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a guest
Jun 25th, 2017
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  1. ## Day 1
  2. - Meet, greet, goals, and setup (0:30)
  3. - Firebug orientation
  4. - JavaScript Basics (1:00)
  5. - Loose typing: Numbers, strings, booleans
  6. - Conditionals
  7. - Iteration
  8. - Objects, prototypes, inheritance, and "this"
  9. - Scope and closures
  10. - Exercise: JavaScript 101 (0:30)
  11. - Performance Best Practices (1:00)
  12. - General front-end performance
  13. - Selector optimization
  14. - Event delegation
  15. - Detaching elements
  16. - Limiting DOM manipulation
  17. - Avoiding acting on absent elements
  18. - Exercise: Improving existing code (0:30)
  19. - Code Organization (1:15)
  20. - Loose coupling
  21. - Object literals
  22. - Module pattern
  23. - Simple inheritance
  24. - Exercise: Create a portlet module (0:45)
  26. ## Day 2
  27. - New in jQuery 1.4(.2) (0:30)
  28. - Functions for setters with default arguments
  29. - $.fn.delegate() vs $
  30. - Advanced Events (2:00)
  31. - The event object
  32. - Sending data with events
  33. - Scope manipulation
  34. - Namespacing events
  35. - Custom events & pubsub
  36. - Advanced Ajax (0:30)
  37. - JSONP
  38. - Scope manipulation
  39. - Wrapup Exercise: Create a multi-service search interface with YQL (2:30)
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