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CC Valentine

a guest
Feb 2nd, 2018
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  1. Oh, if it isn't Master. What's up?
  2. >You aren't up to anything are you?
  3. Haha, why would you suddenly ask that question? I am just doing what I need to do.
  4. Huh? What is that? Just trying my best earnestly, my best.
  5. Speaking with the queen with the furry ears... Observing the shiny golden hero king from afar... That sort of thing.
  6. How should I put it, this is how effort should be put in in Chaldea.
  7. You are my master after all. I'll never forget that.
  8. >... That's fine then. Here!
  9. Oh?
  10. Oh.... This is... chocolate... Heh heh, thank you.
  11. Man, this really changed my view on chocolate, how touching.
  12. Really, to think that cacao could be used like this... If only I had realized it... (whispering)
  13. Oops, it's too late to be saying that now. Rather than be focused on the past, I should put my sights on the future, the place I've yet to go!
  14. Ah, I'll properly repay you for this chocolate. Come back at a later date, master.
  16. Oh, you're here.
  17. I've prepared a gift in this room for the chocolate you gave me last time.
  18. I was a bit lost on what to prepare, but in the end I should give you something that matches your expectations.
  19. Supply and demand is the most important principle after all.
  20. Even if it's wrong, it can't be helped if it's for the happiness of the customer.
  21. Well, at least to me it should be in the correct shape.
  22. >...?
  23. Haha, if you walk into the room you figure it out soon enough! Eat it, take a picture, do whatever you like, master.
  24. But, I'll give you a piece of advice.
  25. When entering the room, do it as gently as possible.
  26. >...!
  28. Standing White Egg
  29. A return gift from Christopher Columbus.
  30. Neatly standing eggs.
  31. None of them have their bottoms broken.
  32. The point is simply 'to never give up'.
  34. Everyone who met him, yourself included, will have asked him this at least once.
  35. "Is that episode with the egg really true", and
  36. "What is the meaning behind crushing the egg to make it stand".
  37. While he usually laughs away the question with an exasperated​ face, he has expressed his denial in a more concrete form as repayment for the chocolate.
  39. What is important is not the egg, but how this scene encompasses his belief.
  40. It is simply proof of the existence of the truth he believes in.
  42. No matter how long it takes.
  43. No matter how many failures there are.
  44. If you keep putting in effort without giving up, one day, your dreams will come true.
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