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- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | AMIDEWIN64 Utility v5.22.0066 |
- | Copyright (C)2018 American Megatrends Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Commands: |
- | /ALL [FileName] Output SMBIOS string to screen/file. |
- | /DMS [FileName] Create configuration file. |
- | /DUMPALL [FileName] Output all SMBIOS data to screen/file. |
- | /DUMP # [#] ... Read Type # data. |
- | Options: |
- | /IVN ["String"] Read/Write BIOS vendor name in Type 0. |
- | /IV ["String"] Read/Write BIOS version in Type 0. |
- | /ID ["String"] Read/Write BIOS release date in Type 0. |
- | /SM ["String"] Read/Write System manufacture in Type 1. |
- | /SP ["String"] Read/Write System product in Type 1. |
- | /SV ["String"] Read/Write System version in Type 1. |
- | /SS ["String"] Read/Write System Serial number in Type 1. |
- | /SU [16 Bytes] Read/Write System UUID in Type 1. |
- | /SU AUTO Generates system UUID automatically and update Type 1. |
- | /SK ["String"] Read/Write System SKU number in Type 1. |
- | /SF ["String"] Read/Write System family in Type 1. |
- | /BM ["String"] Read/Write Baseboard manufacture in Type 2. |
- | /BP ["String"] Read/Write Baseboard product in Type 2. |
- | /BV ["String"] Read/Write Baseboard version in Type 2. |
- | /BS ["String"] Read/Write Baseboard Serial number in Type 2. |
- | /BT ["String"] Read/Write Baseboard Asset Tag in Type 2. |
- | /BLC ["String"] Read/Write Baseboard Loc. in Chassis in Type 2. |
- | /BMH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Baseboard manufacture in Type 2. |
- | /BPH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Baseboard product in Type 2. |
- | /BVH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Baseboard version in Type 2. |
- | /BSH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Baseboard Serial number in Type 2. |
- | /BTH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Baseboard Asset Tag in Type 2. |
- | /BLCH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Baseboard Loc. in Chassis in Type 2. |
- | /CM ["String"] Read/Write Chassis manufacture in Type 3. |
- | /CT [8 Bits] Read/Write Chassis type in Type 3. |
- | /CV ["String"] Read/Write Chassis version in Type 3. |
- | /CS ["String"] Read/Write Chassis Serial number in Type 3. |
- | /CA ["String"] Read/Write Chassis Tag number in Type 3. |
- | /CO [32 Bits] Read/Write Chassis OEM-defined value in Type 3. |
- | /CH [8 Bits] Read/Write Chassis Height in Type 3. |
- | /CPC [8 Bits] Read/Write Chassis Power Cords number in Type 3. |
- | /CSK ["String"] Read/Write Chassis SKU number in Type 3. |
- | /CMH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Chassis manufacture in Type 3. |
- | /CTH <handle #> [8 bits] |
- | Read/Write Chassis type in Type 3. |
- | /CVH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Chassis version in Type 3. |
- | /CSH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Chassis Serial number in Type 3. |
- | /CAH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Chassis Tag number in Type 3. |
- | /COH <handle #> [32 bits] |
- | Read/Write Chassis OEM-defined value in Type 3. |
- | /CHH <handle #> [8 bits] |
- | Read/Write Chassis Height in Type 3. |
- | /CPCH <handle #> [8 bits] |
- | Read/Write Chassis Power Cords number in Type 3. |
- | /CSKH <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Chassis SKU number in Type 3. |
- | /PSN ["String"] Read/Write Processor serial number in Type 4. |
- | /PAT ["String"] Read/Write Processor asset tag in Type 4. |
- | /PPN ["String"] Read/Write Processor part number in Type 4. |
- | /OS [<Number> <"String">] |
- | Read/Write OEM string in Type 11. |
- | /SCO [<Number> <"String">] |
- | Read/Write Sys. Configuration Op. in Type 12. |
- | /PBL <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery Location in Type 22. |
- | /PBM <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery Manufacturer in Type 22. |
- | /PBD <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery ManuDate in Type 22. |
- | /PBS <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery Serial Number in Type 22. |
- | /PBN <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery Device Name in Type 22. |
- | /PBCH <handle #> [8 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery Device Chemistry in Type 22. |
- | /PBCA <handle #> [16 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery Design Capacity in Type 22. |
- | /PBV <handle #> [16 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery Design Voltage in Type 22. |
- | /PBSV <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery SBDS Ver. Num. in Type 22. |
- | /PBE <handle #> [8 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery Maxmum Error in Type 22. |
- | /PBSN <handle #> [16 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery in SBDS Ser. Num. in Type 22. |
- | /PBSD <handle #> [16 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery in SBDS Manu. Date. in Type 22. |
- | /PBSC <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery in SBDS Dev. Chem. in Type 22. |
- | /PBCM <handle #> [8 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Port. Battery in Design Cap Multi in Type 22. |
- | /PBO <handle #> [32 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Por. Bat. in OEM-Specific Type 22. |
- | /PU <handle #> [8 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Power supply unit group in Type 39. |
- | /PL <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Power supply location in Type 39. |
- | /PD <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Power supply device name in Type 39. |
- | /PM <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Power supply manufacturer in Type 39. |
- | /PS <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Power supply serial number in Type 39. |
- | /PT <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Power supply asset tag number in Type 39. |
- | /PN <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Power supply model part number in Type 39. |
- | /PR <handle #> ["String"] |
- | Read/Write Power supply revision level in Type 39. |
- | /PP <handle #> [16 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Power supply max power capacity in Type 39. |
- | /PC <handle #> [16 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Power supply characteristics in Type 39. |
- | /PVH <handle #> [16 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Power supply voltage probe handle in Type 39. |
- | /PDH <handle #> [16 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Power supply cooling dev. handle in Type 39. |
- | /PCH <handle #> [16 Bits] |
- | Read/Write Power supply current probe handle in Type 39. |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | 1. The expression enclosed by <> means it is a mandatory field. |
- | 2. The expression enclosed by [] means it is an optional field. |
- | 3. A command without parameter means it is a read command. |
- | 4. A command with necessary parameter means it is a write command. |
- | 5. The format of BIOS release date is "mm/dd/yyyy". |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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