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May 31st, 2012
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  1. <Entere> rose, I just finished playing your map. Why do you like putting inaccessible mines in large clumps?
  2. <trance> And quite a few of maps include useless objucts to make it look appealing.
  3. <trance> HAhaha
  4. <Entere> Well I never
  5. <Rose> Hahaha.
  6. <Rose> Well the title wouldn't make sense without them, would it? :p
  7. <trance> my* maps
  8. <trance> asdfasfadsfsdafd
  9. <trance> objucts*
  10. <Entere> that is what rocket turrets are for
  11. <trance> objects**
  12. <Rose> ..There was no way I was putting a rocket in that map.
  13. <Entere>
  14. <Entere> much more aesthetically pleasing
  15. <trance> Don't be like me and put rockets as the only enemy.
  16. <Rose> looooooool
  17. <trance> And if you /want/ to be like me, use gausses.
  18. <Rose> Gausses are my most-used enemies next to mines.
  19. <Rose> I've got that one covered. ;D
  20. <Entere> death is /my/ most-used enemy
  21. <Rose> One of these days, trance, I'm going to make a map with a city-ish tileset and gausses and rockets as the enemies and name the map after you.
  22. <trance> And Rose, this is what I would do:
  23. <trance>
  24. <trance> asfdsfd
  25. <Entere> you mean this:
  26. <Entere>
  27. <Entere> wait
  28. <Entere> nvm
  29. <Entere> the skies are filling with bullets
  30. <Rose> Why is the ninja over on the left? o_O
  31. <Rose> That renders 2/3 of the map useless. XD
  32. <trance> No this:
  33. <Entere> whoops
  34. <Entere> I uploaded a played version
  35. <Entere> ahaha
  36. <trance> dat houze
  37. <trance> I made it an an N-art
  38. <trance>
  39. <Entere>
  40. <Entere> whoops, missed a few
  41. <Entere>
  42. <trance> Sorry, Rose. We are having too much fun.
  43. <Rose> Haha.
  44. <trance> Entere, you own the house in my version of the map.
  45. <Entere> heh thanks
  46. <Entere> let's sub it as a collab
  47. <trance> NOOOoo
  48. <Entere> heh
  49. <trance> I'll post it on Rose's map.
  50. <Rose> You guys should totally post one of these as a collab.
  51. <Rose> Disable ratings if you must.
  52. <trance> Disable and delist
  53. <Entere> and feature
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