
dnd idea

Feb 26th, 2022
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  1. Sisters name will be Jafotias, usually goes by Foti
  3. rn im thinking there are two groups looking for jammy, assassin group of poison dart frogs, from the prodigious assassins guild. guild is like a very big open secret in the continent we came from. at tim es they can be capable of pro bono work when it comes to some greater good, like taking out someone dangerous to take out a whole city. almost like a medieval anonymous.
  5. at the same time Jafotias, Foti, is looking for her sister having learned of the goal of the Guild (guild is almost entirely poison dart frog ppl, with the occassional super talented assassin, need to figure out a good name) and is in a race to find her sister before the Guild does.
  7. Not sure past that what I want for Jamothir or the outcome fo this race, so maybe we can just somehow introduce the guild. maybe some of our trading partners or something want to stop trading with us, maybe some of the more brave ones mentioning the restrictions placed upon them by these silent strongarms.
  9. I dont think having an early fight with them would be good. this is an elite group, and i feel like any actual confrontation from them would be very elaborate, and something jamothir and allies would need to be very lucky, coordinated, and lucky to get out with jamothir alive.
  11. Speaking of allies, the Guild would try not to actually hurt anyone with Jamothir until the ally made themselves clear that they will use force. Besides it just being neat lore wise, i want to make sure anyone has a definite safety line. even if they fight the other ppl, it would be more to down them, probably going so far to down them and then stabilize them and remove them from the battle. kinda a whole "This is not your fight." deal.
  13. One idea ive played around with this is that near an end of a session, could be especially cool if we are in a more chaotic combat where ...text limit..
  14. there are a lot of enemies and it would be more likely that each person is fighting their own, that in the middle of someone elses turn my character just without warning or notice to the other players, disappears from the fight and initiative (not familiat enough with roll20 to know if you can just take me from initiative list, but that would be ideal so it literally is on them to realize and be like wait. where did jamothir go) then at some point maybe a few minutes after the party gets back to base Foti can burst through the door all dramatically having heard about a plot to capture her sister and having finally found her location, but then realizing she was too late.
  16. could be a good way for a new arc if interested, and also give me some time to see if i actually want to play a different character. though i'd need to still roll her up or find my notes on my last one. she definitely will be some fire based character, im thinking that phoenix sorcerer. but id need to look into more fire classes.
  17. Maybe the party can also find jamothirs ring of refueling or whatever that was, and can give it to Foti. I think if an artificer dies the infusions go away, so if we decide jamothir dies the infusion goes away. or it can be a red herring and, somehow Jamothir got away and just needed to redo infusions since her gear is obviously gone.
  19. I feel like the guild would take jamothir back to Cloaca to execute her publicly and with trial kind of deal. Like some weirdly Democratic and representative trial.
  20. Okay. This sounds so stupid but i also love it for first idea of a name for that group. I was curious so i googled...
  22. OOOOOh. I like Orchestra. The guild will hence be called teh Orchestra. or Orchestral Silence, but that might be too edgelord, but idk if i care.
  23. I might have the guild be called The Orchestra, and maybe have trials called The Orchestral Silence. or maybe that will be the execution
  25. this is the music i think of when i think of this group. a very slow quieter buildup of ominous intention
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