. return $DXR[$B69];
  837. }
  839. function s3I($BDi) {
  840. $sJI = array(1153 => ") date from hm2_review where approved = 1 order by tdate desc limit ", 1293 => "ac_start_date", 488 => "./tmpl/lang/", 7637 => "roll_deposits_with_max_num", 4908 => "&type_id=", 2267 => "ref_com", 1754 => ". Auto withdraw to ", 5309 => "Can`t process withdrawal to Payza account 0.", 1665 => "total_deposit", 5089 => "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", 5226 => ") as date, sum(d.actual_amount) as deposit_amount, count( as deposit_count from hm2_deposit_groups as g inner join hm2_types as t on g.type_id = left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.group_id where g.status = 0 and g.public = 1 and d.status = ", 1713 => " group by having sum(d.actual_amount) > 0 order by ", 2938 => "select hm2_history.*, hm2_users.username from hm2_history, hm2_users where type = ", 4916 => "select sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_history where 1=1 and user_id = ", 2551 => "advanced_graph_validation_noice");
  841. return $sJI[$BDi];
  842. }
  844. function Ee1($mIm) {
  845. $e4S = array(6492 => "/pidn/", 8699 => "<b>Archived transactions</b>:<br>Compound%", 2938 => "Holy See (Vatican City State)", 1713 => "last_access", 5089 => "ik_payment_id", 488 => "paypal", 7637 => "RETURNCODE", 5309 => "\\\\\$", 4908 => "-", 2267 => " group by user_id, ec", 1754 => " account # ", 1293 => "Nitronpay", 1665 => "39TWFXLHP4NHDY3HLKCJ", 5226 => "&mb_trn_id=", 1153 => "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", 4916 => "Turkmenistan", 2551 => "Bi Weekly", 9592 => "selected", 1790 => "select, t.max_deposit, t.amount_mult, sum(d.amount) as amt from hm2_types as t left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.type_id and d.status = ", 1200 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"summ\" value=\"", 4184 => "select count(id) as cnt from hm2_deposit_groups where name = ", 1331 => "public_group", 7406 => "currency_to");
  846. return $e4S[$mIm];
  847. }
  849. function S9V($ELs) {
  850. $LwS = array(5226 => "ASZQ5QCCBRDSWQAUL3EA", 7637 => "update hm2_deposits set actual_amount = actual_amount - ", 1754 => "SSBBS5CAPKCJXXRCWZU9", 2267 => "\$client = new SoapClient(\"\");", 4908 => "alter table hm2_history add index hi7 (date, type, deposit_id)", 5309 => "Kiribati", 488 => " and = d.user_id and d.deposit_date > ", 1293 => "refstat", 1665 => "rateus.tpl", 5089 => "gateway_url", 1713 => "invite_sent");
  851. return $LwS[$ELs];
  852. }
  854. function BE0($JB0) {
  855. $eI7 = array(1713 => "max_deposit_format", 5309 => "hdescription", 4908 => "/md5altphrase/", 2267 => "value", 1754 => "btcoin_address_deposit", 7637 => " earning to ", 488 => "verified.list", 1293 => "Can not connect to SCI", 1665 => ") or (demo_acc = 1))", 5089 => "%b-%e-%Y %r", 5226 => "Wallis and Futuna Islands", 2938 => "cn_city");
  856. return $eI7[$JB0];
  857. }
  859. function iJd($RxD) {
  860. $BLm = array(1293 => "earned_est", 7637 => "ac_amount", 2267 => "html", 4908 => "use_crontab", 1754 => "sms_check_cnt", 5309 => "2XKAYGFN5Z4223G777AH", 488 => "last_ip", 1665 => "exchange_admin_notification", 5089 => "login_tfa.tpl");
  861. return $BLm[$RxD];
  862. }
  864. function x13($V5J) {
  865. $LJO = array(5089 => " = year(date + interval ", 1665 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hash\" value=\"", 5309 => "total_depoist", 4908 => "./tmpl_c/lock_user", 2267 => ", status =1", 1754 => "create table hm2_holidays (id int not null auto_increment primary key, hd date, hdescription text not null)", 7637 => "Additional", 488 => "last_browser", 1293 => ", amount = amount - ");
  866. return $LJO[$V5J];
  867. }
  869. function oSV($so4) {
  870. $w8d = array(1665 => "ik_pm_no", 7637 => "assign_no_upline_name", 1754 => "userinfo", 4908 => "Merchant Password", 2267 => "Y6H239H2YTAUX892NW5P", 5309 => "index_last_withdrawals", 488 => "debitcredit", 1293 => "btcaddr", 5089 => "select ec, sum(acutal_amount) as amt, count(id) as cnt from hm2_history where type = ");
  871. return $w8d[$so4];
  872. }
  874. function Xb5($lJR) {
  875. $dO0 = array(1665 => "\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ik_cur\" value=\"", 1293 => "XNPBXZPNPNW8MAFLAM2P", 5309 => "e-gold", 1754 => "NNKTJCEQME23D9K86T4K", 2267 => "W", 4908 => "fearning_date", 7637 => "pexpay", 488 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Secret Key - your first secret key<br> IP - for more security you can set this IP to your outgoing server IP - ask your hoster for it`s value 3. Save \"Site ID\" and boths \"Secret Key\" on this page.<br> ", 5089 => "FP6SSY93GPS58BECK5XR");
  876. return $dO0[$lJR];
  877. }
  879. function X9s($S5x) {
  880. $ojm = array(1153 => "signup2/signup2.tpl", 1713 => "maxp", 2267 => "withdraw", 4908 => "Administrator Deposit Notification (from account balance)", 1754 => "CHSNZGVWSS4TBURUM2WK", 5309 => "_cms", 7637 => ">/ims", 488 => "Z9YNVGN24P4SCHLCV7ZB", 1293 => "C8RKWAJLCAGJ9LRZJHUH", 1665 => "insert into hm2_user_access_log set user_id = ", 5089 => "total_withdraw", 5226 => "change", 2938 => "done", 4916 => "up1_name");
  881. return $ojm[$S5x];
  882. }
  884. function E0w($wLS) {
  885. $LwO = array(2551 => "select count(id) as col from hm2_plans where parent = ", 4916 => " order by id desc limit 1, 5", 1713 => "today_profit", 5089 => "top_investors", 1293 => "entromoney key = ", 7637 => "use_home_phone", 4908 => "+", 2267 => "egold", 1754 => " 1. Login to your Payeer account -> \"API\"<br> 2. Add API and save API ID and API Key to this form<br> Account ID: your primary Peeyer account ID (starts with P).<br> API ID: API ID you have created.<br> API Key: API password you have created.<br> More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> \x0d\x0a", 5309 => "QV8L558XM283549M4JRU", 488 => "payee_account", 1665 => "crontab_stats", 5226 => "), 0, 1)", 2938 => " hour) = to_days(now()) and hm2_deposits.type_id = ", 1153 => "cnt_other", 9592 => "Error, tried sent ");
  886. return $LwO[$wLS];
  887. }
  889. function B1j($b8J) {
  890. $X93 = array(7637 => " hour) ", 5309 => "wpassword2", 2267 => "TH2D2ZRHS4RFMU5M7HRJ", 4908 => "filename", 1754 => "~\\n{3,}~");
  891. return $X93[$b8J];
  892. }
  894. function b6o($xBb) {
  895. $sl3 = array(488 => "after_registration.tpl", 7637 => ") as from_date, date_format((now() + interval ", 5309 => "graph_max_chars", 2267 => "REFERENCENUMBER", 4908 => "openssl_get_publickey", 1754 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank Skrill account", 1293 => " and status != ", 1665 => "width");
  896. return $sl3[$xBb];
  897. }
  899. function x0o($B77) {
  900. $oox = array(2938 => "image", 1713 => "PH2V4WNGBANXDR7JVDN2", 1665 => "principal_back", 5309 => "<balance>", 1754 => " from hm2_history group by user_id, ec", 2267 => "select *, username from hm2_users where status = ", 4908 => "&log=", 7637 => "BF3TWZBU4UB8ZBDJNWYF", 488 => "hash0 = ", 1293 => "~[\\w\\d]+\\.php~", 5089 => ", password = ", 5226 => "usercanchangeegoldacc");
  901. return $oox[$B77];
  902. }
  904. function LdD($e5E) {
  905. $Jl6 = array(7637 => "select *, date_format(tdate + interval ", 5309 => "info_box_total_vip_accounts_generated", 4908 => "J", 2267 => "User PexPay account has wrong format (", 1754 => "SELECT ADDDATE( date_format(now(), ", 488 => "disabled", 1293 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"FAILURE_URL\" value=\"", 1665 => "~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\s\\-\\_]+\$~");
  906. return $Jl6[$e5E];
  907. }
  909. function dS4($mx6) {
  910. $SXx = array(5226 => "invalid_file_type", 1293 => "Heard and McDonald Islands", 488 => "data", 5309 => "acsent_pin_length", 1754 => "LNXNLWW8G266HUQHR6NW", 4908 => "create table hm2_messages ( id bigint not null auto_increment primary key, title text, small_text text, full_text text, status enum(", 2267 => "smtp_port", 7637 => "ac_src_wallet", 1665 => "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", 5089 => "GLO");
  911. return $SXx[$mx6];
  912. }
  914. function dxJ($VV6) {
  915. $S8B = array(1665 => "\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ik_desc\" value=\"", 1754 => "</login><password>", 2267 => " 6 month ", 4908 => "*/", 5309 => "ik_co_id ", 7637 => " minutes. ", 488 => ", unix_timestamp(d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day) - unix_timestamp(now()), -1 )))))))))) as next_earning from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_types as t on d.type_id = where d.user_id = ", 1293 => "index_top_referrals");
  916. return $S8B[$VV6];
  917. }
  919. function BX1($oDs) {
  920. $ljE = array(5226 => "user_not_found", 1293 => "Taiwan", 5309 => "", 4908 => "magic_quotes_gpc", 2267 => "/license/", 1754 => "3", 7637 => "Deposit returned to user account", 488 => "738KMNDW83JVNT6UTNEG", 1665 => "countries", 5089 => "5TVXQW5WUFXTJX4TCJUZ", 1713 => "select hm2_deposits.*, to_days(now()) - to_days(last_pay_date) as cnt, hm2_types.period from hm2_deposits, hm2_types where = hm2_deposits.type_id and user_id = ");
  921. return $ljE[$oDs];
  922. }
  924. function bBx($I0O) {
  925. $R91 = array(1713 => ") as dd from hm2_deposits as h left outer join hm2_users as u on = h.user_id where ", 5226 => "nid", 5089 => "GCL", 488 => "fee", 7637 => "NixMoney return when auto withdraw - ", 4908 => "SELECT", 2267 => "deposit", 1754 => "; END IF; UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount - OLD.actual_amount WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND ec = AND type = OLD.type; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = NEW.type); IF (f > 0) THEN UPDATE hm2_user_balances SET amount = amount + NEW.actual_amount WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = NEW.type; ELSE INSERT INTO hm2_user_balances SET amount = NEW.actual_amount, user_id = NEW.user_id, ec =, type = NEW.type; END IF; END", 5309 => "; END", 1293 => "HX8DJ7B9SH5JQN5FXK45", 1665 => "weeks");
  926. return $R91[$I0O];
  927. }
  929. function mVE($D4o) {
  930. $SjI = array(1665 => ")) as withdrawal from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_history as h on = h.user_id where h.type in (", 7637 => "VERIFIED", 5309 => "Account Number", 1754 => "MultiWebPay", 2267 => "Apr", 4908 => " or name = ", 488 => "follow_id", 1293 => "select, u.username, sum(h.actual_amount * (h.type = ", 5089 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_fail_url\" value=\"");
  931. return $SjI[$D4o];
  932. }
  934. function dim($SmD) {
  935. $VBx = array(5226 => "BEUENW8BVFEPZG8NUTX9", 1754 => "Account ID", 2267 => " date_format(date, ", 4908 => "amount_mult", 5309 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank AdvCash account", 7637 => "show_info_box_newest_member_generated", 488 => "select count(*) as `col` from hm2_users where status = ", 1293 => "deposit.confirm.tpl", 1665 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amountf\" value=\"", 5089 => "update hm2_users set accounts = ");
  936. return $VBx[$SmD];
  937. }
  939. function D3E($VjJ) {
  940. $wB0 = array(1713 => "too_small_amount", 5089 => "Trinidad and Tobago", 488 => "sci_pass", 5309 => "Invalid user's NixMoney account", 1754 => "Can`t process withdrawal to NixMoney account 0.", 4908 => " && type_id = ", 2267 => "members_stats", 7637 => "password", 1293 => "graph_validation", 1665 => "update hm2_users set last_statment_sent = ", 5226 => "withdraw_preview", 2938 => ", came_from = ", 1153 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"payment_id\" value=\"", 4916 => "FSZT5DJTXWG8W8GSSHY4");
  941. return $wB0[$VjJ];
  942. }
  944. function S81($RX4) {
  945. $B61 = array(1665 => "year_from", 1293 => "%06d", 488 => "no_mobile_phone", 5309 => "3AKZLGBJ9FNKSMS22A8V", 4908 => "select min(hm2_plans.min_deposit) as min, max(if(hm2_plans.max_deposit = 0, 999999999999, hm2_plans.max_deposit)) as max from hm2_types left outer join hm2_plans on = hm2_plans.parent where = ", 2267 => "admin_auto_pay_earning", 1754 => "67VABDY65REZQD8KWCSU", 7637 => "Faroe Islands", 5089 => "times_limit", 5226 => "IP Address: ");
  946. return $B61[$RX4];
  947. }
  949. function bio($SlL) {
  950. $S4i = array(4916 => "pay_account", 2938 => "save", 5226 => "select, u.username, h.actual_amount as amount,, date_format(h.deposit_date + interval ", 1293 => "ok_invoice", 2267 => "withdraw_admin_notification", 4908 => "No interest on ", 1754 => "C", 5309 => "skrill", 7637 => "961B9D289B59D7FBAD19", 488 => "4EYQTC4RDE37H8TTTLB6", 1665 => "mtime", 5089 => "info_box_deposit_funds_generated", 1713 => "Israel", 1153 => " = ", 2551 => "select sum(hm2_history.actual_amount) as sm from hm2_history, hm2_deposits where hm2_history.deposit_id = and hm2_history.user_id = ", 9592 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no\"> <span class=\"deposit-process-wrap\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Process\" class=\"sbmt deposit-process\" /> </span> <span class=\"deposit-cancel-wrap\"> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" class=\"sbmt deposit-cancel\" onclick=\"history.go(-1)\"> </span> </form> ");
  951. return $S4i[$SlL];
  952. }
  954. function jVE($ERd) {
  955. $jIo = array(9592 => "adv", 4916 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"comm\" value=\"", 2938 => " from \$", 1713 => "Turkey", 5089 => "n/a", 1293 => "ac_merchant_currency", 488 => "session_id", 7637 => "DER5V8HJ5A3LLHW9XZLN", 5309 => "R8E8VMBLTLRCKA3AQ9J2", 1754 => "User EgoPay account is empty.", 4908 => " where id = 1", 2267 => "EPZJ896NYKFPRYN7QJZ7", 1665 => "ok_shop_id", 5226 => "ok_ipn_test", 1153 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PAYMENT_UNITS\" value=\"", 2551 => "confirmation_code");
  956. return $jIo[$ERd];
  957. }
  959. function x1x($VV8) {
  960. $iSx = array(1293 => "Name: ", 488 => "/invoices", 1754 => "Georgia", 4908 => "select username from hm2_users where id = ", 2267 => " order by id desc limit 0,1", 5309 => "username: ", 7637 => "onpage", 1665 => "deposit_history.tpl");
  961. return $iSx[$VV8];
  962. }
  964. function li4($Vj6) {
  965. $Rlj = array(2938 => "cancel_url", 1713 => "V38GW3QZPCZ8BYFS6UUE", 5089 => "Nigeria", 1665 => "use_tfa", 488 => "", 4908 => "select sum(actual_amount) as sum from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 2267 => "withdrawal_fee_min", 1754 => "~[\\w\\d]+\\.php.*~", 5309 => "json", 7637 => "error_msg", 1293 => " and (confirm_string = \"\" or confirm_string is NULL)", 5226 => " hour) - unix_timestamp(now()), unix_timestamp(deposit_date + interval ", 1153 => " <form method=\"post\" action=\"\" accept-charset=\"utf-8\"> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"public_key\" value=\"", 4916 => "invalid_id", 2551 => "SVMJXR6Y3EEHKSQLSBTY", 9592 => "from_value");
  966. return $Rlj[$Vj6];
  967. }
  969. function L8s($BwX) {
  970. $SIS = array(5089 => "recovery", 1293 => "India", 488 => "Azerbaidjan", 7637 => "expire_in_sec", 5309 => "total_earned", 1754 => "InterKassa", 2267 => "Content-Type", 4908 => " = 0) || (", 1665 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"description\" value=\"");
  971. return $SIS[$BwX];
  972. }
  974. function bs7($BlI) {
  975. $lXm = array(5089 => "username_exists", 1665 => "Hourly", 488 => "paccounts", 7637 => "m_amount", 5309 => "x", 1754 => "Transaction code", 4908 => "http://", 2267 => ", type = ", 1293 => "login_redirect.tpl", 5226 => ") and (type=", 1713 => "update hm2_users set vote_signature = ");
  976. return $lXm[$BlI];
  977. }
  979. function oDX($X8j) {
  980. $bmX = array(2938 => "6FDC950C9DECDFC6E582", 5089 => "reg_info", 1665 => ") as create_account_date, now() - interval 2 minute > l_e_t as should_count from hm2_users where ", 7637 => " Specify your Entromoney SCI settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Entromoney deposits.<br> 1. Login to your Entromoney account -> \"Settings\"<br> 2. Verify your website<br> 3. Settings -> SCI -> Change settings 4. On next step of show creation specify:<br> Success URL - ", 5309 => "href", 1754 => "~\\s*,\\s*~", 4908 => "Problem query = ", 2267 => "%0.2f", 488 => "", 1293 => "completed", 5226 => "deposit_groups", 1713 => "min_auto_withdraw");
  981. return $bmX[$X8j];
  982. }
  984. function Joi($Jd8) {
  985. $d3V = array(1713 => "South Africa", 5089 => "enter_pin", 1665 => " or status=", 1293 => "verify", 7637 => "rub ", 5309 => "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)", 1754 => "/&gt;/i", 4908 => "select * from hm2_deposits where type_id = ", 2267 => "withdraw_memo_string", 488 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes<br> Interaction URL - ", 5226 => "Bahrain", 2938 => "need_deposit.tpl", 1153 => "update hm2_users set confirm_string = ", 4916 => "less_than_min", 2551 => "/#email#/");
  986. return $d3V[$Jd8];
  987. }
  989. function ERe($BeD) {
  990. $owR = array(5226 => "5NSUZKMLMVTAMURDPN5Q", 1665 => "QXCR58Z29CNWP8GVKDXP", 488 => "select sum(amount) as sum from hm2_history where type=", 7637 => "|success", 1754 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank Entromoney account", 4908 => "deposit_fee_min", 2267 => "rc", 5309 => "auto_confirm", 1293 => "duration_progress", 5089 => " and date_register + interval 200 minute > now()", 1713 => " | ");
  991. return $owR[$BeD];
  992. }
  994. function JJI($Vii) {
  995. $l99 = array(488 => "follow", 5309 => "actions_convert", 1754 => "=%s", 4908 => " - StormPay Fee. Batch id = ", 2267 => "PFR5AU9FT98VLZ6MGF5Z", 7637 => "Checkout ID", 1293 => "country");
  996. return $l99[$Vii];
  997. }
  999. function jm3($dL9) {
  1000. $bR1 = array(1200 => "2V9D2GU7BZDZWEP5B63A", 6492 => " and deposit_id in (", 1790 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_sign\" value=\"", 1153 => " and pax_utype in (0, 9999) order by ordering", 2938 => "Years", 5089 => "vip_users_deposit_amount", 1665 => "select type, sum(actual_amount) as s from hm2_history where user_id = ", 488 => "instructions", 1754 => "~[\\n\\r]+~", 2267 => " account ", 4908 => "SERVER_ADDR", 5309 => "false", 7637 => ":{okp_time}", 1293 => "update hm2_users set password = ", 5226 => "Cyprus", 1713 => "Singapore", 4916 => "confirm_string", 2551 => "S86PBWWQXXN2Q7RSENW9", 9592 => " or (type=", 8699 => "Internal transaction from /");
  1001. return $bR1[$dL9];
  1002. }
  1004. function X7x($w0j) {
  1005. $S9V = array(8699 => "AWTKCQ7NTKUF6VSHCWGG", 9592 => "8Q5H7DQ4CTCCZ2NPTHPF", 4916 => "FLPXUTAKAUC3NF6TCF2B", 2938 => "release_enabled", 1713 => "deposit_duration", 5226 => "Chad", 5089 => ") ", 1293 => "SolidTrustPay", 5309 => ", deposit_date = curdate() + interval ( 7 + IF(weekday(now()) > 4, 7, 0) - weekday(now()) ) day + interval 4*7 day, last_pay_date = curdate() + interval ( 7 + IF(weekday(now()) > 4, 7, 0) - weekday(now()) ) day + interval 4*7 day, status = ", 1754 => "update hm2_deposits set dde = now() + interval 1 hour where id = ", 4908 => "myescape", 2267 => "username", 7637 => "Can`t process withdrawal to empty PexPay account.", 488 => "Amount", 1665 => "</password><txn>", 1153 => "TREND", 2551 => "\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ik_pm_no\" value=\"");
  1006. return $S9V[$w0j];
  1007. }
  1009. function msj($ob4) {
  1010. $mi0 = array(1713 => "auto_withdraw_hours_since_deposit", 5226 => " or email=", 5089 => " and id = ", 1293 => "Guinea", 488 => "Antarctica", 7637 => " minute < now()", 1754 => "extra2", 4908 => "", 2267 => "rate_btc", 5309 => "abcdef", 1665 => "Sudan");
  1011. return $mi0[$ob4];
  1012. }
  1014. function b66($S0l) {
  1015. $ID1 = array(1665 => "payment_description", 4908 => "PHP_SELF", 2267 => "Q26AANHG7TLQM7K4DSM3", 1754 => "show_info_box_today_withdraw_funds", 5309 => "select * from hm2_processings where status = 1", 7637 => "2JDYZP6B7RZ4PPHZFQMT", 488 => " hour and ", 1293 => "select count(*) as cnt from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 5089 => ".jpg");
  1016. return $ID1[$S0l];
  1017. }
  1019. function eJb($Ssj) {
  1020. $s9V = array(7406 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=not_enought", 1331 => "select date_format(now() + interval ", 4184 => "buy", 1200 => "~Set-Cookie: SESSION_ID=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\;~i", 1790 => "perioddebit", 8699 => "E33RVV2CFXG7SR6NED2N", 4916 => "French Southern Territories", 1153 => " AND date >= ", 2938 => "99WD879QF862RF8A25FD", 5226 => "perfectmoney_payer_account", 1665 => "ref_com_ch", 1293 => "solid_referral_commission_amount", 5309 => "alter table hm2_exchange_rates change column percent percent float(10,2) default 0", 1754 => "M5V3YZLZB25QWH49XWDP", 2267 => "/check.cgi?script=3&domain=", 4908 => "./tmpl_c/sql", 7637 => "alter table hm2_processings add column verify tinyint(1) not null default 0, add column lang varchar(10) not null default ", 488 => "upline", 5089 => "balanceresponse.list", 1713 => "CameFrom", 2551 => ") as pending_duration, if ( ", 9592 => "Biwako", 6492 => "select count(id) as col, sum(amount) as actual_amount, ec from hm2_pending_deposits where user_id = ");
  1021. return $s9V[$Ssj];
  1022. }
  1024. function V00($Ibd) {
  1025. $SX7 = array(1665 => "deposit_for_verified_only.tpl", 1293 => "not allowed", 488 => "transtype", 1754 => "show_info_box_total_accounts", 4908 => "/database/", 2267 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 6 month <= now() and t.period = ", 5309 => " group by order by t.ordering", 7637 => "Grenada", 5089 => "4L29QZS46RAWR7MJ4FLS", 5226 => "D6R9N3BVFKQPELSBAKNP");
  1026. return $SX7[$Ibd];
  1027. }
  1029. function oxx($Es4) {
  1030. $w61 = array(5226 => "Content-type: image/png", 5089 => "onmaturity", 1665 => "Samoa", 1293 => "Mauritania", 4908 => "end_amount", 2267 => "", 1754 => "Location: ?a=login", 5309 => "select * from hm2_user_balances where user_id = ", 7637 => "stats.php", 488 => "Canada", 1713 => "\" target=_top> <span class=\"deposit-process-wrap\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Process\" class=\"sbmt deposit-process\" /> </span> <span class=\"deposit-cancel-wrap\"> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" class=\"sbmt deposit-cancel\" onclick=\"history.go(-1)\"> </span> </form> ", 2938 => "zero_amount", 1153 => "./fonts/font1.ttf");
  1031. return $w61[$Es4];
  1032. }
  1034. function L3E($SwV) {
  1035. $d64 = array(5089 => "Days", 1665 => "preview", 7637 => "&NOTE=", 4908 => "!!!^", 2267 => "1", 1754 => "select * from hm2_types where q_days > 0", 5309 => "insert into hm2_emails set id = ", 488 => "Deposit", 1293 => "Moldavia", 5226 => "faq.tpl", 1713 => "~^account.*~", 2938 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"url_status\" value=\"", 1153 => "upload_proof");
  1036. return $d64[$SwV];
  1037. }
  1039. function I7O() {
  1040. }
  1042. function isX($SLJ) {
  1043. $Iws = array(5089 => " <form method=\"GET\" action=\"//\" target=_top> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"m_shop\" value=\"", 488 => "Macedonia", 7637 => "info_box_visitor_online_generated", 1754 => "PAYMENT_STATUS", 2267 => "/^perfectmoneyap/", 4908 => "enable_wire", 5309 => "%b-%e-%Y", 1293 => "North Korea", 1665 => "too_late_withdraw");
  1044. return $Iws[$SLJ];
  1045. }
  1047. function JL1($JO7) {
  1048. $O46 = array(5226 => "action2", 5089 => "", 1293 => "Tajikistan", 488 => "__SECURITY_SETTINGS", 4908 => " where id =", 2267 => "REQUEST_URI", 1754 => "pecunix", 5309 => "invoice", 7637 => "do_login", 1665 => " and hm2_history.type=");
  1049. return $O46[$JO7];
  1050. }
  1052. function o98($E3S) {
  1053. $Bid = array(1293 => "mime", 1754 => "create table hm2_groups ( id bigint not null auto_increment primary key, name text, fields text)", 2267 => "acsent_user", 4908 => "1.0", 5309 => "compound_max_percent", 7637 => "BK2GGYL8EZJP9HT5VR8X", 488 => ", ec = 8, date = now() ");
  1054. return $Bid[$E3S];
  1055. }
  1057. function eB4($wex) {
  1058. $dd6 = array(4916 => "(", 1293 => "", 7637 => "Invalid Pecunix account", 1754 => "user_auto_pay_earning", 2267 => "my_get_trusted", 4908 => "THE_GC_SCRIPT_V2005_04_01", 5309 => "\\1", 488 => " Parse error: ", 1665 => ")) as earned, sum(-h.actual_amount * (h.type = ", 5089 => "48", 5226 => "already_earned", 1713 => "Iran", 2938 => "Namibia", 1153 => "sess_transaction_code");
  1059. return $dd6[$wex];
  1060. }
  1062. function J0R($Vom) {
  1063. $jR3 = array(2938 => ", `fields` = ", 1713 => "success_url", 2267 => "alter table hm2_users add column reg_fee float(15,2) not null default 0", 4908 => "hostname", 1754 => "alter table hm2_users add column admin_desc text not null default ", 5309 => "deposit_user_notification", 7637 => "Invalid PexPay account", 488 => "CashU", 1293 => "", 1665 => "Location: ?a=login&say=invalid_login&e=", 5089 => "withdraw_forbidden", 5226 => "no_deposits");
  1064. return $jR3[$Vom];
  1065. }
  1067. function JLe($ome) {
  1068. $E56 = array(2938 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"m_amount\" value=\"", 1713 => " <form name=\"payment\" method=\"post\" action=\"\" accept-charset=\"UTF-8\"> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ik_co_id\" value=\"", 1665 => "Sweden", 5309 => "min", 2267 => "select d.group_id, sum(d.actual_amount) as amount, g.start_date, g.status from hm2_deposits as d inner join hm2_deposit_groups as g on d.group_id = where 1 = 1 group by ", 4908 => "error_reporting", 1754 => "return_profit", 7637 => "Blank response from server. It seams it block your server requests for some reason.", 488 => "deposits", 1293 => "accounting", 5089 => "turing_image", 5226 => "btc_receive_addr", 1153 => "22");
  1069. return $E56[$ome];
  1070. }
  1072. function l6V($x9J) {
  1073. $wbb = array(1153 => " and != 1 order by id desc limit 0, ", 2938 => "2ALVL2MW5H6XX68LTHYL", 1713 => "pas", 5226 => "A9L7PVNBC36APHY693LA", 1293 => "sender_purse", 488 => "&RECEIVER=", 7637 => "change_compound", 5309 => "pow", 2267 => "batch", 4908 => "update_database", 1754 => "#/", 1665 => "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", 5089 => "login_after_signup");
  1074. return $wbb[$x9J];
  1075. }
  1077. function JdO($Vb3) {
  1078. $EoJ = array(4916 => "genesis", 2938 => "deposit_not_found", 1713 => "Marshall Islands", 5226 => "select, u.username, h.type, h.actual_amount as amount,, h.description, date_format( + interval ", 1665 => "ST4ZUY2BLGPTQRGAGCE3", 1293 => "internal_transaction_receive", 7637 => "PQV6R4DSJL5QDZHFFM7F", 5309 => ", compound = ", 1754 => "sum", 2267 => ", text = ", 4908 => ") or (d.last_pay_date + interval 1 year <= now() and t.period = ", 488 => "last10", 5089 => " AND COLUMN_NAME = ", 1153 => ".tpl");
  1079. return $EoJ[$Vb3];
  1080. }
  1082. function b9J($joR) {
  1083. $D6x = array(8699 => "department", 2551 => "~[^0-9\\.]~", 4916 => ") order by desc limit 10", 1153 => "cnt_other_active", 2938 => "Great Britain", 5226 => "~\\<br/?\\>~", 5089 => " AND description != ", 1665 => "https://", 488 => "gocoin", 2267 => "q_days", 4908 => "Mar", 1754 => "wp_ok", 5309 => "deposit_list", 7637 => "early_deposit_charge", 1293 => "KPEK7TX67ZMDN8CJQXZM", 1713 => "France", 9592 => " <form method=\"GET\" action=\"\" target=_top> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sid\" value=\"", 1790 => "./fonts/font.ttf");
  1084. return $D6x[$joR];
  1085. }
  1087. function RES($X7V) {
  1088. $LOe = array(2938 => "max_file_size", 1713 => "\"> <span class=\"deposit-process-wrap\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Process\" class=\"sbmt deposit-process\" /> </span> <span class=\"deposit-cancel-wrap\"> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" class=\"sbmt deposit-cancel\" onclick=\"history.go(-1)\"> </span> </form> ", 5226 => "update hm2_users set password_confimation = ", 5089 => "add_funds.tpl", 1665 => "step5", 1293 => "select sum(amount) as sum from hm2_history where to_days(date) = to_days(now() + interval ", 488 => "update hm2_users set last_access_time = now(), bf_counter = 0, tfa_flag = 0 where id = ", 2267 => "plan", 4908 => "DELETE", 1754 => "HTTP_REFERER", 5309 => " Specify your Skrill merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable Skrill deposits.<br> 1. Login to your Skrill account -> \"Settings\" -> \"Developer Settings\"<br> 2. Enter form your \"Secret Wold\" and save settings.<br> 3. Save \"Email\" and \"Secret Word\" on this page.<br> <!-- More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br> --> \x0d\x0a", 7637 => "callback_url", 1153 => " where ");
  1089. return $LOe[$X7V];
  1090. }
  1092. function Dos($ODl) {
  1093. $d4j = array(1790 => "exchange_forbidden", 9592 => "user_id = ", 1153 => "update hm2_users set bf_counter = 0, activation_code = ", 2938 => "Ethiopia", 5089 => ") as last_login from hm2_user_access_log where user_id = ", 1665 => ">Go to admin area</a></center></body>", 7637 => "solidtrustpay_password", 1754 => "3KZLSX7YV64BA22B54H9", 4908 => "type_id", 2267 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS before_deposits_delete", 5309 => "Admin NixMoney account has wrong format (", 488 => "multiwebpay key key = ", 1293 => "ver_string_tid", 5226 => "last_add_funds", 1713 => "El Salvador", 4916 => " order by deposit_date desc limit 1", 2551 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"url_success\" value=\"", 8699 => "vote_signature");
  1094. return $d4j[$ODl];
  1095. }
  1097. function Doi($dIo) {
  1098. $sw4 = array(9592 => "C3BUUUZ9ZJTH8R3QWQXR", 4916 => " from hm2_deposits as d, hm2_types as t where d.user_id = ", 1153 => "not_enough_funds", 5089 => "review_number", 1293 => ", date = now(), ip = ", 5309 => "L", 1754 => "~/[\\w\\d]+\\.php~", 4908 => " where t.status = ", 2267 => " 1 year ", 7637 => " 1. Login to your MultiWebPay account -> \"Merchant Tools\" -> \"API code\"<br> 2. Add API Key to this form, activate API and set your servers IP address<br> ", 488 => "data: ", 1665 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 1 day) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 5226 => "Norway", 1713 => ", income = 0, reg = 1", 2938 => "to_send", 2551 => " and user_id != 1 order by desc limit ");
  1099. return $sw4[$dIo];
  1100. }
  1102. function S0I($sVd) {
  1103. $DOj = array(1293 => "LMI_SYS_TRANS_DATE", 1754 => "ref_sum", 2267 => "read", 4908 => ") default NULL", 5309 => "r", 7637 => "FZNP9YGFLRLSJT68ZAYJ", 488 => "run_crontab", 1665 => "plan_hour_percent", 5089 => "Mali", 5226 => "withdraw_principal.tpl", 1713 => "insert into hm2_users set name = ", 2938 => "35XRP8RFW9EPX6FKD2EP", 1153 => "forgot_password_confirm", 4916 => "forgot_password.tpl", 2551 => "no_to");
  1104. return $DOj[$sVd];
  1105. }
  1107. function X6o($B9I) {
  1108. $BlO = array(1665 => "Virgin Islands (British)", 1293 => "hash2 = ", 5309 => "XL9X8W3UAA4ALSFCS3SD", 1754 => "update hm2_processings set infofields = ", 4908 => "", 2267 => " and user_id = ", 7637 => "select * from hm2_emails where id = ", 488 => "Account Email", 5089 => "\"/> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amount\" value=\"", 5226 => "deposit.okpay.confirm.tpl", 1713 => "\\<input type=text name=validation_number");
  1109. return $BlO[$B9I];
  1110. }
  1112. function RRx($LDV) {
  1113. $L8B = array(5089 => "%m/%d/%Y", 2267 => "error", 4908 => ", status = ", 1754 => "\$resobj = \$client->Send_Money(\$obj);", 5309 => "2T95EMDL9CR93QKPBGZJ", 7637 => "LMI_PAYER_WM", 488 => "info_box_today_deposit_funds_generated", 1293 => "index_last_deposits", 1665 => "Uruguay", 5226 => "", 1713 => "deposit.tpl", 2938 => "FNDGAWWXQ46X7KYVXL3N", 1153 => "Language : ");
  1114. return $L8B[$LDV];
  1115. }
  1117. function L0s($VOJ, $ele, $B1s = null, $bEd = 1) {
  1118. if ($B1s === null) {
  1119. $B1s = time();
  1120. }
  1121. else {
  1122. $B1s = intval($B1s / 1000);
  1123. if (12 * 60 * 60 < abs($B1s - time())) {
  1124. return false;
  1125. }
  1126. }
  1127. $jlV = floor($B1s / 30);
  1128. $LIX = 0 - $bEd;
  1129. while ($LIX <= $bEd) {
  1130. $BOs = D9l($VOJ, $jlV + $LIX);
  1131. if ($BOs == $ele) {
  1132. return true;
  1133. }
  1134. ++$LIX;
  1135. }
  1136. return false;
  1137. }
  1139. function VLJ($XDR) {
  1140. $XDl = array(4916 => "select * from hm2_exchange_rates", 1153 => "Denmark", 2938 => "use_number_validation_number", 1713 => "currency1", 5226 => "L8Z5994H6GANVC2EDNYL", 1754 => "select * from hm2_deposit_groups where id = ", 2267 => "update hm2_deposits set last_pay_date = last_pay_date + interval 1 hour where id = ", 4908 => "date", 5309 => "use_active_referal", 7637 => "g", 488 => "<error>", 1293 => "freekassa", 1665 => "currency_select", 5089 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Status Page - ");
  1141. return $XDl[$XDR];
  1142. }
  1144. function JX9($S4m) {
  1145. $O5l = array(1153 => " ))) )))) )))) as expire_in_sec from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 2938 => " and pax_utype in (1, 9999) order by ordering", 5226 => "USD/RUB Rate", 5089 => "<errorresponse>", 5309 => "select distinct as id from hm2_users, hm2_deposits where = hm2_deposits.user_id and l_e_t + interval 15 minute < now() and hm2_users.status = ", 1754 => "%02x", 4908 => "key", 2267 => "/get_sha256.php", 7637 => "actual_amount_save", 488 => "dec_stormpay_fee", 1293 => "%02X", 1665 => "try {", 1713 => "sci_id", 4916 => "Z3SJXYU6ET39Y59GJLQ9");
  1146. return $O5l[$S4m];
  1147. }
  1149. function sB6($eDR) {
  1150. $J39 = array(7637 => " hour, ", 1754 => "\$", 2267 => "apiPass", 4908 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 7 day and t.period = ", 5309 => "test", 488 => "show_info_box_lastaddfunds", 1293 => "withdrawal_history.tpl");
  1151. return $J39[$eDR];
  1152. }
  1154. function LwR($Dj1) {
  1155. $xlb = array(1790 => "from_name", 8699 => " Comments: ", 9592 => "show_referals", 5226 => "m_shop", 1293 => "GoCoin", 488 => "Penalty", 1754 => "ref_username", 4908 => "HTTP_HOST", 2267 => "KDUMV2UPR2T4G3J2QRUU", 5309 => "null", 7637 => "hyip manager pro 2005 jul 26", 1665 => "Entromoney", 5089 => "9XV9YW63RRAALJAA7HY8", 1713 => "update hm2_types set closed = if(max_deposit = 0 || id in (", 2938 => "stat_last_withdrawal", 1153 => "Botswana", 4916 => "Malta", 2551 => " + interval 0 day < date + interval ");
  1156. return $xlb[$Dj1];
  1157. }
  1159. function IsI($Di0) {
  1160. $xlS = array(1790 => ") as date_registered", 2551 => "Niue", 4916 => "Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)", 2938 => "secuirty2 = ", 5089 => ">", 1665 => "~/[\\w\\d]+\\.php.*~", 1293 => "./tmpl/", 2267 => "update hm2_types set status = ", 4908 => "REMOTE_ADDR", 1754 => " and d.type_id = and t.status = ", 5309 => ") = date_format(", 7637 => "max", 488 => "select * from hm2_users where user_id = ", 5226 => "./tmpl_c/", 1713 => "Error: ", 1153 => "select, u.username, h.actual_amount as amount,, h.description, date_format( + interval ", 9592 => "~^[13][a-zA-Z0-9]{26,33}\$~", 8699 => "rows", 6492 => " Support Request - ");
  1161. return $xlS[$Di0];
  1162. }
  1164. function jxR($VSS) {
  1165. $IJI = array(2551 => "advanced_graph_validation", 4916 => "invalid_group_name", 1153 => "md5altphrase_freekassa1", 5226 => "tm", 1665 => "Invalid Auth data", 1293 => "cURL functions are not available", 488 => "N*", 7637 => "return_profit_percent", 1754 => " -- ", 4908 => "my_get_timestamp", 2267 => "LAST_UPDATE_ID", 5309 => "select weekday(", 5089 => "QL93KX9S49W4GDTT8DDX", 1713 => "transaction_code2", 2938 => "BDGS");
  1166. return $IJI[$VSS];
  1167. }
  1169. function xBd($jLI) {
  1170. $O09 = array(5226 => "Location: ?a=internal_transfer", 488 => "ver_string_pid", 2267 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS before_history_delete", 4908 => "select * from hm2_users order by id limit 10", 1754 => "deposit_admin_notification", 5309 => ". Batch is ", 7637 => "Transfer from external processings", 1293 => "select username from hm2_users where status = ", 1665 => "9TRTQR7E37X9MZTCXGG6", 5089 => "day_from", 1713 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=\"sign\" value=\"", 2938 => "<b><i><s><u><a>", 1153 => "Time for call: ", 4916 => ") as dd from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_deposits as h on = h.user_id where h.status = ");
  1171. return $O09[$jLI];
  1172. }
  1174. function oEJ($Ee8) {
  1175. $Rjj = array(5226 => " <form method=post action=>\x0d\x0a<input type=hidden name=member value=\"", 1665 => "Yugoslavia", 488 => "week_start", 7637 => "L2KF5EGYJESCFK7HNMV2", 5309 => "acctNumber=%s&email=%s&password=%s&securityPIN=%s&payList=%s", 1754 => ", tdate datetime not null, inform int not null default 0)", 2267 => "show tables like ", 4908 => "", 1293 => "Austria", 5089 => "sm", 1713 => "\"/> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency\" value=\"", 2938 => "package", 1153 => "delete from hm2_withdrawal_proofs where id = ");
  1176. return $Rjj[$Ee8];
  1177. }
  1179. function BRB($Red) {
  1180. global $V97;
  1181. $J9I = 53;
  1182. $jEJ = array();
  1183. $jEJ[D10(2267)] = 0;
  1184. if ($Red[b18(488)] == "") {
  1185. $jEJ[rrx(2267)] = ere(1754);
  1186. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[rrx(2267)]);
  1187. return $jEJ;
  1188. }
  1189. if (!(preg_match("/^U\\d+\$/", $Red[b18(488)], $Xmw))) {
  1190. $jEJ[rrx(2267)] = m01(2267) . "'" . ido(7637) . $Red[b18(488)] . edo(2267);
  1191. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[rrx(2267)]);
  1192. return $jEJ;
  1193. }
  1194. list($d7S, $LOj) = lR4($Red[b18(488)], $J9I);
  1195. if ($d7S == 0) {
  1196. $jEJ[rrx(2267)] = $LOj;
  1197. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[rrx(2267)]);
  1198. return $jEJ;
  1199. }
  1200. if (!(function_exists(Iee(4908)))) {
  1201. $jEJ[rrx(2267)] = jxr(1293);
  1202. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[rrx(2267)]);
  1203. return $jEJ;
  1204. }
  1205. if (!$Red[d3e(7637)]) {
  1206. $Ddw = BmB($J9I);
  1207. $Red = array_merge($Ddw, $Red);
  1208. }
  1209. $O3m[wl7(1754)] = $Red[Jx0(5309)];
  1210. $O3m[sim(5226)] = $Red[r79(1665)];
  1211. $O3m[b97(1665)] = $Red[d3e(7637)];
  1212. $O3m[l6v(1293)] = $Red[i0l(1293)];
  1213. $O3m[B4D(1293)] = $Red[b18(488)];
  1214. $O3m[BB6(2267)] = sprintf(odx(2267), $Red[BB6(2267)]);
  1215. $O3m[od8(4908)] = $Red[be8(488)];
  1216. $dI6 = array();
  1217. $dI6[10002] = J00(488);
  1218. $dI6[10018] = LxO(5309);
  1219. $dI6[42] = false;
  1220. $dI6[19913] = true;
  1221. $dI6[13] = 15;
  1222. $dI6[47] = true;
  1223. $dI6[10015] = http_build_query($O3m);
  1224. $dI6[64] = false;
  1225. $dI6[81] = 0;
  1226. $dI6[32] = 3;
  1227. $RoE = curl_init();
  1228. curl_setopt_array($RoE, $dI6);
  1229. $DBX = curl_exec($RoE);
  1230. if (curl_errno($RoE) || curl_getinfo($RoE, 2097154) != 200) {
  1231. $DBX = array();
  1232. }
  1233. $DBX = @json_decode($DBX);
  1234. if (!(isset($DBX->status))) {
  1235. $jEJ[rrx(2267)] = ww4(7637);
  1236. }
  1237. else {
  1238. if ($DBX->status == 1) {
  1239. $jEJ[D10(2267)] = 1;
  1240. $jEJ[l6v(2267)] = $DBX->result->batch;
  1241. return $jEJ;
  1242. }
  1243. $jEJ[rrx(2267)] = $DBX->result->error_message;
  1244. EOj($J9I, $jEJ[rrx(2267)]);
  1245. return $jEJ;
  1246. }
  1247. return $DBX;
  1248. }
  1250. function VX7($iO5) {
  1251. $b7l = array(4916 => "7AF3D159C9249BDA97B9", 1713 => "/^[^\\@]+\\@[^\\@]+\\.\\w{2,4}\$/", 5226 => "password2", 1293 => "do_login_tfa", 5309 => "</error>", 2267 => "select ref from hm2_users where id = ", 4908 => "gg", 1754 => "\$obj->Comment = htmlspecialchars(\$memo);", 7637 => "redirect_url", 488 => "*hjfd3/2fjdkl", 1665 => "Bulgaria", 5089 => "Papua New Guinea", 2938 => "processed", 1153 => "request_a_call");
  1252. return $b7l[$iO5];
  1253. }
  1255. function Did($Om5) {
  1256. $Xwi = array(1153 => "qtrans", 5089 => "index_top_investors", 1665 => "ik_trans_id", 1293 => "N75GNXM2XSM34YMFPED9", 488 => "data = ", 1754 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Status URL - ", 2267 => "referals", 4908 => " < now()))) and type_id = ", 5309 => " Specify your cash4wm merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable cash4wm deposits.<br> 1. Login to your cash4wm account -> \"Receiving of payments\" -> \"API\"<br> 2. Fill API Apply form<br> Site Name - name of your site<br> Site URL - your site URL<br> Result URL - ", 7637 => "coinpayments", 5226 => "Andorra", 1713 => "next_page", 2938 => "CB", 4916 => " group by u.username, dd order by balance asc limit 0, 10 ", 2551 => "to_value");
  1257. return $Xwi[$Om5];
  1258. }
  1260. function o5I($X4b) {
  1261. $osB = array(1293 => "Portugal", 7637 => "Location: index.php", 5309 => " or username = ", 2267 => "3m", 4908 => "&visitor_ip=", 1754 => "hd", 488 => "Bouvet Island", 1665 => "Location: ?a=home", 5089 => "TA4B6KRBLRG85GM4A3SF");
  1262. return $osB[$X4b];
  1263. }
  1265. function x5J($R4V) {
  1266. $odI = array(5226 => "LMI_MODE", 7637 => "note", 5309 => "Invalid", 1754 => "YBRWF66DJSWVSE63LN5B", 4908 => "\\", 2267 => "login_duration", 488 => "582X32NJK76MFGULRMYX", 1293 => "GHHQQZY84C2Y86TUBKLL", 1665 => "acsent_time", 5089 => "Cannot connect mysql", 1713 => "M j, Y", 2938 => "Congo (Democratic Republic)", 1153 => "ref_stats");
  1267. return $odI[$R4V];
  1268. }
  1270. function db0($j5V) {
  1271. $BiD = array(2938 => "|Reply-To:", 1713 => "sitename", 5089 => "can_withdraw", 4908 => "refs10", 2267 => "okpay_payer_account", 1754 => "ok_txn_id", 5309 => "LMI_SYS_INVS_NO", 7637 => "select count(distinct user_id) as col from hm2_deposits where actual_amount > ", 488 => " where d.user_id = ", 1293 => "frm_env", 1665 => "Brunei Darussalam", 5226 => " order by date ");
  1272. return $BiD[$j5V];
  1273. }
  1275. function I88($BOE) {
  1276. $w3l = array(1200 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=on_hold", 6492 => "bcn", 8699 => " and date > now() - interval ", 9592 => "signup.tpl", 2938 => "Indonesia", 488 => "short", 7637 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no<br> Pending URL - ", 1754 => "6YU2W3AW3W92MDC2J7BP", 4908 => " order by p.min_deposit", 2267 => "select sum(actual_amount) as tamount from hm2_deposits where status = ", 5309 => "{", 1293 => "UXQEQ6ZMQW2APU762HGE", 1665 => ", ec = 22, date = now() ", 5089 => "Location: ?a=edit_account", 5226 => "hrs", 1713 => "last_addfunds", 1153 => "Nepal", 4916 => "to_balance", 2551 => ", pax_utype = ", 1790 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"url_fail\" value=\"");
  1277. return $w3l[$BOE];
  1278. }
  1280. function wdm($Ssm) {
  1281. $d17 = array(5226 => "page", 1293 => "update hm2_users set last_access_time = now() where id = ", 5309 => ": ", 4908 => "2", 2267 => "ref_name", 1754 => "text", 7637 => "ECHRWQPN5UFMCJM5Z729", 488 => "ecv", 1665 => ", unix_timestamp(d.last_pay_date + interval 6 month) - unix_timestamp(now()), if (t.period = ", 5089 => "btc_rate", 1713 => "security.tpl");
  1282. return $d17[$Ssm];
  1283. }
  1285. function Ox8($VI0) {
  1286. $DLO = array(1153 => "select u.username, h.amount,, h.type, h.description, unix_timestamp(now()) - unix_timestamp(date) as tm from hm2_users as u, hm2_history as h where = h.user_id and h.type=", 1713 => "select count(*) as col from hm2_users where status = ", 7637 => "HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP", 5309 => "/?a=return_egold&process=yes<br> Callback URL - ", 4908 => "use_compound", 2267 => "/([\\000-\\010\\013\\014\\016-\\037\\075\\177-\\377])/e", 1754 => ")).", 488 => "postback", 1293 => "merchantAccount", 1665 => "full_text", 5089 => "*/ order by desc limit 1", 5226 => "French Guiana", 2938 => " group by order by desc", 4916 => "public = ");
  1287. return $DLO[$VI0];
  1288. }
  1290. function L38($imX) {
  1291. $OV3 = array(2551 => "/#name#/", 4916 => "internal_transfer_fee_payer", 1153 => "U4GQSQVNKYTHPC77RLNE", 1713 => "select * from hm2_users where username = ", 5226 => "browser", 5089 => "&username=", 1665 => "use_opt_in", 1293 => "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", 488 => "BitCoin", 7637 => "Merchant Name", 5309 => "", 1754 => "'", 4908 => "/#", 2267 => "l", 2938 => "Netherlands Antilles", 9592 => "select, u.username, h.type, h.actual_amount,, h.description, date_format(date + interval ");
  1292. return $OV3[$imX];
  1293. }
  1295. function xwb($Db6) {
  1296. $X3w = array(5226 => "cname", 488 => "php://input", 7637 => " Specify your liqpay merchant settings for income transfers here. Clear this field to disable liqpay deposits.<br> 1. Login to your liqpay account and create shop<br> 2. Save \"Public Key\" and \"Private Key\" on this page.<br> <!--More detailed instructions <a href=\"\" target=_blank>here</a><br--> \x0d\x0a", 5309 => "exchange", 1754 => "?=", 2267 => "&value=1", 4908 => "pay_active_referal", 1293 => "ik_cur", 1665 => "tm_name", 5089 => "Barbados");
  1297. return $X3w[$Db6];
  1298. }
  1300. function Vxe($RsL) {
  1301. $xBL = array(1665 => "tmp_name", 1293 => "2BMD9Q2BCTSP4QSDRH8R", 488 => "periodbalance", 1754 => "</b>", 2267 => ", actual_amount = -", 4908 => "&license=", 5309 => "live_earnings", 7637 => "balances");
  1302. return $xBL[$RsL];
  1303. }
  1305. function DoV($sm6) {
  1306. $l37 = array(1293 => "Mexico", 7637 => "CUSTOM2", 1754 => "CH8FWPFBP9H22G76GLF3", 4908 => "\" class=\"first\">&gt;&gt;&gt;</a>", 2267 => "order_id", 5309 => "request = ", 488 => ") as date from hm2_umessages where user_id in (0, ", 1665 => " and = hm2_deposits.type_id ");
  1307. return $l37[$sm6];
  1308. }
  1310. function Em3($wIj) {
  1311. $dIS = array(8699 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"first_name\" value=\"", 2551 => "sq", 4916 => "signup2/signup1.tpl", 2938 => "%.08f", 488 => "Login ID", 7637 => "Invalid NixMoney account", 2267 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day >= d.last_pay_date + interval 1 year and t.period = ", 4908 => "name", 1754 => " where user_id = ", 5309 => "use_referal_program", 1293 => " 1. Login to your AsMoney account -> \"Merchant\" -> \"Manage API\"<br> 2. Click \"Add new API\"<br> 3. Fill the form:<br> Website Name: any name<br> API Name: any word<br> Password: define a strong password and save it locally for futher steps<br> Enable: set to \"ON\"<br> Set daily limits for currencies<br> IP Address/Range: set your server outgoing IP address<br> 4. Save \"Username\", \"API Name\" and \"API Password\" on this page.<br> ", 1665 => "JTTTLTT38LQ33CJXDAJX", 5089 => ", hash = ", 5226 => "m_sign", 1713 => "Location: ?a=withdraw_history", 1153 => "Eritrea", 9592 => "deposit_groups.tpl", 1790 => "change_account");
  1312. return $dIS[$wIj];
  1313. }
  1315. function R70($s5D) {
  1316. $l7S = array(8699 => "advanced_graph_validation_min_font_size", 9592 => "cn", 2551 => " <form method=\"get\" action=\"\" target=_top> \x0d\x0a<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ac_account_name\" value=\"", 4916 => "\"> <input type=hidden name=cancel_url value=\"", 1153 => "select, hm2_types.hold from hm2_deposits, hm2_types where user_id = ", 5089 => "Bosnia-Herzegovina", 1665 => "q_sec", 1293 => "PAYMENT_AMOUNT", 5309 => "alter table hm2_users add column max_daily_withdraw float(15, 2) default 0", 1754 => " 1 month ", 4908 => "brute_force_handler", 2267 => "start_amount", 7637 => "./inc/libs/class.phpmailer.php", 488 => "Security Word", 5226 => "Czech Republic", 1713 => "Panama", 2938 => "internal_transfer_min");
  1317. return $l7S[$s5D];
  1318. }
  1320. function x1i($dIV) {
  1321. $JV7 = array(1713 => "Polynesia", 5226 => "Malaysia", 5089 => "Fiji", 1754 => "u", 2267 => " and hm2_deposits.user_id =", 4908 => ", q_pays = 0, amount = ", 5309 => "S", 7637 => "curOut", 488 => "to", 1293 => "create_withdrawal", 1665 => "|", 2938 => "up1_email", 1153 => "converted");
  1322. return $JV7[$dIV];
  1323. }
  1325. function V7m($Bsi) {
  1326. $mBl = array(4916 => "select count(*) as `col` from hm2_users where ip_reg=", 1153 => "********", 2938 => "2007-01-01", 1713 => "Work Days", 5226 => " and str = ", 5089 => "payerAccount", 1665 => "25UPT7HGJYTZ29TSWNDX", 1293 => "okpay", 7637 => ":", 5309 => ". Error:", 2267 => ", type_id = ", 4908 => "min_deposit", 1754 => "deposit_fee", 488 => "~Transaction ID = (\\d+)\\s*Status is [ACCEPTED/approved]~", 2551 => "select id from hm2_deposits where user_id = ");
  1327. return $mBl[$Bsi];
  1328. }
  1330. function sLX($Bel) {
  1331. $ObB = array(5226 => "Location: ?a=internal_transfer&complete=1", 5089 => ", country = ", 1665 => ") as dd, r.username as ref_name from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_users as r on u.ref = where u.status = ", 488 => "BATCH_NUM", 7637 => "Invalid eeeCurrency account", 1754 => " and date <= now()", 4908 => "select t.*, sum(d.amount) as amt from hm2_types as t left outer join hm2_deposits as d on = d.type_id and d.status = ", 2267 => "start_date", 5309 => "ref_com_", 1293 => "md5altphrase_webmoney");
  1332. return $ObB[$Bel];
  1333. }
  1335. function IEB($ED1) {
  1336. $sIo = array(5089 => "date_registered", 1665 => "select count(id) as `col` from hm2_users where ref = ", 1293 => " hour) - unix_timestamp(now())) / (60*60*24)), if (", 488 => "6 months", 7637 => "weekly_statment.tpl", 4908 => "6", 2267 => "forgot_password", 1754 => "\$obj->IsReceiverPaysFees = TRUE;", 5309 => "alt_pass");
  1337. return $sIo[$ED1];
  1338. }
  1340. function REm($R86) {
  1341. $oiO = array(4916 => "Status : ", 1713 => "3 months", 5089 => "Virgin Islands (USA)", 1665 => "last_deposit", 1293 => "XAU", 7637 => ", ord(", 2267 => "select distinct user_id as id from hm2_deposits where last_pay_date < now() - interval 1 hour and hm2_deposits.status = ", 4908 => "select * from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 1754 => "h", 5309 => "smtp_host", 488 => "<", 5226 => "Weekly", 2938 => " and hm2_deposits.deposit_date + interval hm2_types.hold day > now()", 1153 => "\"/> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"server_url\" value=\"");
  1342. return $oiO[$R86];
  1343. }
  1345. function V5V($m0R) {
  1346. $D6o = array(9592 => "invalid_email_domain", 4916 => "select type_id from hm2_deposits where user_id = ", 1293 => "VPPBVBW9WVY2FX2RVAN3", 488 => "&su=", 5309 => "select value from hm2_settings where name=", 1754 => "9", 4908 => "_1lev_limit", 2267 => "compound_min_deposit", 7637 => " type=", 1665 => "ik_trn_id", 5089 => ") as create_account_date, now() - interval 2 minute > l_e_t as should_count from hm2_users where id = ", 5226 => "Location: ?", 1713 => "info_box_pending_withdraw", 2938 => "Vanuatu", 1153 => "show_refs10_stats", 2551 => "confirm_registration", 8699 => "message");
  1347. return $D6o[$m0R];
  1348. }
  1350. function JX4($Le0) {
  1351. $l1S = array(5226 => "Northern Mariana Islands", 5089 => "Monaco", 1293 => "sts2", 488 => "/<password>(.*)?<\\/password>/", 2267 => "\"", 4908 => "my_get_secure", 1754 => ") or (d.deposit_date + interval t.q_days + t.delay-1*(t.delay > 0) day <= now() and t.period = ", 5309 => "otpauth://totp/", 7637 => "BD6WR7AQ6GHJQDXL2KHD", 1665 => "Belize", 1713 => "no_upline", 2938 => "deps");
  1352. return $l1S[$Le0];
  1353. }
  1355. function LVR($Owx) {
  1356. $B6V = array(6492 => "BBZHB9T7RJUZCQADUPC9", 9592 => ") and user_id != 1 group by type", 4916 => "select h.*, date_format( + interval ", 1153 => "Qatar", 2938 => "last_memebers", 5089 => "LMI_HASH", 488 => "3KCZ7XPNQW76AQR76GP3", 1754 => "U", 4908 => "INSERT", 2267 => "tamount", 5309 => "Secret Key", 7637 => "7ZQMKNALZ6DXGKCHFL8C", 1293 => "HB2XTVMSSER6NW28SSBR", 1665 => "ik_paysystem_alias", 5226 => " hour) and type=", 1713 => " and user_id != 1 order by desc limit 0, ", 2551 => "EA", 8699 => "Authorization: Bearer ", 1790 => "Location: ?a=edit_account&action=confirm", 1200 => "ZVRKJWD3N3F85HPB27PB");
  1357. return $B6V[$Owx];
  1358. }
  1360. function mxL($Esw) {
  1361. $wVo = array(1790 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=zero", 8699 => "exchange_preview.tpl", 9592 => "deposit.account.confirm.tpl", 4916 => "up3_name", 1713 => "Belgium", 5226 => "return_referral_commission", 5089 => "MVFJDRZ5VUDZE3KAJ664", 1665 => "Invalid admin's OkPay Wallet", 5309 => "CSK3KWS8QY5DTP6RZ3C6", 1754 => "update ex_users set bf_counter = bf_counter + 1, activation_code = ", 4908 => "insert into hm2_savelog set log_date = now(), log_text = ", 2267 => "/get_pid.php", 7637 => "startup_bonus_percent", 488 => " and v=", 1293 => "s+E_a*", 2938 => "confirm_registration.tpl", 1153 => ") as date from hm2_referal_stats where ", 2551 => "group_deposit_limit");
  1362. return $wVo[$Esw];
  1363. }
  1365. function IL9($l8m) {
  1366. $dSw = array(9592 => "Location: ?a=withdraw_history&action=upload_proof&id=", 4916 => "checkpayment", 5226 => "Spain", 1665 => " and closed = 0 order by id", 2267 => ", add column cell_phone varchar(200) not null default ", 4908 => "&domain_name=", 1754 => "referral_commision_notification", 5309 => "487H73BTV6LKQA8E3ZFU", 7637 => "Password", 488 => "receiving_batch", 1293 => "~^(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)~", 5089 => "Italy", 1713 => "total_profit", 2938 => "8BS9QRG7MJ7CCWCSAVEY", 1153 => "ajax_dwstats", 2551 => " and closed = 0");
  1367. return $dSw[$l8m];
  1368. }
  1370. function V7x($ewe) {
  1371. $DsX = array(2938 => " select count(*) as cnt from hm2_history where ", 5226 => "deposit_enbaled", 488 => "validation_enabled", 7637 => "invalid_code", 5309 => "generate_password_after_login", 2267 => "Bonus", 4908 => "commissions", 1754 => "BR6QE4FH5WNZWPAZFPDX", 1293 => "N/A", 1665 => "Morocco", 5089 => "Zimbabwe", 1713 => "");
  1372. return $DsX[$ewe];
  1373. }
  1375. function OsB($d4J) {
  1376. $Dsd = array(7637 => "invalid_tfa_secret", 1754 => "SET NAMES utf8", 2267 => "&Payee_Account=", 4908 => "s", 5309 => "Location: ?a=edit_account&say=no_mobile_number");
  1377. return $Dsd[$d4J];
  1378. }
  1380. function xVm($i1E) {
  1381. $Bm5 = array(5089 => "8KV34SPUM8PRLDJ8ABYY", 488 => "refs10.tpl", 7637 => "AsMoney key = ", 4908 => "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_deposits_insert", 2267 => "User Bitcoin account has wrong format (", 1754 => "action=transfer&sid=", 5309 => "base_price_currency", 1293 => "select id from hm2_users where email = ", 1665 => " or type = ");
  1382. return $Bm5[$i1E];
  1383. }
  1385. function wl7($sIJ) {
  1386. $mxR = array(5089 => ")) as earning, sum(h.actual_amount * (h.type = ", 7637 => "Ukraine", 5309 => "buyer", 2267 => "} catch (Exception \$e) {", 4908 => "use_html", 1754 => "api_user", 488 => "proofs", 1293 => "sess_username", 1665 => "total_active_deposit_return", 5226 => "compounding_available", 1713 => "Country: ", 2938 => "PDT2VUEPCG9NETPKKBBS");
  1387. return $mxR[$sIJ];
  1388. }
  1390. function mlb() {
  1391. return array(jws(7637), dj3(2267), bio(1754), jsi(4908), eS7(1293), Lww(5309), loo(7637), Iee(488), exx(7637), ldd(4908), j4x(1293), doi(5309), ir8(1754), RVb(7637), o8o(1754), l6b(5309), mrr(7637), xso(7637), x1i(5309), lo7(7637), lvr(1754), w4x(7637), xb5(2267), wx8(7637), D84(1293), D84(1665), wdm(4908), bx1(1754), ibo(4908), iSb(2267), ieb(4908), RVb(1754), e99(4908));
  1392. }
  1394. function w76($jii) {
  1395. $Vo5 = array(1153 => "email2", 5226 => "Rwanda", 1293 => "/index.php?a=return_egold&process=yes", 4908 => "&action=get_percents&date=", 2267 => "values", 1754 => "</a>", 5309 => "Can`t process withdrawal to blank SolidTrustPay account.", 7637 => "User Skrill account has wrong email format (", 488 => "QBJ6WMRPK6V537PK77Q4", 1665 => "ALTER TABLE hm2_users ADD COLUMN last_statment_sent datetime not null", 5089 => "next_earning", 1713 => "select u1.username,,, count(*) as col from hm2_users as u1 left outer join hm2_users as u2 on = u2.ref where u2.date_register > ", 2938 => "Floating", 4916 => "1 ", 2551 => "67BCDE5LZAYVLDWJQ7GV", 9592 => "proofs_max_image_size");
  1396. return $Vo5[$jii];
  1397. }
  1399. function sbO($dmX) {
  1400. $XDi = array(1153 => "1BB921714A8421EA2574", 2938 => "invalid_type", 1713 => "Bi-Months", 1293 => "", 488 => "3PB6C2WNVRX98MBPLYNK", 1754 => "2m", 2267 => "UPDATE", 4908 => "&script_version=", 5309 => " CREATE TRIGGER after_history_insert AFTER INSERT ON hm2_history FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE f INT; SET f = (SELECT count(*) FROM hm2_user_balances WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id AND ec = AND type = ", 7637 => "program_version", 1665 => "Invalid EgoPay account", 5089 => "cash4wm key = ", 5226 => "active_accounts");
  1401. return $XDi[$dmX];
  1402. }
  1404. function m5d($J4l) {
  1405. $dXI = array(5089 => "Location: ?a=withdraw&say=demo", 488 => "minimum_internal_transfer_fee", 7637 => "city", 4908 => "AccountID=", 2267 => "tfa_enabled", 1754 => "ref_email", 5309 => "password_too_small", 1293 => "show_last10_stats", 1665 => " and date > now() - interval 3 hour group by ec", 5226 => ") as dd from hm2_users as u left outer join hm2_history as h on = h.user_id where ");
  1406. return $dXI[$J4l];
  1407. }
  1409. function Ew8($B08) {
  1410. $s0S = array(2551 => "server_error", 5226 => "rb", 1293 => "QF5LLCRLCLKBPTNRANRS", 5309 => "&Memo=", 1754 => "Compounding deposit", 4908 => "&license_code=", 2267 => "Earning from deposit ", 7637 => "Free-Kassa", 488 => "5GUSAQ8P5QELLZXWZTYU", 1665 => "NXVH3TT43Q8672THDP78", 5089 => " and h.type = ", 1713 => "~\\{include file=\\\"header\\.tpl~", 2938 => "/?a=return_egold&process=no", 1153 => "\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"txn_id\" value=\"", 4916 => "principal_return");
  1411. return $s0S[$B08];
  1412. }
  1414. function Xmx($bjL, $XR7, $o11, $VEO = 0) {
  1415. global $V97;
  1416. global $j9R;
  1417. global $Jm4;
  1418. $XsD = S7m(ewi(4908) . $bjL);
  1419. if ($V97[xl4(4908)] == dos(1754)) {
  1420. $R5J = S7m(w59(4908) . $bjL);
  1421. if (1 < $R5J[edV(1754)]) {
  1422. return 0;
  1423. }
  1424. }
  1425. $LBS = 0;
  1426. $B8O = 0;
  1427. if ($V97[em3(5309)] == 1) {
  1428. $xVd = 0;
  1429. if (0 < $XsD[eio(1754)]) {
  1430. $xVd = $XsD[eio(1754)];
  1431. }
  1432. else {
  1433. return 0;
  1434. }
  1435. if ($V97[xwb(4908)]) {
  1436. $bbs = ssw(488) . $xVd;
  1437. $R5J = S7m($bbs);
  1438. if ($R5J[edV(1754)] <= 0) {
  1439. return 0;
  1440. }
  1441. }
  1442. if (0 < $V97[loo(5309)] && $XR7 < $V97[loo(5309)]) {
  1443. return 0;
  1444. }
  1445. if ($V97[oxD(5309)] == 1) {
  1446. if (0 < $V97[ejb(1293)]) {
  1447. $R5J = S7m(ssw(488) . $bjL);
  1448. if ($R5J[edV(1754)] == 1) {
  1449. $XJD = $V97[ejb(1293)];
  1450. $LBS += $XJD;
  1451. Rd5(bsx(4908) . $xVd . mOd(1754) . $XJD . x80(1754) . $XJD . bs7(2267) . "'" . v7x(4908) . "'" . dbx(2267) . "'" . b14(5309) . e7J($XsD[x7x(2267)]) . "'" . JwX(4908) . $o11 . olo(5309));
  1452. $dwD = Rd5(ewi(4908) . $xVd);
  1453. $J66 = mysql_fetch_array($dwD);
  1454. $J66[BB6(2267)] = SRs($XJD, $o11);
  1455. $J66[lwr(1754)] = $XsD[x7x(2267)];
  1456. $J66[wdm(2267)] = $XsD[em3(4908)];
  1457. $J66[r0b(5309)] = $j9R[$o11][em3(4908)];
  1458. do4(il9(1754), $J66[o3w(2267)], $V97[loo(2267)], $J66);
  1459. }
  1460. }
  1461. }
  1462. else {
  1463. if ($V97[vlj(5309)] == 1) {
  1464. $bbs = x8b(7637) . $xVd . x1i(2267);
  1465. }
  1466. else {
  1467. $bbs = ol8(1754) . $xVd;
  1468. }
  1469. $B7o = Rd5($bbs);
  1470. if ($R5J = mysql_fetch_array($B7o)) {
  1471. $j91 = $R5J[BB6(7637)];
  1472. $ewo = S7m(ewi(4908) . $xVd);
  1473. $bsd = @unserialize($ewo[xl4(1754)]);
  1474. if (isset($bsd[J6s(2267)])) {
  1475. $Bim = 1;
  1476. while (isset($bsd[je5(2267) . $Bim])) {
  1477. if ($bsd[je5(2267) . $Bim][0] <= $j91 && $j91 <= $bsd[je5(2267) . $Bim][1]) {
  1478. $XJD = $XR7 * $bsd[je5(2267) . $Bim][2] / 100;
  1479. $LBS += $XJD;
  1480. break;
  1481. }
  1482. ++$Bim;
  1483. continue;
  1484. }
  1485. }
  1486. else {
  1487. if ($V97[xl4(4908)] == lbo(5309)) {
  1488. $i7x = 3;
  1489. if (101 < $XR7) {
  1490. $i7x = 5;
  1491. }
  1492. if (5001 < $XR7) {
  1493. $i7x = 7;
  1494. }
  1495. $XJD = $XR7 * $i7x / 100;
  1496. .................................................................
  1497. ..............................
  1498. ..........
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