

Dec 18th, 2013
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  1. [18:37:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> May 5th, 4 AM. A single drop of water falls from the ceiling of a cave, right onto the face of Cerise Coumarou. It was mostly very dark in that cave, a big lump of something or another on top of her legs, her dress a bit damp (but not soggy, at least!), and the ground a bit hard and rough. It was dark,and mostly silent, except for the occasional plop of a water drop. The last the
  2. [18:37:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> girl had remembered, she'd started helping get Heath out of a battle, and then all the water came in and...everything got kind of fuzzy.
  3. [18:38:05] * Danger_Syrup is now known as Cerise
  4. [18:39:17] * Cerise sits up, wiping off her face.
  5. [18:39:53] * Cerise doesn't have any way to make light.
  6. [18:40:09] * Cerise gives up and lies back down to wait for death.
  7. [18:40:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> A quick glance around reveals a faint yellow light in the distance.
  8. [18:41:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> More of a glow than anything.
  9. [18:43:57] * Cerise decides the floor is too hard to die on, and starts crawling towards the faint glow. Maybe it's food?
  10. [18:49:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Getting the slight weight of whatever off your legs to crawl away, there's an exhalation of breath behind you, although whatever or whoever it is doesn't seem conscious, as they don't make any more noises. Crawling around towards the light, you end up finding a small room within the cave with a pond! It has a few Lanturn and Chinchou hanging out in the pond, a few varied kinds of
  11. [18:49:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> mushrooms and moss here and there, along with Paras and Parasects sleeping on the ground. There's a few Lileep with their heads popping out of the pond as well, swaying to and fro in the water.
  12. [18:49:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Notably some of the moss on the walls is glowing a faint bluish color.
  13. [18:49:52] <Cerise> "Oooh. Hi!"
  14. [18:49:58] * Cerise walks up to one of the Chinchou.
  15. [18:51:00] <Cerise> "Hey uhm, do you think you could help me out? I need some light to see what's back there for just a little bit."
  16. [18:52:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> It gives a squeak at being addressed, but sees you don't seem to be trying to eat it, so nods and starts alternating its lights between its two antenna slowly, walking up to follow up
  17. [18:53:38] * Cerise just picks it up, holding it to her chest, and walks back to where she was before.
  18. [18:55:55] * Cerise LET THERE BE LIGHT.
  19. [18:55:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Now that you have the Chinchou in hand, the initial cave is lit up! You can now see that Heath is there, a bit roughed up and bruised but still breathing, as well as Mackenzie Frazier and the labcoatgirl, Lesieli.
  20. [18:56:40] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Also, roll me a Perception
  21. [18:57:36] * Rommel ( has joined #youareapirate
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