
The Interview

Mar 4th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. (Insert your OC walking through a door to whatever place they’re entering (preferably, somewhere empty). Immediately upon entering the room, they inhale something that makes them sneeze loudly. When opening their eyes, they appear in a small, carbon black room. In front of them is your standard black office chair and a wooden desk with absolutely nothing on it except for a paperweight shaped like a Glimmora. There is also a Glimmora hanging from the ceiling that is a bit unusually high in order to accommodate it. Your OC can comment on Glimmora at any time, to which Alex will respond with "Oh, that thing? Don't worry about it." In front of your OC is Alex, sitting in a more luxurious office chair. The door suddenly shuts behind your OC and locks them in the room. If you’ve had interactions with him before, pretend like this is the first time they’ve ever met and that they have no knowledge of each other [unless you’re Vega, then you can imagine that this takes place some time after Vega interviewing Alex] You can spice this up a bit if you think I’m not being descriptive enough, this was written as a steam of consciousness.)
  3. (Your OC can ask about Glimmora at any time, to which Alex will respond, "Don't worry about that thing. It's just here for security purposes. Not that you're planning anything, right?")
  5. (If the OC is Vega: “Oh, what a surprise. How the tables have turned. It’s your old friend Victor again”, he said cordially before taking a pause. “This time, I’ll be the one asking the questions. I bet it feels weird, you Furians are always the ones interviewing. Don’t worry, you’ll be back where you were soon enough, just like you did to me.” [Otherwise, your OC gets the interaction below.])
  7. (If the OC is Tesoro or Alto in a crop top: Stunned that someone else could come close to his level of beauty, he said, "Oh! Hello there! My name's Damien. I’m just here to ask you a few questions. You’ll return to wherever you came soon enough." [If Alto is wearing his v-kei outfit, he doesn't get any special interactions])
  9. (If the OC is Franco or Hemlock: (The boy stared at the large C button that the man before him was wearing. After his brief pause, he got his deportment back together and told him, [see below])
  11. “Well, that was weird. Don’t worry a lot about that. Hello there. My name isn’t important. (If the OC asks what his name is: “Damien Thorne.”) I’m just here to ask you a few questions. You’ll return to wherever you came soon enough.”
  13. (Insert your OC’s negative reaction here)
  15. “Okay, I see you’re not too thrilled about this, so-“, he said as he moved his chair back and reached into the bottom right drawer of his desk, with both of his arms pulling out two stacks of cash, “-if you complete this, I’ll give you fifteen thousand Pokedollars. Should be enough, right?”
  17. (Your OC can choose to decline and walk out of the room. In this case: “Well, I thought that would work”. The black plastic door unlocked, suddenly and unprompted. “You can exit from there and you’ll end up back where you came.” [After your OC exits, they’ll wind up back where they were and then sneeze again and have no memory of what just happened. They will instantly remember what they were going to do once they entered wherever they were going. Continue their day as if nothing happened.])
  19. “Alright, let’s start. I noticed that you’re dressed quite strangely. Why is that?”
  21. (Omit this question if your OC is someone like Axel or Franco [NOT Hemlock cause he dresses odd enough to be worth asking this question] that dresses like a normal person)
  23. “Interesting. Can’t say I would ever wear something like that.” (If the OC is Phos, or Alto wearing his crop top: “You know, you’re showing a lot of stomach there.” Phos/Alto noticed Alex’s eyes alternating between looking at her/his face and looking at her/his stomach, with his head unmoving. “Aren’t you ashamed?”, he asked quite presumptuously. [If Alto: However, it also seemed like he was also making a half-assed attempt to flirt.] [Insert reaction here.]) (If the OC is Bibi or Ivy: "A bit too much pink, don't you think?")
  25. (Just for Alto, Alex will periodically do the staring and moving eyes thing throughout the interview, noted as 'The boy surreptitiously alternated between looking at Alto's face and looking at Alto's stomach.' It would be funny if towards the end of the interview, Alto went, "Is there something you want to tell me?", to which Alex will quickly and somewhat nervously say "No." [In case you're wondering, Alex can control himself around women, he can't control himself around men (well, only prettyboys, because they're the only ones he likes). I decided that he had to have at least one mental weakness.])
  27. “Anyways, next question. What’s that thing you got there”, he said as he pointed to (OC’s item). (This can be anything. For example, Phos’s glove.)
  29. (“Oh, that?” Your OC shows Alex the item and tells him about it.)
  31. “How much is is it worth to you?”
  33. (Insert OC’s response here. [If they ask why, Alex says that “It’s just a question. I find it amusing exactly how much value people attach to your things.][If they ask if he wants to buy it, he coldly and quickly says "No." and then says the “It’s just a question” line.])
  35. “I have a little thing of my own”, the boy said as he used his left hand to reach under his shirt and pulled out an Amulet Coin. “It’s interesting to see, what people carry with them, that’s not useful." He took a pause. "So now tell me, what do you carry around that actually is useful?" (Omit this question if your OC presented already something useful like Phos's glove.)
  37. (Insert OC's response here)
  39. "Nice. Has it ever come in handy?"
  41. (Insert OC's response here)
  43. The boy furrowed his brow, trying to think. (This would be a very funny time for your OC to ask him if he planned this out, to which he will quip back, "No, not at all" and chuckle.)
  45. "Okay, we're about at the halfway point. Tell me what kind of music you like."
  47. (If the OC responds with metal: In a slightly condescending voice, he said, "Now, do you really like metal? Or are you just into the entry level stuff? Name some artists and subgenres. Go." [For the sake of keeping the flow and comprehensibility of the interview, I suggest you name real world metal bands.] [If the OC responds with classic heavy metal, thrash metal, or doom metal: "Nice. I don't listen to the older stuff as much, but it's always good to revisit the classics.] [If the OC responds with sludge, death, black, grind, prog, groove, industrial, any other extreme genre: Relieved, he told (OC), "Good. It's good that you're actually familiar with true metal.] [If the OC responds with deathcore or metalcore: "Close enough. I prefer the more extreme sides of (metalcore/deathcore). It's oversaturated, but there's some good stuff to be found there.] [If the OC responds with nu-metal, v-kei, anime/videogame OST, or something else that isn't actually metal: Increasing the condescendence in his voice, he simply said, "As I thought. You're not truly into metal. Anyways..."])
  49. (If the OC responds with classical, rock, or other old timey music: Intrigued, he gave out a "Hm", and then quipped back, "A bit strange. I don't listen to that stuff a lot. Not bad, though.")
  51. (If the OC responds with rebellious music like punk, hardcore, rap, or normie EDM: "I expected better", he stated flatly.)
  53. (If the OC responds with feminine, homosexual, or juvenile music, like pop and anything starting or ending with “pop”, anime music, or something else along the lines of that: "Really? You really like that? You really like that?" Not breaking a sweat, he said, [see below])
  55. "Alright, well, now I've got a deal for you. For an extra five thousand Pokedollars, all you've got to do is listen to this song and tell me what you think about it. Can I see your phone?" (Alex then opens your OC's phone and their music player of choice to bring up All That May Bleed by Watain. You can either record their response after finishing the song or have them speak to Alex about their experience as the song plays. If your OC doesn't have a phone for some reason, or if they decline, he'll go, in a mocking tone, "Well, that's unfortunate. Guess there goes your five thousand Pokedollars.")
  57. (If the OC responds positively: His eyes lit up a miniscule amount. "Wow, you actually liked that? I find it very rare to come across another person who enjoys such high-scale music. Anyways...")
  59. (If the OC responds neutrally: The boy appeared to be a bit confused. He responded, "Indifference? Very strange. I thought this would be the kind of song that always leaves an impression. Moving on...")
  61. (If the OC responds negatively: He laughed it off. "Yeah, I didn't think you would like it, anyways. Few people are accustomed to such sounds. Anyways...")
  63. "Pokemon. Let's talk about Pokemon. What is your WORST Pokemon?"
  65. (Insert OC's response here. If for some reason they say something along the lines of "All of my Pokemon are great", Alex will sternly yet playfully go, "Don't lie to me. I know someone one of your six comes in last place. For me, it's Dragalge. It's gotten me through a lot, but it's also got one of the lowest BSTs out of any fully evolved Pokemon I have, even getting edged out by Revavroom and Corviknight by a few points. The second spot of my team, has frankly always been a bit weaker. But that's okay, as long as the role I use it in checks out, right? [I would prefer that Alex coaxes out a definite answer, but if you don't, then after that he just mockingly goes "But you don't really believe that, do you? But I digress."])
  67. "What's your favorite Pokemon-", the boy said to OC in a slightly odd tone.
  69. (Insert OC's response here that gets interrupted with "-That you haven't caught." Insert OC attempting to respond again here. If it's a Legendary or a Mythical, Alex will interrupt again with "-That isn't a Legendary or Mythical.")
  71. The boy gave back a slightly condescending "Nice".
  73. "What's your favorite Type?"
  75. (If the OC responds with Dark, Poison, Steel, Ghost, Dragon, Bug: For once, the boy seemed genuinely impressed. With a slight cheeriness to his voice, he says, "Excellent choice. A fine addition to any team, well, provided that you know how to use them correctly.)
  77. (If the OC responds with Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Flying: "Good. Solid coverage, solid form, well, usually. I like the dual type ones the best.")
  79. (If the OC responds with Psychic, Fighting, Ground, Rock, Ice, Normal: The boy took a sigh, for some reason trying not to seem rude this time. "I don't have any strong opinions on those, frankly. I tend to like the moves more than the Pokemon, but they're generally not offensive to my senses. Usually, though, only the dual types are worth it.)
  81. (If the OC responds with Fairy: The boy cringed back in his chair. [If the OC also dodged with his question about which was their worst Pokemon, the paragraph begins with 'A bit louder than last time, he said,']) "But you don't really mean that, do you? You can't possibly be a fan of such an insipid type. I can count the number of Fairies that aren't complete abominations on my two hands. Let's see," he said, moving his two closed hands up from his lap and out, just a smidge too close to (OC's) face, in a manner resembling that of a teacher or parent teaching their child how to count. With each name he let out another finger from the prison of his fist. For some reason, he increased his pace with each Pokemon named. "Sprizee, Comfey, Alcremie and its pre-evolution, whatever it's called, that cool Weezing from Galar, Carbink, Diancie, Klefki, and that weird Misdreavus they found in Paldea. I guess Ribombee as well, but only because it makes those snacks. It's cute but also annoying. But it's like just a more annoying Ground, with dumber designs and worse coverage, limited to second-rate Special Attacks, the most prominent of which only works during nighttime (in my writing, Moonblast can only be used at night). The people who use them are such weirdos as well, consisting primarily of low-intelligence girly girls and homosexuals. I suppose Dazzling Gleam is pretty cool, but that's about it.")
  83. (Insert OC's reaction here)
  85. After a brief moment of silence, the boy asked (OC), “What was the worst battle you’ve ever had?”
  87. (Insert OC’s response here)
  89. “Fascinating. I think you could have won by (insert something you think Alex would suggest to improve your OC’s strategy or team building. The more Smogon the better.).”
  91. "A lot of times, we think about the Pokemon that we like. We sometimes go as far as to walk tens of miles just to catch them, and sometimes we go even further. But you know what's something we don't think about a lot? The Pokemon we HATE. Tell me about the Pokemon that you hate."
  93. (Insert OC's response here. [If the OC says they don't hate any Pokemon: "Can you at least tell me about the Pokemon that you dislike?". If they still refuse, he just blankly moves on.])
  95. (Alex's response this time is completely free to write on your end. Try to think about how he would react to the Pokemon that your OC said.)
  97. "Okay, we're almost at the end of this, so I'd like to introduce you to a view. An idea. I won't say that this is necessarily my view, but it's something. Something that I've been meaning to share with people. You see, people usually think of Pokemon as their friends. But not everyone does. Some view them as tools. Possessions. To be used. I think these people are unfairly judged, because of how pervasive this 'friends' mentality is. But what say you?"
  99. (If the OC responds affirmatively: "Great." Slightly sinister, he told (OC) that "It's good to know that there's more people like me out there.")
  101. (If the OC responds negatively: "I thought you'd say that. It's not a too common or popular view.")
  103. (If the OC responds harshly: Annoyed, he blurted out, "Hey. Don't get all worked up on me. I didn't even say that I viewed them like that".)
  105. A moment of silence passed.
  107. "Well, I guess that's it. As promised-", he said, while reaching into the drawer again, "-here's your (fifteen/twenty) thousand Pokedollars". The boy nonchalantly slid the stack of cash across the table. (Insert OC's response here)
  109. The black plastic door suddenly unlocksed. "You can go now, You'll end up back where you were."
  111. (If the OC is Tesoro or Alto in a crop top: "Wait! Before you go-", he called out, "I have something to give you." It was a slip of torn paper with a phone number on it. "Call me if you want to, uh, do things." [This is not a prank, it's his actual phone number])
  113. (If the OC is Phos: "Oh, and a word of advice. Lose the straps, they look dumb. Maybe get a new shirt and stitch up your pants too.")
  115. (If the OC is Bibi, Ivy, or Koa: "Oh, and a word of advice. Try dressing like a normal person."
  117. (Insert your OC leaving.)
  119. (After your OC exits, they’ll wind up back where they were and then sneeze again and have no memory of what just happened. They will instantly remember what they were going to do once they entered wherever they were going. Continue their day as if nothing happened.)
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